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SHARADA UNIVRSITY Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for summer internship

Submitted by

Abdullahi Shafiu BBA Batch – (2016 – 19) System Id: 2016015975

Under The supervision of


School of Business Studies Sharda University Plot no: 32, 34 Knowledge Park 3 Greater Noida 1




1. To study and analyze various social media marketing measures employed by Sharda University (Quora,, stupidsid, and career 360 etc.)

2. To study the impact of social media marketing initiatives on Sharda University’s Branding

3. To study and analyze the return on investment of these social media engagements





INTRODUCTION Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or services. Most of these social medial platforms have their own built-in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success and engagement of ad campaigns. companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing including current and potential customers current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers and the general public, On a strategic level, social media marketing includes the managements of the implementation of a marketing campaign, governance, setting the scopes (e.g. more active or passive use) and the establishment of firm’s desired social media “culture and tone”. To use social media effectively, firms should allow customers and internet users to post usergenerated content (e.g. online comments, products view etc.)



PURPOSE AND TACTICS One of the main purpose of employing social media in marketing as communication tool that makes the companies accessible to those interested in their product and makes them visible to those who have no knowledge of their products. These companies use social media to create buzz, and learn from target customers. It`s the only form of marketing that can finger customers at each and every stage of the customer decision. Marketing through social media has other benefits as well of top 10 factors that correlate with strong organic search, seven are social media dependent. This mean that if brand are less or non- active on social media, they tend to show up less on Google searches. While the platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ have a larger amount of monthly users, the visual media sharing based mobile platforms, however, garner a higher interaction rate in comparison and have registered the fastest growth and have changed the ways in which customers engage with brand content. Instagram has an interaction rate of 1.46% with an average of 130 million users monthly as opposed to twitter which has a .03% interaction with an average of 210


million monthly users. Unlike traditional media that are often cost- prohibitive to many companies.

To this end, companies make use of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, You tube and Instagram to reach audience much wider than the through the use of traditional print, TV or radio advertisement alone at the fraction of cost, as most social networking sites can be use at little or no cost (however, some websites charge companies for premium services). This has changed the ways that companies approach to interact with customers, as a substantial percentage of customer interaction are now being carried out over online platforms with media platforms with much higher visibility. Customers can now post reviews of products and services, rate customer services, and ask question or voice concern direct with the companies through social media platforms. Thus social media marketing used by business in other to build the relationship of trust with customers. To aim this companies may also hire personal to specifically handle these social media interactions, who usually report under the title of online community managers.

TWITTER Twitter allows companies to promote their products in short messages known as tweets limited to 140 characters which appears on follower’s home timelines. Tweets can contains text, hashtag, photo, video, Animated Gif, emoji, or links to the products, websites and other social media profiles etc. twitter is also used by the companies to provide customers service. 7

FACEBOOK Facebook pages are for more detailed than twitter account. They allow a product to provide videos, photos, and longer description as other followers can comment on the product pages for other to see. Facebook can link back to the product’s twitter pages as well as send out events reminder. As of May 2015, 93% of business marketers use Facebook advertising.

INSTAGRAM In May 2014, Instagram has over 200 million users. The user engagement rate of Instagram as was 15 times higher than of Facebook and 25 times higher than Twitter. According to Scott Galloway, the founder of L2 and professor marketing at New York University’s stern school of business, latest studies estimate that 93% of prestige brand have an active presence on Instagram and include their marketing mix. When it comes to brand and business, Instagram’s goals is to help the companies to reach their respective audience through captivating imagery in a rich, visual environment. Moreover Instagram provides a platforms where user and company can communicate publicly and directly, making itself an ideal platform for companies to connect with their current and potential customers.

YOU TUBE You tube another popular avenue, advertisement are done in a way to suit the target Audience. The type of language used in the commercials and the ideas used to promote the product 8

reflect the audience’s style and teste. Also the ads on this platform are usually in sync with the content of the video requested, this is another advantage you tube bring for advertisers. Certain ads are presented with certain videos since the contents is relevant promotional opportunities such as sponsoring a video is also possible on you tube, for example, a user who search for a you tube video on Dog training may be presented with the sponsored video from a dog toy company in results along with over videos. You tube also enable users to earn money through its YouTube partner program. Companies can pay you tube for a special “channel” which promotes the company’s products or services.

QUORA Quora is a questions and answers site where questions are asked, answered, edited and organizing by its community of users. Its publisher, Quora, INC, is based on Mountain View, California. The company was founded in June 2009, and the website was made available the public on June 2010. Users can collaborate by editing questions and suggesting edits to other answers. Quora was founded by two former Facebook employees, Adam D’ Angelo and Charlie Cheever. They made this site for those who cannot find appropriate answers to the question. General question are available of almost every topic. This site is also made for students who desire to explore topics in-depth. Quora based of users grew quickly, beginning with spikes in December 2010. As of April 2017, Quora claimed to have 190 million monthly unique visitors, up from 100 million a year earlier.


Quora requires users to register with their real name rather than an internet pseudonym (screen name). Although verification of names is not required, false name can be reported by the community. This was done with the ostensible internet of adding credibility to answers, but Quora also has thousands of anonymous answers with thousands of upvotes. Visitors unwilling to log in or use cookies have had to resort to workarounds to use the site. Users may also log in their Facebook account or google using the open ID protocol. They can up votes or downvote answers and suggest edits to extant answers provide by the users. The Quora community includes some well-known people, such as Jimmy wales, Richard A. Muller, and Adrian Lamo. Type of Business


Type of site

Questions and answers

Available in

English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian


June 2009: 8years ago

Area Served



The best answer to any question


SHIKSHA Shiksha laterally means study, knowledge, instruction, learning, study of skills etc. it’s also refers to the one of the six vedangas, which studies sound, sankrit phonetics, laws of erophonic 10

combination and the science of making language pleasant and understood without mistakes, Shiksha as supplement branch of the vedas, include teaching proper pronunciation of vedas text, it’s one of the six fields of supplemental studies. The website was launched on May 2008 In Japan 2012, common application form was launched. Students applied to various B-schools in India through this standardized application platform. In February 2014, Campus connect program launched to identified problem of B-schools aspirants and helped find answers to queries such as placement, fees, etc. In May 2014, started counselling session for management studies aspirants using WhatsApp. Information on various students queries such as admission process, placements etc. were answered by shiksha campus Rep from well-known Indian B-schools. Vocational courses providing professional degrees or certificate and higher education in India and abroad is available in the website.

Type of site

Online Education Portal

Available in


Area served



Info Edge India Ltd






Not Required


May, 2008

Current Status Websites



STUPIDSID Stupidsid is an online platform for study resources and educational information. It rank in the world and generate 31,345 views for daily.

Domain name

Website Language


Google page rank


Daily Revenue


Monthly Revenue


Daily page views


Website backlinks


1. Though Sharda University was already a global university, but social media marketing campaigns run by the experts on different platforms like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, etc. helped the university concrete its identity across the globe where the reach was missing. 2. * Real-time communication channel 3. * Helped university increase the number of foreign students

Sharda university has not invest more on social media rather its uses Digital marketing department, they use social media in facilitating and promoting Sharda University through the social media and manner it engage in its services , the return of the investment for Sharda 12

university can be seen as a major priority of the admission it get for both national and international level , the achievement and the award received for the board of institute and UGC of India and other award received international through other universities across the world. That can be the return of investment of Sharda University.



STRATEGIES There are two basic strategies for engaging social media marketing tool:

PASSIVE APPROACHES Social media can be a useful source of market information and a way to hear customer’s perspectives Blogs, contents communities and forums are platforms were individuals share their reviews and recommendations of brands, products and services. Business are able to tap and analyze voice and feedback generated in social media for marketing purpose. In this sense the social media is relatively inexpensive Sources of marketing intelligence which can be use by marketers and managers to track and response to customer-identified problems and detect market opportunity.


Social media can be used not only as public relations and direct marketing tools but also as a communication channels targeting very specific audience with social media influencers and social media personalities and as an effective customer engagement tools. Technologies predating social media such as broadcast TV and newspaper can also provide advertiser with fairly targeted audience, given that an ad placed during sport game broadcast or in a sport section of a newspaper is likely to be read sport.


ESSENTIALS TO BUILD YOUR BRAND ON SOCIAL MEDIA 1. Choose network that supports your brand image According to convince and convert, 22 percent of Americans use social media multiple time a day, making it one of the best mediums on which to build your brand. There are literally hundreds of social networks out there, but most of them are not investing your time and energy.

2. Provide valuable and sharable content


It should go without saying, but you will create a much stronger brand reputation if you focus on creating useful content that viewers will want to share, rather than cranking out content to meet arbitrary publishing calendars or that covers subjects only you want to read.

3. Leverage influencers publishing killer content to your social profiles is important, but its only one part of the equation. If you have a relatively unknown brand, your voice is likely getting lose in the noise. While you eventually build your own audience through the creation of great content, this strategy is going to take time.

METRICS Web sites reports This involves tracking the volume of visits, leads and customers to a website from the individual social channel. Google analytics is a free tool that shows the behavior and other information, such as demographics and device type used of websites visitors from social networks. This and other commercial offers can aid marketers in choosing the most effective social network and social media marketing activities.

Return on Investment 16

The end of goal of any marketing efforts to generate sales. Although social media useful marketing tool, it is often difficult to quantify to what extent is contribute to profit. ROI can be measured by comparing marketing analytic value to contact database or CRM and connect marketing efforts directly to sale activity.

Customer Response Rates Several customers are turning towards social media to express the appreciation or frustration with brands products or services. Therefore marketers can measure the frequency of which customers are discussing their brand and judge how effective their SMM strategies are, in recent studies, 72% of people surveyed express that they expected in response to their complaints on twitter within an hour.

Reach and virality Popular social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media networks can provide marketers with a hard number of how large their audience is nevertheless a large audience may not always translate into a large sales volumes. Therefore, an effective SMM cannot be measured by a large audience but rather by various audience activity such as social.





2.1 Sharda University is a private University in Greater Noida, Delhi NCR, India established through an act of state Legislature of Utter Pradesh (14 of 2009). The university offers 180+ courses at Undergraduate, postgraduate, and Doctorate levels. It registered under section 2 (F) of UGC act 1956 by University Grants Commission. Sharda University is leading educational institution based out of Greater Noida Delhi, NCR, spread over 63 acres. The University has 21,000 students, it also tie-ups with 90+ colleges around the globe


SCHOOLS AT SHARDA UNIVERSITY Sharda University has thirteen schools pertaining to various courses including undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate levels and others they are: 

School of Engineering & Technology (SET)

School of Business studies (SBS)

School of Architecture & Planning (SAP)

School of Art, Design and Media Studies (SADMS)

School of Law (SOL)

School of Languages & Culture (SOLC)

School of Dental Science (SDS)

School of Nursing Science & Research (SNSR)

School of Allied Health Science (SAHS)

School of Medical Science & Research (SMSR)

School of Basic Science & Research (SBSR)

School of Education (SOE)

School of Pharmacy (SOP)


School of Engineering has 41 Labs to do their research and studies. School of Medicine has 28 Laboratories for practical exposure. Separate AC and Non- AC hostel for boys and girls are provided with a capacity of accommodating 3200 students. Various sports facilities including 


Basket Ball



Badminton & tennis fields are available.

LIBRARY Sharda’s libraries are six in numbers that has Reference Sections, Circulation Sections, Audiovisual Sections, Periodical Sections, Book Banks and Digital libraries. This libraries has a collection of over 1 lakh Books, 5,000 bound volumes, and 100 current subscription of journals, magazines and newspapers. Apart from this, around 5,000 full text journals titles are available.

AUDITORIUMS All SU schools have multiple Auditoriums, seminars Rooms equipped with the latest audio visual facilities for guest lectures, seminars presentations etc.


TRANSPORTATION The University runs a fleet of deluxe AC buses for facilitating students and staff to commute to and from Delhi, Noida and NCR.


Special Lecture on “LIGHTING” by havells India ltd

Live VASTU seminar

Seminar on “Blending East and West”

International Seminar on Constitutional Basis of Administrative Law in the USA

The Department of Biotechnology organizing a seminar on “Emerging Technologies and its Impact on Biotechnology

1st Anand Swardroop Gupta Memorial National Moot Court Competition, 2016 by SOL


2nd Convocation ceremony 2017

Chorus 2016 Sharda University


Alumni meet- school of Business studies (SBS)

National Conference on English Language

Orientation program school of Law (SOL) 22

Faculty Development Program by (SET)

Rangoli Competition

Freshers Party etc.



Workshop on JUGAD – Best out of west 2016

SOL Organizing Student Workshop “POWER OF NOW”

Workshop on Personal Branding and Interaction Design

CSE, SET are organizing Workshop on Java Technology on April 2016

Three days workshops on Unnamed Aerial Vehicles (DRONES) by SET April 2016.




Sharda University, in its corporate policy, philosophy and deeds has shown strong commitment to social responsibility. Our employees and students organize and contribute to welfare programs, especially for underprivileged section of the society. We provide dedicated services in healthcare, education and skill development programs for community welfare. The management remains committed to promote safety, health and hygiene, both within the University and eternally.



Sharda University’s rural healthcare camps touch the lives of people in remote villages and isolated communities in and around NCR. Sharda University offers a comprehensive package of medical services to the community. The initiatives against HIV/AIDS are part of Sharda University’s wide spectrum of health and welfare programs for the community.

Every year Sharda University conducts free health check-up for school students to promote awareness regarding benefits of healthy lifestyle among the youth.

The dynamic management of Sharda University has taken giant strides in promoting the scientific methodologies for career selection among the youth via its highly successful career counselling program.

DIGITAL ADVERTISING USING MAIL AND SMS Sharda University design and build custom emails and templates, creating them to be compatible with multiple platforms, such as Mail Chimp and Constant Contact. We also make sure to present opportunities for end-users to opt into future communications throughout the web experience through forms, landing pages, and other applications as we follow strict compliance guidelines. We design and build custom emails and templates, creating them to be compatible with multiple platforms, such as Mail Chimp and Constant Contact. We also make sure to present opportunities for end-users to opt into future communications throughout the web experience through forms, landing pages, and other applications as we follow strict compliance guidelines.


This allows us to grow our client’s email and information database and segment our audiences in order to send only relevant information to those most likely to be interested. We also offer SMS (text messaging) advertising capabilities. Either way, we’ll deliver your message into the palms of your audience’s hands.

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Search engine algorithms are constantly shifting; therefore, organizations need a search engine optimization strategy that remains relevant and current. We have a deep technical understanding of how search engines work today and a passion for research and testing to understand what will drive results tomorrow. Decode Digital helps clients generate more organic traffic by implementing both on -page techniques and external link building strategies. Our SEO team works closely with the web development and content teams, assuring that no opportunity is overlooked. We’re confident in our approach and have a proven track record to back it up.

SOCIAL MEDIA Depending on your goals, your audience, and your brand, we develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy, set up your profiles for optimal usability, and create


intriguing content. Using conversion and engagement optimization practices and advanced digital marketing expertise, we carefully craft posts to make it easy for your brand to get messages across and for your audience to respond accordingly. Our graphic design team develops custom graphics to accompany posts, providing unique content for your followers.

We’re experts in executing paid social media advertising campaigns to gain more followers, drive people to a website, increase engagement, and more. Our team is constantly up to date on best practices when it comes to ad formatting, audience targeting, and the behindthe-screen setup. Social media is a platform for two-way communication. That’s where our reputation management specialists come in to oversee and manage the online conversation surrounding your brand. This gives you an opportunity to reach and communicate with the people most important to your business.


We begin developing a content strategy by engaging in extensive research to identify topics relevant to the audience in order to reinforce our client’s role as an industry leader. We have the ability to develop purposeful content that relays technical information, builds brands, and engages audiences.


Applying our in-depth knowledge of best SEO practices, functional creativity, and advanced design and development skills, we deliver engaging content, adhering to the client’s brand and voice. We have extensive experience developing blogs, website and landing page copy, infographics, audio and video scripts, digital videos, press releases, native content articles, webinars, social media posts, and more.

MEASUREMENT & ANALYTICS Our philosophy as an agency is if you can’t measure it, it didn’t happen. At the beginning of any project, we work with our clients to understand their marketing objectives. From there, we help translate these goals into measurable online actions and determine how to most effectively evaluate campaign success. Our analytics team then implements all necessary on site tracking, enabling our team to report on the most meaningful actions and data points, including—but not limited to—goal and conversion tracking, on-site metrics, audience data collection, phone call tracking, heat mapping, and A/B testing. We then analyze initial data and continuously fine-tune the campaign for maximum results.

DEVELOPMENT From microsites to online website applications, our development team has the expertise and depth to build interactive applications and websites from scratch, focused on user experience, conversion optimization, and mobile responsiveness. Not only do our websites look good; they’re functional and user-friendly. We also implement advanced SEO practices 28

to improve your sites organic search ranking, driving people who are searching for your products or services to the right place.

DESIGN Our digital design capabilities stem from the tried-and-true science of functionality and conversions; we gather, decode, and translate what the client wants and what the audience relates to. Our designs are based on truly understanding the client’s goals, the audience, and the objectives while maintaining precise brand standards. In short, we push pixels and make it pop.

DIGITAL ADVERTISING Through social media we’re able to leverage both first- and third-party data sources to specifically hone in on our client’s ideal target audience and reach them across nearly any digital ad format in real-time—including social, standard display, rich media, and online


video, mobile, streaming audio, and native content. Based on the objectives of the campaign, we develop a customized buying strategy, utilizing a combination of targeting tactics tailored to achieve the marketing goal—whether it is to increase brand awareness or drive leads. Additionally, we develop search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns across Google, Bing, and Yahoo to connect users with our client’s brand while they’re actively searching for relevant services and products within our target geographies. This gives us the ability to capture “hand raisers” actively looking for your product or service and establish brand presence on the search engine results page (SERP) for terms where the client’s site may not show up organically.

MEDIA PLANNING With all of the available digital media opportunities and tactics available, there is no one size-fits-all plan. Every media plan we develop is custom-built and tailored to client objectives, strategy, and the target audience. We kick off our planning strategy with research, understanding the audience’s overall media consumption habits with an emphasis on online browsing behavior. Decode Digital plans holistically and is not contractually obligated to use certain channels and publishers, meaning we can make campaign and budget allocation decisions based purely on performance and alignment with client objectives. Our goal is to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time in the right environment.


Once implemented, it’s not a set-and-forget-it approach; we leverage data-driven optimizations, insights, and reporting tools to drive performance and report ROI to the client to guide strategy for future marketing efforts. In other words, campaigns continue to evolve and perform better and better.

DIGITAL MARKETING & STRATEGY Our strategy development coincides with what we want people to think, feel, and—most importantly—do. Our strategists go through our process of gaining insights from clients and key stakeholders as well as digging into consumer trends and the competitive landscape. Based on our research insights, Decode develops comprehensive marketing strategies, including how we’ll measure and report campaign success.

PERSUADING MORE AND MORE STUDENT TO TAKE ADMISSION IN THE SUNIVERSITY Step A Application form can be obtained at Admission Office, Sharda University, Greater Noida Campus Regional Offices International Offices The application fee of INR 1,200 can be deposited by any one of the following ways 31

Depositing Cash at Sharda University Fee Counter Depositing Cash at your nearest Punjab National Bank or Axis Bank branch. Please carry a printout of Voucher (Chalan), as a proof of online filling of application form. Through Credit Card/Debit Card in case of online submission of form. Demand draft in favor of Sharda University payable at Greater Noida Note: Please write your Name, Father's Name, Contact Number, and Course applied at the back of the DD and send it to:

Admission Cell Sharda University PlotNo.32-34, Knowledge park III Greater Noida, U.P.201306 Enquiries: 0120-3121001/2

Step B Apply Online Welcome note Unique ID Candidates applying online through Sharda University website will be routed for self-application


On successful submission of application, the system will generate a unique ID & Password (Numeric). The unique identification number so generated will be his identity throughout the admission process. An auto generated email will be sent to the candidate's email id, information

Containing the following SUAT- 2017 Process details at ATTEST Centre 

Do remember your User Id and Password as it will be needed at the time of online exam (SUAT2017)

After realization of application fee of INR 1,200/-, Sharda University will send the confirmation information to ATTEST. AT will activate the Online Examination Booking System (OEBS) for the applicant.

(Note: You may appear for SUAT- 2017 at the University Campus without prior booking) 

Through Online Examination Booking System (OEBS), the applicant will be able to book his/her exam date, time, and exam center of choice from the available options given in Online Examination Booking System (OEBS)

After successful booking of the exam schedule on OEBS, the applicant will be able to generate a Tamper proof admit card containing the relevant data for Examination

Applicants will have to carry two copies of the hall ticket to the examination Centre together with the recent passport size photograph pasted on it


Note: Applicant should bring the Photo ID proof (Original) and Application Fee Deposit Proof at the time of SUAT- 2017 examination, without which the applicant will not be eligible to sit in the examination. 

At the examination Centre, the Proctor will check applicant's hall ticket and will retain one copy which will be submitted to Sharda University for verification/validation at the time of Personal Interview.

While visiting the University, candidates should bring the following documents with them: Admit Card issued by Sharda University Print out of common application form (In case of Online) Photocopy of 12th mark sheet Photocopy of 10th mark sheet Photocopy of score card for JEE/UPSEE/MAT/CAT/XAT/ ATA/LSAT or any other entrance examination. Photocopy of ID Proof (Aadhar Card/Pan Card/ School Certificate). Original Registration Payment Receipt 3 Passport size Photographs Applicants who qualify the eligibility criteria will be required to appear in SUAT- 2017 - Sharda University Admission Test SUAT- 2017 is an aptitude test of 90 minutes which tests the problem solving ability, analytical skills, and language proficiency of a candidate


The test will have 100 questions consisting of several sections on Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Analysis, and English comprehension etc. Test Centre: University Campus, Greater Noida or its approved ATTEST test canters.

SUAT- 2017 Process details at ATTEST Centres 

Do remember your User Id and Password as it will be needed at the time of online exam (SUAT2017)

After realization of application fee of INR 1,200/-, Sharda University will send the confirmation information to ATTEST. AT will activate the Online Examination Booking System (OEBS) for the applicant. (Note: You may appear for SUAT- 2017 at the University Campus without prior booking) Through Online Examination Booking System (OEBS), the applicant will be able to book his/her exam date, time, and exam center of choice from the available options given in Online Examination Booking System (OEBS)

After successful booking of the exam schedule on OEBS, the applicant will be able to generate a Tamper proof admit card containing the relevant data for Examination

Applicants will have to carry two copies of the hall ticket to the examination center together with the recent passport size photograph pasted on it


Note: Applicant should bring the Photo ID proof (Original) and Application Fee Deposit Proof at the time of SUAT- 2017 examination, without which the applicant will not be eligible to sit in the examination. 

At the examination center, the Proctor will check applicant's hall ticket and will retain one copy which will be submitted to Sharda University for verification/validation at the time of Personal Interview. SUAT- 2017 Process details at ATTEST Centers

Do remember your User Id and Password as it will be needed at the time of online exam (SUAT2017)

After realization of application fee of INR 1,200/-, Sharda University will send the confirmation information to ATTEST. AT will activate the Online Examination Booking System (OEBS) for the applicant. (Note: You may appear for SUAT- 2017 at the University Campus without prior booking)

Through Online Examination Booking System (OEBS), the applicant will be able to book his/her exam date, time, and exam center of choice from the available options given in Online Examination Booking System (OEBS)

After successful booking of the exam schedule on OEBS, the applicant will be able to generate a Tamper proof admit card containing the relevant data for Examination

Applicants will have to carry two copies of the hall ticket to the examination center together with the recent passport size photograph pasted on it


Note: Applicant should bring the Photo ID proof (Original) and Application Fee Deposit Proof at the time of SUAT- 2017 examination, without which the applicant will not be eligible to sit in the examination. 

At the examination center, the Proctor will check applicant's hall ticket and will retain one copy which will be submitted to Sharda University for verification/validation at the time of Personal Interview.


AWARDS AND SCHIEVEMENT OF SHARDA UNIVERSITY Acknowledging the world class education provided by Sharda University, top magazines, newspapers and television channels have bestowed good rankings to the University in various areas like placements, industry interface, infrastructure, international relations, etc.

Sharda University continues to receive national and international recognition. Here's a quick look at some of our most recent and notable accomplishments






The quality and reliability of research study is dependent on the information collected in a scientific and methodological manner. Scientific planning of designing of research method is a blue print for any research study. Therefore, proper time and attention should be given in designing the plan of research. While proper definition of problem tells the researcher where he has to go, proper design tells him how he should go. Selection of methodology for a particular project is made easy by sorting out a number of alternative approaches, each of them having its own advantage and disadvantages. Efficient design is that which ensure that the relevant data are collected accurately.


The researcher has to think about what procedure and techniques should be adopted in the study. He should arrive at the final choice by seeing that the methodology chosen for project is indeed the best one, when compared with others.


Research design is the first and foremost step in methodology adopted and undertaking research study. It is overall plan for the collection and analysis of data in the research project. Thus it is an organized, systematic approach to be the formulation, implementation and control of research project.

In fact a well-planned and well balanced research design guards against collection of irrelevant data and achieves the result in the best possible way.


The universe of study being large, researcher has to resort to sampling method of data collection. On the basis of a section of the universe selected in a prescribed manner one is able to deduce for the universe. For the sample results to be applicable on the universe, sample should be adequately chosen so to make it representative and reliable.



Data are the bricks with which the researcher has to make a house. While the quality of research findings depend on data, the adequacy of appropriate data in turn depends upon proper method of data collection. A number of methods are at the disposal of the researcher of which one has to select the most appropriate one for visualizing the research objective. Thus he has to see that the method adopted is compatible with the resources and research study.

Primary Data: Data which are collected fresh and for the first time and thus happens to be original in character. Primary data are gathered for specific purpose.

Secondary data: Data that collected from primary data i.e., they are already exit somewhere. For the purpose of our study we collected both the data.

For the purpose of this study we collected:

Primary data through

(a) Questionnaire method

(b) Interview method.

In our study the main emphasis was on the questionnaire method. We used questionnaire method which consisted of 4 attributes and again they were further divided into 12 parameter. Question, which were asked, were of multiple choice in nature and were of closed ended.

Personal interview were also conducted. There was face to face conversation between researcher and the respondents. All the answers were recorded while interview was in progress. Through interviewing, additional information was received regarding our study. 42

The secondary data is not applicable to my topic.

DATA ANALYSIS Data collected, if not subjected to analysis is meaningless. For the purpose, data after collection has to be presented in the form of tables, diagrams and graphs. It is only after presentation that data can be analyzed, interpreted and inferences can be drawn.


LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY TIME INTENSIVE It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain an interactive social media presence. If you have small team or limited resources, it is sometimes difficult to devote the needed resources to social media. People have to monitor each social media network, responds to questions, feedback, and post valuable updates. While some people may view this as a drawback, investing time into social 43

media can help your business create lasting relationships with customers that will keep them coming back for years to come. NEGATIVE FEEDBACK Social media users have free rein to post whatever they want. This means that satisfied customers can leave glowing reviews on your pages since it is publically, but also means that the unhappy ones can leave angry rants about your business. Some of this negative feedback could come from within your own organization. Disgruntled employees have been known to vent on social media about work and their bosses, which make the entire company look bad.

POTENTIAL FOR EMBERRASSEMENT It is easy to get caught up in social media and post whatever comes to mind, which can have huge consequences for any business. Take for example, when the DiGiorno Pizza noticed that “#whylstayed” was trending on twitter, and jump on board with a tweet that read you had a pizza. This does not found awful until you consider that the hashtag was being used to discuss why victims of domestic violence stay in relationship. For companies with a large audience, mistakes like this does not go unnoticed.



EXECUTIVE SUMMERY PAID SEARCH Google search ad spending rose 21% Y/Y in Q1 2017, up from 19% growth in Q4. Clicks increased 20%, while cost per click (CPC) rose 1%. · Google Shopping spending grew 32% Y/Y, while Google text ad spending rose 12%. Across formats and engines, phone and desktop spend increased 51% and 12%, respectively, while tablet spend declined 23%. · Bing Ads and Yahoo


Gemini combined search ad spending fell 14% Y/Y in Q1 2017, compared to a 13% decline in Q4. Bing Product Ad spending held flat Y/Y, while Bing text ad spend declined 16% with a 19% decline in clicks. · Google’s share of phone paid search traffic rose to 97% in Q1. Bing Ads and Gemini traffic share are greatest on desktop computers, where the two platforms combine to account for 19% of clicks.

ORGANIC SEARCH & SOCIAL Total organic search visits fell 4% in Q1 2017 as a slight Y/Y increase for Google was offset by a small decline for Bing and a 28% decline for Yahoo. Phone organic search visits grew 15% across engines. · Phones produced 43% of all organic search visits, while tablets produced 10%. For Google, the two devices generated 56% of organic search visits, up from 54% in Q4, but below the 62% of paid Google clicks produced by mobile devices. · Social media sites produced 3.3% of all site visits and 3.8% of mobile site visits in Q1, as mobile accounted for 66% of site visits produced by the social channel. Facebook accounted for over 70% of social site visit volume.

DISPLAY & PAID SOCIAL · Facebook ad spend increased 71% Y/Y, while CPC declined 4% and CPM increased 13%. Phones and traditional display advertising in Q1 2017, compared to 68% less a year earlier.



· The eBay Commerce Network accounted for 68% of all CSE spend in Q1, with 28% of spend going to Convexity. · Amazon Sponsored Products spend fell 25% Q/Q, which was similar to the 29% Q/Q decline observed with Google Shopping spend.






Social media sites produced 3.3% of all site visits in Q1 2017, up slightly from Q4 2016 and roughly one point from a year earlier. On mobile, social’s impact is a bit larger as social media sites produced 3.8% of mobile site visits in Q1 2017. Although a great deal of Facebook activity stays on Facebook, it is still by far the largest driver of social visits tomost brands’ sites, accounting for over 70% ofsocial volume.


Site visits produced by organic search on phones grew 15% Y/Y in Q1 2017, up from 13% growth in Q4 2016 and a 1% decline in growth a year earlier. Phone organic search growth took a major hit beginning in late 2015 as Google rolled out more paid ads and other changes that drew attention away from theorganic listings. In the last couple of quarters, desktop has been a bigger drag on organic search, as advertisers are producing more growth from paid desktop listings.


For the first time since the third quarter of 2015, the median brand saw Google organic search visits grow in Q1 2017. Growth was less than 1%, but after over a year of declines brought about primarily by increased ad loads, it is a welcome development. Elsewhere, Yahoo organic search continues to exhibit large Y/Y declines of near 30%, while Bing organic search visits have fallen single digits for the past five quarters.


Mobile devices, including both phones and tablets, produced 66% of site visits driven by social media in Q1 2017, up slightly from Q4 2016 and six points from Q1 2016. Mobile is also commanding a much higher share of ad budgets for social media platforms compared to search and traditional display.



Despite a 4% decline in CPC and only a modest 13% increase in CPM Y/Y, Facebook spend grew 71% Y/Y as impression and click volume grew significantly. Thisrepresents a slight acceleration from the 65% Y/Y growth observed in Q4, as advertisers showed no signs of slowing their expansion on Facebook coming out of the holiday season.


In Q1 2017, 80% of all YouTube video spend and 77% of all Facebook video spend went to phones and tablets. Both have very popular mobile apps that generate a great deal of trafc. The mobile spend share of Facebook non-video ads is roughly the same as mobileshare of video spend for the social mediagiant, while YouTube’s video advertising mobile spend share is much higher than that of GDN display ads.


For the median brand taking advantage of both paid social and traditional display advertising, paid social accounted for 68% less spend than traditional display last Q1, but that gap shrunk to 39% less in Q1 2017. While Facebook accounts for the lion’s share of paid social investment, advertisers are also increasingly taking advantage of other platforms such as LinkedIn and Pinterest.



Overall spending on paid search ads grew 15% Y/Y in Q1 2017, up from 14% growth in Q42016. While click growth slowed from 15% Y/Y in Q4 to 14% in Q1, CPCs rose for the first time since Q3 2015. An influx of Google mobile search ad trafc in late 2015 depressed Y/Y CPC growth throughout 2016.


Spending on the Bing Ads and YahooGemini search ad platforms fell a combined 14% Y/Y in Q1 2017, down slightly from a 13% decline in Q4 2016. While Bing and Yahoo growth significantly outpaced that of Google in early 2015, two key drivers of that growth have since faded — the influx of trafic that Yahoo received when it became the default search provider for Firefox in December 2014, and the rapid initial growth of Bing Product Ads.


The eBay Commerce Network (ECN) accounted for 68% of all CSE spend in Q1, nearly identical to spend share in Q4. Convexity also saw its share of spend remain stable from Q4 to Q1. That could change soon, as the ECN is set to stop showing product ads on in May this year. This move is similar to Amazon sun setting its Product Ads in Q4 2015, as eBay and Amazon both seem focused on keeping shoppers on their own domains.



Sharda University need to further explore the possibilities of utilizing the social media platforms to creates its brand presence among the customers. Sharda University can use E–WOM E-WOM (electronic – word of mouth) to create awareness and engage the youth It is very important to understand the difference between firm-created and user generated content on social media and examine the effects of these two forms of communication on social media separately. This is highly significant as firm-created content on social media is under the control of the firm and the brand managers whereas user-generated content on social media is independent of the organization’s control. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to understand the role of social media communication in brand equity creation by analyzing the effects of two dimensions (types of communications) namely firm-created content and user generated content on social media separately. Further, it is evident that social media platforms create E-WOM (electronic – word of mouth) and this internet based communication among the consumers has the potential to influence brand equity. Sharda University can further post the information, videos, and photos about the various University events on Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. to help prospective/ incoming students be aware about the latest happenings in the campus. It will also help parents to keep abreast about their wards activities. Hashtags are a great way to connect users and build conversations around specific topics. One network that uses hashtags and is gaining popularity with students is Instagram. Hashtags have become a powerful tool as their popularity grows and more social networks and users use them.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1 digital marketing department block 2, sharda University 2 3 Social media marketing agency company Delhi NCR.


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