Sun Yat Sen_s Hawaiian Muse-red

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  • Words: 578
  • Pages: 32
SUN YAT-SEN’S POLITICAL AWAKENING Louis Lim Lin Tong Ngai Kuo Ying Michelle Tan

Task 1: Journeys

Project Work Group: RJ277

Presenter: Ngai Kuo Ying


Aims & Objectives 

Sun Yat-sen’s journey of political awakening  Starting

point: Education in Hawaii  Main influences  Later achievements 

Application to modern Singaporean youth  Relevance  Benefits

Sun Yat-sen’s Political Awakening

Kuo Ying Introduction & Context

Lin Tong Sun Yat-Sen’s Journey

Michelle Planned Journey : Conference Activities

Louis Concludin g Speaker

Sun Yat-sen’s Political Awakening 1878 to 1883: Sun’s education in Hawaii - Exposed him to Western political ideologies and important political figures •

• Return to China: At the age of 17, Sun was empowered with daring ideas and actively challenged the system of governance present in

Sun Yat-sen’s Political Awakening

-Quoted from Sun Yat-sen in Hawaii: Activities and Supporters by Yansheng Ma Lum, Raymond Mun Kong Lum

Application of Sun’s Journey 

Replication of Sun’s journey for youths to undertake, in the form of an organised conference

Objectives:  To

generate a more active attitude towards Singapore political issues and conditions amongst youths  Instill a greater sense of rootedness towards Singapore amongst the younger generation

Presenter: Lin Tong

Sun Yat-Sen’s Hawaiian Experience

3 spheres of influence of Sun’s Journey

Exposure to Western political Return to China ideology Exploring ideology’s social relevance with peers

Formulation China embraces The Three Principles of the People

Personal Exposure

-The Iolani School, in which Sun studied at from 1879-1882

Personal Exposure •Read the work of great luminaries : Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln •Loss of capitalist attitudes

-Sun Yat-sen as a youth

•Began to explore new philosophies

Sun’s Return to China

-The “Si Da Kou" (Four Great Gangs, 四大寇 ): Yang Heling, Chen Shaobai, You Lie, Guan Jingliang and Sun Yat-sen (2nd

Formulation of Ideology The Three Principles of the People: 

Nationalism “Of the People” (Mínzú)

 Democracy:

“By the People” (Minquán)  Socialism:

“For the People” (Minshēng)

Significant Impact 

Awakening of Sun’s political consciousness

Shaped & defined his faith in social justice and democratic institutions

Inspired Sun to improve China’s social, political, and economic condition

Presenter: Michelle Tan

Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings -from the perspective of Delegate X

The 3 spheres of influence of Planned Journey


Delegate X receives information regarding the conference

Pre-Conference Workshop

Briefing for participants: - Conference aims and purposes - Assignment of countries and ideologies


Delegates will do research on ideologies and interest groups in preparation for the conference.


Conference opening with speech and personal sharing by invited academic professor

Conference Proceedings

Delegate presenting on Singaporean history and context Singapo re Governm ent

Conference Proceedings

Delegates actively engaged in dialogue

Post-Conference Activities

Addressing the wider community: Presentatio n of personal journey to classmates

Presenter: Louis Lim

Conclusion A Synthesis of Sun’s Journey and Proposed Plan

Spheres Of Influence

Exposu re

Equi p

Return To China

Engag e


Exhibit & Evaluate

Conclusion •

Ways to generate political interest to a wider community How does it replicate Sun Yat-sen’s journey?

How does it replicate Sun Yat-sen’s journey?


Importance of engaging youth in politics Value of youths and their visions for Singapore’s political future

Conclusion •

Aims we would want to achieve Proliferate youth interest in political issues Enabling youths to take on a proactive roles in nationbuilding

Video with reflections and nonsense.

Thank you for your kind attention

Question & Answer

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