Survey By Manjeet Jindal + Nabeel Hassan

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 22




Submitted to:

Submitted by:

Mrs. Poonam Bhatia

Manjeet jindal


Sayeed Nabeel Hassan(81103108095)

Communication skills

It is certified that the project report on “FIRST YEAR STUDENTS IN R.I.E.I.T” has been prepared under guidance of Mrs. Poonam Bhatia by bonafide students of first year (E.C.E.) Manjeet jindal (81103108058) and Sayeed Nabeel Hasan (81103108095) on basis of survey conducted by them. There performance has been________.

__________ ___


Teacher in-charge


Date: ___________ Institution stamp Examiner’s Sign. _______________ Date: ___________ 2

Communication skills

PREFACE Being first year students, we were curious about how our batch mates found everything and how much did they develop in terms of career orientation. So, we decided to undertake a study regarding same as communication skills project, which is a part of curriculum. Questionnaire consisted of a number of questions and about 42 students were chosen for the survey. Questions were regarding various things like study, career, futuristic approach and college campus and overall effort was to get maximum idea of their time as first year students at empathetic level. Information collected is being presented in form of graphs to get crystal clear idea of the actual situation. Along with this, there were some questions that asked for comments on various things. Some of those comments are being included in report. A brief analysis of outcome of every question has been done along with added comments on how to improve the situation.


Communication skills

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS No task can be achieved individually. There are always a number of a number of factors that are helpful in achieving the task. Our survey based project is no different. We were motivated by our teacher Mrs. Poonam Bhatia. We express our sincere gratitude for laying the foundation on which this project report is based. Our friends Princeedeep and Bikramjit helped modify questionnaire. We therefore express our whole hearted thanks to all these persons. Finally, we express our gratitude to all the students who helped successful conversion of our idea into this project by an honest feedback and thus bring out a clear picture of the actual situation and help suggest ways to improve the condition.


Communication skills


• Introduction • Important Factors • Survey outcome • Factors and figures • Survey analysis • Other issues taken up • Conclusion


Communication skills

INTRODUCTION Entry to college from school is a major transition in one’s life. One enters college with a number of hopes, dreams and desires. Some have been waiting to enter the college to enjoy the new freedom in life, some to build a career and some to enjoy as well as to study, others simply take this as a chance to be away from home and experience the much talked about ‘hostel life’. So, first year in college is always very special. There are lots of changes: environment changes, classmates change, awareness level changes, priorities in life change and most importantly, personality changes. It is real making of a person, developing him in all spheres. The change is big: from being treated as a child to be treated as a grown up person. From childish things to practical aspects of life, they all are important. Earlier college life began with class 11th but now it begins with end of class 12, so by the time one passes class 12th, he is already quite grown up but real maturity time is only first year of college which brings one face to face with the reality of world. They shape tomorrow’s leaders and workforce. So, its important to monitor development in first year.


Communication skills

IMPORTANT FACTORS There are various factors that influence our first year experience at college. They include teachers, infrastructure, conduct of general staff (such as library assistants), behaviour of seniors, ragging (which may be a different experience for hostellers and non-hostellers), food and other facilities at hostel and availability of entertainment sources etc. All these have substantial roles to play in how one finds his college as he is foreign to everything around him. Further, when it comes to a career goal, futuristic approach and general awareness, a number of factors play a key role. Seminars conducted, workshops organised and personality development classes are very much responsible for futuristic approach. Thus, in a way, there are a lot of factors that have to be taken into account to make student’s career oriented within first year. It is very important that student’s develop career orientation within first year because that will mean more time to work for perfection in their chosen field.


Communication skills

SURVEY OUTCOME: 1. Were you ragged?


61% 70% 60% 39%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes


2. If yes, ragging was:

Ragging was:

55% 45%

0% Average



Communication skills

Analysis: The results in ragging department are remarkably good and very positive. Nearly 60% of the students were not ragged at all. Among rest, ragging was a friendly experience for 55% and average for 45%, which means no one had a harsh ragging experience. This speaks of a very harmonious environment in the college which is vital requirement for making students feel at ease in initial college days. Ragging is probably the most feared factor before beginning of college life but our college has been successful in eliminating it fully.

This gives freedom from emotional stress as well as fear of

embarrassment. We often see reports of ragging related violence. Those places need to learn from our college’s exemplary setup. It will not be exaggerated statement to call our college campus “RAGGING FREE” .This invites praise for college authorities as well as for understanding and caring seniors.


Communication skills

3. Participation in MINERVA

Tech. fest participation

72.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%


Yes No

Analysis: Participation in Minerva is good (about 3 quarters). Most of the participations partic were in form of volunteers which again reflects good relationships relationship with seniors. What is more important is that students understand importance of co-curricular co curricular activities and are willing to participate and contribute which points to good motivation level.


Communication skills

4. Change in academic performance as compared to that at school:

Performance in studies 58% 60% 50% 40% 26% 30% 20%


10% 0% Went up

Went down

Not much change

Analysis: The results are alarming and just opposite to required. Only 14% have improved in terms of academic output and as many as 58% have declined, significant decline, isn’t it? Rest 26% confirmed their performance is at par with their performance at school. Well, reasons easons seem pretty much clear. Youth are crazy for enjoying their life once they enter the college life. This means waywardness in their behaviour and careless towards primary aim of learning. While in college dedication for learning must improve as it is basis of once career. College should try to provide a environment that focuses on curbing this waywardness and maintains a balance in study and freedom. Once an effort is made to impose study, it results in adverse affects of outright rejection of studies and hence, performance declines.

No doubt dedication reaches better levels in higher years of degree, but here the main focus is on loss occurring in first year. 11

Communication skills

5. College as a place for study:

College as a place for study

Max: 5 5


4 3 2

student's rating: 3.5

1 0

6. Practical Labs:

Practical Labs

Max: 5 5


4 3 2

student's rating: 3.2

1 0


Communication skills

7. Are you being taught like engineering students?

Being taught like engineers?


70% 60%


50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes


Analysis: The results in last three questions are satisfactory type. Comments show that students are striving for more practical knowledge than theoretical portion and assignment burden. They mention excess assignments are of little use as they are copied from one into another and end up being time waste and writing effort rather than learning process. They want more of programming in FCPIT lab etc. They say focus should shift from remembering to learning. They want assignments that challenge mind instead of being purely a process of jotting down matter from one notebook to another as has been going on till now. They would appreciate methodology that promotes analytical thinking and thus, making of a real engineer.


Communication skills

8. Are you attending soft skill classes regularly?

Attending the soft skills classes regularly?

75.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 25.00%

40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%



9. Have you developed career goal and futuristic approach?

Career goal and futuristic approach

75% 80% 70% 60% 50% 25%

40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes



Communication skills

Analysis: Responses to queries 8 and 9 are again shocking. While 75% of the students are saying they have developed a futuristic approach and set career goals for them, only 25% of the students are regular in attending soft skill classes. What kind of futuristic approach is this? This is ignorance, isn’t it? If they were so sure of their career goal, won’t they be regular in soft skills to develop soft skills that are at most requirement of today’s technical, industrial and corporate world? How is it that they feel they have futuristic approach when they are not willing to prepare themselves according to requirements of place they would be serving? There performance in studies has gone down and they still stress they are career oriented. They are not ready to accept their negligence and apathy. Well, the answer is very simple: it all comes out of ignorance. There have been seminars in this direction but didn’t do much good. Probably, need of the hour is counselling, individual counselling or counselling of students in small groups by career experts that make them aware of various career options available in their fields. Students should know what it takes to win a job and then survive extreme competitions. There should be a proper set up to ensure students get maximum of soft skills and other options available.


Communication skills

10. Behaviour of general staff:

General staff behaviour

Max: 5 5


4 3 2

student's rating: 2.95

1 0

Analysis: Well, the first year students feel staffs that include library attendants, lab attendants; clerks can be better in their behaviour and more responsible in performing their duties. They find out that sometimes library attendants are complacent in taking back issued books and tell to return books some other day. Similar complaints regarding other staff but overall satisfactory. Still, there is space for betterment.


Communication skills

11. Library Facility Students said our library is good, nice place to study and keep knowledge to up to date. It is spacious and calm place and provides excellent opportunity to prepare for exams, but they found certain areas that should be worked upon: 1. Books to be issued for longer duration. 2. Number of books that can be issued at one time should be three or four. 3. Stock of books that are in demand should be increased to avoid their shortage, especially during exams. 4. At present, books are issued only on working days between 9.30am -3.30pm.This should be changed and books should be issued all times library is open. 5. Library should be open seven days a week from 8 am to 8 pm. 6. Library stock should be updated regularly. 7. More novels should be included into stock.

There needs to be a connection between teaching and library. Assignments should encourage library visits and hence reading books thoroughly. Stock of books should cater to all kinds of needs: from academic to leisure time reading.


Communication skills

12. Refreshment options Here is how students responded to queries about refreshment options available in the campus: 1. Average but prices should be reasonable. 2. Non hygienic, non tasty. Packed items are too costly; more than MRP. 3. Very poor, very costly. 4. Hectic environment 5. Good. 6. It was average, but now improving. 7. Preparations should be more hygienic, nutritious. On the whole, we see the two major issues are cost and hygiene. They are valid. Flies are seen resting in the utensils where they cook food. Little attention is played to hygiene. hy Its tough to pay Rs. 15 for a verka product MRP of which is Rs. 10!!!!! Here is a quantitative idea:

15 Rs. 16


Rs. 14 Rs. 12

10 8

Rs. 10 Rs. 8 Rs. 6 Rs. 4 Rs. 2 Rs. 0 product 1 MRP

product 2 price in college campus

This is something that should be thought over and improved.


Communication skills

13. Book shops in campus: campus There were no initial plans to make any chart for this question as participants were asked to write a few words about them but results were such that it was felt that results would be reflected better with help of a chart.

80% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40%


30% 20% 10% 0% book shops excessively costly


Some of statements by participants: 1. Someone called them “robbers”. “robbers 2. High rates and cheap quality. 3. Very good but very expensive. 4. There should be a separate book shop that should provide books and other services at fewer prices.

*Taking into consideration the number of customers these book shops get daily, it i is not wrong to say they are too costly by all standards.


Communication skills

Other issues taken up by the students: 1. Provide proper equipments in laboratory. 2. Computers in labs should be managed properly. What about virus free computers in our labs? 3. How about electrical workshop for 1st year? 4. Auditorium is something that’s wish of a majority of students. They say ours is a college with a standard, so why shall functions and placement drives be conducted under just a tent? 5. Communication skills lab needs up gradation in terms of software as well as hardware. There we need to create a real learning environment. There are a number of software available that can be used to train students in terms of listening etc. 6. Wi-Fi needs improvement. Some students download a lot others can’t even browse properly. 7. Some students belonging to non Punjabi speaking areas complained of language problem. 8. There is demand to make provisions for a suggestion box in college to get regular feedback throughout the semester instead of at end of semester.


Communication skills

Finally: change from your school to our college?


60% 50% 40%


30% 15% 20% 10% 0% Good



We, as an institution should try to work in this regard to get maximum answers in positive block in above diagram. Certainly, there are some issues with every institution, even demands and expectations of students are unfair and impossible to cope with sometimes but being positive doesn’t mean overlooking shortcomings. The survey has definitely given crystal clear picture of some of the areas that need improvement. We are to be hopeful and keep working this direction to make next batch learn lear more.


Communication skills

Bibliography 1. An approach to communication skills – Dr. I Bhattacharya 2. Functional aspects of communication skills – P.Parsad 3.

Statistics and probability – Schuam series

4. Our source of data is primary i.e. survey. 5. Articles from internet on college life.

Further, various internet resources were used to explore various methods of data presentation and choose most suitable one.


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