Support Julia Large 052609

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  • Words: 3,515
  • Pages: 8
Superintendent Joe Phelan, Principal Brett King, Members of the RCSD Board We the undersigned support keeping Mrs. Julia Large as a kindergarten teacher in Chancellor Livingston Elementary School. In challenging economic times we must make sacrifices and focus on priorities. Retaining great teachers is a top priority for the families of Rhinebeck. Mrs. Large is exactly the kind of educator Rhinebeck students need and deserve - thoughtful, creative, motivational, inspirational. She has much to offer Rhinebeck's future generations. We respectfully ask that you consider reinstating the kindergarten teacher position and retaining Mrs. Large for the position.   Thank you for considering our request. Name




Anne McGrath

Rhinebeck, NY

Heroic efforts should be made to keep excpetional teachers like Mrs. Large. We've had years when kinergarten classes without an aide had 25+ students because of last minute sign ups. Under those circumstances it's amzaing if a teacher could keep any sense of order let alone teach anything. Let's prepare and make sure that doesn't happen again.


Terri Hall-Jackson Rhinebeck, NY

Mrs. Large has been such a welcomed gift to the Chancellor community. My daughter, Makena, had the privilege of having Mrs. Large as a teacher this year. A generally shy child, Makena has blossomed in a classroom in which she is shown respect and consistent encouragement, in addition to the expected academic lessons at her grade level. As a parent, I was immediately impressed by Mrs. Large's enthusiasm and non-condescending way of interacting with her class. Whenever Makena came home with a report of an upsetting event, Mrs. Large took the initiative to phone me that same evening to make sure I was informed. Finally, in a teaching community lacking in racial diversity, I think it's very important to make an effort to keep a high quality teacher such as Mrs. Large. I'd hate to see us lose someone who has shown such devotion, love, skill, talent, ability and a fresh perspective and voice.


Christine O'Han

Julia Large is a wonderful teacher. She is caring, creative, and truly appreciates each individual child. Mrs. Large takes the time to understand each child and learn each of their individual needs and styles. She demonstrates great

Rhinebeck, NY

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Christine O'Han

Rhinebeck, NY

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Karri Wolfe

Rhinebeck, NY

There must be a creative way that would allow Mrs. Large to remain in the district next year. What happens the following year when enrollment is back up? We all understand that these are tough financial times, but lower enrollment is a temporary problem that we should not be addressing in such a permanent manner. Losing an exceptional teacher has devastating long term impact and as the parent of a kindergartener the next two years, I feel a great sense of loss for my family and our community.


diane sutter

hyde park, NY

Julia Large is a one of a kind teacher. Without her my daughter Kaitlyn wouldn't be who she is today. Mrs. Large takes the time to make each child feel comfortable and provides a stable environment. Without her tender ways,her knowledge & her comforting smile my daughter wouldn't be where she is today. Mrs. Large isn't just any teacher,she's an exceptional teacher and she is what our children need for a promising future. There must be someway to allow Mrs. Large to remain in the district, please think of this as if it were your own child.


michelle GIBSON

staatsburg, NY


Nadine Robbins

Rhinebeck, NY


diane harding

hyde park, NY

i think mrs large should stay employed because i can not only see the improvement of my granddaughter and also the other students in her claasroom.which tells me she is a good teacher and the children seems like to her as well


victor sutter

hyde park, NY

My daughter is currently Mrs. Large's student, she is not only a teacher to her but an inspiration as well. Please don't let her go,the children of our future need her.


john harding

hyde park, NY

her future students need her


Jill & Steve Kaplan

Rhinebeck, NY

Mrs. Large is an extraordinary teacher. She challenges all of her students to be the best they can be. She is gentle and kind and a wonderful role model. She is the kind of teacher we need to keep in our district. Loosing her would be a disservice. She has really helped our daughter Rachel to become independent and a curious learner. She is a treasure we cannot afford to loose!!!


Lara Viator

Rhinback, NY

I currently have a child enrolled at Chancellor and another that will be entering kindergarten in the fall. I know from experience the positive impact a wonderful techer can have on a child as well as the family unit. I have heard so many wonderful things from the parents that currently have children in Mrs Large's class. I believe that we owe it to our children to keep Mrs Large in our school. I know that I

patience and kindness and is truly an asset to our school community.

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Lara Viator

Rhinback, NY

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Erin Wahlgren

Rhinebeck, NY

As a graduate of Rhinebeck Schools, I appreciated the excellent teachers and small class size that made my educational experience in Rhinebeck so wonderful. A few years ago, my husband and I moved back to Rhinebeck mainly for the schools! I now have a little girl who will start Kindergarten at Chancellor in a few years and I hope that the Board will keep Mrs. Large so that my daughter can receive the same outstanding education that I did.


Kathy Smith

Rhinebeck, NY

My son is so lucky to have such a wonderful teacher as Mrs. Large. He started out the year with social challenges and because of Mrs. Large's creative, caring, positive, and respectful way of dealing with her students, he has had a tremendous year. She is a truly gifted teacher. Losing her would be such a loss to RCSD.


Andrea Pyros

Rhinebeck, NY

I am a parent of two young children who will soon be students at Rhinebeck. I am concerned about class size, and about the loss of such a highly respected and well-loved teacher as Mrs. Julia Large. Please reconsider your decision. Thank you, Andrea Pyros


Wendi Rinaldi

Rhinebeck, NY

I have heard nothing but very positive things with regard to Mrs. Large. It would be a shame to see our school district lose such an asset for our children.


Mark Butler

Rhinebeck, NY

I appreciate the efforts taken by the Board and Administration to control spending in next year's budget. However, the most important asset a school district has are its teachers. Mrs. Large is one of those teachers that her students will remember the rest of their lives! Her ability to connect with and motivate each one of her students has provided the children in her class with a memorable introduction to public education. It is my hope that a solution can be reached to keep Mrs. Large where she belongs for next year and many years to come. The creativity and sense of wonder that Mrs. Large brings to her classroom every day is on display every evening when our daughter Eleanor fills us in on the happenings in Mrs. Large's classroom. Please keep her!


Kristen Szabo

Staatsburg, NY

My son was in Mrs. Large's class for part of the year last year. The impression she left on him for those few months was equilivant to, if not greater than, the teacher she was substituting for. My daughter will be entering kindergarten this upcoming year. I understand that there are approximately 60 children

would be thrilled if my son was placed with such an enthusiastic placement. Please consider this petition for our children.

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Kristen Szabo

Staatsburg, NY

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Brendan Szabo

Staatsburg, NY


Roger Quon

Rhinebeck, NY

Attracting, Developing and Nurturing outstanding educators to the district is critical for the health of our students, and community. We need people like Julia Large in our system. The need for Julia is particularly acute at our earliest grade levels. Numerous studies affirm that establishing strong educational and social foundations at the earliest stages of child development pay multiple dividends later in the educational system and society. I understand and appreciate the financial constraints placed on the district, but when quality educators such as Julia are at risk, we need to try harder to find creative and constructive ways of keeping people like Julia in the district. Sincerely, Roger Quon


sarah derbyshire

rhinebeck, NY

We cannot express enough how important Mrs Large has been to us this year. Our son is currently enrolled in her class, and the year has been an exceptional experience for both him and for us. She has an uncanny way of bringing out the best in each student through celebrating his or her unique creativity, energy and inquisitiveness. At the same time she nutures respect, caring and a love a learning. Losing Mrs Large would truly be a loss for Chancellor and the future students who might benefit from her class. Teachers who love the children and love to teach are not easy to find--let's not let her get away! She is a truly special person and educator and we all feel very fortunate to know her. Sarah Derbyshire


Kristin Voorhis

Clinton Corners, NY

Mrs. Large took over for Mrs. Corcoran when our daughter was in that kindergarten class. We were nervous because our daughter doesn't always handle changes so well. You would never know a new teacher had taken over. Mrs. Large was a WONDERFUL teacher for our daughter. We feel she was so lucky to have had the opportunity to have

registered. That would place 20 students in each class. Taking into account the inclusion classroom historically has less children, I feel that greater than 20 students per class is to many. Even with one aid per classroom there would be to many children per class. Additionally there are likely children who have not registered yet, or whom will be moving into the district. That will obviously make the situation worse. I strongly feel that is it essential to keep Mrs. Large's position. Please reconsider the decision. Kristen Szabo

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Kristin Voorhis

Clinton Corners, NY

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Tom Voorhis

Clinton Corners,, NY

We were apprehensive when we learned that Mrs Corcoran was going to take a mid-year maternity leave. But we were so pleased with Mrs. Large and the progress that our daughter exhibited under her teaching. I was very impressed with her at our first meeting. This was a difficult assignment coming in mid-year and assuming a class accustomed to another teacher. Mrs. Large performed exceptionally well in keeping the class as a cohesive unit and proved herself to be a professional. We need to keep talented teachers. Mrs. Large is going to be an upgrade to any staff. Let's keep her on ours.


Cindy Binnie

Rhinebeck, NY


Elizabeth Halpern

Rhinebeck, NY


Andrew Binnie

Rhinebeck, NY


Isabelle Burkhart

Rhinebeck, NY


Susan Merrihew

Rhinebeck, NY

Having had three small children in the district, it is my opinion after experiencing three separate kindergarten teachers she has been the best one. She is a very caring and nurturing influence on our very young children. My son absolutely adores Mrs. Large. I think it would be a mistake to let her go. Mrs. Large is definitely an added asset to CLS.


Laura Schulkind

Rhinebeck, NY

As a parent on the search committee, I was most impressed with Mrs. Large's understanding of young children and the need to respect them as individuals. Through her time at CLS, I have heard countless praise for her intuition, empathy and ability with the newest members of the RCSD family. Though unable to benefit from her teaching experience directly, I have been extremely impressed with her ability to inspire even some of our district's "tougher" parents. To lose her now would be an incredible loss for the District. Please fined a place for her. We are lucky to have her. It would be a great loss to let her go.

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Mrs. Large as her teacher. We were also hoping that our youngest daughter, who will be entering kindergarten this fall, would be lucky enough to have Mrs. Large as her teacher.

The school district should consider carefully the long-term impact that losing such a gifted teacher would have on the district. Julia Large became my son's teacher mid-year last year, and remarkably transformed his kindergarten experience for the better. Almost immediately, I felt she understood my son and his needs, both educationally and socially/emotionally, which is so critical at these early ages. Her impact on the success of my son's first year in the school district can not be overstated.


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Dawn Davis

Rhinebeck, NY

John Steinbeck quoted: "I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist, and there are as few as there are great artists." Mrs. Julia Large is a great artist of teaching in her classroom, intuitively understanding each child's medium, then molding, sculpting, and what emerges, is our children connecting with their potential, and a foundational joy of learning. We too need to be artists in finding creative solutions to retain Mrs. Large, so her legacy continues at CLS. Sincerely, Dawn Davis


Maria Youle

Rhinebeck, NY


Elizabeth O'Brien

Rhinebeck, NY

I currently have a child enrolled in Mrs. Large's class and know firsthand of her warm, caring & nurturing qualities. She welcomes each child as they are and is respectful of each child's individual needs & personality. More important than my views, however, are the views of my son - he simply adores Mrs. Large and is so proud of all he has learned. As an educator myself, I understand the importance of the strong foundation created in the kindergarten calssroom and hope a soultion can be developed to keep both Mrs. Large and the 4th secion of kindergarten at CLS.


Kerri Martin

Rhinebeck, NY

Having had 4 children go through Kindergarten and having been a kindergarten teacher myself, I know the challenges and triumphs a kindergarten teacher faces. Mrs. Large is amazing in the fact that she cares and really knows each student. At the beginning of the year, she showed me how special my son is (not that I didn't know it already!) and I thought, "There is someone who appreciates a great kid." As the year went on, I realized Mrs. Large finds something special about each child. Now I think we are the ones who need to appreciate a great teacher and a great woman. Academically, she challenges the children while providing a high level of interesting activites. She allows for the business of the developing child and encourages a variety of personality types to grow and flourish. We have been very lucky to have Mrs. Large in our lives.


Mary Krembs

Rhinebeck, NY


Michael Clark

Rhinebeck, NY

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I have been most impressed by the surge of support to keep Mrs Large at Chancellor Livingston. The sheer number of tax payers taking the time to endorse her speaks for itself. At a time when talented, exceptional teachers are leaving the profession or becoming disaffected, it is rare to find one still thrilled to be responsible for developing young minds. Let's do the right thing and hold onto her!


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Karen Hansen

Rhinebeck, NY

Mrs. Large is a teacher Rhinebeck should not lose. I have 3 children that have been in the Rhinebeck School District, my youngest is currently in second grade. I have heard only positives about Mrs. Large and her teaching.


Julibeth Corwin

Rhinebeck, NY

My daughter Maeve Szwed will be starting kindergarten at CLS Sept '09. I had heard so many great reviews of Mrs Large, we had hoped Maeve would be placed in her class. But I think the entire school and students will be at a loss without her.


Maretta Callahan

Rhinebeck, NY


Ellie Carleton

Rhinebeck, NY


Elizabeth Spinzia

Rhinebeck, NY


Alison Guss

Rhinebeck, NY


Diane Kantaros

staatsburg, NY


Gretchen Werner

Rhinebeck, NY

Our son had Mrs Large for kindergarten last year. She came in mid-year and won the hearts of the kids and parents. My son adored her and was so excited to go to school every day. Her sensitivity, calm demeanor, approachability and sense of humor are a gift to the students and parents. We hope every effort will be made to keep her at CLS. If the enrollment is not high enough to justify her position then we perhaps she can be the #1 substitute in the hope that a position is available in 2010 2011. While my daughter Sarah Lewit only had Mrs. Large for a few months at the end of her Kindergarten year (2007-8), I was very impressed by her intuition and depth of knowledge about how 5-year-olds learn and interact. She is also wonderful with parents, explaining in a clear, concise manner the best way to help your child learn. If there is any way to keep her on staff I would strongly urge you to do so. She is a terrific addition to the Kindergarten staff. I have a few personal and professional reasons I want to support Mrs. Large. First of all, the parents had planned to organize an "input statement" about her exceptional performance as a teacher in CLS. It's easy to say what's not going right with a teacher, but how often do we emphasize what is going well - in the case of my daughter, exceptionally well. She has come a long way in kindergarten, and although I can't credit her teacher completely, I can say what I have observed. We dragged our heals as parents and had a short meeting with Mr. King after a coffee chat introduction to give our support. The announcement of the termination of her position and then the unfortunate death of her husband simply put a fire under that which was already happening - a plea to keep an exceptional educator within our educational system. Mrs. Large works with multiple intelligences and the (continues on next page)

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Gretchen Werner

Rhinebeck, NY

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Richard Lewit

Rhinebeck, NY

My daughter, Sarah, had an exceptionally good experience in Ms. Large's classroom. She is an asset to our community and should be for years to come.


Sara Ugolini

Rhinebeck, NY


Alisa Neuneker

Rhinebeck, NY

My son had Mrs. Large last year and she was fantastic! She truely is a talented teacher!!!


Kerri Karvetski

Rhinebeck, NY

When I think back to what made the biggest difference for me in school, it was my teachers. I still remember my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Chambers, and how much pure joy I felt being in her classroom. My daughter is radiant when she talks about what she's learned in Mrs. Large's class. I join others in offering to work on a creative option for retaining this talented educator.

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indicator is not only on the input, but the output and progress of each child. It felt as though my daughter had a teacher that designed a classroom only for her, only to find out that many other parents in the class felt the same way. Julia Large may not be on a tenure track, she may not fit the union or contract criteria for continuation, but I believe her main interest is not in unions, tenure or contracts, but the development of our children, one at a time. She uses every bit of knowledge to increase their knowledge. She uses every bit of energy, to channel their energy. My daughter loves school and she loves coming home to tell me about her day. I was certainly on the same page concerning my daughters progress and together, growth happened. I realize there is not a position to be filled for Mrs. Large right now. However, she is too much of an asset to lose. There will be a school community that will be blessed to have her, and with all sincerity, I hope it's CLS. I hope many children in Rhinebeck experience the joy of knowledge and every parent the peace of knowing that "All I reaaly needed to know I learned in Kindergarten" from Mrs. Julia Large.


Signatures 45 - 51

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