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NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

National Occupational Standards

February 2008

NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations



This document contains the schedule of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the Supervision of Underground Mining Operations, together with the recommended National and Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ/NVQ) structures.

The Assessment Strategy, and key/core skills signposting for these standards have also been developed, and are available separately.

These National Occupational Standards and qualifications have been developed by Proskills, the Sector Skills Council for the Processing and Manufacturing Industries (which includes the Mining Industry), with the assistance of the Mines Rescue Service and EPIC Training and Consulting Services Limited, by a process of consultation and development meetings with the mining industry and other relevant stakeholders during 2007.

Proskills is extremely grateful for all the help and support given by all parties to this project.

The functions addressed include those wholly involved in the supervision of underground operation, as identified by consultation and functional analysis with mining industry representatives.

These functions are complex, require extensive underpinning knowledge and understanding, carry considerable responsibility for health and safety in a difficult environment, considerable skill and personal effectiveness. This is reflected in the degree of detail in the standards.


Mining- Scope of the NOS

For the purposes of these NOS, Mining is defined as: the accessing, extraction and removal of solid rocks and minerals under the surface of the ground, such access being achieved utilising for example tunnels and shafts, which may or may not follow the strata or seam of rock or mineral to be extracted, (within the coal industry this is sometimes referred to as deep mining).

The standards and qualifications have been developed for the mining of all solid rocks or minerals, including coal, dimensional stone, iron ore and ochre, gold, calcite, fluorite, metalliferrous ores. They apply to all underground mining techniques. They also apply to all mines used for secondary purposes; examples include storage or tourism activities.

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NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

The following table defines the types of mines covered: Types of Underground Mines covered by the Supervision of Underground Mining Operations National Occupational Standards 1

Coal Mine

An underground area for the extraction of coal (by any mining method)


Stone Mine

An underground area for the extraction of dimension stone or slate


Mineral Mine


General Storage Mine


Waste Storage Mine


Petrochemical storage mine

An underground area for the extraction of mineral deposits or veins (metallic or non-metallic) An underground area used for the storage of materials other than waste or petrochemicals (e.g. documents, wine) An underground area used for the storage of designated waste (e.g. special wastes, hospital waste, nuclear waste, domestic waste) An underground area used for the storage of petrochemicals (liquid or gas)


Tourism Mine (Coal)

A mine relating to coal mining now used as a tourist attraction


Tourism Mine (Non-Coal)

A mine relating to the mining of rocks and/or minerals other than coal now used as a tourist attraction

The standards and qualifications do not therefore apply to certain extractive processes which are or have been colloquially, traditionally or locally referred to as “mining”, for example, strip mining, open cast coal mining and china clay pit mining, where overburden is removed to first expose the rock or mineral, and which therefore are in fact forms of quarrying. These activities are covered by other Proskills/Extractive & Mineral Processing NOS. Nor do they cover other surface activities at mines, which are also covered by existing Proskills/Extractive & Mineral Processing NOS. Also they do not cover related civil engineering functions such as tunnelling, which are covered by ConstructionSkills NOS.

The inclusion of “Underground” in the title of the NOS is at the request of the industry to ensure there is no confusion in the scope of the NOS.

February 2008

NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations


Supervision of Underground Mining Operations Units

The National Occupational Standards for the Supervision of Underground Mining Operations are made up of 15 Units. Ref No

Unit title



Carry out Regulatory Responsibilities in the Mine Identify Health and Safety Hazards and Risks in Mines Control Major Mining Hazards

New Unit

New Unit


Carry out Mine Safety, First Aid and Emergency Organisation Contribute to Maintaining and Improving Health and Safety in the Mine. Provide Leadership in your Area of Responsibility Use and update Mine Plans and Records


Oversee Mine Roadway Development

New Unit


New Unit


Supervise the Transportation System/s in the Mine Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage Supervise Mine Product Clearance


Supervise Mine Mineral Production

New Unit


Supervise Mine Surface Activities

New Unit


Manage the Receipt, Storage, or Dispatch of Goods Supervise the Blasting Operation




New Unit New Unit

New Unit MSC Unit B6 New Unit

New Unit New Unit

Skills for Logistics Unit WS20 Proskills Mining Operations Unit 3M08

The 6 Units SUM01 to SUM06 apply to all Underground Mines, and are listed in priority order of importance within the overall function, SUM01 being of most importance.

The remaining 9 Units, SUM07 to SUM15, apply to some mines only, and may also only apply to certain individuals within a mine. In some mines none of these will be part of the function. These are therefore not listed in any priority order.

February 2008

NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations


Recommended National and/or Scottish Vocational Qualifications (N/SVQ) Structure

The recommended Supervision of Underground Mining Operations N/SVQ is at Level 3 and is made up of 6 Mandatory Units. There are no Optional Units, but there are 9 Additional Units.

This reflects the requirements of the function within the Mining Industry: 6 Units apply to all Mines, whilst the other 9 apply only to certain individuals, types of mines, and individual mines. However, it is considered essential that each individual carrying out the function of Supervision of Underground Mining Operations includes all Additional Units that apply to them in their N/SVQ qualification. Units Group

Mandatory Units (Applicable to all supervisors in all mines)

Additional Units

February 2008

Units in the Group SUM01 Carry out Regulatory Responsibilities in the Mine SUM02 Identify Health and Safety Hazards and Risks in Mines SUM03 Control Major Mining Hazards SUM04 Carry out Mine Safety, First Aid and Emergency Organisation SUM05 Contribute to Maintaining and Improving Health and Safety in the Mine. SUM06 (MSC Unit B6) Provide Leadership in your Area of Responsibility SUM07 Use and update Mine Plans and Records SUM08 Oversee Mine Roadway Development SUM09 Supervise the Transportation System/s in the Mine SUM10 Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage SUM11 Supervise Mine Product Clearance SUM12 Supervise Mine Mineral Production SUM13 Supervise Mine Surface Activities SUM14 (Skills for Logistics Unit WS20) Manage the Receipt, Storage, or Dispatch of Goods SUM15 (Proskills Mining Operations Unit 3M08) Supervise the Blasting Operation

NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations


N/SVQs, Vocationally Related Qualifications (VRQs) and other qualifications based on these NOS

It is deemed essential by the mining industry that any N/SVQ, VRQ or any other qualification based on these NOS is approved by Proskills, especially where the qualification is to be recognised under any national qualifications framework. This is due to the unique features of the industry and the nature and seriousness of the industry specific hazards.

It should also be noted that by law in certain types of mine ( coal and other flame safety mines) only those qualifications approved by H.M. Inspector of Mines are recognised. Proskills and H.M. Inspector of Mines has established arrangements in this respect.

Any Awarding Body or other organisation seeking such approval should ensure their application includes a detailed specification showing the evidence requirements and assessment regime, quality assurance arrangements, the degree to which the NOS are covered, the type of mine/s to which it applies, and detailing legislation and major hazards covered.


Certificate Endorsement

Awarding Bodies are strongly recommended to endorse candidates’ certificates for N/SVQs, Units of N/SVQs or any other qualification based on these National Occupational Standards on the reverse with the appropriate category of mine in the above table from which the majority of the candidate’s evidence has been drawn. Where a mine falls within more than one group, certificates may have more than one endorsement, provided the candidate can provide sufficient evidence of achievement in each type to justify each endorsement.

February 2008

NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM01

Carry out Regulatory Responsibilities in the Mine

Unit description Due to the unique nature of the industry, the hazardous nature and consequences arising from accidents or inappropriate actions, mining is an industry operating under a great deal of specific and detailed legislation and regulation. Those carrying out supervisory functions within mines have specific duties specified within the legislative framework with which they must comply. This unit is about the duties required under Regulations of mining supervisors. They are required to know and enforce the regulations, with particular duties for supervision, inspection and maintenance.

This unit is a three element unit SUM1.1 Carry out regulatory responsibilities for supervision SUM1.2 Carry out Inspections SUM1.3 Arrange for maintenance of equipment

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a. Legislative 1. the legislative framework (Acts, Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice, Guidance) 2. legislation in relation to the specific hazards applicable to the mine ( in relation to hazardous gasses, ground control, inrushes, outbursts) 3. the management and administration control structure and its purpose 4. the statutory duties, role and responsibilities of management 5. actions arising from absence of the mine manager 6. personal statutory duties and responsibilities, and the limits of that responsibility 7. personal area/district of responsibility 8. responsibilities of mine employees 9. duties and powers of mines inspectorate 10. duties, powers and responsibilities in the event of an emergency situation (e.g. fire, inrush, evacuation, mine rescue) 11. statutory requirements for supervision 12. penalties for non-compliance or breach of regulations 13. definitions of hazard, risk, accident, danger, accident rate, frequency and severity 14. recording procedures in relation to statutory requirements

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NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM01

Carry out Regulatory Responsibilities in the Mine

b. Inspections 1. statutory requirements for inspection/s 2. the range, type, purpose and frequency of inspections to be carried out 3. workplace inspection, monitoring and hazard identification methods, 4. basic procedures for carrying out health and safety risk assessment 5. identification and safe use of inspection equipment 6. procedures to exclude persons from areas requiring inspection 7. acceptable standards of inspected aspects 8. actions to be taken in the event of an inspection identifying potential hazards requiring attention 9. recording and reporting procedures in relation to inspections

c. Condition of the mine 1. geological features (e.g. faults, spark inducing mineral) that may affect the safe operation of the mine 2. geological and/or physical indications of potentially deteriorating/unsafe conditions (that might lead to e.g. inrush, outburst, collapse, spontaneous combustion) 3. acceptable condition of roadways (and if applicable working face/s) 4. acceptable condition of roof and side walls 5. acceptable condition of ground support system/s and indications of deterioration 6. acceptable atmospheric conditions and functioning of ventilation system/s 7. hazardous gasses (noxious/flammable); range of gasses, how these arise in the mine, where these might accumulate, inspection method, acceptable levels, affects if not addressed 8. hazardous dusts (respirable/flammable): range of dusts, how these arise in the mine, where these might accumulate, inspection method, acceptable levels, affects if not addressed 9. acceptable condition of additional safety/hazard prevention systems/equipment (e.g. barriers, dust suppression systems, fire-fighting equipment) 10. actions to be taken in the event of identifying an aspect of the condition of the mine that may lead to a hazardous situation or unsafe working

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NOS: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM01

Carry out Regulatory Responsibilities in the Mine

d. Plant and Equipment 1. the written scheme for the systematic inspection, examination, testing, maintenance and repair of plant and equipment, and those appointed to manage, supervise and undertake those activities. 2. personal statutory duties and responsibilities in relation to maintenance (e.g. liaison with maintenance staff, reporting of defects, taking plant/equipment out of use, arrangements for access for maintenance/repair/servicing) 3. requirements for inspection of plant/equipment/machinery- items to be inspected, how to externally visually inspect in general, and also specific items for closer inspection (e.g. guards correctly fitted, undamaged cables, conveyor rollers functional) 4. planned preventative maintenance (time-based and condition-based) and curative (breakdown) maintenance; when these might be required and any changes required facilitating these activities 5. procedures for the establishment of plant safety (e.g. permits to work, lock-off/isolation systems) 6. recording/reporting procedures in relation to maintenance of plant/equipment/machinery and defects

e. Personnel 1. procedures for appointing/authorising personnel 2. the scheme of training, and duties of persons appointed to organise training 3. procedures for ensuring activities are carried out by competent personnel 4. arrangements for first aid, health and welfare of personnel 5. organisational communications systems and procedures

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM01

Element 1.1

Carry out Regulatory Responsibilities in the Mine

Carry out regulatory responsibilities for supervision

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) allocate duties to personnel b) ensure personnel are allocated duties for which they are appointed/authorised c) check personnel carry out duties in prescribed manner d) complete records/reports in relation to statutory duties according to organisational procedures e) communicate to management according to regulatory requirements and organisational procedures f)

communicate appropriately to following shift/s

g) make recommendations for training when necessary

Element 1.2

Carry out inspection/s

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) identify inspection/s to be carried out b) select appropriate and functional equipment for inspection/s c) correctly carry out inspection/s d) take appropriate action when inspection identifies/indicates aspects that do not meet accepted safe working standard e) correctly complete and communicate inspection reports

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National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM01

Element 1.3

Carry out Regulatory Responsibilities in the Mine

Arrange for maintenance of equipment

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) inspect/monitor plant/equipment/machinery in area of responsibility according to organisational procedures b) identify defects c) take appropriate action in regard to defects identified d) make arrangements for maintenance activities e) ensure plant/equipment is isolated/made safe when necessary f)

complete maintenance/defect records/reports

Scope of Regulations/Legislation Knowledge in relation to regulations/legislative requirements as applicable to the type/class of mine in respect of: Management of the mine, operation of the mine, management of health and safety, emergencies, accidents and dangerous occurrences, first aid, risk assessments, provision of protective equipment, provision and use of plant and equipment, inspections, mine maintenance, tips, fire and rescue, ventilation, flammable and/or respirable dust, shafts and roadways, transport, safety lamps and lighting, personal hygiene, contraband, hazardous gases, maintenance of exits, ground control and failure prevention (e.g. collapse, inrushes and/or outbursts), ground support systems and equipment, lifting equipment, explosives, waste.

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National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM02

Identify Health and Safety Hazards and Risks in Mines

Unit description This unit is about the identification of hazards and risks for health and safety in mines. The process of hazard identification and risk assessment is continuous; therefore individuals should be on the look-out for hazards at all times but especially when changes occur in the workplace. This unit is a single element unit SUM2.1 Identify health and safety hazards and reduce risks

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; 15. definitions of hazard, risk, accident, danger, accident rate, frequency and severity. 16. workplace monitoring and hazard identification methods, e.g. formal and informal health and safety inspections, surveys and audits 17. basic procedures for carrying out health and safety risk assessment 18. key aspects of legislation applicable to the workplace under your control 19. the benefits of participation of persons at work 20. requirement of health and safety document with regard to risk assessment 21. in-house information in relation to internal accidents, incidents, near misses, cases of occupational illnesses 22. basic knowledge of the main types of occupational health risk – chemical (toxic, corrosive, dermatitic), physical (noise, dust, temperature, light, vibration, repetitive strain) and ergonomic 23. how the incorporation of commonly used protective devices and correct plant maintenance contribute to reduction of risks 24. safe working practices for yourself and those working under your direction and control to include all systems, procedures, equipment and materials in use 25. your scope and responsibility for dealing with hazards 26. your own limitations relating to hazards and risks and an awareness of the structure for reporting 27. health and safety induction schemes 28. communication, involvement and motivation in relation to hazards and risks 29. interview and questioning techniques 30. the organisations record keeping requirements

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National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM02

Element 2.1

Identify Health and Safety Hazards and Risks in Mines Identify health and safety hazards and reduce risks

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; h) identify hazards in the workplace and their existing controls i)

identify people who are at risk from hazards


assess the level of risk arising from the hazard

k) seek advice from managers or specialists in risk assessment when appropriate l)

report hazards constituting a high risk immediately to the responsible person(s)

m) deal with hazards which constitute a low risk in accordance with organisational and operational procedures n) encourage suggestions from your subordinates for reducing risks to health and safety o) give suggestions to control or reduce risks to health and safety to the responsible person(s) p) make recommendations for training where necessary q) keep clear records conforming to company requirements

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM03

Control Major Mining Hazards

Unit description This unit is about being able to monitor all the major hazards within the mine and apply control measures according to organisational requirements within the area and limits of their responsibilities.

It will include observation and testing, carrying out procedures and

subsequently recording/reporting. From the nature of the industry and the environment mining is subject to several major hazards that have the potential if not controlled to result in substantial loss of life and/or loss of the mine. The major hazards applying to all mines relate to loss of integrity of the mine due to movements of ground/strata, atmospheric hazards from loss of ventilation or other causes, and fire. There are other major hazards that affect many, but not all mines, for example explosion, inrush, outbursts, and hazardous dusts. The identification of the major hazards within the mine, the extent and severity of that hazard, and the establishment of control measures to be practiced to minimize risk are not part of this function or unit. These functions will be carried out by management and/or technical experts.

This Unit has three elements: SUM3.1

Carry out monitoring


Analyse and respond to results


Protect personnel from hazards

Unit Wide Underpinning knowledge and understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand;

a. Mine hazards 1. An appreciation of the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to mines 2. The major hazards present in area of responsibility 3. The procedures to monitor/control major hazards present 4. Sources of information on major hazards/hazardous substances and how to use them 5. Industrial Standards relevant to mines 6. Working knowledge of Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance for controlling major hazards and working safely in mines 7. Awareness of how emergency situations can occur in mines due to major hazards arising February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

b. Equipment and tools 1. The importance of compliance with manufacturers’ instructions relating to the use of equipment and tools provided for hazard/environmental monitoring/ventilation 2. Procedures to check that equipment and tools are fit for purpose 3. The limitations of equipment provided for use in monitoring/control 4. The safe and proper use of monitoring/control equipment


Working with others

1. The limits of personal responsibility 2. The importance of effective communications 3. Communications systems/procedures in area of responsibility 4. The personal responsibilities/duties of others 5. The importance and advantages of effective team work 6. The dangers of working in isolation

d. Mine atmospherics 1

The normal constituent parts of the air we breathe


The effect a sharp rise or fall in barometric pressure will have on the behaviour of gases below ground

3. Recording procedures to meet statutory/operational requirements 4

How rises and falls in air temperature will effect the physical/atmospheric working conditions below ground (heat, humidity, condensation, saturation)

e. Gases/dusts/hazardous substances 1. The gases indigenous/imported to a mine that may have an adverse effect on humans 2. For such gases encountered whether they are toxic, suffocating and/or explosive 3. For each gas encountered in your area of responsibility, their physiological effect on humans 4. The dusts/hazardous substances indigenous/imported to a mine that may have an adverse effect on humans 5. For such dusts/hazardous substances encountered whether they are explosive, carcinogenic, harmful, irritant, corrosive or toxic 6. For each dust/hazardous substance encountered in your area of responsibility, their physiological effects on humans

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM03

Control Major Mining Hazards

f. Protection of personnel 1.

When and where monitoring/testing/measurements are required


Ground movement/changes in strata conditions that can affect integrity of the mine/area, and corrective/remedial/reporting procedures to be followed


Personal protective equipment for the work area, its correct use and maintenance


Reporting/recording/rectification procedures for faulty equipment/systems


Methods used to measure airflow and corrective actions to be taken if below required levels


The monitoring equipment for detecting the inception of spontaneous combustion and/or fire


Action to be taken should personnel be exposed to atmospheric conditions/gases/dusts/hazardous substances in excess of prescribed limits (including reports)


Procedures for installation of additional ventilation equipment to dilute and remove accumulations of gases, including if applicable de-gassing


Procedures to notify personnel of changes in mine layout/operating conditions

g. Analyse readings/record and carry out corrective/further actions if required 1

How to interpret readings taken against statutory/company pre-set action levels


How to identify trends and levels that require action.


When action should be taken to notify/protect others and the procedures to be followed


Reporting/recording procedures according to regulatory/operational requirements

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM03 Element 3.1

Control Major Mining Hazards Carry out monitoring

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; 1. Identify monitoring/tests to be carried out (as appropriate to the mine; barometric pressure, gas detection and/or sampling, air temperature, humidity, air flow, ground movement, smoke, dust) 2. Use equipment according to organisational procedures and manufacturers’ instructions and, where necessary, statutory requirements 3. Take appropriate action where measurements are outside normal parameters according to operational procedures 4. Record information according to regulatory/operational requirements.

Element 3.2

Analyse and respond to monitoring results

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; 1. Interpret readings taken against statutory/company pre-set action levels 2. Identify trends and levels where action is required 3. Report excessive levels according to operational procedures 4. Take action to ensure safety of personnel in areas that may be affected 5. Support the implementation of corrective measures 6. Record information according to statutory/operational requirements

Element 3.3

Protect personnel from hazards

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to;

1. Obtain information on specific hazards in area of responsibility 2. Ensure monitoring is carried out to statutory/operational requirements 3. Ensure monitoring and/or control equipment is properly used and maintained 4. Ensure appropriate personal protective equipment is worn and used correctly at all times

5. Ensure any faults to monitoring and/or control equipment/systems are reported/rectified according to operational procedures

6. Take appropriate action in the event of suspected exposure of personnel to gases/dust/hazardous substances above prescribed limits according to operational procedures

7. Oversee the installation of additional ventilation (including de-gassing if applicable)

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM04

Carry out Mine Safety, First Aid and Emergency Organisation

Unit description This unit is about a mine supervisor being able to manage a situation safely and effectively should an accident/incident/dangerous occurrence/emergency situation occur in a part/s of the mine or affect that part/s of the mine for which the supervisor is responsible. This unit has five elements SUM4.1

Reduce the risk and impact of emergencies


Respond to emergency situations


Deal with casualties


Control safe evacuation


Preserve affected areas and evidence

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) General 1. the roles and responsibilities of mine personnel and others in relation to accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and emergencies 2. the meaning of the terms, “hazard”, “accident”, “incident”, “dangerous occurrence” and “emergency situation” 3. acceptable standards of cleanliness and tidiness in the workplace 4. methods to maintain a clean and tidy workplace 5. the implications of drink, drug and smoking policies 6. dynamic risk assessment and safe manual handling techniques 7. methods of checking environmental conditions b) Dealing with emergencies 1. potential injuries in mining situations 2. types and categories of emergency situation 3. how emergency situations can arise in mines 4. organisational and legislative procedures in the event of irregular or abnormal situations including emergency, accident, incident or dangerous occurrences 5. organisational and legislative reporting requirements in the event of an emergency, accident, incident or dangerous occurrence 6. organisational procedures for extinguishing fires 7. organisational procedures for evacuation 8. names and contact details of persons/organisations to be contacted in the event of an emergency, accident, incident or dangerous occurrence 9. the purpose of emergency contact points, and how they should be established February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

10. the physical and psychological effects on people of excessive mine gasses and other hazardous substances that could be present 11. the purpose and use of equipment and facilities provided for use in emergency situations 12. actions to maintain or restore acceptable environmental conditions to in emergency situations 13. the purpose of safe havens, and how they can be established and maintained 14. the situations requiring the establishment and maintenance of exclusion zones to preserve evidence according to organisational and legislative requirements 15. the identification and procedures for preservation of evidence that could be lost 16. methods of establishing and maintaining areas to preserve evidence 17. the purpose and procedure for recording witnesses c) Mine environments 1. the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to mines 2. industrial Standards relevant to mines 3. approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely in mines 4. the different types and categories of hazards and hazardous situations in mines in general, and in your area of responsibility in particular 5. organisational and legislative requirements for inspections, examinations and testing 6. access and egress routes in routine and emergency situations 7. methods of communication in hazardous or emergency situations 8. methods and equipment for handling and transporting casualties 9. procedures and recording arrangements for administered medication d) Equipment and tools 1. types, use and maintenance requirements of personal protective equipment for emergency situations according to manufacturers’ and organisational requirements 2. legislation, approved codes of practice and guidelines for safe use of environmental monitoring equipment 3. the use of equipment/tools provided for dealing with an emergency according to manufacturers’ instructions 4. the limitations of equipment/tools provided for use in an emergency 5. inspection and maintenance requirements of communication systems 6. organisational procedures for the isolation of plant and machinery

e) Working with others 1. your own responsibilities and limitations in respect of emergencies 2. methods of effective communication in an emergency 3. the allocation of tasks and duties 4. the benefits of team work, and how to achieve it February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM04 Element 4.1

Carry out Mine Safety, First Aid and Emergency Organisation Reduce the risk and impact of emergencies

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) ensure inspections, examinations and testing is carried out to organisational and legislative requirements b) ensure accurate reports of inspections, examinations and tests are recorded meeting organisational and legislative requirements c) check facilities provided to assist in controlling an accident / incident / dangerous occurrence / emergency situation are in place and maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and organisational procedures d) ensure the workplace is maintained to an appropriate clean and tidy standard e) ensure all personnel are aware of means of access and egress in emergencies f)

ensure that staff working within your area of responsibility recognise when a hazardous or emergency situation has occurred and know appropriate action to take, including to inform others without prejudicing safety of self.

g) maintain a roll of persons in your area of responsibility and their expected locations

Element 4.2

Respond to emergency situations

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) recognise the occurrence as an emergency situation b) respond to emergency situations according to organisational procedures c) give clear instruction to persons in the vicinity on the action to be taken d) contact the persons/organisations designated in emergency situations e) ensure plant or machinery that could contribute to deterioration of the situation are isolated f)

set up contact points for future communications

g) check environment and organise action to maintain or improve conditions to an acceptable level h) complete reporting arrangements according to organisational and regulatory requirements

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM04 Element 4.3

Carry out Mine Safety, First Aid and Emergency Organisation Deal with casualties

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) check the area to identify any further hazards and risks to the casualty, yourself, those rendering assistance and others b) take appropriate action to notify others of further hazards and risks, and to reduce the risk c) ensure first aid is administered promptly d) if applicable, ensure administered medication records are completed and taken with casualties e) carry out dynamic risk assessment where manual handling is required to release, lift, move or transport the casualty and instruct those assisting in appropriate techniques f)

check the condition and availability of handling equipment

g) contact the relevant person to arrange assistance for transportation of the casualty h) audit equipment, materials and supplies used and arrange prompt replenishment

Element 4.4

Control safe evacuation

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) gather persons together in preparation for exiting as a group b) check persons against roll c) organise search for missing persons if this can be done safely d) ensure, if necessary, respirable protective equipment is available and effective e) if provided, set up, seal and maintain a safe haven, notifying relevant persons f)

confirm a means and route of egress, communicating this to evacuee/s and/or relevant persons

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM04

Element 4.5

Carry out Mine Safety, First Aid and Emergency Organisation Preserve affected areas and evidence

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) recognise situations requiring the establishment of exclusion zone/s b) supervise the establishment of effective exclusion zone/s to organisational and legislative requirements c) record names and relevant details of witnesses d) if safe to do so without compromising the area/evidence , record and/or take samples of evidence that could be lost e) notify relevant management of establishment of exclusion zone/s f)

complete documentation according to organisational and legislative requirements

Scope of performance In relation to the standards of performance and within the limits of your responsibilities and as applicable to the functions of the mine you must show evidence of competence to deal with the following:

Emergency situation/s Accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences, any emergency arising from major hazards ( fire, explosion, noxious gases, inrushes, failure of ground, loss of means of access, as identified as applicable to the mine by risk assessment) and/or requiring evacuation of the mine, involvement of mine/external emergency personnel/services/organisations or rescue of persons.

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM05

Contribute to Maintaining and Improving Health and Safety in the Mine

Unit Description This unit is about encouraging a positive culture within the mine in relation to health and safety. It is concerned with maintaining the working environment and activities being carried out in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements. It also refers to promoting the achievements of the site and organisation to all people who are under the control of the supervisor, encouraging them to understand their role and responsibilities and how they can bring about improvements to health, safety and environmental performance.

This unit contains four elements SUM5.1

Provide advice and support for maintaining and improving health, safety and environmental performance


Identify health and safety improvements


Recommend changes to improve health and safety


Support the implementation and evaluation of health and safety improvements

Unit Wide Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand;

a. Benefits of improving health safety and environmental improvements 1. the benefits to individuals and the organisation from improved health, safety and environmental performance 2. the consequences of failing to maintain/improve health, safety and environmental performance 3. the benefits of participation of persons at work b. Communication 1. how to communicate effectively 2. how to identify and use effective opportunities to promote awareness, understanding of, and enthusiasm for health, safety and environmental issues 3. sources of supporting information, resources and materials

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM05

Contribute to Maintaining and Improving Health and Safety in the Mine

c. Organisational context 1. Operational instructions, rules, procedures and schemes in relation to the mine 2. Organisational procedures for the prevention of/responding to hazards 3. The organisational procedures for implementing improvements 4. The organisations reporting/record keeping requirements 5. The organisation’s procedures for publicising health, safety and environmental matters 6. The organisation’s achievements in health and safety management 7. Use/operation and application of various types of personal protective equipment and maintenance schemes for personal protective equipment 8. Availability and use of mine plans

d. Health, safety and environmental management 1. Details of operational activities and associated hazards and risks 2. How to identify hazards and risks 3. Practical aspects of risk control 4. Health and safety efficiency in terms of the parts of the process under your control 5. How to interpret patterns and trends relating to occurrences in the workplace 6. Workplace health, safety and environmental performance and identified improvement needs 7. Examples of best practice and best available techniques

e. Legal 1. Legislative framework for workplace health and safety (Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Guidance) 2. key aspects of current health, safety and environmental legislation applicable to the workplace under your supervision 3. nature and frequency of statutory inspections

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM05

Contribute to Maintaining and Improving Health and Safety in the Mine

Element 5.1

Provide advice and support for maintaining and improving health, safety and environmental performance

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) present the benefits of continually maintaining/improving health, safety and environmental performance clearly, accurately and in line with the organisation’s policies b) take opportunities to promote awareness and achievements in health, safety and environmental matters using effective methods of communication c) provide information on health, safety and environmental achievements that is accurate and up to date d) encourage individuals in the workplace to take an active role in the drive for maintaining/improving health, safety and environmental performance e) encourage individuals to offer suggestions, ideas and views on improvements to health, safety and environmental performance f)

enable individuals in the workplace to understand their health, safety and environmental responsibilities and help them to make an active contribution

g) give individuals the opportunity to seek clarification of any areas of concern

Element 5.2

Identify health and safety improvements

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) give accurate information about health and safety relating to the working environment to appropriate people b) encourage suggestions to improve health and safety in the working environment from appropriate people c) where it is not possible to act on a suggestion, promptly provide clear and relevant reasons to those concerned d) evaluate suggestions taking into account all relevant information concerning the work activity e) examine the working environment and assess opportunities for health and safety improvements f)

identify improvements to health and safety in the working environment taking into account all relevant factors that are consistent with the company health and safety policy, meet standards set by legal requirements and represent good practice

g) keep clear records that conform to company requirements February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM05 Contribute to Maintaining and Improving Health and Safety in the Mine Element 5.3

Recommend changes to improve health and safety

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) correctly identify factors within the workplace which may affect the health and safety improvement b) confirm subordinates understanding of the health and safety improvement at appropriate intervals c) encourage appropriate people to give their active support for the health and safety improvement d) make a clear case for the proposed improvement and support your case with sound evidence e) make suggestions for methods of implementation taking account of contributions and feedback from appropriate people f)

make suggestions that take into account the effects of normal, abnormal and emergency situations

g) keep clear records that conform to company requirements

Element 5.4

Support the implementation and evaluation of health and safety improvements

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) effectively use the resources provided to enable the improvement to be implemented in the workplace b) assist implementation of the health and safety improvement in line with agreed plans and in such a way that appropriate people are able to contribute to the process effectively c) communicate implications of the improvement to those affected and confirm their understanding d) monitor and evaluate progress of implementation of the improvement and make recommendations for corrective action if required e) assist with assessment of the improvement after implementation and compare the results against the original expectations f)

keep clear records that conform to company requirements

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM05 Contribute to Maintaining and Improving Health and Safety in the Mine Scope of performance In relation to the standards of performance, within the limits of your responsibilities and as applicable to the function/s of the mine you must show: a. Information (types/forms) produced and/or used by you 1. risk assessment results 2. accident/incident investigation findings 3. site safety audits 4. health and safety committee recommendations 5. internal company reports 6. reports from regulatory bodies and/or trade associations 7. external publications relating to health and safety practice and legislation

b. Individuals in your area of responsibility 1. staff for whom you are responsible 2. other employees 3. contractors 4. visitors 5. tourists

c. Appropriate People with whom you communicate 1. higher level manager 2. colleague working at the same level as you 3. health and safety specialist 4. health and safety committee member 5. safety representative

d. Improvement/s As applicable to the function of the mine and the responsibilities of the individual mine supervisor

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM06

Provide leadership in your area of responsibility

(Management Standards Centre Unit B6.)

Unit Summary What is the unit about? The unit is about providing direction to people in a clearly and formally defined area or part of an organisation and motivating and supporting them to achieve the vision and objectives for the area.

The ‘area of responsibility’ may be, for example, a branch or department or

functional area or an operating site within an organisation.

Who is the unit for? The unit is recommended for first line managers and middle managers.

Links with other units This unit is linked to units. DDI01(B1) ‘Develop and implement operational plans for your area of responsibility’ in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership.

Skills Listed below are the main generic ‘skills’ which need to be applied in providing leadership in your area of responsibility. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the unit and are listed here as additional information. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Communicating Influencing and persuading Leading by example Motivating Consulting Planning Setting objectives Providing feedback Coaching Mentoring Valuing and supporting others Empowering Learning Following Managing conflict Obtaining feedback

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM06

Provide leadership in your area of responsibility

(Management Standards Centre Unit B6.)

Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand the following: a. General knowledge and understanding 1. The fundamental differences between management and leadership 2. How to create a compelling vision for an area of responsibility 3. How to select and successfully apply different methods for communicating with people across an area of responsibility 4. A range of different leadership styles and how to select and apply these to different situations and people 5. How to get and make use of feedback from people on your leadership performance 6. Types of difficulties and challenges that may arise, including conflict within the area, and ways of identifying and overcoming them 7. The benefits of and how to create and maintain a culture which encourages and recognises creativity and innovation 8. The importance of encouraging others to take the lead and ways in which this can be achieved 9. How to empower people effectively 10.How to select and successfully apply different methods for encouraging, motivating and supporting people and recognising achievement

b. Industry/sector specific knowledge and understanding 1. Leadership styles common in the industry/sector 2. Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in the industry/sector

c. Context specific knowledge and understanding 1. Your own values, motivations and emotions 2. Your own strengths and limitations in the leadership role 3. The strengths, limitations and potential of people that you lead 4. Your own role, responsibilities and level of power 5. The vision and objectives of the overall organisation 6. The vision, objectives, culture and operational plans for your area of responsibility 7. Types of support and advice that people are likely to need and how to respond to these 8. Leadership styles used across the organisation February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM06

Provide leadership in your area of responsibility

(Management Standards Centre Unit B6.)

Outcomes of effective performance You must be able to do the following: 1. Create a vision of where your area is going and clearly and enthusiastically communicate it, together with supportive objectives and operational plans, to the people working within your area 2. Ensure that people working within your area understand and can see how the vision, objectives and operational plans link to the vision and objectives of the overall organisation 3. Steer your area successfully through difficulties and challenges, including conflict within the area 4. Create and maintain a culture within your area which encourages and recognises creativity and innovation 5. Develop a range of leadership styles and select and apply them to appropriate situations and people 6. Communicate regularly, making effective use of a range of different communication methods, with all the people working within your area and show that you listen to what they say 7. Give people in your area support and advice when they need it especially during periods of setback and change 8. Motivate and support people in your area to achieve their work and development objectives and provide recognition when they are successful 9. Empower people in your area to develop their own ways of working and take their own decisions within agreed boundaries 10. Encourage people to give a lead in their own areas of expertise and show willingness to follow this lead 11. Win, through your performance, the trust and support of people within your area for your leadership and get regular feedback on your performance

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM06

Provide leadership in your area of responsibility

(Management Standards Centre Unit B6.) Behaviours which underpin effective performance 1. You articulate a vision that generates excitement, enthusiasm and commitment 2. You create a sense of common purpose 3. You take personal responsibility for making things happen 4. You make complex things simple for the benefit of others 5. You encourage and support others to take decisions autonomously 6. You act within the limits of your authority 7. You make time available to support others 8. You show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making 9. You seek to understand people’s needs and motivations 10. You model behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness and co-operation 11. You encourage and support others to make the best use of their abilities

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM07

Use and update Mine Plans and Records

Unit description This unit is about a mine supervisor being able to access relevant plans / records covering their area of responsibility. Equipment identified by symbols on plans need to have their actual location verified. Shortfalls or omissions need to be rectified and / or reported promptly to appropriate line manager. Supervisors also need to be familiar with statutory and organisational records requiring to be completed. This unit is a single element unit SUM7.1

Use and update mine plans and records

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) Mine plans 1. the main principles of health and safety legislation and regulations relevant to mine plans 2. Standards relevant to mine plans February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

3. approved codes of practice and guidance relating to mine plans 4. the uses of mine plans 5. the range and location of mine plans pertinent to your area of responsibility, for routine work and for special/unusual circumstances 6. organisational procedures for obtaining access to relevant plans 7. how to use mine plans to discharge your responsibilities 8. the circumstances where additional or specialised plans may be required 9. information contained on mine plans 10. organisational reporting procedures for instigating changes to mine plans b) Records 1. the inspection records to be completed under legislation and organisational procedures 2. when records must be completed 3. the purpose and importance of the various sections/categories of inspection records 4. the importance of accurately completing, signing and dating records 5. organisational procedures, methods and systems for controlling, storage and retrieval of all completed organisational and statutory records relevant to your area of responsibility

c) Working with others 1. your own responsibilities regarding plans and records, and the limitations of your responsibility 2. the responsibilities of others in respect of the completion, amendment, maintenance, storage and retrieval of mine plans and records 3. the importance of effective communications, written and verbal, to those in the reporting chain 4. the benefits of team work, and how to achieve it

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Element 7.1

Use and update mine plans and records

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) locate, obtain and identify plan/s relevant to the work b) correctly interpret the plan/s c) consult with appropriate people clarification or additional information is required d) locate, identify and confirm equipment from mine plans e) initiate prompt corrective action where plans and equipment locations do not correspond f)

any problems or conditions outside your area of responsibility are reported promptly to the appropriate person

g) inform others affected of anomalies and ensure their safety whilst queries and discrepancies are addressed/resolved h) complete


organisational procedures

February 2008






National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08

Oversee Mine Roadway Development

Unit description This unit is about a mine supervisor being able to co-ordinate all relevant activities involved in roadway development operations requirements and procedures.



with statutory and


It involves: ensuring that roadways are correctly driven,

monitoring environmental conditions to ensure that gases, hazardous substances, dusts etc. do not exceed statutory/company limits, ensuring that all associated equipment and plant is inspected/maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and organisational requirements, ensuring the correct operational cycle, dealing with equipment and plant failure and ensuring employees safety.

This unit is a four element unit


Monitor roadway development


Maintain environmental conditions in roadway developments


Confirm inspection and maintenance of plant and equipment


Supervise the operational cycle

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08

Oversee Mine Roadway Development

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) Roadway development 1. operational and legislative requirements for strata support 2. the activities involved in roadway development 3. the relevant approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely in development roadways 4. operational and legislative guidelines for staffing limitations in development roadways 5. how to keep a development on line with regard to the survey aspect 6. physical indications of excessive loads on supports (e.g. when rock bolts are used, checks for tell-tale readings and action to take when trigger points have been reached) 7. the need for cyclic and repetitive operations 8. legislative and organisational reporting/recording procedures 9. location and purpose of sources of information 10. the legislative and organisational requirements





maintenance; positioning in relation to advancing faces and condition 11. the optimum pneumatic and hydraulic pressures required in a specific roadway development to optimise efficient rock and cable bolt installation (if applicable). 12. the advantages / limitations of resin / grout (including shelf life) for use in rockbolt/cable bolted roadways (if applicable). 13. the principals of bolting patterns (including length, type and diameter of bolts to be installed and associated resins) to be used in area of responsibility (if applicable) 14. the maximum safe dimensions of specific developments (height/width/length as appropriate) 15. organisational procedures for installation and transportation of supports/support systems 16. statutory requirements for support setting 17. the characteristics of installed support aids (e.g. girders/tie bars/stilts/bolts) in area of responsibility

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08

Oversee Mine Roadway Development

b) Mine environments 1. the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to area of responsibility 2. industrial Standards relevant to area of responsibility 3. hazards associated with roadway development, including geological anomalies 4. environmental approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely when development roadways 5. how emergency situations can arise during roadway development in your area of responsibility 6. responsibilities of self and others and procedures to follow in event of an emergency situation 7. your duty with regard to ventilation system failure or gas fast situations 8. the locations within a specific district where gas accumulations may occur 9. the indications of excessive movement or deterioration in the roadway profile 10. the physical signs that would indicate the need for additional support 11. operational policies and procedures for development ventilation 12. how to check the positioning and operation of ventilation equipment e.g. fans, ducts, filters 13. legislative/organisational procedures for reporting poor ventilation 14. policies and procedures in the event of poor ventilation adversely affecting areas inbye/outbye 15. the requirements for positioning of automated (interlocked) gas detection equipment including their trip levels (if applicable) 16. the statutory duties should 1.25% or 2% general body readings of Methane be detected within your area of responsibility (flame safety mines only) 17. operational policies and procedures for the maintenance of a safe mine environment e.g. dust suppression, degassing 18. operational procedures for safe rectification of a ‘hold-fast’ situation (in e.g. armoured/belt conveyor/cutting machine/drilling rod jammed) giving priority to the safe dissipation of stored energy. 19. legislative requirements for coal dust/stone dust ratios (if applicable) 20. the terms; quantity, flow, pressure, resistance, volume, and cross-sectional area of airways. 21. organisational requirements and procedures for use of personal protective equipment (in general and for specific operations)

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08

Oversee Mine Roadway Development

c) Equipment and tools 1.

manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the use of equipment and tools provided for development roadways


manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the inspection and maintenance of equipment and tools provided for development roadways.


manufacturers and organisational instructions and procedures relating to the use of personal protective equipment


legislation and approved codes of practice and guidelines for safe use of gas/dust monitoring and ventilation equipment


the limitations of equipment provided for use when developing roadways


procedures for ensuring communication systems are inspected and maintained


procedures to ensure safety devices are installed/attached, inspected and maintained


safe operation of portable/fixed environmental monitoring equipment provided at area of responsibility


identification and coding systems for equipment in use, lifting equipment, pipework,

10. storage procedures for e.g. tools, equipment, hoses, cables 11. requirements for siting and installation of fire safety equipment 12. standards










monorail/catenary systems, cutting equipment, supports, rock bolting equipment, track support systems, conveyors 13. operational standards for plant and equipment used 14. organisational policies and procedures for the safe operation of plant and equipment used 15. organisational requirements for the use and maintenance of machine safety and warning devices (for fixed and/or mobile plant/machinery) 16. maintenance standards for plant and equipment used 17. lubricants and fluids for use on plant/machinery in area of responsibility 18. the risks from vibrating tools, and limits of exposure 19. organisational policies and procedures for safe isolation of plant/machinery/services 20. organisational





February 2008




National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08

Oversee Mine Roadway Development

d) Working with others 1. your own responsibility relating to roadway development and the safe installation of roadway supports and the limitations of your responsibility 2. allocation of tasks and duties 3. the importance of effective communications 4. communications systems/procedures in area of responsibility 5. the personal responsibilities/duties of others in respect of roadway development 6. the importance and advantages of effective team work 7. the dangers of working in isolation 8. organisational requirements for recording/monitoring personnel in your area of responsibility

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08 Element 8.1

Oversee Mine Roadway Development Monitor roadway development

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) locate and use information in relation to roadway development b) enforce organisational requirements for use of general/specific personal protective equipment c) check that staff are aware of specific hazards associated with assigned tasks and the procedure in the event of an emergency d) ensure the correct interpretation and implementation of support rules e) oversee the safe setting of additional supports to overcome geological anomalies without endangering yourself or others in your charge f)

sight the roadway for true direction, (e.g. square, dip and rise)

g) identify physical indications of excessive loads on supports (e.g. when rock bolts are used, checks for tell-tale readings and action to take when trigger points have been reached) h) carry out inspection of roadway, with particular attention to roof and sides i)

react positively and safely to excessive physical roof/side wall movement


promptly report suspected incidents of excessive wall movement according to operational procedures

k) monitor and control staffing levels in the roadway development area l)

where an explosion risk has been identified, carry out inspection of position and condition of barriers (e.g. of stone dust or water)

m) where an explosion risk has been identified report and initiate action to reposition/repair







requirements n) take steps to arrange repair/maintenance of equipment according to operational procedures o) confirm repaired/maintained equipment is acceptable for use p) ensure any manual handling is minimised and carried out correctly q) communicate with staff and management in a clear and appropriate manner r)

complete procedures

February 2008







National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08 Element 8.2

Oversee Mine Roadway Development Maintain environmental conditions in roadway developments

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to;

a) oversee the implementation of operational policies and procedures for ventilation b) ensure ventilation equipment is positioned efficiently and meet legislative and organisational requirements c) ensure that filtration equipment fitted to ventilation systems (i.e. scrubber units, dust socks, etc) are in place and working d) take and interpret readings from portable/automated gas detection equipment e) follow organisational procedures to implement degassing procedures in headings, cavities f)

initiate action should any shortcomings arise in the ventilation system adversely affecting the quality of air issuing inbye/outbye your area of responsibility

g) report ventilation deficiencies to relevant people according to operational procedures h) oversee maintenance of dust suppression equipment (including where applicable water pressures) to ensure they operate at optimum capacity i)

complete records according to legislative requirements and organisational procedures

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08 Element 8.3

Oversee Mine Roadway Development Confirm inspection and maintenance of plant and equipment

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) check service pipes/hoses/high tension cables/trailing cables are identified and colour coded, stored correctly and safety devices attached (e.g. whip checks fitted) b) ensure fire safety equipment is installed and sited in accordance with statutory and organisational requirements c) confirm suspension monorail and catenaries are supported and free moving with sufficient storage to allow roadway safe advance (if applicable) d) check cutter picks are sharp and operational and dust suppression jets clear and functioning e) ensure girder cradles and integrated working platforms associated with setting supports using development machine power are available and in good order f)

oversee correct application of the procedures for machine isolation during whole or partial support setting.

g) confirm correct operation of roadway plant/machinery safety devices (e.g. indicator lights) h) provide






installation equipment i)

complete records/reports in accordance with regulatory/organisational requirements

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM08 Element 8.4

Oversee Mine Roadway Development Supervise the operational cycle

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) ensure dimensions of roadway development are within predetermined safety limits b) oversee the minimisation of extraction distances to combat poor roof conditions/roof/side wall failure c) direct the safe dressing of ground d) organise the move up of sufficient supports within a specific transport system in line with transport rules e) ensure temporary/permanent supports (e.g. rock bolts, props) are set according to regulatory and organisational requirements f)

carry out checks to confirm competency of persons assigned to roadway development activities

g) check staff exposure levels to vibration are within limits h) supervise




loading/emptying and retraction of mineral removal equipment i)

direct staff to positions appropriate to prevent contact with moving plant/equipment/machine parts


ensure compliance with procedures for safe isolation of services

k) complete reports to regulatory/organisational requirements

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM09

Supervise the Transportation System/s in the Mine

Unit description This unit is about a mine supervisor being able to oversee activities involved in safely transporting personnel and/or materials and or equipment and/or minerals in the mine, or in that part of the mine for which he/she is responsible. This involves the implementation of statutory and company transport rules for the area of responsibility, monitoring environmental conditions to ensure that for example gases, hazardous substances, dusts etc. do not exceed statutory/company limits, operating transport equipment efficiently but within limitations, planning the transportation of personnel/material/equipment/mineral, dealing with breakdowns and protecting staff.

This unit is a four element unit MS9.1

Plan transportation/transfer/handling in the mine


Monitor transportation/transfer/handling in the mine


Monitor transportation environmental conditions


Protect personnel in transport roadways

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM09

Supervise the Transportation System/s in the Mine

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) Personnel/Equipment/Materials/Minerals handling, transportation and transfer 1. statutory










handling/transfer/transportation equipment 2. the principal activities involved in materials/equipment/minerals handling 3.

the physical operation of handling systems

4. the general types of transport systems which may be used in mines 5. the advantages/limitations of the various methods of transport used at the mine 6. the mine environmental factors that may influence the choice of transport system used 7. the geological conditions that could affect the performance of transport systems, and what the affects might be 8. the circumstances in which transportation/handling may be unsafe (due to mine or load conditions) and the corresponding relevant organisational procedures 9. for handling/transport systems used in the mine, the components of the system/s, the operational speed and

the maximum loading capacity for each method of

conveyance 10. the logistics control system/s in the mine 11. the procedures/systems for reporting/recording logistical movements in the mine 12. the time required to arrange and carry out transportation to the various locations in the mine 13. your own responsibility relating to the safe operation of systems 14. the responsibilities of drivers/workers/management in relation to the safe operation of relevant approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely with systems 15. the reporting/recording procedure for inspections carried out on systems 16. the systems for safe storage/stacking of equipment/materials 17. statutory requirements and operational procedures and methods for the safe transportation









(heavy/awkward/unusual/fragile/hazardous/large) 18. the procedure to be followed to deal with a ‘hold-fast’ situation (load or transport system jammed) giving priority to the safe dissipation of stored energy.

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM09

Supervise the Transportation System/s in the Mine

b) Mine environments 22. the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to area of responsibility 23. industrial Standards relevant to area of responsibility 24. hazards associated with transportation/transfer/materials handling 25. environmental approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely when transportation/transfer/materials handling in mines 26. how emergency situations can arise during transportation/transfer/materials handling in your area of responsibility 27. responsibilities of self and others and procedures to follow in event of an emergency situation 28. your duty with regard to ventilation system failure, which may include gas fast situations 29. the locations within a specific district where gas accumulations may occur 30. the indications of excessive movement or deterioration in the roadway/location profile 31. the physical signs that would indicate the need for additional support 32. how to check the positioning and operation of ventilation equipment (e.g. fans, ducts, filters) 33. legislative/organisational procedures for reporting poor ventilation 34. policies and procedures in the event of poor ventilation adversely affecting areas inbye/outbye 35. safe operation of portable/fixed environmental monitoring equipment provided at area of responsibility 36. the statutory duties should 1.25% or 2% general body readings of Methane be detected within your area of responsibility (flame safety mines only) 37. operational policies and procedures for the maintenance of a safe mine environment e.g. dust suppression, degassing 38. legislative requirements for coal dust/stone dust ratios (if applicable) 39. the terms; quantity, flow, pressure, resistance, volume, and cross-sectional area of airways. 40. organisational requirements and procedures for use of personal protective equipment (in general and for specific operations)

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM09

Supervise the Transportation System/s in the Mine

c) Equipment and tools 1. manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the use of equipment and/or tools provided for transportation and/or handling 2. manufacturers and organisational instructions relating to the use of personal protective equipment 3. legislation and approved codes of practice and guidelines for safe use of gas/dust monitoring, fire detection and ventilation equipment 4. the limitations of equipment provided for use in a materials handling system 5. procedures to ensure communication systems are inspected / maintained 6. procedures to ensure safety devices are inspected and maintained 7. organisational procedures in relation to equipment that is defective or requiring maintenance/servicing. 8. methods and procedures to confirm that equipment to be used is fit for purpose and within test date 9. isolation procedures for dealing with defective plant/equipment 10. organisational procedures in the event of problems/repairs occurring that are not immediately rectifiable d) Working with others 1. your own responsibilities 2. methods to confirm competence of personnel involved in transportation/handling operations 3. the allocation of tasks and duties 4. the benefits of team working and methods to achieve this 5. statutory and organisational reporting and recording procedures in your area of responsibility 6. the importance of effective communications 7. communications systems/procedures in area of responsibility 8. the








transportation/transfer/material handling 9. the dangers of working in isolation 10. organisational requirements for recording/monitoring personnel in your area of responsibility

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM09

Supervise the Transportation System/s in the Mine

Element 9.1

Plan transportation/transfer/handling in the mine

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) carry out inspections of transportation/transfer/handling systems and equipment to regulatory requirements and organisational procedures, and confirm as fit for purpose b) anticipate requirements for transport c) organise deliveries into or out of the mine based on priority d) carry out manual handling assessments, organise mechanical lifting devices where required, and ensure correct techniques are applied e) assess load and determine if procedures for abnormal loads are required f)

traverse and inspect route/s for abnormal loads

g) carry out test runs using e.g. templates to confirm route/s are appropriate (if applicable) h) instruct personnel in loading procedure and techniques required i)

supervise the loading operation is safe and the load secure before moving









organisational procedures k) communicate effectively with personnel involved

Element 9.2

Monitor transportation/transfer/handling in the mine

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) check to confirm systems/equipment is operating to operational requirements safely and efficiently b) authorise commencement of operations when conditions are suitable c) monitor






procedures d) ensure deliveries are made to correct location e) supervise the unloading/storage of material giving consideration to clearances, safe stacking, and to facilitate priority of use and stock level monitoring f)






organisational procedures g) communicate effectively with personnel involved

February 2008



National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Element 9.3

Monitor transportation environmental conditions

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) check ventilation system is operational within organisational limits b) ensure ventilation equipment (e.g. fans and ducts) are positioned meeting regulatory and organisational requirements c) operate and interpret readings from environmental monitoring equipment d) check geological conditions are within normal operational parameters e) ensure environmental conditions are within operational limits f)

communicate problems outside your limits of responsibility to the relevant person/s according to organisational procedures

g) complete







organisational procedures

Element 9.4

Protect personnel in transport roadways

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) monitor, record and control the number of persons in your area of responsibility b) communicate location of persons working within transport roadway/s to staff involved in transporting loads c) enforce the use of appropriate personal protective equipment d) ensure non-transport personnel working in roadways post appropriate warning devices e) confirm checks on safety devices have been carried out f)

identify problems (e.g. obstructions, geological movements, mechanical or service failure) and report to appropriate person/s for advice or repair/remedial action

g) check and confirm repair/remedial action has been effective h) carry out checks on competency of persons assigned to transport/handle types of loads i)

take appropriate action where problems/repairs cannot be rectified immediately

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

Unit description This unit is about a mine supervisor being able to co-ordinate all relevant activities involved in the preparation for installation and/or salvage of plant/equipment for the part of the mine for which the supervisor is responsible. This will include: preparations for installation and/or salvage and the operational cycle are carried out in accordance with statutory and company requirements, the monitoring of environmental conditions to ensure that gases, hazardous substances, dusts etc. do not exceed statutory/company limits, ensuring that all associated equipment and plant is inspected/maintained in accordance with manufacturers’/company specifications, dealing with plant/equipment failure, and protecting staff working in plant installation/salvage areas.

This unit is a five element unit SUM10.1

Prepare for installation and/or salvage of plant and/or equipment


Inspect associated plant and equipment


Monitor environmental conditions during plant installation and salvage operations


Protect personnel involved in installation/salvage operations


Supervise the operational cycle

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand;

a) Installation and salvage of plant/equipment 1. statutory requirements and organisational procedures for the installation and/or salvage of plant and/or equipment 2. statutory requirements and organisational procedures for the inspection and operation of installation and/or salvage equipment 3. manufacturers’ instructions and operational procedures for the use of plant and equipment in your area of responsibility 4. an appreciation of the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to mines 5. physical indications of excessive loads on supports (e.g. when rock bolts are used, checks for tell-tale readings and action to take when trigger points have been reached) 6. the need for cyclic and repetitive operations 7. the main functions within an operational cycle 8. Industrial Standards relevant to area of responsibility 9. organisational procedures to ensure ancillary equipment for moving, lifting or pulling salvage/installation plant are fit for purpose, suitably anchored and safe for use 10. organisational procedures to ensure, as far as reasonably possible, that the operation of installation/salvage ancillary equipment can be achieved from a safe remote position in line of sight 11. regulatory requirements and organisational policies and procedures for roof support (temporary/permanent) 12. the maximum exposed roof dimensions to comply with support rules during the installation/salvage cycle 13. the type, size and gauge of support systems used in area of responsibility 14. procedures and methods for dressing ground 15. the









materials/equipment to support installation/salvage 16. regulatory requirements and/or organisational procedures for reporting/recording information

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

17. the procedure to be followed to deal with a ‘hold-fast’ situation (e.g.


conveyor/cutting machine/powered roof support/transport system jammed) giving priority to the safe dissipation of stored energy 18. organisational procedures in the event of problems/repairs occurring that are not immediately rectifiable

b) Mine environments 1. the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to area of responsibility 2. hazards associated with installation/salvage operations 3. the geological conditions that would require investigation/rectification/additional support 4. regulatory






procedures for the inspection, use and maintenance of environmental monitoring and control equipment in your area of responsibility 5. environmental approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely during installation/salvage operations 6. the effect that activities in one area can have on the health and safety of others 7. how emergency situations can arise during in your area of responsibility 8. responsibilities of self and others and procedures to follow in event of an emergency situation 9. the principal regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for ventilation in your area of responsibility 10. your duty with regard to ventilation system deterioration/failure and/or gas fast situations 11. the locations within a specific district where gas accumulations may occur 12. the indications of excessive wall movement 13. Safe operation of portable/fixed environmental monitoring equipment provided at area of responsibility 14. the use of frictional ignition prevention and gas drainage devices 15. the statutory duties should 1.25% or 2% general body readings of Methane be detected within your area of responsibility (flame safety lamps only) 16. operational policies and procedures for the maintenance of a safe mine environment e.g. dust suppression, degassing 17. regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for the control of substances hazardous to health

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

18. legislative requirements for coal/combustible dust/stone dust ratios (if applicable) 19. the terms; quantity, flow, pressure, resistance, volume, and cross-sectional area of airways 20. organisational standards and procedures to maintain an acceptably clean and tidy workplace 21. regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for reporting and recording shortfalls in the quality of the mine environment

c) Equipment and tools 1. manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the use of equipment and tools provided for installation/salvage 2. manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the storage, maintenance and servicing of equipment and tools provided for installation/salvage 3. manufacturers and organisational instructions relating to the use of personal protective equipment 4. legislation and approved codes of practice and guidelines for safe use of gas/dust monitoring, fire detection and ventilation equipment 5. the









installation/salvage operations 6. organisational procedures for the inspection of plant/equipment/tools/support systems/transportation systems 7. organisational procedures to ensure communication systems are inspected / maintained 8. organisational procedures to ensure safety devices are inspected and maintained 9. organisational procedures to ensure appropriate equipment (e.g. lifting equipment) is fit for purpose/in date 10. organisational procedures in relation to equipment that is defective or requiring maintenance/servicing 11. organisational requirements and procedures for use of personal protective equipment (in general and for specific operations) 12. the types, use and siting of fire fighting equipment 13. plant/equipment isolation policies and procedures 14. maintenance procedures for dust suppression systems

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

15. methods and procedures to confirm that equipment to be used is fit for purpose and within test date 16. standards for installation and operation of cable handling/suspension devices and lifting equipment 17. lubricants and fuels used in your area of responsibility

d) Working with others 1. your own responsibilities and the limits of those responsibilities 2. methods to confirm competence of personnel involved in installation/salvage operations 3. the allocation of tasks and duties 4. the benefits of team working and methods to achieve this 5. statutory and organisational reporting and recording procedures in your area of responsibility 6. the importance of effective communications 7. communications systems/procedures in area of responsibility 8. the personal responsibilities/duties of others in respect of installation/salvage of plant/equipment 9. the dangers of working in isolation 10. organisational requirements for recording/monitoring personnel in your area of responsibility

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10 Element 10.1

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage Prepare for installation and/or salvage of plant and/or equipment

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) correctly identify the plant/equipment to be installed/salvaged and its location b) ensure that all ancillary equipment for moving, lifting or pulling salvage/installation plant are fit for purpose, suitably anchored and safe for use. c) ensure wherever possible the operation of installation/salvage ancillary equipment can be achieved from a safe remote position in line of sight d) monitor that preparation work is carried out according to regulatory requirements and operational procedures e) co-ordinate work operations to ensure that each on going activity does not affect the activities, health and safety of others within your sphere of responsibility.

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10 Element 10.2

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage Inspect associated plant and equipment

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) ensure fire fighting equipment is correctly sited, installed and operational b) confirm that safety devices are in place and operational c) ensure cable handling/suspension systems are correctly positioned and installed d) confirm that all service pipes/cables/hoses are correctly identified/stored/fitted with appropriate safety devices e) check tools and equipment ( rock bolting and drilling equipment) are serviced/maintained






organisational procedures f)

ensure inspections are carried out to confirm correct installation/operation of plant/equipment (e.g. of rail systems for guided transport)

g) implement plant/equipment isolation procedures h) ensure that lifting equipment is used/tested/inspected and installed according to organisational procedures and within design capabilities i)

ensure plant/equipment is used within its design limitations


take damaged/life expired plant/equipment out of service

k) initiate maintenance/servicing of plant/equipment l)



organisational procedures

February 2008






National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Element 10.3

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

Monitor environmental conditions during plant installation and salvage operations

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) check ventilation system is operational within organisational limits b) ensure gas/smoke monitoring/detection equipment is correctly positioned and operational c) operate and interpret readings from gas detection equipment d) check geological conditions are within normal operational parameters e) ensure safety and environmental protection devices are correctly positioned and operating to regulatory/manufacturers’ instructions and operational procedures (e.g. dust suppression, gas drainage, friction ignition prevention equipment) f)

ensure personnel involved in salvage/installation operations maintain a clean and tidy workplace to organisational requirements

g) communicate environmental problems outside your limits of responsibility to the relevant person/s according to organisational procedures h) complete


organisational procedures

February 2008






National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Element 10.4

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

Protect personnel involved in installation/salvage operations

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) monitor, record and control the number of persons in your area of responsibility b) ensure that staff working within your area of responsibility recognise when a hazardous situation has occurred and know appropriate action to take to inform others without prejudicing safety of self. c) carry out checks on competency of persons employed in installation/salvage operations d) direct staff to positions appropriate to prevent contact with moving plant/equipment/machine parts e) enforce the use of appropriate personal protective equipment f)

ensure that manual handling tasks are minimised by the use of mechanical lifting devices.

g) confirm checks on safety devices have been carried out h) identify problems (e.g. obstructions, geological movements, mechanical or service










repair/remedial action i)

check and confirm repair/remedial action has been effective


take appropriate action

where problems/repairs cannot be rectified

immediately k) communicate effectively with work colleagues, staff and line managers throughout operations

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM10

Element 10.5

Supervise Mine Plant Installation and Salvage

Supervise the operational cycle

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) ensure the implementation of the operational cycle corresponds to operational plan b) check that workers carry out their duties competently and to organisational procedures c) ensure dimensions of exposed roof are within predetermined safety limits d) oversee the immediate advance and setting of temporary/permanent supports according to regulatory and organisational requirements to combat poor roof conditions e) organise the on-time delivery/despatch of materials/equipment f)

co-ordinate activities in adjacent/adjoining workplaces

g) direct the safe dressing of ground h) oversee isolation of plant/equipment i)

February 2008

complete reports/records to regulatory/organisational requirements

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM11

Supervise Mine Product Clearance

Unit description This unit is about a mine supervisor being able to oversee activities involved in installing, maintaining and operating plant and machinery used for safely transporting mineral, products or waste, from the place of production/extraction/storage in the mine.

This involves

overseeing the implementation of statutory and company rules relating to product clearance systems for area of responsibility, the limitations of systems, ensuring plant and equipment is inspected and maintained, monitoring environmental conditions to ensure that gases, hazardous substances, dusts etc. do not exceed statutory/company limits and protecting personnel.

This unit is a three element unit SUM11.1

Oversee product clearance operations


Monitor environmental conditions during product clearance operations


Protect personnel working on or in vicinity of product clearance


February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM11

Supervise Mine Product Clearance

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) Product clearance systems 1. statutory requirements and organisational procedures for the installation and operation of product clearance systems 2. relevant approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely with product clearance systems 3. statutory requirements and organisational procedures for the inspection and maintenance of product clearance equipment 4. manufacturers’ instructions and operational procedures for the use of plant and equipment in your area of responsibility 5. an appreciation of the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to mines 6. Industrial Standards relevant to area of responsibility 7. the principal activities involved in product clearance 8. types, features, advantages and limitations of product clearance systems 9. the physical operation of product clearance systems 10. the mine environmental factors that may affect the choice of product clearance systems 11. the geological conditions that may affect the performance of product clearance systems 12. regulatory requirements and/or organisational procedures for reporting/recording information 13. the procedure to be followed to deal with a ‘hold-fast’ situation (e.g.


conveyor/cutting machine/powered roof support/transport system jammed) giving priority to the safe dissipation of stored energy 14. organisational procedures in the event of problems/repairs occurring that are not immediately rectifiable 15. the reporting/recording procedures for inspections carried out on product clearance systems under regulatory requirements or organisational procedures. b) Mine environments 1. the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to area of responsibility 2. hazards associated with product clearance operations 3. the geological conditions that would require investigation/rectification/additional support

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

4. regulatory requirements, manufacturers’ instructions and organisational procedures for the inspection, use and maintenance of environmental monitoring and control equipment in your area of responsibility 5. environmental approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely during product clearance operations 6. the effect that activities in one area can have on the activity, health and safety of others 7. how emergency situations can arise during in your area of responsibility 8. responsibilities of self and others and procedures to follow in event of an emergency situation 9. the principal regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for ventilation in your area of responsibility 10. your duty with regard to ventilation system deterioration/failure or gas fast situations 11. the locations within a specific district where gas accumulations may occur 12. regulatory requirements and operational policies for the positioning and operational efficiency of ventilation equipment ( filtration equipment, fans and ducts) 13. the action to be taken should any shortcomings arise in the ventilation system adversely affecting the quality of air issuing inbye/outbye your area of responsibility 14. safe operation of portable/fixed environmental monitoring equipment provided at area of responsibility 15. the statutory duties should 1.25% or 2% general body readings of Methane be detected within your area of responsibility (flame safety mines only) 16. operational policies and procedures for the maintenance of a safe mine environment e.g. dust suppression, degassing 17. legislative requirements for coal/combustible dust/stone dust ratios (if applicable) 18. the terms; quantity, flow, pressure, resistance, volume, and cross-sectional area of airways. 19. organisational standards and procedures to maintain an acceptably clean and tidy workplace 20. regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for reporting and recording shortfalls in the quality of the mine environment

c) Equipment and tools 1. manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the use of equipment and tools provided for product clearance 2. manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the storage, maintenance and servicing of equipment and tools provided for product clearance 3. manufacturers, instructions and organisational requirements and procedures for use of personal protective equipment (in general and for specific operations)

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

4. legislation and approved codes of practice and guidelines for safe use of gas/dust monitoring, fire detection and ventilation equipment 5. the limitations/maximum capacities of equipment provided for use in product clearance operations 6. regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for the safe installation, repositioning, adjustment and removal of product clearance systems and/or ancillary equipment (e.g. conveyors) 7. regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for the inspection of plant/equipment/tools/support systems/transportation systems 8. organisational procedures to ensure communication systems are inspected / maintained 9. organisational procedures to ensure safety devices are inspected and maintained 10. organisational procedures in relation to equipment that is defective or requiring maintenance/servicing 11. the types, use and siting of fire fighting equipment 12. plant/equipment isolation policies and procedures 13. maintenance procedures for dust suppression systems 14. lubricants and fuels used in your area of responsibility

d) Working with others 1. your own responsibilities and the limits of those responsibilities 2. methods to confirm competence of personnel involved in product clearance operations 3. the allocation of tasks and duties 4. the benefits of team working and methods to achieve this 5. statutory and organisational reporting and recording procedures in your area of responsibility 6. the importance of effective communications 7. communications systems/procedures in area of responsibility 8. the personal responsibilities/duties of others in respect of product clearance 9. the dangers of working in isolation 10. organisational requirements for recording/monitoring personnel in your area of responsibility

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM11 Element 11.1

Supervise Mine Product Clearance Oversee Product Clearance Operations

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) supervise and co-ordinate the routine installation, repositioning, adjustment or removal of product clearance systems b) ensure inspections are carried out to confirm correct installation/operation of plant/equipment c) confirm availability and condition of associated safety equipment serving product clearance systems d) ensure fire fighting equipment is correctly sited, installed and operational e) confirm that safety devices ( emergency stops, indicator lights) are in place and operational f)

co-ordinate work operations to ensure that each on going activity does not affect the activities, health and safety of others within your sphere of responsibility.

g) check that workers carry out their duties competently and to organisational procedures h) initiate procedures to maintain/repair/replace equipment that is damaged or fails to function normally i)

oversee isolation of plant/equipment for maintenance/repair/adjustment complies with operational procedures


confirm that suitable and sufficient repairs have been carried out safely on damaged/faulty items of the product clearance system

k) complete


organisational procedures

February 2008






National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM11

Supervise Mine Product Clearance

Element 11.2

Monitor environmental conditions during product clearance operations Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) check ventilation system is operational within organisational limits b) ensure gas/smoke monitoring/detection equipment is correctly positioned and operational c) operate and interpret readings from gas detection equipment d) check geological conditions are within normal operational parameters e) ensure dust levels are within operational limits and dust suppression equipment is operating satisfactorily f)

communicate environmental problems outside your limits of responsibility to the relevant person/s according to organisational procedures

g) complete







organisational procedures

Element 11.3

Protect personnel working on or in vicinity of product clearance systems Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) monitor, record and control the number of persons in your area of responsibility b) communicate location of persons working within transport roadway(s) to staff involved in transporting product. c) ensure that staff working within your area of responsibility recognise when a hazardous situation has occurred and know appropriate action to take to inform others without prejudicing safety of self. d) carry out checks on competency of persons employed in product clearance operations e) direct staff to positions appropriate to prevent contact with moving plant/equipment/machine parts f)

enforce the use of appropriate personal protective equipment

g) ensure that manual handling tasks are minimised by the use of mechanical lifting devices. confirm checks on safety devices have been carried out h) identify problems (e.g. obstructions, geological movements, mechanical or service failure) and report to appropriate person/s for advice or repair/remedial action i)

communicate effectively with work colleagues, staff and line managers throughout operations

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM12 Supervise Mine Mineral Production Unit description This unit is about a mine supervisor being able to oversee/co-ordinate all activities involved mineral production at point of extraction, in accordance with statutory and company requirements. This includes monitoring environmental conditions to ensure that gases, hazardous substances, dusts etc. do not exceed statutory/company limits, ensuring that all associated









manufacturers’/organisational specifications and equipment/plant faults are dealt with, ensuring that the operational cycle is carried out in compliance with statutory/organisational requirements, and protecting staff in the area of responsibility. This unit is a four element unit SUM12.1

Oversee mineral winning


Oversee inspection and maintenance of mineral production faces


Monitor environmental conditions during mineral winning


Protect personnel working on or in vicinity of mineral production faces

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) Mineral winning 1. statutory requirements and organisational procedures for the operation of mineral production faces 2. relevant approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely on production faces 3. statutory requirements and operational procedures for strata support 4. statutory requirements and organisational procedures for the inspection and maintenance of mineral winning equipment 5. manufacturers’ instructions and operational procedures for the use of plant and equipment in your area of responsibility 6. an appreciation of the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to mines 7. Industrial Standards relevant to area of responsibility 8. the principal activities involved in mineral winning 9. types, features, advantages and limitations of mineral winning systems 10. principals and methods to keep production faces aligned with the survey/plan 11. the main functions within the operational cycle February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

12. the need for cyclic and repetitive operations 13. operational support rules 14. type, size and gauge of support systems used in area of responsibility 15. physical indications of excessive loads on supports (e.g. when rock bolts are used, checks for tell-tale readings and action to take when trigger points have been reached) 16. mine logistics procedures and systems for the delivery of supplies 17. operational procedures for dressing exposed ground 18. the mine geological/environmental factors that may affect the choice of mineral clearance systems 19. the geological conditions that may affect the performance of mineral clearance systems 20. regulatory requirements and/or organisational procedures for reporting/recording information 21. the procedure to be followed to deal with a ‘hold-fast’ situation (e.g.


conveyor/cutting machine/powered roof support/transport system jammed) giving priority to the safe dissipation of stored energy 22. organisational procedures in the event of problems/repairs occurring that are not immediately rectifiable 23. the reporting/recording procedures for inspections carried out on mineral production systems under regulatory requirements or organisational procedures.

b) Mine environments 1. the main principles of health and safety and environmental legislation and regulations relevant to area of responsibility 2. hazards associated with mineral winning 3. the geological conditions that would require investigation/rectification/additional support 4. regulatory requirements, manufacturers’ instructions and organisational procedures for the inspection, use and maintenance of environmental monitoring and control equipment in your area of responsibility 5. environmental approved codes of practice and guidance for working safely during mineral winning 6. the effect that activities in one area can have on the activity, health and safety of others 7. how emergency situations can arise during in your area of responsibility 8. responsibilities of self and others and procedures to follow in event of an emergency situation 9. the principal regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for ventilation in your area of responsibility February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

10. your duty with regard to ventilation system deterioration/failure or gas fast situations 11. the locations within a specific district where gas accumulations may occur 12. regulatory requirements and operational policies and procedures for the positioning and operational efficiency of ventilation equipment ( filtration equipment, fans and ducts) 13. the action to be taken should any shortcomings arise in the ventilation system adversely affecting the quality of air issuing inbye/outbye your area of responsibility 14. regulatory requirements, manufacturers’ instructions and organisational procedures for the positioning and operation of equipment to prevent frictional ignition/drain gas in your area of responsibility 15. safe operation of portable/fixed environmental monitoring equipment provided at area of responsibility 16. the statutory duties should 1.25% or 2% general body readings of Methane be detected within your area of responsibility (flame safety lamp mines only) 17. operational policies and procedures for the maintenance of a safe mine environment e.g. dust suppression, degassing 18. legislative requirements for coal/combustible dust/stone dust ratios (if applicable) 19. the terms; quantity, flow, pressure, resistance, volume, and cross-sectional area of airways 20. regulatory requirements and organisational procedures for reporting and recording shortfalls in the quality of the mine environment

c) Equipment and tools 1. manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the use of equipment and tools provided for mineral winning 2. manufacturers’ and organisational instructions relating to the storage, maintenance and servicing of equipment and tools provided for mineral winning 3. manufacturers, instructions and organisational requirements and procedures for use of personal protective equipment (in general and for specific operations) 4. legislation and approved codes of practice and guidelines for safe use of gas/dust monitoring, fire detection and ventilation equipment 5. the limitations/maximum capacities of equipment provided for use in mineral winning operations 6. regulatory requirements and operational procedures to reduce the risks from vibrating equipment/tools 7. organisational







inspected/maintained 8. organisational procedures to ensure safety devices are inspected and maintained 9. organisational procedures in relation to equipment that is defective or requiring maintenance/servicing February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

10. the types, use and siting of fire fighting equipment 11. plant/equipment isolation/lock-off policies and procedures 12. maintenance procedures for dust suppression systems 13. lubricants and fuels used in your area of responsibility 14. equipment identification and coding systems 15. storage procedures for e.g. tools, equipment, hoses, cables 16. operational procedures for correct installation of services systems (e.g. monorails, cables) handling/support devices 17. manufacturers’ instructions and operational procedures for servicing/maintenance of equipment ( rock bolting and drilling equipment) 18. procedures to ensure that suitable and sufficient repairs have been carried out safely on damaged/faulty items of mineral winning equipment.

d) Working with others

1. your own responsibilities and the limits of those responsibilities 2. methods to confirm competence of personnel involved in mineral production operations 3. the allocation of tasks and duties 4. the benefits of team working and methods to achieve this 5. statutory and organisational reporting and recording procedures in your area of responsibility 6. the importance of effective communications 7. communications systems/procedures in area of responsibility 8. the personal responsibilities/duties of others in respect of mineral production 9. the dangers of working in isolation 10. organisational requirements for recording/monitoring personnel in your area of responsibility

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM12 Supervise Mine Mineral Production Element 12.1

Oversee Mineral Winning

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) monitor the operational cycle and all relevant operations within your area of responsibility / specific district b) ensure material needs for the production unit are met using material transport system c) co-ordinate face operations to maintain true line of advance or retreat to prevent excessive face creep. d) oversee








(temporary/permanent) to combat poor roof conditions and supervise the application of the support rules e) supervise the dressing of exposed ground f)

co-ordinate work operations to ensure that each on going activity does not affect the activities, health and safety of others within your sphere of responsibility.

g) check that workers carry out their duties competently and to organisational procedures h) complete


organisational procedures

February 2008






National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM12 Supervise Mine Mineral Production

Element 12.2

Oversee inspection and maintenance of mineral production faces

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) check to ensure fire hydrants and/or other fire fighting equipment is correctly sited, installed, undamaged, in date, fit for purpose in accordance with regulatory requirements and organisational procedures and operational requirements b) implement isolation and lock-off procedures for plant/equipment as required for adjustments or routine or forced maintenance c) oversee planned maintenance of respirable / combustible dust suppression equipment d) confirm that all safety devices fitted to mineral winning and clearance system/s are in place and operational e) confirm that all service pipes, hoses, high tension cables and trailing cables are identified, colour coded, stored correctly and have appropriate safety devices attached f)

check that services systems (e.g. suspension monorail for catenaries, cable handling devices) are supported, free moving and have sufficient storage to allow safe face advance/retreat

g) confirm that girder cradles/integrated working platforms associated with setting supports are available and in good order h) confirm





handling/mineral processing machinery/equipment are serviced/maintained in accordance with manufacturers/company procedures i)

implement procedures to initiate maintenance or servicing of plant or equipment


accurately record details of defects under appropriate heading according to regulatory requirements and organisational procedures

k) check that suitable and sufficient repairs have been carried out safely on damaged/faulty items of mineral winning equipment l)

carry out organisational procedures for defects found that cannot be rectified immediately.

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM12 Supervise Mine Mineral Production Element 12.3

Monitor environmental conditions during mineral winning

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) ensure that equipment provided to prevent frictional ignitions / drain gas are in place and working in accordance with statutory, company and manufacturers specifications b) check ventilation system is operational within organisational limits c) ensure gas/smoke monitoring/detection equipment is correctly positioned and operational d) operate and interpret readings from gas detection/monitoring equipment e) check geological conditions are within normal operational parameters f)

ensure dust suppression/neutralisation equipment is operating satisfactorily

g) implement action to address any shortcomings arising in the ventilation system which may adversely affect the quality of the mine environment within your area of responsibility h) communicate environmental problems/shortfall in quality of the mine environment outside your limits of responsibility to the relevant person/s according to organisational procedures i)



organisational procedures

February 2008






National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit Sum12 Supervise Mine Mineral Production Element 12.4

Protect personnel working on or in vicinity of mineral production faces

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a. monitor, record and control the number of persons in your area of responsibility b. ensure that staff working within your area of responsibility recognise when a hazardous situation has occurred and know appropriate action to take to inform others without prejudicing safety of self. c.

carry out checks on competency of persons employed in mineral winning

d. direct staff to positions appropriate to prevent contact with moving plant/equipment/machine parts e. enforce the use of appropriate personal protective equipment f.

check to ensure personnel are not exposed to excessive work hazards (e.g. vibration, hazardous substances)

g. ensure that manual handling tasks are minimised by the use of mechanical lifting devices. h. confirm checks on safety devices have been carried out i.

identify problems (e.g. obstructions, geological movements, mechanical or service










repair/remedial action j.

communicate effectively with work colleagues, staff and line managers throughout operations

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM13

Supervise Mine Surface Activities

Unit description This unit is about the supervision of activities carried out in the surface area and installations of a mine, and may include areas outside the perimeter of the mine surface operations that are affected by the mine and its activities. It applies to persons whose functional responsibilities apply only to the mine surface area, or part of that area, or to those who hold responsibility both above and below ground. The unit includes the functions associated with the monitoring of the area of responsibility and activities that take place within it, the functions associated with maintaining the environment and responsibilities for persons within the area of responsibility. This unit is a three element unit SUM13.1 Monitor the site and operational activities SUM13.2 Monitor environmental aspects SUM13.3 Monitor persons in area of responsibility

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) Surface Activities 1. the layout of the site/your area of responsibility and relevant adjoining areas affected by it 2. location of plant/equipment for use in emergency situations 3. safe working practices for yourself and those working under your direction and control to include all systems, procedures, equipment and materials in use 4. organisational/site rules and operating procedures in relation to transport and pedestrian routes 5. organisational procedures for the monitoring and/or auditing and/or inspection of plant/machinery/equipment/services in area of responsibility (including, if applicable, inspection and control of tips and/or stockpiles) 6. organisational site security procedures and actions to be taken in the event of a breach of security (unauthorised person/s, theft, damage)

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM13

Supervise Mine Surface Activities

b) Health, Safety and the Environment 1

definitions of hazard, risk, accident, danger, accident rate, environmental aspect,

impact, danger, incident, incident rate,

frequency, severity and

pollution 2

workplace monitoring and hazard identification (health, safety and/or environmental) methods, e.g. formal and informal inspections, surveys and audits


key aspects of health, safety and environmental legislation applicable to the workplace under your control and your personal responsibilities under that legislation


organisational policies and procedures in relation to health, safety, welfare and maintaining the environment


in-house information in relation to health, safety and the environment: internal accidents, incidents, near misses, cases of occupational illnesses


basic knowledge of the main types of occupational health risk – chemical (toxic, corrosive, dermatitic), physical (noise, dust, temperature, light, vibration, repetitive strain) and ergonomic


how the incorporation of commonly used protective devices and correct plant maintenance contribute to the reduction of health, safety and environmental risks, and the improvement in control and reliability


organisational procedures in relation to accidents, incidents and first aid


the scope and limitations of your own responsibilities relating to health, safety and environmental incidents, hazards and risks


organisational procedures and personal responsibilities in the event of an emergency situation (above or below ground)


role and responsibilities of emergency services and regulatory authorities in the event of an emergency situation at the mine


organisational procedures to deal with unfit persons present (e.g. ill health, violent, affected by drugs/alcohol


basic knowledge of the main types of environmental impact – emissions to air, releases to water and contamination to ground


how planning consents and environmental conditions relate to the parts of the workplace under your supervision


practical aspects of good water management


practical aspects relating to control of environmentally hazardous substances


principles and practical aspects of waste management and reduction


principles of good housekeeping


the benefits of improved environmental performance


the importance of maintaining good community relations

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM13

Supervise Mine Surface Activities

c) Working with others

1. your own responsibilities and the limits of those responsibilities 2. methods to confirm competence of personnel involved in surface activities 3. the allocation of tasks and duties 4. the benefits of team working and methods to achieve this 5. statutory and organisational reporting and recording procedures in your area of responsibility 6. the benefits of effective communication, involvement of personnel and motivation 7. communications systems/procedures in area of responsibility 8. organisational reporting structures and the duties of relevant personnel 9. the dangers of working in isolation 10. organisational requirements for recording/monitoring personnel in your area of responsibility 11. organisational procedures in relation to non-employees on site (e.g. contractors, visitors) 12. organisational induction schemes 13. organisational training arrangements 14. interviewing and questioning techniques

February 2008

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM13

Supervise Mine Surface Activities

Element 13.1 Monitor the site and operational activities

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) carry out organisational procedures to maintain site security b) conduct routine checks on condition of surface plant/machinery/assets c) check that materials/minerals are stored/stockpiled/located safely and securely in designated areas (including if applicable the correct location, construction and working of tips and/or stockpiles) d) check on the safe condition of traffic/pedestrian routes e) observe to ensure compliance with site transport rules and routes f)









plant/machinery/equipment/structures/services g) ensure arrangements are made to enable maintenance on plant/machinery/assets h) implement procedures to maintain acceptable standard of site cleanliness and tidiness i)

ensure communications with persons underground is effective to facilitate safe and efficient transportation and transfer of persons and/or materials and/or minerals


co-ordinate work operations to ensure that each on going activity does not affect the activities, health and safety of others within your sphere of responsibility.

k) complete records/reports according to legislative requirements and/or organisational procedures l)

refer any issues and/or problems outside own responsibilities to appropriate person/s

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National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM13

Supervise Mine Surface Activities

Element 13.2 Monitor environmental aspects Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) identify environmental aspects in the workplace and their existing controls b) confirm checks are carried out according to organisational procedures to ensure environmental control measures are effective and site is operational in compliance with environmental limits c) give accurate information about environmental matters relating to the workplace to personnel and other appropriate people ( contractors, visitors, management, environmental regulators) d) examine the workplace and assess opportunities for environmental improvement e) seek advice from managers or specialists in environmental aspect evaluation when appropriate f)

report environmental aspects which constitute a high risk immediately to the responsible person(s)

g) deal with environmental aspects which constitute a low risk in accordance with organisational and operational procedures h) complete records/reports according to legislative requirements and/or organisational procedures

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Page 66 of 88

National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM13

Supervise Mine Surface Activities

Element 13.3 Monitor persons in area of responsibility Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to; a) carry out checks on competency of persons employed in surface operations b) assign personnel to duties c) confirm contractors and/or visitors have received appropriate site induction and instructions d) enforce the use of appropriate personal protective equipment e) check that workers carry out their duties competently and to organisational procedures f)

check to ensure personnel are not exposed to excessive work hazards ( vibration, hazardous substances)

g) communicate effectively with work colleagues, staff and line managers throughout operations h) when necessary, communicate appropriately and effectively with relevant “third parties” ( neighbours, customers, contractors, visitors, emergency services, HSE or environmental regulators) i)

make recommendations for training where necessary


complete records/reports according to legislative requirements and/or organisational procedures

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National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM14

Manage the receipt, storage or dispatch of goods (Skills for Logistics Warehousing and Storage Unit WS20)

Unit description Mines have now been established as a suitable facility for the warehousing and storage of a wide and diverse range of materials. These include petrochemicals, documents, antiques, fine wines and waste products. Mines provide a secure location with consistent temperature. Storage can be in a mine abandoned after mineral production has ceased, a mine created specifically for storage purposes, or in part of a producing or tourist mine not currently used for that purpose. Storage mines must comply with all the statutory regulations required of other mines. However, the warehousing function is the same as any other warehouse. This Unit is therefore transferable to functions including warehousing and storage in other industrial sectors. This Unit applies to any person who carries responsibility for managing the receipt, storage or dispatch of goods in a mine, whether or not they have other responsibilities for the supervision of mining operations.

This unit is a single element unit MS19.1 Manage the receipt, storage or dispatch of goods

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National Occupational Standards: Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM14

Manage the receipt, storage or dispatch of goods

Unit Wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must demonstrate that you know and understand; a) Managing goods 1. sources of information on the capacity and limitations of a storage facility 2. types of goods to be received, stored, or dispatched 3. storage areas relevant to the type of goods to be received, stored, or dispatched 4. special requirements relating to the receipt, storage, or dispatch of goods 5. monitoring and testing systems and procedures 6. methods of stock rotation and movement 7. resources available in the organisation 8. types of problem arising from managing the processing of goods b) Legislation and regulations 1. sources of information on legislation and regulations 2. legislation and regulations that apply to health and safety in the workplace 3. legislation and regulations that apply to own area of responsibility 4. legal requirements for the storage and distribution of specific goods and materials c) Organisational procedures 1. reporting responsibilities and information systems used by the organisation for specific work activities 2. working practices, operating procedures, guidelines, and codes of practice 3. roles and responsibilities of different colleagues

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National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM14

Element 14.1

Manage the receipt, storage or dispatch of goods

Mange the receipt, storage or dispatch of goods

Standards of Performance To achieve this element you must show you are able to;

1. Confirm the quantity and type of goods being managed 2. Determine the storage conditions and equipment required to manage the goods 3. Assess the capacity of the storage facility, and identify appropriate areas for receiving, storing, or dispatching goods 4. Organise the movement or rotation of goods to assist receiving, storing, or dispatching goods 5. Ensure any monitoring activities, tests, and other storage arrangements required for the goods are carried out in accordance with organisational procedures 6. Identify and confirm requirements for facilities and equipment to be used with the goods 7. Utilise and maintain the organisation’s logistics resources effectively to manage the receipt, storage, or dispatch of goods 8. Provide information on the goods and their requirements to all relevant people using appropriate communication methods 9. Identify any relevant health, safety, and security issues relating to the management of the goods 10. Identify any problems with managing the goods, and take the appropriate action to deal with them 11. Report work activities and record them in the appropriate information systems according to organisational procedures 12. Comply with all relevant work and safety legislation, regulations, standards, and organisational procedures

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM15

Supervise the Blasting Operation

Proskills Extractives Blasting Operations Unit BL1, Mining Operations 3M08

Unit Description This unit is designed for the candidate to demonstrate competence to organise and supervise all work involving the use of explosives. It covers the day-to-day use of explosives, and the activities of those involved in blast design, shotfiring, explosives storage and transportation.

Note: Safety and security are paramount to these operations. Procedures need to be followed habitually to ensure maximum safety for all within the quarry, and in the immediate surrounding are, reviewed, and improved to meet changing situations.

Candidates will require knowledge across a range of specialisms, which includes: blast calculation and design; ground vibration and air blast overpressure; shotfiring.

During this work the candidate must take account of the relevant operational requirements and safe working practices.

There are three Elements in this Unit: Element 15.1

Supervise the Preparation for the Blast

Element 15.2

Supervise the Firing of the Blast

Element 15.3

Confirm the Conclusion of the Blast

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM15

Supervise the Blasting Operation

Unit-wide Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know and understand: 1. Controlling, recording and analysis of ground vibration/air over pressure 2. Recording aspects of blast performance 3. Responsibilities under the Health and Safety Statutory Requirements 4. Site Shotfiring rules 5. Relevant legislation and standards 6. Types and use of communication systems 7. Approved procedures and practices in the context of the operations, the work activity and the workplace environment (organisational; environmental; regulatory; emergency; operational) 8. Powers and duties of sentries 9. Legislation in relation to blasting in the situation and context (e.g. quarry, mine, tunnel) 10. Safe and secure storage of explosive substances 11. Maintenance of Explosive storage facilities 12. Recording of explosives/explosive materials in storage and use 13. Transportation methods for explosive substances 14. Blasting specifications; their purpose content and interpretation 15. Emergency procedures 16. External Third party agencies regulations 17. Practical requirements of HSE and/or Local Authority licences 18. Recognition, handling and safe disposal of deteriorated, waste, recovered and surplus explosive materials 19. The duties and responsibilities of the explosive supervisor 20. Types and use of ground vibration and air overpressure monitoring equipment 21. Site security in relation to blasting operations 22. Prohibited Persons 23. Relevant Literature

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM15 Element 15.1

Supervise the Blasting Operation

Supervise the Preparation for the Blast

Standards of Performance In achieving this element you will have ensured that: 1. Blast specification(s) are authorised and approved according to approved procedures and practices 2. Changes to the blast specification are approved and authorised. 3. Effective communication is established and maintained with relevant person(s) 4. Arrangements are made for the delivery and receipt of sufficient, suitable materials to meet the blast specification. 5. Adequate security measures for on-site explosives are maintained and records completed 6. Explosives are issued to relevant person(s) in accordance to approved practices and procedures 7. Checks are carried out to ensure activities involving the use, transportation and storage of explosives or explosive substances are carried out by relevant person(s) 8. Arrangements are made to ensure environmental controls are set up and monitored to meet local requirements 9. Blast sites are identified and established according to approved procedures and practices. 10. Potential risks are identified and appropriate action taken to eliminate or minimise. 11. Requirements for safety and security of the blast operations are clearly identified and communicated to all relevant person(s) 12. Problems and conditions referred by others are dealt with appropriately 13. Problems and conditions outside the responsibility of the candidate are referred to relevant person(s) 14. Work is carried out to approved procedures and practices and in compliance with statutory requirements

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM15

Supervise the Blasting Operation

Element Specific Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know and understand: 1. How to interpret the blast specification 2. Reasons for post blast slippage of ground and its effects 3. Effects of adverse environmental and site conditions 4. Causes of and dangers from flyrock 5. Public roads and rights of way 6. The relevant persons, as appropriate to site, associated with the activity 7. The appropriate environmental controls 8. Types of detonating devices and explosives used 9. Types of approved circuit testers for use in surface operations 10. Blast patterns 11. Types and uses of shotfiring tools and equipment 12. Determination of danger zones 13. Drilling methods and equipment 14. Methods of production and interpretation of survey information 15. Setting up, aligning and measuring drill holes 16. Recognition of relevant information from drill holes and drilling records 17. Recognition of natural joints, cavities and other geological features 18. Methods of testing initiation systems 19. Hazards associated with, and methods to minimize premature ignition

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM15 Element 15.2

Supervise the Blasting Operation

Supervise the Firing of the Blast

Standards of Performance In achieving this element you will have ensured that: 1. Checks are established and conducted to confirm the blast site conforms to the blast specification. 2. Limits of the danger zone are confirmed and approved according to approved procedures and practices 3. Tools and equipment are approved as safe and suitable to meet the blast specification 4. Arrangements are made to ensure the removal of surplus explosives and the disposal of packaging. 5. Position and form of the blast initiation site are confirmed and approved according to site operational procedures 6. Checks are carried out to confirm warning and security arrangements are in place and operating according to approved procedures and practices 7. Procedures are implemented to confirm evacuation of the danger area, and that visitors and contractors are in designated areas. 8. Authorisation to the Shotfirer to blast at an agreed time is given when operating and environmental conditions are confirmed as suitable, according to approved procedures and practices 9. Problems and conditions referred by others are dealt with appropriately 10. Problems and conditions outside the responsibility of the candidate are referred to relevant person(s) 11. Work is carried out to approved procedures and practices and in compliance with statutory requirements Element Specific Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know and understand:

1. How to interpret the blast specification 2. Effects of adverse environmental and site conditions 3. Types of warning systems 4. Methods of testing initiation systems 5. The relevant persons, as appropriate to site, associated with the activity

February 2008

National Occupational Standards in Supervision of Underground Mining Operations

Unit SUM15

Supervise the Blasting Operation

Element 15.3

Confirm the Conclusion of the Blast

Standards of Performance In achieving this element you will have ensured that: 1. Records are maintained and stored in accordance with operational and organisational rules and procedures 2. Post-blast inspection is carried out according to approved procedures and practices 3. Post-blast remedial work is approved according to operational procedures 4. On completion of the blasting operation, approval is given for the removal of warning and security arrangements, and to signal that the area is returned to normal operational status, according to approved procedures and practices 5. Overpressure and vibration are monitored and recorded, and checked to ensure they conform to local requirements 6. Site-specific shotfiring rules and procedures are monitored and reviewed, and recommendations made. 7. Problems and conditions referred by others are dealt with appropriately 8. Problems and conditions outside the responsibility of the candidate are referred to relevant person(s) 9. Work is carried out to approved procedures and practices and in compliance with statutory requirements Element Specific Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know and understand:

1. Hazards associated with misfires and unexploded charges 2. Recognition of misfires 3. Reasons for post blast slippage of ground and its effects 4. Dangerous effects of fumes created by blasting 5. Site examination after firing 6. Recognition of natural joints, cavities and other geological features

February 2008

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