Summons For Legal Separation

  • Uploaded by: Sam Hasler
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 721
  • Pages: 2

IN THE nCounty where court is::LIKE THISo nType of court::LIKE THISo COURT nIF Does this court have a division number?onCourt's division numberonEND IFo

SS: COUNTY OF nCounty where court is::LIKE THISo

nYear:1990o TERM

CAUSE NO.: nCause numbero In Re the legal separation of: n Petitioner's nameo , Petitioner, and n Respondent's nameo

Respondent TO RESPONDENT: nOpposing Party Nameo nOpposing Party Addresso nOpposing Party Cityo, nOpposing Party Stateo nOpposing Party Zipo You are hereby notified that the person named as petitioner has filed a Petition for Legal Separation in the court indicated above. A copy of this Petition for Legal Separation is attached to this summons. It also states the relief sought or the dem and m ade ag ainst you b y the petitione r. An answer o r other app ropriate resp onse in w riting to the Pe tition for Legal Sep aration is no t required. H owever, if you fail to appea r for a hearing a judgme nt by defau lt may be re ndered a gainst you for the relief dem anded by petitioner.

Dated: _________________ __________________________________________ (Seal ) Clerk of nCounty where court is: :LIKE T HIS o nType of court ::LIKE T HIS o Court nIF Does this court ha ve a division n umbe r? onCour t's division n umb er:Ix onEND IF o The following manne r of service of summon s is hereby designated .: nHow to serve the op posing p arty o. nIF Are w e serving Respo ndent at his employm ent? onRespondent's place of employment and add ress onEND IF o __________________________ Samuel C. Hasler, 11971-48 Attorney for Petitioner nMY ADDRESS1 o Anderson, IN nMY ZIP CODE o 765-641-7906

C LE RK' S CERTIFICATE OF MA IL ING I hereby certify tha t on the __ _____ _____ _____ day of __ _____ _____ _____ , nYearo, I mailed a cop y of this summons and a copy of the Petition for Legal Separation to the respondent, _________________, by _________________ mail, requesting a return receipt, at the address furnished by the petition er.

__________________________________________________________________ Clerk of nCoun ty wher e cour t is::LIKE THIS o nType o f court::L IKE TH IS o Court nIF Does this court ha ve a division n umbe r? onCour t's division numb er:Ix onEND IF oo By _________________ Depu ty Dated: _____ _____ _____ __, nYearo RETU RN O N SER VICE OF S UMM ON S BY M AIL I hereby certify tha t the attach ed return rec eipt was re ceived by m e showin g that: _________________ (1) The summons and a copy of the Petition for Legal Separation mailed to respondent _________________ was accepted by the respondent on _________________ __________________ (2) The attached return receipt was received by me showing that the summons and a copy of the Petition for Legal Separation mailed to respondent _________________ was accepted by _________________ on b ehalf of said respondent on _________________. _________________ (3) The atta ched retu rn receipt was received by me showing that the summons and a copy of the Petition for Legal Separation was returned not accepted on _________________.

_________________________________________________ Clerk of nCounty w here cou rt is::LIKE THIS o nType o f court::L IKE TH IS o Court nIF Does this court ha ve a division n umbe r? onCour t's division numb er:Ix onEND IF o S H E RIFF'S RETURN ON SERVICE OF SUMMON S I hereby certify tha t I have served this summ ons on the _____ _____ _____ __ day o f _____ _____ _____ __, nYearo: (1) By delivering a copy of the summons and a copy of the Petition for Legal Separation to the respondent, _________________. (2) By leaving a copy of the summons and a copy of the Petition for Legal Separation at _________________, the dwelling place or usual place of abode of the said respondent ______________________________________________ (3) ______________________________ _________________________________ Sheriff Clerk oof f nCoun ty wher e cour t is::LIKE THIS o County, Indiana By _________________________________________ Depu ty nIF

Are there support issues or related cases?onINSERT "Summons continuantion page.wpt"onEND IFo nIF Do we need Notice of Hearing?onASSEMBLE "sep - Notice of Hearing .wpt"onEND IFo nIF Do we need an Appearance?o nASSEMBLE "sep - Appearance by Attorney for Initiating Party.wpt"onEND IFo

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