Sunderland City Council Forward Plan 2009-10

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Download & View Sunderland City Council Forward Plan 2009-10 as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 11
Forward Plan Key Decisions for the period 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010

R.C. Rayner, Chief Solicitor, Sunderland City Council. 14th October 2009

Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01242 To approve the Cabinet amended Holmeside Development Framework and adopt it as a Supplementary Planning Document 01224 To approve the Cabinet Single Programme Investment Plan for Sunderland 2009/11 01329 To seek Cabinet endorsement of the Council's bid to be Host City to the World Cup 2018 and 2022.

Means of Consultation

When and how to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee 04/Nov/2009 Statutory Meetings, briefings, Via the Contact consultees, letters and memos, Officer by 20 businesses, October 2009 property owners Environment and and occupiers, Attractive City Sunderland arc, Scrutiny local Members Committee and relevant Portfolio Holders 04/Nov/2009 Director of Meetings, e mail Via the Contact Financial Officer by 20th Resources, October 2009 Sunderland arc Management Scrutiny Committee 04/Nov/2009 Chief Solicitor, Meetings, Briefings, Via the contact Host City Bid Reports, Memos and Officer by end Director e-mails October 2009 Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Committee


Documents to Contact be considered Officer

Tel No

Report on consultations and amended Holmeside Development Framework


Dave Giblin

Draft Single Gordon Programme Bell Investment Plan for Sunderland 2009/11 Cabinet Report


Chris 5515095 Alexander

Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01293 Agree St Peter's Cabinet Riverside & Bonnersfield Planning Framework draft Supplementary Planning Document for public consultation. 01325 To recommend Cabinet Council to approve the determination of the Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005 01272 To approve the Cabinet council's contribution to the Houghton PCT Development on the Houghton Sports Complex site.

Means of Consultation

Meetings, briefings 04/Nov/2009 Strategic partners, and email Portfolio Holders and Chief Officers

04/Nov/2009 Police; Gambling Draft Statement Licensees; sent to Licensees Gambling Awareness Charities

04/Nov/2009 Portfolio Holders; Ward Members; Director of Financial Resources; Centre Users; Coalfield Community

When and how to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee Via contact officer by 21 October 2009 Environment and Attractive City Scrutiny Committee

Via the contact Officer by 20 October 2009 Safer City Scrutiny Committee

Individual briefings; Via the Contact Community Officer by 20 Consultation Days October 2009 Management Scrutiny Committee


Documents to Contact be considered Officer

Tel No

Cabinet report and St Peters Riverside and Bonnersfield Planning Framework: draft Supplementary Planning document. Report; Consultees responses

David Giblin


Norma Johnston


Cabinet Report

Mike Poulter


Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01327 To agree terms in Cabinet connection with acquisition of land for new Southwick Primary School

01328 Accept a progress Cabinet report on the BSF Wave 2 after approval of Readiness to Deliver submission. Also seeking approval to review the requirement for external support for Wave 2 of BSF and appoint where appropriate 01227 To approve a Cabinet Young Persons Supported Housing Project.

04/Nov/2009 Executive Director of Children's Services, Chief Solicitor, Director of Financial Resources 04/Nov/2009 School staff and governors, community consultees, councillors, directorate officers

When and how Documents to Contact Tel No be considered Officer to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee Meetings and emails Via contact Officer Report Nick Wood 5612631 by 20 October 2009 Management Scrutiny Committee

Means of Consultation

Draft documentation, stakeholders meetings with school staff and governors, parents, etc

04/Nov/2009 Cabinet Portfolio Briefings and/or Holders, Health, meetings with Housing & Adult interested parties. Services Staff, Children's Services, Partner Agencies


Via Contact Officer by 20th October 2009 Children, Young People and Learning Scrutiny Committee

Readiness to Beverley Deliver Scanlon submission, previous reports to Cabinet

Via the Contact Report Officer by the 20 October 2009 Sust Comms & Child, YP & Learn Scrutiny Cttees

Alan Caddick



Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01295 Approve the Cabinet Sunniside (S/land Central) Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Strategy as Planning Guidance. 01312 To approve the Cabinet principle of letting a contract for the supply of wheeled bins for the purposes of the new kerbside recycling arrangements. 01330 To approve the Cabinet Council’s role in coordinating and managing the Future Jobs Fund in Sunderland

Means of Consultation

When and how to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee Meetings, briefings, Via the Contact 04/Nov/2009 Statutory consultees, letters, memos and Officer by 20 businesses, emails, public October 2009 residents, Ward exhibition, Sustainable Members, Communities relevant Portfolio Scrutiny Holders, Chief Committee Office

Documents to Contact be considered Officer

Tel No

Cabinet report and Sunniside Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Strategy


David Giblin

04/Nov/2009 Corporate Procurement; Director of Financial Resources; Chief Solicitor; Portfolio Holders

Briefings with Portfolio Holders for Environment & Attractive City and Sustainability Scrutiny Cttee

Via the Contact Report Officer by 20 October 2009 Environment and Attractive City Scrutiny Committee

Peter High 5617534

04/Nov/2009 None


Via the contact officer by 20 October 2009 Prosperity and Economic Development

Gordon Bell


Cabinet Report


Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01323 Agree to seek Cabinet competitive tenders & appoint a contractor to construct the new build at St Joseph's RC Primary School, & demolish existing buildings & complete site establishment.

04/Nov/2009 Councillors, schools, parents, carers, Sport England & local community

01316 To agree Design Guide Accommodation with Support


02/Dec/2009 Cabinet, Service Users and Carer Groups, Portfolio Holders, Adult Services Staff, Health Partners

01326 To adopt the Seafront Regeneration Strategy and Marine Walk Masterplan.


02/Dec/2009 Statutory consultees, people who live in, work in and visit Sunderland, Chief Officers, Members and Portfolio Holders.

When and how Documents to Contact be considered Officer to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee Public meetings with To the contact Previous Cabinet John consultees. officer by 20 reports relating Walvin Presentations made October 2009 to Primary and documents Children, Young Strategy for presented. Members People and Change and views sought on Learning Scrutiny Council's priorities within Committee. procurement strategy. Further procedures consultation will include Sport England and the wider community as appropriate. Briefings and/or Via the Contact Full Report Alan meetings with Officer by 20 Caddick interested parties November 2009 Health & Wellbeing and Sustainability Scrutiny Cttee Meetings, briefings, Via Contact Cabinet report, Dave letters and memos, Officer by 20 Seafront Giblin drop in sessions, November 2009 - Regeneration workshops, Environment and Strategy and exhibitions, Attractive Scrutiny Marine Walk Committee Masterplan

Means of Consultation


Tel No




Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Taker

01285 To endorse the Cabinet work on the Provision of Public Services to People with Learning Disabilities 01278 To agree to the Cabinet council entering into a Joint Venture Agreement and to the acquisition of industrial units at Stadium Village regeneration area. 01090 Approve Cabinet submission document & sustainability appraisal for development in the Hetton Downs area to form part of the Council's Local Development Framework.

Anticipated Date of Decision

Principal Consultees

Means of Consultation

Documents to When and how to be considered make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee

Report Via Contact Officer by 20 November 2009 Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee Meetings and emails Via contact officer Cabinet report by 20 November 2009 - Prosperity and Economic Development Scrutiny Committee

02/Dec/2009 Cabinet, Service Users and Carer Groups, Portfolio Holder, Adult Services Staff, Health Partners 02/Dec/2009 Director of Financial Resources and Chief Solicitor

Briefings and/or meetings with interested parties

02/Dec/2009 Local residents, stakeholders, service providers, community reference group, Members

Meetings, briefings, letters, email, public exhibition, .uk


Via contact officer by the 21 November 2009 Environment and Attractive City Scrutiny Committee

Contact Officer

Tel No

John Fisher


Nick Wood 5612631

Cabinet report, Dave report on Gilblin preferred option consultation responses, submission document for Hetton Downs Area Action Plan, formal sustainability report.


Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01241 To approve the Cabinet amended Stadium Village Development Framework for public consultation purposes 01203 To agree to the relocation of the Port workshops and to offer the site to Tyne Slipway. 01297 To consider any key decisions arising from the Capital Programme and Treasury Management Third Quarterly Review



Means of Consultation

When and how to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee 02/Dec/2009 Statutory Meetings, briefings, Via the Contact consultees, letters and memos, Officer by 20 businesses exhibition, November 2009 property owners Environment and and occupiers, Attractive City Sunderland arc, Scrutiny local Members Committee and relevant Portfolio Holders. 02/Dec/2009 Portfolio Holder, Correspondence and Via contact officer Chief Solicitor, meetings by 20 November Director of 2009 Financial Management Resources Scrutiny Committee 13/Jan/2010 Directors and Report will be made Via the Contact third parties available on the Officer by 20 affected by the Intranet and eNovember 2009 virement mailed to Directors Management proposals Scrutiny Committee


Documents to Contact be considered Officer

Tel No

Report on Dave consultations Giblin and amended Stadium Village Development Framework SPD.


Cabinet report

Nick Wood 5612631


Sonia 5611851 Tognarelli

Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01299 To recommend to Cabinet Council the level of Council Tax Base to be included in the 2010/2011 Budget 01298 To consider any Cabinet key decisions arising from the Revenue Budget Third Quarterly Review 01319 To recommend Cabinet the level of Council Tax to Council

Means of Consultation

13/Jan/2010 None


13/Jan/2010 Directors and third parties affected by the virement proposals

Report will be made available on the Intranet and emailed to Directors

03/Feb/2010 Representatives At Special Meeting of Business in February Ratepayers and Unions


When and how Documents to be considered to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee Via the Contact Cabinet Report Officer by 20 November 2009 Management Scrutiny Committee Via the Contact None Officer by 20 November 2009 Management Scrutiny Committee To contact Officer Cabinet Report by the end of January 2010 Management Scrutiny Committee

Contact Officer

Tel No

Fiona Brown


Sonia 5611851 Tognarelli

5611801 Keith Beardmore

Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01318 To recommend Cabinet the Capital Programme, Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management and Investment Strategy for 2010/2011 to the Council 01320 To recommend Cabinet the level of Council Tax Collection Fund 2010/2011 to be taken into account to Council 01321 To recommend Cabinet the level of Council Tax Collection Fund 2010/2011 to be taken into account to Council

Means of Consultation

03/Feb/2010 Representatives At Special Meeting of Business in February Ratepayers and Unions

When and how Documents to be considered to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee To contact Officer Cabinet Report by the end of January 2010 Management Scrutiny Committee

Contact Officer

Tel No

Keith 5611801 Beardmore

03/Feb/2010 None


To contact Officer Cabinet Report by the end of January 2010 Management Scrutiny Committee

Sonia 5611851 Tognarelli

03/Feb/2010 None


To contact Officer Cabinet Report by the end of January 2010 Management Scrutiny Committee

Sonia 5611851 Tognarelli


Forward Plan: Key Decisions for the next four months - 01/Nov/2009 to 28/Feb/2010 No.

Description of Decision

Decision Anticipated Principal Taker Date of Consultees Decision

01317 To recommend the Revenue Budget 2010/2011 to Council


01292 To approve proposals for Phase 3 of the Tyne and Wear Bus Corridor Improvement Programme.


03/Feb/2010 Reps. of Business Ratepayers, Unions, Headteachers, Governors, Youth Parliament, Citizens Panel 03/Feb/2010 Portfolio Holder, Nexus, Director of Financial Resources, Chief Solicitor

Means of Consultation

Presentations, Meetings, Surveys

When and how Documents to be considered to make representations and appropriate Scrutiny Committee To Contact Officer Cabinet Report by the end of January 2010 Management Scrutiny Committee

Briefings, meetings, Via the Contact Cabinet Report emails Officer by 20 January 2010 Environment and Attractive City Scrutiny Committee


Contact Officer

Tel No

5611801 Keith Beardmore

Bob 5611517 Donaldson

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