Sulyapinoy Vol 2,issue4

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  • Words: 6,374
  • Pages: 8
News: KIC Celebrates Valentine’s Day


News: SULYAP' Conducts Refresher Training...


Editorial: Protecting P1-B Fund for Displaced OFWs 3


Volume 2

Feature: Displacement and Uncertainty


Literary: Poems about Love and Sulyapinoy...


Fun & Learn: ‘09 Min. Wage Table, Puzzle, Comics


Issue 4

February 2009

by Alden Balgos


taewon, Seoul – As a move to help the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) affected by the global economic crisis, a Mobile Reintegration Team from Manila thru the effort of the Philippine Embassy in Seoul arrived to Korea last Feb. 13 evening to provide preliminary assistance as part of the Philippine government’s reinforced Reintegration Program for all overseas workers who have been displaced and at risk of being laid-off from their work.

The team, which consists of POEA Director Felixberta Romero, NCRO Labatt Alice Santos, OWWA Director Eduardo Bellido and TESDA Director Merlita Dalire presented their team’s objectives as they elaborate the details of the Reintegration Program to the Filipino Community (FilCom) leaders who attended the Embassy’s first quarter Leaders Forum at the Philippine Embassy building last Feb. 14.

Photo by Dondave Jabay POEA Director Felixberta Romero (center-wearing scarf) conducts employment counseling and gives information on job opportunities particularly in Canada to the displaced and at risk of being laid-off OFWS who flocked to Hyehwadong Catholic Church coffee shop during the first day ‘Reintegration Services’ provided by the Mobile Reintegration Team in South Korea.

Director Romero, in her opening speech explained that the Philippines is not despair of the current global economic crisis. “Recently, the POEA has conducted a wide concern to study the effects of the global economic crisis particularly to our OFWs. And our (turn to page 2)

by Dondave Jabay by Dondave Jabay


taewon, Seoul – “Make a better life in your country with HRD Korea,” said HRD Director Kim Hui-sun in his talk as he presented the Returnees Support Program for returning and displaced OFWs in Korea affected by deepening economic downturn to the Filipino Community leaders during the Philippine Embassy’s Leaders Forum last Feb. 14 at the Embassy building. Labor Attaché Delmer Cruz commended the Human Resource Department of Korea for its win-win initiative in helping out the displaced OFWs by providing referral services through job matching with the manpower requirements of Philippine-based Korean companies. “Originally, the Returnees Support Program was designed for the returning EPS workers who do not have an opportunity to be rehired after their 3 years sojourn has expired. But now we must be thankful because the job matching services was extended (turn to page 2)


yehwadong, Seoul – The Philippine negotiating team composed of DOLE Labor Attaché Reydeluz D. Conferido, POEA Deputy Administrator Atty. Viveca C. Catalig, POEA Director II and Officerin-charge Nimfa D. De Guzman, and OWWA Director IV Alberto Q. Valenciano arrived in Korea last Feb. 21 to finalize the renewal of Photo by Felix Ferrer Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Employment RP Negotiating Team: (5th from left to right) POEA Director II Nimfa D. De Guzman, DOLE Labor Attaché Permit System (EPS) bet- Reydeluz D. Conferido, POEA Deputy Administrator Atty. Viveca C. Catalig, POLO Labor Attaché Delmer R. ween Korea and Philippines. Cruz and (rightmost) OWWA Director IV Alberto Q. Valenciano pose with EPS workers and SULYAPINOY editorial staff after the MOU consultation meeting held at the Hyehwadong Catholic Church coffee shop.

The team accompanied by Labor Attaché Delmer R. Cruz of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in Seoul, also a member of RP negotiating panel, conducted an MOU consultation to the EPS workers at Hyehwadong Catholic Church coffee shop before meeting their Korean counterparts on Feb. 24. The team attended by various EPS workers group headed by the Filipino EPS Workers

Association (FEWA), the largest EPS workers association in Korea. During the consultation meeting, Labor Attaché Conferido, current Acting Assistant Secretary for Employment Promotion and Manpower Development of DOLE and head of the negotiating team, made a brief report to (turn to page 2)

by Dondave Jabay


Photo by Dondave Jabay Director Kim Hui-sun of HRD Korea discusses the Returnees Support Program for returning and displaced OFWs during the Leaders Forum at the Philippine Embassy in Seoul.

upyeong-Ku, Incheon City – The Filipino Korean Spouses Association (FKSA), a 2008 Philippine Presidential Awardee Filipino community in South Korea, disclosed to SULYAPINOY last Feb. 16 its plan to submit a formal Petition Letter to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Korea requesting to minimize if not totally eliminate the issue on racial discrimination against Korean wives mostly from Asian countries and their children in South Korea. Fe Kim, FKSA founding president said that after

receiving many reports concerning Filipino-Korean and other intercultural children who have been discriminated and bullied with their Korean classmates and schoolmates while attending in school, prompted her group to do an immediate action. “Nowadays, there is a rapid increase of Korean men and women married to Foreign National whose aim is to build a happy family with their children. These families have the right to be accepted and loved by the Korean society for them to live normally. When their (turn to page 2)

SULYAPINOY is accepting cash donation for its monthly printing expenses. You may deposit them @ Account #: 049702 04 058587 / Account Name: Sofonias N. Paragsa / Bank: KB or Kookmin Bank

NEWS RP Negotiating Team… by Anthony Carl Dacones for Mr. and Ms. Valentine, romantic dinner, flower and chocolate offerings and love letter gimmicks last Feb. 15 at St. Thomas Parish Church. The celebration started with a holy mass presided by Fr. Liam O’Keffe, a columban missionary priest. In his homily, Fr. Liam inspired the community to continuously share love unconditionally just like what Jesus did. “Everyday is a Valentine’s Day. We should love one another not only on Valentine’s Day but every day in our daily lives,” he said.

Photo by Anthony Carl Dacones KIC Mr. and Ms. Valentine 2009 Ainee Medrano and Dante Sevilla pose with Fr. Liam O’Keffe, CM (flanked by two altar boys) and Sr. Julia, SJBP (rightmost) during the awarding ceremony.


asan, Bucheon City – Amid global economic crisis, members of the Kasan International Community (KIC) set aside worries as they celebrate their traditional Valentine’s Day celebration featuring search


As part of the search procedure, selected ladies attending the mass were requested to stand in front of the churchgoers while the gentlemen were also asked to offer some flowers to their respective partners. The audience overwhelmingly expressed their “kilig to the max” excitement throughout the celebration. Ms. Ainee Medrano and Mr. Dante Sevilla were crowned as this year’s Mr. and Ms. Valentine. KIC choir serenaded each and everyone with lovely songs and offered series of prayers for love and peace culminating the event. “The celebration is quite simple but very meaningful and memorable one because it reminds us how important to love and care with each other especially to our love ones way back home. It is through unconditional love where peace and harmony always prevail,” a community member said.

Photo by Felix Ferrer

new writers and recruit new contributors,” Regina said.

The 4 P’s namely Profiling, Pagpapayo, Pagsasanay,

However, Edison Pinlac, current Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC) president, suggested that the team should also extend its effort to reach out labor representatives from other sending countries in Korea to ask their support of not giving up the said benefit. In addition, the issue on NPS-SSS agreement was also discussed during the consultation meeting. In his talk, Labatt Conferido admitted that the NPS-SSS agreement may risks the cancellation of Korean employer’s share but corrected the issue on the transfer of NPS lump-sum refund to the SSS fund. “Your NPS contribution will remain in NPS account until you are eligible to claim the security benefits,” he said.

FKSA to Petition Racial…

SULYAPINOY editorial adviser Regina Participants of the Basic News Writing refresher training give a “toast” or “건배” to P. Arquiza facilitated the training. She February birthday celebrants during the ‘Eat All You Can - Buffet Lunch Party’. emphasized to the participants the significant need of SULYAPINOY planned to conduct more journalism writers and contributors for SULYAPINOY at present. trainings in the coming couple of weeks. Leaflets “The departure of our Sulyap’ key writers like Sir Eli and distribution and public announcement were also carsoon to be Sir Dave would really affect our regular publiried out at the Hyehwadong Catholic Church as they cation. And as our effective measure, we need to train continue to recruit more contributors.

The team in coordination with the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) visited some areas in Korea with a large concentration of Filipinos such as Seoul, Incheon, Ansan and Busan from February 14 to 18 to provide employment and livelihood counseling, certificates for free livelihood and skills training, information materials about job opportunities in Canada and other forms of assistance.

Labatt Cruz also shared his opinion on the said issue. “We must not also set aside to think the possibilities that if we insist to strictly require Korean employers to provide accommodation and food benefits for our EPS workers, it might affect the workers quota for Philippines in the future considering the continuous economic downturn in Korea,” he said.

The team hoped to conclude the MOU negotiation with the Korean team before going back to the Philippines. “We hope that there will be no more third-round negotiation so that we could finalize and sign up the new EPS MOU by the coming May this year,” Conferido said.

Part of the event was a birthday celebration of February celebrants: Regina Arquiza, Rebenson Recaña, Dondave Jabay, Teofilo Camo, Felix Ferrer and Precy Villaveza, all of them sponsored an ‘Eat All You Can - Buffet Lunch Party’ to all participants.

Department of Labor and Employment has identified and came up several programs hoping to provide effective measures to the increasing job displacements abroad,” Director Romero said.

The ongoing issue on abolition of free accommodation and food benefits for EPS was primarily tackled during the consultation. SULYAPINOY asked Labatt Conferido to reconfirm RP’s stand regarding the issue. “Our main objective is to ask our Korean counterparts to retain the said benefits but we are also open to discuss other compensating benefits they may offer as another win-win option to promote proportionate sharing on the effect of the current global economic crisis,” Labatt Conferido answered.

Labatt Conferido also confirmed that the agreement will make all EPS workers to become mandatory members of SSS. However, he acknowledged that there is no current law for SSS mandatory membership for OFWs except voluntary. “In my opinion, I recommend to continue the current practice in claiming the NPS lump-sum refund by workers right after their sojourn period,” he added.

by Ma. Lourdes Espinola

egidong, Seoul – Officers and selected members of the Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA) and the SULYAPINOY Editorial Staff gathered together at Viking Buffet Restaurant last Feb. 8 to conduct refresher training on Basic News Writing.

Mobile Reintegration Team…

the EPS workers regarding the result of the first-round MOU negotiation held last January 8 and 9 in Manila which resulted to a second-round negotiation in Korea and another 3-months extension of the current MOU until April this year.

and Pagnenegosyo are the integral parts of the Reintegration Program which aimed to guide displaced OFWs in making decisions on whether they want to continue working overseas, to start and establish their own business in the Philippines or to learn new skills. This Reintegration Program is part of the Philippine government’s recently launched P1 billion Filipino Expatriate Livelihood Support Fund (FELSF) wherein the said allotted amount will be taken from the P10 billion OWWA funds, a compulsory collection of $25 from each departing OFW with a valid employment contract. Related websites for the Reintegration Program can be found at:,,,, and, or email at [email protected].


children are sent to school, the parents expect them to grow intellectually and emotionally to become better individuals in the future. However, when these children are being bullied, it may develop inferiority and low self– esteem,” Fe Kim commented. The drafted petition letter was designed to ask Hon. Ahn Byong-man, current secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to integrate ‘Awareness on Racism’ to Korean school curriculum to prevent racial discrimination.

Korea Sets up Returnees… to all displaced OFWs,” Labatt Cruz said. “We have tried to negotiate them to also include the undocumented Filipino workers to avail the same opportunity but due to National policy considerations, it failed. So for the meantime, we will enjoy this opportunity for our regular OFWs as we continue to lobby their approval,” Labatt Cruz added. Director Kim also disclosed that the program will offer skills upgrading classes to OFWs in Seoul and Incheon starting April 2009. The program helps foreign workers not only by finding a job for them in local Korean companies in their respective country of origin but also to avoid overstaying in Korea. HRD Korea can be reached at telephone nos. 32719436~7 and 3274-9797 or at



he recent Mobile Reintegration Team’s one-week visit to Korea thru the effort of the Philippine Embassy in Seoul to promote the Philippine government’s reinforced Reintegration Program in response to the increasing job displacements in Korea is highly commendable.

focused on the current OFW displacement problems; they must also open rightful opportunities to all fund owners to be fair to all OWWA Among those services that the team had provided were members. livelihood orientation, employment counseling, certificates for free livelihood and skills training in the Philip- As OWWA funds pines, and information materials about job opportunities owners, OFWs and in Canada. their families' should be vigilant and must The team’s visit was a positive manifestation of the exert conjunctive President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s recent public an- actions to prevent nouncement that the government is allotting P1 billion for misuse and possible the Filipino Expatriate Livelihood Support Fund (FELSF), malversation of the a livelihood program for displaced overseas Filipino P10 billion OWWA workers (OFWs) and to those who may lose their jobs funds particularly the due to the deepening world financial crisis. disbursement of the said P1 billion for the FELSF project. It is a good sign that the Arroyo administration is serious in helping the displaced OFWs not only in South Korea Given the Arroyo administration’s involvements in varibut throughout all receiving labor countries. Thanks to ous corruption and bribery accusations, it cannot deny us the 10 million OFWs around the world for this huge to be apprehensive and alarmed that this P1 billion alloallotted amount will be taken from the P10 billion OWWA cation will just be misused and might not served its purfunds, a compulsory collection of $25 from each departpose. It is even feared us that the said allocation is just a ing OFW with a valid employment contract. scheme to conceal any political interests of some corrupt Since these funds were only held in trust to the govern- officials especially that the 2010 National Election is ment, it is understood that the rightful owners and stake- coming. holders of the OWWA funds are the OFWs themselves. Thus, OFWs and their families have all the right to protect and secure these funds. They have the right to demand a full disclosure of claims and beneficiaries and must openly and properly account the money sourced from OWWA fund.

As a proactive measure to prevent wrong usage of the P1 billion funds, Migrante-Middle East had launched an online petition campaign ‘Protect and Secure the OFW Funds’ to increase awareness among other OFWs across the world.

In accordance to Migrante’s campaign for the interests of the 10-million OFWs and their families, we strongly support their petition to demand a "hands off" undertaking of the funds by Malacañang to avoid possible maneuvering of the disbursement of funds for use to perpetuate But the Arroyo administration should not have only its own political and electoral agenda. Using the OWWA funds for the welfare and assistance of our fellow OFWs who were laid off due to global financial crisis is actually an appropriate option. It is in fact the very purpose of the funds.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Dondave Jabay Opinion Editor: Rebenson B. Recaña Literary Editor: Amie Sison Photojournalist: Felix S. Ferrer

Also, the funds must be made an open and direct support to OFWs laid off from jobs to be facilitated by OWWA, subject to auditing by the Commission on Audit. And for the general welfare of all OFWs, the portion of the P1 billion funds must also be allocated for the revival of social and welfare benefits programs previously offered by OWWA to OFWs and their families. The Office of the President should also put an additional P2 billion or more from its Social funds. More so, OWWA should create a special Congressional oversight committee with balance representations from various leading OFW organizations including church-based groups with migrant-related programs that will look after the disbursement of funds to ensure that they will go to rightful beneficiaries. For our voice to be heard, let us support the ongoing ‘Protect and Secure the OFW Funds’ Online Signature Campaign. Let us do our part as OWWA Funds’ owner by registering our name at


Managing Editor: Edward A. Castro News Editor: Edward A. Castro Cartoonist: Alden C. Balgos Layout Artist: Dondave Jabay

Circulation Managers: Teofilo C. Camo; Alwyin A. Casiño; Marcelino M. Serdeña III Community Correspondents: Billy Vela (Ansan); Anthony Carl Dacones (Kasan) Valentino de Guzman (Gimhae, Busan); Maria Elena Famor (Ulsan) Contributors: Sofonias Paragsa; Rainier Genova; Joel Tavarro; Raimarius Delgado; Lilia Orena Adviser: Ma. Regina P. Arquiza Editorial Consultant: Elizer M. Peñaranda

Chairman: Rebenson B. Recaña

Vice Chairman: Dondave Jabay

Secretary: Rodney Queman Board of Publication in: Outreach, Recreation and Religious Program: Alden C. Balgos Budget and Finance: Marcelino M. Serdeña III SULYAPINOY Website Development and Maintenance: Dondave Jabay Newsletter Sponsorship Program: Annabelle Lopez Training & Workshop: Ehd G. Villarta Jr. Board Consultants: Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP; Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D.

SULYAPINOY Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1 dong, Songbuk Villa, Seoul, Korea 136-020 FEWA Office Address & SULYAPINOY Distribution Center: Inside WOORI BANK, Hyehwa-dong Branch, Jongno-gu, Seoul


For Comments, Suggestions, Contributions & Advertisements

Different opinions are encourage to stimulate member input and involvement. SULYAPINOY’s role is to provide information that permits FEWA members to develop informed opinions on subjects that will affect their status as migrant workers and, in some instances, their personal lives. FEWA does not hold itself responsible for statements made by any contributor. Statements or opinions expressed in SULYAPINOY reflect the views of the author(s) and not the official policy of FEWA unless so stated.

Please submit them to our website and the following emails below... Website: All Staff: [email protected] or [email protected] Editor-in-Chief: [email protected] / [email protected] Managing: [email protected] News: [email protected] Feature: [email protected] Opinion: [email protected] Literary: [email protected]

• • •

We reserve the right to refuse any submission we deem does not meet our policies and guidelines. SULYAPINOY is still in need of writers. Aspirants may email the Editorial Staff for more details. For literary entries, please limit your essay composition to a max. of 600 words only due to space limitation.



NEWS / FEATURE Displacement and Uncertainty by Ma. Regina P. Arquiza

by Raimarius Delgado organization of Filipino Scholars in South Korea and guarantee friendly and harmonious relationship and cooperation among people and nations. A set of officers, led by Dr. Dennis Gomez of SNU, was inducted by Hon. Susan Castrence, the Philippine Ambassador for South Korea during that time. As years pass by, some of the members graduated and returned back to the Philippines, but it doesn’t mean that the PIKO is degrading in number. As many as those who graduated, new members joined and swore in to live their advocacy. Photo by John Paul Torregoza Dr. Dennis Gomez (holding the microphone), founder and former PIKO president gives the key responsibilities to the new set of officers led by the newly elected president Ma. Regina P. Arquiza (3rd from left).


hree years ago, Dec. 3, 2006, an ordinary day for some, but not for 50 Filipino scholars in South Korea. It was the day when all of them took oath and was recognized as the members of a new organization that embodies the global competitiveness of Filipinos in the field of education.

It all started when the Philippine Embassy Labor attaché requested three scholars from Seoul National University (SNU) to form an organization of Filipino students from all the universities in South Korea. They did all the effort to gather the scholars. With the help of our Lord, they managed to reach the students and ask their viewpoint on how to start the proposed organization. Naming is the first problem that the group encountered. It should be Filipino-sounding, nationalistic, and with a symbolic meaning. Thus, the clique was formed under the name of “Pinoy Iskolars sa South Korea Inc.” (PIKO) the acronym was taken from the traditional Filipino street game, piko which means hopping. The members share their vision to be the key organiza-

Last December, new members and officers were introduced, under the leadership of a student from Ewha Womans University, Ms. Maria Regina Arquiza. The new officers made a 5-point list as this year’s plan. They are contemplating to make a database of scholarships that are available in schools all around South Korea. This database will be posted in the website which they are also planning to improve. It is for the benefit of those Filipinos who want to study in Korea without experiencing any hustle and hardships. Next is the creation of the group’s newsletter. A piece of literature that would publish all the activities of PIKO for that year and to show how great Filipino journalists are. Next is the attendance of PIKO members to the 60th Bi-lateral celebration of Korea and Philippines. Next on the list is the proposed forum of scholars, this activity’s objective is to invite all Filipino scholars to share their knowledge in their fields through a symposium. It is also a way for all members to grow closer with each other. Fund raising activities are also included in this year’s proposal. Execution of these activities is hard, but its accomplishment means that there is a good future ahead for PIKO and all of its members.

by Billy Vela


nsan City, Gyeonggi-do – Volunteers of Ansan Filipino Community (AFC) held their yearly election of officers last Feb. 22 at Wongok Church conference room. Galilea staff guided and supported the whole duration of the event in which 36 out of 66 active volunteers had voted and attended the election. Prior to election, the outgoing AFC President Kathlia De Castro thanked all volunteers for all their supports and efforts rendered during her administration. She also encouraged all volunteers to support this year’s new set of officers. “Thank you for all your support. It is my privilege and honor to serve you,” the outgoing president told the volunteers. “Others should experience it because somehow it will touch your lives as it touches mine,” De Castro added.

be assisted by Elgin Roxas as assistant chairman; Jennet Cacayuran and Jun Caguimbay, both of them are El Shaddai Group members, completed the new set of officers as they were elected as liturgical committee chairman and assistant chairman respectively. During the concluding ceremony, the president-elect Richard Francisco thanked everyone for giving him the chance and the trust. “I know it will be difficult for me because of my present status. I am not mobile but I will accept this as a challenge,” he said. The newly elected officers were entrusted to spearhead the Ansan Filipino Community together with the hard working and active volunteers to continue their goals and programs. The turnover and oath-taking ceremony will be tentatively held on March 15 this year at Wongok Church during the holy mass.

Outgoing vice-president Richard Francisco was officially elected as the new AFC president while Rachel Pangga will replace his position. Other elected officers are: Emmalee Francisco, secretary; Chona Llanes, treasurer; Billy Vela, auditor; Dennis Monta, Julie Valerio, Emmaruth Gabido and Aaron Vergara, P.R.O’s. Meanwhile, Michael Cacayuran was elected to lead the choir committee while Jay De Vera will function as assistant. Other elected officers for major committees are: John Cook, cultural committee chairman and Arlan Francisco as assistant chairman; Marlon Clamonte, finance committee chairman and Lito Ibusca as assistant chairman; Roger Barrido, service committee chairman to


Photo by Gim Pagdilao The AFC new set of officers pose with a ‘thumbs up’ as they accept the challenge and call of serving their community.


earing the sentiments of displaced workers as they try to explain their situations clearly shows one of the toughest segments of the current economic global crisis. Dismal prospects faced by workers who lost their jobs by the global recession threaten their families’ future since the loss of major source of income would have dire consequences on kids’ education, health and wellbeing of every family member, and possibility of having serious debt problems. Fear of falling into poverty makes every displaced Juan dela Cruz calls for concrete actions and alternative solutions from the Philippine government.

What is a displaced worker? According to one of the websites called, “Displaced worker is an eligible worker who has been permanently laid off, or has received a notice of layoff or termination from employment due to the firm's failure or plant closure.” This is the technical definition of what a displaced worker is in the context of labor and employment. In a more imaginative way, the word displaced per se can also be seen in totally different circumstances. In the context of those people with displaced bones, the pain being felt by each of them is indeed an abnormal condition limiting their options to perform several tasks. This might be a totally different idea, but somehow, the suffering and limited options of a displaced worker can be compared with a person suffering from bone displacement. Both of them are in pain and state of uncertainty. Ronnie C. De Guia, member of the Filipino EPS Workers Association (FEWA) in Korea is one of those thousand Filipino workers in the world who has been displaced. He was laid off from work not just once but thrice giving him worries of not being able to support his family. “Mahirap dahil krisis talaga lalo na at may sinusuportahan akong pamilya,” De Guia said. It was a sad conversation depicting one of the common plights of thousands of Filipino migrant workers all over the world. Another member of FEWA named Rodel An Arias is currently waiting for his company to normalize its operation after its temporary closure last January due to the weak Korean economy. He is hopeful of having his job back for him to be fully relieved of this unforeseen fate. Like De Guia, he’s also supporting his family in the Philippines giving him not much options incase he loses his job in Korea. Like with what most Filipino migrant workers say, “Wala namang naghihintay na magandang kinabukasan sa Pilipinas.” The project of Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRDK) called Returnee Support Program could be one of the options of migrant Filipino workers in Korea. This is an opportunity to get a job in a local Korean company after going back to the Philippines. And also, they might want to explore opportunities and options offered by the National Reintegration Center for Overseas Filipino Workers under the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). Most Filipinos should have good dose of optimism in the midst of this global economic downturn. However, being ready for the worst case scenario is also imperative. As reported by Sulyapinoy last Feb., Labor Attache Delmer R. Cruz of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) said that more reports of job displacements under the Employment Permit System (EPS) is expected this year. This isn’t a threat, it’s a reality that every Filipino migrant worker should face. Being vigilant and not being complacent are essential to be ready to unanticipated problems.


Aking Sinta

Isang Sulyap sa Sulyapinoy ni Lilia "angel" Orena (SULYAPINOY Poem Writing Contest Entry)

ni Bro. Joel Tavarro (FEWA Board Member)

Online na Organisasyon ng Sulyapinoy ay sinalihan ko Una wala akong kaalam-alam kung anong samahan ito Kung bakit, saan, paano’t kailan ito sinimulang binuo Ngayo’y isa nang grupo ang noo’y simpleng dyaryo.

Mula ulo hanggang paa kapag ikaw ay namamasdan Nalulula, nalulunod ang puso ko sa iyong katangian Ang mga lakad mo’t tindig hubog nang katawan Ako ay nabighani’t nabihag sa taglay na katalinuhan.

Layunin nila ang maglingkod at makatulong sa kapwa-tao Lalung-lalo sa mga manggagawang nasa bansang Koreano Kung may problema sa amo’t kasamahan sa trabaho Sila ay maaasahan at nakahandang sa inyo’y sumaklolo.

Mamahalin kita kaylanman aking sinisinta Angking kagadahan mo’y pangarap ko sa tuwina Sa malamig na gabi, ito’y tanglaw sa pag-iisa Ang tapat mong pagsuyo, pang-aliw sa hirap at dusa.

Inilalahad nila iba’t ibang pangyayari at karanasang totoo Ipinararating ang mga sulirani’t hinaing sa ‘ting gobyerno Nagbibigay pugay sa mga Pinoy na tagumpay’ natamo Naglilingkod sa mga kababayan kalakip ang kanilang puso.

Larawan mo araw at gabi, madalas na pinagmamasdan Kahit saglit sa balintataw ko nais na kang masilayan Pagbagsak ng niyebe, nag-aalab na damdamin ay di mapigilan Pangalawa sa diyos na tunay na makapangyarihan.

Oras ibinabahagi sa iba upang makapagbigay ng payo Kahit kadalasa’y puyat na puyat galing sa trabaho Basta’t makapagsilbi ang pagod ay kusang naglalaho Isang kabayanihang dapat tularan at bigyan ng saludo.

Sa kalungkutan, sandata ko ay ang iyong pag-ibig Ako ay kinikilig kapag ang tinig mo ay naririnig Tila nasa alapaap, ngiti ko’y walang kasintamis Pati ang pakiramdam ay di maarok, wari’y nasa langit.

Sadyang kahanga-hanga ang lahat ng mga miyembro nito Walang hinihinging kapalit na salapi lahat ito’y boluntaryo Hindi naghahangad ng bayad, hindi nag-aantay ng sweldo Madinig lamang ang salitang salamat sila na’y kuntento.

Handa kong suungin ang pagsubok at kalungkutan Magpapakatatag, pipiliting sa tukso ay hindi madarang Ang ating sumpaan kailanman hindi ko bibitawan Pag-ibig ko sa iyo tunay at walang hangganan.

Aking dalangin at kahilingan sa unang taong anibersaryo Usapin tungkol sa NPS-SSS laban nawa ay maipanalo Makiisa tayong lahat, mga Filipino sa buong mundo Sumulyap sa lumagda’t simulang magrehistro.

Long Distance Love

Valentine Soldier

by Amie Sison

by Rainier Genova

The greatest thing in life is to love, and be loved in return. From this line, relies the true definition of our purpose in life. We can't live without love. As a migrant worker far away from loved ones, we may don’t want to face the reality to be challenged and gone through on difficult situations but that is the perfect term we may define, the long distance relationship.

I sit here alone this Valentine Season. Trying to catch myself wondering what Valentine is?

A long distance relationship has as much a chance of succeeding as any other relationship. With the constant curiosity if it was the right decision to make and if it even stands a chance. People will give a chance to give it a try. No matter how hard to adjust the time difference between countries, still chatting is the best way to update with each other. Long distance relationship strictly requires trust. It involves two people, who share an interest, life stories, dreams, decisions with each others lives, care for one another and of course a love for each other. On the other hand, a long distance relationship has its own disadvantages. It does not have an ability to see each other especially on holidays. And the choice of being intimate whenever you desire is very hard to explain. Being unable to spend time together in a physical presence especially on a remarkable occasion that needs to treasure makes it harder to hang on to, but does not spell out doom for your relationship. For any relationships we need some tips to make it successful. First, is to make an agreement of what your expectations are in the relationship and how much of a commitment you are willing to give and receive. If the two of you decide to be monogamous, then it is clear that neither of you will be dating anyone else as long as your romantic relationship exists. To specify of what you both want is highly important, especially in a long distance relationship to prevent future misunderstandings. Try to relax yourself in asking demand for time, love, care that you really need. Everyone has the ability to speak out what heart feels and deserves to know the truth. The truth that will escape on cheating. In any relationship, dishonesty and untrustworthy can be simplified, complicated and impossible to succeed. As you accept the challenge of a long distance relationship, you also accepted the fact that you will have to have the trust and faith that your partner will not be seeing anyone else as promised. Importantly try to stay true if love does not exist at all.

Some said it's for PEACE and HARMONY. What about you, what about us, and our family? Without complain my strength comes with ease. So eager to serve, protect and yet so many are pleased. If a wish could be mine this Valentine's Day. To see your smile, hugs and kiss your lips. For now I must wait my heart and my soul never to stray. I love you, I miss you and thank you is all I can say.

Happy Valentine's Kabayan...



FUN & LEARN / ANNOUNCEMENTS (Applicable to all Foreign Workers)

by: Dondave Jabay


Note: 1) 2)

For companies implementing the 40 hours work-week system before July 1, 2008 must use OPTION A Overtime Rate/Hour Computation. For companies that will implement the 40 hours work-week system after July 1, 2008 must use OPTION B Overtime Rate/Hour Computation for a period of 3-years from the date of its implementation. After 3-years, the computation must be reverted back to OPTION A.


법정근로시간단축시 종전 최저임금 수준 보장

If working hours are reduced to 40 hours per week, the minimum monthly wage may be calculated at 787,930 won. However, it should be paid at 852,020 won which is the minimum wage for the previous working hours (44 hours per week), ( 40 ) 787,930 , ( 44 ) 852,020 , When minimum wage is raised, the minimum monthly pay may be calculated at 836,000 won. However it should be paid at 852,020 won which is the minimum wage for the previous working hours ( 44 hours per week). (09.1.1) 836,000 ( 44 ) 852,020

근로시간 단축후 주 시간 월급 최저임금은 원으로 계산되나 근로시간 단축 전 주 시간 최저임금인 원 이상을 지급해야 하며 최저임금 인상적용 에도 월급기준 최저임금은 원으로 계산되나 근로시 간 단축전 주 시간 최저임금인 원이상을 지급하여야 함

1) Fill the white squares with numbers 1 to 9 so that they add up to the sums shown in highlighted squares (gray color). 2) A gray color square will show one or two numbers separated by a diagonal line. 3) A number that is above the diagonal line is the sum of the row of white squares to its right. 4) A number that is below the diagonal line is the sum of the column of white squares beneath it.

Two important rules: 1) There are no zeroes. 2) Do not put the same number in each sum of the row of white squares to its right or column beneath it.

The most exciting part!!! The first person to answer the puzzle correctly will be given a public recognition through SULYAPINOY newsletter and website. How to report your answer? Please call 010-9294-4365 or email @ [email protected]

Answer Here

by Alden Balgos

Answer to Vol. 2 ~ Issue 3

01 - Hernan M Gutierez Ma. Theresa V. Harani Ernesto R. Raflores 03 - Nelson G. Valenzuela Phibert C. De Guzman 05 - Marvin L. Aparici 10 - Rodelio F. Crisostomo 11 - Frizalito Krishnan A. Sapon Nelisa G. Coliat 13 - Moises C. Marcial 14 - Allan R. Lalu 16 - Armando T. Balansag 17 - Marciano G. Gonzalez Jr. 18 - Alvin Rexon L. Santillana


19 - Joseph P. Dugayo 20 - Joel C. Calopez 21 - Ricky G. Fetizanan Romeo A. Vidallon 23 - Ariel J. Defeo 24 - Leonilo E. Caubalejo Juevel P. Maglangit Ireneo D. Samson 26 - Manolito C. Crooc 27 - Orlando V. Presincula 29 - Romulo M. Panambo Jonas P. Dula 31 - Aristotle Benjamin M. Gamiao


Amie Sison ~ 50,000won (monthly starting October 2008) Marcelino Serdeña III ~ 50,000 won (February 2009) Felix Ferrer ~ 30,000 won (February 2009) Anonymous ~ 20,000won (February 2009) Anonymous ~ 10,000won (February 2009) Anonymous ~ 2,000won (February 2009) Anonymous ~ 1,000won (February 2009)

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