Susan Atkins Claims Her Confession Was Forced

  • May 2020
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Susan Says 1st Confession 'Forced' SUSAN, From A-l office, Caballero then tape-recorded her confession and later sold it for publication, Miss Atkins testified. Caballero, a former deputy district attorney, then brought in Dep. Dist. Atty. Vincent Bugliosi, a prosecutor in the case, so she could talk to him about the murders.

the love of my brother." WHEN SHE got back to the ranch, she testified, she cried . . . "I never killed nothing before . . . I ran over a squirrel when I was 17 years old and I cried." She, Miss Van Houten and Patricia Krenwinkel, who apparently had been told of the murder, decided to keep it quiet and gave Hinman's cars away — one to Beausoleil in which he was arrested. "Linda (Kasabian) overheard our conversation that Bobby had been arrested for the death of Gary. I said I'd do anything to get my brother out of jail. "I know some people in Beverly Hills," she quoted Mrs. Kasabian as saying, "that burned me on a drug buy . . . you can make it look like somebody else did it, if you copycat the murders — we can make some more of the same. If you make lots of them (murders) everywhere, they'll cut Bobby loose."

hers. Then everything just happened. "I remember bits and pieces of things that happened. "I remember walking in the house and walking out and walking back in again and looking at a woman on the floor crying and picking up a towel and writing words on a door and closing my eyes and throwing the towel back, then going through a gate that was opened and getting into a car and driving off." Although the girl at first said she couldn't remember details, under questioning the details came out. "There were people running everywhere. I remember seeing a woman lying on the floor and a man lying on the floor. I don't recall stabbing. I know I said so once," she testified apparently refeiring to her testimony before the County Grand Jury, "But that wss just a story. "I know my foot hurt and my head hurt and there was blood on my foot. I remember being given a drink of water, and washing myself and being chased away and being back at the ranch."

one by now because the was trying to take the rope from around her neck. But I dropped my knife and Linda gave me hers." At this point, she said, everyone had rushed from the house, leaving her with the dead Sebring and the actress. "She kept pleading she said to please let her sit down. I said I wasn't going to let her do anything. I was holding her head be-

tween my hands—like « head lock. Her hands were free, but the was scared . . . as scared as I was. "She asked me to let her sit down, and kept saying 'All I want to do is have my baby.' I said 'shut up' and threw her down on the couch. I said 'shut up. I don't want to hear it-' "Tex walked in and looked at her. He said 'kill her' and I killed her. "She fell and I stabbed

Frykowski's hands had been tied with a towel. "Tex had a gun, Tex was crazy. I've never seen Tex like that before. Everything was moving, like an electric current, "The small man (Jay Sebring) started walking towards Tex and I heard a shot. The blonde woman (Miss Tate) screamed and then it all'happened so fast. "I think Tex tied the rope around the people next. He tied it around the man on the floor — the one that had been shot — and the two women and then threw it over the beam. "Tex said to turn off the lights and told the women to get on the floor. They were crying and kept saying 'Don't hurt us, please, we won't call police.' "The man on the couch started to get up and I tried to stop him. He was pulling on my hair. It was like I was fighting for my life. I kept waving the knife and kicking. I know I was stabbing something. I kept yelling 'Help me, help me Tex', then all of a sudden Katie called 'help.' She was fighting with the oilier two women. The darkhaired woman was pulling Katie's hair and Linda came to help. Tex was stab- Tareyton's activated charcoal dnlivers a better taste. BY THE time she got lo bing the man on the floor. A taste no plain white filter can match. "I GOT to Ihe pregnant the living room, she said.

victims, the giri remembered more: "As I can recall, Sharon Tate was lying on the bed and Jay Sebring was sitting on the bed — his arm straddling her waist or thighs. They were talking and he had his back to me and his back was covering her face, so she couldn't see me either. I remember seeing a bassinette in the room," Miss Atkins apparently before she got to the master bedroom had passed the bedroom which Frykowski shared with coffee heiress Abigail Folger. "She was in bed. I believe she was reading. She looked at me and smiled. I waved. I got her before I got the man and woman, I believe." The girl testified she walked into the actress' bedroom and said, "Come with me." "What are you doing here?" she was asked. "I said 'be quiet and come with me! I brought my knife out and pointed it towards them. 1 think I grabbed her arm and walked her to Ihe living room. I could feel their fear. They didn't put up a fight."


her again. She put her arm up and then her arm fell, I don't know' how- many times I stabbed her. I don't know why I stabbed her. "I killed her," she repeated dramatically, "and then I ran outside. Katie was just getting up from in front of the dark-haired woman on the grass.

"I OIDN't WANT to testify, but Mr. Bugliosi said it I cooperated with him and the district attorney and testified at the trial against everyone I would be granted immunity." Before going into the gory details surrounding the pregnant actress's death, she slowly told of the murder of Hinman which started, she said, when he refused to give Beausoleil a car for which he had been paid. "Leslie," she said nodding at Leslie Van Houten, one of her co-defendants, "was there, too. She only went because Bobby asked MISS ATKINS, whose her to go along for the voice at times turned to a ride." She told the five-woman, Southern drawl and at othseven-man jury that Beau- ers had a hillbilly twang, soleil and Hinman started claimed she took LSD the arguing about the car night of the Tate murders while she was smoking and Mrs. Kasabian gave "Tex" Watson SHOWN the gory color marijuana in the kitchen. Charles Hinman finally ordered some STP. With Watson photographs of the Tate her to call Manson and get driving and Mrs. Kasabian him from the ranch. Man- giving directions, she, and son arrived with Bruce Miss Krenwinkel went to Davis, she said, but not the secluded home of the until Hinman and Beauso- actress. leil had gotten into a fight. "We parked just outside the gate," she related. "I MANSON talked with saw Tex climb up a teleHinman, she testified, and phone pole and some wires in a few minutes came fall. We drove back down into the kitchen folding up to the bottom of the hill a piece of paper. and parked the car then "He said at least he had walked up the hill. the pink, slip, but just then "Linda crawled over a Gary came in with a gun. fence, then some headHe was pointing it at Char- lights came towards us lie and he said, "You're and Tex went crazy. He not leaving here with that went out and said 'stop' pink slip." and I heard four shots. 1 "Charlie reached up and don't know what motivated hit Gary with something. him to do it — he just Then Charlie said 'I'm went crazy. splitting' and started- to "Next thing I knew I leave. Gary started after was walking towards the him with the gun. I didn't house. She (Linda) said know what he was going lo 'wait here, I'll go araund do. I ran after him . . . I the back.' I've seen her do had my knife . . . and I this before. She came back killed him. I had no and said to go in through a choice. He was yelling and window. Tex went through finally lie dropped the gun. the window. We waited I think I hit him over the outside. head with it. "Then Katie, Tex, Linda "He was going to hurt and I went in. There was a my love," the girl said 7iian lying on the couch GRAND weeping, "and nobody (Voityck Frykowski). hurts my love. "THE HOUSE was very "I can't let him (Beausoleil) sit on death row and quiet. The man stretched die for something I did ... and said 'What time is it?' I don't want no one carry- I moved behind the couch. Tex moved in front of him. ing any of my weight. "Here I am," she said My knife was in my hand. dramatically, "do what Somehow Linda got ahold you do to me. I did it for of my knife and I had

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