Survey Letter To Leaders

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 375
  • Pages: 1
29th August 2009 Leadership Survey Thank you for the feedback and input that you the leadership of the Vine gave us to create the sort of church that you want and believe would best reflect and flow God’s work. 1st Stage: Facility Features Wish List Just to give you a recap, I asked all leaders (pastors, elders, ministry leaders and pluster leaders) to give me a list of your Top 10 facilities that you would like to see in the new church. 2nd Stage: Compiled List Survey When I had received these I compiled them into a combined list of facility features (eliminating the repeats) which is the attached survey, so that the whole leadership could see what was requested from everybody else as well as their own, and then you were asked to rate in this survey, all requested facilities in terms of their importance in the new building. 63% of the leadership rated the list of facility features. These are the results. 3rd Stage: What Have We Done with this Input? These results have guided us in designing the new VC2. We have tried to include every facility that was deemed as vital or valuable. If space allowed we have also tried to include facilities that were deemed ‘Nice to Have.” Where space did not allow, we will fulfill with a non-facility solution (i.e a newcomers’ area was deemed as vital but we currently we do not have a newcomers’ ministry and this is probably where we should start first). The handwritten notes are the senior pastors’ comments and instruction, which also gives direction from their vision. 4th Stage: Input from the Congregation Based on the results from the leadership survey and the senior pastors’ direction, a similar facilities survey has been released for the congregation’s input. This is currently in process now in the church and we ask that you encourage all your family, friends and team members to fill out the survey. Pastors John, Tony and I thank you for your continued input and direction. We love that VC2 is shaped by your hearts and prayers. Yours sincerely, Ka Yan Lau Project Manager

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