Summer English Camp Outline[1]

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 10
Grade 6: Summer Vacation Lessons Lesson Past & Future Tense

Activity ◈ Ice Breaker: Musical Chair Greetings

Self Introduction

Make a circle with chairs. Play music while student walk around chairs. When the music stops, students scramble to find a chair. The student who is


left standing must introduce him/herself.

-Handout 1

◈ Sing: Song #1

-Song sheet 1

◈ Presentation: 40 verbs present & past (handout 1)

-Snowman cutouts

◈ Activity A: Make Cool Name Tags

-Flash Cards

Give Students a square piece of paper. They must write their Korean name


with English letters, and draw a funny snowman that best describe them. Teacher should show them his name card before they start. ◈ Activity B: Verbs Ghost & Spiders Draw a big web on the board. Separate into 20 segments. Draw 2 spiders, 2 crosses, and 16 ghosts. The dice is rolled: Spider=loss of life / Ghost=kill opponent / Cross=gain of life. Must answer question correctly to kill opponent or gain a life. ◈ Activity C: Past Tense Jeopardy ◈ Sing: Song #1

Nationalities, Sports, and Jobs

◈ Sing: Song #1 & #2 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: 20 countries, nationalities, 20 sports, 20 jobs (handout 2)


◈ Activity A: Funny hats and wigs charades with sports, nationalities and

-Handout 2


-Song sheet 2

◈ Activity B: Jobs Tic Tac Go!

-Bingo sheet

◈ Activity C: Jobs in a bag Taboo

-Hats & Wigs

◈ Sing: Song #2

-Jazz Music

◈ Homework 2

-World Map -Bell -Flashcards

Sickness, Emotions and Story Book

◈ Sing: Song #2 & #3 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz


◈ Presentation: 10 illnesses & 20 emotions (handout 3) ◈ Activity A: Emotions Pictionary

-Handout 3

◈ Activity B: Dice of Fortune Sickness & Emotions

-Song sheet 3

◈ Activity C: Make a story book about any


topic using five random emotions.

-Dice of fortune

◈ Activity D: Doctor Doctor


◈ Song #3

-B4 size paper

◈ Homework 3: Finish the story book. Less mistakes = more stickers.

-Baroque Music -5 random emotions paper -Flash Cards Comparative Adjectives, Buying and Ordering

◈ Song # 1 & #2 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: 20 comparative adjectives & 30 items to buy and order at a


shopping mall or restaurant.(handout 4) ◈ Activity A: Buying and Ordering “Go Fish!”

-Handout 4

◈ Activity B: Big Bigger Biggest “Crazy cut up sentences!”


◈ Activity C: Opposites Crossword puzzle


◈ Song # 3

-Game Prize -Crossword Puzzle -Items Cards (x 2) for Go Fish

Prepositions Farewell Party


◈ Song # 1,2,3 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: 20 prepositions (handout 5)


◈ Activity A: Preposition Dr. Mix up with music

-Handout 5

◈ Activity B: Preposition Domino

-Farewell Song

◈ Activity C: Run Read Write relay


◈ Activity D: KILLER

-Polar Race Prizes

◈ Activity E: Farewell Party: Refreshments, Certificates, and Prizes


◈ Farewell Song

-Cookies and Milk - domino cards -Silly Sentences and paragraphs for Run Read Write Relay

Grade 5: Summer Vacation Lessons Lesson Days of the Week. Months.

Activity ◈ Ice Breaker: Musical Chair Introduction ◈ Sing: Song #1

Self Introduction

◈ Presentation: Days of the week and months of the year handout. ◈ Activity A: Make Cool Name Tags

-handout 1

◈ Activity B: Days and Months Ghost & Spiders

-song sheet 1

◈ Activity C: Months and days Elimination in a circle.

-homework sheet 1

◈ Activity D: Make your own Month and day word search

-snowman cutouts

◈ Activity E: Months and Days Jeopardy


◈ Sing: Song #1



Flash Cards -word search grid

◈ Fun Homework 1

Verbs and National Holidays

◈ Sing: Song #1 & #2 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: 20 verbs & 15 National Holidays + Calendar Dates

-Handout 2

◈ Activity A: Fun Verbal Charades

-Song sheet 2

◈ Activity B: Verbs and National Holidays Tic Tac Go!

-Homework sheet 2

◈ Activity C: Verbs and National Holidays Whisper Game: Whisper 3 or 4

-Bingo sheet

names along a line. Last student runs and pins the cards on the board.

-Jazz Music

◈ Sing: Song #2

-Verb Flashcards

◈ Fun Homework 2

Past Tense being -Handout 3


◈ Sing: Song #2 & #3

◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz

-Song sheet 3

◈ Presentation: 30 past tense verbs

-Homework sheet 3

◈ Activity A: Past Tense Domino


◈ Activity B: Dice of Fortune past tense verbs

-Dice of fortune

◈ Activity C: Make a story book about any topic using 8 random past tense



-B4 size paper

◈ Song #3

-Baroque Music

◈ Fun Homework 3:

-“8 past tense verbs” papers -Verb flash cards -Past Tense Domino Possessive Pronouns -Handout 3

◈ Song # 1 & #2 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz

-Song sheet 3

◈ Presentation: personal and possessive pronouns

-Homework sheet 3

◈ Activity A: Buying and Ordering “Go Fish!”

-Pronoun “Go Fish”

◈ Activity B: Pronouns “Crazy cut up sentences!”


◈ Activity C: Pronouns: The Lines Quiz

-Cut Up Sentences

◈ Song # 3

-Pronoun flash cards

Shopping and Farewell party

◈ Song # 1,2,3 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: 20 shopping items (handout 5)

-Handout 5

◈ Activity A: Body parts musical -Farewell


◈ Activity B: Coin toss game


◈ Activity C: Run Read Write Shopping relay

-Polar Race Prizes

◈ Activity D: The MEMORY game: Five teams, five columns. Kids draw as


many shopping items as they can remember.

-Cookies and Milk

◈ Activity E: Farewell Party: Refreshments, Certificates, and Prizes


◈ Farewell Song

-Silly Sentences and paragraphs for Run Read Write Relay -Nice Music

Grade 4: Summer Vacation Lessons Lesson


Greetings &

◈ Ice Breaker: Musical Chair Introduction

Age and Telling

◈ Sing: Song #1


◈ Presentation: Explain the different times of the day and time on a clock!

-handout 1

◈ Activity A: Make Cool Name Tags ◈ Activity B: What Time is it? Ghost & Spiders

-song sheet 1

◈ Activity C: Hands on the clock Race

-fun homework 1

◈ Activity D: Make your own Month and day word search

-magnetic clocks

◈ Sing: Song #1

-name tag materials

◈ Fun Homework 1

-word search grid Don’t Verbs

◈ Sing: Song #1 & #2 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz

-handout 2

◈ Activity A: Don’t Verbs Tic Tac Go ◈ Activity B: Don’t Verbs Jeopardy

-song sheet 2

◈ Activity C: Don’t Verbs Whisper Game: Whisper 3 or 4 names along a

-fun homework 2

line. Last student runs and pins the cards on the board.

-bingo sheet

◈ Sing: Song #2

-Jazz Music

◈ Fun Homework 2

-Verb flashcards Telephone Talk

◈ Song #2 & #3


◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz

-handout 3

◈ Presentation: Telephone Expressions ◈ Activity A: Warm Up: Give commands to students like stand up, sit down,

-song sheet 3

spin, jump.

-fun homework 3

◈ Activity B: Last Person Standing: Practice telephone conversation and


review vocabulary

-Dice of fortune

◈ Activity C: Dice of Fortune telephone sentences


◈ Song #3

-Famous People

◈ Fun Homework 3:

Flash Cards


◈ Song # 1 & #2

-handout 4

◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: 20 + prepositions

-song sheet 3

◈ Activity A: Prepositions “Go Fish!”

-B4 size paper

◈ Activity B: Pronouns “Crazy cut up sentences!”

-Baroque Music

◈ Activity C: Make a story book about any topic using 8 random past tense

-book making



◈ Activity C: The Lines Quiz Preposition

-preposition “Go

◈ Song # 3

Fish” cards -“8 Verb” papers -Cut up sentences Sports Party



◈ Song # 1,2,3 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz

-Handout 5

◈ Presentation: 20 shopping items (handout 5) ◈ Activity A: Body parts musical

-Farewell Song

◈ Activity B: Coin toss game


◈ Activity C: Sports Run Read Write relay

-Cookies and Milk

◈ Activity D: The Drawing game: Five


teams, five columns. Kids draw as many sports as they can think of.

-Silly Sentences and

◈ Activity E: Farewell Party: Refreshments, Certificates, and Prizes

paragraphs for Run

◈ Farewell Song

Read Write Relay

Grade 3 Summer Vacation Lessons Lesson Greetings & Age

Activity ◈ Ice Breaker: Musical Chair Introduction

Telling Time -Handout 1

◈ Sing: Song #1

-Song sheet 1

◈ Activity A: Make Cool Name Tags

-Homework sheet 1

◈ Activity B: Ghost & Spiders

-Snowman cutouts

◈ Activity C: Hands on the clock Race


◈ Activity D: Make your own numbers word search



◈ Presentation: Explain the different times of the day and time on a clock!


Flash Cards

◈ Sing: Song #1

-Word search grid

◈ Homework 1

-Magnetic clocks Singulars & Plurals

◈ Sing: Song #1 & #2

How many?

◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz

-Handout 2

◈ Presentation: 40 nouns singular / plural ◈ Activity A: Line Quiz Singular Plural

-Song sheet 2

◈ Activity B: Stop Watch: How many cats do you have? 5 cats, How many

-Singular Plural

cats do you have? 2 cats.

Noun Flashcards

◈ Activity C: Whisper 3 or 4 names along a line. Last student runs and pins the cards on the board. ◈ Sing: Song #2 ◈ Homework 2

Do you like?

◈ Song #2 & #3

-Handout 3

◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: things kids like to do and like to eat.

-Song sheet 3

◈ Activity A: What do you like Bingo!

-Homework sheet 3

◈ Activity B: Last Person Standing: “What do you like?” “I like....” show


them a flashcard!

-Dice of fortune

◈ Activity C: Dice of Fortune or Jeopardy telephone sentences


◈ Song #3

-Jeopardy phone

◈ Homework 3:


I can.....

◈ Song # 1 & #2

-Handout 4

◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: Can you....? Yes I can / No, I can’t

-Go Fish “Can You?”

◈ Activity A: Can You? “Go Fish!”


◈ Activity B: Mr. Bump

-Story Book

◈ Activity C: Make a story book about any topic using 5 random past tense



-B4 size paper

◈ Activity C: The Lines Quiz Preposition

-Baroque Music

◈ Song # 3

-“5 verb” papers Sports & Farewell Party

◈ Song # 1,2,3 ◈ Review with homework and fun verbal quiz ◈ Presentation: 20 shopping items (handout 5)

-Handout 5

◈ Activity A: Body parts musical -Farewell


◈ Activity B: Coin toss game


◈ Activity C: Sports Tower Game: Ask teams a question. Correct answer


builds has 5 seconds to build a tower.

-Cookies and Milk

◈ Activity D: The Sports Drawing game: Five


teams, five columns. Kids draw as many sports as they can think of.

-Silly Sentences and

◈ Activity E: Farewell Party: Refreshments, Certificates, and Prizes

paragraphs for Run

◈ Farewell Song

Read Write Relay -Domino blocks -Sports flash cards

-Treats -Stickers -Prizes -Pencils -Notebooks

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