Supplemental Security Income Form/proof Of Disability

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Download & View Supplemental Security Income Form/proof Of Disability as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 25

r. S te.genum 's ~E[{ea l th

?VG- ;5tegeman, sees Doctor 'I'my S.. >w'hvv aritz, DD, 809 S . ]q,ii n'iitre;e ;t, Stone . lViounta.i : n, G&, 3 0(}.3 :3 ("7 70 ) 4{69-Q- 1. :31 every 1N r t y d,Tys. 'Tvv:ic; el yew-1y- ultmiso und l on his heart and stress W;t j, are per:Fm.rEf,d <
C;o:ndlitiioj l,s thaI ]stir. ISteg,e;rnaxi suffers ftora, tow- not limited to :


left. knee ._. 'C1ec'emlaer l1 9! 404

Acute Iii-Polar Disorder, Diagnosed September 1993 Glaiacorna., Dia,gnc>se~d ]L 997 Ostevaarthfitis --- Mult ipllE: Sites

Heart N[unriwCh e;st Pain (An€;iru E; l: Angina occurs because you r h~~ar1~ muscle is not getting enough blood Ijl~ r 5 p11ea (wIItiG :ite T ws :1 :i) : M7~Y ] .Tlt~ ]EGi~; the onset of heart j:~lillLiT+~ , the main r+omp liic,at : ion afaorticc s1te nosi s

]Hbpaerlipidie ;rn.ia: LiPid. " Cfi.sCII'Ck r, i. rdiefitedl, bllc o,d aannoi: prope,Ay lbre,ak.Clwmi fats mdl Proteins ; ciften leads w disease Fatigue F' ibromylgi,a: A chronic disorder c'haxac terii2%-d by rNidespre, aid rnu~sc; ulc~~cl :i~ pain and multiple tender puhllt,, particularly in the neck, spine,, shoulders an d hips Carpal Ttvrmel

Eswjachitii's Medications : M[ab i r„; a:m (7)-Eur.mdo1;~, Skelaxin, Hychxyxyzilne , S,am;a, Darvac,E,lte, IJyt{ grin

i ' 7-

0 Social SS)ec,urit,Y i~lem.i~ ''.1. L~ T N CI t IC E!





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I][1 Rc1 y. [710Y1 t Date : Oct6ber 26, -199'o Claim Number : 398-52-4814 DI


Li1J14I1Vl:IT`7' LAKE : DR, STONE mU'UFT'I`A .IN GA ~':~0Cl8st-6924 111111 1111 Al . . .C, 1 Ill 4 i{l .,lll si l 5 l!E Ilk i,C q ls g liif .

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:l)(31-it C : YI`ci11 ; ge 5 in your SMpp l ementa1 Security Income 8 pa y rrie irt s . The fA lo .nr«i g chart shows the SS I money due you fo r the. months we C L L i1371 :~,i 2 d . As you can see from the chart, 'V4'f' e axe changing your p ii'Y[]liaCit S for ' C3 ot.hh .letter pwz ft and future rno nt,hs . The est of this will tell ;y otaL more about t h [s chan ge .

~Ve: ar e writing to tell. you


Pa yn rEcnts

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g' E!d A s, FOU OI ZVS ;

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Arna u :nt Due 1a ac !PL7 Nlo li t I3

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I;n fo rm al:iarx Abou t YoiarPisymeni;s; e 1L

W e are sending you . a check fior $7.," [?2 . t)0. This is mo ney due you f6l• September 19 .33 Lhrol-I;gh. November 19KS .


You should :m i,f :i.yFE~ th.e~ cbeck no later than November 12, 19,93 . Your regular monthly c, l xe+ck ()f° $4,34 . ()0 vNi ll th en. be issued about the fix-s i, d,a- r c& the m0nth. .

~~ (3LiiE` r' a.3 o'Tl e : C] ,L .I. :i %ls t . /i iu 172 ~,rtm ; 3i B F ii lf.i-IEi

You are disabled . Yo t : za . c


The amount «f' mo ney w e pay yo~a i~r•orn l the S ta te where you Jive depends o rf its rules .

: :l iiS .ii


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g]:ct for Septen.-iber 199 .3 on .

~'c u ~LrE; living in, the State of Georgia fbr September 1993 an .. We do rat pay mune`r #"6z- the SLate c&Geaz'g~a . You have rio income for Rily 19 93 cin.

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Sesteuriihi Stress Test J-

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Prewmon ia -----4 86 .0 Ren al Failure ~ 586 .0

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Stre ss Chronic So-ess., however, modern fift : poses on-going strcssful situations that are : no t short-•lived andf ffie urge to act (to flight, or to flee:) must be tlie: n., becomes chronic.. Coni m on chronic stressors include : rpe,i•sis kn1t fitilanc;ial wa Frriels,!3wess -re1aitcd conditions that a -f, mo st likely to produce riE,gratiwE, ptvry; s ii c,a }l effiJ 'JiLs include : Ari a.c C;turuIUitiIDn ' of' persistent stressful s ituatiomrs., part:icularl,~ those that a person cannot easily control

P,3;ycholloggiic Uffeci:s, of S tires,s Studies suggest t hat the inability- to adapt to stress, is associated with the onset of depression o r anxien.y., In one study, Who experienced a ,,tressfW si tuation had nearly six times Ilkerisk of developing cielprio.,1 s;s :ic3» within that. jr rwa tlh. Sonic, e;wii dE.tZcle :>qgg;e ;L,ts 1ha1: repeated e,le;aEM, a stress rto nvione pir o du,c ;e ,s hy jwlnicl:i viCy in the IrYp ' oth[ZElarnuts~-riitiail:a try,adrena1 axis and disrupts nomiall levels of serotonin, thenerve chemical that i.s, criit.ical fbr- feelings f ,wel.i-lbeing. Certainly, o n a 1111ore obvious level, stress diminishes the quality, Qf' ].ife by reducing feelings af'ptea;sure wid accornpli:rhmemt, and relationships acre ofkni threatened.

Heart D i sea s e: Mental stress is as major a trigger f:oran.ginia. as p:hys,ica.l stress . Stress. activates the sympathetic nc~o u s system { theah.tCfa'CI' 1at ic, part of the nervous system Il liit a ffimcl ~t .'i m a [].3' organs, : lIlclud ll1g 1ht'e l lcail) . Such ala 1 .ClxL'a and others nia, y ne,gafive'.ly affect the, heart in several wa~rs : Emotional e ffe, c tsso f' s tress alter the hew-t rhythms and pose, a. risk for serious arrythmiias in people with existing Yie;wt rkohm disturlbances .

Stress causes blood. to bewonie stickier (possibly, in preparation of potential iinjrar;y)., incre,asi»;g 1hE; li]c~elihoodi,ofim w1cry-clonjing blood clot . Stress may Signal -die bo dy , to release fat in to the r-aa sirlg lbl o a drh c>'le,.>t :e:ro l 1: evE.ll s, at least teinilao rarily. In vroman , ch-onic, stress may reduce estrogen levels., Which al re. important f or c ard i ac h ela hki. ,S'itre;s,sffil events tn24~i cause rneri and vvonrien have relatively tow levels of the lneu,ra~tr;ansnnitter :>erc~lcirtnrt (and therefore a higher risk for depressiork or an€;Cir) to produce more of c;e,rtaiia immune system proteins (called

cytvib!rres), which in high amounts cause inflammation and (1airriage to cells' . including poss:ibll~r hE <~l ce11.s.


RF . cealflt e;`II.C k .1l iv e t. o :[l fp7i7 s,1fl 1e, ws;i Oclll wlDI71 b ewela [l :>ix e'SS

and h y p f.l 't e ns 1 m

(]iii,'.h blood ,pressure) . People who reg ;Lila.rl;y (mperielce sudden inc;s :iri blood pressure caused by mental stress mip}7, over time,, develop injuxies ins Ui11. irlrii"Ir lining of their blood »essewlls . In one .2i)--yz-ar stuitly, for emirryple,, mem wim peri.ociiicml .ly irrielmnurcld liiglhest on tEiE : stress scale, were bxice as likely to have high lbl~~odl ~~s thin.~E; vvil:ki ~~o~~tn .a~! :~1ress . Stroke [m .>olaie, pe-Op le, prczlloqgedl or ift•e;c px~~:nt mental .~1xess ~~.a~uses an s.: Kag,€> inc rene in b lood pre,ssa urF,. ][n 14c-t, a, 2 0 0 :1 study has linked for the first finie a higher risk. fo r stroke e in adult ~ C',wicasian ar.ien Eind elevated blood pire .>sivrel during tirne;s oaf stress. p':iiin : ,r.L,N sc ular , 42nd Joint Pain . Chronic pai n ,-Mused by artlv'riitis and o1hEaaeoriciiitions, nvfy bc intensified by stress. (Arcordi:ng;,to a, study ain p0 iiants with rheumatoid ar1 l u•itii s , IIo wV e' v e r, stress rnari Eqei mella t techniques do tint

appear to have much eFfi it ort arthritic pa ui,.) :Psyc,li o: [ogic distress Ed so plays a. :sigl role in the severity of Nick I 373:1I1., Nly

llmdcr cih'Fs. . 174-11ZSion-'hype 11ea&[c;hcl epi~sod evs are ffi gfily, associated with stress) and stre,ssfix:l events . Some rf,selmmAl ,i'lig; gest;s that i:eiisiioll -1~31)c h~cmd~~~ che ,s~ufP~~~rf,r,~ may -~.1ctl2, all.y h[ai~r~~ s~c~m~F; blio~t ~og ;ica .l I»rE,~ii,,~~~~s itio~ r.~ for br~~n s:l into l7lll:,cllC c oiii:ra.c ;ti o n . Among the wide rar iily-I of possible na ig-mine triggers is envation,11 stress . Sexual ,and Re F irodclgl~,ive I /;ysfim nuA-ion : S,?, xzjzr1' Fi,nze~fio yr. Stress cm lea .d too dilr[inlishie ;cl se ~xam l desire wad ~in i.r utb:il ifiy to ach~ieve; or g;a~sxn in NvOrnert. Stress i-E>.; . scan. also cause te. rnrKwwy iJmj3lDtC,,nce~ in men . ]Past cr fflie, stress response involves the ra tE ,m3e oiF rlhennira: l : ; that constrict the smooth muscles o lEtlhe jNnis mid As wl.e.r ies. 111iiS, cOMSixiCition reduces the; bloo d flow into and increases i,1iC blood ow ou t oiF tlrie j?{enis , which 4-,,xn prevent erection . PV![c mo ry, C arn ee otraid o mt , -and Learning : Stress h~~:~ s,igriific,~~nt e ;f lect~ s oil

. The 1~q) ir,al vic tin. lof'sE,, stress suffers the brain, pFeitiriulmr]y on memory loss of c;on{ centrati.on fa wori c and t h orn e and may ibecoYn.e: i n { e ffic; ie nt and ~Lc,<,i. clf,nitqwone . A:l II io lag ti some r rriE, txioir;~ l o s,s occ.L aNv ,a;ge, stress may play ark even rnc om h rip+ ):. n EuAI ro l e,, dw i simple ~tg iing in this pr-c o c;f,S :>. In on e well OIS younger stu. dy colder people with iOVI stm; s S Ih E3mTiol ze people in cognitive 1tE~sts : those rvilxt higher s h-ess, levels testad b etween 20% wid 50%, lower .

1 ; E ct ;f t;'hronac,S tSNes.r con Memcpr~ ~ Studies have :;i:ramglly aLv;scK,iatedl q



prolonged taxposuire, to ciDrt 1S o1 (ffie m,ajor stress h OlTY1.E1ne" ) W shrinkage in ffie hippocampus, the center ofrrtennoTy . For exartiplc,, livci studies reported that goups who suMred .stre;ss~disphkyedd up -to 8% shrinkage in the

hippocarnpus. Other Disorders: Allergies. Research suggests thatt stress, produces ,allLe>t•gor--Bike ;s;y:mpto:rr1s,, ;such as eczema„ headaches, wsthxna., wid sinus probil enas . Skin Disorders . Stress plays a role in exacerbating a number of skin co nclit:ion s, including h:ive;s,, ~~:>a.rii~~~ i s, ac,rie„ n:) s~acea ., wid f~~~zaem a.. 1L;lne:K pl,aine'd itching mayalso be caused by stress . 'PV II O l'': ~k T jtlSj l< : :C+'t7 It ICI]3itO J]fI C' S7 NCE &~ I(]I]R. X57[':[7:1ESI.S• - ]R;]TUIA.'CE D ID1 I S5] E ASI,'S `? ' General 1 E'a lcl;(O m~ that I nc i•egrs{e'.~lusce.lfltibilii ty : At Some point in their lives 'virtuiall;y E.VeryOrie will E,.qerielnce ,,tre:s,s.fu. I eviwmt., or s:ituatio nisafta;t civeinx riE,l '.m idiciix' natural coping inechanisirns . Conditions that influence the Effivis 4~f'L'rr~e~ss . People re-spond to stress cliffaxently depending on different f acto rs . Personality traits . CerLairl people have. personality traits that { ;,ruse diern to over-:rr;sporid to stre;"s fiail events . The Length and Qualit)f of' ,St;res>o:rs.Nalluall;y the longer the duration imd m ore intense, the. ;stre&-,--ors , tbfe more harniful the effects .

Indiv i,) uGC1's 4v H ighe r, Risk Women in g~~: neral., me uneinpioyeij. People who are rg ets of cliscrimirnEttiorn. People who live in cities . C)iregivers: 'Caregivers of Family Merrrbei-x. Studies show tha t c, ar f,g:i,Tem, of physical l;y or rn. e;rtt Rll y (E sZb1I F;ci f a.nnilly members are at risk for chronic s tre ss, Spouses caring for .a disabled partner am particularly vulnerable t o, .a rang-l e of stressrelated heal-ti thLreats including infl3uen«IL, depression, hf,C'u~tr dise.i5e, and even poorer su nl.iw;il rates,. Cming #ar ;3 spouse w itlh e,ven .niuno:r disabilities c,-in induce severe stress. Wives experience significantly greater stress from c IIrf;j,ii`Iii nj ; thELri ruz , 5lban. c[s . Specific risk factors that put caregivers- at higher ri sk: for severe stress or stress-related iflneszes include die following :

Having a. :lmHr ijacarne . . Living alone `vitli they :patient Helping a highly depe:ndlenl: patietit.


Lack -of Social Network 7'lie lack of = estabflish.ed network o f family and fiiemd".s pre~dispases one tO sitre,ss disorders and stress-related fi ealth problems, in cluding heext disease and in fee-ticrn.y. Depression : :C)t.p.r(,-ssnon c;-,m tzea ti'~isab, ling ro.nclit;ion,,, .l i1r.e a:nxiiety, disorders, may result from untreated chronic :itTe SS. Serious depression, however, is di.sti n,guEi sh.e:tl from stress by ie~~~li .ng;s ~of ~~~u~ness, rEO~~~e1~~3f~11ess, loss, of int:erest in l i: fe, and, sorne.tiyxiE:.>, IJIGU g;fit:s, {of sm i: c:id le;. 11,4BOUT HELL-CONNECTED

Well-•Conne r itE.d reports ,are, written and updated lyy E,x1periencedL medical iwitf,rs and nevievife'd and edited y the in-]hoti.,e editors and a b oard cof ;Ph~y~~ici,an. s, in ~c;luicli~'i~; faculty alt Harvard Medical School ~r~d. Masssacinzset1s General Hospital . are ,i! 'ol 1! )E2`E.'mie'd as (1`,5 'ZI b;S i fZ tUtl ? ftw medical professional jj~el v, G2li p']"ent medical advice but are tobe ived only IZ, S an aid in

~~IE~;s !? 1 'Epc7, /'ts 0 1"



'ShT7 : o)1} AID, . h'd~l'r 0'~"-rl "!'-IuT~I~'E•'f, ,'ic 1°hys k idn, Mia qU a iAu~setts Gene? ctl'

Stephen A. Ccra7ni:sIh cr, MD, A s,soc ,iate Pro fesso r «, ;f Mzfa'drae; h!crrward' A.fe,41i(1142 l ~5c°i~oo1; Director,, trv~ne~Go1'c~~ ;~:c ~12~~~Jicc~1 ~~hr :c~~~l<~,gY; Beth J~5' Y'GrE'I~ .L)!'i~CGt1tE?.r :i

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iVrx,sj~ar .1. ; Etkim, ~wfi~ ; A1), (ivnec~o~'cr~~~, 112 rvarG l A~eciicGrl ~Sch,c1o~!. ; Itassac,h taetts General 116spitai, Physician ..Tohn .E. Godine, ML}, PhD, Metabolism, 11'ar,*-vtirty]Wetiictll,,Sciloof,- Associate 1''~ysicicrn., Mwxcre°~Usem~ General Lro.wilfcrl;. JIuGCn);, 11d~),, Cv~necc~1'~~~~v, -Fla,rva rd .111eaficQ!1Schooi ; j°hys'i.ci42.n" 17arrei HEller .MD, Pediatrics., Harvard Medical School ; Associate PeAwh•ici,a n, Mdrsachzseas General Hospital; Active .S'tqjj; Oaildren's Hos~~iti~t; Associate Y'i,riti;vcg, Pew/ E", Slzt?i!l hro, MD, &rge?y, ,Ua;rvara!_Mediaca'1 S, y r. , . ~ ~ ,, ~~~. s~E .ttr ttr tr S~ zo-geon, Ma.~~~iz~. ~~~.s~E.t Tlteo,aore. .,4. . Stern, MD, Psyeh,icxtiy, Harwtzr',d'~kfedYca 1 "ic;hoo 1, lpsychiatri&f and ;hiejF Jp'syc~hi~rtri~; Co~rasu~'ta~ti~~,n ~Servi~~~e ;, ~Ir~Grsrs~crc~l~i :use~tts~ General . ~ ;rn.r~~iilcri '

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,. .

KNOW ALL :ti EEN BY THEISM PRESENTS, that I Jean S . aCaff e;y:, of 5190, Shippm-c1 Cowt, S

GA 30083 do hereby nnu~lc~~, cxy~~~citute and. appoint ~a~rcc s, ]3. St+ep.rnan of '8:Z1

Sheppard Road, Stone NieNw-VA4, GA 30 D:8 :3 ray time and lawful attorney far me a nd un jMyr irt; aame, place and steadi, and iin »i), lbi-JNdf, wu3 for njy use a m~l lEaerao»iil t: 1 . TO exercise 4317 pe*ran any act, po";z; d"Uxy„ ldght air 0fAFPLtion VrllgttSDCVMr ftt 1[ novJF have, or may hereafter acquire the legal im, powr, or capacity to cc=ciw or perFvxzn, :ire Cnmo-ton Mritk azising iioai, or relating airy son, Am trma :mfion, thukg, tn_Anes :~ prupierEy, real or perwiu4, Gwiloble or vmtzingilbilt ;, or imatlter whatsciever . 2 . 'Ta re clum t, z 3i C, dImI1Htl d, sue fir;, : nxx»tex, co fleat, xv ce hreg arid hi olc[, pn wess and invest a:fl auwts~ deposits, bequests, devi:;es, SLIMS Of U100-7f, &Ai ts, cannner+ Hal paper, che:c:k~~, drafts, t n~: s vici , c ;rti cat : f d e . pa~it, any and all dlc K:uLMICmtS Oftitle, chases hi notes, iv ejv*ts, laoa , di ejuLs x fi eso a,ctioni, and darna w& 1wh,a tweve;r , whether agx+ e*i U4 or ol~sputi ui, WS now are,, or shall ben.mdlimbec, onne„ orwriedby, or &ae, owing aymblie, or be4DqgirW, to, me or in which have or movy fk ereafter acquire army inltFwesi; to lvevE ;, or tis :; and take :tt law U means and equitable, and legal t•ensetiies„ :p:c<x*hxwy Vil ad writs LA my name fbr the collection Mild recovery ixt er e i o:~ wid to adjust, SCI, conapiraina,se, mid agrm for the same, and to maris:e, execute, mud deliver for nx:, an nm ~ behalf; mid hi niy name, W1 endor setne aw., releases, :nxxipksy cir other proper alimAmuges for the sanie as il~ done by, iaaiee pmuiwi].y. .3 . . To to air4 repai r; impro ve, n3uuuge, ins+are;, rent, lease, jg~aart, barlyifl, s611, atchimige pledge and contract Far • all o f' t# e font~ go;ir& and in way -wrf or rnmmw,r}ea]l •with,sill c>r wr part -of any nud or 1Pe :%.or,ia l proper~ i mrt ulsor vin,, tangible r int u qOble, or any vm :e res1 : i thex e ix~ t h at I now own ir may hereafter quir ey in try be:ha:K amid i nr ray mam.; and to c&Lt may ciral1 of'the above-dewri1w transactions to wtjr eatities rrri such ton s and al prices mv attorney.-in t may deem pr+apw, and in nmy nma x., to ra;al~e„ =( xlte, $c[c MDailadge a m~l idl d kinw wry dletd, ixF c uaivey,auni:~=, or other vmstrunxe art, necessary top +e i fadt , s+i+:li tramisactions:; .amid to ask for; dEemmm3d„ ,we for, due aum3 wkigto n3c by reason oi' x xc.ti wlllect, rcxxwer, and receive gilI Qecnues vvWc b may x x;orn e : t r ansaxtion . 4. To ~ aonduct, r Nxjyqp , hi, mid transact any arid ~alil bpvfiall lbmLt-ja nes;3 a fvvla;aixwea nal um- air kind air rne., on. my- IxAmiif and. ins im~y ia4unie. 5 . To naxive, deposit, hob„ imut or cmh all payments vdlicb ] ; TCx;6ve fire Social as riiy; J.V[E:rficare or amry, other owercmnem prograrn orag E:l1cjr, atirn:uitie% paLdon and rearernent beaufft.c, imsurwaie benekt and proceeds a k E ito nupmwa, asli„ dumond sue lbr axial recover ,rune . 6. T o ina[ce, roxive, ivpc~ wdLcErse„ ls c*aite, acknowledge, de4vel ;, and possess such ap pfiGalions „ corrti acts, ft 9un2imts, optuorA covenants, crlmeyance.s, dw security iqg~eenitztts, bill.sof sale, 1,ewx:sti iinsurmu;e p OLlCiE sy Wi3 ofIaii&& w are-hciiM, riNxiPt:k dar :mn,e rl t,3 of fiile, WIW:y cle NTUMs,, chec ks„ dr< d t.~ bi lls of ' f xu :luirtge y lell er.; of cr.-dit, notm stock certificates, pr uacies, warrgints, •e+o~ ~rrreucci~I ,:, receipts, • wittxtrawal receipts and

de p osit instr7JUCnernts Mzti ag to ttexCliECt#S or (~t3fN3 ;~its i~r, certificates

•- 7I . -

f deposit of, or investrneftL5



~ ;Apia i or t~ rmq#i bamk S, sErAcIp and low br+alke s, =111W1 ftn d c OxnpMniir ;s oy- other n Sd tra16 ans (:); ELs:KX-MaldlDt15, prOOjC9 !)floss, evidmms o i'+ MA s, mlea= ti and s atis,facaon of" lr0q& a4glDfl, liR;r ~ :IudgmLs., security q;re eim€ ft 5 and 1)1lfT Cletv and cal>ligiiioims and sucb . oittiex instrumnerts in

7. To urte r art y safe de p cisit: mmilt t or oile r slomi;e : wrtz :le;as ed b}r : mF: ,E~ LCIYLE; or vi r CIn jiai llcll d: n sa mne, mid to i ~ pi mA z dEcKu m mii:s am may x : ne=ua ry to gain access viffi airy other rs+ m„ itt> s 21MM n MIt,, IT33l4Y vC~

and L

the ca~n ~t~ e~rn[si~1P;s~~ne fully IL; ; i[ could if 11 mw e pie sent.

8. lo prep ars:, or cause be pre;pmed, fixionA .Mate; and local[ tax returns and. ][nt enud Revenue 5enrice;, an ~dL local powers iD f aq:cprnqY; 7to erm :l xte; ~Wlii &e fa11-51:711., WAD and local ax returns on my Ewlia1iEm ad in my ruirne ; to respond to notices iml audith inquiries and to settle tax tax lspvt av ;. 9. 7C43 deal v&i sm[&~'Eect options under mllrwneimt ;plam is including bul: jaw kirnitiu i to a mmuulti, e,s , pension plans, : pmi&t s;hcmri ng p]ans;, ;kukv iakwi redre nent acGcy untis, roU.a rvws, transfer and VD Itlnta:Q( canpxbuti= c>i' ;MtT ne ; to app~r fix and m aiinrtaiini life ;kksurawe; to complete Kfflriu itFle ~Gantrilmxi:io:as; i:a uuam, s1 :a tatm)- i~iecti.ons ark l disch ume r s,; m d to m:rtle, pursue, or appeal Litigation on nn ( behalf»iii vi nwv imame.

n l , 4 w umn e, dle fiver amA [ c »mipid.e; lifts, of Qtr 'Prope -ty, whether rim~,3r per;,o»d , 1 . urj~ b'.le: ia:r uii:an p7)le , and Iwii 10Ett »epr+ d to whether such gifts are; a part of' e;szvf; 1p lla mwmag)r car { G fl1E :TU71S°, and regardless of 'whelam such a3iif h; we a pail of a pvtzrxi begun bar me. 0


ma b-1

11 . I lgratit to ;cud att+amelr bill povwn- mml avtNa,iti~ to do, take, and pExf,xin, allfl mui event act mad t~irtF; whatsoever :rmjW site, propmr, or ioesu-manr to bye, ila3nl!„ ii III(., Imum-clise, of amy, oiFtie, rigbt;> and powers betr~n lp-amitemd„ ms My fb:r all intents zuck[ purposes I night or coiiId do if ;pzr.mfna]]y Imsent, with :fill pamAw aff sulb,sl :ilxrtic>;k or reVaGR150a, hen .tr3i nl1lFyb ;g and {=nfinnbl3, ;alLl that said attormeir, an- :his substitute or substitutes, shall kw&lI,y dla 'or cause im done by ,viThie of this pywer of altonmy and the filoM :s and powers limein grajuedl . 1;Z. No person .haR be requk•ed to ;ku[un, as tea the cirmanstamim of'1:iie, issumace or use i3F this imsaumn,ernt or as to like dispcisition cifitrry, prxxxx~[s lmdd to zty wttonw.97 based iwthis i;nsliun3eift . 1:3 . T.vs is & ilxnd)le IxriNer of'ittto»e), . The i4iis, povows, and judh~ority of 3Qq agent shall lmmneliix. and tw its bill farm- aid effix :t on tlhe date of execution aftlvs inslxummn, an,dd such irightt~ jxmer.~ aW autiwii~i shall mmia vn fi'ffl force and E0ma 1tk Crieadler until u;y alew& iCl.~Uis lPawex of alw,rmjr not tenmwxm :e: on Amy submpmt disability or :kicmfmcity-.

.As ww4 bpcin„ "i3iisability" oi• ""inc$pwpity' l s60 mean t1Eu11; IMry1 WAlifiV too receive mad evalmae .0 smil an, imleft tKltll I iind'onm,afiain ~~~~~1~•v~elly~ ar to cxirmituuave : de6sicizksy or NA, is impaired to 'leA: like IN4)1uihr W MRIIN~C- nm~ &W .nChd IeSDun;(M ; msdewnined l~r die cerliluvaOn Of onew ip;h.riGiEr~ and slW1 blude by hma&~rto take actions clot :: -to bwollulumgi detention air disappl ean~ic~,, WS i~,~ :e;rr~tined by ~a:ffici~«rit of one ~p~~ty ~~vi#b lau3~aui~~cf~st; t~jpudli3n;g the s~a.~L~~ . I hereby waive any pirivilege for t;hiis bunted purpose 11rx: au6odze the c[isclosure ; J~ffl,-sQn~ 11 :; necessary e :reunde;r. ,or such certification 1~y f~e plryrsician to my iqrprit #br use lry tl~1111



14. .1 also ;gn u it to ]MY 1111011342.11 t1LM-. autliainy W pay reasonab k; IGD,[IqWn saficin Itcs my attorney bD jxx>ple wsi skig imy ~E .lttonnqy, =i to reira b ume my,, aftton aeir fair any reasm6le mq hnm e,


If flue I?unds]e Power c if'Ati ;a rmey is tm iuicwj~Dd toy' qP'mrittimt afhm; fucry, p1mce mAbI 3 vn re1Li;33 14A, u.p cirr :it without notice O f SuCl h tennuli tt io» s hA be hiAd, hiuv niks s. M'le enu menaficiri o af s;pO ~Rc, ter7 ws„ fi ghtk acts or jximer:; is, mn intended to, ]nn h; lttke,da &aition air sw;m ,af po vaNs Fpantimi he r eih.

TNVUf:NffiS;5 VVIEEiiM.1pF , Jean .s . lC affq bias e mccu te 3 t h is, ]Q rurablle ; Power of Attorri", cm

. y ,


S. CaffircY

NDuuy'9, ,A.cknavAedgpieut

StatE; of----~ OLAc de2-l ------__ ) ef L



Chi s; ~. t~4'S~lg, befi}i;~e: iac~e: jp~e~rs~amm~ly gqqmetr~ed ] f~~~n~ .S . Why', t~~ one known to, 1'3 per-mm d fe~~ed in. and wiEK~ exe a~kE~c[ the fi n - e~~ oi~a~g n~ ~ru n~n~ iumi acknowledged to me that ew n S . / "an .pf exeairu xl dig : mmme am,. his izm acct and d ee-ci.


:Irv ~alAft ao Gca aN c lsaryia t Out. 15, 'To!






ip LANTI rF, V.


AFFIC IAV'!' T ' CIF= Hl!!.!]A L.. I_lE %IS l_IEl'


Personally appeared before i TtE: the LiE fICIf :PSlgf14:4l attesting officer duily authorized to administer o,at Fss, HILDA L . LUSl_E Y, Affi;ant, who aitieir being daily sworn deposes ands State"; as follmrs :

1. ( aim over the ge of 18 and am sur fF€: drxI under no) hesqal c#i sabifth r . Fl irther, I am SuffEN-1111] under no known i mE:ntal or physical dis ebilili es that would prevent me fri)ITI stating the facts contained he.r, ei ri . I ,simear, u ric'l er im tr :, itri Eit iN : fia1c1tS set forli in this Afficl av it we true and make this Affidavit based n 3 myr own per:yan ,alf 1ki n l oNrle,dge .

E:,K:. 2 -4.-


I make this Affidavit to be ui s edl by I?efE.ndairTt, James 5tegenzwn„ in the above-

s•h,led civil action and for all i~l , hie~r JAarpCGeS peir rnfttE:ci by la mi_ ~~_ i uvib i ias se+d Jean C aMa; y sig n the Durable Pow er of Attorney signed by her on

January 21, 1998 . A copy ` ifi e; Durable Flower o f A,tfCcMney is aitacli ed to this Afida,V1 . 4. was p l'iy sicmliy present in the room when Us ., Caffrey si gnedl the Durable Flower

of Attorney . :i .

li is im}r signature as di Ee notary on t,he! Durable Power of Attorney ;sii gi ne:ci by Jean C:affrey. fi .

Tn ttie best uF my bcric3NVLiklcEe :, Ms. Ga1fivjf was of scxirid mind when she- signed

the Durable P'ckvv&~

d Attorney .


I had believed

Sh Ell

vam rent of sound m inidl, I would

have que s tioned wtii e ,tlheir hts . Cafl 'r+ay vras O f SO ur i cl mi nd and I Would not have nctarizied

the Durable Power of Attorney for her.. 7 .. To the beast of' my kno mri+edge, his . Caffrey cli d riot. appe ar to be forced -or caercedl into signing. the Durable Flower o f Attorney .. his . C:afFr2.y did riott hesitate to sign the. Durable Power of A tl:ann l ey .

It is my belief and op inion that Ms . Caffrey s~gnE=. d the

. Caffrey was being :> Durable Power of Attorney freely and woiurnta ril'Y . If I had thought %l forced or coerced into signing the Durable Flower of Atto me'y„ I would have questioned that and !I 'w nc lUdd riot ha ve notarized the 1] ura lolke Power gi~`,At1:orney she signed,


t Tf =FART, H ILDA L LESLEY Sworn -to and .sub,sciilaeld before me blips draY of 0 :gjL2 . 2003 . `, e ~

Public. My conrnrrri ;s .aior ~5,x]Dilras : F_

Fwid ek k IF lWdlh 1 fhd) G o ed d A G+ Im aw~iy,;?B , 7~110:i lo ary Imy Iyc~n~ml esM~ri E ~t'PG;~ s ,1u



'tone rA OUnlair k, (A : 300fs : i

April 22 . 1 '999

T' cr Owme-ve r [it May Co ncern, li , Jean S . Caf'freyr , air t h is day, 22nd of April, 1999, #' am~rn ,a u thari,zi ng "f share of money, investments, including stocks, bonds etc . that James and I jointly hold at First Union National Bank to be U •a risferE•e r1 to .Jane t D i me McDonald . H- not transfer+red i mmedratelyr, it can done at anythre Janet wishes the transfer to be made .

I have decided that since I as Iced .l ari et to quit Ihe!r,jola in 1997 to help lin the care af' imry, inephew rj arrles 'B. Steg E.»i a . n and myself. Janet and JekCTFe S We in a partnership (unmarried) and I would I ike to see that they stay together. BY making Janet a partner, 1: hope this will ensure their continued partnershilp .


//) PIP

CI 'lean .5 . . 'CaH`rey



INDEX OF F"XIIII31T 4 Page 1- Response to RC(Tucst Pages 2-3 : MR[ ResuhLs 01 4 A0411I) 0 l S:. p41O!YODOA. Page 3 conclusions and meanings : cc•r hL E' Cx:clln;it].at 1 m reveals generalized cerebral al :T 'CIp]1;Y~~* '~'Frorn National l[nstitiute of Nqur,ol0g,ical Di sorders and ~Sb.-olkei Nafiio:nal ][n stit,utes c>f .He;3:lt:ri:

"What is, Cerebral .At:roph;y? A comimon Ff, ~il:l11~E~ e~f'im~~riy of the diseases that ; effect -the bi-Icii.n . Atrophy of73]Ciy tissue mean cell loss .. ][n brain tissue, atrophy describes the loss of neurons and the connections between them . . .A,t:rolX)hy c an b-I which means the braiin has shruriK . Lf t'he bNo lobes o :f t:he lbrain that IL' voluntary processes jrna,y be impaired" "Syrn.jrtcff.s : dementia (impaimiciat oi'n7emory and iril :e'llectual fuiric,tiori, 1~~~1gu~~~;r disorders (a_phias18. 5 ), u rider:>1mn d in g ]. ui~;ua.g;e:, impaired comprehension ."

44, 1 )NIA e irmaaer

lL schellm i.c c haYi j, 4-, s in die p{erii veintiiru hw : Your senses

(LaFi t:2 ;, s YT]l E ; l l ,, touch, 'Vision arid Yic ;11ririg. ) b E.'C, O ]CTIE, less (acute and you J.-ruly have trouble distinguishing cl eta ,i k . You may, have, probli e rn s, w ith communication . Hearing and vision changes are the most d I 'i1I17 .8lt l i;., Aging increases 1.hw, threshold, so the amount of :,f,lls'ory irpat needed -to be aware becomes gre ater . " Page 4--.,DrEtaron's records : 1/1.0,12000 Steg;e;miam called Dr. about delusions, asked . if excessive sweets could cause, this .. Found o ut Caffrey had been emiting a lost of sweets after C',li :riIs,tm,as .

Page 5 . - Rehab a,ssessnnent : box 1 3 .: cognitive linguistic funk#ion.; macular d E, ge:n e ratio n ; osteoporosis ; 10 5i-tua1'"t .hT7C1S, ; "f .11i U; yedl reading until vision fa . l led", 1. 4. : "`niece Jan ice w h o is supportive caregiver" ; "language skills mildly innpa.ired"; irrelevant output,, non--specific during 1 :1 , 2.:1 ;cnii ld.- imoc l cognitive clf.fe;c.t:s" "' favorable- prognosis hmo d on good level o f faxnill37 support" ` From 1J.3„ Natiowd Ubrar~ o f PAC d. i rine;, an d the National Institute of Heal th.






A( -'# T'f , C ltJ FILE NUMBER,

P' LA''I I NT I1=F , V.


PRODUCTION OF DU_L'1U 1411L NIl_a TO A THIRD RARTY 1~1]: PattieI .J . VY11111WITIS, Esquire 'fh e Hicks Lim Firm,

;3004ri411tA'. 9 In rE.sixmnse to the 'R.e ~ cj uE:s~t for F'raI d l u Ctiai n , Iofi Cfac;iirnents serveld upon me by the F'ICiini; iif in the above-sA yled c;2i E4:, I hereby certify that the attached documents are tirue, c.4,i#iif i e dl and correct ca ,~I i (. S o f the ir esc ; u{:sted records and documents, incUding any and all documents and repo rts which Ei re in possession, custody and control retatirig to JEAN S . G A 1= F REY ..


^- day of

~ 2003 . 'tr. !f_.-___------




Sworn to a nd subscribed to before me this ~IjF kl day of-'IL, It .2 ()q;3 .

\;c)tk( Public JI J IVly ~6mrni.:sion

" 1T IL WHITE Gx, A,

C:EF,ICI;FiE:p MAIL, R E:,rlli Ftl Nl RE-C-0E:1F'lf WUMEEER, '70,99 3~'.:t) a1 0(l 9 (1'I '1 8 '1 79i8 1

E: mar y North la ke Regioual Medical 1 455 Montreal Road Tucker, GA


I)t] 13 . : :i 3[ f : i! /' 1 9{ S $ 9 ACE :, Ai.C', f : IitlCl#t{ICI7 ' 2'6 347 LAC : H .MRi

EXAM DATE : : C I q fCi 4/300i STATUS :

SEX .-




_j UNIT NO :

EXAMS CICIC 12 6 '155 M, R I



rrcMCi 6s y 77

C,P'T COD E : 7551

CO : N'T ,R




exam :



wa,al kai, ~a : ; .

The exami n a Ll a n re ve a l s generalized cerebral at, r cip hty . 1'hne pd i,u,itary gland demi an str at es so m e fullness for the pailenLs stated age . This d oes not appear to represent ide I In 1 : Lire vwss however . The vessels of the circle o f Ni lli,s exhibit ainr ntaJ . How ymldl_ I do quest Ian . elLher very tortuous L e fE i:arul .''.L d ;il, pFi pri or r po ssi b l y ane ury sm Involving t h e left middle cerebral at,rqAhNr,. ThJm Is described In Image * lE . An aneurysm from L 'he appearance I',s non r e; 1ib , e:Iy . Th ere i s ., ; no evidence of shift of the mid l i ne :structure 7 ' Fi e; v 'e ni t r' tal e s an d'd cisterns ire prominent . The s u lc i are p1 i7Stl If IYE'.fd'. . The re; are multiple areas o f la w sign al within the periveithAcuLar substance and within the p e, rlventrlc u l ar white ,matt e r I m a r e .:u IMi°1~ n3 •J.3r . . The overall appearance Is consistent Q7. lti xsli s : rg air t ~ ; 1c. pa ~ Eh~ y of aging, excluded A, Cle myeltnating process c ann ro t be tn3t a :l :Lv. CONCLUSION [_ Find lags s uggest de m yeli nak E 3ng jProca :i : : Undfar simply may represent slg,nLfle a nt white m a tte r i,acih smf i_ c 1r .a n `, en Irk k . Fmi Fonr i u e ntrl au.lar . zones . hi f I a t a r a i T y"- ----- --- - --'-_ r-'__-_2 . Suspicious for l e ft middle caeralh,ra'L artery aneurysm best Imaged In slice L1 . for further, evaluation .

33 E lectro ni cally Signed by 00 l 31 t lt (', E `s 329 o a io 4 f ,J 'S, / .' Z I} il L ii I. 1L i]
H .

E iIF. LF ' E :L'I' vK

r ~~7 ~'~S ra4m~ ,R

; r-



Em i ory Narthlake Re , gi ioiaa . l ]d 4 :4 i f', r ei l . 1 455 Montreal Road Tu c ker, CA 3 Q(]84


EXAM DA TE : 0 4 / 0 9/2{0 1 RADIOLOGY NO : UNIT N O : N000165477

EXAMS 0' 00] 28543 MRA

HEAD 'W/in

M , RA CIRCLE OF History :


Vfl'N' S : Baron DO3 -'StLa~~ L EicB""-4 1 422 j 1Jknc E : s 9 A.GC ;T'= H 00 8Qp7 2 9 51 9 LOC : H . MRI

SEX = '.F

ST A T U S : 'ft :El3 1:;L,f

C PT CODE : 70541



Left hemfparesl ;s .

s no

evidence of ia nC iair ,( :E O ) . -j=TherI There f s m ild Betas Ea of both car o ti d ;;,[p kr o ri s . on 'H'R This explains the finding andtorusiy brain of 04-04-01 . RD art e :r .ia]L on a ] .format: ian Is seen . Bo Eh middle cerebral arteries appear pa t e u l . . fI c; ai n i n ~o t exclude mild narrowing aF the Al segment an both 7fk 0 :i m l &h k ' ki e a, rtlfactuai relat e d to motion artifact _ The basfl air artery appearss normial- The proximal posterior cerebral artery 3 j7 ]:P /: :i1'S ncrrnra i l of laterally .

1 . No aneurysm . ~> 2 . -FITI3 ecTasia - and t D rtv u :s ,llt y of both c,a ratld sl. pha p s, explaining the appearance of the l a'F jkt carotid s ; l Fih i an an M[ R of 04-04-01 . 3 . Artifactt versus mild na ,r irowl . n€4 of the A . 1 seg , ai ent 6ilaterally _

# * E f ect rnn l m a l l ,y ;i :i1 ;n :: cE by STEVE K B . TAYLOR MD X * ** on 17~i ~~l . (I ~~lOCl1 at 13 1 1 XX Reported 'by : !'sT 1 :1~FSb[ E C .'['A,Y'LCI R .rM;D S i g ne d by : s,rivi"M R- TAYLOR, MID,

CC :

M Ec [z a e l L Baro n


TECHNOLOGIST : P Q W E LL ,C]R1JC1C T RAN SC R I BED DA T E/ 'TI :ME . I ] 4,/',lt ? ,f2 () (I 1 . T RAN SC R I P TI ONI ST : ; N . R A0 .i3 :5C,

( Cl(R30)

ELE CTRO NI C SIGNATURE C I 4w/' I CI1'2'Qi (!i l ( 1 3i1) PRINTED DATE/TIKE . 04/ l l ] ,/ ;t ll 0',L BATCH NO : N/A


S t g n ila 1 1! ae p o x • t.




M E.'


171 Chart No .



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FI E'7URN I? CiY'OU R Ca,L i


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RE:cinhred Bit NAME :. C' alTrt}', Geneva o,.ne : Waaaoa2

received a messagee fi'om !amts and ]2A Sl e ivr,as4 ",hc nephew and lu : vri!'e q[ Genera C'.aP,:rzry . /J 111 ! 17' QICBIfy high-Y olUII1C ' lOlCi-, W IS i; }S h! : S[P '1 4:1 k'.4 ( k U ~ = 10 S(7 TG a CNt J c8f1]ESz , lie began to tell E L i-4 7 L, - -- ---"----- - - ma a bout how Cio,aav a had been Yying vtt th e floor having trouble g e4ung up aid creaming for h e ll) . Because of hi:i arc:iri li;i preibl eras ir, his s pate, hr. was not IN c to li ft III e.r up, so he. raped ___,,^____ __- -_ 911 . T'hcy wnni,ed to trwi .ift .r her to th e hospital, but hc : ask ocV them ojusc rut er downstairs into the, bedaoo3n in spa basement aW Ihiu she we,5 no t cupposei l to be ; 6m6ing or going down the stairs, '[here was a 'Ri .le bit of a cc,olinntalian bctuet:n James $te grnsn ard E1+dS . A'6d they --------------- proeecded " .o take !li e patient 1,0 th e hcspiuil . Ilppaae,ntiy she hiLs been iniurd, but, it ish unclear cannily what h e w i Ls admi[{eci for, I was not notified of'ihe hd,niss'iaa. and she is it room 4z1 at ~,




the : cwt-en[ tiinp . Ysiient's nrpnew , Ivies Strgm;ui, continued so elk hout haw the patient 1v 53 marLipu V l ia r beYt a+ior acrid that Olin ould not uJoe rncdiciaar iii an jun i tract nd would nai ,:a i ., 1 :vcn L hQ ug}i food as suppGec k at ce,7U in ti111;s, 1 .11 addi tinn, he s[au ;s that she has not b<. cn ,m cooperai , ive es far a3 staying iX tl ie slain a n d staying off the 8om porch , which s stru twr ally a very s~wnck . ln da :ed, I did see: the front parch, &i d 1 would coy t is not sound stni clurnlly :rid rim safe. ' r, s W ea that hey ou &b, t it Wood pcrssure a ,ff fur cmc use and that lood p rv esure reauings have heen doing preiv,e ) aalL Since naedi`i~ia ; were not avd i 1e61e, the), L+ani to a hnmeopachirc facility auid a3> 0uned soma ho r ncopa ,h i c trca3, mer i u . I'liey ~,om-inced Geneva that N3 ',~3 what allowed t7encva' : i 8tendmo t h :s to live W ; ou :h art nLd ay to go since this as a good

MY srwUection of tile event a ha ck u. P,p,il was Qi iv (anus had called me iLnd st ac.d that Geneva r+ -fiised to go to (lie dncior'a off iu ;. There weir, some i ren ,pur',eiian probie .mx bccAwc she w m not thin to get into Lhi; true 4: and he car wu b roken , Mi a, n !'. C,id a "pop•in" visit to see her, shr, had told ine: fliz l ship was wiling to cam e : see arc and that it was j usi ; a me u e :r Of' trar s pa :ZFa tan 4 , ;si3es curt hat aht wea not u6 L C to get into t he truck . Nit w J, une:i tel: s m:; iha[ in IacT the ca t ass issues r ep ;a.rd ln j3 riot, broyc en, but ho did not think l would d o a house all unYess there .were transpc inai '„on. I ht ,vi, some suspicion si nce he is now 'kno wr , to be a li eu, at least o a t this one ss isc. Italics suatrs on the phase chat he and his wife are tooling inio per :eor i al cve hoRie:i and nursing, !tomes aid that Uvs a3a'.y be auk aS=anmLive far IM". I ons 4,oni ; io try U.n d imp y 3Jurchlnke 2cginiwl Medical Center to ane her cmorraw a1d see how Nip arc gornig .

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?i MESu : 4 359 ;E M :CJS Ei/ 0 6 . 2« : 16 ISM ID K ER ISE FA IA I1. 1' P Epl( ; fIL : DIR BARON ( tdFiME : } JAMES ST EGE I=AN I ; F' HpN i ~ ,,) (HOSPITAL : I REF 1'G HIS H U NT ASSIST HM LIVING (PROBLEM . ) NEEDS IMFU ON THIS [ E'G U 4 i :F PAT II=PJT

SAYS THAT fHE: Y N EC [] OR 9 AR Cih! FO R ME gTC A 1_ PROBLEMS 1 (1C' 0 0 0 N C

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: Erno zy Nort hl a:1[E R eg i on al Medical 1455 Montreal Road Tucker, GA 30064

; Langenbeck MD, Donald F . PRY DOB : 1.1/ :22/' .L9 1]_ AGE : 90 SW ]~ : N008010 8 703 7 LOC : N .211 ACCT E ~Aq DATE : 06/3-3/2002 S 'CAT 'LJ t ~~3 1~ 7. Td :F D I OL UGY NO : 3R UNIT ND : N000165477


000159638 RA OCR E .3' T A ]? OR ]?A . How is p a tien t transported ; P - Portable Is Patient Pregnant? N :Re:asonn fo r exam? P LEASE COMMENT RE : R/O T . E . .

CIEST, A? : REASON FOR EXAMINATION : Immobility syndrome, exposur,~ to

The chest x-ray is compared to 1- 19 •- g $ . There is atherosclerotic vascular plaque in the arch of the aorta . Active infiltrate is nct identified . There is some faint scarring in the right upper lung

field . .

cc)rrCL irs.zcrra: 1L Faint scarring, ivy g' field, no evidence of definitive! active infiltrate -appreciated, in the AP view . Atherooclerotic vascular j ?x & c V ie zz o t e ci in the arch of' the aon t a, some intenstitial scarring also noted in the l o w e r lung fields a s well an in the I Er aE t lung field .

-------------------------------Reportecl by : BRUCE H .BIELFELT,DC

cc : Donald F L a :ng e nb e c:}c ME) : KING, LINDA ., F' E F'GU ,SC1N, `r ATff A 'TECHNOLOG'IST T FL2U4SC :RIP F, :Q I )WE %TIM;E : a e/ : LB /2{.702. (1547) T IU~N SCR I PT I Cf NLST : . N . F U)JD . J DS FRI :NTE D L)A 7 'E`. ; T I NfF : 06/19/20C? . ( 1 .3 ,3 :3) BATCH N O : T1 ,/ . A .



Draft Report Printed From


PC; 7:

°a G K lEFill SE FdkN h i L`Y K4E C 3 6 IC L k L .A «5 S P J . Age Cl l:) Fl tj Gi ~ I I_ L E Fl 131 E Si


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OR NURSE ~ 1 f3 1r:EF :7:SE FAMILY Ivi EC M 'EI„F~~ . : QED', BARON :ISh NAMC-_ I p+i ELJ'SSA W 1="STC l id PHYSICAL 4HERRF''7:Sf 1PFiGFN&f 770~- :Z70- :315 1 .


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[, Douglas S tf ;gem;m, bei rig of legal age arid sound Irii nd, this, 2 01", day of November, :),O 0 6 , under penalty of penjuxy :male the following AfFidaviit to be used by James ~S tel;g enaan . , try brother, i n a Civil Action to be fi led: N" .IC'T ~ "' Ot1:R ' FOR T'~~F~, NORTHERN ''m .t>'Tk: [c- 7, OF ` Ci:EOPL451 A A T ;LArdTA, DI V7 ISI(7N .

1 . My wife, Nlo 11y a nd I have seven. childre"n .


MM~ father's brother, Jack had five ch~ ilc~r~~ in from his first rna.rria~;~e, all boars tour survived h.i:r~i.,

3 . Ire 200 l , DeK:a]lb County Ci,A. DE,F ,A.CS~ cor.itac; ted l us and advised

that trif'e accusation ag;ill r6 t James S tc g ; e T17 [a 1 T1 were 11 7C1 foU rldeld and thC Ca .S e' 'Wa;i C ;IOS C'd ,

4. It is, m.y belief and lun.cier•stanciinig that James Stege man and Ms. Ca:ffr~~;Y were •e; very close and he would never have done ~~11 ;Yt ~711'l ; g t: o

harm her. 5 . +~irz more: than one occasion, James S-teg ;e:man dliscussecl Ms. Ca#f'r,-.Y's health and care with ryif, for advi+ce . Fi, The S t egf,mari farnilE`r in W i scl+a nsim c, ilntaCtE3. d attDrney Robert Turner aincl Mavis Turner on d .if:EE,reli1: oc;casacris ; rej1is'E,d all

knowledge of and the locat i on of Ms . Caffrey. . '1 . 'Nou o f the Steg; e;mari family iia ' Oh,sco iri sin were ii-ot:ii:ied. o f lvls.

~CaiCfrey's acccidemts or death . . 8.

None. oaf the Steg;emian. family i : n Wisc o :nsiri were "estranged"' frc:i rn

TJI.s . Caffirf,Ij aS Mr. Liillilg suggested when lleltifloni411-r to Probate the 'W ill of UK C a,ffre;y.


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