Sunwatts Handbook 200706

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,408
  • Pages: 8
The path to a healthier planet...

The path to a cleaner, healthier environment begins with SunWattsTM, a program designed to help Trico members take part in and benefit from renewable energy technologies.

June 2007

Table of Contents SunWatts: Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................ 3 Photovoltaic Technology Basics .................................................................... 4 SunWatts Residential/Small Commercial Rebate Program .......................... 6 SunWatts On-Grid PV System Rebate Enrollment Form ............................... 7 SunWatts Off-Grid PV System Rebate Enrollment Form .................................... 8

Care of our environment is important to all of us, and we want to preserve the earth for generations to come. Many people want ‘green’ energy alternatives to meet their electricity needs. That’s where SunWatts can help.

Frequently Asked Questions What is SunWatts? SunWatts is a renewable energy program designed to help Trico members install solar (photovoltaic, or PV) energy equipment at their home or small business. With the SunWatts rebate program, Trico’s residential and small commercial members can receive a rebate of $4 per installed watt for qualifying PV systems installed on their homes or small businesses, up to 50% the total cost of the unit (up to 2,000 watts, or $8,000, for residential systems; up to 5,000 watts, or $20,000, for small business/commercial systems). Why is Trico offering SunWatts to its members? Trico has a commitment to the community as well as to protecting our environment. We support alternatives to fossil-fuel based energy generation such as solar, wind and biomass. Why does Trico offer rebates only for solar (photovoltaic) systems? Arizona is one of the sunniest places in the world so it makes sense to promote solar energy as an alternative to traditional energy generation. In addition, policy makers at the state level have strongly promoted solar energy technologies over other renewable options.

Where does Trico get the money to fund the SunWatts program? Funding for the SunWatts program comes from the Renewable Energy Standard Tariff (REST), a surcharge placed on all members’ bills. This surcharge is mandated by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). All utilities under the ACC’s jurisdiction must assess this surcharge. What else is Trico doing to promote renewable energy? Trico, in partnership with the other Arizona not-for-profit electric cooperatives, look for large-scale renewable projects that will benefit our members. These projects include large purchase-power agreements from renewable energy generators and the installation of utilityscale renewable energy generating units. Why does green power cost more than regular power? While renewable energy sources like the sun and win are abundant, the technology used to harness them is still evolving. This translates into a higher cost per watt than traditional sources of energy. As more people adopt renewable energy and the technology advances, prices should come down.


Photovoltaic (PV) systems provide a flexible, ‘green’ option for customers looking for electric generation systems for their home or small business. PV systems convert sunlight into electricity. Very simple PV cells can be found in watches and calculators. More complex systems can provide power to homes and even the electric grid.

PV Basics PV Applications PV Systems have a number of useful applications, particularly in sunny climates like Arizona. PV systems can be used to supplement a homeowner’s regular electric power and they can also be used in rural areas where it is cost prohibitive to run an electric transmission line to the customer’s site. PV systems also make sense when only a small amount of electricity is needed, such as in water pumping. Off-grid and On-grid installations PV systems can be installed either off-grid or on-grid. Off-grid installations refer to those systems that are standalone and are not connected to Trico’s system. On-grid, or grid-tied, systems are those that tie in directly with Trico’s electric grid. PV — some considerations PV systems do have some drawbacks. They cost more than traditional generation, generally about $7 per installed watt depending on the nature and complexity of the system. As an example, a basic PV system for a residence can cost anywhere from $12,000 to $16,000, more if you wish to add storage devices like batteries. And, even though Arizona has an abundance 4

of sun, the excessive temperatures in our desert climate can negatively affect a PV unit’s output. A licensed, reputable solar contractor can compensate for this degradation when selecting a PV system for your home or business. No two PV systems are alike since no two installations have exactly the same needs. Much depends on the size of the home or business consuming the electricity as well as if the system has a backup storage system, which carry additional safety considerations. Only a licensed solar contractor can advise you as to the actual costs of the system that is right for your needs. Components of a PV system In a typical PV system, you will find a PV array and a control center containing a DC to AC inverter. Some people choose to add batteries to their system so they can store the unit’s output and use it at night. The PV Array PV arrays collect the sun’s rays and convert them into energy. There are a variety of PV array to choose from. Some are fixed; that is, they do not move or track the sun throughout the day. Some are tracking units that actually move with the sun

PV Array

PV Array

PV Array

PV Array

Control Center including DC to AC inverter

AC Output Your home or small business

How a small PV system works as it moves across the sky during the day or throughout the season. Some are mounted at ground level whereas others are mounted on buildings or elevated structures. It’s important that the PV array be designed to meet wind load requirements of the area. An improperly installed PV system could be destroyed in a wind storm. Wind load depends on the size of the array and the tilt angle of the array. A licensed solar contractor can assist with determining wind load. PV array generally have an expected life of 15 to 20 years.

Above is a simple illustration of a basic PV system. An actual system may have more components, depending on whether the customer wishes to connect to the grid, in which case safety mechanisms must be installed. A customer may also wish to add a battery system for nighttime power, which also has safety and interconnection requirements. Your licensed solar contractor can assist you in determining what will work best for you.

The Control Center Electronic controllers, inverters and any necessary switches, fuses and additional components can be found in the Control Center. These components should be able to withstand high temperatures and extreme weather conditions, as well as carry the proper certifications.


The SunWatts Residential and Small Commercial Rebate Program With the SunWatts Rebate Program, Trico will pay you $4 per installed watt — up to 2,000 watts for individual residential units, or up to 5,000 watts for small business/ commercial units, up to 50 percent of the total cost of the unit, whichever is lower. Sorry, we can only offer one rebate per member. The SunWatts rebate program is easy. Just follow these steps. (1) You must be a Trico member and the system must be sited in Trico’s service territory.

(6) To receive your rebate, you must submit the following to Trico: • Certification by a licensed electrician or Trico representative** that the installed unit meets the

(2) Select a qualifying solar electric system and

qualifications set forth on page 7 of this handbook

have it installed by a licensed professional at your

(on-grid system) or on page 8 (off-grid systems).

home or small business. This home/business MUST be served by Trico. In addition, the system must meet all the qualifications listed in the on-/off-grid qualifications section

• The unit’s rated output as specified by the manufacturer. • A signed SunWatts Rebate Enrollment form.

of this handbook (pages 6 and 7)

(You can find copies of these forms on pages 7 and

(3) For grid-tied systems, you must have a li-

8 of this handbook.)

censed electrician or Trico representative* test

• A signed SunWatts System Qualifications form

and certify that the system meets IEEE guidelines

(available from Trico - this will be sent after the

as well as Trico’s interconnection guidelines. The

enrollment form has been received.).

representative must also determine the output for purposes of the rebate amount. (4) Sign the agreement assigning Trico the rights to the environmental credits of the system. Trico will buy back any excess electric generation output from the unit at its avoided cost rate. To qualify for the energy buyback, Bi-directional metering equipment must be installed. The customer is responsible for the costs associated with purchasing and installing the Bi-directional metering equipment; however, this cost can be included in the system rebate. Please note that the SunWatts Rebate does NOT cover any costs associated with battery or backup systems. (5) Once the unit is installed and operational, you own it and are responsible for it. As the owner of the system, you are solely responsible for arranging and paying for annual service inspections as well as normal system repairs to the unit, including labor**.


Keep a copy for your records. (7) Once you’ve submitted your paperwork to Trico, please allow roughly eight weeks for it to be processed. * If you elect to have a Trico representative test and certify your system, you’ll be responsible for any trip charges billed by Trico. ** Trico strongly recommends that the customer, at the customer’s sole cost and expense, obtain and maintain a liability insurance policy that provides liability insurance covering the PV system’s generation activities and equipment. It’s advised that this policy have a combined single limit coverage for injury or death to any person or person and damage to any property of not less than $1,000,000. Trico reserves the right to refuse payment of a rebate based on the following, including but not limited to: failure to meet the qualifications as set forth in this handbook, incomplete enrollment materials, insufficient system testing or certification, installation and/or testing/certification by an unlicensed electrician.

On-Grid PV System Rebate Enrollment Form All ON-GRID customer solar electric generating systems must meet the following system and installation requirements. Please have your licensed contractor initial these eight items, then sign and submit to Trico PRIOR to system installation. This form is your SunWatts Rebate Enrollment Form. Note: a signed SunWatts System Qualification form is required in order to process your rebate. This form will be sent AFTER Trico receives your completed and signed enrollment form. 1. The customer’s PV system components must be certified as meeting the requirements of IEEE-929 - Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic Systems. 2. The customer’s PV system components must be certified as meeting the requirements of UL-1741 - Power Conditioning Units for use in Residential Photovoltaic Power and can be covered by a non-prorated manufacturer’s warranty of a least two years. 3. The customer’s PV system design and installation must meet all the requirements of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC), including Article 690, and all grounding, conductor, raceway, overcurrent protection, disconnect and labeling requirements. 4. The customer’s PV system and installation must meet the requirements of all federal, state and local building codes and have been successfully inspected by the building official having jurisdiction. To do so, the installation must be completed in accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of the NEC in effect in the jurisdiction where the installation is being completed, including, without limitation, Sections 200-6, 210-6, 23070, 240-3, 250-26, 250-50, 250-122, all of Article 690 pertaining to solar photovoltaic systems, thereof, all as amended and superseded. 5. The customer’s PV system must meet cooperative and Arizona Corporation Commission interconnection requirements for self-generation equipment. 6. The customer’s PV system installation must meet Trico’s Service Requirements as follows: “An AC disconnect means shall be provided on all ungrounded AC conductors and shall consist of a lockable gang-operated disconnect clearly indicating open or closed. The switch shall be visually inspected to determine that the switch is open. The switch shall be clearly labeled stated ‘DG Service Disconnect.” 7. All customer PV system installations must be completed in a professional, workmanlike and safe manner. 8. The rebate amount will be: __________________________________________________________ Rebate formula = ($4) * (PV cell nameplate rating in watts) * (number of PV cells) The maximum rebate amount per residential customer is 2,000 watts (or 2 kW), for a total rebate of $8,000. The maximum rebate amount per small commercial customer is 5,000 watts (or 5 kW) for a total rebate of $20,000. Rebate funds are on a first-come, first-served basis and will end when all funds have been rebated to customers. Contractor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Company: __________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Lic. Number: _________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Member’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Spouse’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Signature: _______________________________

Spouse’s Signature: _________________________

Date: _________________________________


Off-Grid PV System Rebate Enrollment Form All OFF-GRID customer solar electric generating systems must meet the following system and installation requirements.

This form is your SunWatts Rebate Enrollment Form. Note: a signed SunWatts System Qualification form is required in order to process your rebate. This form will be sent AFTER Trico receives your completed and signed enrollment form. 1. Energy source must be a permanently installed off-grid (non-interconnected) photovoltaic system. 2. Customer must be an existing Trico member. 3. PV system must be on the customer’s deeded or leased property and located within Trico’s territory. 4. System must be inspected on by Trico to certify that it is fully operational and meets all the qualifications of Part 1, 2 and 3. If multiple systems are installed then Trico must certify all systems during a single site visits. 5. The rebate amount will be: Rebate formula = ($4) * (PV cell nameplate rating in watts) * (number of PV cells) The maximum rebate amount per residential customer is 2,000 watts (or 2 kW), for a total rebate of $8,000. The maximum rebate amount per small commercial customer is 5,000 watts (or 5 kW) for a total rebate of $20,000 Rebate funds are on a first-come, first-served basis and will end when all funds have been rebated to customers. Contractor’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Company: __________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________________ Contractor’s Lic. Number: _________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Member’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Spouse’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________________________


Spouse’s Signature: _________________________

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