Super Human Conflict-resolution Conflict Resolution

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 673
  • Pages: 21
SUPER HUMAN Conflict Resolution Conflict-Resolution Understanding, Dealing With, and Preventing Conflict

presented by

Which one fits your picture of conflict?

It Impacts Our Businesses/Clients Conflict, whether explicit or implicit, is one of the largest wastes in any project p j or business. > 85% of workers experience conflict > Typically T i ll around d2 2.8 8h hours per week k > Costs at least $359 billion annually > Delaying or derailing important projects or company changes. Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 3

It Impacts Us Personally

Unresolved conflict significantly… > Decreases productivity > Negatively g y impacts p our self-perception p p > Increases personal anxiety/depression > Impacts ALL personal relationships

Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 4


We’ll address three things today: > Understanding the 3 phases of conflict > Tools for dealing g with each p phase > Proactive Ideas for preventing or reducing conflict in groups/teams

Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 5

The greatest thing is, at any moment moment, to be willing g to give g up p who we are in order to become all ll that th t we can be. b Max De Pree Survive and Thrive - Schools│The EDGE Group│6

Th 3 Phases The Ph of Conflict

Conflict C f is like cancer. Left alone, it spreads, and makes healthy systems/people/teams / l / sick. i k Survive and Thrive - Schools│The EDGE Group│8

Phase 1 – Dynamics > Differences exist and are noted. noted (Goals, needs, perspectives, values, methods, interests)

> People are still focused on issues. issues > People remain rationale/considerate. > People exchange ideas and don’t don t overprotect their positions. > Suspicion S i i h has nott sett iin. > People are focused on resolution. Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 9

Phase 1 – Actions

> Value each individual; don’t brush off them off and assume “get get over itit.” > Keep group direction and priority clear. > Respond R d tto complaints l i t with ith ffairness i and justice. Small misunderstandings rarely go away on their own. Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 10

Phase 2 – Dynamics > Uneasiness present because of perceived unfairness or hurt. > Differences are accentuated as bad. bad > Language becomes less specific. ((“They They always… always ” or “you you can never never…”))

> The opposition is depersonalized. > People stop sharing information; take sides, and work against each other. Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 11

Phase 2 – Actions

> Do not take a “wait and see” posture; you will lose lose. > Acknowledge the problem directly with th group/team. the /t > If necessary, invite a neutral mediator.

Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 12

Phase 3 – Dynamics > Slander becomes acceptable. p identified with strong gp positions. > People > Leaders emerge on both sides. > Either Either-or or ultimatums presented. > Structures sabotaged or leveraged. > Perception becomes the new reality reality.

Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 13

Phase 3 – Actions > Get down! ☺ quickly y and do not be indecisive – > Act q with issues or with people. At this stage, people will tolerate modest mistakes more than indecision. > Immediately get outside intervention intervention.

Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 14

If at first y you don’t succeed, before you try again, i stop t to t figure fi outt what went wrong. Leo Rosten Survive and Thrive - Schools│The EDGE Group│15

P Preventing ti Conflict


> Test the waters before implementation or dogmatic proclamations proclamations. > Work with individuals before groups; thi will this ill aid id b buy-in i att the th group level. l l > Listen and respond to the resisters. > Lead boldly. Super-Human Conflict Resolution │ 17

So, which one fits your conflict approach?

H How about b t something thi lik like this? thi ?

Remember, growth is th only the l evidence id off life. lif Cardinal Newman

Survive and Thrive - Schools│The EDGE Group│20

Helping businesses create better teams and brighter futures. 888.650.EDGE (3343) @ g p g [email protected]

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