Summary Of Arra Funds

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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Bill Summary Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment CDPHE Environmental Programs Name of Program - Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) Division - Air Pollution Control Division Contact - Paul Tourangeau, Division Director (303) 692-3114 National Amount: Total: $300 million Competitive: $206 million Non-Competitive: $88 million SmartWay Clean Diesel Finance Program: $30 million (APCD not intending to pursue at this time as a lending program/partnership would require substantial advance set-up time – months or a year – and our priority vehicles remain school buses, for which retrofits are funded 100%.) Clean Diesel Emerging Technologies Program: $20 million (APCD currently is evaluating the possibility of applying for a grant to examine an emerging NOx reduction technology but no decision has been made as to whether to pursue this project) Colorado Amount: Total: $2.53 million Competitive: $850,000 (funding awarded by EPA on May 20, 2009) Non-Competitive: $1.73 million (funding awarded by EPA in March 2009) Proposed Projects: Retrofitting of public school buses beginning in Weld County and continuing to El Paso and Mesa Counties. The awarded funding will retrofit approximately 330 buses out of an estimated 5,000 eligible statewide. The funds awarded under the competitive grant, will be used to retrofit approximately 180 over-the-road trucks with Auxiliary Power Units (APUs), which significantly reduce idling time, thus reducing emissions and conserving diesel fuel. Match Provisions: Competitive: No State match required. Truck owner/operators participating in the APU retrofit program will be required to pay 50% of the retrofit cost, which will help maximize the environmental and fuel savings benefit of the project. Non-Competitive: No match required. Grant funds will be used to retrofit 100% of the school bus retrofit costs. Description of Intent: The intent of the ARRA-fortified DERA funds is to provide cost effective air pollution reduction for public health benefits, especially in areas with air toxics concerns. Fuel savings via idling reduction and job creation or preservation are important secondary goals. Required Timelines: States must obligate 100% of funds by Sept. 30, 2010. Federal Requirements: To be announced. Transparency: Quarterly reporting to EPA. Evaluated program success will rely 30% on job creation/retention. Additional requirements to be announced.

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Certification: N/A Other: EPA may retain 2% for administration State (non-competitive) funding: Administration costs may be up to 15% Competitive grant funds: ~10% administrative costs to be allowed. See attachment for project specific update (ARRA- CDPHE-DERA Project Status 7-2009)

Name of Program - Hazardous Substance Superfund Program Division - Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division Contact - Gary Baughman, Division Director (303) 692-3338 National Amount: $600 million EPA Region 8 Amount: $66 million Colorado Amount: EPA to award approximately $19.2 million for Clear Creek and Summitville Superfund projects. Match Provisions: 10 percent of federal amount on construction projects Description of Intent: Identified Superfund sites cleanup and remediation Proposed Projects: Clear Creek (Department has received approval for $2.16 million and applied for an additional $1.4 million for this project) Summitville (EPA awarded $17 million for this project) Required Timelines: The department was awarded $17 million by EPA for the Summitville site, with funds being available for expenditure in July 2009. The department received an award document from EPA for the $2.16 million for remedial design work at the Clear Creek site on 07/13/09. An application for $ 1.4 million for remedial action work at the Clear Creek site was also submitted to EPA on 07/06/09. Funds received by the state must be 100% obligated within 12 months. Seventy percent of the award must be spent within two years of the EPA regional office receiving the funds. By accepting the funds, CDPHE is committing to this compressed timetable. Federal Requirements: Davis-Bacon Act provisions will apply

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Name of Program - Brownfields Redevelopment Program Division - Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division Contact - Gary Baughman, Division Director (303) 692-3338 National Amount: $100 million EPA Region 8 Amount: $10 million Colorado Amount: Unknown at this time Match Provisions: N/A Description of Intent: Competitive grants awarded by EPA directly to applicants to evaluate and clean up former industrial and commercial sites Proposed Projects: There may be some Colorado projects funded, but the Department will not be part of the decision process, which is entirely within EPA. Required Timelines: N/A Federal Requirements: N/A Other: Program will be administered by EPA and will provide funding for projects on an existing list that have not been funded. The Department will not receive this money to award to projects in the State.

Name of Program - Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (WPCRF) Division - Water Quality Control Division Contact - Steve Gunderson, Division Director (303) 692-3509 National Amount: DWSRF - $2 Billion WPCRF - $4 Billion Colorado Amount and Match Provisions: DWRF – $32,290,880 million – No State match required o 4% Administration o 2% Small system training and technical assistance (for planning and design grants) o 10% Public water system supervision (Requires 1:1 Match – Colorado does not intend to use these funds since it would decrease the infrastructure allocation) WPCRF – $30,093,792 million – No State match required o 4% Administration Description of Intent:

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The intent of the ARRA is to capitalize grants for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds under Title VI of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and capitalization grants under Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Proposed Projects: See Attached - DWRF – 2009 IUP Appendix K ARRA Project Priority/Fundable List See Attached - WPCRF – 2009 IUP Appendix J List of ARRA Projected Loans (Fundable List) Required Timelines: Colorado must obligate 100% of funds within 12 months of the date of enactment On 05/29/09, the Water Quality Control Commission approved the fundable project lists for both the DWRF and WPCRF. In order to meet the 20% Green Project Reserve of the ARRA funding, potential projects had to submit categorical and business cases pertaining to the green components of their projects. These identified business cases were received by 06/15/09. The Water Quality Control Division reviewed both the categorical and business case green projects and submitted them to EPA on 06/26/09 for their review and approval. EPA has approved all but two projects pertaining to the WPCRF ARRA Green projects and all but one DWRF ARRA Green projects. Staff is currently working with EPA to provide additional information for their consideration and approval. On 06/30/09 the division received all final plans and specifications and environmental assessment reports from the potential projects identified on the DWRF and WPCRF ARRA Fundable Lists. It is anticipated that construction will begin by 09/30/09 for these projects. Federal Requirements: Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Requirements (Section 1606) Buy American Provision – Use of American iron, steel and manufactured goods (Section 1605) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Provisions 50% of grant to be used for additional subsidization including principal forgiveness, negative interest rates, grants or any combination of these 20% of grant to be used for green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvements or other environmentally innovative activities Transparency: Section 1511- For funds made available to State or local governments for infrastructure investments, the Governor, mayor or other chief executive, as appropriate, shall certify that the infrastructure investment has received the full review and vetting required by law and that the chief executive accepts responsibility that the infrastructure investment is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. Such certification shall include a description of the investment, the estimated total cost, and the amount of covered funds to be used, and shall be posted on a website and linked to the website established by section 1526. A State or local agency may not receive infrastructure investment funding from funds made available in this Act unless this certification is made and posted. Other: No refinancing of municipal debt or restructuring outstanding SRF loans Prohibition on land or easement purchases Transfer between SRF programs allowed but must be identified in final IUP No reserving or “banking” of the funding is allowed Monthly reporting to For additional information and criteria pertaining to available funds please click on the link:

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Name of Program - State Energy Program (DOE) Division – Administration, Office of Environmental Integration and Sustainability (OEIS) Contact – Patrick Hamel and Julia Rodriguez (303) 692-2979 or (303) 692-2151 National Amount: $3,069,000,000 Colorado Amount: $49,065,000 Statewide, applied for and awarded to the Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) and distributed to public agencies through a competitive grant process. The department anticipates applying for up to $1 million dollars. Match Provisions: Unknown at this time. May require matching funds. The department’s utility long bill line item and\or the energy performance contract could be considered for any potential match requirement. Description of Intent: These funds are from DOE for greening public and private buildings through energy efficiencies and renewable energies. Required Timelines for Distribution: Projects must be extensively developed “shovel ready” and have a clear path to implementation inside of 90 days from time of award. Remaining 15 months are for execution. Proposed Projects: 1) Installation of solar at the CDPHE main campus to charge plug-in hybrid-electric state vehicles. This project is needed as manufacturers will be producing plug-in electric hybrids for the 2010 models and the current parking lot capabilities would not support this change (could be difficult with aggressive timeline as we would have to amend the lease); 2) Installation of solar PV at the State Lab that will generate approximately 14,000 Kwh per year; 3) Other potential greening projects at the State Lab as identified in the performance contract project list. Federal Requirements: Unknown at this time

CDPHE Health Programs Name of Program - Chronic Disease and Risk Factor Programs Division – Prevention Services Division Contact – Jillian Jacobellis, Division Director (303) 692-2504 National Amount: $650 million for Prevention and Wellness Fund Colorado Amount: Unknown at this time, expected to be distributed through existing cooperative agreements with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or through previous grant application to CDC that were “approved but not funded.” Match Provisions: Assume to be consistent with match provisions in existing CDC cooperative agreements, which vary.

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Description of Intent: Implementation of “evidence-based clinical and community-based prevention and wellness strategies, authorized under the Public Health Services Act and determined by the Secretary, that deliver measurable health outcomes that address chronic disease rates.” Proposed Projects: All existing CDC cooperative agreements support population-based strategies to prevent or postpone chronic disease, related risk factors and related complications. This includes policy and environmental change, health communications, and program interventions focused on communities, worksite, schools and health care systems. Required Timelines: Unknown at this time Federal Requirements: Assume to be consistent with requirements of existing CDC cooperative agreements through which the funds will be distributed.

Name of Program - WIC (Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children) Division – Prevention Services Division Contact – Jillian Jacobellis, Division Director (303) 692-2504 National Amount: $400 million for a contingency fund to support caseload growth and $100 million to support state MIS projects Colorado Amount: An application for $444,066 was submitted on May 29, 2009. The MPSC computer system project (one of only three model projects in the nation) may need some of the MIS funds, though the project already is nearly fully funded. A separate application may be submitted at a later date. Match Provisions: None Required Timelines: Unknown, though we understand that USDA is waiting for the completion of FY09 appropriation bills and once complete they will distribute those funds using the normal funding formula. We believe the contingency funds from the stimulus package would then be used to provide states additional funds in those cases where the FY09 appropriation is insufficient to support projected caseloads. Most states, including Colorado, are experiencing record participation levels, likely because of the continued growth in unemployment and the downturn in the economy.

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NEW Name of Program - Primary Care Office Division – Prevention Services Division Contact – Jillian Jacobellis, Division Director (303) 692-2504 National Amount: $6 million Colorado Amount: $101,520 (approximate) over three federal fiscal years Match Provisions: None Description of Intent: To accommodate the increased demand for Primary Care Office assessment and designation support related to the National Health Service Corps program expansion as funded by ARRA. Required Timelines for Distribution: By the end of FFY2012 (Sept. 30, 2012) Federal Requirements: All federal requirements are delineated under the existing grant agreement between the department (Primary Care Office) and the Health Resources and Services Administration, U68HP11447-01-00.

Name of Program - State Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (pending outcome of State HB09-1111) Division – Prevention Services Division Contact – Jillian Jacobellis, Division Director (303) 692-2504 National Amount: $20 million Colorado Amount: $800,000 (approximate, depending upon the total match requests from all states) Match Provisions: Requires a state match plus a small increase in administrative costs. State match can be raised through private gifts, grants and donations. Description of Intent: Increases the number of health care providers in medically underserved communities by repaying a portion of the student loan debt of health professionals in exchange for service. Required Timelines for Distribution: By the end of FFY2010 (Sept. 30, 2010) Federal Requirements: Mirrors requirements for National Health Service Corps; currently state legislation (HB09-1111) already is organized to accommodate federal requirements.

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Name of Program - National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Division – Prevention Services Division Contact – Jillian Jacobellis, Division Director (303) 692-2504 National Amount: $196 million Colorado Amount: Estimated $3.9 million. The Primary Care Office (PCO) has a significant role in determining which communities and which employers receive NHSC providers, but funds do not flow through the Department. Match Provisions: None Description of Intent: Increases the number of health care providers in medically underserved communities by repaying a portion of the student loan debt of health professionals in exchange for service. Required Timelines for Distribution: By the end of FFY2010 (Sept. 30, 2010) Federal Requirements: Primary Care Office must prepare new Health Professional Shortage Area applications for all eligible communities and review and approve applications for NHSC employers. As the NHSC program will more than double from current funding levels, the approval workload of the PCO will increase significantly related to NHSC site designation. The office can accommodate the increased workload because HB 09-1111 was successful and because of supplemental support from HRSA, as discussed above.

Name of Program - Section 317 Immunization Funds (CDC) Division – Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division Contact – Lisa Miller, MD, Division Director (303) 692-2663 National Amount: $300 million o $180 million for vaccine purchases o $22 million for competitive grant applications for demonstration or high profile projects o $9 million for communications o $21.5 million for surveillance, coverage measurements and vaccine safety o $67.5 million for non-competitive grant awards to 64 immunization grantees Colorado Amount: Operations: estimated at $1,690,267 Vaccine: estimated $2.473 million Match Provisions: None Description of Intent: Funds to be used to improve immunization rates by vaccinating more adults and children. Required Timelines for Distribution: Grant announcement published in early June. Grant application completed and submitted by the 07/02/09 deadline for the non-competitive grant. Funds distribution

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targeted for 08/15/09. All obligations must be completed by 12/31/11. Budget period of 28 months. Federal Requirements: Extensive reporting requirements are being requested for all recovery funds.

Name of Program - Health Information Technology Fund - Immunization Funds – (Health Resources Services Administration and CDC) Division – Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division Contact – Lisa Miller, MD, Division Director (303) 692-2663 National Amount: Estimated $1,200,000 Colorado Amount: Estimated $75,000 a year for two years Match Provisions: None Description of Intent: These funds are from the Health Information Technology fund within the stimulus package. It is expected that some of these funds will be distributed to select Sentinel Immunization Information System (SIIS) sites throughout the country. Required Timelines for Distribution: Submitted a competitive grant application for a total request of $174,965 (for the twoyear grant period) by the grant deadline of 07/02/09. Anticipate notification regarding the grant request by 08/15/09 with funds awarded following notification of awardees. All obligations must be complete by 12/31/11. Budget period of 28 months. Proposed Projects: Colorado’s CIIS (Colorado Immunization Information System) is one of the sites that may be selected for funding. The funds will be limited to expansion activities and cannot be used for current operations. Federal Requirements: Extensive reporting requirements are being requested for all recovery funds.

Name of Program - Supplemental for Innovative Projects to Improve Reimbursement in Public Health Department Clinics Division – Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division Contact – Lisa Miller, MD, Division Director (303) 692-2663 National Amount: $5,000,000 Colorado Amount: Estimated $514,297 Match Provisions: None. Description of Intent:

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Approximately half of U.S. children are covered by private health insurance that includes coverage for vaccines, and most of these children receive their immunizations in private provider offices that serve as a medical home for comprehensive primary care. Private providers are able to bill health insurance plans for the delivery of immunizations to insured individuals. State and local health department clinics provide immunizations to uninsured and other children who are eligible for the Vaccines For Children program. However, fully insured children who are not VFC-eligible may be brought to a health department clinic for immunization with 317 or state-purchased vaccines, but most health department clinics do not bill private health insurance for immunization services provided to health plan members. Required Timelines for Distribution: Submitted a competitive grant application for a total request of $514,297 by the grant deadline of 07/02/09. Anticipate notification regarding the grant request by 08/15/09 with funds awarded following notification of awardees. All obligations must be complete by 12/31/11. Budget period of 28 months. Proposed Projects: CDPHE Immunization Program will work with Denver Health to expand existing schoolbased billing project to include public health clinics and strengthen reimbursement for insured patient’s vaccine administration. Federal Requirements: Extensive reporting requirements are being requested for all recovery funds.

Name of Program - Supplemental Funding for Innovative Projects to Develop “Best Practices” for Monitoring School Vaccination Coverage and Exemption Rates Division – Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division Contact – Lisa Miller, MD, Division Director (303) 692-2663 National Amount: $600,000 Colorado Amount: Estimated $267,000 Match Provisions: None. Description of Intent: The Healthy People 2010 objectives for children in kindergarten call for at least 95% coverage for ACIP-recommended vaccines. Valid estimates from each state are needed to monitor statelevel progress toward these objectives, and data collection methods must be comparable across states for valid national estimates, and for valid comparisons between states. Required Timelines for Distribution: Submitted a competitive grant application for a total request of $267,602 by the grant deadline of 07/02/09. Anticipate notification regarding the grant request by 08/15/09 with funds awarded following notification of awardees. All obligations must be complete by 12/31/11. Budget period of 28 months. Proposed Projects:

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Funds will be used to improve data exchange between School Districts and the CDPHEImmunization Program. Data quality assurance, data management, and analysis will be addressed in the funding proposal. Federal Requirements: Extensive reporting requirements are being requested for all recovery funds.

Name of Program - Section 317 Immunization Program: Strengthening the Evidence Base – Emerging Infections Program - EIP (CDC) Division – Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division Contact – Ken Gershman, MD, Chief, Communicable Disease Program (303) 692-2657 National Amount: $1.7 million (for 10 current grantees under CDC’s Emerging Infections Program) Colorado Amount: $174,000 Match Provisions: None Description of Intent: Funds to be used to support the EIP network -10 sites to evaluate the effectiveness of the new (expected to be licensed in the fall 2009) pediatric pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13) in routine practice. Required Timelines for Distribution: Application submittal date of June 26, 2009. Funds distribution targeted for Aug. 30, 2009.

Proposed Projects: Conduct case-control study to assess the effectiveness of the new PCV13 vaccine in children 3-59 months old. Federal Requirements: Monthly report on performance measures to CDC Quarterly reports to CDC and HHS

Name of Program - Emerging Infecitons Program (EIPs) – Healthcare-Associated Infections Program Division – Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division Contact – Ken Gershman, MD, Chief, Communicable Disease Program (303) 692-2657 National Amount: $4.0 million (for 10 current grantees under CDC’s Emerging Infections Program) Colorado Amount: $400,000 Match Provisions: None Description of Intent:

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Funds to be used to support the EIP network (10 sites) to support targeted efforts to monitor and investigate the changing epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) in populations in the context of HAI prevention efforts. Required Timelines for Distribution: Application submittal date of June 26, 2009. Funds distribution targeted for Aug. 30, 2009. Proposed Projects: 1) Evaluate invasive methicillin–resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA) infections with onset outside of the acute care setting; 2) implement the use of additional National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) modules by participating EIP hospitals (five-county Denver metro area) regarding multidrug-resistant organisms and Clostridium difficle-associated diarrhea; 3) implement a hospital-wide healthcare associated infection (HAI) prevalence survey among participating EIP hospitals. Federal Requirements: Quarterly reports to CDC and HHS

Name of Program – Patient Safety Division – Health Facilities and Emergency Medical Services (Funding coming through DCEED ELC Grant) Contact – Howard Roitman, Division Director (303) 692-2613 National Amount: $35,800,000 Colorado Amount: $1,179,188 Match Provisions: None Description of Intent: The Prevention and Wellness Fund section of the Recovery Act provides funding to the Department of Health and Human Services to be provided to States to carry out activities to reduce healthcare-associated infections (HAI’s). Required Timelines for Distribution: Grant announcement was released in May 2009 with application submittal date of June 26, 2009. Award announcements are expected by Aug. 30, 2009. Grant period is for 28 months (Sept. 1, 2009 – Dec. 31, 2011). Proposed Projects: (1) Hire three HAI staff to assist with data validation project and daily HAI activities; (2) Bring Dialysis Treatment Centers onboard to report HAI’s; (3) Partner with an organization experienced in infection prevention to provide training for less experienced infection control staff at healthcare facilities and surveyors at the health department; (4) Form a prevention collaborative to help healthcare facilities make progress toward meeting HHS Action Plan 5-year prevention targets; and (5) Develop training programs and prevention strategies based on results of validation project. Federal Requirements: Submit a State HAI Prevention Plan by Jan. 1, 2010 Quarterly reports to CDC and HHS

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