Summer Project Guidelines

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 13


SINHAGAD INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & RESEARCH, KONDHWA BUDRUK, PUNE Dear Students, You are required to undergo SUMMER INTERNSHIP/ TRAINING PROGRAMME for 50 days in a business organization, in an area of your chosen specialization, as per the requirement of the course curriculum of Pune University. You will be required to choose a topic and do research work on the same in the company under the guidance of your Internal Project Guide (from the Institute) and the Guide in the company. You are required to note the following points: • This is a compulsory assignment and carries 100 marks [ 60 (Internal) + 40 (Viva voce) ] • You are required to undertake a short research assignment focused on a particular topic related to your specialization and not supposed to do a general study. • If there are two or more students doing the project in the same company, then those students should make sure that they are not working on the same topics. [Project titles must be different. The topics must be different in such a case.] • Preferably you should carry out the research with the help of a questionnaire, as per the university requirements. However, it may not be necessary in rare cases, depending on the nature of the topic. • Try to do a genuine and quality work as this subject may help you to earn good marks; and your Summer Training Project/ Internship work also looked as a base of industrial experience at the time of placements for fresher candidates. • Once you are selected for the summer training in a company, try to get maximum information about the company, its products, services, operations, competitors, future plans, etc. before joining. This will help you to choose a particular topic for your project. • During your survey always carry your college I- Card, company’s card as an authentic proof. • Please remember that while you are undergoing summer training in a company, you are representing your Institution. Work sincerely, be humble & polite to the company officials and to the people you are interacting with. • Try to take maximum benefit of this industrial exposure as it helps you at the time of your final placements. • You are required to interact periodically with your Internal Faculty Project Guide through mails/ personal contact, to inform about your progress. You should also give contact details of your company guide or the person you are reporting to in the company to your Faculty guide in the Institute. • Properly schedule your project research work and check from time to time your own progress. • You are required to follow the guidelines given herewith to write the Report . • You are also required to preserve the data collected, filled up questionnaires, or any related documents and information till the viva voce. 2

Report Guidelines: • Copies: You are required to make the project report in THREE copies [ one for submission to the University, one to the Institute, and one for your own record.] • Binding: The copies will be Black resin bound with the details on it embossed in Golden colour. • Page : Use Standard white A4 size paper for the printing. • Font Type: Use ‘Times New Roman’, the universal Formal font. Do not use informal fonts. Also, use ‘Justify’ command for the text. • Font Size: Font size to be kept 12 for normal script and 16 for Titles. • Margins: Left 1.5”, and Right , Top and Bottom margins – 1” each. • Page Numbering: to start from Introduction till Bibliography. • Line Spacing: 1.5 • Title page/ Front Cover: The front cover shall contain the following details embossed in Golden Colour. Top : The Title of the project, and name of the organization in the block capitals of 6mm size letters properly centered. Center: Submitted to Pune University , by _______(full name of the candidate) with course specification and year of submission, in Block Capitals of 3mm size letters, properly centered.

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Bottom: Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Research S.No. 40/4A + 4B/ 1, Near PMC Octroi Post, Kondhwa- Saswad Road, Kondhwa(Bk), Pune- 411048 (All in Block capitals of 3mm size letters in separate lines with spacing and properly centered.) Abbreviations to be specified at the mention of the term at the first instance of occurrence in the report Avoid vague statements, be specific Use simple words, easy to understand Report should be free of spelling mistakes


The sequence for the report should be as under: Certificate of the Institute in the following format:

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr/Ms.__________________(Name of the student in Italics) student of SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION & RESEARCH , Pune has completed his field work report at ___________________(Name of the organization in Bold)on the topic of ___________(Name of the topic in Capital & Italic) and has submitted the field work report in partial fulfillment of _____(course name) of the UNIVERSITY OF PUNE for the academic year_____( mention year). He has worked under our guidance and direction. The said report is based on bonafide information.

Project guide name

Prof. Sunilkumar Director


Instructions to follow while preparing certificate • • • •

Certificate should be printed on college letterhead. Title and Main body will be separated by two lines. For main body spacing of 1.5” between the adjacent lines. The blank spaces will have respective data in italics and bold as mentioned at the places.

Declaration: It is necessary for a student to declare that his/her project work is original. The following is the format for the same. 4


DECLARATION I herby declare that the project titled “_______________________” is an original piece of research work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of _____________________ (Name of the Guide). The information has been collected from genuine & authentic sources. The work has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of _____________(Name of Course) to Pune University.




Name of the student


Certificate of the concerned company. (As per the individual company format.) Acknowledgement Please take a note of following while preparing Acknowledgement: • Title and Main body will be separated by two lines. • For main body spacing of 1.5” between the adjacent lines. • Unless you credit elsewhere, mention diligently the names of persons and organizations that have helped you in the production of the report. • The students should make sure to spell the names properly and include the designations carefully. • If there were half a dozen colleagues in the department of the company with whom the student interacted during the course of the project work, it is not mandatory to name each one of them. It could be more appropriate to thank the team as a whole for their support and guidance. • The acknowledgement should be of a single page length only. Executive Summary • Executive summary is a gist of the project work presented in not more than 250 words. The executive summary is expected to provide answers to some key questions mentioned below. What did you do it? Why did you do it? • It gives the substance of the report. In fact, a summary presents the reports in a nutshell, without any illustrations and explanations. • Since it will be summary of what you yourself have written, it may be better to prepare the abstract/ summary directly from the outline or the table of contents, without getting entangled in the text, and then to check it with the main body of the report. This procedure will give you a better sense of balance and perspective. • The Executive Summary will not read more than two pages.


Table of Contents/ Index (with page no.s) The Table of contents may look like as under: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.



2. Objectives


3. Methodology


4. Company Profile


5. Literature survey


6. Data presentation


6.1 Data collection 6.2 Data analysis

23 28

7. Conclusions


8. Limitations / future scope


9. Recommendations


10. Bibliography


11. Annexure


_________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1: Introduction (2-3 pages) • The purpose of introduction is to introduce the research project to the readers. • The main function is to say what the report is about, what work has already been done on the subject and what new grounds are covered in the present study. In specific terms the items of information that may be included in it are the following: 1. Historical and technical background. 2. Scope of study, specifying its limitations and qualifications. 3. Relevance/ importance of the said topic to the organization 4. Definitions of special terms and symbols, if their number is small. • Since the introduction sets the scene and prepares the reader for what is to follow, take utmost care in writing it. The introduction to a report states in a forthright manner what you are going to discuss and does not admit of any vagueness. Chapter 2 : Objectives (1-2 pages) • A general review of how the problem arises is presented along with the specific objectives of the project under study. • A project report has two types of objectives, primary and secondary.


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The primary objective is the main purpose of the study and to answer this objective you require to get answers of some supporting questions, which are called secondary objective. There should be minimum five to six objectives, which should be answered in the conclusions.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology (2-4 pages) • Details regarding the different methodology used in terms conceptual data will be included in this. If possible appropriate reason of usage of methodology should be mentioned. • Hypothesis (if any) • Research plan, Design • Sampling Techniques used, sample size, sampling unit • Methods of Data collection used for the project • Statistical tools used Chapter 4: Literature Survey (1-2 pages) • Some data related to the secondary objectives and even related to your project work is already been researched and published. This information comes in the literature survey. It is expected by the student to present essence of the article with mention of the details regarding it in the references. • Students are expected to survey the available literature of the related topic from authenticated sources. Chapter 5: Company Profile (max. 7 pages) • The information regarding company forms the part of this topic. • You are required to outline the following: o Formation / Establishment of the company o Scope of the products of the company o Milestones in the history of the company/ achievements of the company o Collaborations, International certifications, if any. o Head office, Branch office(s) of the company o Summary statistics about the company such as number of employees, turnover, etc., o Quality policy, Objectives of the company, etc., o Organizational Chart, Hierarchy. o Financial statements (Balance sheets), if any. • The information given in this topic should be relevant to the topic chosen and descriptive data related to it should be attached in the Annexure and give reference by parenthetical statements. Chapter 6 : Findings 6.1. Data Collection:

(15 - 20 pages)


You may collect data through various sources using various methods. Questionnaire is the most widely used method for collection of primary data. Following are the guidelines for preparing and implementing a Questionnaire: •

First and most important- Your Questionnaire must be in line with your objectives. Remember, data collection and analysis of the data collected through this Questionnaire will give birth to your findings on which your suggestions/ recommendations will be dependent. Hence, a proper Questionnaire is extremely important for a successful project. • Number of questions in a questionnaire can not be exactly determined as it will entirely depend upon the objective of your project. • Number of questions should be enough so as to cover your research objective and also should not be too many which will annoy the respondents. • Your questionnaire should be a blend of open ended as well as close ended questions. Close ended questions are easy to analyze and open ended questions are difficult to interpret. • Sequencing in the questions-Before you start with questions mention that the data so collected is going to be used for academic purpose and would not be used against the respondents. • Always start the questionnaire with demographic questions like respondents name, age, gender, address etc.. • Then proceed with the warm up questions, which are related to the topic but are not the core questions e.g. if you are doing a survey for employee satisfaction about the welfare facilities in the organization , warm up question could be “ How many years you are working in this organization?” • Now ask the core questions, which serve your main objectives, followed by the questions related to the secondary objective. • Lastly, ask the closing questions. Typically questions like “ Any comments or suggestions about the facility ( or your area of study ) “ 6.2 Data analysis: The main function of this part is to present data in an organized form, discuss its significance and analysis and the results that flow there from. • Sometimes whole of this process is gone into for each topic or sub-topic and an inference is drawn at the end of each. • If the data are too numerous and likely to impede explanation or discussion, give it in annexure; in this part refer to it either by means of footnotes or parenthetical statements. • “ Picture is always better than a thousand words” though the saying is true it is essential to remember the following points: o Include graphs, charts or other graphical presentations wherever necessary but do not overdo it, because too many graphs will loose main purpose of including it i.e. it will reduce the clarity of your analysis.


o Make sure that all figures included in the report carry a figure number and title. o Graphs, charts should be explained properly with proper reference of the corresponding data. o In case a table, graph or a diagram is used in the project report, make sure that the body text of the report provides appropriate reference. o The tables need to be designed properly i.e. it is easy to create a complex table with several number of columns and rows but difficult to read the data and observe the trends. If possible split the table into number of sub tables and provide a summary table giving general idea of it. o If figures mentioned are more than five or six digits, it is better to present them into thousands, lakhs or crores. In case of percentage round off the digit to two on the right hand side of the decimal. o The constraints due to computer equipment availability have to be kept in mind while preparing the graphs and charts. Chapter 7: Conclusions ( Pages 1-2) • This term refers to the body of logical inferences drawn and the judgments formed on the basis of analysis of the data presented in the report or to the findings of the investigation made. • All conclusions must be supported by what has gone before; nothing new should be included at this stage. If their number is large, they may be itemized in the descending order of their importance. • Conclusions are a very important part of the project work of a student. Examiners are very careful about how the conclusions are drawn. They are looking for the basis on which specific conclusions are drawn so a conclusion should be linked with the research done in the report. • Take help of Faculty Guide and Company Guide, while you draw a conclusion. Chapter 8: Future Scope (Limitations of the study) (Pages 1-2) • Every project does have some limitations in terms of the constraints faced during the data collection. (sample size, costly, no response error, defective sampling etc.) . These limitations are actually nothing but the scope for the project improvement. • Some new questions may arise during the present research work , which are not properly answered in the current project work , this also come under future scope. Chapter 9: Recommendations (Pages 1-2) • Conclusions embody the inferences and findings whereas the function of recommendations is to suggest the future course of action. The busy executive may sometimes read only this part of the report and take decisions. • As in the case of conclusions you should list recommendations in the descending order of their importance. • Avoid controversial recommendations. Chapter 10: Bibliography

(Pages 1-2) 10

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Bibliography is the works or a list of the works referred to in a text or consulted by the author in its production. They are arranged in alphabetical order and two entries are separated by a blank line. It is a place to mention all the references material that the student has used during the course of the project work. Bibliography entries are divided in three categories. They are 1. Published books: This bibliography entry for a book is made up of three parts. They are: Author, title and the publication details. In case of Author’s name, the family name comes first followed by initials or the first name. In case of multiple authors, the sequence of authors is to be maintained as published in the book. The title of the book is to be reproduced as it is. Mention title of the book in italics. The publication details include name of the publisher, place and date or year of publication. Edition number (2nd , 3rd etc.) . Use a comma to separate three parts of this bibliography entry. Example: Kothari C.R., Research methodology-methods and techniques, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi 1985, second edition. 2. Published articles in Journals and Periodicals: Typical bibliographical entry for journals and periodicals are done same as Books mentioned above . The title of the article is to be reproduced as it is. Place the title of the article in quote marks. The publication details include the name of the journal, Volume number or Issue number, Date or month of publication. In case the journal does not follow the volume number or issue number pattern, then it may not be included in the bibliographical entry. Mention the page number on which the article appears in the journal. Example: Ferguson Lian, “ The software puzzle”, MIS South Asia, June 2000,pp. 52-56 3. Online Published material on the world wide web: The bibliographical entry for World Wide Web is done as follows: Name of the author or authors (Surnames first, first names and initials subsequently) Title of the article URL ( complete URL description, date on which it is referred) Example: Kothari C. R. Guidelines for Technical writing URL : October 5, 2006

Chapter 11- Annexure • An annexure contains material which is needed to support the main body of the report but is too detailed/ voluminous to be included in the text.


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All the annexure should be referred to in the text and its significance or meaning pointed out. If its number is more than one, they should be designated as Annexure A, Annexure B and so on. Generally the kinds of data included in the annexure are questionnaires, statistical data, samples of forms of data sheets or data sheets used in the investigation and other materials which must be included for record.

Personal Points for Oral Assessment (Viva Voce) • • • • • • • •

Make sure that you are fully conversant with the subject matter of your project report. Make sure that you know date, time and place/ venue of your oral exam and arrive early for reporting. Bring a copy of your report with you. Also carry your I-Card and Hall Ticket. Your personal appearance and manners should be that as required for an important job interview. Attend viva-voce in formal dress code only. Answer any questions put to you clearly and to the point. If you think that the question is not clear to you, ask to rephrase it. Remember, at all times during the oral examination, the Examiner is looking for evidence that you are aware of your crucial role as a professional manager and that you can communicate well. Body language should be positive.




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