Suikoden Iii

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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SSSS SSS III SSS SS SS SS ISS III SS SS S ISS III SS SS SSS SS SSS ISS SS ISSSS SSSSSS SSSSS SSS SSS SS SS SS SS ISS SS SII SS SS SS SS SS SSS SS S SS SS SS SS ISSSS SSI SS SS SS SSSSS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS ISS SS ISS SS SS SS SS S SS SS SSSS SSSSSS SS ISS SS IISSSS SSSS SS SSSSS SSS SSS III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Suikoden II Faq/Walkthrough Version 2.2 Last Updated in November 5, 2002 By Joseph Andro Artanto Unpublished Work Copyright (c) Joseph Andro Artanto 1999-2002. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ia. INTRODUCTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello! we meet again! For a VERY long time i've ignored the all-time favourite GameFaqs routine... Now i've decided to go back and take look one more time to the faq-writing carreer that i've been into in the past two (or three) years... For my next faq, wait for one, cuz the game (guess) haven't released :) Hope you still have fun reading my faqs. Thank you, Joseph Andro Artanto note: Please see the 'stuff needed' section here in this faq, I really need some help here. Do not, and never hesitate to send anything to me! Any info will be greatly appreciated. Information : ------------Author : Joseph Andro Artanto E-mail : [email protected] Website : Pages : 146 Version : 2.2 Last Update: November 5, 2002 Do not, and never hesitate to send anything to me! Any info will be greatly appreciated. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ib. DISCLAIMER

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unpublished Work Copyright Joseph Andro Artanto 1999-2002. This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronically, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Joseph Andro Artanto ([email protected]). All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ic. REVISION HISTORY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version 0.1 (10/12/1999) -----------------------*Created the Logo, introduction, disclaimer (thanks for Kao Megura), versions, and the table of contents. *Writes the walkthrough until the end of Sindar ruins. Version 0.2 (12/12/1999) -----------------------*Writes the walkthrough until Shu joins you. *Minor corrections. Version 0.3 (16/12/1999) -----------------------*Writes the walkthrough until Two River event has ended. *Minor corrections. Version 0.4 (26/12/1999) -----------------------*Writes the walkthrough until Greenhill event has ended. *A glitch by Richard Case submitted, thanks John! *Minor correction. Version 0.5 (3/1/2000) ---------------------*Writes the walkthrough until Luca has been defeated. *Many, many minor corrections. Version 0.6 (5/1/2000) ---------------------*Writes the walkthrough until Neclord has been defeated. *Corrections by Wulf477 on the Southwindow event. *Minor corrections. Version 0.7 (16/2/2000) ----------------------*Writes the walkthrough until Rockaxe is yours. *Correction by GravyBoat on getting Badeaux.

*Minor corrections. Version 0.8 (12/4/2000) ----------------------*Completed the walkthrough section. *Completed the Runes Section, still missing some of them. *Minor corrections. Version 0.9 (15/4/2000) ----------------------*Created the Weapons sections. The weapon name and attack power list is not completed (30 characters) *Minor corrections. Version 1.0 (16/6/2000) ----------------------*Finished the Weapon List section. *Finished the Armor/Accessories section. *Finished the Items section. *Finished the Unites section. *Starting the Headquarters/Castle section. *Some neat tricks by Greg Ferrell submitted (look at the walkthrough section, and check Chapter 1). *Minor corrections. Version 1.1 (21/6/2000) ----------------------*Finished the Headquarters/Castle section. *Finished the Miscellaneous/Secrets/Sidequests section. *Finished the 108 Stars of Destiny section. *Completed and Finished the FAQ! *Minor corrections. *More corrections to come! Version 1.2 (3/7/2000) ---------------------*Created the Author's Info section. *Created the Richmond's Characters Secrets section (none yet). *Corrections on how to get Oulan. *Many minor corrections. *A little bit layout corrections. Version 1.3 (13/7/2000) ----------------------*Merged the Richmond's Characters Secrets section with the 108 Stars of Destiny Section (it means it is a complete characters biodata!). *Created the Castle Map. Finished the outside(1) section. *Minor corrections. Version 1.4 (20/7/2000) ----------------------*Created The Old Books section. *Updated the Castle Map section. *Correction on The 108 Stars of Destiny section (I forgot to put in Makumaku, thanks to Felix Valentinus). *Corrections on Rune section. *Many minor corrections. Version 1.5 (23/7/2000) ----------------------*Created The Cities section. *Updated the Castle Map section. *Separated the Misc/Secrets/Sidequest section. *Uncountable minor corrections. Again, thanks to Felix Valentinus. Version 1.6 (8/8/2000) ----------------------

*Added more weapon info in the Weapons section. *Added the 'Attack Range' in 108 Stars of Destiny section. *Created the 'Stuff Needed' section. *Created the 'Idiot List' (none yet) sub-section. *Various minor corrections. *Various spelling and grammar corrections. *A little bit layout corrections. Version 1.7 (16/8/2000) ----------------------*Created the 'Frequently Asked Questions' section. *A few minor corrections. Version 1.8 (12/11/2000) -----------------------*Updated the Castle Map section. *Various strategies by Mike Mattera submitted. *All spelling and grammar mistakes cleared. *Various minor corrections. Version 2.0 (7/7/2002) ---------------------*Deleted the Castle Map section. *Some artistic correction and some minor corrections. Version 2.1 (11/7/2002) ----------------------*Reduced the spoiler part in the walkthrough. *Minor corrections and some artistic correction :D Version 2.2 (5/11/2002) ----------------------*Added unites info in 'The 108 Stars of Destiny' section. *Various minor & artistic corrections. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> II. TABLE OF CONTENTS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I. II. III. IV.


Introduction/Disclaimer/Revision History Table of Contents Game System/Information Walkthrough [] Chapter 1, The Kingdom of Highland and The Mercenaries [] Chapter 2, The Beginning of a Destiny [] Chapter 3, New Alliances [] Chapter 4, The Green Hill [] Chapter 5, The Knightdom [] Chapter 6, Toran Republic [] Chapter 7, The Undead Armies [] Chapter 8, Liberation [] Chapter 9, The Children of Fate Runes Weapons Armors and Accessories Items Unites Headquarters The Old Books Misc/Secrets/Sidequest The 108 Stars of Destiny The Cities Disclaimer


Frequently Asked Questions Author's Info Stuff Needed Credits/The Idiot List

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> III. GAME SYSTEM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Menu: ----_______________________ |Item Strength | |Rune Formation | |Equipment Settings | ----------------------_______________________ |HERO | | 739/639 | | 9/5/3/1 | |Level 63 | |HEROINE | | 539/639 | | 9/7/4/2 | |Level 62 | | | | | | | |_______________________|

____________________ | 543490 potch| -------------------Item : Rune : Equipment: Strength : Formation: Settings :

Items in your bag. Runes equipped on your party. Armor and items equipped. See below. Change your battle formation. Change your game settings.

________ | | | | _________ | Face | |HERO |__________| |__ | Level 63 |________| | | STR 206 EXP 709 | | TECH 201 PROT 134 | | MAGIC 159 M DEF 149 | | SPEED 167 LUCK 182 | | H * RUNE#1 | | rh* RUNE#2 | | lh* RUNE#3 | | ATT 376 DEF 233 | | WEAPON NAME | | Level 16 ATT 170 M | | Rune * RuneAttachedToWeapon | --------------------------------

Strength Menu: -------------_______ |@Hero@ | |Heroine| | | | | |_______| ---------|HP639/639 | |MP LV1 9/9| | LV2 5/5| | LV3 3/3| | LV4 1/1| ----------

*Experience is measured in 1000 points per level The character's range is as follows: S (short) : can only fight in front row, attacks front row only M (medium): can attack from front or back, attacks front row only L (long) : can attack from front or back, attacks both rows *Tech is accuracy Normal Battle: --------------

The battle consist the maximum of 6 allies and 6 enemies. First, there are some selections in the upper left corner: Fight : Fight the enemies manually. Run : Run from the battle, may fail. Bribe : Bribe the enemies. Auto : Let the computer control the attack (normal attack). If Fight was chosen, the menu below will appear: Attack: Attack enemy with weapon. Defend: 1/2 physical damage in the current round. Rune : Uses rune. Item : Uses equipped items (only 3 items/character). You also can draw items from the bag. Unite : 2 or more person combination (you must have certain characters in the battle first). Shift : Changes row (front->back, back->front) Duel Battle: -----------Seems to be same as the other one in Suikoden I. The commands are perfectly same. Here are the commands: Attack : Normal Attack. Win against "Defend" Defend : Defend from attack. 1/2x damage if enemy attacks. Will counterattack if enemy use Desperate Attack. Wild Attack: x2 damage. Win against "Attack". Lose against "Defend" (counterattacked). Strategy Battle: ---------------Really, really different from the other one more difficult to learn and win. ___________ ___ |MMM|FFF|FFF|A1 | MMM: Mountains |MMM|FFF|FFF|___| FFF: Forest |MMM| |E1 | | A1 : Hero's group |MMM|___|___|___| A2 : Heroine's group |MMM|A2 | |E2 | E1 : Enemy's group 1 |MMM|___|___|___| E2 : Enemy's group 2

in Suikoden I. It is much

(Soldier Type) (Archer Type) (Magic Type) (Cavalry Type)

So, say if in turn 1, A2 (Archer) attack E2 (remember the attack range of an archer group?) so E2 can't counterattack (E2 is a Cavalry type, but the archers only counterattacked by archer/magic). Then, A1 (Soldier) move downwards 1 block and attack E2 (this will causes A1 will attack and E2 will counterattack). Now, you got it all? now test your ability in the real one! See? it is like that. Every group The commander of the group will have skills and the characters supporting attacks attribute (such as Atck. +2, There are a lot of combination, just section for more info).

contains 3 characters maximum. certain "Attack" and "Defend" him/her give him/her some skills/ Def. +1, Scout ability,etc). try them (see Miscellaneous

There are 3 commands if you choose a group: Attack : Attack using the leader's type (archer, magic, melee). Wait : Do nothing. Rune : Uses Support characters' Rune.

There are 4 types of group: Soldier: Move 1, Attack range 1, will be countered. Archer : Move 1, Attack range 1-2, can be countered Magic : Move 1, Attack range 1-3, can be countered Magic Cavalry : Move 2, Attack range 1-3, countered Archer Cavalry: Move 2, Attack range 1-2, countered Cavalry: Move 2, Attack range 1, will be countered. *Every group has HP, mainly in sword slash*

by by by by

archer/magic. archer/magic. archer/magic. archer/magic.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IV. Walkthrough >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 1, The Kingdom of Highland and The Mercenaries -------------------------------------(Hero recruited)


You will start in Highland Camp. With Jowy, your best friend. You can explore the Highland Camp. Now get out of the camp, and head east, east and you will see a mysterious man who will flee. Now go back to your camp and choose to sleep. You'll awake by the sounds of attack. Captain Rowd will tell you to go east. Now head east, east and Jowy will advise you to go back to see Captain Rowd again. Back in the camp, Rowd meets Prince Luca. Talk to Rowd and some soldiers will attack you. They are easy, just use Hero-Jowy Unite attack (Buddy Attack) and attack the commander. Run to the northwest, northwest and you'll meet Rowd again. Some soldiers attack you again. Now you have to choose, jump or not. Just jump and after that, you and Jowy will be separated. --Mercenary Fort-After some event with the old guys (guess who?), you're taken to their Mercenary Fort and placed in a cell. There are several task for you in order to eat. First, Move the boxes to the wall,and take the rope. It's easy,just hold the arrow button and the boxes will be pushed. Second, you have to get some items; 2 pair of boots, 3 flints, and 2 bags of flour. Go to Barbara (in the southwest corner) to get the boots (you can take 1 more for an extra boots, hehe, you bastard). Now go to the blacksmith (northcenter area) to take the flints. Now go to the item shop upstairs (east area) but they say they out of flours. Go see Pohl again, and now go upstairs and talk to Leona (in the counter) and she will assigns Gengen to follow you, Tuta helps you also. Now head to the world map and go to Ryube village (northeast of the mercenary fort). (Barbara recruited) Automatically joins you. (Leona recruited) Automatically joins you. (Gengen recruited) Automatically joins you.

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--Ryube-In Ryube, you can buy some items/armor/upgrade weapons, but I suggest

don't do that now. If you go to the item shop, you will get the flours automatically. Now head back to the Mercenary Fort (try the battle if you like) to give the flours to Pohl. Now the third task; Wipe up the oil! Use the rag given by Pohl to clean up the oil in the Fort. Search and clean them all and talk to Pohl again. In the night, Jowy call you, so answer him. Now you will be caught by Flik (you can bust or surrender). Now you will be interrogated, answer anything, they are going to the same answer after all. During the night, Jowy finds a way to escapes. And you escape. Now you are free to explore, but I suggest go to Ryube first. Now check the north area of the village and you will see the entertainers in there. They will choose you as a partner of Knife Tossing, just calm down. The entertainers are Rina, Eilie, and Bolgan. Choose 1 to let them join you. Go to the North Sparrow Past (north of Ryube). Past the guard, and go ahead to your first dungeon. --North Sparrow Pass-Treasures: Fire Wall, Escape Talisman, Brass Armor, and Kindness Drops. Rabbit enemies here (CutRabbit), can give you Double-Beat crystal (very useful). In your first branch, go left to take the chest (Fire Wall) and check the pool, which will restore your HP and MP to full. Go right to the next screen. Now take the right path to get the chest (Escape Talisman) and go back to left path and up to the next screen. Now head right again to get Brass Armor, go back and go left to the next screen. Go up, and don't go north to the path first, go right and save in the save point first. Now go north and face your first boss. BOSS: Mist Shade ---------------HP: 800, 2000 potch, Kindness Drops This is your first boss, but don't underestimate him. Have Hero and Jowy attack/use medicine. Don't bother using Buddy ATK, as you only fight one enemy. Bolgan,Eilie,and Rina should use their Circus ATK. And while Bolgan is unbalance, have Rina or Eilie use their attack or cast magic. The boss have 3 times attacks (20hp/atk). Continue up to the next screen. Take the right path to get Feathered Hat. Now go back and up to the world map. --Kyaro-Treasure: Old Book Vol.1,Famous Vase/Large Vase/Nanami's Vase,Hazy Rune In the entrance of Kyaro; Rina,Eilie,and Bolgan will leave your party. Jowy will leave you also (to his home in Kyaro too). Now you may want to save your game. Save in the inn. Now head northwest to your home. Before you enter your home, you can take the north path to the big tree to get: (Mukumuku recruited) Go to the big tree in the back of Hero's house and check it (2 or 3 times) to get Mukumuku. You also can get him in road between Muse-Greenhill, wander alone with only Hero in the party.


Go inside you house and check the dresser in the southwest corner room for an ?Book (Old Book Vol.1). Now go to the backdoor to meet Nanami. Before you can leave you house, some guards come and try to arrest you. Fight them. There are 5 of them but they are not too difficult (you may want to use Family Attack with Hero-Nanami). You can win Hazy Crystal rarely from them. _____________________________________________________________________

JAA's note: Sometimes, in a rare occasion, Family Attack will do something different. Nanami will do something weird while the Hero fighting the enemy (doing more damage) and Nanami is healed. _____________________________________________________________________ (Nanami recruited) Automatically joins you.


You will be sentenced to death. Before you have been executed, Flik and Viktor saves you two. And Nanami breaks in also. Now go out of Kyaro to the world map and go back to the North Sparrow Pass. Note that Flik and Viktor have joined you now (sadly, temporary). Check Flik and Viktor's Unite and sees their strength! --North Sparrow Pass-Go all the way to the south and meet the guard. The guard will let you go. Now go to the Mercenary Fort. --Mercenary Fort-Viktor and Flik will leave you now. Now you can freely gain some recruitments out there. You can change your party if you want, just talk to Leona. (Rikimaru recruited) 7/108 Go to Ryube and talk to him near the inn. Just pay his meal (3000 potch). _____________________________________________________________________ SIDE QUEST: SEARCH FOR BONAPARTE Characters gotten: Millie, Shiro, Kinnison. To get characters above, you must finish a side quest first. First, go to Ryube and talk to Millie in the northeast area of the village. She will ask you to search Bonaparte (her Pet),agree. Now you will be in a dungeon north of Ryube. --Ryube Forest-Treasure: Leather Cape, Gauntlet. If you go south, you will go back to Ryube and Millie leaves your party, so you must find Bonaparte in order to get her. In the first fork, go left and put the baby bird back in the nest. Now continue to the next screen. Now go left in the fork to take the treasures (Leather Cape, Gauntlet). Go back and go right, and pass the bridge to a house. Check the house, its empty, so go back (you may need to know it). Now go back to the baby bird nest to find Shiro and Kinnison and say the truth (you put the baby bird back) and choose 1 to let them join you. You can put them or one of them in your party, but be sure not to remove Nanami (you need her). Now go back to the very first fork and go right. Millie will find Bonaparte but he run away, after him and fight him. BOSS: Bonaparte --------------Just use Unite attack (Shiro-Kinnison or Hero-Nanami) and the other just attack/use medicine. This should be not too hard. When you win, Millie finally can use her rune and she will join you.

(Shiro recruited) 8/108 Joins after above side quest (finding Bonaparte). (Kinnison recruited) 9/108 Joins after above side quest (finding Bonaparte). (Millie recruited) 10/108 Joins after above side quest (finding Bonaparte). _____________________________________________________________________ Now head back to Ryube and you can sleep at the inn or buy some items or if you have some money, use them to upgrade your weapons at the blacksmith.Now head to Toto (northwest of Ryube, follow the road). --Toto-In Toto; Pilika, a girl from a family who have saved Jowy, wants you to buy her a wooden amulet for her father's birthday. She will give you 70 potch. (Zamza recruited) Go to the inn in Toto and talk to Zamza near the counter. Nanami must be in party.


Now prepare, and leave Toto village through the west bridge. In the world map, follow the road to northwest (see a little house in the forest near Muse City? it is an inn, just ignore it for now). When you ready, enter Muse. Or if you want some secret, check out this one: _____________________________________________________________________ GLITCH/SECRETS: Submitted by Richard Case ([email protected]) At a very early point in the game, "before Toto is burned down an hour or two in during the Pilika side-quest" when you go to the Muse area, go north to the Muse-Matilda border, although the guards tell you that you may not enter, you can push the gate right off its hinges. You can keep pushing the gate until you enter the world map:) Once you enter the Matilda area you have full access to towns such as Rockaxe and Highway village. I'm not sure what else you can do here because if you get attacked even once you will be slaughtered, no matter how much you have built up. There is only one problem, the game might lock up. It locked up on me when I tried to advance the Dragon-Knight plot in Highway village. Just open the playstation lid then close it. If you save the game here then reset there doesn't seem to be any more problems. "I have not used any cheats, like gameshark, or anything else that would result in glitches." I would like to know if this glitch is just localized to my game "which is brand-new" or if this happens on everyone's game. If you have time would you e-mail me, at your convenience, to tell me if you have or have not heard of this before. Richard Case [email protected] Submitted by Greg Ferrell ([email protected]) This is about the part where you can push the gate early on at the MuseHighland checkpoint. I've found a way to beat the monsters. I made it to Highway Village and I got Futch and Humphrey to go on their side-quest. I put them both in my party and went out to fight. Those two alone could beat one set of monsters so whoever else was left other than them got at least 6 levels, then I would go back to the inn and stay there, using the money I got from the battle. Soon enough, everybody was getting levels.

Right now I have the hero on level 36! I am supposed to be getting the wooden amulet for Pilika. Greg Ferrell [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________ --Muse City-Enter the city, and buy whatever you need. You may want to go to world map and go to Coronet (south of Muse) to upgrade your weapon (you can raise your weapon to level 5). When you ready, buy the wooden amulet in the item shop (it cost 500 potch, but if you choose 2, Jowy will sell his ring for 1500 bits). Now head back to the world map and go back to Toto village. --Toto-When you cross the bridge, Toto has burned down. Jowy then finds Pilika crying in front of her house. Apple will appear and she asks you to take her to the Mercenary Fort. Pilika and Apple will join you as convoy (non-combat). The cave in Toto now has been opened, but there are not much to do there. (Hanna recruited) Talk to her in Toto (after Toto is burned). (Apple recruited) Automatically joins you.

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--Mercenary Fort-Back to the Mercenary Fort, go to the meeting room (2nd floor) after an event. Viktor asks you to find Tsai to fix the fire spears. Flik then gives you money for Tsai's payment (2000 potch). Tsai lives in Ryube forest (you may guess it). Go to Ryube village and go to Ryube forest. --Ryube Forest-Go through the forest to where the cabin is (you know it, see above if you forgot). No one is in the cabin yet, but just wait and Tsai will appear and join you (he wont take your 2000 potch). Now head back to Ryube village. (Tsai recruited) Automatically joins you.


--Ryube-As you are leaving the forest, Ryube is under attack. The villagers are killed by Luca Blight mercilessly. Just when you try to attack them, Tsai knock you out to save you. Now go back to the Fort. --Mercenary Fort-Go meet Flik and the others in the meeting room. They tell you to go to Muse City and leave the rest to them. Offer to join them instead. Flik will test your ability. DUEL: Flik ---------It is easy; you just have to do 50 damage to win this duel. Now you will be back in your room. Decide your company name (this will also creates your country name). The next morning, Apple will tell you the battle plan. Choose 2 to start the battle.

---Strategy Battle (1)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: Defeat enemy commander. Turn 3-Enemy retreats. This battle is not hard. Listen to Apple for the tutorial. Use the fire spears to make it easier. Note that there is no music in here... --------------------------------------------------------------------After the battle, the opponents attack again. ---Strategy Battle (2)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: Turn 3-Enemy reinforcements appear Losing condition: Enemy enters the fort You will lose in this battle so don't even care. --------------------------------------------------------------------Once the enemy enter the fort, Viktor and Flik asks the Hero and Jowy to run. But you have to save Pilika first. Go to the meeting room (after fighting several Highland Soldiers on your way). You notice there are Pohl, Nanami and Luca in the room. Pohl is died protecting Pilika. Flik and Viktor comes to rescue. You run while Viktor and Flik blow away all the remaining Fire Spears. Note the party now consist Hero, Jowy, Nanami, and 3 random picked members. Now go to Toto village. Chapter 2, The Beginning of a Destiny ----------------------------------------Toto-In Toto, Pilika goes to the cave, follow her. The Hero and Jowy will be teleported into the inner area of the cave and they will meet Leknaat. You and Jowy will get a new rune. The Hero will get the Bright Shield rune. And Jowy will get the Black Sword rune. Take the power and you will get them. Now you will be teleported back to the outer cave area by Leknaat. Now go back out of Toto and go to Muse City. --Muse City-In Muse, the guards will not let you go in. So go back out to the world map and go to the inn (just east of Muse). --White Deer Inn-When you enter the inn, you'll be welcomed by Hilda. As you want to rent, Alex, Hilda's husband appears and says he has found a way to open the ruin's gate. The party then sleeps for a night. In the morning, Alex rushes out. He will lend his Entry Permit if you want to help him explore the Sindar ruins. Now head to the ruin. --Sindar Ruin-Treasures: Stone of Magic, Mega Medicine, Angry Blow, Gauntlet, Shoulder Pads, Fire Lizard Crystal, Chain Mail, Water Crystal, Old Book Vol.2, Magic Drain Crystal, Spark Crystal. After Alex has opened the door, go straight and left to get the chests (Stone of Magic, Mega Medicine). Next, go north to the next area. At the next intersection, go north (south is a dead-end). Go upstairs to cross over the stream. Also, pick up the Angry Blow from the path south,

next to the stream. On the other side, you can find a Gauntlet. Now head up to the next section. There is a door, which you can't open yet, right now, so head left and push a statue back to its place to open the door in north to find a chest (Shoulder Pads) and a Round plate. Place the Round Plate near the locked door to open it. In the area with a snake statue, go left across the bridge to find a Triangle Plate. Go further left to find a broken door (just enter it, you can) to find a chest (Fire Lizard Crystal). Now head back to the statue and go up. Now go left across the bridge to find another statue, a save point and a door needing a Square Plate to be opened. Head back right across the bridge and go right and up some stairs. Now drop the Triangle Plate to close the water system. Head back to the intersection (without the statue) and go up, up through a broken bridge to find a chest (Chain Mail). Go back to the broken bridge and go down into the canal. Go down all the way and find a chest (Water Crystal) go back and up and left and take the Square Plate. Go back to the intersection (with the snake statue) and go to the right. Open the door and find 2 chests (Old Book Vol.2) and (Magic Drain Crystal). Now go to the save point area and open the door. Now go north and check the thing right of the door. Choose "Everyone". Now go north and be ready for a boss. BOSS: DoubleHead ---------------HP: 2500, 4000 potch, Spark Crystal Use all you've got. Have Jowy uses his Black Sword rune and have the Hero uses his Bright Shield rune when your party's hp is critical. Other than that, just use Unites and spells or normal attack. Climb the stairs and take the treasure. At the exit, Alex drop the treasure. Now go back to the inn. Pilika and Pete (their son) will rushes in and tell you that Hilda has fallen ill. Jowy is sent to search a doctor. Now head back to the Ruin's gate and take the "Herb". Now go to the inn and bring the Herb to Nanami. Hilda will be recovered after taking the Herb. The next morning, Alex will give his Entry Permit. You also can stay at the inn for free. Now head to Muse City with Alex's Entry Permit. --Muse City (revisited)-Treasures: Old Book Vol.4, Recipe #3, Sound Set #1. When you enter the city, the Hero will act like Alex, Nanami as Hilda and Jowy as Pete. All is going well until Jowy is recognized. You will be thrown into the prison. In the night you see an event and you will be saved by Viktor and others. They tell you to go to Leona's bar (in the inn) and meet them in the city hall (north end). At the bar, Leona will take care of Pilika while you go to the meeting hall. Viktor meets you in the hallway and will meet Annabelle (mayor of Muse city and the leader of Jowston City-State Alliance). Annabelle then recognizes Jowy, and Hero and Nanami as the adopted children of Genkaku. She will tell about that later. Now you'll left and taken care by Jess. Now talk to Jess. He tell you that he have a few Highland youth brigade uniform and asks you to infiltrate Highland Camp and report their provisions. Before leaving, check the bookshelf near Jess for ?Book (Old Book Vol.4). (Tuta recruited) Talk to her in the main road of Muse City and Dr.Huan will assign Tuta to help you. (Anita recruited)

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Muse City's Bar. Do whatever she wants. You can get her in Banner's Bar also. After getting Tuta, talk to Huan again to get Recipe #3. Now head to the east area of Muse and head all the way there; you will meet Clive and Elza event. Before leaving Muse, Elza will give you some items (Sound Set #1). Now go to Leona's bar and tell her your plan. Now arrange your party first, and head to the world map and north to Muse-Highland Borderguard. --Muse-Highland Borderguard/Highland Camp-Follow the guard and you will reach the forest. Treasure: Circuret. Just head right, keep going right until you find a chest (Circuret) and keep heading up until an event occur (only Hero and Jowy now). Inside the Highland Camp, go to the northeast corner and enter the camp (the guard,luckily, will let you in). Check the tent and you will notice, there is only 2 weeks of food. As you exit, Rowd will notice you. Now take the chest near the provisions tent (Fire Sealing Crystal) and then enter the big tent to meet Princess Jillia. Afterwards, its time to escape, Rowd capture you again and you have to fight some soldiers. Jowy then hold them up while you run. Jowy then uses his Black Sword rune... You and your party then flee and go back to Muse City. --Muse City-Go see Jess and go to the meeting hall. You can't go in now. Nanami suggests to seek Flik and others. Go to the bar to meet them. Nanami then will explains what has been happened to Jowy. They go with you to the meeting hall to see Annabelle once again. Annabelle apologizes, but she can't do anything to it. Nanami will wait Jowy in the front gate of Muse. Join her. Pilika will come to wait Jowy too. After a long wait, Jowy's finally back. A week passes. And you will notice there is some event in Jowston Hill. Go to there (just go to the northwest corner and through the windy way). You'll meet Viktor in there, but the guard wont let you in. After that, Flik arrives and the guard will let you come in. Annabelle then discusses what to do to Highland. And the City-State decides to help Muse. Now head back to Leona's bar. Annabelle and Apple is in there. Annabelle asks Viktor to hold Highland's armies for two days. Flik agrees. You should too. The next morning, talk to Viktor to start the battle. ---Strategy Battle (3)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: Enemy armies retreats. Turn 2-Flik and Viktor recognizes Gilbert. Turn 3-Matilda reinforcements appear (they'll help you). Turn 8-Matilda armies retreats. Turn 8-Highland armies retreats. (Gilbert recruited) Just hit him once with anything (fire spears) in this battle and he will join you.


Try to hit Gilbert once (with fire spears) and he will join you. Otherwise, just keep up your position. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Once the battle is over, you will be back in Muse. Viktor tells you to go sleep. You and Nanami have a conversation while Jowy has a mysterious meeting with a mysterious man. Now go see Annabelle and see an event, she will tell you to go see her in the night. Now go back to Leona's bar. Pilika wants to play with Jowy, but Jowy run away. Go find Jowy near the City Hall (he has another meeting). In the night, Viktor meets Annabelle. Now you can go meet Annabelle now. Jowy has arrived in Annabelle's room to...take her life. Annabelle suddenly rushes Jowy. By the time the Hero and Nanami arrives, they see Jowy with knife in hand flees. Jess then appears and suspect you as a killer. Meanwhile, Highland attacks in this time. After Jess leaves to take charge of the command, Annabelle tells you to flee. Now head to Leona's bar and take Pilika. Now you will run away. The next morning, head to Coronet (south of Muse). --Coronet-Treasure: Recipe #5 Go to the restaurant (below the inn) and talk to a man here to get Recipe #5. _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's Note: Remember, from now on, you should check every "Rare Items" in every item shop in every town. Note: Rare Finds changed every half a hour to full hour of gameplay (not playtime, but try to trigger the story if the rare find doesn't change). _____________________________________________________________________ Now go to the port and head to southwest. The guards will not let anyone get out by boats. Go back to the inn, you will meet with Eilie,Rina and Bolgan again. The Hero introduces Nanami to them and Rina suggests to get some boats from the fishermans (what the hell is Bolgan and Pilika doing? ^_^). Now head right from the port to a small cabin. You'll see Sheena yelling at the fishermans. Now enter the cabin and meet Tai Ho and Yam Koo. Now you have to beat them (Chincirorin) to make them help you. If you don't know how to play it, Tai Ho will explain it to you. Win once and they will help you. Now go back to the inn and talk to Eilie/Rina and they will join you. Return to the cabin and Tai Ho's ship will be boarded. Sheena misses the ship. (Rina recruited) Automatically joins. (Eilie recruited) Automatically joins. (Bolgan recruited) Automatically joins.

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Chapter 3, New Alliances ----------------------------Kuskus-In Kuskus Town, you can get Recipe #9 in a bookshelf in the big house (a big house in north area). You can find Recipe #11 as a rare find in Kuskus item store. Also, the blacksmith here can upgrade your weapon to level 6. When you ready, go south to the world map and go south (follow

the road) to South Window. --South Window-Treasures: Friendship Crystal. You can buy Old Book Vol.3 from the item store as a rare find. Viktor greets you near the gate and takes you to the inn. Viktor and Flik will accompany you to meet Mayor Granmeyer. (Viktor recruited) Automatically joins. (Flik recruited) Automatically joins.

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You can check your first trading post just east of the inn. You also can buy some new equipments here. Check the bonsai in the stone garden to find a Friendship Crystal. Now go to the City Hall (northeast area). Inside the City Hall, the mayor introduces Freed Y. to the party. The mayor wants you to investigate North Window, and sends Freed Y along. Go back to your inn. After the event, Flik will leave your party and you have to go to North Window (northwest of South Window). (Freed Y recruited) Automatically joins.


--North Window-In this ghost town (town? looks like a castle...) the party will meet Neclord. After some conversation, Neclord attacks you. BOSS: Neclord, 3 Zombies -----------------------HP: ??? The zombies are strong, but Neclord is far more strong. You simply can't win. Viktor tells you that he needs the Star Dragon Sword to harm Neclord. That sword is in Wind Cave. Go to the Wind Cave! (south of North Window). --Wind Cave-Treasures: Sun Badge, Fish Badge, Fire Wall, 3000 potch, Medicine, Blue Gate Crystal, Stone of Defense, Half Helmet. Save in front of the cave. Go through this cave as best as you can. When you meet the first intersection, choose the upper one to get chest (Sun Badge). Head back and go through the lower path one. Keep heading left, past the intersection, go upper left and get the chest (Fish Badge). Now go back to the previous intersection and go northeast. Go through the cave until the next intersection. Go left to get a chest (Fire Wall). Now take the right path. Push a stone block and go to the windy section of Wind Cave. The first one is easy. Just use the stone block as a shield to keep you there (if you don't use the stone block shield, you will be blown away, but don't worry you still in that room). The second one is also easy, use the previous strategy. The third one is a bit tricky, just push the uppermost block and block the nearest wind tunnel. Push upwards the leftmost block. Push leftwards to rightmost block to the third wind tunnel. Now push the last block to block the final wind. Go left to take the three chests (3000 potch)(Medicine)(Blue Gate Crystal). Take the lower left path. In the fork, go south and swing around to get a chest (Stone of Defense). Head left to find another chest (Half Helmet). Head northwest to the next area. See a dark guy

there? (search it), He is Kahn, the vampire hunter. After some conversation, he will join your party. Go through the cave to find the Star Dragon Sword. After some conversation, it will attack your party. BOSS: Star Dragon Sword ----------------------HP: 2500 If you have Earth magic, use Clay Guardian on the 2 person in the middle row (the sword attacks that row commonly). Use your best rune, unite, and attack to win this battle (and use the Bright Shield rune if your party hurt badly). Kahn will explain something that makes Viktor kills the fake Neclord in the previous world. Viktor then takes the sword and your party will leave the cave automatically (SD sword will have the same level as Viktor's previous sword). Now head to North Window again (you may want to go to South Window to prepare something). --North Window/Neclord's Castle-Treasures: Fire Crystal,Stone of Magic Defense,Chain Mail,Necklace. Go north and enter the castle. Take the right stairs and get the chest (Fire Crystal). Go back and take the other stairs. Go left to the next screen. Go downstairs and get the chest (Stone of Magic Defense). Take the left path (the right one leads to the prison, nothing in there). Go through this castle until you reach the statue room. Put back the statue into its place and it will reveal a door. Go through the door and go upstairs. When you reach a room with candles, light up the unlighted one (the top one) to reveal another door. Go through the door and up the stairs. Cross the bridge and go upstairs and take the 2 chests (Chain Mail) (Necklace). Go upstairs and through the castle's way. You'll find Neclord playing organ. After some events, he leaves but left something. BOSS: Abomination ----------------HP: 4400, 10000 potch He can attack twice per round. It has medium party damage, high claw damage and devastating breath to party. Just use Clay Guardian to minimize his attacks damage. Use Bright Shield rune to heal the party. You can use Kahn's rune to damage him also. Otherwise, use your best attack and spells. After you beat him, Kahn leaves you to hunt Neclord. The party in Southwindow will come to report that Southwindow has been fallen to Highland and Mayor Granmeyer has killed. --Headquarters-Inside your new remade castle (its yours now!), Apple asks you to get Shu, another student of Mathiu Silverburg. Choose your party, and go to Radat (east of South Window, just follow the road). _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's Note: Check the suggestion box in the save point room (just outside of the meeting hall in your castle. It will show you some letters from your companions! check the box periodically! _____________________________________________________________________ --Radat Town-Treasures: Recipe #14, Sound Set #5, Recipe #18. You can get Recipe #14 from a man in the restaurant. Sound Set #5 and Recipe #18 from the item store's rare finds. You also can find a

boy selling piglet in front of Shu's house (you may need Yuzu who you can get later). Now enter Shu's house (east of the town). Apple asks Shu to join, but Shu declines. Go to the restaurant and leaves, Shu will enter and Apple begs once more, Shu still declines. Now talk with Richmond (southwest, near the appraiser), he wants 1500 potch to investigate Shu. Pay it. Go to the inn and talk to the innkeeper. Richmond tells you that Shu will cross the bridge. You should wait at the bridge (east of Shu's house). You'll meet Shu, after some events, he say he will join you if you can get the coin he throws at the river. Talk to a man near the cabin and asks to close the sluice gate. Amada will come and he'll fight you. If you win, he'll close the gate. DUEL: Amada ----------Read his quotes before he acts, and use the right actions. He is not too hard. Amada will close the gate. Apple, Hero and Nanami searches the river all the night. Suddenly the Hero found it and Shu agrees to join you. Richmond appears and smiles seeing this. Now go back to your castle. (Shu recruited) Automatically joins.


You arrive in the meeting hall, but Shu hadn't. Shu then arrives and explains his strategy. He sends Freed Y to spread some rumors inside the Highland troops. He chooses you as the leader to face Solon Jhee. The next morning, go to the meeting room and prepare for the battle. ---Strategy Battle (4)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: Enemy retreats Turn 2- Hero and 1 group appears Once Solon Jhee attacked from Hero/1 group, South Window troops will change side. 3 turns after Solon Jhee attacked- Enemy retreats This battle is not too hard, so keep it up. --------------------------------------------------------------------Back at the castle, you are welcomed as a hero. Shu asks you to be the leader, as you are the son of Genkaku with the same rune. Now you can talk with Viktor in Leona's bar (in the night). He will tell the story of Genkaku. The next morning, inside the meeting hall, agree with Shu's suggestion and you will be the leader of new alliances. Huan shows up and joins you. Now you can name your castle. Leknaat and Luc appear. Leknaat tells you to gain the 108 Stars of Destiny. Luc joins. (Huan recruited) Automatically joins. (Luc recruited) Automatically joins.

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The next morning, while leaving the castle, Fitcher wants to meet you. Go out to the world map instead to gain more companions (be sure to have Freed Y in your party). (Richmond recruited) In Radat. Plays coin with him once. Get the coin in the bar. Talk with him once more.


(Yoshino recruited) 28/108 Radat. Talk to her (southeast) with Freed Y in party. (Templton recruited) 29/108 Go to Mercenary Camp (through the bridge in Radat) and talk with him once. Go to Toto and talk with him again. (Alex recruited) 30/108 In South Window. In the inn (2nd floor). (Hilda recruited) 31/108 Joins with Alex. (Adlai recruited) 32/108 In South Window. House (northeast of trading post). Give him a Sacrificial Jizo and Wooden Shield. "Throw" the Wind Crystal to him and he will join you. (Oulan recruited) 33/108 Kuskus. Talk to the old woman down the stairs when you first come into Kuskus town. Then you have an all female party (they don't have to be all 'pure' females) and the bandits show up! (thanks FuzzyHippo!) Now head to your castle and go to the meeting room. Fitcher then asks you to let Two River join your Alliances. You agree, but he needs a captain that can control a ship. Now go to Radat. --Radat-Go meet Amada again (on the bridge). He will join you if you beat him. DUEL: Amada ----------Easy, just do your best. Read his quotes and act right. You shouldn't have a lot of trouble beating him. After he is defeated, Amada will join you. Now head to the world map and to Kuskus town. (Amada recruited) Automatically joins. (Tai Ho recruited) Kuskus Dock. Play "Chincirorin" and win 5000 potch. (Yam Koo recruited) Kuskus Dock. Joins with Tai Ho.

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Now go to your castle and go to the meeting room. Talk with Shu. Now you can travel to Lakewest. Before doing that... (Clive recruited) In South Window. Talk to him below the front gate.


Now head for the docks and board the ship to Lakewest (northwest of the castle). --Lakewest-Treasures: Recipe #16, Kindness Crystal, Cabbage. In Lakewest, Fitcher gives you the letter of introduction to enter Two River City. You can find the Recipe #16 in Taki's house (northwest house). Search the basket with plants in it by the dock to find the Kindness Crystal. You can check a barrel to get Cabbage. You can check the man left of the counter inside the inn to get Elza's letter (one of the Clive's sidequest, only if you play under 11 hours now). _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's Note:

When you get the 'Kindness' Crystal in Lakewest (check the basket withplants in it near the dock), attach it to your Hero right away (in your Castle or Two River's Runeshop). The 'strength' of your hero will go up as you talk to more towns people, so talk to all people in a town and your attack will go up! _____________________________________________________________________ Now go to Two River (west of Lakewest). Note, in the world map just outside Two River, there is an enemy that can give you Balance Crystal (rare), this crystal will make the user cannot be unbalanced (great for Hero-Nanami unite). (Taki recruited) 38/108 In Lakewest. Northwest house. Talk to her several times. --Two River City-When you enter the city, a kid stole your money and the letter. Pursue him and he will fly away. Go north of the Wingers district to the Kobold area. Now head back to the Human district and go to the item store to check the rare find (you can get Recipe #23). Now go to the city hall (north center). (Hans recruited) In Two River (Human district), inn second floor.


After some conversation, Ridley will take you to Makai. After some conversation, Makai told you to go to the inn. Go to inn's second floor and go to the rightmost room. Chaco will appear, he don't believe you are the leader who defeats Highland and flies. The next morning, when entering the city hall, Ridley going off because the Humans betrays him. In the Kobold District, you will not allowed to enter the district, as you enter the Wingers District, Fitcher's wallet was stolen by Chaco again, pursue him again and after him to the sewer. --Two River's Sewer System-Treasures: Head Gear, Resurrection Crystal, Healing Wind, Fire Emblem, Stone of Defense. First, note that you can get Recipe #21 rarely from enemy LandShark in here (it is kind of tough and rare, you may try later). Go through the sewers. When you come to your first intersection, go cross the bridge and north to get the chest (Head Gear). Go through again. Take the chest (Resurrection Crystal) in the northeast area. Now head south. In this screen, there is a hidden tunnel near the stair (you can enter Sid's room here, but there is nothing to do here). Go through the sewer again and find a chest (Healing Wind). In the next intersection, take the top path to find the chests (Fire Emblem)(Stone of Defense). Go back and take the other path and to the next screen. Climb the stair, down the stair and find a save point. Now prepare yourselves, then enter the door (left of the save point). A huge big thing attacks you. BOSS: Pest Rat -------------HP: 5000, 20000 potch, Poison Crystal This rat has 3 attacks; one is a moderate one-person attack, second is high damaging poisonous breath to party, and an earthquake type attack that hit the party. You can use unites

and runes to attack him. Try to use Magic-Defense runes (such as Earth or Water). Just keep your HP high with the Bright Shield rune (as always) and you should win. After you kill that thing, go north to the Kobold District. In the Kobold District, Ridley says a spy dropped a note concerning a treaty between Makai and Highland. Go back to the Human District. Makai will signs a peace treaty with the Highland. Outside the city hall, Chaco tells you that his grandmother wants to talk with you. Go to the Wingers District. Follow him to his grandmother's house. After some conversation with Chaco's grandmother, Kiba breaks his promise and the Highland attacks. After a battle with the Highlanders, go talk to Ridley in the Kobold district. The Wingers will help you fight, the Kobold do so. And you have to fight a battle again. The Highland army retreats after seeing this situation. Meanwhile, Luca do something awful to Solon Jhee, and Jowy volunteers to lead an attack on Greenhill. The next morning, back in the city hall, Makai and Ridley join you, Fitcher will be fired by Makai and Makai told him to join you. Now head to the world map. As you exit, Chaco come and give back your wallet and joins you. You can go back to Two River (Winger) and talk to Susu to get a Spinach Seedling. _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's note: You can know your castle level by the baths in your castle. The bath can be gotten when you have Tetsu. Ex: 1 bath available = castle level 1, 2 bath available = castle level 2, etc. The castle level is upgraded as you get more Stars of Destiny. Bath is used as an indicator of your castle level, and castle level are required to get certain characters. Here is the list: Level 1 (1-30 characters) : Drum Can Baths Level 2 (31-60 characters) : Cypress Baths Level 3 (61-100 characters) : Marble Baths Level 4 (100+ characters) : Jungle Baths Level 5 (*) : Open-Air Baths *You can get the level 5 baths by bathing inside the bath (in the level 4 baths) for around 20 times or more* _____________________________________________________________________ (Fitcher recruited) Automatically joins. (Chaco recruited) Automatically joins. (Ridley recruited) Automatically joins. (Sid recruited) Two River's sewer. In the hidden room (hidden tunnel near the stair), Chaco must be in party. (Gabocha recruited) In Two River Kobold area. One of the houses. Gengen must be in party. (Hai Yo recruited) Headquarters. Castle must be level 2. Second floor balcony (right wing of the castle). (Stallion recruited) Radat. Run (escape) from battle 50 times. (Shilo recruited)

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Lakewest, Inn. Castle must be level 2. Win 5000 potch. (Tetsu recruited) 48/108 Lakewest, House (north). Must be in toasty condition (you can be toasty by buying Fried Tacos from Two River Kobold area, use it on the Hero until he is toasty). (Meg recruited) 49/108 Greenhill-Muse borderguard. Castle must be level 2. (Gadget recruited) 50/108 Joins with Meg. (Wakaba recruited) 51/108 Forest Village (northwest of Greenhill). In front of the armor shop). Hero must be above level 30. (Tony recruited) 52/108 Forest Village Northeast house.Castle must be level 2. --Forest Village-A few businesses done here. First, you can get Old Book Vol.6 from an old man inside the trading center. Iron Hammer can be gotten from a man inside the Armour shop. You can buy a Lamb here also. You can get more Clive's story here also, check the northeast clearing area in this village to found a Clive's event again (only if your playtime under 13 hours). If you have gotten Tony (see above), talk to the elder and he will give you Spinach seedlings. In the Trading Post, you can buy Salt (a spice for Hai Yo, see below). ____________________________________________________________________ JAA's note: Now, after you get Hai Yo, you can do some cooking contest. Just go to Hai Yo's restaurant to trigger the contest. You can choose three foods, and the judge, five judge exactly, will score your foods (0 is the lowest, 5 is the highest). Every time you win, you can get some Recipes. Hai Yo have a restaurant, you just have to bring him the ingredients (from the farmer Tony and the cattle breeder Yuzu) and Spice (you can buy the spice from trading posts, just bring it to him once and you can discard the spice. There are 5 spices: Sugar, Salt, Soy Sauce, Mayonnaise and Red Pepper). _____________________________________________________________________ Now, you can do this side quest to get Hix and Tengaar, the old characters from Suikoden I. _____________________________________________________________________ SIDE QUEST: THE UNICORN QUEST Characters gotten: Hix, Tengaar. First, head to Lakewest's inn and talk with them there. After some conversation, they will go to Kobold Village (south of Two River city). After them. In Kobold Village, Search the urn next to the elder's house in Kobold Village to find an Exertion Crystal. In the item store's rare find, you can buy Recipe #31. You can buy a Lamb here. Also, in the Trading Post, you can buy Sugar. Go to the elder's house (northernmost house)and talk to them. Talk to the chef in this house to get Recipe #13. The next morning,Tengaar should be sick, the elder says that Tengaar had suffered the Unicorn curse. And only three items can heal her. They are the Blue Stone (South Window),Red Flower (Wind Cave),and Green Bell (Two River Sewer). Get them. Now go to Southwindow and buy the Blue Stone from the item store. Now go to the trading post here and buy Mayonnaise (you have read my

note above, have you?). Everytime you get one of them, you have to go back to the elder. Now after you have gotten all three items, Tengaar will be missing. After her to the Unicorn Woods (north of elder house). --Unicorn Woods-Treasures: Necklace, Necklace, Necklace, Necklace (...) Later Treasures: Mangosh, Guard Ring. First, note the enemies EagleMan here, you can get the Recipe #12 rarely from them. Take the first right path to find a chest (Necklace). Left takes you to another fork. Go southeast for a (Necklace). Another (Necklace) can be found on the northern path. Head right. After a screen, you can take an upper right path to yet another (Necklace). The bottom path will take you on a windy path to the elder, Tengaar, and a few kobolds. As you chat with the elder, the sacred Unicorn appears. The unicorn says he will take Tengaar, but Hix protect her. This allows Hix and Tengaar to pass the test. They now join you. If you return to the Unicorn Tree later (like helping Yuzu), you can find a Mangosh and a Guard Ring. (Hix recruited) 53/108 Joins after above Sidequest (Unicorn Quest). (Tengaar recruited) 54/108 Joins after above Sidequest (Unicorn Quest). _____________________________________________________________________ Now after you have gotten all of the new recruits, go back to your headquarters. Chapter 4, The Green Hill --------------------------In your castle meeting hall, Shu ask you to rest first. The next morning, in the meeting hall, Shu explain Greenhill has fallen to Highland Kingdom. Rather than taking Greenhill back by force, Shu wants to rescue Teresa, the acting mayor of Greenhill. You will act as a student with Flik's guard. Fitcher will check the situation in the city first. Choose your party, which will go to Greenhill. Now go to Greenhill (northwest of Two River City). --Greenhill-In the entrance gate of Greenhill, Fitcher waits you. You can fill in some fake names for Flik and Nanami. The guard will let you go easily now. In the city, go to the inn and talk to the woman to get Recipe #20. In the item store's rare find, you can get Recipe #25 and Window Set #6. Go straight to north and trigger an event with a girl named Nina. Now head north. Go north to the big building and sign in at the main desk. Emilia will tell you the classes in this school. A mysterious guy called Shin will come down from upstairs. (Emilia recruited) 55/108 Greenhill. Talk to her in the main desk of the school. Tell her you come to rescue Teresa, just tell her everything. You can get Old Book Vol.5 on the right side of the shelf inside Greenhill school (first floor classroom, the room with a book above

the entrance). Now go outside to find Nina (in a really lovesick status). Go to the dormitory (west of the school) and choose to rest. After the dinner, Nina comes and she will be ready for a Flik-hunting competition. The next morning, outside the dormitory, Flik tells you to find Shin, Nina will after Flik again. Meet Emilia south of the school and go south into the city. Go south to the front gate. Some Highland soldiers will try to enter the inn. Before the party can act, Rowd and Shin will come. After the event, follow Shin. You lose him, so go back to the dormitory and rest. After the dinner, Nina comes and ask Nanami what food Flik likes to eat. Nina then tells Nanami about the ghost in the dorm, which is terrifies Nanami. The next morning, go to the school and go left from the entrance to find Nina. After the event, go outside to find Flik. Nanami tell him what happen with Nina. Now head south to find Fitcher. Fitcher will be surrounded by the townspeople. Flik help him. Fitcher then tells you that no signs of Teresa, even the Highlands cant find her. On the way back to the school, Nina ambushes you, Flik run away. Now head to the dormitory and rest again. After the dinner, Nina comes again and stop the party, after some conversation, the Hero will ignore her. At the midnight, the party will hear some weird sounds, Nanami then wakes you up to investigate the sounds. A shadow appears, follow it. In the basement, find a switch (near the crate) to open a secret door. Follow the path, which will lead to the school, still, after it. Your party will try to ambush the shadow, but it turns out to be Flik, he is following the shadow. Check the statue to the west to open a secret door to outside. --Greenhill Forest Path (1)-Treasures: Protect Mist. Go through the forest until you find the first split. Go right to find a chest (Protect Mist). Now go through the forest path again until you find a mysterious hut. Shin appears and ready to attack you, Pilika then crying and Teresa will come and asks Shin to stop. In the hut, Flik will explain everything. But Teresa says she cannot help you, because after the fall of Muse, the Muse soldiers that had escaped put up refuge inside Greenhill. With the aid of the Muse soldiers, the people in Greenhill began to be confident of repelling the Highland attack. Highland did come, but did not attack, instead barricading the city. The barricade soon took it's toll on the city's food supply, and infighting broke out between the soldiers and the civilians, thus effectively ending the resistance without any battle. The next morning, go to the town square where the townspeople are all gathered. Rowd offers a large reward to anyone who aids in the capture of Teresa. Jowy then appears. Pilika and Nanami will go to him, help them. Seeing this, Rowd orders the soldiers to attack, but Fitcher cover you. Go to the academy. Some soldiers will attack you on the way to the academy, beat them. Now go to the Forest Path (the secret door behind the statue). You will meet some soldiers on the way to the hut. In the hut, Nina appears and Flik asks Teresa to escape. She refused and goes outside, after her. Outside, Rowd appears and want to take Teresa, help her and fight some soldiers. Now head back to the academy and go outside to find Teresa. Nina help you and the townspeople will come. After an event, Rowd is forced to retreat. Teresa will help you now. Now go all the way back to the hut in the forest path. Rowd returns and Shin will hold them while you

run away. In the hut, go outside by the backdoor to another forest path. --Greenhill Forest Path (2)-Treasures: Toe Shoes, Silver Hat, Chimera Crystal. The Yellow DoReMi Elf enemy here rarely give you Recipe #34 and the DoReMi Elf (any one of them) can give you Sound Set #2. Now go through, check the area to get two chests (Toe Shoes, Silver Hat). Now go right to the next screen. Get the chest here (Chimera Crystal) and go south to meet Jowy. After an event, go through the forest until you find the exit. You will be exit in the world map. Now go back to your castle. (Jeane recruited) Two River City human district. Inside Runeshop. (Yuzu recruited) Kobold Village. Only if you have finished the Unicorn Quest. Find her sheeps.

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Chapter 5, The Knightdom -------------------------Back in your castle, in the meeting room, talk to Shu. Shin arrives along with Fitcher and Nina. Now you can rest. In the Highland camp, Luca congratulates Jowy for his success. Jowy asks Luca to let him marry Jillia. (Teresa recruited) Automatically joins. (Shin recruited) Automatically joins. (Nina recruited) Automatically joins.

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The next morning, in the headquarters, Shu asks you to get alliance with Matilda Knightdom. You need to move in small groups since Greenhill is being occupied by Highland. Now go to Greenhill-Matilda Border. --Greenhill-Matilda Border/Road to Matilda-Treasures: Guard Ring, Mega Medicine, Dragon Armor. The guard will let you pass the border. First, note that you can get Recipe #29 from enemy Zombie Slug in here and you can get Potato seedlings from enemy Papa Holly in here. Now go north to a forest path which is leading to Matilda. In this first screen, you'll meet Badeaux (don't worry, ignore him now). Now upleft of him to get a chest (Guard Ring). Go through again. In the next screen, find a secret passage to get a chest (Mega Medicine). Keep going. Choose the upper right passage to get a chest (Dragon Armor). Now keep going through and you'll meet a mysterious girl. (Viki recruited) Talk to her in the Matilda forest path and asks her to join you.


Keep going through the forest path. You will meet Miklotov at the end of the forest who will bring you to Rockaxe. In Rockaxe, the party will meet Gorudo, the ruler of Rockaxe. Gorudo looks down on the Hero, and

tells Camus to take them to their resting quarters and to bring them for a tour of the city later. After showing them to their bedrooms, Camus apologizes for his Lord's behavior. That night Leknaat pays the Hero a visit, saying that his path will be bloody, but the turns of destiny was to be decided by the rune on his hand. The next morning, Miklotov asks Gorudo to mobilize their army, as the Highland armies have been seen near the Matilda-Muse border along with Muse's refugees. Miklotov then asks you if you want to join them. ---Strategy Battle (5)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: None. Losing condition : None. Turn 1 - Highland armies appear. Refugees from Muse killed- Highland armies retreats. Gorudo doesn't want to help the refugees, telling Miklotov and Camus to stay behind the border. You can just act "I will save them, even if I am the only one who wants to help them", but the refugees will be killed anyway. --------------------------------------------------------------------Back at the Rockaxe Castle, Miklotov is not happy with Gorudo's decision, and he will go to Muse to check the situation. Camus asks you to help Miklotov. Now you can explore Rockaxe now. Search the cabinet in the appraiser shop to find a Violence Crystal. There is a Clive's story again here, in the inn (only if your playtime under 14 hours). At the gate, two soldiers asks Miklotov to let them join him, he still going alone though. In the world map, go southeast a bit and enter Highway Village. --Highway Village-You can buy a Calf here. In the item store's rare find, you can buy Rabbit Plans #2 and Recipe #26 here. You also can finish a side quest here now (to get Humphrey and Futch), if you don't want to, just go to the world map and go east to Matilda-Muse border. _____________________________________________________________________ SIDE QUEST: SAVE KENT! Characters gotten: Humphrey, Futch. After talking to Humphrey, you'll see a scene with Futch and Kent. Futch tells Kent his story of being a Dragon Knight and losing his status. Futch and Humphrey are on a quest to find a new dragon. Asks Humphrey some questions. He'll leave, but will pay for your lodgings. Outside the inn, Kent hears tale of a dragon in Rakutei Mountain, north of Rockaxe. Talk to Humphrey again and Futch will return. Rest at the inn. Futch and Humphrey with several town members are gathered looking for the missing Kent. Offer to help find Kent at Mt.Rakutei. Place Humphrey and Futch in your party and head to the mountain. A barrier prevents your progress, but your rune clears it. --Rakutei Mountain-Treasures: Thunder Runner, Thunder Amulet, Stone of Power, 2000 potch, Medicine Crystal, Dragon Plans #2, Unicorn Plans #2, Skill Ring. Go through the mountain. Go left to get a chest (Fur Cape). Go back and go through until the next intersection. Take the right path to find a chest (Thunder Runner). Now take the remaining choice. Next, go right to find a chest (Thunder Amulet). Then exit to the upper left. Go left to find a Stone of Power. Next go to the right path. Take the upper path

and find a chest to the right (2000 potch). Further right is another chest (Medicine Crystal).Back left, there is more chest (Dragon Plans #2). The lower path takes you to Unicorn Plans #2. Continue around this area and find a passage east. There you'll find a chest (Skill Ring). Now exit through the higher east passage after returning. Head up. You will find a save point. At the summit, you see Kent. As you try to get near him, you are attacked. BOSS: Harpy ----------HP: 7500, 40000 potch. It has 2 main attacks. One is a quick slash. Another is a sweeplift-drop-unbalance attack. It also has some damaging wind spells. Just make sure your HP is high, hold there, and keep attacking. Heal with Hero's spells if your HP is low. After beating it, you rescue Kent. After some events,Futch have a new baby white dragon,named Bright. Humphrey and Futch will join you now. (Humphrey recruited) 62/108 Joins after "Save Kent!" sidequest above. (Futch recruited) 63/108 Joins after "Save Kent!" sidequest above. _____________________________________________________________________ After you have done the subquest, talk to Kent's mother to get Recipe #32. Now you should go to Matilda-Muse border (southeast of Highway). In there, you will meet Miklotov. Go through the gate to the world map. Now go to Muse. Near Muse, the party stops, seeing some mysterious power inside Muse, the two-headed wolf. The screen shifts to Luca. After that event, go inside. --Muse City-Inside this dead city, no one is here, so go to the northeast corner. You will see Highland soldiers killing civilians,help him.The civilian says that he saw his family killed by silver monster. Now go back to Rockaxe. --Rockaxe-Back at the castle, Miklotov asks Gorudo to mobilize their army and attack Highland since Highland is killing innocent peoples. Gorudo doesn't care about that. After some events, Miklotov and Camus will join you, along with the Red Knights and Blue Knights of Matilda. On the way escape, you'll meet Shu. Camus arrives with some more Knights. You'll back at your Headquarters. In Highland Camp, Leon Silverburg will be Jowy's strategist. (Miklotov recruited) Automatically joins. (Camus recruited) Automatically joins.

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The next morning, in the meeting room, Shu informs that Radat had fallen to Highland. Viktor and you have to check the situation in Radat. Go to Radat. --Radat-In Radat, enter the city to meet Klaus. When the party trying to leave, Klaus come and tell the Hero that Jowy will marry Jillia. After that, go

back to your castle. In the castle meeting hall, talk to Shu to begin the battle. ---Strategy Battle (6)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: none. Turn 2- Ridley complains about his Kobold army. Turn 3- Ridley and Kobold army retreats. Rowd troops appear. Turn 4- Alliance retreat. Early on, Ridley will complains and finally retreat. Seeing this, the Alliance must retreat. --------------------------------------------------------------------Back at the castle, you should rest. In Highland, Jowy is marrying Jillia. After that, Jillia will leave. Jowy will poison Agares with his blood. The next morning, in the meeting room, Shu and Apple will explain their battle plans. Choose to begin the battle. ---Strategy Battle (7)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: Defeat Kiba. Turn 5 - Alliance reinforcements army appears. Turn 8 - Ridley and Kobold army appears. Turn 11- Rowd troops retreat. Kiba surrender. Do your best, after Ridley and his Kobold army appears, try to surround Kiba's army. Rowd troops will just stand there forever, so ignore him. After some turns after Ridley appears, Leon appears and Rowd and Leon will retreat, leaving Kiba surrounded. --------------------------------------------------------------------Back at the castle, Kiba and Klaus will be captured. Try to recruit them (choose 2 three times). A messenger will tell you that Agares has assassinated by Luca and Luca become the King of Highland. Kiba and Klaus will join you now. (Kiba recruited) Joins if you try to recruit them 3 times. (Klaus recruited) Joins with Kiba.

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Chapter 6, Toran Republic --------------------------The next morning, go to the castle gate and a girl will appear, she is searching for Sheena. Now go to your castle Meeting room. In the meeting room, Apple explain that your army will not have a chance against Highland. Sheena appears, after some conversation (you should agree to ally with Toran), you have to meet Lepant, the President of Toran Republic. Sheena and Freed Y will join you now. Freed Y asks you to stop in Southwindow for a while. Go to Southwindow and go to the city hall. After the event, go to Radat. --Radat-Go to the bar and trigger another Clive's event again (only if your playtime is under 15 hours).

(Simone recruited) Radat. Southwest area of the bridge. Castle must be level 3. Asks Rose Brooch. Buy it from Banner Village item store (rare find).


In Radat, go to the bridge (where you meet Amada) and go to southeast to find the dock. Use the ship and go south to Banner Village. --Banner Village-In this small village, there are some works to do. Search the barrel near the ship for an Alert Crystal. You can get a Potato Seedling from a woman in one of the house. In the item store's rare find, you can buy Tomato seedlings, Rabbit Plans #3 and Rose Brooch (needed to get Simone, see above). See the girl in front of the Inn? She has face! But you can't do anything to her. Now go north to a forest path. --Forest Path (To Toran)-Treasures: Mega Medicine, Full Helmet, Stone of Luck, Magic Ring, Wing Ornament, Poison Crystal, Silver Shield, Silverlet. In the first intersection, go up and get a chest (Mega Medicine). Now continue. In the next intersection, go east to find a chest (Full Helmet). Continue through the forest. After you meet some ladders leading up, choose the left stairs and get a chest (Stone of Luck). Now take the right one. Two more stairs appear, take the left one. Two more stairs appear, take left and get a chest (Magic Ring), take right and get another chest (Wing Ornament). Now go back and choose the right one and take the chest (Poison Crystal). Continue. In this screen after the stairs screen, you can find a secret path leading to Rokkaku (secret village of Ninja) to find Rokkaku in this screen,go north,west and when the forest is in the south,keep touching the down button, you will find it (although there is nothing to do in this village now). After you know the location, continue through the forest. When you find a save point, save your game. Continue. In the next intersection,go north and find a chest (Silver Shield).Continue. In the next intersection, go south and find a chest (Silverlet). Continue and be ready for a boss. BOSS: Giant Worm ---------------HP: 4000, 35000 potch Well, not that hard. Use your best attack, and as usual, use Bright Shield rune to heal you HP. Hit hard with all you have. You may want to cast Earth's Clay Guardian to reduce damage. After you kill that thing, continue through the forest and meet the Border Guard, Varkas. He will escort you to Gregminster, capital of Toran Republic. --Gregminster-In Gregminster palace, before you go to the throne room, go down the stairs in the north. And enter the room in the middle east area. Check the bookcase near Mcdohl's statue to get Old Book Vol.7 ,also, a soldier here will give you a Copper Hammer (in the first floor). When you ready, go to the throne room. After some conversation with Lepant, Lepant agree to help you. And tell you to choose between Kasumi or Valeria as a leader of Toran Army. It is doesn't matter, you may want to choose Kasumi as it is faster to get some companions. But it is your choice. Lepant also give you to Blinking Mirror (let you go to your castle instantly, world map only). After the meeting ends, you will be back at the border guard. Talk to Varkas again to

go back to Gregminster. (Kasumi/Valeria recruited) 69/108 Automatically joins. If you choose Kasumi, then put her in the party to get Mondo and Sasuke. (Sheena recruited) 70/108 Automatically joins. _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's note: You may choose Kasumi or Valeria. Valeria is better than Kasumi in terms of statistics, but if you choose Kasumi, you can get Mondo and Sasuke a lot faster (and that means better for those who are trying to get all Clive's Events). _____________________________________________________________________ --Gregminster-In this town, you can meet some old characters. Meet Sarah in the inn's second floor, she will give you a Cyclone Crystal. Buy a Tomato seedlings from a man in here (middle-southwest area). In the item store's rare find, you can buy Recipe #28. In the trading post, buy a Soy Sauce (a spice, remember) and Celadon Urn (needed to get Lebrante). You may want to buy some equipments and crystals here, they are good. (Lorelai recruited) Gregminster. Middle-northwest area. Castle must be level 3.


Now talk to Varkas (north area) to go back to the border guard. In the border guard, go all the way back to Banner Village. If you choose Kasumi, it is time to go to Rokkaku. --Rokkaku-Go to the trading post and talk to a person here to get a Piglet. A ninja will give you Sound Set #6 in this village. Talk to the easternmost ninja to get a free Blinking Crystal. (Mondo recruited) *if you choose Kasumi* Rokkaku. Kasumi must be in party. (Sasuke recruited) *if you choose Kasumi* Rokkaku. In front of the trading post. Kasumi must be in party.

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(Mondo recruited) *if you choose Valeria* Rokkaku. Castle must be level 4. (Sasuke recruited) *if you choose Valeria* Rokkaku. In front of the trading post. Castle must be level 4.

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--Banner Village-Viktor and Apple will greets you and bring you back to your castle. In your castle, before going to the meeting room, there is something to do (companions!). You have Blinking Mirror now, combine it with Viki's teleport (she is in the stone tablet room, southeast corner) and... (Lebrante recruited)


Radat. Appraiser shop. Bring Celadon Urn to him (buy it from Gregminster trading shop). (Badeaux recruited) Greenhill-Matilda forest path. Second screen. Castle must be level 3. Animal must be in party (ex: Shiro, Mukumuku, etc). After you get him, you will get 2 Hearing Crystal. (Feather recruited) Forest Village. In front of trading post. Must have 1 Hearing Crystal. (Ayda recruited) Forest Village. Joins with Feather. (Sigfried) *if you choose him, you can't get Abizboah, vice versa* Unicorn Forest. Kobold Village. Only after Unicorn Quest ended. Must bring one pure female (ex: Nanami, Tengaar, etc.) (Gordon recruited) Gregminster. Inside trading post. Must have at least 50000 potch profit by trading.


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Tips on trading: ---------------* Buy Pearl from Rokkaku and sell it in Rockaxe. * Buy Gold Bar from Rokkaku and sell it in Rockaxe. * Buy Coral from South Window and sell it in Rockaxe. * Buy Musk from Highway Village and sell it in Crom Village. * Buy Crystal Ball from Crom Village and sell it in Kobold Village. * Buy Ancient Text from Kobold Village and sell it in Forest Village. * Buy Deer Antler from Forest Village and sell it in your castle. Those trading above can give you over 50000 potch profits, which will allow you to get Gordon. _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's note: You may want to go fishing now (to get ingredients for Hai Yo's restaurant). Go to the docks, in the dock, go to the east area and talk to Tai Ho and Yam Koo. You can use Yam Koo's fishing rod, but you must pay 100 potch for the bait. Anyway, here's how to fish. Just cast out with your rod. Once you have cast out your line, just wait for a fish to strike. If you get tired of waiting and want to quit, press triangle button to reel in your line. But you will have to change the bait. When you have got a fish on the line, press the cross button quickly to increase your pulling power. The green gauge on the right is your Pulling Power. You have to match this with the fish's Pulling Power. As it struggles, its Pulling Power will change, so be careful to keep them in sync. If the gauge turns red, it means you're pulling too hard and if you keep it up, you will pull the hook right out of its mouth. On the other hand, if it turns blue, you're not pulling hard enough and the fish will soon tear the hook off. There are 8 err...7 types of fish, plus a err...extraordinary fish (+_+). Here they are: 1.Salmon : For cooking. Expensive, rare fish. 2.Shrimp : For cooking. 3.Shelfish : For cooking. 4.Whitefish : For cooking. 5.BlowFish : Not for eat. 6.StoneFish : Not for eat. 7.Squid : Not for eat.

8.Boots : Hey! you want to eat this!? _____________________________________________________________________ After those fun event, go to the meeting room and talk to Shu. Shu will asks the Hero to rest first. Meanwhile, in Highland camp, Leon will reveal his strategy; surround the castle. The next morning, in the meeting room, Shu informs you that Ridley has been sent to check the enemy situation. A soldier appears and tell Shu that Ridley's troops has been surrounded by the enemy. Help him. ---Strategy Battle (8)----------------------------------------------Winning condition: ??? Turn 2- Alliance troops appears Ridley defeated- Alliance retreats Well, do your best. If you lucky, Ridley will be saved, but Ridley will be defeated more likely than saved. For more info, check this: _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's Note: (Thanks to Florian Stary ([email protected])) Actually this one is pretty easy! All you have to have is a little luck. For preparations put Huan in Flick's unit while you boost Kiba's atk and Hero's defense. You actually win this one by getting Ridley one square to the left and one up. That's all! Firts you should try to get him to the left, thus he can only be attacked from three sides (He often is not even attacked, at least by the cavallery, they just wait). With his critical hit ability Ridley is able to destroy the infantry on his left in one turn; he does so about every fifth try. You should accomplish that in the first or secounfd turn of the battle. When he is finally standing at the left the battle is almost won. When your army arrives, try to get them as close to Ridley as fast as possible. Kiba should be the first one to reach him. Your hero's unit you move to the east to bind Luca's troups. In the third turn, when Luca arrives, Flick's unit should be close enough to heal damage Ridley might have recieved while Kiba (and later perhaps even one of your archers or Luc) should be able to attack the unit above the Kobolds. When this unit finally is destroyed, move Ridley up one square and the battle is won! _____________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Back in the meeting room, Luc appears and he say he will take care Sasarai. Outside the Hero's room, Tsai asks you to bring him back to his house. (Tomo recruited) 80/108 Ryube Forest. Tsai's house. Tsai must be in party. After Tsai asks to bring him back to his house. Castle must be level 3. In the Highland Camp, Luca asks Ridley to surrender, he doesn't. Luca send him away and wait for the execution. Leon tell Luca his next battle strategy. The next morning, in the meeting room, Shu

will explains the next battle plan. Choose 2 to begin. ---Strategy Battle (9)----------------------------------------------Winning Condition: Luca defeated. Turn 5- Alliance reinforcements appear. Turn 6- Enemy reinforcements appear. Turn 7- Luc appears. Sasarai and Luc retreats. Luca damaged- Luca teleports, all alliance troops damaged. Alliance troops retreat. Just try to injure Luca once with all your strength. Once he is injured, he will teleport and use his power to damage all your troops. Your troops will retreat. --------------------------------------------------------------------Back at your castle, go to the stone tablet room and meet Ridley. He was saved by Mondo and Sasuke (if you doesn't have Mondo and Sasuke at that time, Chaco will save Ridley instead). Ridley also has message for Shu, it is from Leon Silverburg. He tells Shu that Luca will do a night attack. Shu asks you to make three parties to attack Luca personally. Flik will lead the first group, Viktor the second one, and the Hero will lead the final group. _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's note: This is it. Be serious. He is very strong. Believe me! You have to defeat him in 3 battles. In the 1st and 2nd battle, you don't have to win, but in the 3rd battle (lead by Hero), you have to win. So, the 1st and 2nd battle is for reducing his HP as much as possible. The three parties is your choice, but be sure to level up your characters to enough level and upgrade their weapon level to at least level 9. I think this is the best parties: *1st party: (lead by Flik) FrFlik Miklotov Camus BaNina Tengaar Rina Flik have awesome lightning magics, and the Backline of this party is perfect. Do Miklotov-Camus unites or Camus cast his Rage rune. One of the Backline must be the main healer. *2nd party: (lead by Viktor) FrViktor Anita Mondo BaEilie Sasuke Kasumi Viktor is a great fighter. Use Mondo-Kasumi unite. Anita is strong fighter and also have an awesome magic ability. Eilie also can act as main healer and good magic-user. *3rd party: (lead by Hero) FrOulan Humphrey Gadget BaHero Clive Nanami The Frontline has perfect defense and a great attack, so you should not have much problem in this final-fight with Luca. Hero acts as the main healer,Clive as long-range attacker and Nanami as magic-user. But remember to attach their rune first. You must have at least one character/party as a main healer (area healer). You can change the party positions or members if you want to input several combos or rune combination. You may want to equip some fire-defense equipments, as most of Luca's attack is fire-element attack (Fire Sealing rune works best). Also, try to attach as many crystals as you can to a good magic-user and cast all of them at the beginning rounds, as you may die in the last rounds.

_____________________________________________________________________ BOSS: Luca and 5 White Wolves ----------------------------HP: 6500, 15000 potch HP: Less than 300 Luca have a really, really high defense, even against magic. And he have a really, really high attack power. Even more, he attack more than 2 times a round (commonly 3 times a round). He have some nasty attacks. One is a triple slash that hit you for around 50 damage per hit (around 150 damage). Another is a fire-element slash attack for all your front row characters (around 200 damage). Another is a thrust attack that damage a column (around 100 damage). And the last one is an attack that damage the front character (around 100 damage). Remember, he attack THREE times a round. And most of his attack damages the frontline greatly. Use your best attack and combo. Cast Clay Guardian to your frontline if you have them. After some damage, Luca will run to the 2nd party. After some more damage, Luca will run to the final party lead by the Hero. In this round, use all your power and have the Hero does the healing job. Well, if you equip Nanami with a Balance rune, she can't be unbalanced, so you can use Family Atk. To do more damage, cast Battle Oath (Bright Shield rune) to heal your party plus cast berserk on some characters. If Hero and Nanami is in berserk status and do Family Atk, they will do huge damage to Luca. In Hero's party (if you follow my strategy), the frontline have high defense (Oulan, Humphrey, Gadget) so I think you will not have any trouble as long as you keep your HP high. Note: try to equip as many Sacrificial Jizo as possible. Fire Sealing Rune works also, as it also protects you from fire attack. Even if only your Hero left, if you equip Fire Sealing rune to the Hero, he will win the fight in one-on-one, as all of Luca's attack is fire elemental. After you finally beat him, he will run away. After him (heal first). Some Highland soldiers will attack. Luca then check the wooden amulet with a fireflies inside it. The archers will hit him. After some conversation, he will face you on a duel. DUEL: Luca ---------This is pretty easy. Luca is strong. But since his HP is really critical, you shouldn't have much trouble beating him. You must win, well, if you lose, you have to face Luca once more (*_*) After he died, Jowy and Leon is having a conversation. Jowy's plan is going well, too well. Chapter 7, The Undead Armies -----------------------------Jowy marries Jillia, and that means Jowy will be the King of Highland. One week later, in the headquarters, you have some time to explore. (Maximillian recruited) Southwindow. After Luca has killed. Upon entering the city.


(Annallee recruited) 82/108 Southwindow. After Luca has killed. Castle must be level 3. Inside Inn, then on the right side of the city hall front. Let her sing a song :) (Killey recruited) 83/108 Southwindow. Castle must be level 3. Only if Alex has joined you. After Luca has killed. In front of trading post. Talk to Alex in HQ after talking to him. Talk to him again in front of Southwindow's trading post. (Hoi recruited) 84/108 Radat Bar. After Luca has died. (Connell recruited) 85/108 Forest Village. One of the houses. Castle must be level 3. Must bring at least 1 sound set to him. (Bob recruited) 86/108 Two River Kobold area. Outside. Only if you have gotten a lot of companions (around 80). (Karen recruited) 87/108 Kuskus. Inn. After Luca has killed. Dance with her. In Kuskus, two soldiers tell you that a Highland ship has landed. Go to the dock and you will meet Culgan. He offers a peace agreement between you and Highland. Go back to your castle and meet Shu. After the debates, you have a choice, agree or not. It is doesn't matter, you will agree eventually. Teresa, Nanami, and Chaco will join your party (Teresa as a convoy). Go to your dock and sail to Coronet. --Coronet/Muse-If you have forgotten doing some things here, you can do it now (such as getting Rare Find). When you ready, go to Muse City. In Muse, Chaco leaves you. Now go to the Meeting Hall (on the hilltop). In there, you will meet Jowy. Well, Jowy has trapped you. He wants you to surrender, with archers behind him to force you. Refuse his offer. Viktor comes in and help you out, Pilika run to Jowy and hold their attack. Now get out of the city while fighting some Highland soldiers. Chaco will help you open the gate. You will be back at your castle now. --Headquarters-After the conversation inside your castle, go out of your castle and you will meet a boy named Koyu. Bring him to the meeting room. In the meeting room, he asks you to help Tinto, as he report that Neclord has been spotted around that area and infested the area with zombies. Shu agrees and Viktor and Koyu will join you now. As you are leaving, Nanami asks you to let her accompany you, let her. Now go to Drakemouth Village (southwest of Kobold Village). You may want get McDohl this time (very unrecommended for those who is trying to get all Clive's event). _____________________________________________________________________ SIDE QUEST: GETTING MCDOHL (or whatever) Note: Skip this if you trying to get all Clive's events. You can get him even just before the final boss. Characters gotten: McDohl Okay, this maybe a time for a relax here (no relax for you who trying to get all Clive's events). There are several requirements for you before you do this: 1.You have loaded Suikoden I data when you start a new game. 2.You save in the last save point (before the final boss). 3.You have gotten all 108 Stars of Destiny in Suikoden I.

4.Gremio alive -> I'm not so sure about this, cuz marvin ([email protected]) have verified that he have all 108 stars, but Gremio didn't alive.... Now, when you ready, go to Banner Village. In Banner, talk to a boy named Ko. After that, go southeast, and go to the path. You will meet McDohl, just before you reach him, Gremio halt you. Go back and talk to Ko again. Choose 1 to let him help you draw Gremio away. Talk to Gremio again. He will be distracted by the shout, now talk to McDohl and choose 1. Now go to the inn. You will be told that Ko has been kidnapped by bandits. Agree to help him, and you will be back in the path to Toran. While fighting, use Hero-McDohl unite (Double Leader ATK), it likes Hero-Jowy unite, but weaker. In your way, you will meet the bandits. After a while, you and McDohl will reveals your true identity (hehe...guess who, bandits!?). Now go through the forest path again. You will find Ko and meet a boss. BOSS: Giant Worm/Giant Butterfly -------------------------------HP: 6800, 50000 potch Not much strategy here, but use McDohl's Soul Eater to kill it quickly. After you decrease its HP, it will morph into a giant butterfly. This form is tougher, but it is still not that strong. Note that if you lose to this battle, you'll see the power of the combined Bright Shield and Soul Eater, and you will win this battle automatically (cool!). After the fight ends, go to Gregminster. In there, Ko will be saved by Liukan. After some events, go to McDohl's house and you will have a dinner and stay there. After that, go to the castle and Ko will be recovered. Talk to Varkas and he will escort you back to Banner Village. After you complete above quest, you can go back to Gregminster and talk to McDohl to get him (if you remove him from your party, he will be back in his house in Gregminster. That means if you remove him, you have to go all the way back to Gregminster to get him back). Note: to get Recipe #39, simply play Hai Yo's contests until you are challenged by Lester (the cook from Suikoden I!), defeat him. After you beat him, go back to Gregminster and talk to Gremio, he will give you Recipe #39. _____________________________________________________________________ After that tiring side quest, go to Drakemouth Village. --Drakemouth Village-You can buy a Calf in here. Go to the empty storage room and search the rear of the box with a bag on it for a Cabbage. Now talk to the border guard (northwest) and he will let you pass. --Drakemouth-Tigermouth Mountain Path-Treasures: Master Robe. In the first intersection, go right to Koyu's place. In the next screen, go right to get a chest (Master Robe). Go back and go left to the left path to Koyu's place. You will find Gijimu there, he tells you that something has happened to Tinto. Now head left in your first intersection (go back there first). Go through the path to Tigermouth Village. --Tigermouth Village-Get the Old Book Vol.8 from a shelf inside one of the houses. You can

find a chick here also. A kid on the southeast part will give you a Tomato Seedlings. Now, there is nothing else to do here, so head to the world map (go west). Go to the Crom Village (northwest of Tigermouth Village) to get some new recruits. (Long Chan Chan recruited) Crom Village. Rushes the door upon entering the inn. After that, find him behind the house near the inn. Wakaba must be in party. (Tenkou recruited) Crom Village. Inside one of the houses. Bring 1 Window Set to him.



After that, go to Tinto (northeast of Crom Village). --Tinto City-Explore the city. You can get Unicorn Plans #3 from an oldman inside one of the houses, get the Dragon Plans #3 from his neighbours. Outside the Blacksmith, check the mine cart for a Power Ring. (Raura recruited) Tinto City. Near the Mayor House. Only if Jeane has recruited.


Now go to the Mayor House (north) and talk to Gustav. He will join your forces. The next morning, Viktor, Klaus, Ridley, and Gijimu arrives to help you. Gustav's daughter, Lilly come to tell you that the zombies have been appeared in the towns gate. Go there. As you guess, it is Neclord and his zombies. After some conversation, he will leave for a while. Go back to the Mayor House. Jess and Hauser appears. Jess blames you for Annabelle deaths. After he leaves, talk to Gustav again. In the night, talk to Lilly. Head to your room and find Jess blocking your path, and he will flame you again and leaves. Talk to Nanami in her room, and she will leaves you a choice; run away from all of these and meet Jowy, or face the destiny faithfully (*_*). _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's NOTE: There are two branches this time. In the event above, if you choose 2nd and then 1st, you and Nanami will run away, leading to Ridley's death. If this happen, Ridley will be replaced by his son, Boris. You may don't want to choose this event, so you should choose the 1st and then 1st. Ending 4: Run away during the Tinto event, and when slapped by Shu, just be a bad boy and keep on refusing. The two random party members will leave with Shu, and the Hero and Nanami will slink off. Fin screen will show a wooden cabin in the woods. _____________________________________________________________________ The next morning, Jess will move his troops to attack Neclord. Hauser ignores Ridley advice and keep going with Jess. And since if all Jess troops die, Neclord will gain many more zombies, so you have to move this time. Enter the mine in Tinto City (northeast area). --Tinto City Mines--

Treasures: Cape of Darkness. Go down the elevator. Go through. In the first intersection, go right to reach a chest (Cape of Darkness). Go back and go north and you will find Neclord. BOSS: Neclord ------------HP: ??? He is very strong, far more strong. You even can't hurt him and he should kill you in 3 or more rounds. Dont use any item or magic. After the fight, he will try to kill you with his Blue Moon Rune, but the Bright Shield rune will protect you from being killed. Nanami bring you out of the city. Meanwhile, Jowy feels pains, caused by your Bright Shield Rune which corresponding each other with Black Sword Rune. You will be awaken in Crom Village. Nanami, Viktor, Gustav, Klaus and Ridley is okay, but Jess, Hauser and Lilly is missing. Leona comes all the way to here. Now go out of the town and you will meet Kahn, the Vampire Hunter. Kahn suggests killing Neclord so he can never be revived again. Go to Tigermouth Village. In the town square, a girl is being surrounded by the townspeople, the people suspected she is Neclord's guy. After some conversation, she tells you that Neclord stole her Blue Moon Rune. You must beat her first (you can say no and rest first if you want, you can fight her later). BOSS: Sierra -----------HP: 2500, 1000 potch She has a few attacks, mainly physical attacks. First is a bat attack, double-hit, and an illusion attack that hit a row. Just use basic strategy (use all you have, heal with Bright Shield). After you reduce her HP enough, he will turn into a bat(cute!). After that, he will help you to beat Neclord. Go back to Crom and meet Klaus and Ridley. After some conversation, you rest. That night, you can meet Sierra and talk about her people. The next morning, Gustav tells you that Lilly and Lo Wen has been taken by Neclord, as seen by Marlowe. To rescue them, go to the cave east of Crom. --Cave to Tinto Mines-Treasures: Dancing Flames, Full Helmet, Stone of Mag-Def, Master Garb, Old Book Vol.9, Window Set #5, Silver Necklace, Mega Medicine, DoubleBeat Crystal, Star Earrings, Wind Hat. In the first intersection, go right. Then go to the uppermost path in the next one. In the T intersection, go right to get a chest (Dancing Flames). Continue. When you reach the water screen, go right and get more chests (Full Helmet)(Stone of Mag-Def). Now go to the northwest path. Go north and choose the uppermost path to get a chest (Master Garb). Slide down the ice below and go east. In the next intersection, go left. Go through, pass below the 2nd and 3rd bridge to get the chests (Old Book Vol.9)(Window Set #5). Turn around and go up the ramp and go through the bridge. At the next intersection, go right. In the next one, go down and get the chests (Silver Necklace) (Mega Medicine). Continue to the east. Slide down the rightmost ice. Slide the rightmost one again. Head down another slide to the southwest and get the chest (Double-Beat Crystal). Turn around and meet Mazus, you cant get him now. Go northeast and save at the save point. Go north and slide again to get a chest (Star Earrings). Slide down the rightmost one for a chest (Wind Hat). Save again and take the last ice slide to a cave. In this room, you will find

a crate, push it into the opening in the north (to make a bridge). Go west and turn around, pass the crate-bridge. Go through the path and you will meet a boss. BOSS: Stone Golem ----------------HP: 7000, 50000 potch He has mainly earth-based attacks, but some of them are laser attacks. They do a considerable amount of damage (around 150-200). Just use your basic strategy, but don't use too many Sierra and Kahn's magic, as you will need them later. Try to use Battle Oath to make some of your party members become berserk (especially Viktor), he can do a huge amount of damage in berserk status. After that, go through. Go down the elevator. Once you across the bridge, go up and go down the rail tracks. Go through and up the elevator, go south and you will reach Tinto City (from the mine entrance). This city is surrounded and filled with a legion of zombies (they are infinite). Go left, left to the church in the northwest corner. Tell Neclord you are ready to face Neclord. You will enter the room, Kahn will seal Neclord's power and Sierra will lock his Blue Moon Rune, so you can hurt him. BOSS: Neclord ------------HP:4500, 70000 potch, The Shredding If you conserve your runes when fighting the golem, you can beat him very easily. Kahn's Resurrection Rune works best. As well as Sierra's rune. You should use Viktor's sword (as always, use Battle Oath to make Viktor become berserk). Heal with your Bright Shield Rune as always. After you beat him, he will give back Sierra's rune. Kahn and Viktor will finally can kill this Vampire. After your victory, Tinto will join your forces. (Jess recruited) 91/108 Automatically joins you. (Hauser recruited) 92/108 Automatically joins you. (Kahn recruited) 93/108 Automatically joins you. (Sierra recruited) 94/108 Automatically joins you. (Marlowe recruited) 95/108 Automatically joins you. (Koyu recruited) 96/108 Automatically joins you. (Gijimu recruited) 97/108 Automatically joins you. (Lo Wen recruited) 98/108 Automatically joins you. (Georg recruited) 99/108 Drakemouth-Tigermouth Path. Go right on the 2nd screen from Tigermouth. After defeating Neclord. (Gantetsu recruited) 100/108 SouthWindow. Below the City Hall. Can move him. After recruiting, go talk to Gustav again in Tinto, he will give you the Mother Earth Crystal. Talk to the elder of Crom also, he will give you the Sunbeam Crystal. Now go back to your headquarters.

Chapter 8, Liberation ----------------------In your castle, in the stone tablet room, Sheena meets you and asks you to go to the meeting room. Go to the meeting room and meet Shu. Shu asks you to take back Greenhill since the Tinto armies supported you. Shu asks you to rest first. At the night, you can explore your headquarter for some events. Chaco at the second floor, Eilie, Rina and Bolgan in the stone tablet room, Gengen and Gabocha near the warehouse, Tsai and Tomo outside, Leona at the bar, and finally Freed and Yoshino at the inn. Now go back to your room. An assasin called Lucia will attack you. BOSS: Lucia ----------HP: 2000 This is an easy battle, simply use your rune or normal attacks to hurt her. She has weak fire magic and you willn't have any problem defeating her. But remember to heal when your hp is low. After you defeat her, Flik and Viktor comes in and capture her. You have choice to let her go or throw her into the prison. The next morning, in the meeting room, Shu explains that there are going to be two battles. One is Flik, Viktor, and Hauser will go to hold the enemy reinforcements in Muse-Greenhill border. Second is Kiba and Klaus will attack Greenhill. Choose one of them. ---Strategy Battle (10a)->Flik's Battle-----------------------------Winning Condition: Enter Greenhill. Greenhill entered- Highland retreats. This battle is moderate, simply because you have many strong troops and the enemy has Yuber and Lucia. Just do your best and use the fire spears as your advantage. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Strategy Battle (10b)->Kiba's Battle-----------------------------Winning Condition: Jowy defeated. Turn 3- Highland reinforcements arrived (Seed). Turn 5- Highland troops retreats. Use defensive formation here and counterattack. After three turns, Seed will arrived. Keep your formation and after two turns, the enemy will retreats. --------------------------------------------------------------------After winning either of them, you will be in front of the Greenhill gate. You can't enter Greenhill yet, Teresa will lead a party through the secret passage to enter Greenhill, Shin offers to join, choose your party members (you may want to bring strong one this time, remember to bring Kahn this time). --Greenhill Forest Path (3)-Treasures: Winged Boots, Dream Robe, Stone of Skill. Go forward and get the two chests (Winged Boots)(Dream Robe). At the other way, take another chest (Stone of Skill). Now go north to the next screen. In this screen, you should be familiar, so go through this path (see above if you forgot). On your way, you'll have to face Lucia once

more. BOSS: Lucia / and 5 soldiers ---------------------------HP: 4500, 30000 potch, Blue Gate Crystal She use strong fire spells this time, and she have some support soldiers (Karayans). Use a spell that hit the whole enemies to kill her support soldiers first. After they died, use your most powerful attack on her, as always, heal when needed with Bright Shield rune. After a conversation, go through the old dungeon again, you'll appear in the academy once more. Now go outside of the academy and talk to the soldier here (Save your game here) and a girl here (Rest here), now go to the left part of the academy to find a Piglet. Keep heading south while fighting those Highland soldiers and you will face another boss. BOSS: Bone Dragon ----------------HP: 9000, 100000 potch This time is a hard boss. It have a very devastating breathe which damage the party around 200 damage. Its bite causes around 250 damage. And worse, it has an attack which damage everyone for around 400 damage! Considering it is an undead creature, use Resurrection rune and Bright Shield rune. Oh yeah, one important thing, this monster is immune to any lightning elemental attacks, so don't even give it a try. Otherwise, use your best spell and normal attacks. Use Battle Oath to berserk and heal your party. After you defeat that thing, Yuber and the Highland troops will retreats. Greenhill is yours now. Back at the castle, Klaus informs you that Matilda has surrendered to Highland, Shu suggests to attack Muse immediately. You automatically head back to Greenhill. In Greenhill Dormitory, you sees Lucia outside, after her to the secret forest path. You will meet Jowy there. Nanami asks you two to stop the fighting, Jowy refuses, since they hold the two runes which destined them to fight each other forever. Now back at the academy, talk to the Runemaster teacher to get a Rage Crystal, get the Old Book Vol.10 from an old man in the dormitory's basement. When you ready, talk to Apple and begin the battle. ---Strategy Battle (11)---------------------------------------------Winning Condition: Enter Muse. Turn 3- Highland retreats. This is an easy battle, simply do your best strategy. After several turns, Highland will retreats, leaving Lucia behind. --------------------------------------------------------------------As you win, you enter Muse City. In Muse, follow Viktor into the city hall. Some soldiers will shout about a monster, be ready for a boss! BOSS: Golden Wolf ----------------HP: 3500, 10000 potch It has some normal attacks, a bite, a thunderbolt, and an attack that hit everyone. Simply use runes and normal attacks and heal with the Bright Shield rune when your hp is low. Its not too hard to beat this one. After you beat that thing, if you haven't gotten the Old Book in Muse City's City Hall, go to the room above, and check the bookshelf for an Old Book Vol.4, now go outside and you will see some other Golden Wolf (you can fight them, but better run). Back at the entrance gate,

Luc explains about those monster, they are created by the Beast rune. Fitcher rushes, telling they are ambushed, Hauser will lead your escape. You will be back at your headquarter. Shu asks you to rest first (be ready to get 108 characters now!!). (Pico recruited) 101/108 Greenhill, Inn. Only if Annallee has recruited. (Jude recruited) 102/108 Greenhill academy, 1st floor, forge room. He asks for Clays, go to Forest Village and talk to a man hidden in the east area. (Alberto recruited) 103/108 Tinto, Armour shop. Only if Annallee and Pico has recruited. (Vincent recruited) 104/108 Radat, Bridge. Castle must be level 4. Simone must be in party. (Tessai recruited) 105/108 Kuskus, Blacksmith. Viktor must be in party. (Pesmerga recruited) 106/108 Cave of Wind, place where you fight Star Dragon Sword. Castle must be level 4. (Genshu recruited) 107/108 Coronet, Dock. Hero's weapon must be at least level 15. Castle must be level 4. (Mazus recruited) 108/108 Crom Mines, Sliding place. Castle must be level 4. (Abizboah recruited) 108/108 *if you choose him, you cant get Sigfried, vice versa* Crom Mines. Have at least one Hearing crystal. It will triggered an event which you can get 2 more characters (Chuchara and Rulodia). After getting all 108 stars of destiny, go back to your castle and go to Shu's room. Shu asks Kiba to attack the Mercenary Fort to lure them so Highland will split their troops, Kiba agrees. Choose 1 when Shu asks you something. In the meeting room, after the briefing, all of your companies will voice their support to you. *Leknaat suddenly appears, and break the Bright Shield rune's seal, so you can use the final spell of the Bright Shield rune, Forgiver Sign.* JAA's Note: * That event only happens if you have 108 stars of destiny at that time. The next morning, Nanami wakes you up, and see Kiba off to attack the fort. Go to the meeting room and talk to Shu when you ready. ---Strategy Battle (12)---------------------------------------------Winning Condition: Defeat all enemies. Turn 3- Culgan troops appears. Turn 4- Alliance reinforcements appears, Enemy retreats. At the beginning, try to defend your formation and attack enemies, create a defensive barrier to prevent attack from northwest, east and southwest. In turn 3, Culgan troops will appears in southwest. Defend, and after one turn, the reinforcements will appears and you'll win. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

You'll back in Greenhill to rearrange. Inside the temporary base, Shu explains the plan on taking Rockaxe. The plan is too use the front line as a bait, when the enemies attacks the frontline, you go inside the castle and burn the enemy's flag. Choose your party, and let Nanami join you when she asks. Now you can get the Silver Hammer from a student in Greenhill School (Forge Classroom),you must have Tessai at this time. Also, after you got Greenhill, the Rabbit Plans #4 can be bought from Greenhill item shop rare items. Talk to Shu when you ready. Near the Rockaxe castle gate, a messenger will come and tell you that Kiba has died in a battle when defending the Mercenary Fort against Leon Silverburg. Enter the castle by the secret passage. --Rockaxe Secret Passage-Treasures: Stone of Speed, Escape Talisman, Crimson Cape, Stone of Defense, Earth Shield, Power Gloves, Mega Medicine, Gold Necklace, Flame Helmet, Dragon Plans #4, Unicorn Plans #4. Please note the enemies Highlanders in here sometimes give you Recipe #36 Go through and get a chest (Stone of Speed), Climb the ladder. Go right to get a chest (Escape Talisman). Go left, climb the ladder, go left. Go through the door and find two chests (Crimson Cape) (Stone of Defense). Go downstairs. Now keep going until you in the top, go right. Now go through the door, go right to find a chest (Earth Shield). Go back, go down the ladder. Now go south and take the chest (Power Gloves). Go back and head right. Go through. Inside the castle, enter the first room you see (some Matilda Knights will attack you) to get a chest (Mega Medicine). Take the left room (some more Knights) to get a chest (Gold Necklace). From the left room, go up to get a chest (Flame Helmet). Now head back to the left room, go out, go left and upstairs (more Knights). In the 2nd floor, go right and enter the first room you see (more Knights), search the bookcase for two treasures (Dragon Plans #4) and (Unicorn Plans #4). Now go upstairs to the right. You'll find a save point in here (Warning! be sure to save your game, because you'll find an event that will affect the ending!). Now go out and more knights attacks you. Go left and enter the door. In the room, before reaching the stairs, you and Nanami will do the quest alone. Go upstairs, go through the door. Along the corridor, You and Nanami will meet Jowy. Just when you two starting to fight, Gorudo interrupts, and his archers starting to shoot you, however, Nanami block the bows, but get hit by the last bow. Choose option 2 ("Nanami!") or 1 ("Lookout!") in half a second. _____________________________________________________________________ JAA's Note: Okay, this is the the US version of Suikoden 2, you only get 'HALF A SECOND' remember that! if you aren't sure you hit the "Nanami!" or "Lookout!" in the right time (it doesnt matter, as long as you choose one of them in the right time). Be sure to separate your save blocks, one before the event, and one when you end the game. _____________________________________________________________________ When Nanami has been fallen down, you and Jowy joined for the last time against Gorudo. BOSS: Gorudo / and 5 Matilda Knights -----------The easiest boss battle in this game if I say. Gorudo have some

great earth spells, but with Jowy's Black Sword rune and your Bright Shield rune combined, he is no match for you two. After you defeat Gorudo, Jowy apologizes to Nanami, then leaves. You will get the last conversation with Nanami, Nanami wishes to hear you call her sister, do so. Shu arrives and the flag will be burned. Matilda is yours now. At the castle, the party will wait for Huan's report about Nanami. Huan apologizes, he can't help her, so Nanami is dead... :D lol Now, its your turn to attack Highland. Shu asks you to attack Highland immediately. Agree and prepare for a battle, but as you leave, the Hero will collapse. After you have awaken, go to Shu's room and find Apple and Shu talking. Shu asks Apple to choose one of the cards, she picks the fire card, and she will leave. Go back to your room and rest. The next morning, at the meeting hall, choose 2 and you will mobilize your troops to attack L'Renouille. Shu has a plans to take care of Leon Silverburg. ---Strategy Battle (13)----------------------------------------------Winning Condition: none. You can't control this battle, but Shu will lure Leon's troops to his trap. The trap is to burn the forest while Leon thinks there is no trap since the reinforcement troops can't get there so fast and Shu will not risking his life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------After that, Shu meets Leon in the burning forest. Meanwhile, Apple blames herself since she draws the fire card. But Viktor saves Shu! and Shu will announce to attack the Highland's Capital, L'Renouille. You will be in the border. Note that you can go back to your castle anytime. Talk to Hilda to rest and save your game. Talk to Apple when you ready (this is the last strategy battle, so you may want to save your game here). ---Strategy Battle (14)----------------------------------------------Winning Condition: Enter L'Renouille. Turn 3- Yuber retreats. This battle is not too hard, as you are the attackers. Yuber will retreats in the early turn. Bring all your power since this is the last strategy battle. Attack the enemies with Fire Spears or Magic attack to weaken them. Once any of your units enter the city, you will win. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Now you have to enter L'Renouille castle and kill the leader. You can go back to your castle to rest and upgrade things. Things to do before the final dungeon: * Clive's Story, Jowston Hill (Muse City)revisited. * Final Clive's Story, Sajah Village (Sajah is in the northwest of L'Renouille). Only if playtime is under 20 hours. * Get the Golden Hammer in Sajah Village Rare Finds. This item will give Tessai the ability to upgrade weapons to level 16. * Buy a Lamb in Sajah Village Rare Finds. * Go to Muse City,talk to an old man in the bar to get the Old Book Vol. 12. * Muse City, Weapon store, the clerk will give you Silver Armor. * Muse City, Rune Shop, give you a Flowing Crystal. * Buy the Recipe #35 in Muse item shop rare items.

* Old Book Vol. 11. In the shelf in the cellar of the Item shop in Rockaxe. * Rockaxe castle, enter the secret passage once more and go through to the place where Nanami hit by the archers. Go right from there to enter Gorudo's room. Check all the rooms to get the Recipe #37, Mother Earth Rune, and Earth Armor. * Turtle Plans #1 Dropped from enemy Rockadillo near Greenhill area. * Turtle Plans #2 Dropped from enemy Ragged One near Greenhill area. * Turtle Plans #3 Dropped from enemy Skyknight at Rakutei Mountain. * Turtle Plans #4 Win in (Group Name) Ring ('The Climbing' contest). _______________________________________________________________________ JAA's Note: Now, you finally can enjoy the fun in your castle, check out every corner of your castle (of course if you got all 108 characters). *The Statue* You have all the plans now, you can build a statue by talking to Judo (in the stone tablet room) and creates a statue by combining the plans. You can create a pure animal (there are 4: Dragon,Unicorn, Rabbit,Turtle)or a weird animal (like combining the head of dragon with the body of turtle). However, every combination have their own price, you can get certain item (sometimes very rare item) from the combination. You only get the item in the first try, check this for several rare items gotten only by this event: Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Turtle Turtle Turtle Dragon Rabbit Dragon Dragon

Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Turtle Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Turtle

Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Turtle Dragon Turtle Turtle Turtle Rabbit

Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn

Fortune and Prosperity Crystal Phero Crystal Warrior Crystal Hazy Crystal Chaos Shield Viper Crystal Kindness Crystal Dryad Crystal Friendship Crystal Firefly Crystal Balance Crystal Gale Crystal Wall Crystal

*The Climbing* You can go to the climbing contest. Go north from your restaurant and talk to a man in there. The rules are here. ___________ H1# | | | | | M | | | | | | | | H1@ H2 H3

This is the basic layout of the game. You start in H1@, while your enemies are H2 and H3. You throw a dice and example, you get 4, you climb four times. Now its your enemy's turn. Now its your turn, you throw, if you got 5, you climb 5 times, but if you got 1, you fall to the bottom. To help falling all over to the bottom, you can place a 'mark'.

If you in H1# and there is no mark, you throw the dice and got 1, you will fall to H1@. But if you have placed a mark in 'M', you will fall to 'M', thus will help you to climb once more with lesser distance. If you win, you can get certain items listed before.

Note: this section is only a part of section X of my faq. You can see section X for more fun! _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter 9, Children of Fate ----------------------------After you have some fun with your castle, enter L'Renouille, which is also the final dungeon. Be sure to upgrade everyone's weapons to level 16 and bring your best party (you may want to bring McDohl here). My own party is : Flik, Viktor, Pesmerga, Hero, McDohl, and Luc. You are free to choose your own characters. Well, its time to enter! You will face Lucia right after you enter. BOSS: Lucia ----------HP: 6000, 50000 potch She, as usual, cast high-level fire spells. And she moves very fast (3 times a round). But compared with your all-stars party, she is nothing. Simply use unites, runes, heal when needed, and she will go down quickly. --L'Renouille-Treasures: Fury Crystal, Bolt of Wrath, Robe of Mist, Wind Amulet, Champion Crystal, Stone of Power, Stone of Defense, Escape Talisman, Goldlet, Window Set #7. The main doors locked, so go through the side passage (while fighting Highlanders), choose one of them and go around and take the treasures (Fury Crystal) in the left side. And (Robe of Mist)(Bolt of Wrath) in the right side. In the right/left side, go north to face more Highlanders and you will reach the main room, go north to face Han in a duel. DUEL: Han --------Simple and fast. Simply read his quotes and act right. He is strong, but you can beat him easily. After that, go north and up the stairs and go south through the door. You will reach the central mainhall. Explore and you will find a lot of locked doors, explore again, it is not that hard since most of the doors are locked and only a few of them lead to the next part. When you reach the room with 2 treasure chests (Wind Amulet)(Champion Crystal), you are in the right way. Explore around and you will find a stairway leading upstairs. In the next floor, go north to find two chests (Stone of Power)(Stone of Defense). Search around for another stair, go up the stairs. In the next floor, simply go through until you reach the outside area of the castle. Go right and enter the castle once again. Go through until you reach a room with a save point, use it. Near the save point room, there is a room filled with a chest (Escape Talisman). Before going up the stairs, go the other way and find a chest (Goldlet). Go up the stairs. Go through and find a chest (Window Set #7). Go through until you reach a save point (this save point will heal you also). Go north and be ready for a boss. BOSS: Seed and Culgan ----------------------HP: 3800 HP: 4000 ,130000 potch. Use the Mother Earth rune to protect you from getting hit. They are strong, Culgan is defensive, while Seed has more physical attacks. Use your runes and unites on Seed first, then Culgan. If McDohl is with you, use his Soul Eater rune so they will go down quickly. Also,

use the old tactics; heal when needed. Now go back to the save point, save and heal. Go north a bit and go right. In the next room go north and be ready for the final boss. -----------------------FINAL BOSS: Beast Rune -----------------------HP: Rune : � 4000, cast barrier, can't attack but allow combo. Left Head : � 4000, mainly cast magic attacks, on 1 or party. Right Head : � 4500, mainly do physical attacks, 1 or party. Left Leg : � 4000, do status attacks, very annoying. Right Leg : � 5000, cant attack, but can heal and revive. The main strategy is to kill the most annoying first. Kill the Rune part first (as it will cast barrier which will reduce your damage). Then kill the left leg (as it cast status such as sleep, etc). And then kill the right leg, which can revive the dead parts, and finally the heads. Use your runes as your primary weapons. If you have McDohl, this battle will be a little bit easier. Cast Mother Earth runes often as it will protect you from attacks cast by both heads. After you defeat the beast rune, the castle will be starting to collapse, you will go out automatically. Now, you can (surprise!) explore your castle or even the worlds freely (considering you are not triggering one of the ending, of course). Note: if you go back to Kyaro and check the big tree near Genkaku's house,you will get Hunter Crystal, Trio Painting and 30 potch. Ending 1: The original one, go to the meeting hall, agree with Shu and you will form a new country and you are the leader. Can be gotten even if you don't have all 108 stars of destiny. Ending 2: Go to the first place in the game (Northwest of Kyaro Town). And go to the place where you jump with Jowy together. You will meet Jowy. You will fight him in a duel. Kill him, or agree with him and you will get the Ending. Can be gotten even if you don't have all 108 stars of destiny. Ending 3: You need to get 108 stars of destiny before Nanami died in Rockaxe. And when Nanami dies, choose "Nanami!". In Tenzan Pass, Don't hit Jowy even once in the duel, and don't agree with him. Leknaat will appears and save Jowy. Nanami will be alive if you do that. And You, Jowy, and Nanami will live happily in Kyaro. You need to get 108 stars of destiny before Nanami died in Rockaxe. And when Nanami dies, choose "Nanami!" or "Lookout!" in half a second. Ending 4: Run away during the Tinto event, and when slapped by Shu, just be a bad boy and keep on refusing. The two random party members will leave with Shu, and the Hero and Nanami will slink off. Fin screen will show a wooden cabin in the woods. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V. RUNES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Runes are magic. And you need a crystal and attach it to a character in order to use it. Also, there is support crystal and attack crystal and some runes have their own advantage, such as the Earth rune have all the ability to protect, but cant attack, while the Fire rune have mass attack spells. You can check their abilities. Note that if you embed the rune to your weapon, your weapon will

have that rune's element, which also can give you special attributes (such as if you embed water rune to your weapon, it will give you the ability to get 5 hp every turn). You can embed your weapon in the blacksmith (not all crystal can be embedded). ____________ /Action Runes\_______________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Bright Shield ------------Where : The Hero will get it in the early part. Note : Mainly used for healing parties. Spells: Great Blessing: Heal 70 hp all allies, Cure status also. Shining Light : Attacks all enemies, 130 damage. Battle Oath : Heal 300 hp all allies, sometimes Berserk. Forgiver Sign : Recover all hp and status, all allies. Also causes damage around 1500-2000 damage. [Note 1] [Note 1]: The damage caused your party HP. It 2000 - (Party Max For example: Your party HP is 2240. 2000 - 760 = 1240

by Forgiver Sign is determined by starts out with: HP - Party Current HP) = Total Dmg. party have max HP of 3000, the current So say there is 760 health missing. damage to all enemies.

Black Sword ----------Where : Jowy will get it at the same time with the Hero. Note : All of the spells are heavy attack spells. Spells: Flash Judgement: Attacks one enemy, 120 damage. Twinkling Blade: Attacks all enemies, 100 damage. Piercing One : Attacks one enemy, 700 damage. Hungry Friend : Attacks all enemies, 1200 damage. Soul Eater ---------Where : McDohl have it. Note : Most of the spells are sudden death spells. Spells: Finger of Death: Attacks one enemy, sudden death. Black Shadow : Attacks all enemies, 500 damage. Hell : Attacks all enemies, sudden death. Judgement : Attacks one enemy, 1500 damage. Fire ---Where : You can buy it at Rune Shops. Note : Mainly attacks all enemies. Level 1 of Fire rune. Spells: Flaming Arrows: Attacks all enemies, 60 damage. Fire Wall : Attacks one row of enemies, 150 damage. Dancing Flames: Attacks all enemies, 300 damage. Explosion : Attacks all enemies, 700 damage. Attach: +25% attack power. Rage ---Where : Buy at your castle Rune Shop. Note : Mainly attacks all enemies. Level 2 of Fire rune. Spells: Fire Wall : Attacks one row of enemies, 150 damage. Dancing Flames: Attacks all enemies, 300 damage. Explosion : Attacks all enemies, 700 damage.

Attach: Water ----Where : Note : Spells:

Final Flame : Attacks all enemies, 900 damage. +50% attack power.

You can buy it at Rune shops. Mainly healing and protection magics. 1st level of Water. Kindness Drop: Recover all hp, one ally. Protect Mist : All allies, sometimes block magic attacks. Kindness Rain: Heal 300 hp, All allies. Silent Lake : Both enemies and your party can't cast magic. Attach: Recover 5 hp every turn. Flowing ------Where : Buy at your castle Rune shop. Note : Mainly healing and protection magics. 2nd level of Water. Spells: Protect Mist : All allies, sometimes block magic attacks. Kindness Rain: Heal 300 hp, All allies. Silent Lake : Both enemies and your party cant cast magic. Mother Ocean : Revive and recover all hp, one ally. Attach: Recover 15 hp every turn. Wind ---Where : Buy at rune shops. Note : Healing, Protection, Attack spells available. 1st Wind rune. Spells: Wind of Sleep: Cast sleep in the front row enemies. Healing Wind : Recover all hp, one ally. The Shredding: All enemies, 450 damage. Storm Warning: Reflects one magic cast to the caster. Attach: +5% magic defense. Cyclone ------Where : Buy at your castle rune shop. Note : Healing, Protection, Attack spells available. 2nd Wind rune. Spells: Healing Wind : Recover all hp, one ally. The Shredding: All enemies, 450 damage. Storm Warning: Reflects one magic cast to the caster. Shining Wind : Heal 500 hp all allies, Attacks 500 hp all enemies. Attach: +15% magic defense. Earth ----Where : Buy at rune shops. Note : Mainly protection magics. 1st level of Earth runes. Spells: Clay Guardian : +50% defense attribute. Revenge Earth : 100% counterattack. Canopy Defense: 100% magic block. Earthquake : All enemies, 800 damage. Attach: +5 defense, Recover 3 hp every turn. Mother Earth -----------Where : Buy at your castle rune shops. Note : Mainly protection magics. 2nd level of Earth runes. Spells: Revenge Earth : 100% counterattack. Canopy Defense: 100% magic block, one time only. Earthquake : All enemies, 800 damage. Guardian Earth: +30% Defense and MDefense, all allies. Attach: +15 defense, Recover 15 hp every turn. Lightning

--------Where : Buy at rune shops. Note : Mainly single enemy attack spells. 1st lightning rune. Spells: Angry Blow : Attacks one enemy, 100 damage. Thunder Runner: Attacks one column, 120 damage. Bolt of Wrath : Attacks one enemy, 600 damage. Thor Shot : Attacks one enemy, 1000 damage. Attach: +25% attack damage. Thunder ------Where : Buy at your castle rune shops. Note : Mainly single enemy attack spells. 2nd lightning rune. Spells: Thunder Runner: Attacks one column, 120 damage. Bolt of Wrath : Attacks one enemy, 600 damage. Thor Shot : Attacks one enemy, 1000 damage. Thunder Storm : Attacks one enemy, 1200 damage. Attach: +50% attack damage. Resurrection -----------Where : Kahn and Gantetsu have it. Note : Useful against undead enemies. Spells: Scolding : Attacks one enemy, 30 hp, 60 if undead. Yell : Revive one ally. Charm Arrow: Attacks all enemies, 400 hp, 800 if undead. Scream : Heal all allies, 300 hp. Blue Gate --------Where : Wind Cave, Tinto Cave. Note : The only summon magics in Suikoden 2. Spells: Open Gate : Attacks one enemy, 50 damage. King's Road: Attacks all enemies, 150 damage. Pale Palace: Attacks all enemies, 500 damage. Empty World: Attacks all enemies, 900 damage, 90 to party. Blinking -------Where : Viki has it. Rokkaku. Note : Mainly sudden death attacks. Sometimes fail. Spells: Ready!: One enemy disappear, if fail one ally disappear. Set! : All enemies 150 damage, if fail allies 150 damage. Go! : All enemies disappear, if fail all allies disappear (except the caster). Darkness -------Where : Sierra has it. Your castle runeshop (later in the game). Note : The final spell is the same as one of Soul Eater spell. Spells: Finger of Death: One enemy death. Stealer of Soul: One enemy, absorb 300 hp to caster. Final Bell : One row, death or 500 damage. Black Shadow : Attacks all enemies for 500 damage. White Saint ----------Where : Siegfried has it. Note : All of them are attacks spell. Spells: Shining Pupil : Attacks one enemy, 120 damage. Moonlit Forest : Attacks one column, 200 damage. White Priestess: Attacks all enemies, 400 damage _____________

/Support Runes\______________________________________________________ |(Command, must choose to use) --------------------------------------------------------------------Rune Name


Angry Dragon


Banshee Chimera

Siren Enemy Greenhill ForestPath Anita,Valeria Bolgan Zamza Castle Millie Badeaux Castle Tworiver/Cst Mondo Castle Bob Feather Kasumi Shin Genshu Pinkbird Enemy StatueEvent Muse/Castle Meg Karen Muse/Castle GuardianDeity Wakaba,LChan

Falcon Fire Breath Fire Dragon Gozz Groundhog Howling Rune Kite Lion Mayfly Pixie Rabid Fang Shining Wind Shrike Spider Slay Swallow Sylph Titan Trick Twin Ring Unicorn Viper White Tiger

Effects Attacks (2x dmg), unbalanced, once per battle, can be infinite if berserk Drains ally hp and give it to caster Transfer status to ally Attacks (2x dmg), hit% -25% Attacks (2x dmg), unbalanced Attacks (2x dmg), receive 1/2 dmg Axe user atks 1 row, unbalanced Attacks (2x dmg), once per battle Allies (monster) become berserk Shuriken user atk all enemies (50% dmg) Claw user +50% dmg, Mag&Mdef -50 Attacks front row, unbalanced Staff user range -> L Transform Bob into werewolf Extra power against flyers. Attacks (2x dmg), hit% -15% Attacks (3x dmg), once per battle 30% sudden death, unbalanced Drains caster hp and give it to allies 2-h sword +33% dmg, act last Attacks (3x dmg), once per battle Attacks (2x dmg), 35% unbalanced. Spear atks 1 column, next turn def=0 1-h sword user use sudden death attack Attacks (2x dmg), 50% unbalanced(Wakaba) 20% unbalanced(LChan),hp critical=3x dmg

_____________ /Support Runes\______________________________________________________ |(Effect, always active) --------------------------------------------------------------------Rune Name



Alert Balance

BannerVillage Enemy outside Tworiver Enemy in BannerGregminster(tiger) L'Renouille Castle statue Dropped by CutRabbit TigermouthPass Greenhill students GuardianDeityEvent Highland Camp GuardianDeityEvent GuardianDeityEvent

Became hyper after 4 turns Immune to unbalance

Barrier Champion Counter Double Beat DoubleStrike Draining Dryad FireSealing Firefly Fortune

Magic blocks +10% No random battle +50% counterattack Attacks twice/turn 1.5x dmg to you and enemy Absorbs 1/3 critical dmg MagLv2 <-> MagLv1 No fire dmg, x2 water dmg User targeted more often x2 exp received

Fury Gale Hazy Killer Knight Medicine Nymph Phero Prosperity Skunk Spark Sylph

L'Renouille Sickle enemy ShadowDog enemy Tai Ho,Sasuke,Georg Enemies in Rockaxe Tuta has it GuardianDeityEvent GuardianDeityEvent Castle statue PinkBird GuardianDeityEvent DoubleHead boss PinkBird GuardianDeityEvent Crom Chief Stallion Rockaxe bookshelf Sid has it GuardianDeityEvent SouthwindowRareFind SouthwindowRareFind

Always berserk +50% speed Can avoid physical attack +50% critical dmg chance Protect injured ally Auto-use-Medicine if critical Attack changes with luck Appealing rate up x2 money received Cant be Targeted Always act first Give HP to allies

Sunbeam +1hp/steps, +15hp every turn TrueHoly FastWorldMap Violence If hp=50%, berserk, x3dmg Waking Sleep, if awaken, berserk Wall Defense x2, can only defend Warrior -50% def, the amount =+Str Wizard -50% Mdef, the amount=+Mag _____________ /Support Runes\______________________________________________________ |(Embeddable/Can be attached into weapons) --------------------------------------------------------------------Rune Name



Down Exertion Fire Lizard Friendship Hunter

GuardianDeityEvent Vase in Kobold Sindar Ruins Bonsai in SWindow Big tree behind Genkaku house StatueEvent Sindar Ruins Pest Rat boss Rockaxe Runeshop Castle Hoi has it

Attacks 30% ko +Atk as more turns +50% dmg, receive half damage +Atk by (no of recruits/2) Dmg=1, Hit%=5%, enemy will drop items, available only after final boss +Atk as you talk to more people 20% restore lvl 1 mag, Causes poison upon hitting 20% sleep upon hitting 20% silence upon hitting 40% steal money upon hitting

Kindness Magic Drain Poison Sleep Silence Technique

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VI. WEAPONS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _________________ /Upgrading Weapons\__________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Weapons have attack power, and to increase its attack power, you need to upgrade your weapon level by blacksmith. You only can upgrade your weapons to level 16, and not all blacksmith can do that. When you have Tessai in your castle (he is a blacksmith), bring hammers to him to let him upgrade to higher level (such as if you bring him the Silver Hammer, he can upgrade weapon to level 15). Here is the list. Iron Hammer (Lvl 9): Forest Village, Armour shop, talk to a man. Copper Hammer (Lvl 12): Gregminster, Palace, talk to a soldier.

Silver Hammer (Lvl 15): Greenhill Academy, Forge Classroom, student. Only after Greenhill has been recaptured. Golden Hammer (Lvl 16): Sajah Village, Item Shop, Rare items. _____ /Range\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Weapons have their own range too, L is the most useful, since they can be placed in the frontline or backline and can attack any enemy. Note that the frontline is the most crucial line in the battle, as they almost always get hit by enemies, be sure to place high-defense characters in the frontline to cover the backline (such as Humphrey, Gadget, etc). Here is the list of the range. S (short) : can only fight in front row, attacks front row only M (medium): can attack from front or back, attacks front row only L (long) : can attack from front or back, attacks both rows _____ /Price\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------The price, for all weapons to be upgraded is different depending on their level. Note that upgrading weapons need a huge amount of money, so don't upgrade useless character's weapons, except if you want to. Before

Upgrade to

Price Needed

Level 1 -> Level 2 = 300 Level 2 -> Level 3 = 600 Level 3 -> Level 4 = 1500 Level 4 -> Level 5 = 2700 Level 5 -> Level 6 = 3500 Level 6 -> Level 7 = 4500 Level 7 -> Level 8 = 7000 Level 8 -> Level 9 = 11000 Level 9 -> Level 10 = 18000 Level 10 -> Level 11 = 27000 Level 11 -> Level 12 = 35000 Level 12 -> Level 13 = 43000 Level 13 -> Level 14 = 52000 Level 14 -> Level 15 = 60000 Level 15 -> Level 16 = 70000 ____________ /Attack Power\_______________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Every characters have different attack power for their weapons. This can be used as a note so you don't have to spent too much money for useless characters. Note that the list below is not arranged by any particular order, but you can use the 'Find' function. Hero (Double-stick) ------------------Range: M Level 1 Twin Fang Level 2 Twin Fang Level 3 Twin Fang Level 4 Twin Fang

5 6 8 11

Level 5 Twin Fang Level 6 Twin Heaven Fang Level 7 Twin Heaven Fang Level 8 Twin Heaven Fang Level 9 Twin Heaven Fang Level 10 Twin Heaven Fang Level 11 Twin Heaven Fang Level 12 Twin Heaven Fang Level 13 Twin Destiny Fang Level 14 Twin Destiny Fang Level 15 Twin Destiny Fang Level 16 Twin Destiny Fang Jowy (Staff) -----------Range: M Level 1 Star Staff Level 2 Star Staff Level 3 Star Staff Level 4 Star Staff Level 5 Star Staff Level 6 Heaven Staff Level 7 Heaven Staff Level 8 Heaven Staff Level 9 Heaven Staff Level 10 Heaven Staff Level 11 Heaven Staff Level 12 Heaven Staff Level 13 Heavenly Star Staff Level 14 Heavenly Star Staff Level 15 Heavenly Star Staff Level 16 Heavenly Star Staff Nanami (Rod) -----------Range: M Level 2 Flower Rod Level 3 Flower Rod Level 4 Flower Rod Level 5 Flower Rod Level 6 Blossom Rod Level 7 Blossom Rod Level 8 Blossom Rod Level 9 Blossom Rod Level 10 Blossom Rod Level 11 Blossom Rod Level 12 Blossom Rod Level 13 Eden Rod Level 14 Eden Rod Level 15 Eden Rod Level 16 I think this one is McDohl (Staff) -------------Range: M Level 14 Heaven Fang Staff Level 15 Heaven Fang Staff Level 16 Heaven Fang Staff Flik (Sword) -----------Range: S

14 18 35 42 49 58 68 79 92 127 148 170

5 6 8 11 14 18 35 42 49 58 68 79 92 127 148 170

9 11 12 17 22 37 44 51 59 69 78 91 125 145 impossible to get...

124 145 165

Level 10 Odessa+ Level 11 Odessa++ Level 12 Odessa++ Level 13 Odessa++ Level 14 Odessa++ Level 15 Odessa++ Level 16 Odessa++ Viktor (2-Hand Sword) --------------------Range: S Level 9a Shiko Sword Level 9b Star Dragon Sword Level 10 Star Dragon Sword Level 11 Star Dragon Sword Level 12 Star Dragon Sword Level 13 Star Dragon Sword Level 14 Star Dragon Sword Level 15 Star Dragon Sword Level 16 Star Dragon Sword Gengen (Sword) -------------Range: S Level 3 Sword Level 4 Sword Level 5 Good Sword Level 6 Good Sword Level 7 Good Sword Level 8 Good Sword Level 9 Good Sword Level 10 Good Sword Level 11 Great Sword Level 12 Great Sword Level 13 Great Sword Level 14 Great Sword Level 15 Great Sword Level 16 Great Sword Tsai (Spear) -----------Range: M Level 6 Raijin Spear Level 7 Raijin Spear Level 8 Raijin Spear Level 9 Raijin Long Spear Level 10 Raijin Long Spear Level 11 Raijin Long Spear Level 12 Raijin Long Spear Level 13 Raijin Long Spear Level 14 Raijin Long Spear Level 15 Raijin Long Spear Level 16 Raijin Long Spear Rikimaru (2-Hand Sword) ----------------------Range: S Level 5 Onimaru Level 6 Onimaru Level 7 Onimaru Level 8 Onimaru Level 9 Onimaru

59 67 90 102 120 138 150

55 59 69 78 102 117 136 155 160

9 12 15 27 35 42 50 59 67 90 102 120 138 150

37 42 48 53 80 88 98 110 120 130 140

19 31 39 46 55

Level 10 Onimaru Level 11 Dojikiri Level 12 Dojikiri Level 13 Dojikiri Level 14 Dojikiri Level 15 Dojikiri Level 16 Dojikiri Kinnison (Bow) -------------Range: L Level 2 Light Bow Level 3 Light Bow Level 4 Light Bow Level 5 Ranger Bow Level 6 Ranger Bow Level 7 Ranger Bow Level 8 Ranger Bow Level 9 Ranger Bow Level 10 Ranger Bow Level 11 Ranger Bow Level 12 Hunter Bow Level 13 Hunter Bow Level 14 Hunter Bow Level 15 Hunter Bow Level 16 Hunter Bow Millie (Boomerang) -----------------Range: L Level 1 Boomerang Level 2 Boomerang Level 3 Hit Boomerang Level 4 Hit Boomerang Level 5 Hit Boomerang Level 6 Hit Boomerang Level 7 Hit Boomerang Level 8 Hit Boomerang Level 9 High Boomerang Level 10 High Boomerang Level 11 High Boomerang Level 12 High Boomerang Level 13 High Boomerang Level 14 High Boomerang Level 15 High Boomerang Level 16 High Boomerang Eilie (Knife) ------------Range: L Level 3 Slash Knife Level 4 Slash Knife Level 5 Slash Knife Level 6 Slash Knife Level 7 Slash Knife Level 8 Slash Knife Level 9 Razor Knife Level 10 Razor Knife Level 11 Razor Knife Level 12 Razor Knife Level 13 Razor Knife

64 73 97 111 129 147 160

6 7 10 13 25 33 40 48 57 65 73 98 113 135 147

6 9 12 20 25 31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

12 20 25 31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108

Level 14 Razor Knife Level 15 Razor Knife Level 16 Razor Knife Rina (Card) ----------Range: L Level 1 Chariot Level 2 Chariot Level 3 Empress Level 4 Empress Level 5 Empress Level 6 Empress Level 7 Empress Level 8 Empress Level 9 World Level 10 World Level 11 World Level 12 World Level 13 World Level 14 World Level 15 World Level 16 World Bolgan (Bare-Hand) -----------------Range: S Level 2 gluv Level 3 gluv Level 4 Gluv Level 5 Gluv Level 6 Gluv Level 7 Gluv Level 8 Gluv Level 9 Gluv Level 10 Glove Level 11 Glove Level 12 Glove Level 13 Glove Level 14 Glove Level 15 Glove Level 16 Glove Zamza (Bare-hand) ----------------Range: S Level 3 Tekken Level 4 Burning Iron Level 5 Burning Iron Level 6 Burning Iron Level 7 Burning Iron Level 8 Burning Iron Level 9 Burning Iron Level 10 Iron Fist of Level 11 Iron Fist of Level 12 Iron Fist of Level 13 Iron Fist of Level 14 Iron Fist of Level 15 Iron Fist of Level 16 Iron Fist of Hanna (Sword)

119 130 140

6 9 12 20 25 31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

8 9 10 31 42 45 48 51 53 110 114 118 124 130 135

Fist Fist Fist Fist Fist Fist Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage Rage

9 10 39 42 45 48 51 53 110 114 118 124 130 135

------------Range: S Level 3 Blade Level 4 Blade Level 5 High Blade Level 6 High Blade Level 7 High Blade Level 8 High Blade Level 9 High Blade Level 10 High Blade Level 11 Steel Blade Level 12 Steel Blade Level 13 Steel Blade Level 14 Steel Blade Level 15 Steel Blade Level 16 Steel Blade Tuta (Throw-Rock) ----------------Range: L Level 2 Pebble Level 3 Stone Level 4 Stone Level 5 Stone Level 6 Stone Level 7 Stone Level 8 Stone Level 9 Rock Level 10 Rock Level 11 Rock Level 12 Rock Level 13 Rock Level 14 Rock Level 15 Rock Level 16 Rock Anita (Sword) ------------Range: S Level 4 Star Sword Level 5 Seven Star Sword Level 6 Seven Star Sword Level 7 Seven Star Sword Level 8 Seven Star Sword Level 9 Seven Star Sword Level 10 Seven Star Sword Level 11 Rival Star Sword Level 12 Rival Star Sword Level 13 Rival Star Sword Level 14 Rival Star Sword Level 15 Rival Star Sword Level 16 Rival Star Sword Freed Y (Sword) --------------Range: S Level 5 Raikomaru Level 6 Raikomaru Level 7 Raikomaru Level 8 Raikomaru Level 9 Raikomaru

9 12 15 27 35 42 50 59 67 90 102 120 138 150

9 12 20 25 31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

12 15 27 35 42 50 59 67 90 102 120 138 150

15 27 35 42 50

Level 10 Raikomaru Level 11 Shinraikomaru Level 12 Shinraikomaru Level 13 Shinraikomaru Level 14 Shinraikomaru Level 15 Shinraikomaru Level 16 Shinraikomaru Oulan (Bare-Hand) ----------------Range: S Level 7 Iron Fist Level 8 Iron Fist Level 9 Iron Fist Level 10 God Hand Level 11 God Hand Level 12 God Hand Level 13 God Hand Level 14 God Hand Level 15 God Hand Level 16 God Hand Yoshino (Naganata) -----------------Range: M Level 6 Long Naganata Level 7 Long Naganata Level 8 Long Naganata Level 9 Great Naganata Level 10 Great Naganata Level 11 Great Naganata Level 12 Great Naganata Level 13 Great Naganata Level 14 Great Naganata Level 15 Great Naganata Level 16 Great Naganata Tai Ho (Spear) -------------Range: M Level 7 Kanae Level 8 Kanae Level 9 Mizuki Level 10 Mizuki Level 11 Mizuki Level 12 Mizuki Level 13 Mizuki Level 14 Mizuki Level 15 Mizuki Level 16 Mizuki Amada (Club) -----------Range: M Level 8 Oak Oar Level 9 Teak Oar Level 10 Teak Oar Level 11 Teak Oar Level 12 Teak Oar Level 13 Teak Oar Level 14 Teak Oar Level 15 Teak Oar

59 67 90 102 120 138 150

45 48 51 53 110 114 118 124 130 135

37 42 48 53 80 88 98 110 120 130 140

42 48 53 80 88 98 110 120 130 140

48 53 80 88 98 110 120 130

Level 16 Teak Oar Clive (Gun) ----------Range: L Level 8 Storm Level 9 Tornado Level 10 Tornado Level 11 Tornado Level 12 Tornado Level 13 Tornado Level 14 Tornado Level 15 Tornado Level 16 Tornado Luc (Rod) --------Range: S Level 4 Wind Rod Level 5 Wind Rod Level 6 Gale Rod Level 7 Gale Rod Level 8 Gale Rod Level 9 Gale Rod Level 10 Gale Rod Level 11 Gale Rod Level 12 Gust Rod Level 13 Gust Rod Level 14 Gust Rod Level 15 Gust Rod Level 16 Gust Rod Sid (Spear) ----------Range: M Level 8 Cursed Spear Level 9 Devil Spear Level 10 Devil Spear Level 11 Devil Spear Level 12 Devil Spear Level 13 Devil Spear Level 14 Devil Spear Level 15 Devil Spear Level 16 Devil Spear Gabocha (Sling) --------------Range: L Level 6 Sling Shot! Level 7 Sling Shot! Level 8 Sling Shot! Level 9 Sling Shot!!! Level 10 Sling Shot!!! Level 11 Sling Shot!!! Level 12 Sling Shot!!! Level 13 Sling Shot!!! Level 14 Sling Shot!!! Level 15 Sling Shot!!! Level 16 Sling Shot!!! Hai Yo (Club) ------------Range: S


43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

7 9 11 26 33 42 50 58 64 80 87 94 100

48 53 80 88 98 110 120 130 140

31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

Level 4 Wok Level 5 Wok Level 6 Dragon Wok Level 7 Dragon Wok Level 8 Dragon Wok Level 9 Dragon Wok Level 10 Dragon Wok Level 11 Dragon Wok Level 12 Dragon Wok Level 13 Blue Dragon Wok Level 14 Blue Dragon Wok Level 15 Blue Dragon Wok Level 16 Blue Dragon Wok Stallion (Bow) -------------Range: L Level 8 Shine Bow Level 9 Shine Bow Level 10 Shine Bow Level 11 Shine Bow Level 12 Elfin Bow Level 13 Elfin Bow Level 14 Elfin Bow Level 15 Elfin Bow Level 16 Elfin Bow Shilo (Darts) ------------Range: L Level 7 Silver Jiromaru Level 8 Silver Jiromaru Level 9 Gold Jiromaru Level 10 Gold Jiromaru Level 11 Gold Jiromaru Level 12 Gold Jiromaru Level 13 Gold Jiromaru Level 14 Gold Jiromaru Level 15 Gold Jiromaru Level 16 Gold Jiromaru Hix (2-Hand Sword) -----------------Range: S Level 6 Tengaar+ Level 7 Tengaar+ Level 8 Tengaar+ Level 9 Tengaar+ Level 10 Tengaar+ Level 11 Tengaar++ Level 12 Tengaar++ Level 13 Tengaar++ Level 14 Tengaar++ Level 15 Tengaar++ Level 16 Tengaar++ Tengaar (Knife) --------------Range: L Level 8 Ray Knife Level 9 Shining Knife Level 10 Shining Knife

11 14 17 33 40 47 56 66 76 89 124 145 165

40 48 57 65 73 98 116 135 147

37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

27 35 42 50 59 67 90 102 120 138 150

43 48 70

Level 11 Shining Knife Level 12 Shining Knife Level 13 Shining Knife Level 14 Shining Knife Level 15 Shining Knife Level 16 Shining Knife Chaco (Spear) ------------Range: M Level 8 Air Spear Level 9 Sky Spear Level 10 Sky Spear Level 11 Sky Spear Level 12 Sky Spear Level 13 Sky Spear Level 14 Sky Spear Level 15 Sky Spear Level 16 Sky Spear Meg (Knife) ----------Range: L Level 5 Assasin's Dagger Level 6 Assasin's Dagger Level 7 Assasin's Dagger Level 8 Assasin's Dagger Level 9 Silver Dagger Level 10 Silver Dagger Level 11 Silver Dagger Level 12 Silver Dagger Level 13 Silver Dagger Level 14 Silver Dagger Level 15 Silver Dagger Level 16 Silver Dagger Wakaba (Leg Guard) -----------------Range: S Level 8 Killer Leg Guard Level 9 Killer Leg Guard Level 10 Power Leg Guard Level 11 Power Leg Guard Level 12 Power Leg Guard Level 13 Power Leg Guard Level 14 Power Leg Guard Level 15 Power Leg Guard Level 16 Power Leg Guard Nina (Book) ----------Range: M Level 6 New Book Belt Level 7 New Book Belt Level 8 New Book Belt Level 9 New Book Belt Level 10 New Book Belt Level 11 New Book Belt Level 12 New Book Belt Level 13 Book Belt of Love Level 14 Book Belt of Love Level 15 Book Belt of Love

83 95 108 119 130 140

48 53 80 88 98 110 120 130 140

25 31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

48 51 53 110 114 118 124 130 135

17 33 40 47 56 66 76 89 124 145

Level 16 Book Belt of Love Shin (2-Handed Sword) --------------------Range: S Level 9 Death Tarantula Level 10 Death Tarantula Level 11 Ray Tarantula Level 12 Ray Tarantula Level 13 Ray Tarantula Level 14 Ray Tarantula Level 15 Ray Tarantula Level 16 Ray Tarantula Viki (Wand) ----------Range: S Level 5 Wand Level 6 Wow Wand Level 7 Wow Wand Level 8 Wow Wand Level 9 Wow Wand Level 10 Wow Wand Level 11 Wow Wand Level 12 Wow Wow Wand Level 13 Wow Wow Wand Level 14 Wow Wow Wand Level 15 Wow Wow Wand Level 16 Wow Wow Wand Humphrey (2-Hand Sword) ----------------------Range: S Level 10 Murasame Level 11 Muramasa Level 12 Muramasa Level 13 Muramasa Level 14 Muramasa Level 15 Muramasa Level 16 Muramasa Futch (Spear) ------------Range: M Level 7 Sigmund Level 8 Sigmund Level 9 Sigurd Level 10 Sigurd Level 11 Sigurd Level 12 Sigurd Level 13 Sigurd Level 14 Sigurd Level 15 Sigurd Level 16 Sigurd Miklotov (2-Handed Sword) ------------------------Range: S Level 9 Dunceney/2 Level 10 Dunceney/2 Level 11 Dunceney/3 Level 12 Dunceney/3 Level 13 Dunceney/3


55 64 79 97 111 129 147 160

9 11 26 33 42 50 58 64 80 87 94 100

64 73 97 111 129 147 160

42 48 53 80 88 98 110 120 130 140

55 64 73 97 111

Level 14 Dunceney/3 Level 15 Dunceney/3 Level 16 Dunceney/3 Camus (Sword) ------------Range: S Level 8 Uriah/2 Level 9 Uriah/2 Level 10 Uriah/2 Level 11 Uriah/3 Level 12 Uriah/3 Level 13 Uriah/3 Level 14 Uriah/3 Level 15 Uriah/3 Level 16 Uriah/3 Simone (Flower) --------------Range: L Level 11 Rhapsody Level 12 Rhapsody Level 13 Rhapsody Level 14 Rhapsody Level 15 Rhapsody Level 16 Rhapsody Kasumi (Claw) ------------Range: S Level 7 Big Sakura Level 8 Big Sakura Level 9 Big Sakura Level 10 Max Sakura Level 11 Max Sakura Level 12 Max Sakura Level 13 Max Sakura Level 14 Max Sakura Level 15 Max Sakura Level 16 Max Sakura Valeria (Sword) --------------Range: S Level 7 Seven Star Sword Level 8 Seven Star Sword Level 9 Seven Star Sword Level 10 Seven Star Sword Level 11 Conqueror StarSword Level 12 Conqueror StarSword Level 13 Conqueror StarSword Level 14 Conqueror StarSword Level 15 Conqueror StarSword Level 16 Conqueror StarSword Sheena (Sword) -------------Range: S Level 9 Kirinji 2 Level 10 Kirinji 2 Level 11 Kirinji 3 Level 12 Kirinji 3 Level 13 Kirinji 3

129 147 160

42 50 59 67 90 110 120 130 140

83 95 108 119 130 140

45 48 51 53 110 114 118 124 130 135

35 42 50 59 67 90 102 120 138 150

50 59 67 90 102

Level 14 Kirinji 3 Level 15 Kirinji 3 Level 16 Kirinji 3 Lorelai (Axe) ------------Range: M Level 7 Death Level 8 Death Level 9 Death Level 10 Death Level 11 Death Level 12 Death Level 13 Judgement Level 14 Judgement Level 15 Judgement Level 16 Judgement Mondo (Claw) -----------Range: S Level 8 Dark Claw Level 9 Dark Claw Level 10 Tooth and Claw Level 11 Tooth and Claw Level 12 Tooth and Claw Level 13 Tooth and Claw Level 14 Tooth and Claw Level 15 Tooth and Claw Level 16 Tooth and Claw Sasuke (Shuriken) ----------------Range: L Level 6 Blue Comet Level 7 Blue Comet Level 8 Blue Comet Level 9 Fiery Blue Comet Level 10 Fiery Blue Comet Level 11 Fiery Blue Comet Level 12 Fiery Blue Comet Level 13 Fiery Blue Comet Level 14 Fiery Blue Comet Level 15 Fiery Blue Comet Level 16 Fiery Blue Comet Badeaux (Whip) -------------Range: S Level 7 Whip of Fury Level 8 Whip of Fury Level 9 Whip of Fury Level 10 Whip of Fury Level 11 Whip of Fury Level 12 Whip of Fury Level 13 Whip of Love Level 14 Whip of Love Level 15 Whip of Love Level 16 Whip of Love Ayda (Bow) ---------Range: L

120 138 150

23 35 43 52 60 72 85 135 155 175

48 51 53 110 114 118 124 130 135

31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

30 44 47 56 66 76 89 124 145 165

Level 7 Forest Bow Level 8 Forest Bow Level 9 Forest Bow Level 10 Forest Bow Level 11 Forest Bow Level 12 Earth Bow Level 13 Earth Bow Level 14 Earth Bow Level 15 Earth Bow Level 16 Earth Bow Tomo (Spear) -----------Range: M Level 9 Fujin Long Spear Level 10 Fujin Long Spear Level 11 Fujin Long Spear Level 12 Fujin Long Spear Level 13 Fujin Long Spear Level 14 Fujin Long Spear Level 15 Fujin Long Spear Level 16 Fujin Long Spear Killey (Club) ------------Range: M Level 9 Shade Level 10 Shade Level 11 Shade Level 12 Shade Level 13 Night Level 14 Night Level 15 Night Level 16 Night Hoi (Double-Stick) -----------------Range: M Level 6 Faux Twin Fang Level 7 Faux Twin Fang Level 8 Faux Twin Fang Level 9 Faux Twin Fang Level 10 Faux Twin Fang Level 11 Faux Twin Fang Level 12 Faux Twin Fang Level 13 Twin Fang Nouveau Level 14 Twin Fang Nouveau Level 15 Twin Fang Nouveau Level 16 Twin Fang Nouveau Bob (Club) ---------Range: M Level 7 Beast Rod Level 8 Beast Rod Level 9 Beast Rod Level 10 Beast Rod Level 11 Beast Rod Level 12 Beast Rod Level 13 Beast Lord Rod Level 14 Beast Lord Rod Level 15 Beast Lord Rod

33 40 48 57 65 73 98 116 135 147

53 80 88 98 110 120 130 140

47 56 66 76 89 124 145 165

17 33 40 47 56 66 76 89 124 145 165

33 40 47 56 66 76 89 124 145

Level 16 Beast Lord Rod Karen (Club) -----------Range: M Level 6 Red Nails Level 7 Red Nails Level 8 Red Nails Level 9 Red Nails Level 10 Red Nails Level 11 Red Nails Level 12 Red Nails Level 13 Black Nails Level 14 Black Nails Level 15 Black Nails Level 16 Black Nails Long Chan Chan (Bare-Hand) -------------------------Range: S Level 9 Killer Knuckles Level 10 Power Knuckles Level 11 Power Knuckles Level 12 Power Knuckles Level 13 Power Knuckles Level 14 Power Knuckles Level 15 Power Knuckles Level 16 Power Knuckles Sierra (Claw) ------------Range: S Level 10 Full Moon Level 11 Full Moon Level 12 Full Moon Level 13 Full Moon Level 14 Full Moon Level 15 Full Moon Level 16 Full Moon Georg (2-Handed Sword) ---------------------Range: S Level 12 Kumo Level 13 Kumo Level 14 Kumo Level 15 Kumo Level 16 Kumo Koyu (Axe) ---------Range: M Level 5 One-Handed Axe Level 6 One-Handed Axe Level 7 One-HandedBattleaxe Level 8 One-HandedBattleaxe Level 9 One-HandedBattleaxe Level 10 One-HandedBattleaxe Level 11 One-HandedBattleaxe Level 12 One-HandedBattleaxe Level 13 One-Handed Greataxe Level 14 One-Handed Greataxe Level 15 One-Handed Greataxe


17 33 40 46 56 66 76 89 124 145 165

51 53 110 114 118 124 130 135

53 110 114 118 124 130 135

97 111 129 147 160

13 17 23 35 43 52 60 72 85 135 155

Level 16 One-Handed Greataxe Gijimu (Axe) -----------Range: M Level 7 Double Battleaxe Level 8 Double Battleaxe Level 9 Double Battleaxe Level 10 Double Battleaxe Level 11 Double Battleaxe Level 12 Double Battleaxe Level 13 Double Greataxe Level 14 Double Greataxe Level 15 Double Greataxe Level 16 Double Greataxe Lo Wen (Morning Star) --------------------Range: L Level 6 Falling Star Level 7 Falling Star Level 8 Falling Star Level 9 Shooting Star Level 10 Shooting Star Level 11 Shooting Star Level 12 Shooting Star Level 13 Shooting Star Level 14 Shooting Star Level 15 Shooting Star Level 16 Shooting Star Kahn (Club) ----------Range: M Level 6 Shadowbane Level 7 Shadowbane Level 8 Shadowbane Level 9 Shadowbane Level 10 Shadowbane Level 11 Shadowbane Level 12 Shadowbane Level 13 Shadow Slayer Level 14 Shadow Slayer Level 15 Shadow Slayer Level 16 Shadow Slayer Hauser (2-Handed Sword) ----------------------Range: S Level 11 Steel Sword Level 12 Steel Sword Level 13 Steel Sword Level 14 Steel Sword Level 15 Steel Sword Level 16 Steel Sword Gantetsu (Staff) ---------------Range: S Level 7 Iron Staff Level 8 Iron Staff Level 9 Iron Staff Level 10 Iron Staff


23 35 43 52 60 72 85 135 155 175

31 37 43 48 70 83 95 108 119 130 140

17 33 40 46 56 66 76 89 124 145 165

73 97 111 129 147 160

26 33 42 50

Level 11 Iron Staff Level 12 Iron Rock Staff Level 13 Iron Rock Staff Level 14 Iron Rock Staff Level 15 Iron Rock Staff Level 16 Iron Rock Staff Vincent (Sword) --------------Range: S Level 10 Savat Level 11 Felicitation Level 12 Felicitation Level 13 Felicitation Level 14 Felicitation Level 15 Felicitation Level 16 Felicitation Pesmerga (2-Handed Sword) ------------------------Range: S Level 14 King Crimson Level 15 King Crimson Level 16 King Crimson Genshu (2-Handed Sword) ----------------------Range: S Level 11 Kamui Level 12 Kamui Level 13 Kamui Level 14 Kamui Level 15 Kamui Level 16 Kamui Mazus (Rod) ----------Range: S Level 6 Cosmic Rod Level 7 Cosmic Rod Level 8 Cosmic Rod Level 9 Cosmic Rod Level 10 Cosmic Rod Level 11 Cosmic Rod Level 12 Nova Rod Level 13 Nova Rod Level 14 Nova Rod Level 15 Nova Rod Level 16 Nova Rod

58 64 80 87 94 100

59 67 90 102 120 138 150

129 147 160

73 97 111 129 147 160

11 26 33 42 50 58 64 80 87 94 100

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VII. ARMORS/ACCESSORIES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ______ /Helmet\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Helmet, simply used to increase defense and add some attributes, you can buy them or get them from treasure chests. Name




Bandana 50 1 --Leather Hat 100 2 --Feathered Hat 500 3 Spd +3, Resist Wind Pointed Hat 1200 5 Prevents Balloon Circuret 3500 7 --Half Helmet 7800 10 --Mole Helmet 8500 12 Prevents Unfriendly Head Gear 12000 14 --Silver Hat 24000 19 Regeneration (5) Full Helmet 18200 20 --Wind Hat 35000 24 Spd +7, wind resistant Flame Helmet 42000 30 Str +4, resists fire Horned Helmet 65000 35 --______ /Armors\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Armor, simply used to increase defense and add some attributes, you can buy them or get them from treasure chests. They have more defense than Helmet. Name




Robe 100 1 --Tunic 200 2 --Leather Coat 700 4 --Brass Armor 1000 6 --Guard Robe 1700 7 --Karate Uniform 3000 10 Tech +5 Leather Armor 5900 14 --Chain Mail 6500 16 --Ninja Suit 88000 17 Spd +15 Half Plate 12000 19 --Magic Robe 20000 22 --Thunder God Garb 23000 25 Hit +10, resists lightning Scale Mail 22000 28 --Mole Suit 25000 29 Resists earth, no target Dragon Armor 23000 30 --Master Robe 24000 33 Regenerate 10 hp Full Plate 26000 36 --Taikoku Wear 28000 40 Spd +10 Master Garb 37000 45 Str +15, Tech +15 Robe of Mist 54000 47 Repels magic, resists water Earth Armor 67000 49 Prevents Bat, resists earth Dream Robe 95000 52 Cant be attacked Silver Armor 120000 55 Regeneration (10), resists dark Knight Armor 180000 58 --Blood Armor 82500 62 Drains 15 HP each round Windspun Armor 210000 65 Spd +15, resists wind ______ /Shield\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Shield, simply used to increase defense and add some attributes, you can buy them or get them from treasure chests. At the start they are not very useful, but later, they will. Name




Wooden Shield 300 2 --Steel Shield 2500 7 --Kite Shield 4300 12 --Mangosh 6500 19 Counterattack +50% Silver Shield 10000 27 Regenerate hp, resists dark Chaos Shield 17000 34 --Earth Shield 32000 36 Prevents Bat, resists earth ___________ /Accessories\________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Mainly used to add some attributes and defense. Their defense is not high, but most of them have some useful attributes. Name




Gloves Gauntlet Power Glove Wooden Shoes Leggings Boots Winged Boots Iron Boots Cape Leather Cape Fur Cape Cape of Darkness Crimson Cape Cheek Guards Shoulder Pads Blue Ribbon Belt of Strength Sun Badge Fish Badge Fire Emblem Gold Emblem Water Amulet Thunder Amulet Wind Amulet Necklace Heavy Necklace Silver Necklace Guard Ring Speed Ring Skill Ring Lucky Ring Magic Ring Power Ring Star Earrings Wing Ornament Silverlet Goldlet Rose Brooch

300 1700 16500 100 200 800 10200 17000 400 1300 3500 6800 9000 1000 2000 6600 4800 3700 4300 3300 8500 3800 7500 13000 1600 5700 20000 8500 16000 11500 13000 13000 14000 12000 8000 7000 19000 14000

2 4 16 1 2 3 14 15 1 5 9 12 14 3 5 6 6 4 6 7 10 6 9 12 7 11 17 7 10 9 12 7 8 8 19 11 18 13

----Str +15 ------Spd +10 ----------------Can't be targeted Str +5 Regenerate 3 hp Repel magic 3% Str +15, resist fire MDef +10 Repel magic, resists water Hit +15, resists lightning Spd +10, resists wind ----Regenerate 1 hp/turn Mag Def +10 Spd +15 Tech +20 Luck +20 Mag +15 Str +20 Regenerate 5 hp Spd +12 -------

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VIII. ITEMS

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _________________ /Items(Equippable)\__________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------These items can be equipped on a character and can be used in battle to do some actions. Name



Medicine 100 Heals 100 HP Mega Medicine 500 Heals 500 HP Dragon Incense --Heals 50 HP for all allies Antitoxin 200 Cures poisoned status Needle 200 Cures balloon status Throat Drops 200 Cures silence Sacrificial Jizo 5000 Auto cures unconsciousness Boulder Set 2000 Equip and go take a bath Chick --A duck will appear in the bath Toy Boat 2000 Floating boat for bath Sexy Wink 5000 Beauty ATK Up Lubricating Oil --Gadget's Attack up by 50%, Meg only Sunglasses 1500 No damage from Flash ATK Rose Bouquet --Narcissus ATK up Leisure Set --For Family ATK Dog Whistle --Increases odds of the Kobold ATK army Invincible Smile --Fancy Lady ATK up Cup of Promise --Manly and Bandit ATK up Millet Dumplings --??? Secret Writings --Ninja ATK up ___________________ /Items(Unequippable)\________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name



Spinach Seed --Give it to Tony for Farming Potato Seed --Give it to Tony for Farming Tomato Seed --Give it to Tony for Farming Cabbage Seed --Give it to Tony for Farming Iron Hammer --Give it to Tessai (level 9) Copper Hammer --Give it to Tessai (level 12) Silver Hammer --Give it to Tessai (level 15) Gold Hammer --Give it to Tessai (level 16) Stone of Power 2000 Str +1-3 Stone of Defense 2000 Def +1-3 Stone of Magic 2000 Mag +1-3 Stone of Mag-Def 2000 M-D +1-3 Stone of Skill 2000 Tec +1-3 Stone of Luck 2000 Luc +1-3 ________________ /Food(Equippable)\___________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name Anchovi Pizza BBQ Meat Bun

Price 580 250

Effects Heals 600 HP & become berserk (30%) Heals 300 HP

Broiled Eel Buttered Clams Cake Cheesecake Chinese Noodles Chirashi-Zushi Chowder Crab Cakes Cream Stew Croquettes Curry Rice Dark Chowder Diet Lunch Fish Fry French Toast Fried Fish Balls Fried Rice Fried Tacos Full Course Ghengis Khan Green Salad Gratin Grilled Beef Grilled Fish Gyoza Hamburger Ice Cream Japanese Curry Japanese Stew Kaiseki Dinner Kobold Pie Mayo Rice Omelet Meat Pie Obento Ohitashi Pancakes Pasta Pizza Potato Pudding Pudding Quiche Ramen Red Curry Red Pepper Ice Rice Omelet Rising Sun Bento Salad Sandwich Sashimi Combo Ship Combo Simmered Fish Special Stew Spicy Pilaf Spicy Stew Spinach Juice Steak Steamed Abalone Steamed Gyoza

600 150 370 450 850 950 120 190 1300 350 800 120 500 170 180 190 600 170 1000 1500 80 520 800 500 100 900 200 750 1000 2000 160 560 170 700 120 500 450 580 80 200 250 850 1500 200 550 700 80 160 1500 2000 250 1700 620 1000 75 1300 190 120

Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Burst Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals Heals

500 HP 200 HP & cures target 450 HP 450 HP 500 HP & cures silence 600 HP 200 HP 250 HP & cures balloon 500 HP 500 HP 650 HP 300 HP & causes panic 650 HP 250 HP & cures bucket 250 HP & cures unfriendly 300 HP & cures balloon 500 HP 250 HP & become toasty 650 HP 500 HP 100 HP 600 HP 700 HP 500 HP 150 HP & cures sleep 450 HP 280 HP 650 HP 550 HP 900 HP 300 HP & causes boost 500 HP & become unfriendly 300 HP & cures spellbound 650 HP 120 HP & cures silence 500 HP 500 HP & cures poison 600 HP 300 HP 100 HP & becomes hyper (30%) 280 HP & cures knockdown 500 HP & cures sleep spell vs. all enemies for 150 250 HP & causes boost 400 HP 450 HP 100 HP 250 HP & cures unfriendly 650 HP 450 HP and cures unconscious 350 HP 750 HP 500 HP 450 HP 300 HP & causes poison 950 HP 200 HP & cures target 150 & cures sleep

Sukiyaki 800 Heals 750 HP Sunomono 380 Heals 400 HP & cures rust Sushi 900 Heals 600 HP Sweet Salad 80 Heals 200 HP Tamago-Yaki 60 Heals 80 HP Tempura 400 Heals 400 HP Teriyaki 900 Heals 400 HP Tomato Soup 150 Heals 60 HP & cures poison Tomato Juice 150 Heals 60 HP & cures poison Tonkatsu 750 Heals 600 HP Veggie Sandwich 160 Heals 250 HP & cures unfriendly _______ /Scrolls\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name




Clay Guardian 700 Earth Cast 'Clay Guardian' Revenge Earth 1000 Earth Cast 'Revenge Earth' Canopy Defense 2000 Earth Cast 'Canopy Defense' Flaming Arrows 700 Fire Cast 'Flaming Arrows' Fire Wall 1000 Fire Cast 'Fire Wall' Explosion 2000 Fire Cast 'Explosion' Angry Blow 700 Lightning Cast 'Angry Blow' Thunder Runner 1000 Lightning Cast 'Thunder Runner' Bolt of Wrath 2000 Lightning Cast 'Bolt of Wrath' Kindness Drops 700 Water Cast 'Kindness Drops' Protect Mist 1000 Water Cast 'Protect Mist' Kindness Rain 2000 Water Cast 'Kindness Rain' Wind of Sleep 700 Wind Cast 'Wind of Sleep' Healing Wind 1000 Wind Cast 'Healing Wind' The Shredding 2000 Wind Cast 'The Shredding' _______________________________ /Arts(Vases/Ornaments/Paintings)\____________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Vase Name


Nanami's Vase Failure Urn Octopus Urn Normal Large Vase Vase Genkaku's Famous Vase Wide Urn Blue Dragon Urn Celadon Urn Black Urn Fine Bone China

10 20 1000 3000 5000 6000 8000 16000 20000 40000 120000

Ornaments Name


Hex Doll Japanese Dish Chinese Dish Persian Lamp Peeing Boy Coral

120 6000 12000 15000 34000 40000

Bonsai Knight Statuette Karen Statue A Karen Statue B Karen Statue C Goddess Statuette

50000 60000 70000 130000 ??? 200000

Paintings Name


Graffiti Trio Painting Flower Painting Lover's Garden Landscape Paint Karen Painting A Karen Painting B Nature's Beauty

200 700 14000 58000 80000 ??? ??? 400000

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IX. UNITES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________________ /2 Person Unites \___________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name



Kinnison Stallion Kinnison Gengen Gabocha Hero Hero Flik Tsai Abizboah Hero Sigfried Hero Flik Abizboah Rulodia Freed Y Miklotov Gengen Gengen Shiro Rikimaru Vincent Kasumi Valeria Shin Oulan Meg Wakaba Hix Chaco

Bow Wow ATK Buddy ATK Copycat ATK Cross ATK Dad-Daugter ATK DoubleKracken ATK Double Leader ATK DoubleMonster ATK Family ATK Groupy ATK Head Up! ATK Husband-Wife ATK Knight ATK Kobold ATK (1) Kobold ATK (2) Loyal Dog ATK Manly ATK Narcissus ATK Ninja ATK Rival ATK Swordsman ATK Tackle ATK Trick ATK Twin Fighter ATK Warriors ATK Wingers ATK

Effects -

Stallion Ayda Ayda Shiro Shiro Jowy Hoi Viktor Tomo Rulodia McDohl Feather Nanami Nina Viki Viki Yoshino Camus Gabocha Gabocha Kinnison Amada Simone Mondo Anita Genshu Hanna Gadget L.C.Chan Tengaar Sid

50% damage to all enemies 150% damage to one enemy 100% damage to all enemies 100% damage to one enemy 150% dmg 1 en, 30% ko 100% damage to en front row 100% damage to en front row 75% damage to all enemies 200% dmg 1 en,both unbalance 200% dmg 1 en,Nanami unbalance 250% dmg 1 en,Nina unbalance 200% dmg 1 en,Abizboah unbalance 200% dmg 1 en,Yoshino unbalance 200% dmg 1 en,30% unbalance 100% dmg 1 en,Gabocha unbalance 300% dmg 1 en,both unbalance 150% dmg 1 en or 50% 1 column 200% dmg 1 column 50% dmg all enemies 150% dmg 1 en,30% ko 300% dmg 1 en,Valeria unbal 50% dmg all en, 20% death 75% dmg all en, unbalance 100% dmg all enemies 300% dmg 1 en,only when berserk 200% dmg 1 en,Hix get damage 150% dmg 1 en,30% poison

________________ /3 Person Unites \___________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name



Bandit ATK Beastmaster ATK Beauty ATK

Lo Wen - Koyu - Gijimu Badeaux- 2 monsters Any three of Karen, Kasumi,Lorelai,Rina Eilie - Rina - Bolgan Futch - Luc - Sasuke Bolgan - LChan- Gantetsu Flik - Camus- Miklotov Millie - Meg - Tengaar Sierra - Bob - Bolgan

150% dmg 1 en, 30% ko 150% dmg 1 en, berserk 25% dmg all en, 60% sleep

Circus ATK Cutie Boy ATK Flash ATK Pretty Boy ATK Pretty Girl ATK Servant ATK

200% dmg 1 en, Bolgan unbal 100% dmg all en,unfriendly 150% dmg all en,get 50% dmg 150% dmg 1 en, 25% death 50% dmg all enemies 400% dmg 1 en, Bob-Bolgan damaged, Sierra healed

________________ /4 Person Unites \___________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : True Beauty ATK Who : Karen-Kasumi-Lorelai-Rina Effects : 100% dmg all en, 70% sleep. ________________ /5 Person Unites \___________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : 5 Squirrel ATK Who : All squirrels (5) Effects : Removes 1 enemy from the battlefield, but you get no money or experiences. ____________ /Rune Unites \_______________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------You simply have to equip any two of the 4th level crystal (Flowing, Mother Earth, Rage, Cyclone, or Thunder). Name


Blazing Camp Scorched Earth Storm Fang Thor Water Dragon

Thunder MotherEarth MotherEarth Flowing Flowing

Effects -

Rage Rage Cyclone Thunder Cyclone

2000 dmg 1 enemy + all enemies 1300 dmg all enemies 1000 dmg all enemies 2000 dmg 1 enemy + heal allies 800 dmg all en + heal allies

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X. HEADQUARTERS/CASTLE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is where all of the mini-game are! so try all of them! Anyway, you have to get certain characters in order to get these mini-game. _______ /Cooking\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------When you get Hai Yo, you can enter the cooking contest, after an

event or more, simply go to the restaurant, and you will enter a cooking contest (there are a lot of contests), if you win, you will get a recipe. To creates a food, choose a recipe, the spice and you will be given the ingredients needed to create that food. Note that there are more than 200 combination between the recipes and the spices (1 recipe can create 6 foods with: no spice, sugar, salt, mayonnaise, soy sauce, and red pepper). Ingredients, you can get them by Fishing, Farming, and Herding. Fishing can be gotten when you get Tai Ho and Yam Koo, for Farming is when you get Tony, and for Herding is when you get Yuzu. For the contest, you have to create 3 foods, the opening food, main menu, and the desert. You have to choose a recipe and the spice and create a food. The judges for each contests are different and random, and the judges are your own Stars of Destiny (there are five judges, and you will be given the clue what they like before the contest). Here is the complete list where you get the recipes : Recipes Locations : ------------------Name Where Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Hai Yo has it Win Hai Yo's first match Muse, Huan, possible only after recruiting Tuta Hai Yo has it Cook inside Coronet Inn Hai Yo has it Hai Yo has it Win Hai Yo's second match Kuskus, Bookshelf in normal house Hai Yo has it Kuskus Item shop Rare Find Dropped from enemy Eagle Man inside Kobold Forest Cook inside Kobold Village Chief's tent Cook inside Radat Bar Hai Yo has it Lakewest, Taki's house Win Hai Yo's third match Radat Item shop Rare Find Win Hai Yo's fourth match Cook inside Greenhill Inn Dropped from enemy Land Sharks inside TwoRiver Sewers Win Hai Yo's sixth match TwoRiver Item shop Rare Find Win Hai Yo's fifth match Greenhill Item shop Rare Find Highway Item shop Rare Find Win Hai Yo' eighth match Gregminster Item shop Rare Find Dropped from enemy Zombie Slug inside Matilda Path Win Hai Yo's seventh match Kobold Item shop Rare Find Highway, Kent's mother, possible only after Dragon Quest Win Hai Yo's tenth match Dropped by Yellow DoReMi Elf inside Greenhill forest path Muse Item shop Specials, only after Muse retaken Dropped from enemy Highlands inside Rockaxe

Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe

37 38 39 40

Rockaxe, Gorudo's room, only after Rockaxe retaken Win Hai Yo's eleventh match Gremio will give it to the Hero, only after Lester contest Win Hai Yo's final match.

Recipe's Food Name : -------------------Recipe No. Food Name (No spices) Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Reciep Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe Recipe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Tomago-Yaki Tomato Soup Ohitashi Salad Gyoza Chowder BBQ Meat Bun Buttered Clams Fish Fry Ice Cream Quiche Sandwich Meat Pie Simmered Fish Fried Fish Balls Sunomono Cake Croquettes Pasta Tempura Grilled Fish Gratin Rice Omelet Fried Rice Pizza Teriyaki Tonkatsu Curry Rice Grilled Beef Ramen Hamburger Obento Sushi Japanese Stew Full Course Ghengis Khan Steak Sashimi Combo Special Stew Kaiseki Dinner

Spices Locations : -----------------Spice Name Where (in Trading Posts) Sugar Mayonnaise Salt Soy Sauce

Kobold Village, Forest Village, Highway Village Kobold Village, South Window, Highway Village Forest Village, Rokkaku, South Window Rokkaku, Gregminster

Red Pepper Gregminster, Crom Village, Rockaxe _______ __/Fishing\__________________________________________________________ You may want to go fishing now (to get ingredients for Hai Yo's restaurant). Go to the docks, in the dock, go to the east area and talk to Tai Ho and Yam Koo. You can use Yam Koo's fishing rod, but you must pay 100 potch for the bait. Anyway, here's how to fish. Just cast out with your rod. Once you have cast out your line, just wait for a fish to strike. If you get tired of waiting and want to quit, press triangle button to reel in your line. But you will have to change the bait. When you have got a fish on the line, press the cross button quickly to increase your pulling power. The green gauge on the right is your Pulling Power. You have to match this with the fish's Pulling Power. As it struggles, its Pulling Power will change, so be careful to keep them in sync. If the gauge turns red, it means you're pulling too hard and if you keep it up, you will pull the hook right out of its mouth. On the other hand, if it turns blue, you're not pulling hard enough and the fish will soon tear the hook off. There are 8 err...7 types of fish, plus a err...extraordinary fish (+_+). Here they are: 1.Salmon : For cooking. Expensive, rare fish. 2.Shrimp : For cooking. 3.Shelfish : For cooking. 4.Whitefish : For cooking. 5.BlowFish : Not for eat. 6.StoneFish : Not for eat. 7.Squid : Not for eat. 8.Boots : Hey! you want to eat this!? _______ __/Farming\__________________________________________________________ After you get many seeds from around the world, give them to Tony and he will grow them for your ingredients. Here is the Seed's list : Name Cabbage




Tomato Spinach

Tony has it. Lakewest, one of the barrel. Drakemouth Village Storage room,in the rear box with a bag. Tony has it. A woman in Banner Village's Item shop. Dropped by enemy Papa Holly ('forest path' to Matilda) Banner Village's Item shop Rare Find. From a man in Gregminster, 700 potch. From a child in Tigermouth Village. From Susu after Chaco joins Forest Village's Elder, after Tony joins. Dropped by enemy Eye Flower (Greenhill world map, after Greenhill liberated).

_______ __/Herding\__________________________________________________________ When you get Yuzu, you have chance to get many animals around the world. Some of them can be gotten and you can buy some of them. Here is the list where you get the livestocks : Calf

: Buy at Drakemouth Village

Buy at Highway Village Buy at Highway Village after taking Rockaxe Chick : Tigermouth Village Lakewest Beach Yuzu has it Lamb : Buy at Forest Village Buy at Kobold Village Sajah Village Rare Find Yuzu has it Piglet : Buy at Radat Buy at Rokkaku Greenhill, next to academy after liberation __________ /The Statue\_________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------You have all the plans now, you can build a statue by talking to Judo (in the stone tablet room) and creates a statue by combining the plans. You can create a pure animal (there are 4: Dragon,Unicorn, Rabbit,Turtle)or a weird animal (like combining the head of dragon with the body of turtle). However, every combination have their own price, you can get certain item (sometimes very rare item) from the combination. Check some Faqs in to see which item gotten with certain combination. You only get the item in the first try however. Here is the Plans list : Rabbit Plans #1 : Rabbit Plans #2 : Rabbit Plans #3 : Rabbit Plans #4 : Turtle Plans #1 : Turtle Plans #2 : Turtle Plans #3 : Turtle Plans #4 : Unicorn Plans #1: Unicorn Plans #2: Unicorn Plans #3: Unicorn Plans #4: Dragon Plans #1 : Dragon Plans #2 : Dragon Plans #3 : Dragon Plans #4 :

Judo has it Highway Item shop Rare Find Banner Item shop Rare Find Greenhill Item shop Rare Find, Greenhill recaptured Dropped from enemy Rockadillo near Greenhill area Dropped from enemy Ragged One near Greenhill area Dropped from enemy Skyknight at Rakutei Mountain Win in the Climbing Contest, (Group) Ring. Judo has it Inside one of the chests in Rakutei Mountain Tinto, one of the houses Inside one of the chests in Rockaxe Castle Judo has it Inside one of the chests in Rakutei Mountain Tinto, one of the houses Inside one of the chests in Rockaxe Castle

And here is some of good prizes you get the first time when you build a statue in your castle, some of them are: Head





Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Turtle Turtle Turtle

Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Turtle Rabbit Turtle

Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Turtle Dragon

Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn

Fortune and Prosperity Crystal Phero Crystal Warrior Crystal Hazy Crystal Chaos Shield Viper Crystal Kindness Crystal Dryad Crystal Friendship Crystal

Dragon Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Firefly Crystal Rabbit Dragon Turtle Unicorn Balance Crystal Dragon Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Gale Crystal Dragon Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Wall Crystal ____________________ /The Climbing Contest\_______________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------You can go to the climbing contest. Go north from your restaurant and talk to a man in there. The rules is here. ___________ H1# | | | | | M | | | | | | | | H1@ H2 H3

This is the basic layout of the game. You start in H1@, while your enemies are H2 and H3. You throw a dice and example, you get 4, you climb four times. Now its your enemy's turn. Now its your turn, you throw, if you got 5, you climb 5 times, but if you got 1, you fall to the bottom. To help falling all over to the bottom, you can place a 'mark'.

If you in H1# and there is no mark, you throw the dice and got 1, you will fall to H1@. But if you have placed a mark in 'M', you will fall to 'M', thus will help you to climb once more with lesser distance. If you win, you can get certain items listed before you play (some of the prizes is rare, so get them!): *(Hero's Weapon)League : Cost : 1000 potch Rare Prizes: Rose Bouquet, Cup of Promise. *(Hero's Name) League : Cost : 5000 potch Rare Prizes: Secret Writings, Lubricating Oil, Invincible Smile, Boulder Set, Blue Dragon Urn, Ninja Suit. *(Castle Name) League : Cost : 10000 potch Rare Prizes: Dog Whistle, Sexy Wink, Taikyoku Wear, Sunglasses, Millet Dumplings, Ninja Suit, Turtle Plans #4. _____________ /Whack-A-Mole!\______________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Same as Farming, when you get Tony, you can talk to him and play the Whack-A-Mole! First you have to choose the difficulty levels. Note that the hole are the same as your stick (there 8 hole and your controller has 8 holes in the 4 hole (directional button) and 4 hole (the S,T,O,X buttons). Note again, hit the brown and green moles only and don't hit the yellow one or it will count as 1 miss. Green moles are faster than brown one. * * * *

Beginner Regular Hard Ultimate

: : : :

Only brown moles (get Mole Helmet if you win). Brown,Green,Yellow moles (get Mole Shield). Brown,Green,Yellow moles. Screen rotates (Get Mole Suit). Green and Yellow moles. Screen rotates. No miss allowed. (Get any of those three items above).

_________ /The Baths\__________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

After you get Tetsu, your castle will have The Baths. You can upgrade you bath as you get more Stars of Destiny. You can know your castle level by the baths in your castle. The bath can be gotten when you have Tetsu. Example: 1 bath available = castle level 1. 2 bath available = castle level 2, etc. The castle level is upgraded as you get more Stars of Destiny. Here is the list: Level 1 (1-30 characters) : Drum Can Baths Level 2 (31-60 characters) : Cypress Baths Level 3 (61-100 characters) : Marble Baths Level 4 (100+ characters) : Jungle Baths Level 5 (*) : Open-Air Baths *You can get the level 5 baths by bathing inside the bath (in the level 4 baths) for around 20 times or more* ___________ /The Library\________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------The Library, this place is not needed, but you can get useful info by reading its book. The book itself is Old Books you get from around the world. Here is the info where you get the Old Books : Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol

1 2 3 4 5

: : : : :

Hero's (or Genkaku's) house, in a shelf. Inside one of the chest in the Ruins (near Hilda's Inn). South Window Item shop Rare Find. Muse City Hall Library, top shelf. On the RIGHT side of the shelf inside Greenhill school 1st Floor classroom. (the room with a book above the entrance) Vol 6 : Forest Village Trading Center, an old man will give it. Vol 7 : Gregminster Palace, Bookshelf near McDohl's statue. Vol 8 : Tigermouth Village house, bookshelf. Vol 9 : Inside one of the chest in Crom Mines. Vol 10: Greenhill dormitory basement, an old man will give it. Vol 11: Rockaxe Item shop cellar, bookshelf. Matilda recaptured. Vol 12: Old man in Muse Bar. Only when Muse have recaptured. ________ /The Dice\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------After you get Shilo (human, not the dog), you can play the Dice in your castle. The rules are same as Suikoden I, but it's harder to get money, because you cant get more than 3000 potch and you cant get storms so easily. Also, the winning accumulation is just disappeared so you can't doubles the money you get. For the tutorial, you will be given when you fight him the first time, listen and you will get it. ______________________ /The Blacksmith Hammers\_____________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------To upgrade your weapon level, you must go to your blacksmith (Tessai) and give your best hammer and upgrade your weapon. The hammer will determine the maximum weapon level upgrade. Example: The Silver Hammer can upgrade your weapon level to max level 15 only, and cant upgrade to level 16, but Golden Hammer can upgrade to level 16.

Iron Hammer (Lvl 9) : Man inside Forest Village Armor shop. Copper Hammer (Lvl 12): A Soldier inside Gregminster Palace. Silver Hammer (Lvl 15): Greenhill Forge classroom,Greenhill recaptured. Golden Hammer (Lvl 16): Sajah Village Rare Find. ______________________________ /Dance Dance Dance Karenlution!\_____________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------After you get Karen, talk to her in the backstage of the Castle's stage and dance with her. You have to follow his instructions and press button as she claps. There are 5 levels of difficulties. The first three is easy, because it is not random and you can write down the buttons. But the 4th and the 5th is the hardest, but press the buttons as she claps. Note: you can put the statues and paintings gotten into the baths! Level Level Level Level Level

1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen

Statue A Statue B Statue C Painting A Painting B

Note: A little trick here is to press the 'Select' button, and you can see what to press next time! Just do everthing one clap before and you will win very easily! Thanks to Sailor Nemesis for this info. ___________ /The Jukebox\________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Once you get Pico, Alberto, and Annallee, they can sing some songs for you, simply talk to them and choose the music. Name


In Praise of Peace Distant Sky Captured City Free Again The Golden Capital Shines Once More In Tranquility Peaceful Time Bustling City City of Memories We Are Number One! If you Listen Carefully Oh Beautiful Dancer The Outskirts of Tinto Town Ripple of Fate Carry You Away Let's Climb That Hill My Lady's Sigh Proud Saraband Village of Chirping Birds Hidden Hamlet of the Ninjas Nahara Yan Kun Barren Earth Children Playing in the Field Everyday is a Carnival If You Don't Work, You Can't Eat

Gregminster Castle Banner Village Greenhill (before) Greenhill (after) Gregminster White Deer Inn Headquarters 1 Headquarters 2 Kyaro Kobold Village Coronet,Drakemouth,Sajah Kuskus Crom Lakewest Muse Radat Rockaxe Ryube Rokkaku South Window Tinto Toto Two River Mercenary Fort

The Oppressed Winger District Forest of Confusion Generic Dungeon Theme "We Love Our Master" Fugae Neclord's Castle ____________________ /Window/Sound Setting\_______________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------When you have Tenkou and Connell, you can change the window or sound setting by talking to them and bring them the Window Set or Sound Set. Here is the location where you get the Window Set and Sound Set: Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound

Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Set

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

: : : : : : :

Dropped by Tiger Dropped by Air Lizards Tenkou has it Tenkou has it Crom Mines chest Greenhill Item Shop Rare Find L'Renouille chest

: : : : : : :

Muse, given by Elza Dropped by DoremiElf Connell has it Connell has it Radat Item Shop Rare Find A ninja in Rokkaku Forest Village, Connell's sister

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XI. The Old Books >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ______________ __/Old Book Vol.1\___________________________________________________ "Antique List" Failure Urn Octopus Urn Vase Wide Urn Blue Dragon Urn Celadon Urn Black Urn Fine Bone China Hex Doll Japanese Dish Chinese Dish Persian Lamp Peeing Boy Coral Bonsai Knight Statuette Goddess Statuette Graffiti Flower Painting Lover's Garden Landscape Paint Nature's Beauty ______________

20 1000 5000 8000 16000 20000 40000 120000 120 6000 12000 15000 34000 40000 50000 60000 200000 200 14000 58000 80000 400000

__/Old Book Vol.2\___________________________________________________ "Seeker of Sindar" I spent my life chasing the secrets of the Sindar, but here in these ruins, I've reached the end of my strength. And so I write some of what I have learned. The Sindar are a phantom race. They have been known throughout history and yet their true nature is a mystery. They came from the north and traveled south, leaving mysterious ruins behind them. Legends say the clan leader had a cursed rune inscribed on his forehead. It granted eternal life but doomed the clan to a life of wandering. They say a secret treasure lies at the heart of the ruins, but there are many traps, and most seekers find only death, like myself... ______________ __/Old Book Vol.3\___________________________________________________ "Rare Find List" *Ryube Leather Coat Brass Armor *Toto Feathered Hat *Kyaro Winged Boots *Muse Sun Badge Guard Robe Circuret Water Crystal Fury Crystal *Coronet Tunic Karate Uniform *Kuskus Sacrificial Jizo *South Window Half Plate Kite Shield Water Crystal *Radat Speed Ring Sound Set #5 Magic Robe *Lakewest Head Gear Earth Crystal *Two River Guard Ring Silver Hat Wizard Crystal *Kobold Village Gold Emblem Heavy Necklace *Greenhill Draining Crystal *Forest Village

Scale Mail *Rockaxe Silverlet Brass Armor Thunder God Garb *Highway Village Rabbit Plans #2 Thunder Amulet *Banner Village Rose Brooch Rabbit Plans #3 Full Plate *Gregminster Winged Boots Mangosh Mother Earth Crystal Flowing Crystal *Tinto Town Skill Ring Wind Hat Tunic Taikyoku Wear *Crom Magic Ring ______________ __/Old Book Vol.4\___________________________________________________ "Suspicious Character List" *Clive From the Howling Voice Guild chasing a "woman". Becareful of his gun. *Oulan Trying to get rid Kuskus of a thief who preys on all-female parties. *Zamza Seen in South Window. A master of magic and fists, he can also be seen in Toto. *Killey Hunts for the secrets of the Sindar. Seems to be exploring in South Window. *Hoi A thief who goes in and out of Radat. *Simone Verdricci Staying in Radat while he studies away from home. *Pesmerga Black Knight seen in Toran as well as in the Cave of the Winds. *Jeane Runemaster from Toran. Opened a shop in Two River. *Meg and Gadget Apprentice to a mechanician. Seen travelling from Greenhill to Muse. *Genshu Seen at the inn in Coronet Village. Travels the world to improve his swordsmanship. ______________ __/Old Book Vol.5\___________________________________________________ "Birth of the 27 True Runes"

In the beginning there was Darkness. The Darkness lived alone for eons. Suffering in solitude for so long a time, the Darkness finally shed a Tear. From this Tear, two brothers were born, Sword and Shield. Sword bragged that he could cut anything to pieces and to that Shield answered that nothing could ever harm him. And so the two went to war. The battle raged for seven days and seven nights. Sword cut Shield, Shield smashed Sword. Fragments of Sword rained down and formed the sky. Fragments of Shield rained down and formed the earth. Sparks from the battle becomes the stars. The 27 jewels adorning Sword and Shield became the "27 True Runes" and the World came into being. ______________ __/Old Book Vol.6\___________________________________________________ "A Guide to Trading" Always gather information before trading. Check the prices of goods at the trading posts in each area. When you find items with price differences, buy low and sell high. That's the basis of all trade. Trading posts keep inventory. If you buy all of the trade items from a certain location, it will take some time for them to be restocked. So it wouldn't be a bad idea to find a route where you can visit 3 trading posts in a row. For example, buy "salt" in South Window. Then sell the salt in Forest Village and buy "sugar". Sell the "sugar" in Kobold Village and buy "mayonnaise". Then head back to South Window. Inexpensive items don't bring much profits. So leave your items in your warehouse so you can trade many items at one time. There is a lot of false information going around so try to find reliable people to take advice from. ______________ __/Old Book Vol.7\___________________________________________________ "The Gate Rune War" The war in which Toran Republic defeated the Scarlet Moon Empire is known as the "Gate Rune War" or the "Liberation War". The first leader of the victorious Liberation Army was a woman named Odessa Silverburg. She was originally imperial nobility, but her lover was killed by the Empire and so she joined the Resistance and formed the Liberation Army. The original member were Flik, Humphrey, and Sanchez, but according to another member, Viktor, the later victories were due to the intervention of McDohl, son of the 6th imperial general. During the war, Odessa was killed and McDohl took over leadership of the Liberation Army. McDohl followed the advice of General Mathiu and set up Toran Castle as the New Liberation Army base. After many battles, they succeeded in overthrowing Emperor Barbarossa. However after helping form a new nation, McDohl journeyed off to somewhere without ever seeing the fruits of his long labor. ______________ __/Old Book Vol.8\___________________________________________________

"The Grasslands" The Grasslands are a grassy plain stretching from the western part of Tinto to the north. Many different peoples live there, and trying to take control of it. Tinto plans on more raids in the future, but they're hindered by the Grasslanders, particularly the Karaya and Chisya Clans as well as the Free Knights of Camaro. Recently border attacks by a group called "The Keepers of the Flame" have increased. ______________ __/Old Book Vol.9\___________________________________________________ "Regional Hammers" Iron Hammer Crude Hammer made of iron. Can be raised to weapon level 9. Found in the Forest Village. Copper Hammer Well-made copper hammer. Can be raised to weapon level 12. Rumored to have been seen in Gregminster. Silver Hammer Elegantly crafted silver hammer. Can be raised to weapon level 15. Rumored to be hidden in Greenhill. Golden Hammer The most powerful of the hammers. Can be raised to weapon level 16. Whereabouts unknown, but some say it is in Highland. _______________ __/Old Book Vol.10\__________________________________________________ "Vegetable List" Cabbage Available in *Lakewest *Drakemouth Village Seed Potato Available in *Matilda Forest *Banner Village Spinach Seedlings Available in *Two River *Forest Village *Monsters around Greenhill area Tomato Available in *Banner item store *Gregminster *Tigermouth Village _______________ __/Old Book Vol.11\__________________________________________________ "Livestock List" Chick Available in

*Lakewest *Tigermouth Village Piglet Available in *Radat *Greenhill *Rokkaku Hamlet Lamb Available in *Kobold Village *Forest Village *Sajah Village Calf Available in *Highway Village *Drakemouth Village _______________ __/Old Book Vol.12\__________________________________________________ "The Gourmet Tour" A list of the greatest food in each region! if you go there, try these!! *City of Muse Start with Ohitashi, a refreshing Japanese spinach salad. *Coronet Try the Gyoza (Fried Dumplings) here. *Kuskus The Fish Fry in this harbor city is delicious. The Quiche is good too. *Radat The Simmered Fish is fantastic. Also the Croquetters are addictive. *Lakewest For a nice variety, enjoy the Sunomono here or... *Two River ...the grilled or Rice Omelet here. *Kobold Village You may have fun picknicking on Kobold Meatpies, Hamburgers or Sandwiches in an open field. *Greenhill Japanese Stew, Tempura, and Pizza are popular with the students here. *Highway Village Try the Obento (boxed lunch) or the Teriyaki while haggling with merchants. *Rockaxe The most popular dish here is "Genghis Khan" *Gregminster If you make it this far, end your journey pleasantly with some Curry. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XIIa. Miscellaneous >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________

/Strategy Battle Tutorial\___________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Really, really different from the other one more difficult to learn and win. ___________ ___ |MMM|FFF|FFF|A1 | MMM: Mountains |MMM|FFF|FFF|___| FFF: Forest |MMM| |E1 | | A1 : Hero's group |MMM|___|___|___| A2 : Heroine's group |MMM|A2 | |E2 | E1 : Enemy's group 1 |MMM|___|___|___| E2 : Enemy's group 2

in Suikoden I. It is much

(Soldier Type) (Archer Type) (Magic Type) (Cavalry Type)

So, say if in turn 1, A2 (Archer) attack E2 (remember the attack range of an archer group?) so E2 can't counterattack (E2 is a Cavalry type, but the archers only counterattacked by archer/magic). Then, A1 (Soldier) move downwards 1 block and attack E2 (this will causes A1 will attack and E2 will counterattack). Now, you got it all? now test your ability in the real one! See? it is like that. Every group The commander of the group will have skills and the characters supporting attacks attribute (such as Atck. +2, There are a lot of combination, just section for more info).

contains 3 characters maximum. certain "Attack" and "Defend" him/her give him/her some skills/ Def. +1, Scout ability,etc). try them (see Miscellaneous

There are 3 commands if you choose a group: Attack : Attack using the leader's type (archer, magic, melee). Wait : Do nothing. Rune : Uses Support characters' Rune. There are 4 types of group: Soldier: Move 1, Attack range 1, will be countered. Archer : Move 1, Attack range 1-2, can be countered by archer/magic. Magic : Move 1, Attack range 1-3, can be countered by archer/magic. Magic Cavalry : Move 2, Attack range 1-3, countered by archer/magic. Archer Cavalry: Move 2, Attack range 1-2, countered by archer/magic. Cavalry: Move 2, Attack range 1, will be countered. *Every group has HP, mainly in sword slash* __________________________ /Strategy Battle Statistics\_________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Note that every group has leader and the leader cant be changed, and you can only change the supporting characters by talking to Apple. There are a lot of skills that only certain characters have and its very useful. Note: the Leader has base stats (example: the Leader, have 8 BaseAtk, the support characters have SupAtk 1 and 2 so the total attack of that group is 11). _______________________ __/Cavalry/Soldier Leaders\__________________________________________ Name


Hero Boris Georg

8 9 11

BaseDef 9 8 8

Skills Bright Shield Evade Critical

Gilbert Hauser Kiba Maximillian Ridley Valeria Viktor

7 9 7 6 10 8 8

8 8 12 7 7 8 7

--Cavalry Heavy Armour, Cavalry Cavalry Critical Cavalry ---

BrightShield : Heals all player troops in 2 square range of Hero's group. Cavalry : Group becomes Cavalry unit (meaning move = 2). Critical : Does double damage. Evade : No damage taken from enemy attack. Heavy Armour : Can take 1 extra hit i.e. 3 hits before unit retreats. _______________ __/Archers Leaders\__________________________________________________ Name Ayda Flik Kasumi Teresa



6 7 6 5

5 7 6 6

Skills Repair Self (1), Forest Walk Cavalry Scout Bombard (2)

Bombard : Attacks enemy in far distance (5 squares). Cavalry : Group becomes Cavalry unit (meaning move = 2). Forest Walk : Able to move 3 squares in forest. Repair Self : Recovers 1 hit damage for group. Scout : Will report the troop's and enemy's hit percentage. _____________ __/Magic Leaders\____________________________________________________ Name




Luc Mazus

10 9

4 6

Wind (3) Fire Magic (1), Evade

Evade : No damage taken from enemy attack. Fire Magic : Fire magic attack to 4 enemies within 3 square range. Wind : Wind magic attack to 1 enemy within 3 square range. ___________________ __/Supports Characters\______________________________________________ Name




Adlai Annallee Apple Camus Chaco Emilia Freed Y. Gijimu Hanna Huan Humphrey Jeane Jess Jowy

----+1 ----------+2 ------+2 +2

----+2 +1 +1 --+1 +1 ----+2 ----+1

Invention (1) Encourage (2) Evade Cavalry Flight Investigate --Melee --Heal (3) Heavy Armour Lightningx1 Evade Critical

Klaus Koyu Lo Wen Lorelai Miklotov Nanami Oulan Pesmerga Shin Shu Tai Ho Templton Tsai Tuta Yam Koo

--+1 +2 --+1 +1 --+3 +1 +3 +2 --+1 --+1

Bodyguard BrightShield Cavalry Critical Encourage

: : : : :

Evade Fire Spear Flight Forest Walk Heal Heavy Armour Invention Investigate Lightning Melee

: : : : : : : : : :

+3 ----+2 --+1 ------+1 +1 +1 ----+1

Evade, Cavalry Repair Self (1) Melee --Cavalry Repair Self (1) Bodyguard Cavalry Critical Critical, Evade --Shortcut Fire Spear (2) Repair Selfx3 ---

Ensures that nobody in group will die. Heals all player troops in 2 square range of Hero's group. Group changes to Cavalry, movement 2. Does double damage. All player groups that have ended their turns in 1 square range of Annallee's group can move again. No damage taken from enemy attack. Fire attack to all in a 3 square straight line. Group move +2 squares, no movement restrictions. Able to move 3 squares in forest. Recovers 1 hit damage for 1 player group within 3 range. Can take 1 extra hit i.e. 3 hits before unit retreats. Attack to all in 1 square range of Adlai's group. Will report the troop's and enemy's hit percentage. Lightning magic attack to 1 enemy within 3 square. 100% damage to enemy Archer, Magic groups, will not work with Archer, Magic groups. Recovers 1 hit damage for group. Will report the troop and enemy's hit percentage. No movement restrictions.

Repair Self : Scout : Shortcut : __________ /Enemy List\_________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Note: *** means random Name



World Map Near Mercenary Fort ----------------------------Cut Rabbit 50 Antitoxin, Double Beat, Cream Stew, Technique Holly Boy 5 Medicine, Spinach Juice Fur Fur 30 Clay Guardian North Sparrow Pass -----------------Bandit A 150 Bandit B 150 Bandit C 150 Bon Bon 35 Cut Rabbit 50 Killer Bee 15

Medicine ? ornament, Rising Sun Bento Escape Talisman; Cheek Guards ? vase Antitoxin, Double Beat, Cream Stew, Technique Flaming Arrows



World Map Near Kyaro -------------------Bon Bon(2) 40 Cut Rabbit(2) 60 Spider 100


? vase Antitoxin; Technique Crystal Leather Cape

World Map Near Mercenary Fort (2) --------------------------------Bon Bon(3) 60 Fried Fish Balls, ? vase Shadow Dog 130 Hazy Crystal Woodpecker 80 Wind of Sleep, Killer, Fried Fish Balls Ryube Forest -----------Giant Snail Gold Boar Kill Spider

200 300 100

Antitoxin --Cheek Guards

World Map Near Muse City -----------------------Giant Snail 200 Antitoxin Sickle 200 Antitoxin, Gale Crystal Wild Boar 250 Pointed Hat Sindar Ruins -----------Sickle Creeper Mega Watt Nightmare Mr. Venus Salamander

200 50 300 250 400 200

Antitoxin, Gale Crystal Medicine, Green Salad, Throat Drops Leather Armor, Green Salad Escape Talisman Titan Crystal, Unicorn Crystal Fire Lizard Crystal

Forest Path to Highland Camp ---------------------------Armadilloid 7000 ? vase Armadillon 350 Brass Armor Highlands 300 --Kill Rabbit 300 Belt of Strength World Map Near South Window --------------------------Dark Bunny 350 Shoulder Pads Flyer 150 Medicine, Medicine Crystal Target Lady 600 Dryad Crystal, Pixie Crystal Cave of the Wind ---------------Griffin 550 Minos 500 Sorceror 450 Sun King 700

Wind Hat, Wind Crystal Grilled Beef, Gozz Crystal, Mega Medicine Escape Talisman Wall Crystal

North Window/Neclord's Castle ---------------------------Shadow Man 300 ---

Sorceror(2) Zombie

500 110

--? vase

World Map Near Kobold Village ----------------------------Rockadillo 550 Turtle Plans #1 Sandillo 15000 ? ornament Spikebeak 600 Balance Crystal, Mega Medicine TwoRiver Sewer -------------Devil Eye Land Shark Shadow Siren

600 800 900 800

Kite Crystal Guard Ring, Recipe #21 Mangosh, Throat Drops Banshee Crystal, Water Amulet

Kobold Village Forest Path -------------------------Eagle Man 1100 Sandwich, Recipe #12 Mirage 800 Fire Emblem World Map Near Greenhill -----------------------Holly Boy(2) 100 Needle, Spinach Juice, Medicine Ragged One 5 Turtle Plans #2, ? ornament, Chick Sauroid 600 Protect Mist World Map Near Forest Village ----------------------------Holly Elf 1200 Toe Shoes Melonzoo 750 Needle Monwer 800 --Greenhill Forest Path --------------------Holly Boy(2) 100 Holly Elf 1200 Monwer 800

Needle, Spinach Juice, Medicine Toe Shoes ---

World Map Near Rockaxe ---------------------Phantom 1500 Healing Wind Pink Bird 2000 Sylph Crystal, Skunk Crystal Rakutei Mountain ---------------Assassin 1100 Hawk Man 1400 Pixie 2000 Spiker 1200

--Turtle Plans#3 Pixie Crystal ? vase

World Map Near Muse City(2) --------------------------Time Knight 1700 Mega Medicine White Tiger 3000 Double-Beat Crystal Banner-Gregminster Forest Path ------------------------------

Ran Ran Rin Rin Ten Ten Samurai Tiger

2200 2200 2200 2500 3500

Silverlet, Diet Lunch Medicine Barrier Crystal, Ninja Suit ? ornament, Ninja Suit Window Set #1

Drakemouth-Tigermouth Mountain Path ----------------------------------Air Lizard 2000 Firefly Crystal, Window Set #2 Killer Dog 1800 Antitoxin World Map Near Tinto -------------------Ghost Slug 3000 Skeleton *** Zombie ***

Dancing Flames Gauntlet, Steel Shield ? vase, ? ornament, Power Gloves

Cave to Tinto Mine -----------------Neclordia 3000 Skeleton *** Unicombie 4000 Zombie ***

? ornament Gauntlet, Steel Shield Fire Sealing Crystal ? vase, ? ornament, Power Gloves

Greenhill Forest Path (2) ------------------------Doremi Elf(2) 3000 Japanese Stew, Throat Drops Grand Holly 5500 Cape of Darkness, Spinach Juice Holly Boy(3) 800 Toy Boat Holly Fairy 4000 Dryad Crystal, Kindness Rain Target Girl 4000 Nymph Crystal, Waking Crystal World Map Near Greenhill (2) ---------------------------Eye Flower 3500 Spinach Seedling, Medicine Kookaburra 5000 Guard Ring Greenhill-Matilda Forest Path ----------------------------Doremi Elf 900 Sound Set #2 Holly Boy(3) 150 --Papa Holly 1300 Boulder Set, Seed Potato Zombie Slug 1000 Recipe #29, Thunder Amulet, Canopy Defense Rockaxe Castle -------------Cockatrice Commander Highlands Hippogriff M-Knight

6000 5000 3500 9000 7000

Thunder Crystal --Recipe #36, Ghengis Khan, ? ornament Wind Amulet Master Robe, Knight Rune

World Map Near Rockaxe(2) ------------------------Black Tiger 15000 Full Helmet Fei Yu 4800 Diet Lunch Li Lan 4800 Mega Medicine Shiu Lin 4800 Flowing Crystal

Rakutei Mountain (2) -------------------Iron Claw 9000 Leather Cut 6500 Pixie 30000 Sky Knight 8000

Medicine ----Turtle Plans #3

World Map Near Muse City (3) ---------------------------Copper Sun 7000 Rage Crystal Fish Eye 5500 Protect Mist Iron Moon 7000 --World Map Near L'Renouille -------------------------Colossus 15000 --Minotaurus 10000 Mother Earth Crystal, Spicy Stew L'Renouille ----------Bronzem 20000 Master Garb Chimera 17000 Blood Armor; Lucky Ring Commander (2) 15000 --Highlands (2) 10000 Escape Talisman Magus 14000 ? ornament ________ /Tradings\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Simple, but hard. Tradings means trading, so you must have the ability to look and remember the prices of trade goods in every city. Trading is simply to make money (and to get Gordon of course). By all means, check this one for a guide for trading from the one of the Old Book: "A Guide to Trading" Always gather information before trading. Check the prices of goods at the trading posts in each area. When you find items with price differences, buy low and sell high. That's the basis of all trade. Trading posts keep inventory. If you buy all of the trade items from a certain location, it will take some time for them to be restocked. So it wouldn't be a bad idea to find a route where you can visit 3 trading posts in a row. For example, buy "salt" in South Window. Then sell the salt in Forest Village and buy "sugar". Sell the "sugar" in Kobold Village and buy "mayonnaise". Then head back to South Window. Inexpensive items don't bring much profit. So leave your items in your warehouse so you can trade many items at one time. There is a lot of false information going around so try to find reliable people to take advice from. Tips on trading:

---------------* Buy Pearl from Rokkaku and sell it in Rockaxe. * Buy Gold Bar from Rokkaku and sell it in Rockaxe. * Buy Coral from South Window and sell it in Rockaxe. * Buy Musk from Highway Village and sell it in Crom Village. * Buy Crystal Ball from Crom Village and sell it in Kobold Village. * Buy Ancient Text from Kobold Village and sell it in Forest Village. * Buy Deer Antler from Forest Village and sell it in your castle. Those trading above can give you over 50000 potch profits, which will allow you to get Gordon. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XIIb. Secrets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> __________ /Free Items\_________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Item Name


Friendship Crystal Kindness Crystal Exertion Crystal Sunbeam Crystal MotherEarth Crystal Rage Crystal Silver Armor Flowing Crystal Thunder Crystal Earth Armor Recipe #37 Hunter Crystal Trio Painting

Southwindow Bonsai Lakewest Seaport, Basket with plants Kobold Village, Urn outside elder house Crom Village Elder, after Neclord defeated Tinto City, Gustav, after Neclord defeated Greenhill, RuneTeacher, after Greenhill captured Muse Weapon Shop clerk, after Muse captured Muse Rune Shop, man upstair, after Muse captured Rockaxe castle,Gorudo's room (@) Rockaxe castle,Gorudo's room (@) Rockaxe castle,Gorudo's room (@) Kyaro, big tree near Genkaku's house (*) Kyaro, big tree near Genkaku's house (*)

@ Gorudo's room is just right from the place where Nanami get hit. * Possible only after defeating Beast Rune. ___________ /JAA's Notes\________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Sometimes, in a rare occasion, Family Attack will do something different. Nanami will do something weird while the Hero fighting the enemy (doing more damage) and Nanami is healed. Couples and family will block for each other if the one is weak. Also, if the other one is ko'd, there is a good chance that the other will become berserk. Example: Hero-Nanami, Yoshino-Freed Y, Tsai-Tomo, and Hix-Tengaar. A lot of people have trouble getting Oulan (because you need pure females). To ease it, simply use the characters in this list: * Eilie * Nina * Karen * Tengaar * Meg * Tomo * Mikumiku * Viki * Nanami * Wakaba You can reach the upstairs of the item shop in Radat that the woman

will not let you pass by having Viki teleport you. If she makes a mistake, there's a chance you'll end up here. You'll find: Dragon Armor, Mole Suit, 9 Mega Medicine, Gold Emblem, and a Blue Gate Crystal. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XIIc. Side Quests >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ____________________ /Search for Bonaparte\_______________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Characters gotten: Millie, Shiro, Kinnison. For the other, you must finish a side quest first. First, go to Ryube and talk to Millie in the northeast area of the village. She will ask you to search Bonaparte (her Pet),agree. Now you will be in a dungeon north of Ryube. --Ryube Forest-Treasure: Leather Cape, Gauntlet. If you go south, you will go back to Ryube and Millie leaves your party, so you must find Bonaparte in order to get her. In the first fork, go left and put the baby bird back in the nest. Now continue to the next screen. Now go left in the fork to take the treasures (Leather Cape, Gauntlet). Go back and go right, and pass the bridge to a house. Check the house, its empty, so go back (you may need to know it). Now go back to the baby bird nest to find Shiro and Kinnison and say the truth (you put the baby bird back) and choose 1 to let them join you. You can put them or one of them in your party, but be sure not to remove Nanami (you need her). Now go back to the very first fork and go right. Millie will find Bonaparte but he run away, after him and fight him. BOSS: Bonaparte --------------Just use Unite attack (Shiro-Kinnison or Hero-Nanami) and the other just attack/use medicine. This should be not too hard. When you win, Millie finally can use her rune and she will join you. (Shiro recruited) 8/108 Join after above sidequest (finding Bonaparte) (Kinnison recruited) 9/108 Join after above sidequest (finding Bonaparte) (Millie recruited) 10/108 Join after above sidequest (finding Bonaparte) _______________ /Break the Gate!\____________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Submitted by John Case ([email protected]) At a very early point in the game, "before Toto is burned down an hour or two in during the Pilika side-quest" when you go to the Muse area, go north to the Muse-Matilda border, although the guards tell you that you may not enter, you can push the gate right off its hinges. You can keep pushing the gate until you enter the world map:) Once you enter the Matilda area you have full access to towns such as Rockaxe and Highway village. I'm not sure what else you can do here because if you get attacked even once you will be slaughtered, no matter how much you have built up. There is only one problem, the game might lock up. It locked

up on me when I tried to advance the Dragon-Knight plot in Highway village. Just open the playstation lid then close it. If you save the game here then reset there doesn't seem to be anymore problems. "I have not used any cheats, like gameshark, or anything else that would result in glitches." I would like to know if this glitch is just localized to my game "which is brand-new" or if this happens on everyone's game. If you have time would you e-mail me, at your convenience, to tell me if you have or have not heard of this before. John Case [email protected] Submitted by Greg Ferrell ([email protected]) This is about the part where you can push the gate early on at the MuseHighland checkpoint. I've found a way to beat the monsters. I made it to Highway Village and I got Futch and Humphrey to go on their side-quest. I put them both in my party and went out to fight. Those two alone could beat one set of monsters so whoever else was left other than them got at least 6 levels, then I would go back to the inn and stay there, using the money i got from the battle. Soon enough, everybody was getting levels. Right now I have the hero on level 36! I am supposed to be getting the wooden amulet for pilika. Greg Ferrell [email protected] _________________ /The Unicorn Quest\__________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Characters gotten: Hix, Tengaar. First, head to Lakewest's inn and talk with them there. After some conversation, they will go to Kobold Village (south of Two River city). After them. In Kobold Village, Search the urn next to the elder's house in Kobold Village to find an Exertion Crystal. In the item store's rare find, you can buy Recipe #31. You can buy a Lamb here. Also, in the Trading Post, you can buy Sugar. Go to the elder's house and talk to them. Talk to the chef in this house to get Recipe #13. The next morning, Tengaar should be sick, the elder says that Tengaar had suffered the Unicorn curse. And only three items can heal her. They are the Blue Stone (South Window), Red Flower (Wind Cave), and Green Bell (Two River Sewer). Get them. Now go to Southwindow and buy the Blue Stone from the item store. Now go to the trading post here and buy Mayonnaise (you have read my note above, have you?). Everytime you get one of them, you have to go back to the elder. Now after you have gotten all three items, Tengaar will be missing. After her to the Unicorn Woods (north of elder house). --Unicorn Woods-Treasures: Necklace, Necklace, Necklace, Necklace (...) Later Treasures: Mangosh, Guard Ring. First, note the enemies EagleMan here, you can get the Recipe #12 rarely from them. Take the first right path to find a chest (Necklace). Left takes you to another fork. Go southeast for a (Necklace). Another (Necklace) can be found on the northern path. Head right. After a screen, you can take an upper right path to yet another (Necklace). The bottom path will take you on a windy path to the elder, Tengaar, and several kobolds.

As you chat with the elder, the sacred Unicorn appears. The unicorn says he will take Tengaar, but Hix protect her. This allows Hix and Tengaar to pass the test. They now join you. If you return to the Unicorn Tree later (like helping Yuzu), you can find a Mangosh and a Guard Ring. (Hix recruited) 53/108 Joins after above Sidequest (Unicorn Quest). (Tengaar recruited) 54/108 Joins after above Sidequest (Unicorn Quest). __________ /Save Kent!\_________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Characters gotten: Humphrey, Futch. In Rockaxe Inn, after talking to Humphrey, you'll see a scene with Futch and Kent. Futch tells Kent his story of being a Dragon Knight and losing his status. Futch and Humphrey are on a quest to find a new dragon. Ask Humphrey some questions. He'll leave, but will pay for your lodgings. Outside the inn, Kent hears tale of a dragon in Rakutei Mountain, north of Rockaxe. Talk to Humphrey again and Futch will return. Rest at the inn. Futch and Humphrey with several town members are gathered looking for the missing Kent. Offer to help find Kent at Mt.Rakutei. Place Humphrey and Futch in your party and head to the mountain. A barrier prevents your progress, but your rune clears it. --Rakutei Mountain-Treasures: Thunder Runner, Thunder Amulet, Stone of Power, 2000 potch, Medicine Crystal, Dragon Plans #2, Unicorn Plans #2, Skill Ring. Go through the mountain. Go left to get a chest (Fur Cape). Go back and go through until the next intersection. Take the right path to find a chest (Thunder Runner). Now take the remaining choice. Next, go right to find a chest (Thunder Amulet). Then exit to the upper left. Go left to find a Stone of Power. Next go to the right path. Take the upper path and find a chest to the right (2000 potch). Further right is another chest (Medicine Crystal). Back left there is more chest (Dragon Plans #2). The lower path takes you to Unicorn Plans #2. Continue around this area and find a passage east. There you'll find a chest (Skill Ring). Now exit through the higher east passage after returning. Head up. You will find a save point. At the summit, you see Kent. As you try to get near him, you are attacked. BOSS: Harpy ----------HP: 7500, 40000 potch. It have 2 main attacks. One is a quick slash. Another is a sweeplift-drop-unbalance attack. It also have some damaging wind spells. Just make sure your HP is high, hold there, and keep attacking. Heal with Hero's spells if your HP is low. After beating it, you rescue Kent. After some events,Futch have a new baby white dragon,named Bright. Humphrey and Futch will join you now. (Humphrey recruited) Joins after "Save Kent!" sidequest above. (Futch recruited) Joins after "Save Kent!" sidequest above. ______________

62/108 63/108

/Getting McDohl\_____________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Skip this if you trying to get all Clive's events. You can get him even just before the final boss. Characters gotten: McDohl Okay, this maybe a time for a relax here (no relax for you who trying to get all Clive's events). There are several requirements for you before you do this: 1.You have loaded Suikoden I data when you start a new game. 2.You save in the last save point (before the final boss). 3.You have gotten all 108 Stars of Destiny and Gremio alive. Now, when you ready, go to Banner Village. In Banner, talk to a boy named Ko. After that, go southeast, and go to the path. You will meet McDohl, just before you reach him, Gremio halt you. Go back and talk to Ko again. Choose 1 to let him help you draw Gremio away. Talk to Gremio again. He will be distracted by the shout, now talk to McDohl and choose 1. Now go to the inn. You will be told that Ko has been kidnapped by bandits. Agree to help him, you will be back in the path to Toran. In your way, you will meet the bandits. After a while, you and McDohl will reveals your true identity (hehe...guess who, bandits!?). Now go through the forest path again. You will find Ko and meet a boss. BOSS: Giant Worm/Giant Butterfly -------------------------------HP: 6800, 50000 potch Not much strategy here, but use McDohl's Soul Eater to kill it quickly. After you decrease its HP, it will morph into a giant butterfly. This form is tougher, but it is still not that strong. Note that if you lose to this battle, you'll see the power of the combined Bright Shield and Soul Eater, and you will win this battle automatically (cool!). After the fight ends, go to Gregminster. In there, Ko will be saved by Liukan. After some events, go to McDohl's house and you will have a dinner and stay there. After that, go to the castle and Ko will be recovered. Talk to Varkas and he will escort you back to Banner Village. After you complete above quest, you can go back to Gregminster and talk to McDohl to get him (if you remove him from your party, he will be back in his house in Gregminster. That means if you remove him, you have to go all the way back to Gregminster to get him back). Note: to get Recipe #39, simply play Hai Yo's contests until you are challenged by Lester (the cook from Suikoden I!), defeat him. After you beat him, go back to Gregminster and talk to Gremio, he will give you Recipe #39. _____________ /Clive's Story\______________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------This is simply the hardest sidequest in Suikoden 2, because speed is everything in this sidequest. If your gameplay time (showed when you save your game and the menu) under the requirements, thats okay, but if its above, say goodbye to this sidequest. So, to put it simply, you have to get the Stars of Destiny effectively and skip some of the unneeded sidequest (like getting McDohl).

Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive Clive

Story Story Story Story Story Story Story

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

: : : : : : :

Muse, East hallway, Clive will join you. Lakewest, Inn, a man left of the counter (-11 hours) Forest Village,clearing in the north area(-13 hours) Rockaxe, upon entering the Inn (-14 hours) Radat bar, (-15 hours) Muse, the meeting hall above the hill (-20 hours) Sajah Village (-20 hours)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XIII. 108 Stars of Destiny / Richmond Characters Secrets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ____ /Hero\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : <...> Age : 16 From : Kyaro Village, Highland Position: Leader Notes : The Hero of the game Comment : A good leader, he have above average stats, your main healer, and have quite powerfull attack. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Buddy ATK / Hero-Jowy / 100% damage to all enemies Copycat ATK / Hero-Hoi / 100% damage to one enemy DblLeaderATK / Hero-McDohl / 75% damage to all enemies Family ATK / Hero-Nanami / 200% dmg 1 en,Nanami unbalance Secrets : None. HowToGet: Automatically joins. 1/108 ____ /Jowy\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Jowy Atreides Age : 16 From : Kyaro Village, Highland Position: Enemy Notes : Have the Black Sword Rune Comment : Powerful magic and very fast, too bad he is your enemy. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Buddy ATK / Hero-Jowy / 100% damage to all enemies Secrets : None. HowToGet: Automatically joins, but will be your enemy near the start of the game. _______ /Barbara\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Barbara Age : 36 From : North Window Position: Rear Guard Notes : None Comment : Throw your items to her! Secret 2: "Barbara is from North Window too, but she had just moved to Ryube when the Neclord incident happened." Secret 3: "She was married a long time ago, but she and her husband didn't get along so she left." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 2/108 _____ /Leona\______________________________________________________________

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Leona Age : 32 From : Toto, Muse Principality Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Talk to her to change party members Secret 2: "She's originally from Toto. When it went up in flames, she was pretty broken up but didn't want to let it show in front of the customers." Secret 3: "She may complain, but that's just for show. The truth is she loves taking care of kids." HowToGet: Automatically joins 3/108 ______ /Gengen\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Gengen Age : 17 From : Kobold Village Position: Infantry Captain Notes : None Comment : A good normal fighter, but become useless and more. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Bow Wow ATK / Gengen-Shiro / 150% damage to one enemy KoboldATK(1) / Gengen-Gabocha / 100% dmg1en,Gabocha unblnc KoboldATK(2) / Gengen-Gabocha / 300% dmg 1 en,both unblnc Secret 2: "When his tail is standing up, it means he's happy." Secret 3: "When his tail is down it means he's sad." Secret 4: "When he's found something delicious to eat, his ears stand straight up." HowToGet: Automatically joins you 4/108 ________ /Mukumuku\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Mukumuku Age : 6 From : Greenhill Forest Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Not a good one, but he is a squirrel, isnt it? AtkRange: Long Unites : 5 Squirrel ATK / All Squirrels / Removes 1 en, no exp&money Secret 2: "That cape's got nothing to do with him flying, you know. B.....but.....Why do I gotta investigate a flying squirrel anyway....." Secret 3: "Looks like he used to live in the forest around Greenhill, but he sometimes visits Kyaro town in Highland." Secret 4: "He's the leader of his tribe. He's brave with a sense of honor too." HowToGet: Go to the big tree in the back of Hero's house and check it (2 or 3 times) to get Mukumuku. 5/108 ______ /Nanami\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Nanami Age : 16 From : Kyaro, Highland Kingdom Position: Royal Guard

Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2:

None She is very fast and good magic-user, but have weak attack. Medium. Family ATK / Hero-Nanami / 200% dmg 1 en,Nanami unbalance "Wow. I feel sorry for you alright. You had to eat her cooking when you were growing up? Blech!....." Secret 3: "It sounds like she really wants to back to Kyaro. She's got lots of memories from there...." Secret 4: "Does she really have to train all night long? All the soldiers complain about the noise she makes." HowToGet: Automatically joins 6/108 ________ /Rikimaru\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Rikimaru Age : 25 From : Seika, Toran Republic Position: Infantry Captain Notes : None Comment : He is a pure fighter, good atk and hp, but normal def & spd. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Manly ATK / Rikimaru - Amada / 200% dmg 1 column Secret 2: "This guy is a big eater from way back. One time in Gregminster, he ate for 2 days straight, couldn't pay his bill and had to run off during the night." Secret 3: "His favorite activity is eating till he just about bursts and then sleeping for a whole day.... What a life!" Secret 4: "He says he's out for revenge, but I really don't know..." HowToGet: Go to Ryube and talk to him near the inn. Just pay his meal (3000 potch). 7/108 ___________ /Shiro (Dog)\________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Shiro Age : 9 From : Forest near Ryube Position: None Notes : None Comment : He is a truly great dog, awesome atk and spd, and above average stats, especially when he equip double-beat crystal. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Bow Wow ATK / Gengen - Shiro / 150% damage to one enemy Bow Wow ATK / Gabocha - Shiro / 150% damage to one enemy Secret 2: "Well it looks like he's been with Kinnison for a long time. But an investigation of a dog?" "..........................." Secret 3: "Shiro is a hybrid of dog and wolf. He's pretty smart for a mutt." Secret 4: "I saw him running around the other day with Gengen on his back." HowToGet: Join after 'finding Bonaparte' sidequest 8/108 ________ /Kinnison\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Kinnison Age : 18 From : Forest near Ryube Position: Archer Captain Notes : None

Comment : Fast and good technique, but normal attack power. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Bow ATK / Kinnison-Stallion or Ayda / 50% dmg all en Loyal Dog ATK / Shiro-Kinnison / 150% dmg 1 en or 50% 1 column Secret 2: "After living as hunters all alone in the forest, him and Shiro are having a hard time adjusting to life in the castle." Secret 3: "He fought alongside Shiro to protect the forest from Highland, but he wasn't able to do much by himself." HowToGet: Join after 'finding Bonaparte' sidequest 9/108 ______ /Millie\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Millie Age : 14 From : Unknown Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : A pretty good magic-user, but awfully bad in physical stats. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Pretty Girl ATK / Millie-Meg-Tengaar / 50% dmg all enemies Secret 2: "She's always going around with that pet of hers, 'Bonaparte'. She seems to think it's cute, but I just don't see it..." Secret 3: "She calls that buggy-eyed mutant 'cute'? I tried, but I just don't get it..." Secret 4: " won't believe this...I saw Millie actually go 'inside' Bonaparte and take a nap in there!" HowToGet: Join after 'finding Bonaparte' sidequest 10/108 _____ /Zamza\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Zamza Age : 29 From : Unknown Position: Magic Unit Captain Notes : None Comment : A good magic-user and fighter, but slow and miss often. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Secret 2: "What a pain! I went to go ask this guy some questions, and all he did was talk about himself. I couldn't even get a word in edgewise! 5 long hours..." Secret 3: "If you could just fix it so that his 'Fire Dragon Rune' didn't cause him damage every time..." HowToGet: Go to the inn in Toto and talk to Zamza near the counter. Nanami must be in party. 11/108 ______ /Hannah\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Hannah Age : 29 From : Nameless Lands Position: Infantry Captain Notes : None Comment : A good fighter, slow but have high defense. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Tackle ATK / Oulan-Hanna / 75% dmg all en, unbalance Secret 2: "Well, I don't know much about her. Just that she wandered all the way here from the Nameless Lands for no reason

anyone knows about." Secret 3: "She's one wild child. She loves to eat meat, but why am I wasting my time investigating that?..." Secret 4: "She doesn't talk much, but I think she'd get along well with Oulan the bodyguard." HowToGet: Talk to her in Toto (after Toto is burned). 12/108 _____ /Apple\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Apple Age : 18 From : Seika, Toran Republic Position: Vice-Strategist Notes : None Comment : Talk to change your map battle strategy. Secret 2: "After her parents died in the war between the Scarlet Moon Empire and the City-State of Jowston, she was given a scholarship to study under the great Mathiu along with Shu." Secret 3: "When Toran's war for liberation started, she was studying in Crystal Valley in Harmonia, but she left right away to lend her help to her master, Mathiu." Secret 4: "Apple first met Shu when she was just 11. She had no parents and was pretty taken in by him. Kinda like a schoolgirl crush, I guess." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 13/108 ____ /Tsai\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tsai Age : 37 From : Ryube, Muse Principality Position: None Notes : None Comment : He is normal fighter and magic-user but have awesome tech. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Dad-Daugter ATK / Tsai - Tomo / 100% damage to en front row Secret 2: "He's got one daughter and a wife he's separated from. I heard his daughter still goes to Ryube once in a while to meet friends..." Secret 3: "It looks like he's good with a spear, but not too good with women. His daughter wants him to reunite with his wife, but he's more interested in his work." Secret 4: "He once pierced a steel helmet with his spear. Ever since then, they've called him 'Tsai of the Divine Spear'." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 14/108 ____ /Tuta\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tuta Age : 11 From : Muse City Position: Rear Guard Notes : None Comment : A bad one, not good in fighting nor magic. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Secret 2: "Tuta is the son of one of Dr. Haun's friends. At his age, he's still probably crying out for his momma when it gets

dark out. Poor little kid..." Secret 3: "Tuta's 'Medicine Rune' automatically supplies medicine to members of the group when they need it. It's pretty useful." HowToGet: Talk to her in the main road of Muse City and Dr.Huan will assigns Tuta to help you. 15/108 _____ /Anita\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Anita Age : 29 From : Nameless country Position: Cavalry Notes : None Comment : She is a good fighter, and can be an awesome magic-user. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Rival ATK / Valeria-Anita / 300% dmg 1 en,Valeria unbal Secret 2: "Anita's swordmaster is some famous swordsman from the southlands. She got her 'Falcon Rune' when she completed her training there." Secret 3: "She drinks too much. Also, women despise her cause when she gets drunk, she's willing to go home with just about anybody." HowToGet: Do whatever she want,you can get her in Banner also. 16/108 _______ /Gilbert\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Gilbert Age : 36 From : Zexen Position: Infantry Captain Notes : None Comment : Can be used in map battle only. Secret 2: "He was originally a mercenary in Zexen, west of the Grasslands, but he came here looking for a war to fight in." Secret 3: "He's got a wife and kids back in Zexen. He wrote them a letter." HowToGet: Just hit him once with anything in map battle #3 and he will join you. 17/108 ____ /Rina\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Rina Age : 18 From : Grasslands Position: Royal Guard Notes : None Comment : She is an awesome magic-user, have long-range attack. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Beauty ATK / Any three of Karen, / 25% dmg all en, 60% sleep Kasumi,Lorelai,Rina Circus ATK / Eilie-Rina-Bolgan / 200% dmg 1 en, Bolgan unbal TrueBeautyATK/Karen-Kasumi-Lorelai-Rina/100% all en, 70% sleep. Secret 2: "Rina and Eilie are sisters, but they're as different as dogs and cats. Rina is poised and sophisticated, a real adult. You'd never know they were only a year apart." Secret 3: "She says she's from the Grasslands, but the truth is, who can tell? She's been traveling ever since she was old enough to walk." Secret 4: "She can handle her liquor, lemme tell ya. She even beat

Viktor in a drinking contest." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 18/108 _____ /Eilie\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Eilie Age : 17 From : Grasslands Position: Royal Guard Notes : None Comment : She is stronger and faster than Rina, but a have less magic power than Rina. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Circus ATK / Eilie-Rina-Bolgan / 200% dmg 1 en, Bolgan unbal Secret 2: "She's been traveling ever since she left the Grasslands. As far as her knife-throwing goes, she's the real deal all right." Secret 3: "She's got a big inferiority complex towards her big sister. Who can blame her? After all, Rina is so much sexier." Secret 4: "She's got a thing for you, all right. She's always worried about you when you head off into combat..." "Wow, you really got it goin' on, don't ya?..." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 19/108 ______ /Bolgan\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Bolgan Age : 16 From : Zexen Position: Royal Guard Notes : None Comment : He is strong, but very slow, miss a lot, and bad at magic. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Circus ATK / Eilie-Rina-Bolgan / 200% dmg 1 en, Bolgan unbal Flash ATK / Bolgan-LChan-Gantetsu / 150% dmg all,get 50% dmg Servant ATK/ Sierra-Bob-Bolgan / 400% dmg 1 en, Bob-Bolgan damaged, Sierra healed Secret 2: "Unlike Rina and Eilie, Bolgan is from Zexen. He used to be in the circus, but he ran away. That's when he met Eilie and Rina." Secret 3: "He learned that fire-breathing trick in the circus. But what kind of circus uses magical runes anyway?" Secret 4: "He's been studying in the library lately. It looks like he's hoping to go to the Greenhill Academy." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 20/108 ______ /Viktor\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Viktor Age : 32 From : North Window Position: Infantry Captain Notes : Seeking revenge on Neclord. Comment : One of the best fighter. Awesome atk and def, above average speed, hp and technique. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Cross ATK / Flik - Viktor / 150% dmg 1 en, 30% ko Secret 2: "His hometown was destroyed by that Neclord guy. That's why he's always traveling. It seems he was on an errand in South

Window when Neclord came, and so he was the only survivor." Secret 3: "When Viktor got back to his village, everyone had been turned into bloodthirsty zombies. They were all eating each other. Blech!" Secret 4: "I don't know exactly who that Daisy was. Maybe his little sister, maybe his lover...There's no one left to tell me and Viktor ain't talking either... HowToGet: Automatically joins. 21/108 ____ /Flik\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Flik Age : 27 From : Warrior's Village, Toran Republic Position: Archer Captain Notes : Original member of the Toran Liberation Army Comment : He is a fine warrior, great at magic and fighting. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Cross ATK / Flik - Viktor / 150% dmg 1 en, 30% ko Groupy ATK / Flik - Nina / 250% dmg 1 en,Nina unbalance Pretty Boy ATK / Flik-Camus-Miklotov / 150%dmg1en,25%death Secret 2: "Flik's from Warrior's Village. Their custom is that a young man has to go on a journey to complete his 'Manhood Ritual'. Flik is in the middle of that journey, but he doesn't plan to returning to the village." Secret 3: "While he was on his journey to manhood, he met Odessa and she changed his life forever. Odessa became first leader of the Toran Liberation Army with him as her first lieutenant." Secret 4: "Flik and Odessa were lovers, but she was assassinated early on in the war. I can tell from the look on his face that he still sometimes thinks about her." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 22/108 _______ /Freed Y\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Freed Y. Age : 25 From : Radat, South Window Principality Position: Infantry Captain Notes : None Comment : Not good, not bad either. The most average man in Suikoden. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Husband-Wife ATK/FreedY-Yoshino/200% dmg 1 en,Yoshino unblnc Secret 2: "He's got a home in Radat... Lives there with his wife... It's a regular love nest, it is." "Bah........I can't stand this..." Secret 3: "He really worshipped that old guy, Granmeyer. He might have gone down in history as one of the great mayors if it hadn't been for that war." Secret 4: "He's so happy when he's together with Yoshino. I can't stand to look at it!" HowToGet: Automatically joins. 23/108 ___ /Shu\________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Shu Age : 26 From : Unknown

Position: Notes : Comment : Secret 2:

Army strategist None Your strategist. "With Shu's 'Critical' ability, a successful hit in war sometimes causes double damage to the enemy unit." Secret 3: "Shu studied military tactics under Mathiu, but he was expelled for using his knowledge for selfish gain. He never saw Mathiu again after that day." Secret 4: "He thinks of Apple like a little sister. But he's such a cool customer, he never lets his true feelings show." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 24/108 ____ /Huan\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Huan Age : 34 From : Muse City Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Usefull in map battle. Secret 2: "During a war, Huan's 'Heal' ability will even let you heal a unit that's far away. Use it wisely though." Secret 3: "Dr. Huan did his medical training in the Toran Republic. There was a guy there named Liukan the Healer who taught him everything he knows." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 25/108 ___ /Luc\________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Luc Age : 17 From : Unknown Position: Magic Unit Captain Notes : None Comment : Extraordinary magic-user, with awesome speed but bad atk/def. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Cutie Boy ATK / Futch-Luc-Sasuke / 100% dmg all en,unfriendly Secret 2: "That sorceress, Leknaat, is the keeper of the 'Gate Rune', one of the 27 True Runes." Secret 3: "Luc is pretty secretive about his past. I'm pretty sure something happened to him in the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia." Secret 4: "10 years ago, he ran into some kinda trouble at the shrine. I don't know the details, but someone told him to keep his mouth shut about it." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 26/108 ________ /Richmond\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Richmond Age : 35 From : South Window Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Your investigator and detective. Secret 2: "You want to know about me besides the fact that I'm handsome, wise, and brave? Don't get to close to the fire, kid, or you'll get burned." HowToGet: In Radat. Plays coin with him once. Get the coin in the bar.

Talk with him once more. 27/108 _______ /Yoshino\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Yoshino Age : 23 From : South Window Position: Infantry Notes : Freed Y's wife Comment : Not bad, have a nice magic ability, but still weak. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Husband-Wife ATK/FreedY-Yoshino/200% dmg 1 en,Yoshino unblnc Secret 2: "She was introduced to Freed through Granmeyer. I don't know what she sees in him, but they've been married for 5 years now." Secret 3: "Her specialties are her 'Husband-Wife Attack' with Freed and her 'Meat and Potatoes'. I prefer the latter myself." Secret 4: "Looks like she make Freed promise that when the war is over, he'll go back to Radat and live a quiet life with her." "A lovely woman...." HowToGet: In Radat. Talk to her with Freed Y in party. 28/108 ________ /Templton\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Templeton Age : 14 From : Kanakan Position: Strategist's retinue Notes : Phonologist Comment : Have Suiko Map (the world map). Secret 2: "Templton was born in Kanakan, far south of the Toran Republic. He worked his way north while making that map" Secret 3: "Templton's special ability, 'Shortcut', allows the unit to move whether it's a forest or castle. It's very useful for getting inside a castle from the outside." Secret 4: "When this war is over, he plans to go back to Toran Castle for a while." HowToGet: Go to Mercenary Camp (through the bridge in Radat) and talk with him once. Go to Toto and talk with him again. 29/108 ____ /Alex\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Alex Age : 36 From : Muse City Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Sell item you've seen in the Item stores, except Rare Find. Secret 2: "It sounds like he thought there was gonna be gold in those Sindar ruins. Tough luck." Secret 3: "He wanted to make Hilda's life easier, but he actually made it a lot tougher with all that adventuring. Well, that's his way of showing his love, I guess...." Secret 4: "He still hasn't given up on the idea of a Sindar treasure. Right now, he's tracking down some new leads." HowToGet: In South Window. In the inn (2nd floor). 30/108 _____ /Hilda\______________________________________________________________

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Hilda Age : 33 From : Muse City Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Innkeeper. Secret 2: "Before she married Alex, she was a nurse who made housecalls. They say love is blind, but gimme a break." Secret 3: "She first met Alex at Muse's Harvest Festival. They married 6 months later. They're a very happy couple." Secret 4: "She's really worried about her son, Pete. He can't seem to make any friends. It's probably cause they were way out in the country and then they had to flee because of the war..." HowToGet: Joins with Alex. 31/108 _____ /Adlai\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Adlai Age : 42 From : South Window City Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : None Secret 2: "His neighbors back in South Window sure hated him. They said he did all sorts of weird experiments in his cellar." Secret 3: "He calls himself a 'genius', but other than that elevator, he still hasn't come up with a really useful invention." HowToGet: In South Window. House (northeast of trading post). Give him a Sacrificial Budha and Wooden Shield. "Throw" the Wind Crystal to him and he will join you. 33/108 _____ /Oulan\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Oulan Age : 27 From : Holy Kingdom of Harmonia Position: Royal Guard Notes : None Comment : Awesome defense and mag-def, good fighter but a bit slow. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Tackle ATK / Oulan-Hanna / 75% dmg all en, unbalance Secret 2: "She's one tough bodyguard. That means even if the unit she's in is destroyed during a battle, there won't be any fatalities." Secret 3: "It looks like Oulan has a fan club of her own, but all the members are girls." Secret 4: "I found a memo of hers. It said '90 60 89'. I wonder what if could mean? Some kinda code, I guess." HowToGet: Kuskus. Talk to the old woman down the stairs when you first come into Kuskus town. Then you have an all female party (they dont have to be all 'pure' females) and the bandits show up! (thanks FuzzyHippo!) 34/108 _____ /Amada\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Amada Age : 26

From : Position: Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2:

Island Republic None None Slow, low tech, but good hp,atk,def, and good magic. Medium. Manly ATK / Rikimaru - Amada / 200% dmg 1 column "I heard he can't wake up in the morning without a big helping of fermented soy-beans on rice. I'm a big fan of 'natto' myself." Secret 3: "The Island Countries are really a collection of small island nations far south of here. The people there are famous for their great seamanship." Secret 4: "When you line him up next to Rikimaru, the two of them look like quite a 'manly' combo." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 34/108 ______ /Tai Ho\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tai Ho Age : 37 From : Kaku, Toran Republic Position: Navy Captain Notes : Original member of Toran Liberation Army Comment : A normal warrior, but with extraordinary tech. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Secret 2: "He used to be a fisherman living on Lake Toran, but he's got a lust for life and wanted to see more of the world if ya know what I mean." Secret 3: "He says he came to the City-State of Jowston to work for a guy name Kun Tze, but the truth is he was just trying to escape his wife." Secret 4: "He's Yam Koo's brother-in-law. But they've been friends ever since they were kids." HowToGet: Kuskus Dock. Play "Chincirorin" and win 5000 potch. 35/108 _______ /Yam Koo\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Yam Koo Age : 28 From : Seika, Toran Republic Position: Navy Notes : None Comment : Fisherman. Secret 2: "They've been brother-in-laws for a long time now. They first met each other during a gambling brawl." Secret 3: "Tai Ho's wife, Kimberley, has got a secret crush on Yam Koo." HowToGet: Kuskus Dock. Joins with Tai Ho. 36/108 _____ /Clive\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Clive Age : 27 From : Howling Voice Guild Position: Archer Notes : In pursuit of a "woman". Comment : He have the best tech and a great speed, but average atk. AtkRange: Long.

Unites : Secret 2: "Looks like Clive is a member of something called the 'Howling Voice Guild' from Harmonia. They're a secret group that centers around the use of those 'Gun' things." Secret 3: "A 'gun' is a tool made of steel, but that's not all. I hear that these guns have special 'souls' too....." Secret 4: "People say that gun of his, Storm, has a soul of its own... What the hell does that mean? Maybe it's got a True Rune embedded in it?" HowToGet: In South Window. Talk to him below the front gate. 37/108 ____ /Taki\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Taki Age : 72 From : Lakewest Position: Strategist's retinue Notes : None Comment : Talk to her for some 'advice'. Secret 2: "She's certainly got lots of interesting stories to tell, but what was that about making cats sniff orange rinds...?" Secret 3: "Old lady Taki's got a couple of married sons living in Two River, but she couldn't leave Lakewest. She just loves that place. When this is all over, she's gonna go back there." HowToGet: Lakewest.Talk to her a few times, northwest house. 38/108 ____ /Hans\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Hans Age : 33 From : Zexen Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Sell any armory items you've seen (except rare find). Secret 2: "He was born in Zexen and his family wasn't exactly rich. He had just enough money to get himself established here in the City-State of Jowston." Secret 3: "That guy's saved up a hell of lot of money! I have no idea where he's hiding it all though." HowToGet: In Two River (Human district), inn second floor. 40/108 _______ /Fitcher\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Fitcher Age : 32 From : Coronet, Muse Principality Position: Strategist's retinue Notes : None Comment : Informationist. Secret 2: "According to Muse law, Fitch is the mayor of Muse, but if ya ask me, he ain't got the stones for it..." Secret 3: "At least half of his dummy act is a put-on to make people underestimate him. It's his strategy." Secret 4: "Fitcher can sleep with his eyes wide open. That would be an useful trick when ya gotta listen to some bore running off at the mouth." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 40/108 _____

/Chaco\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Chaco Age : 14 From : Two River City Position: Infantry Captain Notes : None Comment : Fast and have average stats, but low on hp. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Wingers ATK / Chaco - Sid / 150% dmg 1 en,30% poison Secret 2: "With his 'Flight Ability', any unit he's in will be able to fly during war. If you combine that with 'Cavalry Ability', you'll really be able to cover a lot of ground!" Secret 3: "Winger's wings are damn useful when ya wanna jump down from a high place. I guess it's not really like flying though." Secret 4: "He go dumped by his girlfriend recently, but he'll be okay. A boy like him won't let something like that keep him down." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 41/108 ______ /Ridley\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Ridley Age : 39 From : Two River City Position: General Notes : Commander of Kobold Army of Two River City Comment : Commander (in map battle only). Secret 2: "I've always wondered, so I took a look and it's true... No matter how famous he gets, he's still got a tail." Secret 3: "Ridley has a son named Boris who's the spitting image of him. Right now he's training in the Nameless Countries." HowToGet: Automatically joins 42/108 ___ /Sid\________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Sid Age : 21 From : Two River City Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : Average fighter, but with above average speed and mag-def. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Wingers ATK / Chaco - Sid / 150% dmg 1 en,30% poison Secret 2: "What's with this guy? When I peeked in on him, he was walking around on his hands upside-down. Is that some kinda training or what!?" Secret 3: "I saw him surrounded by a bunch of kids the other day. I thought he was playing with them, but it turns out he was telling them a super scary story. One of the kids even pooped in his pants." Secret 4: "What a weirdo. He makes graves for fish after he eats them. He's already got over 100 here." HowToGet: Two River's sewer. In the hidden room (hidden tunnel near the stair), Chaco must be in party. 43/108 _______ /Gabocha\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Gobocha

Age : From : Position: Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2: Secret 3: Secret 4: HowToGet:

13 Two River City Infantry Soldier None Weak, but have good tech and speed. Long range attack. Long. Bow Wow ATK / Gabocha - Shiro / 150% damage to one enemy Kobold ATK (1)/ Gengen - Gabocha / 100% dmg 1 en,Gabocha unbalance Kobold ATK (2)/ Gengen - Gabocha / 300% dmg 1 en,both unbalance "If he fights alongside Gengen, they can do a special attack called 'Kobold Attack'." "He looks up to Gengen so much that he followed him here. All he ever talks about is 'Captain Gengen'!" "Sometimes his 'Kobold Attack' does something really amazing......" In Two River Kobold area. One of the houses. Gengen must be in party. 44/108

______ /Hai Yo\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Hai Yo Age : 27 From : Black Dragon Island Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Average, but weak. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Secret 2: "I don't know the details, but he's on the run from something they call the 'Group'." Secret 3: "That secret 'Blue Moon Bird Recipe' of his is for some kind of food that will make anybody who eats it happy. But I'm not too sure how it works..." Secret 4: "It's kinda sad......He was betrothed to a girl who was later killed.Before she died,he made her some kinda promise." HowToGet: Headquarters. Castle must be level 2. Second floor balcony (right wing of the castle). 45/108 ________ /Stallion\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Stallion Age : 28 From : Toran Republic Position: Strategist's retinue Notes : Original member of the Toran Liberation Army Comment : He is one of the fastest character, you can flee 100% if you have him in your party. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Bow ATK / Kinnison - Stallion / 50% damage to all enemies Stallion - Ayda Secret 2: "He's originally from the Village of the Elves in Toran, but he left there to train to be the fastest man alive." Secret 3: "I wonder what that 'True Holy Rune' of his is anyway. He sure runs around outside the city pretty fast..." Secret 4: "From what I can see, he doesn't act much like an Elf at all...." HowToGet: Radat. Run (escape) from battle 50 times. 46/108 _____

/Shilo\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Shilo Age : 24 From : Lakewest Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Have awesome technique and average stats. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Secret 2: "Damn it!! That guy must cheat! He's takin' all my bloody money." Secret 3: "Damn, Damn, Damn! I don't get it...How does he do it..." Secret 4: "I, I can't stand it anymore...I'm all out of gold...This investigation is costing me a fortune!" HowToGet: Lakewest Inn.Castle must be level 2.Win 5000 potch. 47/108 _____ /Tetsu\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tetsu Age : 42 From : Lakewest Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : Your bath maker. Secret 2: Never met a guy who loved baths more. He heats 'em up by himself so he can be the first one in, ya see." Secret 3: "He's really interested in bath design. He's come up with several different styles, I hear." Secret 4: "I don't know why, but the other day I saw him putting an 'Octopus Urn' in each of the 4 corners of the tub. I wonder what the hell that was for..." HowToGet: Lakewest, House (north). Must be in toasty condition (you can be toasty by buying Fried Tacos from Two River Kobold area, use it on the Hero until he is toasty). 49/108 ___ /Meg\________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Meg Age : 16 From : Lenankamp, Toran Republic Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Have good tech, normal speed, otherwise bad. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Trick ATK / Meg - Gadget / 100% dmg all enemies Pretty Girl ATK / Millie-Meg-Tengaar / 50% dmg all enemies Secret 2: "She set off on a journey to follow an old man named Juppo who was teaching her the lost art of gadgetry, but lost track of him on the way. I guess he didn't want to be followed." Secret 3: "I looked into her room the other day and saw Gadget all broken down into pieces. I can't believe she really put it back together." Secret 4: "This girl doesn't think before she does something. There's no good reason for her setting off after Juppo either it seems." HowToGet: Greenhill-Muse borderguard. Castle must be level 2. 49/108 ______ /Gadget\_____________________________________________________________

--------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Gadget Age : 3 From : Juppo's Workshop Position: None Notes : None Comment : Have awesome attack and ultra defense. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Trick ATK / Meg - Gadget / 100% dmg all enemies Secret 2: "Looks like it can do something called a 'Trick Attack' when it's fighting with Meg." Secret 3: "It can't be easy partnered up with that girl, Meg, either. The other day he hid from her by pretending to be a barrel filled with pickled daikon." Secret 4: "That thing just hates water. Meg was talking about waterproofing him, but he wants nothing to do with it." HowToGet: Joins with Meg. 50/108 ______ /Wakaba\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Wakaba Age : 15 From : The Southlands Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : An extraordinary fighter. Have awesome speed, tech and hp. average defense and magics but good attack. AtkRange: Short. Unites : TwinFighterATK / Wakaba-L.C.Chan / 300%dmg1,only when berserk Secret 2: "Her love for the martial arts started at a local dojo in her neighborhood, and she's been in training ever since..." Secret 3: "Yesterday she did 200 squats, 50 pull-ups and then 200 sit-ups. And that was just before breakfast....." Secret 4: "She tries hard at everything she does. She borrowed a jigsaw puzzle from a friend and worked on it all night. She got so frustrated that she finally busted it up." HowToGet: Forest Village (northwest of Greenhill). In front of the armor shop). Hero must be above level 30. 51/108 ____ /Tony\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tony Age : 19 From : Matilda Knights' Domain Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Farmer. Secret 2: "That guy spends all his time on his farm. He must be some kind of a dirt fetishist." Secret 3: "He really hates moles! Well I can't blame him. They eat up all those vegetables he raised so carefully....." HowToGet: Forest Village. Northeast house. Castle level 2. 52/108 ___ /Hix\________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Hix Age : 20 From : Warrior's Village, Toran Republic

Position: Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2:

Infantry Soldier Trying to become a warrior Fine warrior, have good tech and speed. Short. Warriors ATK / Hix - Tengaar / 200% dmg 1 en,Hix get damage "He left Warrior's Village to complete his journey of manhood, but it looks like he's not really too interested in becoming a warrior." Secret 3: "Tengaar sure pushes him around a lot. But for all that they're still a well-balanced couple." Secret 4: "Hix's sword is named Tengaar. It's an old custom in Warrior's Village to name your sword after the most important thing in your life." HowToGet: Joins after 'Unicorn Quest' side quest. 53/108 _______ /Tengaar\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tengaar Age : 18 From : Warrior's Village, Toran Village Position: Infantry Soldier Notes : Traveling with Hix Comment : A good magician with average speed, tech and hp. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Warriors ATK / Hix - Tengaar / 200% dmg 1 en,Hix get damage Pretty Girl ATK / Millie-Meg-Tengaar / 50% dmg all enemies Secret 2: "She's the daughter of the village chief of Warrior's Village. She and Hix have known each other since they were kids and now they're a couple. Also, it looks like she's had a run-in with Neclord in the past." Secret 3: "Well, she's a cute girl, but she worries too much. She thinks she's doing everything for Hix's sake." Secret 4: "After Hix's journey is over,she wants to go back to Warrior's Village and get married right away." HowToGet: Joins after 'Unicorn Quest' side quest. 54/108 ______ /Emilia\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Emilia Age : 29 From : Greenhill City Position: Strategist's Retinue Notes : None Comment : Librarian Secret 2: "In war, the unit Emilia is in will be able to see their attack percentage before they attack." Secret 3: "She's a smart lady all right. But in the love department, she's still illiterate. That's why she reads so many romance novels." Secret 4: "The newest bestseller is "For Love of the Empire", by Millich the Flower General." HowToGet: Greenhill. Talk to her in the main desk of the school. Tell her you come to rescue Teresa. 55/108 _____ /Jeane\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Jeane Age : Unknown

From : Position: Notes : Comment : Secret 2:

Unknown Magic Unit None Sell any Crystal you've seen (except rare finds). "Sorry, but she's a tough lady. Couldn't get past her guard...." Secret 3: "Ugh.....I think... I think I'm in love...I'm sorry" Secret 4: "I, I, I can't say anything...F, forgive me...This... this is all I can say...I..I'm sorry..." "She, she's one hell of a woman, she is..." HowToGet: Two River City human district. Inside runeshop. 56/108 ____ /Yuzu\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Yuzu Age : 10 From : Forest Village, Muse Principality Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Herder Secret 2: "That sheep that travels with her is named Taro. That one sheep alone is not for eating." Secret 3: "When I took a peek,I saw her branding names on her animals. One of 'em said 'hamburger', one said 'pork cutlets', and another said 'Ghengis Khan'...." Secret 4: "As soon as I got close to that sheep of hers, 'Taro', she yelled at me: 'That one's not for eating! Back off!' I couldn't believe my ears." HowToGet: Kobold Village. Only if you have finished the unicorn quest. Find her sheeps. 57/108 ______ /Teresa\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Teresa Age : 27 From : Greenhill City Position: General Notes : None Comment : Also as Archer Captain. Secret 2: "After her fathers Alec's death, the citizens wanted her to be mayor right then, but she was against it, so they created the position 'acting mayor' for her." Secret 3: "It was hard for her being the mayor's daughter in school. Everybody talking about her, staring at her...I know how she musta felt." Secret 4: "Everyone knows that she's really in love with Shin, but they're both so damned stubborn." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 58/108 ____ /Shin\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Shin Age : 27 From : The Southlands Position: Archer Captain Notes : Teresa's Bodyguard Comment : Average stats, good atk and tech, but bad defense.

AtkRange: Short. Unites : Swordsman ATK / Shin-Genshu / 50% dmg all en, 20% death Secret 2: "Sorry, I couldn't find out much. I thought he was sleeping, but all of a sudden he woke up and put his sword up to my throat. Scared the livin' crap outta me..." Secret 3: "I know he's from the south, but I can't find out any more details. You know how that guy is...." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 59/108 ____ /Nina\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Nina Age : 16 From : Greenhill City Position: Strategist's retinue Notes : None Comment : She is a fine fighter, and pretty good at magic. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Groupy ATK / Flik-Nina / 250% dmg 1 en,Nina unbalance Secret 2: "With the way she's been following Flik around, she could teach me a thing or two about investigation techniques." Secret 3: "She's a stubborn little fireplug all right. Ain't nothing gonna stand in her way." Secret 4: "She knows that Flik sometimes goes up on the roof at night. Looks like she's trying to get a chance to be alone with him." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 60/108 ____ /Viki\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Viki Age : 16 From : Anywhere Position: Magic Unit Notes : Watch out for her teleport! Comment : Awfully bad atk, def, spd and hp, but she is a good mage. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Head Up! ATK / Abizboah-Viki / 200% dmg 1 en,Abizboah unbalance Rulodia -Viki Secret 2: "It looks like this chick isn't even from this continent. I think she only wound up here cause of one of her crazy teleport mistakes." Secret 3: "Could it be teleport shock? She said that just before she came here, she was celebrating the birth of the Toran Republic. But that was 3 years ago." Secret 4: "She was talking in her sleep, I guess. What the hell could "Waffu" mean anyway?..." ________ /Humphrey\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Humphrey Age : 35 From : Toran Republic Position: Infantry Captain Notes : Former Commander of Scarlet Moon Empire Elite Guard. Comment : Although he is very slow, and not good at magic, he have great atk, def, and hp. AtkRange: Short. Unites : -

Secret 2: "Thanks to the heavy armor that Humphrey wears in combat, he can take 1 more unit of damage than normal units. It would be a good idea to put him in a unit that takes damage easily." Secret 3: "He was captain of the Scarlet Moon Empire's Elite Guard, but he was forced out after trying to save a village from being massacred...He doesn't like to talk about it." Secret 4: "When he was in the Toran Liberation Army, he used to fight alongside Flik." HowToGet: Joins after "Save Kent!" sidequest. 62/108 _____ /Futch\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Futch Age : 14 From : Goya, Domain of the Dragon Caves. Position: Infantry Soldier Notes : Former Dragon Knight Comment : A good fighter, being a M ranged character. Bad in defense. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Cutie Boy ATK / Futch-Luc-Sasuke / 100% dmg all en,unfriendly Secret 2: "He was once a full-fledged Dragon Knight, but it seems that he was dismissed from the order after he lost his mount, Black..." Secret 3: "He's been depressed ever since his war-dragon, Black, died while protecting his life." Secret 4: "It looks like he was on his way to the 'Great Shrine' in Crystal Valley to find out how to get a new dragon." HowToGet: Joins after "Save Kent!" sidequest. 63/108 ________ /Miklotov\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Miklotov Age : 26 From : Rockaxe Position: Cavalry Captain Notes : Former Captain of the Blue Knights of Matilda. Comment : Have awesome atk and def, good hp, and average stats. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Knight ATK / Miklotov-Camus / 200% dmg 1 en,30% unbalance PrettyBoyATK / Flik-Camus-Miklotov / 150% dmg 1 en, 25% death Secret 2: "This guy's got 'Cavalry Ability', so during a battle sequence,any unit you put him in will become a cavalry unit." Secret 3: "He's the type of guy that says whatever is on his mind. That's why he doesn't fare too will in the lady's department." Secret 4: "He wakes up early every morning and trains for 2 hours before breakfast. That's why his 'Blue Knights' were such great fighters. Poor guys." HowToGet: Automatically joins 64/108 _____ /Camus\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Camus Age : 27 From : Grasslands Position: Cavalry Captain Notes : Former member of Red Knights of Matilda Comment : He is weaker than Miklotov but have more magic power. AtkRange: Short.


: Knight ATK / Miklotov-Camus / 200% dmg 1 en,30% unbalance PrettyBoyATK / Flik-Camus-Miklotov / 150% dmg 1 en, 25% death Secret 2: "I heard that if he fights together with Miklotav, they can do a 'Knight Attack'." Secret 3: "He's originally from the Grasslands, but he moved to Matilda when he was young and took the test to become a knight. He and Miklotov became knights on the same day." Secret 4: "He's got rough manners, but he's a knight all the way. That guy is as tough as nails." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 65/108 ____ /Kiba\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Kiba Age : 37 From : Highland Kingdom Position: General Notes : Former General of Highland's 3rd Army Comment : In map battle, have awesome defense. Secret 2: "Sounds like although General Kiba had a high position in the military, he wasn't very well compensated if ya know what I mean." Secret 3: "General Kiba's first battle was for the defense of Fort Retto. He led a small force of 100 men and managed to repulse 3,000 hardened State veterans." Secret 4: "He swore fealty to Agares Blight, but when Agares was killed by his son, Lucas, he came to us. He's a pretty complex guy." HowToGet: Joins if you try to recruit them 3 times. 66/108 _____ /Klaus\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Klaus Age : 19 From : Highland Kingdom Position: Vice-Strategist Notes : Former strategist of the Highland 3rd Army Comment : None. Secret 2: "Klaus's 'Evade' ability gives his unit a good chance of avoiding an attack." Secret 3: "It looks like Klaus takes after his mother for the time being. But ya never know. Maybe when he gets a little older, he'll become more like his dad..." Secret 4: "He's worried that his dad drinks so much, he'll ruin his liver." HowToGet: Joins with Kiba. 67/108 ______ /Simone\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Simone Verdricci Age : 32 From : Gregminster Position: Cavalry Notes : Former Scarlet Moon Empire Nobleman Comment : Good magic-user, average stats, and long-range attacker. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Narcissus ATK / Vincent-Simone / 50% dmg all enemies Secret 2: "He used to be a member of the Scarlet Moon Empire nobility,

but now he prefers to travel. A real classy guy......" Secret 3: "Where the hell did he buy those clothes anyway...Even I, Richmond, couldn't figure it out." HowToGet: Radat. Southwest area of the bridge. Castle must be level 3. Asks Rose Brooch. Buy it from Banner Village item store (rare find). 68/108 ______ /Kasumi\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Kasumi Age : 19 From : Rokkaku Hamlet Position: Volunteer Army General Notes : Vice-Chancellor of Rokkaku Hamlet Comment : Very fast and good tech, average stats. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Ninja ATK / Kasumi - Mondo / 150% dmg 1 en,30% ko Beauty ATK / Any three of Karen, / 25% dmg all en, 60% sleep Kasumi,Lorelai,Rina TrueBeautyATK/Karen-Kasumi-Lorelai-Rina/100% dmgall,70%sleep Secret 2: With Kasumi in your unit, you can find out your chance of a successful attack against a unit by using her 'Scout Ability'. Secret 3: "Looks like she was born and raised in Rokkaku like the other ninjas. Maybe that's why she knows so little about the outside world." Secret 4: "Once in awhile, she heads for Banner Village. I wonder if she's got a boyfriend there." HowToGet: Automatically joins (if you choose her, you cant get Valeria). 69/108 _______ /Valeria\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Valeria Age : 29 From : Toran Republic Position: Volunteer Army General Notes : One of the 6 Generals of the Toran Republic Comment : Awesome atk, hp, fast, tech, a really great fighter. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Rival ATK / Valeria-Anita / 300% dmg 1 en,Valeria unbal Secret 2: "She studied swordsmanship for 3 years from a famous swordmaster in the southlands. After that, she went back to the Scarlet Moon Empire, but her mind is still only on her swordsmanship..." Secret 3: "She got her 'Falcon Rune' from her swordmaster. Must be some kind of proof of her rank, I guess." Secret 4: "She was born in a poor village and worked hard to get where she is. Her village was burned to the ground while she was away and all her childhood friends were all killed." HowToGet: Automatically joins (if you choose her, you cant get Kasumi). 69/108 ______ /Sheena\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Sheena Age : 19 From : Kouan, Toran Republic Position: Royal Guard

Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2:

Son of President Lepant Somewhat good fighter and magic user. Short. "It looks like his womanizing has caused a lot of embarrassment for President Lepant too, but he'll never be able to change his ways as long as he lives." Secret 3: "It sounds like President Lepant was quite a playboy in his youth as well. That's why it's hard for him to be too tough on Sheena." Secret 4: "Sheena has a soft spot for his mother, Eileen. I'll bet she really babied him when he was a kid." HowToGet: Automatically joins. 70/108 _______ /Lorelai\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Lorelai Age : 28 From : Queendom of Falena Position: Archer Notes : None Comment : Good speed, awesome tech and magic, a good fighter too. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Beauty ATK / Any three of Karen, / 25% dmg all en, 60% sleep Kasumi,Lorelai,Rina TrueBeautyATK/Karen-Kasumi-Lorelai-Rina/100% dmgall,70%sleep Secret 2: "Basically, she's searching for the secrets of the Sindar, but 3 years ago she took part in the Toran Liberation War. I heard she's only interested in strong men." Secret 3: "The Sindar are a mysterious tribe that came from the north and left ruins in every land they visited. They finally went south and just disappeared." Secret 4: "She's got lots of rivals that are trying to solve the riddle of the Sindar before her. Lemme tell ya though, she's crushed more than a few competitors in her lifetime..." HowToGet: Gregminster. Middle-northwest area. Castle must be level 3. 71/108 _____ /Mondo\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Mondo Age : 35 From : Rokkaku Hamlet Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : An above average fighter, but normal at magic. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Ninja ATK / Kasumi - Mondo / 150% dmg 1 en,30% ko Secret 2: "People say he used to practice special attacks a lot with Kasumi." Secret 3: "Every morning, he wraps a long cloth around his waist and runs around in circles. Is that some kind of training?" Secret 4: "He was planting some strange seeds in the courtyard and flying around. Is that some kinda training too?" HowToGet: Rokkaku. Kasumi must be in party. (if you choose Kasumi). Rokkaku. Castle must be level 4. (if you choose Valeria). 72/108 ______

/Sasuke\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Sasuke Age : 13 From : Rokkaku Hamlet Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : Fast and accurate, but not too strong. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Cutie Boy ATK / Futch-Luc-Sasuke / 100% dmg all en,unfriendly Secret 2: "He used to be very close to Kasumi of Rokkaku, but he avoids her now. Well, that's how it is between men and women sometimes." Secret 3: "He says that he only came here cause he was ordered by Hanzo, but the truth is that he likes being out in the real world." HowToGet: Rokkaku. Kasumi must be in party. (if you choose Kasumi). Rokkaku. Castle must be level 4. (if you choose Valeria). 73/108 ________ /Lebrante\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Lebrante Age : 40 From : Zexen Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Appraiser Secret 2: "He's a prickly old bastard, but once he gets a couple of drinks of sake, he'll sing yer ear off... What a racket!" Secret 3: "He shaves that head of his cause he can't stand the idea of hair falling onto his antiques." Secret 4: "What the hell does he collect all those 'Celadon Urn' for anyway....." HowToGet: Radat. Appraiser shop. Bring Celadon Urn to him (buy it from Gregminster trading shop). 74/108 _______ /Badeaux\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Badeaux Age : 38 From : Grasslands Position: Special Forces Notes : Beastmaster Comment : Beastmaster (...) AtkRange: Short. Secret 2: "He's a beastmaster. He uses a rune called the 'Rune of Mindfulness' to talk to animals. I'll tell ya one thing though. He's not too good with human relations." Secret 3: "Sometimes he feeds the pigeons up on the roof of the castle." HowToGet: Greenhil-Matilda forest path. Castle must be level 3. Animal must be in party (ex: Shiro, Mukumuku, etc.)Second screen. After you get him, you will get 2 Hearing Crystal. 75/108 _______ /Feather\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Feather Age : 23

From : Position: Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2:

Unknown Special Forces None Have a great attack and above average stats, bad at magic. Short. DoubleMonsterATK/Sigfried-Feather/200% dmg1,both unbalance "Yikes. Th,that thing is scary. I heard it came from some place called 'Something Valley'..." Secret 3: "How should I know!! You can't interrogate something that doesn't even speak our language, can ya!!!" "I, I'm sorry...But gimme a break..." HowToGet: Forest Village. In front of trading post. Must have 1 Hearing Crystal. 76/108 ____ /Ayda\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Ayda Age : 17 From : Deep in the forest near Greenhill Position: Archer Captain Notes : Guardian of the Forest Comment : Great speed, good tech, average stats. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Bow ATK / Ayda - Stallion / 50% damage to all enemies Ayda - Kinnison Secret 2: "If you put her together with other people who use bows...." Secret 3: "With Ayda's 'Forest Walk' ability, you can pass through forest terrain as easily as if it were an open field. But be careful cause you can't do it if you also have Cavalry Ability in the same unit." Secret 4: "She was born in the forest, her life is dedicated to protecting the forest, and she says she'll die in the forest..." HowToGet: Forest Village. Joins with Feather. 77/108 ________ /Sigfried\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Sigfried Age : 170 From : Two River City Position: None Notes : None Comment : Good in everything, except speed. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Secret 2: "Now I'm investigating mutated horses...Well anyway, deep in the forest, in between two trees, there's a place called Unicorn Village." Secret 3: "I gotta admit I like that beast's style. He's only interested in girls...Won't waste a minute with the guys." Secret 4: "The other day, he mistook Sierra for a 'maiden' and approached her. You shoulda seen him after he got a whiff of her." HowToGet: If you choose him, you cant get Abizboah, vice versa. Unicorn Forest. Kobold Village. Only after Unicorn Quest. Must bring one pure female (ex: Nanami,engaar, etc.) 78/108 ______ /Gordon\_____________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Name : Age : From : Position: Notes : Comment : Secret 2:

Gordon 38 Rockland, Toran Republic Rearguard None Your trading post. "I found one of his secret trade memos. Ummmmm... Flutes to Forest Village, Deer Antlers from Forest Village'" Secret 3: "Secret Memo 2 Furs to South Window, Deer Antlers from Rokkaku, Soy Sauce from Rokkaku, Wine from Gregminster" Secret 4: "Secret Memo 3 Holly berries to Crom, Pearls from Rockaxe, Peeing Boy to Rockaxe, Flutes to Rockaxe, Holly berries to Rockaxe" HowToGet: Gregminster. Inside trading post. Must have at least 50000 potch profit by trading. 79/108 ____ /Tomo\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tomo Age : 14 From : Ryube, Muse Principality Position: Infantry Soldier Notes : Tsai's daughter Comment : suprisingly, she is a good one. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Dad-Daugter ATK / Tsai-Tomo / 100% damage to en front row Secret 2: "Poor Tomo, she's working so hard to get her parents back together, but with that stubborn father of hers..." Secret 3: "Her dad taught her how to wield a spear, but she got her good looks from her mom." HowToGet: Ryube Forest. Tsai's house. Tsai must be in party. After Tsai asks to bring him back to his house. Castle must be level 3. 80/108 ___________ /Maximillian\________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Maximillian Age : 65 From : Toran Republic Position: Cavalry Captain Notes : Former commander of Maximillian Knights Comment : In map battle only. Secret 2: "The Maximillian Knights were part of the Scarlet Moon Empire, but they were disbanded because they helped the City-State of Jowston in their war against the Highland Kingdom." Secret 3: "He's got a squire named Sancho, but he went back to his homeland. He heard there was a war and he went running." HowToGet: Southwindow.After Luca has killed.Castle must be level 3. Upon entering the city. 81/108 ________ /Annallee\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Annallee Age : 17 From : Holy Kingdom of Harmonia Position: Special Forces Notes : None

Comment : Singer Secret 2: "With Annallee's 'Encourage' ability, a unit that has already ended its turn gets a chance to go again." Secret 3: "Annallee was born in Harmonia, but her parents were killed under suspicious circumstances...It took her a long time to open up after that..." Secret 4: "She first met Pico and Alberto at a friend's house. That meeting changed her life forever. She seems pretty happy now, if ya ask me." HowToGet: Southwindow.After Luca has killed.Castle must be level 3. Inside Inn,then on the right side of the city hall front. Let her sing a song. 82/108 ______ /Killey\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Killey Age : 30 From : Queendom of Falena Position: None Notes : None Comment : A good fighter because he strikes twice. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Secret 2: "He's after the secrets of the Sindar, but it seems he was also a prisoner in the Queendom of Falena for several years before you met up with him." Secret 3: "Apparently that look of his is the custom where he was born. Something to do with the legendary 'Crimson Bird' from his native culture." HowToGet: Southwindow. Castle must be level 3. Only if Alex has joined you. After Luca has killed. In front of trading post. Talk to Alex in HQ after talking to him. Talk to him again in front of trading post. 83/108 ___ /Hoi\________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Hoi Age : 16 From : Kanakan Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : He is very bad, except his good speed. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Copycat ATK / Hero - Hoi / 100% damage to one enemy Secret 2: "You better be careful, I saw him sneak into your room a couple of times." Secret 3: "He's an interesting guy. He spends most of his time just copying your attacks over and over again." Secret 4: "He was loitering around in front of the bathhouse. I wonder what he was doing..." HowToGet: Radat Bar. After Luca has killed. 84/108 _______ /Connell\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Connell Age : 12 From : Forest Village, Greenhill Position: Rearguard

Notes : Phonologist Comment : He can change your sound. Secret 2: "Connell's dad was a musician too, so he went to the Holy Kingdom of Harmonia to study so he could follow in his footsteps." Secret 3: "He's worried about his little sister who he left in Forest Village. He asked the other villagers to watch after her, but still...." Secret 4: "Sometimes monsters hold onto Sound Sets too. I'm pretty sure it's those Doremi elf..." HowToGet: Forest Village. One of the houses. Castle must be level 3. Must bring at least 1 sound set to him. 85/108 ___ /Bob\________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Bob Age : 25 From : Grasslands Position: None Note : None Comment : An average fighter, good when he is werewolf. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Servant ATK / Sierra-Bob-Bolgan / 400% dmg 1 en, Bob-Bolgan damaged, Sierra healed Secret 2: "Bob was born in a village of Lycanthropes, but one day, a sorceress named Windy appeared and burned the village to the ground, killing everyone." Secret 3: "The rune that he uses doesn't give him the power to transform. That's his natural power. The rune just helps him to maintain his human form." Secret 4: "When his body weakens, his body transforms more easily. The other day he sneezed too hard and it caused him to change..." HowToGet: Two River Kobold area. Outside. Only if you have gotten a lot of companions (around 80). 86/108 _____ /Karen\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Karen Age : 17 From : Kuskus Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : She is average, with a good magic ability. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Beauty ATK / Any three of Karen, / 25% dmg all en, 60% sleep Kasumi,Lorelai,Rina TrueBeautyATK/Karen-Kasumi-Lorelai-Rina/100% dmgall,70%sleep Secret 2: "When she's dancing, she's a totally different person I tell ya. It's almost like she's got an identical twin that she trades places with..." Secret 3: "She learned her dancing in the Toran Republic. Her teacher was someone called Mina." HowToGet: Kuskus. Inn. After Luca has killed. Dance with her. 87/108 ______ /McDohl\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : McDohl Age : 19

From : Position: Notes : Comment :

Gregminster, Toran Republic None None He is one of the best character. Awesome magic, atk, and tech, the rest is above average. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : DoubleLeaderATK / Hero-McDohl / 75% damage all enemies Secrets : HowToGet: Finish the 'Getting McDohl' sidequest. ______________ /Long Chan Chan\_____________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Long Chan Chan Age : 33 From : The Southlands Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : Like Wakaba, Awesome tech, speed, ultra-high hp, good atk, normal defense and magics. AtkRange: Short. Unites : TwinFighterATK/Wakaba-L.C.Chan/300%dmg 1en,only when berserk Flash ATK / Bolgan-LChan-Gantetsu / 150% dmg all en,get 50% dmg Secret 2: "Master and student are a potent force when fighting together. You should check it out." Secret 3: "He's the 'father' of the Dragon-style of fighting all right. He thought it all up himself. He's one tough little dude." Secret 4: "Wakaba is his only pupil right now, but one day he wants to have a dojo with 1,000 in it." HowToGet: Crom. Rushes the door upon entering the inn. After that, find him behind the house near the inn. Wakaba must be in party. 88/108 ______ /Tenkou\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tenkou Age : 67 From : Crom, Tinto Principality Position: Rearguard Notes : Windowmaker Comment : Talk to him to change you window setting. Secret 2: "According to rumor, someone on the mountain path to the Toran Republic picked up a Window Set." Secret 3: "He said if you see a 'Window Set' in Greenhill, please buy it for him. He sounded kinda desperate." HowToGet: Crom. Inside one of the houses. Bring 1 Window Set to him. 89/108 _____ /Raura\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Raura Age : Unknown From : Unknown Position: Magic Unit Notes : Scroll Maker Comments: Scroll Maker (...) Secret 2: "Jeane and Raura seem like they know each other well, but I can't seem to find out where they met." Secret 3: "Scroll-making is mysterious all right. She takes the power

of crystals and puts them into vellum. It's really amazing." HowToGet: Tinto City. Near the Mayor House. Only if Jeane has recruited. 90/108 ____ /Jess\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Jess Age : 24 From : Muse City Position: Strategist's retinue Notes : Vice-Mayor of Muse City Comment : None Secret 2: Looks like Jess was pretty deeply in love with Anabelle. But as her chamberlain, he hid his true feelings." Secret 3: "All he eats for breakfast is a single croissant. He's a real weirdo, that one." Secret 4: "He's not too good with bugs. The other day, he walked under a tree and a bug dropped on him. I swear he screamed like a baby who just lost his bottle." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 91/108 ______ /Hauser\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Hauser Age : 43 From : Muse City Position: General Notes : Former Commander of Muse City Army Comment : Awesome atk and def, high hp, normal tech and speed. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Secret 2: "General Hauser was the best military commander in the City-State of Jowston. He's good, believe me." Secret 3: "Anabelle was the civic leader of Muse, while Hauser handled its military affairs. They were each excellent at their jobs and that's why Muse thrived." Secret 4: "Never seen anyone more devoted to his job. Tough sonofa bitch never even cracks a smile." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 92/108 ____ /Kahn\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Kahn Age : 32 From : Crystal Valley Position: Special Forces Notes : Vampire Hunter Comment : Average on fighting, but good at magic. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Secret 2: "The Marley Family has been hunting vampires for the past 300 years. It looks like Neclord has been their arch-nemesis since way back." Secret 3: "His family's been studying how to kill vampires for 300 years, but it looks like none of that'll work on Neclord." Secret 4: "Once his job as vampire hunter is finished, he says he wants to become a mineralogist. How weird!" HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 93/108

______ /Sierra\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Sierra Age : Unknown From : Blue Moon Village Position: Special Forces Notes : Inheritor of the "Moon Rune". Comment : Fast, good at magic, but bad defense. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Servant ATK / Sierra-Bob-Bolgan / 400% dmg 1 en, Bob-Bolgan damaged, Sierra healed Secret 2: "With the power of the "Moon Rune", the vampiress Sierra was able to become founder of an entire coven of lesser vampires." Secret 3: "Although vampires live much longer than humans, even they die sometime. All of them except for the coven mistress, Sierra, that is......" Secret 4: "Sounds like she's got no plans to go back to her village, right away. There's no one left alive there anyway... only the undead." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 94/108 _______ /Marlowe\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Marlowe Age : 19 From : Crom, Tinto Principality Position: Strategist's retinue Notes : None Comment : I TELL YA... HE IS THE MOST USELESS GUY IN THIS GAME Secret 2: "The mayor of Tinto summoned him to tutor his daughter, but he was so impressed by you that he left to come here." Secret 3: "He really wants to finish your chronicles. I think he'll be with us for a while, though, by his progress." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 95/108 ____ /Koyu\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Koyu Age : 16 From : Tinto Principality Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : Quick, average tech, hp and magic, but bad atk and def. AtkRange: Medium. Unites : Bandit ATK / Lo Wen-Koyu-Gijimu / 150% dmg 1 en, 30% ko Secret 2: "When he's with Gijimu and Lo Wen, he can use the 'Bandits Attack'." Secret 3: "He's good friends with Marlowe. They each have exactly what the other person wants." Secret 4: "His brother-in-law, Gijimu, and Lo Wen are his only relatives. It's the times we live in, eh." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 96/108 ______ /Gijimu\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Gijimu Age : 39

From : Position: Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2:

Tinto Principality Infantry Captain None A good fighter, but have bad tech and magic. Medium. Bandit ATK / Lo Wen-Koyu-Gijimu / 150% dmg 1 en, 30% ko "His 'Melee' command of his increases his unit's attack power versus archers and magic units." Secret 3: "This guy is a natural-born bandit. He mostly went after money-hungry traders though." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 97/108 ______ /Lo Wen\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Lo Wen Age : 28 From : Two River Principality Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : Average stats with good atk and hp, long-range attacker. AtkRange: Long. Unites : Bandit ATK / Lo Wen-Koyu-Gijimu / 150% dmg 1 en, 30% ko Secret 2: "She was embezzling money from one of the members of the 3 Houses of Parliament in Two River, but she was found out and had to leave town in a hurry." Secret 3: "She can be pretty tough on guys she likes." Secret 4: "Her dream is to open up a little diner someday. If you ya ask me, it's hard to imagine." HowToGet: Automatically joins you. 98/108 _____ /Georg\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Georg Prime Age : 41 From : Unknown Position: Infantry Captain Notes : Formerly 1 of the 6 Generals of the Scarlet Moon Empire. Comment : Awesome atk,def,tech,spd,and high hp. His only weakness is magic. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Secret 2: "He's got a hell of a history. In the Scarlet Moon Empire, he was 1 of the 6 Generals. In the Grasslands, he was an Ebony Moon Knight, and in Falena he was a Royal Knight. He just threw it all away." Secret 3: "You'd never know by looking at him, but that old man loves sweets. I watched him put away 3 pieces of cheesecake in about 5 minutes..." Secret 4: "He can't go back to Falena because he's wanted for the crime of murdering the Queen. What the hell could have happened back there..." HowToGet: Drakemouth-Tigermouth Path. Go right on the 2nd screen from Tigermouth. After defeating Neclord. 99/108 ________ /Gantetsu\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Gantetsu Age : 45

From : Position: Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2:

Qlon, Toran Republic Infantry None A good magic-user with good defense, but slow. Short. Flash ATK/Bolgan-LChan-Gantetsu/150% dmg all en,get 50% dmg "Apparently he was doing his training at a place called Qlon in the Toran Republic, but he was excommunicated for his violent tendencies." Secret 3: "Never met a priest like him before. Seems more like a mobster pretending to be a priest to me." HowToGet: SouthWindow. Below the City Hall. Can move him. 100/108 ____ /Pico\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Pico Age : 24 From : Muse City Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Guitarist Secret 2: "He takes very good care of Annallee. It's a little different than how he 'takes care' of other girls." Secret 3: "He's broken a whole lot of hearts while he's been on the road with his traveling band. He doesn't mean to, it just happens that way." HowToGet: Greenhill, Inn. Only if Annallee has recruited. 101/108 ____ /Jude\_______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Jude Age : 22 From : Forest Village, Greenhill Principality Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Talk to him to design a Guardian Deity. Secret 2: "You can find plans on sale in town, on wandering monsters and in rare finds too." Secret 3: "I wonder what'll happen when he's done making that Guardian Deity. What the hell is it anyway?" Secret 4: "Jude was researching who most often dealt the finishing blow in combat. Is he looking for a motif or something?" HowToGet: Greenhill academy, 1st floor, forge room. He asks for Clays, go to Forest Village and talk to a man hidden in the east area. 102/108 _______ /Alberto\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Alberto Age : 31 From : Rockaxe Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Bassist Secret 2: "He used to be an apprentice for a barrel maker, but he quit for a life in music." Secret 3: "He thinks of Annallee more as a daughter than as a little sister. He looks at her just like he's her papa."

HowToGet: Tinto, Armour shop. Only if Annallee and Pico has 103/108 recruited. _______ /Vincent\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Vincent de Boule Age : 39 From : Gregminster Position: Cavalry Notes : Former Scarlet Moon Empire Nobleman. Comment : Average character, with good tech and mag-def. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Narcissus ATK / Vincent-Simone / 50% dmg all enemies Secret 2: "He used to be a member of the Scarlet Moon Empire nobility, but he doesn't stand on ceremony too much these days. He's got a strong since of duty though." Secret 3: "I know he's friends with Simone, but even so, it seems like he's got an awful lot of 'dearest friends'." Secret 4: "He and Simone often take tea together in the flower garden. I swear those two are livin' in a world of their own making." HowToGet: Radat, Bridge. Castle must be level 4. Simone must be in party. 104/108 ______ /Tessai\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Tessai Age : 37 From : Kuskus, South Window Principality Position: Rearguard Notes : None Comment : Your Blackmith. Secret 2: "I heard a rumor that there's an Iron Hammer in Forest Village..." Secret 3: "If ya wanna get the Copper Hammer, you have to go to Gregminster." Secret 4: "From what I hear, the Silver Hammer is somewhere in Greenhill. There's a Golden Hammer somewhere too...." HowToGet: Kuskus, Blacksmith. Viktor must be in party. 105/108 ________ /Pesmerga\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Pesmerga Age : Unknown From : Unknown Position: Infantry Captain Notes : None Comment : Ultra attack power, good def and tech, a good magic user. His only weakness is speed. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Secret 2: "I still don't know what this guy really is, but apparently no one in the castle has ever seen him either eating or sleeping." Secret 3: "He moves pretty damned quiet for a guy with all that armor, I tell ya. It's a little spooky." Secret 4: "I'm still not sure what kind of a creature he is. Some people say he's just a shadow from another existence." HowToGet: Cave of Wind, place where you fight Star Dragon Sword.

Castle must be level 4. 106/108 ______ /Genshu\_____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Genshu Age : 37 From : Unknown Position: Infantry Notes : None Comment : Above average, bad at magic only. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Swordsman ATK / Shin - Genshu / 50% dmg all en, 20% death Secret 2: "This guy would probably get along well with Shin. All he ever talks about is swords." Secret 3: "He used to be work for anyone who could pay him, but he got tired of that life...." Secret 4: "You should see that guy's eyes when he's near the Star Dragon Sword. He's not normal I tell you, I tell ya. It's almost like he worships it." HowToGet: Coronet, Dock. Hero's weapon must be level 15. Castle must be level 4. 107/108 _____ /Mazus\______________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Mazus Age : 87 From : Unknown Position: Magic Unit Captain Notes : None Comment : Normal tech, spd, and hp, but ultra-high magic and mag-def. AtkRange: Short. Unites : Secret 2: "In Toran, he's got an arch-rival named Crowley who supposedly has over 100 runes embedded in his body." Secret 3: "A long time ago, Mazus and Crowley had a showdown on top of a mountain. They unleashed so much power between them that it rained for a whole week and the mountain was leveled." Secret 4: "Lately, the girls around here have been asking Mazus to make them love potions. Can you imagine a bad-eyed and loveless old goat like that making love potions?" HowToGet: Crom Mines, Sliding place. Castle must be level 4. 108/108 ________ /Abizboah\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Abizboah Age : 76 From : Mining cavern in Tinto City Position: Navy Notes : None Comment : Ultra-super-high atk power,def and hp. But slow and poor mag-def and low tech. AtkRange: Short. Unites : DoubleKrackenATK/Abizboah-Rulodia/100% damage to en front row Secret 2: "C...c'mon...Gimme a break...If I get too close, that thing will get me....." Secret 3: "It looks like our ugly friend here has a wife...If you can call it that..." Secret 4: "The other day, he messed around with Viki while she was

walking on the docks. She teleported him into the middle of the lake for his troubles." HowToGet: If you choose him, you cant get Sigfried, vice versa. Crom Mines. Have at least one Hearing crystal. It will triggered an event which you can get 2 more characters (Chuchara and Rulodia). 108/108 _______ /Rulodia\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Rulodia Age : 68 From : Mining cavern in Tinto Position: Navy Notes : None Comment : A bit weaker than Abizboah, but faster. Non-Star. AtkRange: Short. Unites : DoubleKrackenATK/Abizboah-Rulodia/100% damage to en front row Secret 2: "H, how the hell am I supposed to know...Octopii... I'm sick of 'em!!!" Secret 3: "I thought...I thought I saw a little baby octopus..." HowToGet: Return to the same spot where Abizboah was with Abizboah. _______ /Chucara\____________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Chuchara Age : 1 From : Unknown Position: Navy Note : None Comment : Ultra-super-high defense, but other than that, awfull. Non-Star. AtkRange: Short. Secret 2: "He was just born, but he's being raised with lots of love ...probably." HowToGet: After getting Rulodia, go to your docks and chase him until his parents show up. ________ /Mikumiku\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Mikumiku Age : 6 From : Greenhill Forest Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Fast, but weak on all things. Non-Star. AtkRange: Long. Unites : 5 Squirrel ATK / All Squirrels / Removes 1 en, no exp&money Secret 2: "A tribute to her race. From what I can tell, she's kind and curious." HowToGet: Wander between Greenhill and Forest village alone or with other squirrels while on the road. ________ /Mekumeku\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Mekumeku Age : 6 From : Greenhill Forest Position: Special Forces

Notes : Comment : AtkRange: Unites : Secret 2: HowToGet:

None Good fighter, but have bad tech and low hp. Non-Star. Long. 5 Squirrel ATK / All Squirrels / Removes 1 en, no exp&money "He jokes around a lot, but he's a hard worker." Wander the path to Matilda like Makumaku and Mikumiku.

________ /Mokumoku\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Mokumoku Age : 6 From : Greenhill Forest Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Awesome atk and def, but have really bad tech, and really bad at magic. Non-Star. AtkRange: Long. Unites : 5 Squirrel ATK / All Squirrels / Removes 1 en, no exp&money Secret 2: "Very generous, but strong too. He loves curry." HowToGet: Wander around the clearing below Forest Village alone of with other squirrels. ________ /Makumaku\___________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------Name : Makumaku Age : 6 From : Greenhill Forest Position: Special Forces Notes : None Comment : Weak attack and have low hp, but good at magic and fast. AtkRange: Long. Unites : 5 Squirrel ATK / All Squirrels / Removes 1 en, no exp&money Secret 2: "Number two in the tribe. He's cool on the inside, but ferocious on the inside." "What kind of report is that?....." HowToGet: Wander on the road between Two River City and Greenhill alone or with Mukumuku. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XIV. The Cities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercenary Fortress -----------------The main base of the Mercenaries, their leader is Flik and Viktor. There isn't much left there, just some scorched and broken ruins. Facilities: None Ryube ----Your first town, but after Luca Blight attacks it, it become a rusted and ghost town. It's really horrible... Facilities: None (Inn, Itemshop, Armorshop, Blacksmith) Toto ---Luca Blight literally burned this village to the ground.

Facilities: None (Inn, Itemshop, Armorshop) Kyaro ----That's Lord Hero's hometown, isn't it. Its a nice, peaceful little town. Facilities: Itemshop, Inn. Muse ---This is Muse City, former capital city of the City-State. It's got all the facilities you could want in a city, but its currently being occupied by the Highland Army.... Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Armorshop, Runeshop, Blacksmith, Appraiser Muse-Highland Checkpoint -----------------------The border between Muse and Highland. Its always pretty tense place to be. Muse-Matilda Checkpoint ----------------------The border between Muse and Matilda. Muse-Greenhill Checkpoint ------------------------The border between Muse and Greenhill. Coronet ------A town under the control of Muse City. People who make their living off the sea live here. A ship departs from here to Kuskus on the opposite shore. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Blacksmith. Kuskus -----It's a port city. There's a blacksmith there with a good reputation. You should pay him a visit. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Blacksmith. South Window -----------A city with great history. North and South Window used to be sister cities, but now only South Window remains. Facilities: Inn,Itemshop,Armorshop,Runeshop,Blacksmith,Trading Post Home Castle ----------Our castle. She just out into the lake, she's easy to defend and hard to attack. This spot has played a big role in battles for ages upon ages. Facilities: <...> Radat ----There's a ship that goes from there to Lake Toran. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Appraiser

Cave of the Wind ---------------It's a cave that always has a strong wind blowing through it. You'll find the Star Dragon Sword laying in there. Lakewest -------A quiet fishing town. Sometimes I think it might be the perfect kind of place to settle down. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop Kobold Village -------------Kobold Village, huh. The "Crystal Ball" at the trading post is a very popular item. I wonder why. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Trading Post Two River --------A city where Humans, Kobolds and Wingers all live together. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Armorshop, Runeshop. Greenhill --------That's the city where New Leaf Academy is. It's where students study to become runemasters and appraisers and such. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Runeshop, Blacksmith, Appraiser Forest Village -------------A quiet little village tucked away in the forest. I've heard that Griffins show up around there. Facilities: Inn, Armorshop, Trading Post. Forest Path (Greenhill-Matilda) ------------------------------Forest Path that connects Greenhill and Matilda. Rockaxe ------Home castle of the Matilda Knights. The trading post here will pay a high price for antiques. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Armorshop, Trading Post. Highway Village --------------A village located directly on a trade route. Looks like they do a pretty lively trade business there too. Rakutei Mountain ---------------Sometimes it gets so thick with fog that you lose your way here. Banner Village -------------Its located near Lake Toran. There's a way to Gregminster, the capital of Toran Republic.

Facilities: Inn, Itemshop Drakemouth Village -----------------You can get to Tinto City from here. I think this is the most useless town in Suikoden 2. Facilities: Inn Tigermouth Village -----------------This village is the entrance to Tinto. There aren't many roads to Tinto, so the Highland Army has trouble attacking them Facilities: Inn, Appraiser Crom ---For a good price, you can get a "Gold Bar" made in Tinto at the trading post here. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Trading Post Tinto ----Tinto is a mining city. The blacksmith and the armorer have some very good stuff. Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Armorshop, Blacksmith L'Renouille ----------Royal Capital of Highland, also act as the final dungeon ...hey where is the city? there is only a castle! Sajah Village ------------A village in the countryside of Highland. Not really anything to see there... Facilities: Inn, Itemshop, Runeshop, Appraiser >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XV. DISCLAIMER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unpublished Work Copyright Joseph Andro Artanto 1999-2002. This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronically, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author,

myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Joseph Andro Artanto ([email protected]). All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XVI. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Q: How to save Nanami? and get the best Ending? A: You need to get 108 stars of destiny before Nanami died in Rockaxe. And when Nanami dies, choose "Nanami!". In Tenzan Pass, Don't hit Jowy even once in the duel, and don't agree with him. Leknaat will appears and save Jowy. Nanami will be alive if you do that. And You, Jowy, and Nanami will live happily in Kyaro. You need to get 108 stars of destiny before Nanami died in Rockaxe. And when Nanami dies, choose "Nanami!" or "Lookout!" in half a second. Q: How to get Oulan? A: Kuskus. Talk to the old woman down the stairs when you first come into Kuskus town. Then you have an all female party (they dont have to be all 'pure' females) and the bandits show up! Q: Where is Rokkaku? A: After the 'stairs screen', go north, and east a bit and push the forest to the south while moving right, you'll find a secret path to Rokkaku. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XVII. AUTHOR'S INFO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FAQs : * Star Ocean 2 FAQ contributed * Star Ocean 2 Claude's Scenario Walktrough * Star Ocean 2 Rena's Scenario Walktrough * Final Fantasy Tactics Deep Dungeon Guide * Heroes of Might and Magic II FAQ * Heroes of Might and Magic III FAQ * Suikoden II FAQ/Walkthrough E-mail : [email protected] Website : Anyway, that's all! for more info about me, visit my website: Btw, I haven't updated my website for around... 2 years! ^_^ Feel free to asks questions about any other RPGs besides Suikoden 2! Support me when I've begun creating faq for Suikoden 3!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XVIII. Stuff Needed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * * * *

Karen Statue C Price Karen Painting A and B Price Information on status (such as balloon, hyper, bat, etc) Characters and Party Strategies Many corrections!

Do not, and never hesitate to send anything to me! Any info will be greatly appreciated. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XIXa. CREDITS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to: *God *Kao Megura, for his disclaimer in all of my faqs! Thanks, Kao! *Richard Case ([email protected]), for his glitch/secret. *[email protected], for his correction on Southwindow event. *GravyBoat ([email protected]), for his info on Badeaux. *Greg Ferrell ([email protected]), for his neat tricks. *FuzzyHippo ([email protected]/ICQ: 2169508). *Felix Valentinus ([email protected]), for countless minor corrections. *[email protected], for the Nanami's weapon info. *Sailor Nemesis ([email protected]), for the Dancing info. *Mike Mattera ([email protected]), for Forgiver Sign spell info. *Florian Stary ([email protected]), for Saving Ridley info. *And thanks for the following people for their support and info: Kenneth Qvarfordt, Rena Chan, [email protected], Godhand, Andrew Gray, [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected], [email protected], Steve Restituto ([email protected]), [email protected], [email protected] *Other people who have send me some comments and questions. *All of you, readers! *Konami, for producing a really great RPG. *And last, my damn mouse. Goodbye! If you have comments, suggestions, critics, questions or contributions, send me a message. Information : ------------Author : Joseph Andro Artanto E-mail : [email protected] Website : Pages : 146 Version : 2.2 Last Update: November 5, 2002 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XIXb. THE IDIOT LIST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Idiot List : ---------------None yet, but if you found any, tell me! I will give you a special thanks! Thanks! Hope you have fun reading this faq! ^_>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unpublished Work Copyright (c) Joseph Andro Artanto 1999-2002

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