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Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

Desi gned By Deborah Mauldi n ForART3020 SurveyofArchi tecture ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh

THEI NDUSTRI ALERA Magasi n au Bon Marche Constructed i n 1876 Located at22RuedeServres, 75007Pari s,France. LeMagasi n Au Bon Marchewasconstructed byL.A.Boi leau and GustaveEi ffeli n 1876asan ti on to TheComplexthatwasdesi gned addi byM. A.Laplanchei n 1872. Thestyleoftheconstructi on i sVi ctori an, buttheconstructi on system i si ron,Glass and masonry .Theuseofi ron and glassFor TheRoofcreated an i nteri orcentralspace thati si llumi nated bydayli ght. ryfeelofthestructuraldesi gn theopen,ai lentto thesuccessofdepartmentstoreand theconceptofstai rcases,flyi ng bri dgesand dayli ghti llumi nati on can beseen i n shoppi ng mallstoday .


http: //lyceeduparc. free. fr/cms/spi p . php? arti cle45 http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Magasi n_ au_ Bon_ Marche. html http: //shannonsmi tna. blogspot. com/2008/05/orgi nallebonmarche. html

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

THEVI CTORI AN ERA Wi lli am WattsSherman House Constructed From 1874-1875 Located On Shepard AvenueI n Newport,RhodeI sland,USA. TheWi lli am WattsSherman Housewas desi gned and constructed byHenryHobson chardson i n theshi nglestyleofvi ctori an Ri archi tecture. Thehousei sconstructed wi th masonryfor thefi rstfloorand ti mberfortheUpper Floors.Stoneworki svi si blei n theMasonry , gi vi ng awonderfultextureand reli efto the exteri orwalls.Theexteri oroftheupper ven form and texture floorsarealso gi through panelsofsmallti mbersand shi ngles. Thehousehashugechi mneysand alarge gable.Wi th thechoi ceofconstructi on Materi alsand thewaywhi ch theywere employed,thi shousei sconsi dered to bethe fi rstofAdaptati onsoftheQueen Annestyle tectureto becalled theShi ngleSyle. ofarchi

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

Oneofthecharacteri sti csofthi sstyleof archi tecturethati ssti lli n usetodayi sthe useofbui ldi ng materi alsto createtextureon theexteri orwalls.Bri ckand stucco are popularmateri alsused i n theSouthwest Uni ted Statesforthi spurpose. sti c thatcan beseen sti ll Anothercharacteri i n usetodayi sthearrangementoftherooms. TheWi lli am WattsSherman Househasi n i nteri oroflargeli vi ng spacesthatflow i nto each other.Thi scan beseen i n contemporary FloorplanswheretheLi vi ng,Di ni ng and ki tchen areasarecombi ned i nto whati s called aGreatRoom. Shi nglestylehomeswerepopulari n thelate ni neteenth and earlytwenti eth centures. shi nglestylehomescan befound mostlyi n theNortheastern Uni ted States.The unassumi ng ai roftheshi nglestylehomei sa ti melesselementthati ssti lldesi rabletoday . Sources:

http: //www. sal ve. edu/vi rtual tour/bui ldi ngs/watts_ sherman. html http: //archi tecture. about. com/od/housestyles/ss/shi ngle_ 2. html http: //www. sal ve. edu/vi rtual tour/bui ldi ngs/watts_ sherman. html http: //www. brynmawr. edu/Acads/Ci ti es/i mgb/nextone/med/1058. j pg http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/cgi bi n/bui ldi ng_ map . cgi ? W_ Watts_ Sherman_ House http: //en. wi ki pedi a. org/wi ki /I mage: Wi lli am_ Watts_ Sherman _ House_ ( Newport, _ RI ) _ _ from_ southwest. j pg http: //commons. wi ki medi a. org/wi ki /I mage: Wi lli am_ Watts_ Sherman _ House_ ( Newport, _ RI ) _ _ from_ southeast. j pg

THEBeauxArtERA TheBi ltmoreHouse Constructed From 1888-1895 Located I n Ashevi lle,North Caroli na Bui ltforGeorgeVanderbi lt. TheBi l tmoreHousewasdesi gned and constructed byRi chard Morri sHunti n the Artstylereflecti ng French châteaux Beauxarchi tecturali nfluences. TheBi l tmoreHousei sknown asAmeri ca' slargesthome, si tuated on amassi ve8, 000acreestate.I ti samansi on constructed on agrand scalei n theBeauxArtstyle whi ch cannotbemi staken amongsti tssurroundi ngs duei t' shavi ng been modeled aftera16thcentury French châteaux. Though therearemanyattri butesofthi shomethat wereconsi dered modern marvelswhen i twasbui l t,i ti s thestyleand grandi osi tyofthedesi gn and constructi on whi ch fi rmlyi denti fi esi tasaBeuxart desi gn,consi deri ng thedateofconstructi on and the owner' sdesi reto bri ng alanded baronyto theUni ted gh,poi nted gabled roofs,beari ng masonry States.Thehi oftheconstructi on,and themassi venessofthei nteri or spacesand decorarerecogni zablecharacteri sti csofthe French archi tecturali nfluenceson thearchi tect.

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

Thei nteri ordecorcannotbedescri bed as anythi ng lessthan magni fi centand eclecti c. Therei san i mmenselyextensi vecollecti on of artand artobj ectsfrom alloverEuropeand otherpartsoftheworld.Theli braryi sthe mosti nclusi vepersonalcollecti on i n theUS, lled wi th furni ture and thelargeroomsarefi and decorthatfi tsthespaceand atmosphere, wi th classi caland gothi ci nfluencesseen throughout. Al though homesarenottypi callybui l ton such agrand scaleastheBi l tmorehouse, modern homebui ldersworkto recreate element l tmorehousei nto n alcharmsoftheBi suburban homeswi th tall,poi nted gables, spaci ousi nteri ors,grand stai rcases,marble and leaded glasswi ndowsthroughout,and decorthathearkensbackto earli erGreekand French i nfluences.


http: //www. bi l tmore. com/medi a/photoprevi ew. asp? pi d=98 http: //www. bi l tmore. com/medi a/photoprevi ew. asp? pi d=103 http: //www. bi l tmore. com/medi a/photoprevi ew. asp? pi d=102 http: //www. bi l tmore. com/medi a/photoprevi ew. asp? pi d=150 http: //www. bi l tmore. com/medi a/photoprevi ew. asp? pi d=90 http: //www. bi l tmore. com/our_ story/ http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Bi l tmore_ House. html http: //www. essortment. com/all/bi l tmorehousea_ rguh. htm

THEARTDECO ERA TheChryslerBui ldi ng Constructed from 1928to 1930 Located at405Lexi ngton Avenue New York,New York,USA. TheChryslerbui ldi ng wascommi ssi oned by Wi lli am P .Chryslerwho wanted notj usta skyscraperbutaskypi ercer.Wi lli am Van Alan desi gned abui ldi ng fortheNew York skyli nethatwould evokealltheenergyof theti me,along wi th ali ttlebi tofageless mythmaki ng. Thebui ldi ng i si sconstructed ofasteel framewi th abeauti ful,shi nystai nlesssteel claddi ng.Theri sesstrai ghtupfor77floors and featuresasteppedbackshape.The decorati vetreatmentoftheexteri or changeswi th each stepand an i coni c ri ng ofstai nlesssteelgargoylesenci rclethe bui ldi ng j ustbelow thebaseofthepi nnacle.

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Thepi nnacleofthebui ldi ng i sastepped spi re thatreaches7stori es.Thi sspi rewas constructed i nsi deofthebui ldi ng and then dramati callyrevealed to theskyli newhen i t washoi sted i nto posi ti on and anchored to thetopofthebui ldi ng i n undertwo hours! The coni c statureofthebui ldi ng h shapeand i i saccentuated when thesun goesdown.Not onlydoesthestai nlesssteelreflecttherays oftheri si ng and setti ng sun,thebui ldi ng i tselfi sli tatni ghtwi th colored li ghtsthat gi vetheNew Yorkskyli neafancyand uni que appearance.TheChryslerbui ldi ng si mply cannotbemi staken!


http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Chrysler_ Bui ldi ng. html http: //www. vi si ti ngdc. com/i mages/chryslerbui ldi ngaddress. j pg http: //wi rednewyork. com/skyscrapers/i mages/chrysler_ empi re_ state_ bui ldi ng_ 23march02. j pg http: //www. gotheregui de. com/I mages/USA/NY/Chrysler_ Bui ldi ng_ new_ york. j pg http: //www. hauteli vi ng. com/wpcontent/uploads/chryslerbui ldi ng. j pg http: //upload. wi ki medi a. org/wi ki pedi a/commons/thumb/b/b3/Chrysler_ Bui ldi ng_ detai l. j pg/450pxChrysler_ Bui ldi ng_ detai l. j pg http: //www. j effbuschdesi gn. com/travel/photos/ny_ november_ 2004/ Chrysler%20Bui ldi ng%20030075. J PG

THEI NTERNATI ONALMODERN ERA TheAcademi cBookshop Constructed FROM 1962TO 1969 Located I N HELSI NKI ,FI NLAND Desi gned byAlvarAalto TheAcademi c Bookshopi ssi tuated on astreet wherei tharmoni zeswi th thebui ldi ngs debyvi rtueofi t' sshape located on each si and therhythm ofthewi ndowsplacement on thefacadeofthebui ldi ng. TheAcademi c Bookshopi sdi fferenti n several respects.I ti ssheathed wi th acopperclad curtai n wall.Moresubtledetai lscome through wi th thewhi temarblethatli ne orwi ndowsbutfrom theoutsi de theexteri thebui ldi ng looksto bequi tetradi ti onal, functi onal,and strai ghtforward i n desi gn and purpose.Enteri ng thebui ldi ng and beholdi ng thei nteri orgi vesaqui te unexpected surpri se,however.

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Thei nteri orofthebui ldi ng i sspli ti nto threestori es,dedi cated to thefuncti on of theAcademi c Bookstore.Booksareshel ved and di splayed and patronswanderthethree stori eswi th vi ewsto each levelfrom the centralopen space.Thecentralspacei sli t lli antlywi th threeskyli ghtswhi ch look bri to bean i nverted form oftradi ti onal skyli ghts.Theylookli keshardsofglassthat wereembedded i n theroofofthebui ldi ng. Thecreati on offuncti onalspacehi ghli ghted byobservati on decksaround alargecentral spaceand li tfrom wi thoutthrough bri lli ant, ghtsgi vesthi sbui ldi ng amodern largeskyli character,cleverlyhi dden behi nd asi mple facade.


http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Academi c_ Bookshop . html http: //farm2. stati c. fli ckr. com/1419/907756512_ ec72bb2d14. j pg? v=0 http: //www. refi nery29. com/edi tori al/i mg/cafeaal to. j pg http: //www. gali nsky . com/bui ldi ngs/academi cbookshop/academi cbookshop1. j pg http: //data. greatbui ldi ngs. com/gbc/i mages/ci d_ 3126646. j pg http: //www. gali nsky . com/bui ldi ngs/academi cbookshop/academi cbookshop2. j pg

THEPOSTWAR MODERNI STSTYLE TheGuggenhei m Museum Constructed FROM 1956TO 1959 Located at1071Fi fth Avenue New York,NYUSA TheGuggenhei m Museum i san i coni c New York structurethathousesan extensi vean rotati ng artcollecti on.Desi gned bythe everfamed FrankLloyd W ri ght,theGuggenhei m si ts li keastrangeri n astrangeland amongstthe tradi ti onalli nesofthenei ghbori ng bui ldi ngs. Usi ng concrete,W ri ghtdesi gned thestructureof thebui ldi ng to actasan i ntegralpartofthe vi ewer' sexperi enceoftheworksofartheld i nsi de. The samassi vespi ralaround acentral h galleryi open spacethati sli tfrom abovebythecei li ng skyli ght.Thearti sdi splayed i n thespi raland vi ewerscan lookoverthebalustradeto thefloor ofthemuseum below orto theskyli ghtabove. Thi sexpressi veuseofspacewhi lstcreati ng a uni quesculpturali denti tywi th i ngeni oususeof geometrymaketheW ri ght' sGuggenhei m Museum a pri meand memorableexampleofPostWar Moderni sm.

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

TheW hi tneyMuseum

Constructed i n 1966 Located at945Madi son Avenueat75th Street New York,NY10021

Desi gned byMarcelBreuer,TheW hi tneyMuseum of Ameri can Artsi tson a100x125footlot.Breuertook arelati velysmalllotand bui l tahi ghlyuni queand functi onalstructureforthepurposeofhousi ng changi ng artexhi bi ti ons. Breuercleverlyi ncreased thegalleryspaceby steppi ng outthesecond and thi rd storyofthe bui ldi ng overthefrontcourtofthebui ldi ng. Thi n turn hasadded to thesculpturalquali tyof h si thebui ldi ng.Enhanci ng thatquali ty ,thebui ldi ng i sconstructed i n concretewi th agrani tefacade and thewi ndowsareplaced seemi nglyarbi trari ly wi th bevelsthatmakethem i nto threedi mensi onal elementsboth i nsi deand out. Thei nteri orofthebui ldi ng clearlyembodi esthe stphi losophy .Breurcreated completely M oderni open spacesto di splayworksofartfreelybutbui l t i n thecapabi li tyto erecttemporarywallsthrough thei nstallati on oftheconcretegri d cei li ngs. Thi sgi vesthemaxi mum amountofflexi bi li tyi n planni ng artexhi bi tsand di splaystheModerni st i dealofsi mpleyetflexi bledesi gn wi th character.


http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Guggenhei m_ Museum. html http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/cgi bi n/gbi . cgi /Guggenhei m_ Museum. html/ci d_ 1175899479_ 03350005. html http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/cgi bi n/gbi . cgi /Guggenhei m_ Museum. html/ci d_ cr1037_ b. html http: //www. desti nati on360. com/northameri ca/us/newyork/i mages/s/newyorkguggenhei mmuseum. j pg http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/W hi tney_ Museum. html http: //www2. preservati onnati on. org/magazi ne/_ i mages/current/mj 06essay . j pg http: //www. bri dgeandtunnelclub. com/bi gmap/manhattan/ues/whi tney/06945madi sonave. j pg http: //backi ssues. textezurkunst. de/Bi lder62/Mansoor_ low. j pg

THEPOSTMODERN STYLE ThePortland Bui ldi ng Constructed i n 1980 Located Portland,Oregon USA Mi chaelGravesdesi gned thePortland Bui ldi ng whi ch housesthemuni ci paloffi cesoftheci ty . h bui The ldi ng si tson a200footsquarei n the downtown areaand i ssi tuated wi th wi th the Ci tyHalland theCountyCourthouse.Housed amongsttheclassi calli nesofthesetwo bui ldi ngs,thedi sti ncti vemassofthePortland Bui ldi ng i sunmi stakable.Theexteri orofthe bui ldi ng i sdecorated wi th tallblocksofdeep red,blueand brown colorwhi ch i sanother anomalyagai nstthesurroundi ngs. Thebui ldi ng i sessenti allyalargeblockthatsi ts on athreeti ered pedestal.Thatsi tuati on i s remi ni scentofGreekarchi tectureand sculpture,buttheuseofcolors,thesystemati c arrangementofwi ndowsand theseemi ngly fri voloususeofconcreteri bbonsto decorate thefacademovethi sstructurefi rmlyawayfor classi calri ghti nto therealm of PostModern desi gn.

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08


Constructed i n 1990 Located i n Wei lamRhei n,Germany

TheVi traDesi gn Museum wasdesi gned byFrahnk Gehryand i safantasti c exampleofthe Deconstructi oni stmovement.Thebui ldi ng appears si on ofseveral from to beformed from thecolli di ssoluteforms.To furtherthei mpressi on the wallsarepai nted completelywhi teand so thes hapesand colormakethi sbui ldi ng astarkand surpri si ng appari ti on thatri sesfrom theground and i ssurrounded bythegreen flatlandscape. Thegeni usofthi sbui ldi ng howeveri show the orsculpturei strulythewallsofthei nteri or exteri spaceswhi ch havebeen desi gned spacesforthe museum.Thi smuseum i sdedi cated to theexhi bi tand educati on ofcurrentdesi gn trends.The functi onali tyand characterofthebui ldi ng sui t thi spurposeso wellthatwhen contemplati ng the bui ldi ng and i tspurpose,onemi ghtj ustthi nkthat nsensi blestructurecompletelymakessense! thei


http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Portland_ Bui ldi ng. html http: //www. wal tlockley . com/archi tecturalsculpture/portlandi a%2001. j pg http: //plai dnet. greenwi chacademy . org/arthi storysli des/sli dei dgal/MODERNI SM/ LATE20THCENTURY/LATE20THCENTURYI mages/late20th45. j pg http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/cgi bi n/gbi . cgi /Portland_ Bui ldi ng. html/ci d_ 1109295603_ Portland_ Bui ldi ng_ noi d. gbi http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Portland_ Bui ldi ng. html http: //www. greatbui ldi ngs. com/bui ldi ngs/Vi tra_ Desi gn_ Museum. html http: //www. vi tra. com/_ i mages/campuscalendar/overlays/4. j pg http: //upload. wi ki medi a. org/wi ki pedi a/commons/2/2a/Vi tra_ Desi gn_ Museum, _ factory_ si de_ vi ew. j pg http: //upload. wi ki medi a. org/wi ki pedi a/commons/9/98/Vi tra_ Desi gn_ Museum, _ front_ vi ew. j pg

Illustrated Architectural Terms Arcuated: A building that has been Erected using arches to bear and distribute weight, rather than columns and lintels. Arches can be found in entryways or vaulted chambers.

Plaster: A mixture of lime and other binding agents that creates a soft mixture used for sculpture and for lining walls. Plaster is easy to work with and dries hard, holding the shape it is given.

Beam: A long horizontal structural elements that is supported at both ends and serves to support weight. Beams can be found over doorways.

Spire: The terminated point of a turret, tower or roof that is either pyramidal, polygonal or conical. Spires are a common structural element on churches.

Cladding: Material used to finish the Exterior of a building. Can be anything From clap board to vinyl siding.

Trabeated: A building that has been Constructed using columns and lintels to transfer weight. This sort of construction method can be seen in ancient cities of the middle east.

Fenestration: A pattern created by the arrangement of the windows on the face of a building. Windows can be arranged in a number of different patterns, including crosses on the sides of churches.

Truss: A frame made of timber That is Supported on both ends and is used to provide support for the roof. The trusses can be seen during construction of new homes in subdevelopments across america.

Definitions Source: A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. James Stevens Curl. Oxford University Press 2006. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Art Institute of Pittsburgh. 23 August 2008

Deborah Mauldin ART3020 XA Sm II 08

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Cori nthi ancolumned porches:Porchesthatfeaturecolumnsofthe Cori nthi an OrderstyleofRoman archi tecture.Theseporchescan be found on homesbui l ti n theneoclassi calstyle.Thecolumnsareused to supporttheroofoftheporch. Mansard roof:acurbed roofwi th aapi tched upperroofand acurved lowerroof .Can befound on homesand ci tybui ldi ngsbui l ti n the Second Empi restyleofarchi tecture.

Cornered quoi ns:Thestonesattheexteri orcornersofbui ldi ngs constructed wi th bri ckorstone.Can befound i n bui ldi ngsconstructed ofstoneand masonry ,orfaked on thecornersofmodern suburban Ameri can homes.

Corni ce:Classi cally ,thecorni cei stheuppermostproj ecti on from theroofofabui ldi ng.Today ,corni cescan befound i nsi deofrooms asthecrown moldi ng attheseamsofthewallsand cei li ng.

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Eave:Theareaundertheporti on oftheroofthatproj ectsoutbeyond thesupporti ng wall.Eavescan befound on nearlyanytradi ti onal homestructure.

Gabled:aroofbui l twi th aslopethatformsatri angle.Manystylesof homesfeaturegabled roofs,and can befound nearlyeverywherei n nei ghborhoodsacrossNorth Ameri ca,Europeand otherplacesi n theworld.

Pi laster:acolumn thati si ncorporated i nto awalland proj ects from thewallonlysli ghtly .Pi lasterscan befound i n GreekRevi val bui ldi ngsand homes.


http: //www. archi tecturaldepot. com/c/quoi ns/ Pi le,J ohn.AHi storyofI nteri orDesi gn.2nd.Hoboken,NJ :J ohn W i ley& Sons,2005. ADi cti onaryofArchi tectureand LandscapeArchi tecture.J amesStevensCurl.Oxford Uni versi tyPress2006.Oxford ReferenceOnli ne.Oxford Uni versi tyPress.ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh.2September2008

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Egg and Dartmoldi ng:Amoldi ng madeofal ternati ng shapesofeggsand darts.Theegg and dartshapesmayvary ,butthemoti fi sclearand repeati ng. Thi ssortofmoldi ng can befound around thei nteri orortheexteri orof bui ldi ngs,goi ng around asacrown moldi ng atthecei li ng and wallj oi nts. Thi spattern comesfrom anti qui tyand i sused todayi n commerci alcrown moldi ng treatments.

Modi lli on course:repeated useofmodi lli onsundertheeavesto support and embelli sh thej oi ntsoftheroofand wall.Modi lli onscan also beseen on asmallerscalei n classi calGreekorI tali an Ren i nspi red fi replaces, supporti ng themantle. Pi ers:Upri ghtsupportswhi ch lookli kecolumns,butbearmuch morewei ght than do columns.Thebestmodern examplesofpi ersarethosewooden structuresbui l toutfrom theshoreextendi ng i nto thesurforshallow waterofthecoast.Thepi eri sthesupportofthestructurewhi ch i sdesi gned to wi thstand greatamountsofverti calpressure. Pi laster:acolumn thati si ncorporated i nto awalland proj ects from thewallonlysli ghtly .Pi lasterscan befound i n GreekRevi val bui ldi ngsand homes.

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I LLUSTRATED TERMS Rusti cati on:amasonrymethod thatsi nksstonej oi ntsi nto achannelso thatthe faceofthestonei sexposed and proj ectsbeyond thewall.Thefacesmaythen be shaped orroughened to gi vethem atexture.Theground leveloflargepubli c bui ldi ngsaregi ven rusti cati on treatmentsto add to thepresenceand personali ty ofthebui ldi ng.Rusti cated elementsareusuallyfound on theouterwallsofthe fi rstfloorsofbui ldi ngs,butarecertai nlynotli mi ted to theexteri orastheycan nteri orarchi tecturaldecorati veelementsto aroom. beused fori

Spandrels:theterm used to referto thespacebetween two arches,orthearea between theri bsofadomed cei li ng.Thi selementi sfound i n thewalls between two archesori n thecei li ng between theri bssupported byei ther columnsorpi ers.Pai nted decorati on,mosai c ti lesorotherformsof decorati on havebeen puti n theseareas. Soffi t:Thestructurethatmakesuptheundersi deoftheeavesi scalled the soffi t,butonlyi ftherearesoffi tmateri alsi nstalled.Otherwi se,i ti s consi dered to bean " openeavesstyle" .Thesoffi ti sfound on theundersi de oftherafterstai lon aresi denti alconstructi on and i sdoneforcosmeti c purposes.


http: //www. pi tt. edu/~medart/menuglossary/I NDEX. HTM Pi le,J ohn.AHi storyofI nteri orDesi gn.2nd.Hoboken,NJ :J ohn W i ley& Sons,2005. ADi cti onaryofArchi tectureand LandscapeArchi tecture.J amesStevensCurl.Oxford Uni versi tyPress2006.Oxford ReferenceOnli ne.Oxford Uni versi tyPress.ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh.8September2008 http: //www. vi ntageseattle. org/wpcontent/uploads/2008/01/957_ 22nd_ ave_ ext_ 11. j pg http: //www. i nfoforbui ldi ng. com/Soffi t_ Fasci a_ N. html

I LLUSTRATED TERMS CastI ron:Ametalmateri almadefrom i ron alloysthatcan becasti nto moldsor shapesaspartofamassproducti on cycle.Casti ron i sused extensi velyforscreens, gates,fences,benchesand otheroutdoorfurni ture.Casti ron i ssti lli n greatuse todayforarchi tecturaldetai li ng and accessori esthatareexposed to theweather.

W roughtI ron:Amalleableform ofi ron thatcontai ns1to 3percentofslag, ori mpuri ti es.Thi sform ofi ron can beshaped wi th hi gh heatthrough heati ng and hammeri ng orweldi ng techni ques.W roughti ron i sgreatlyused fordecorati vearchi tecturalelementsbecauseoftheeasei n shapi ng the metal.

BayW i ndow:Thewi ndowsthataresi tuated i n asecti on ofahousefront thati sproj ected outfrom themai n wallofthehousearecalled baywi ndows. Theycan bemadei n manydi fferentshapesi ncludi ng ci rcular,rectangular, orsegmented.

CastI ron Cresti ng:Decorati veflouri shesmadefrom casti ron thatsi tatop fences,rai li ngs,gatesorroofedges.Usuallyornatei n desi gn,casti ron cresti ngswereused i n Vi ctori an erahomes.Now,casti ron cresti ng i s consi dered and archi tecturalarti factand i sbei ng repurposed forusei n modern homes.

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Ori els:Asecti on ofabui ldi ng thati sbui l toutfrom an upperstoryfloorand i ssupported bycolumnsorpi ersorbycorbels.Ori elsmaycontai n wi ndows and i fso thosewi ndowswould notbecalled baywi ndows,theywould be called ori elwi ndows.Ori elsareacommon wayto gai n squarefootagei n upperstori es. Carri ageHouse:An smallbui ldi ng usuallylocated on somesortofestatethat i sanci llaryto themai n house.Thepurposeofthebui ldi ng wasthestorage and mai ntenanceofhorsedrawn carri ages,buti smostli kelybei ng used as an automobi legarageorhasbeen turned i nto li vi ng quarters.

Hi pRoof:Ahi pped roofi sonethathasfourpi tched slopesthatare connected atthetopofeach slope.Thattopi scalled thehi p ,and from the hi peach slopeextendsto theeaves.Hi pped roofsarecommon i n home constructi on becauseoftheadded squarefootagethatcan begai ned over theuseofastandard pi tched roof .


Pi le,J ohn.AHi storyofI nteri orDesi gn.2nd.Hoboken,NJ :J ohn W i ley& Sons,2005. http: //www. archi tecturali ron. com/DW Gcresti ngs. htm Vi sualEngli sh Di cti onary .QAI nternati onalLtd,2002.Oxford ReferenceOnli ne.Oxford Uni versi ty Press.ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh.23September2008 ADi cti onaryofArchi tectureand LandscapeArchi tecture.J amesStevensCurl.Oxford Uni versi tyPress2006.Oxford Reference Onli ne.Oxford Uni versi tyPress.ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh.23September2008

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Terracotta:Themateri althatbri cksand decorati vepotteryi smadefrom.Usually ofadarkred orbrown color,hardened and unglazed.Terracottacan befound on roofsand wallsasdecorati veti lesand bri cks,and i tcan also befound i n sculptureand pottery .

Dormer:Adormeri sawi ndow seton aslopi ng roofwi th awi ndow ofi t' s own.Dormersaresti lli n usetodayi n housi ng constructi on becauseofthe addi ti onalspacethatcan beadded to aroom on asecond storyunderthe roof . Foli ated:Theword foli ated i saderi vati veof" foli age"and i ti sused to descri beleaftypeornamentati on ordecorati on.Thi ssortofdecorati onsi s populari n classi calstatuereproducti ons.I ti squi tepossi blethatsome vi ewersofMi chelangelo' sDavi d would preferthati twerestrategi cally foli ated. Fi ni als:Thedecorati veknobthatcan befound attheapexorcornerofa structure,i . e.gablesand spi res.Theknobcan besi mplyorelaborately decorated.Fi ni alsarefound on theendsofcurtai n rodsand anti quefi ni als havebeen reused asbui l ti n bookendsforbookshel ves.

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Fluti ng:Takealookatnearlyanyclassi calcolumn and observetheconcave groovesthatrun from topto bottom.Theconti nuousgroovi ng i sa decorati veelementofthestructureand i ti sreferred to asfluti ng.Home constructed i n theFederalstyleorthatemployttheuseofpi lastersor columnsmayverywellfeaturefluti ng. Balconi es:Balconi esareplatformsthatextend outfrom thesi deofa bui ldi ng and areaccessed through awi ndow ordoorwayi n thewallatthe levelofthebalcony .Balconi esarebeauti fuladdi ti onsto bui ldi ngswi th the i ntentofofferi ng aconveni entlyaccessi blevi ew and experi enceofthe outdoors. Swags:Ornamentati on created from drapi ng arti clesthatdroopi n acurve. Swagscan becreated from fabri c,greenery ,plantsand flowers,oranyother decorati veelementthatcan behung and draped i nto aswag.Swagscan be found aswi ndow dressi ngsi n manyhomes.


Pi le,J ohn.AHi storyofI nteri orDesi gn.2nd.Hoboken,NJ :J ohn W i ley& Sons,2005. ADi cti onaryofArchi tectureand LandscapeArchi tecture.J amesStevensCurl.Oxford Uni versi tyPress2006.Oxford ReferenceOnli ne.Oxford Uni versi tyPress.ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh.23September2008 http: //www. pli nthandchi ntz. com/mambo/i ndex. php? opti on=com_ glossary&func=di splay&letter=F&I temi d=46&cati d=24&page=1

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Corbel:An elementalpartofthestructureofawallthatproj ectsoutto support aload such asan ori el,balcony ,parapet,etc.Acorbelactsasacanti leverand i s used i n placeofcolumnsorpi ers.

Parapet:thebarri erplaced attheedgeofbalconi es,bri dges,roof ,decks,etc. thathasasteepdropi n orderto protectpeoplefrom falli ng.Aparapetcan behi glydecorated orveryplai n and arei n common usetodayforbalconi es, terraces,etc,though theymaybereferred to asrai li ngsorlow walls. Vesti bule:Thespacej usti nsi deofan outerdoorofabui ldi ng i scalled a vesti bule.Thi sspacecan bessmallhallorlobbyori tmaybeasmalldedi cated room.Vesti bulesaren' tenti relycommon i n modern Ameri can homes,butmost publi c bui ldi ngshaveavesti bule,though i tmaybereferred to assi mplythe lobby . Gypsum:Plasterofpari si smadefrom mi xi ng waterwi th calci um sulphate. Thecalci um sulphatei salso known asgypsum,whi ch formsapowderwhen heated to boi li ng temperature.Alabasteri savari etyofgypsum.Gypsum i sused to makeplastermoldsorsculpturalarchi tecturalforms.

Deborah Mauldi n ART3020SMI I08

I LLUSTRATED TERMS Acousti calCei li ng Ti les:Squareorrectangularshaped panelsconstructed ofacombi nati on ofmateri alsand desi gned to absorborblocksound transmi ssi onsi n aroom.Theyarei nstalled i n thecei li ng and areused asa partofthedesi gn ofaroom i n termsofdi recti ng quali tyofsound transmi ssi on throughouttheroom. Cartouches:Decorati veelementsconstructed ofstone,marble,concreteor othermateri alsthati susuallyi n ashapethatresemblesascrollorasheet ofparchmentwi th thecornerscurled up .Cartouchesgenerallybearan i nscri pti on and areplaced on abui ldi ng' sexteri orgi vi ng i nformati on as to thehi storyorsi gni fi canceofthebui ldi ng. ModularBaySpans:


Pi le,J ohn.AHi storyofI nteri orDesi gn.2nd.Hoboken,NJ :J ohn W i ley& Sons,2005. ADi cti onaryofArchi tectureand LandscapeArchi tecture.J amesStevensCurl.Oxford Uni versi tyPress2006.Oxford ReferenceOnli ne.Oxford Uni versi tyPress.ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh.23September2008 TheOxford Di cti onaryofEngli sh ( revi sed edi ti on) .Ed.Catheri neSoanesand AngusStevenson.Oxford Uni versi tyPress,2005. Oxford ReferenceOnli ne.Oxford Uni versi tyPress.ArtI nsti tuteofPi ttsburgh.23September2008 http: //www. acousti calcei li ngti les. com/tufcore. htmlGypsum: http: //www. webelements. com/calci um/hi story . html

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