Summary Note Sheet For Breakouts Butch 2

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 783
  • Pages: 7
Summary Note Sheet of Breakouts Discussion Groups and Topics

Challenges/Issues identified by the participants

Responses/Possible Solutions discussed by the group

Procurement Forum Intervention/Actions selected by the group

1. Assessing Procurement Systems and Evaluating Performance

1.No. Limited guideline (standardize) to do CPI

1.Knowledgeable group/ organization/ country could organize training, workshops.

2.Assessment gets difficult when officers do not have a background of dealing with this technical topic.

2-Provide training -Involve relevant bodies in the assessment -openness, transparency Donor/strengthening 3. Responsibility for data management and assessment. Prefer regulation for joint assessment

Integration of public procurement with PFM System (procurement plan)

Sharing of relevant data ( with a private, commercial, military) 3. Country donor joint

Donor/D Country acceptance of assessment tool and results of it.

4.Capacity development strategy Certification program Academic course Lack of procurement Job training plan mechanism

Lack of integration between procurement planning with public financing management system Public financial policy. (1) occupied public proc policy, so confused happen when – execute procurement policy.

5. Reviewed by PEFA and OECD

Forum: could ask donors first item to assist in data management Prepare guidelines Broker of information Involve donors in the process

2. Developing Procurement Reform Strategies

1. lack of political 1. information support dissemination / communication 2. corruption 2. deliverables 3. procurement (loan/grant) linked to legislation reform strategy 4. harmonization

3. setting specifications conditions

2. website (learn from other countries; access to tools eg. Bidding documents)

of 3. seminars on / procurement auditing

4. lessen discretion i.e. deal with transparency by eliminating discretion among procurement officers, for example: have prototype contracts ready 5. find champions (agents of change) 6. request for technical assistance and funding support 7. develop expertise

1. sharing experiences (eg. Success stories)

4. legislation strategy (procurement law part of PFM or not) 5. financial sustainability 6. international institute for generally accepted principles

3. Strengthening Procurement Management

1.Framing public 1. Road Mapping procurement policy Benchmarking authority Best practices 2.Implementation/ enforcement procurement policy

Sharing of experience

2. Improve/capacite Technical/financial implementing units/ assistance PPA stakeholders

3. Defining role of Inclusion in the framing -Clear policy guidelines NGO/ public private of procurement policy to define role of NGO sector vis-à-vis government 4. Capacity building

Capacity building stakeholders

of -Benchmarking -Sharing

5. E-procurement

-Integrity of system (?) -Piloting -Phasing

-Study -Experience sharing -Best practices

4. Improving Procurement Execution

1. lessons from use of e-Procurement to be disseminated to help share in successes and avoid problems 2. e-Procurement (public) and public financial management system link 3. learning from private sector eProcurement 4. PPP contract administration & variations (longterm contracts – leases and concessions) 5. e-Procurement to take root? - suppliers’ capacity building 6. limited public procurement specialist – no special procurement unit in the public agency/institution 7. development partners should be more serious about using country systems 8. involving process of the country suppliers and procurers in eProcurement Procurement 9. lack of IT

1. review current processes and look at ways to change system, and develop MIS (business process re-engineering)

1. sharing practices / learned

good lessons

2. networking; procurement commonalities of 2. develop appropriate practice rules & procedures to adopt MIS for public 3. lending and nonprocurement lending products in support of e3. recognition that both Procurement e-Procurement and traditional systems 4. disseminate should co-exist information on successful projects 4. step-by-step using PPP approach in moving to e-Procurement 5. identify and share documentation related 5. develop rules & to new methods of procedures for PPP contracting 6. develop new methods of procurement such as framework and performance contracts

5. Performance Monitoring & Oversight

1. Are monitoring Agencies truly independent, properly empowered and adequately resourced?

Strong legislation/ act Appointment of senior staff )Sharing country Funding experiences (all 3 areas)

) )

)Generic guidelines 2. Sustaining civil society participation in procurement processes (supply vs demand)

-Motivation? -Funding -Supply and demand -Legal protection

)Funding (TA)??

3. Effectiveness of -Detailed guidelines in -Capacity building procurement conducting Audit -Professionalisation audit?! -Skill level of Audit procurement audit peoples -Independence


6. Building Procurement Capacity

7. Forum Management and Deliverables

1. sustainability of 1. university courses capacity building (eg. SCM) efforts 2. education/training 2. funding for requirements to capacity building / function in procurement development 3. career path 3. training - quality 4. civil service reform - curriculum - certification 5. performance incentives to monitoring of training participate in (outcome-based) training 6. offer different 4. lack of career training depending on path and incentives needs (capacity mechanism for assessment) procurement professionals 7. civil service reform

1. share experiences on developing career path - civil service reform - good practices - core group working on it 2. develop performance indicators for procurement training evaluation 3. advocacy Forum to resources to development

by the allocate capacity

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