Summary Of Evaluation Per Area

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 8
SUMMARY OF EVALUATION TBC-Media Program Tables A. ESCALANTE AND SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITIES EVALUATION QUESTIONS (1) Services/activities (training/seminars) conducted by the TBCMedia in your community, school and parish



(2) Positive Results of the Program’s Services


SAN FRANCISCO COMMUNITY Campus Journalism Seminar by Jofti which became instrumental in making the campus paper this school year Importance of Communication in our BCC, basic communication skills among leaders in GKK and awareness among the students on the use of media Seminar about media conducted by Fr. Rey, Weng conducted a survey and Fr. Marlon organized a meeting about media attended by Ranoco Theatre arts seminar given by Fr. Christian Buenafe Basic Communication, Theatre Arts and Media Seminars

Participants have benefited and applied practically the learning brought about by the seminars. Became aware of the roles of media in building the GKK’s Can’t clearly identify in terms of community at large. Maybe some are made aware that we have this program and some are aware what programs on




ESCALANTE Media Education Seminar, filmViewing, upgrading video/media library Research, communities as part of the respondent Seminar with Fr. Marlon re Media and the Bible Basics on public and communication skills and relationship of Media and the Church Public speaking, educating the community and personality development More on media education, relationship of Media and the Church/Bible Enhance teaching methods and approaches to learning and helped in the broadening of perspective. Participants were very interested and enthusiastic, cooperative of the launching, introduction of the new program. Educate the people in the community. Help widen the knowledge of the


(3) Deficiencies of the Program

(4) Do you feel that the need to organize a parish-based/school-based Media Core Group? Why?

TV to watch One out of 5 respondents answered the last statement. Practical application from seminar/workshop learnings.

The distance counts a lot, especially that there is no in-charge (based on personal knowledge) in the local community/school to facilitate its program activities. No follow-up. The TBCMedia program didn’t become a part of our education program among our youth, kaabag and catechists. Concentrated in Manila (specifically talked about pelikula@titusbrandsma, good films are not available, which TBC could have provide in the communities.) Proximity and no follow-ups are the major deficiencies of the program.

Organizing school-based media core group would be an answer to the perceived program deficiencies. It can propel its implementation and the students and the school people can feel



catechist. Due to the Program, interest in media as channel of information has been propagated. Awarensess. Focus on the positive results were on education and awareness of the community as the main contribution of TBCMP. Sustainability is lacking/not clear (funding) and continuity (program). No-follow-up and the presence of the Media Program is not yet felt in the parish (Old Poblacion). The deficiency is in the seminar proper: no visual aids and very limited time of the seminar. Misinterpretation. Lack facilities in the area and the need to feed the people information about mass media. Not clear the existence of TBCMedia Program in the parish Follow-up and the presence of the Program was not felt by some.

School-based media core group will ensure continuity and implementation and a challenge to the young individuals in facing societal problems. Sharpen level of consciousness and to


(5) Recommendations and suggestions


that there is program TBC Media.  A good media program can promote Christian values and help our leaders to  communicate effectively. (Yes) Open to the idea of a core group and explore possibilities, maybe more on values aspect – the effect of media  All agreed to the idea of a media core group because it can answer to the problem of distance and promote values.

improve attitudes of children to media. Good addition to propaganda and educational purpose. To coordinate with TBCMedia Program but the only problem is the sustainability of volunteers. All agreed to a media core group because it can help them enrich their awareness, consciousness and be educated. Three out of five, are in favor of a school-based media coregroup even in San Francisco.

On-line or direct communication  through internet where the students and the core group can send their complains, suggestions and questions in relation to the program.  Making practical and simple modules for instructions, seminars and education purposes. Make good films available and program should not only be concentrated only in Manila Input: what the communication program is all about. On the side of media education and a clear and open communication lines  between the program and the community 

SCHOOL: TBCMP could be the resource center for videos and media education materials that the school could borrow or buy. COMMUNITY: TBCMP could build in the Internet, a kind of mega index for all Carmelite arts, music, literary works, photos, film reviews with slant on spirituality that Filipinos wrote and adopt a Carmelite Media Policy in Phil. communication – one that defines/mandates media involvement of Carmelite. Develop a good relation with local media people (journalists and other practitioners). PARISH: Develop a communication and media module in the BCC context. Training, seminars and even student scholar to study Journalism Research and documentation.


(6) Understanding on the nature and purpose of TBCMedia

Vehicle in understanding the complexities of life brought about from media explosion. Media Program will try to give answers to the pressing issue regarding morality and values. In the part of the school the facilitators of learning, they will be equipped in dealing with their students who belong to this age of confused values. Help to promote Christian values, effective communication skills specially the leaders (Church) through writing, public speaking, imparting Christian values in their sharing. A part of the new ministry of the Carmelite but still need to be seen how TBC Media Program will be part of GKK (parish), school and other Carmelite ministries. A support group that will help in the propagation of Christian values through the use of communication skills acquired from continuous training and workshops and a


Deepening Orientation about the TBCMedia Program. Catechetical Education Formation. Parish Bulletin. More on the physical presence and coordinating level. And of course, education of the community members. TBCMP – A media center for the Carmelites: facilitates media profile to local communities; assist the commissariat in coming up with community media plan; help in funding requests for media and community programs of local communities; evaluates status in relation to communication/media of the order – consciousness/awareness and practice. Addressed to youth activities. Give information and guidance, what is happening to the nation. The Church in relation to media is set aside thus to set links to the people. Alternative venue to give education on how to use media these days. Extend service in terms of seminars/skills training on Media and Communication depending on the needs of various clusters in the Carmelite community. A resource center to answer to their communication needs specially in educating them with communication

(7) Other Comments

necessity to be a part of the community or parish, its presence must be felt


 Send the program to the community and visit the school to talk to students, teachers and administrators so that they can own and be proud that they are part of this noble effort of the Philippine Carmel.  

Focus more in deepening our understanding and grasp in praxis that media and communication is more than just technique but a language and culture that affects our sense of being spiritual. Leveling-off is needed. Waiting for the program orientation to suggest and explain better about this TBC Program in our parishioners. Invite local resource person to speak for the program. Lacking in skills and information about media and communication, so more seminars are needed.


B. MANILA COMMUNITIES (Teresa and St. Elijah Student Friary) EVALUATION QUESTIONS 1. Services/activities (training/seminars) conducted by the TBCMedia in your community, school and parish

2. Positive Results of the Program’s Services


3. Deficiencies of the Program     

4. Do you feel that the need to organize a parish-

MANILA COMMUNITIES Pelikula@titusbrandsma Seminars, surveys, etc. Use of facilities, access to films and books. Impact studies on media both written and audio in the life of the people. Film dialogue increases in number especially the participants and the critiques. Engagement/involvement in different media initiatives like Titus Brandsma Media Awards. Growth of critical awareness and thinking. Provided a venue for quality movies which are not shown in the mainstream theatres; created a critical mass vis-à-vis alternative movies; and forward Carmelite itself. Appreciation to films. Appreciated the activities of the program as whole and how it help in developing critiques. Students are not participating, not involve with the Program/conflict with community schedule. What is really the focus? Was not able to have an orientation. Lacking in projecting the Program as a Carmelite program and failed to promote Titus Brandsma itself. No grasp of the idea of TBC Media Program. Very limited on its scope and reach of the people. Not yet known to many people. Non-involvement and participation of student friars in the program or not even a concrete program for them and the limited scope of the program. Not only media awareness but for media education. Help the

based/school-based Media Core Group? Why?

    5. Recommendations and suggestions



parishes, schools especially formation of values and right attitude towards media. For evangelization, to make it more creative, innovative and participative. Widen scope of TBC Program to farthest part of the country where and where not the Carmelites are. Stepping stone towards expansion. Alternative vehicle to counter the negativity of mass media. All are in favor of the media core groups to help in the realization of the program’s objectives and focus and for expansion. No documentary that focus on Philippine Issues that is being screened. There are a lot of documentaries but it is only in the shelves for personal viewing only. Pelikula@titusbrandsma to go into the level of the people especially those with knowledge and skills are rarely expose to media. It can improve also in terms of Children’s evangelization and education and it can promote the strength that is still strong in the GKK. Make clear to the students the details of the TBCMedia program. Media Awareness. Network to other progressive organization. Document Philippine events (socio-political uprisings) Have regular media-related activities for Carmelite students and other skills training for students. Constant feedbacking and evaluation for participation. The Carmelite aspect should always be considered. Further education and promotion through school, etc. Widen the horizon and scope or boundaries for future building. Conduct seminar and workshops to enhance student friars participation in media ministry. Reorient the students to the ministry. Create newsletters and other reading materials or publication. . . documentary films if possible. Update on what is going on in the media world.

6. Understanding on the nature and purpose of TBCMedia

Suggest mostly on activities involving or for the student friars, widen the scope and continuous media education through workshops and seminars.


Don’t have a vivid understanding of what TBCMedia Program is. A David fighting Goliath. An alternative venue and vehicle towards social transformation. Just another window of opportunity. Propagate the Christian faith, values and teaching through mass media. Critical and evaluative by nature. Serves as an alternative from the pop-culture being promoted today by the mass media. Widen understanding about the importance of it especially in our society. Most are not so clear about the program of the ministry and think of the Program as an alternative venue for education and transformation.


7. Other Comments


Suggests an evaluation of every SF assigned at TBCMP. The SF should be given an orientation and he will be the one to introduce the program to the community. Data-banking Come up with film research center. Strengthen network especially to school and other youth organization. Suggest an orientation about the program. Widen the promotion/expansion of the program. Basics on Media (module) should be conducted among SF.

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