Suggested Names For New Parish

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Suggested Names for the New Parish Name suggested:

Person making suggestion:

All Saints Church

Mary Briggs To recognize the saints incorporated in our current names.

All Saints

Sara Smith

All Saints Catholic Church

Theresa Page

Recognize all three saints of the current parishes.

All Souls

Colleen Carroll-Barbuto

The Parish Community of Blessed John XXIII

Jim Venter

Pope John XXIII Blessed John XXIII

Mary M. Cody Natalie Runfola

Pope John was a saintly man who had the courage to call a Council and set in motion great and needed changes in the church.

Blessed John XXIII

John Harden

Pope John XXIII was the most influential Catholic of the 20 th Century. As the individual who opened the Second Vatican Council, he encouraged RC to re-examine their faith and to bring that faith into the modern world. He encouraged the interfaith movement and asked Catholics to see themselves as part of a wider Christian community. Pope John preached for an inclusive and involved church. Without his message, we would not be the same community today.

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha

Pauline Wohlleber

Kateri was born near the town of Auriesville, New York, in the year 1656, the daughter of a Mohawk warrior. Kateri became converted to Christianity as a teenager. She was baptized at the age of 20 and incurred the great hostility of her tribe. Although she had to suffer greatly for her faith, she remained firm in it. She lived a life dedicated to prayer, penitential practices, and care for the sick and aged. Kateri died in 1680. Blessed Kateri Teckakwitha is the first Native American to be declared Blessed. Work is currently under way to have her Canonized in the Church.

Blessed Spirit

Colleen Carroll-Barbuto


Nicole Robilotto

Central American Martyrs

Chris Lapinski

Christ the King

Sara Smith

City of God Parish-The Catholic Community Of Albany’s South End

Lisa Higdon

The inspiration for this name comes from the hymn, “City of God” by Daniel Shutte. The first words of the hymn remind us that although we are disappointed in the changes in our Church, we cannot be complacent and we need to rejoice in the Lord and move forward. The tag line, “the Catholic Community of Albany’s South End” might be appropriate to any name we choose. The south end is known for many Suggest Names for the New Parish October 2009 Page 1 of 9

things, but not its Catholic presence. This is true even though the parishes have had a long tradition of educating and serving the area. We need to be sure people know where this vibrant new parish is located.

Church of the Blessed Saints

Pauline Metchick

In honor of our present three saints.

Church of the Communion

Tony Mosca

Church of the Good Shepherd

Diane E. Miller

Because God is our Shepherd.

Church of the Good Shepherd Pauline Metchick Because our churches engage in many good works such as the Soup Kitchen. The Good Shepherd

Cel este Bo ucher Parishes connecting as the shepherd collects his flock.

Good Shepherd Catholic Church

Georgeann Payne I am suggesting this name because of all the humanitarian and outreach work that is done by SJSA’s Church for the South End of Albany. Without this help the welfare of our residents in the SouthEnd would become acute. The alleviation of any distress for the residents of the S.E. is vital to keeping the area free of crime, homelessness and keeping the children in school instead of on the streets. A good Shepherd keeps a watch over his flock and that is what we have been doing for years . . . not just one person, but all of God’s people. I put in the word “Catholic” due to the fact that this name is used by other faith denominations.

Good Shepherd

Mary M. Cody

Parish Community of the Good Shepherd

Ali R. Kolb

The Good Shepherd gathers in his flock – everyone is included.

Church of the Holy Family

The Coolidge Family

We feel this name is very appropriate given the significance of family in our parish and the family we are trying to form with St. John/St. Ann. Not only does the Holy Family represent an important and blessed feature of the Catholic Church, it also reminds us of the building blocks of our faith (i) our immediate family, (ii) the family of believers with whom we celebrate at Mass; (iii) the family of Saints upon whom we draw strength and wisdom including St. James, St. John and St. Ann.

Church of the Holy Family

Deven Horne

This name reminds us that no matter what house we live in we are all part of the Holy Family through our Baptism in the church.

The Holy Family

Salvatore & Theresa Aiezza

When St. James merges with St. John/St. Ann’s we will become a happy, “Holy Family” such as Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

The Holy Trinity

Sandra Cipollo

Because of combining all three churches

Church of the Holy Trinity

Theresa Aiezza

Church of the Little Flower

Susan Shipherd

St. Terese of Liseux is my patron.

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Church of the North American Martyrs

Vincent Gizzi

Auriesville is the site of the martyrs. This name is connected to our diocese as with the founding of Lake George by St. Isaac Jogues. His statue is at the southern end of Lake George.

Church of the North American Martyrs Church of the Precious Blood

S. Pat Houlihan Joan Goes

A percentage of Catholics don’t believe in the true presence! It would be a gentle reminder of the Precious Blood.

Church of the Resurrection

S. Pat Houlihan

Church of the Salvadoran Martyrs

Gary Johnson

On December 2, 1980, Jean Donovan, Dorothy Kazel, Ita Ford, and Maura Clarke were martyred in El Salvador because of their unstinting commitment to bringing the good news of the Kingdom of God to the Salvadoran poor. I think we should honor as contemporary Christian heroes as we can, preferably women. Plus, St. John's/St. Ann's has a direct connection to these martyrs because Maura Clarke was our own Michael Clarke's cousin. Maura Clarke once said: "If we leave the people when they suffer the cross, how credible is our word to them? The church's role is to accompany those who suffer the most, and to witness our hope in the resurrection."

Church of the Salvadoran Martyrs

Michael and Susan Clarke

The Salvadoran martyrs were men and women that embodied Christ’s work in action, in spite of the remarkable challenges they faced. Romero, Ford, Clarke, Kazel and Donovan have long been viewed as ‘patron saints’ of service, as evidenced by the centers, organizations and schools that carry their name. What a beautiful way to honor that spirit by affiliation - fitting on the thirtieth anniversary of the Maryknoll martyrs’ deaths - by naming this new faith community in honor of their work and spirit.

Church of the Sons of Zebedee

Gary F. O’Connor

Church of the Saints of Charity

Mary Ellen Clerkin

This recognizes all of the saints names we represent and is a common mission of all of them.

Church of the Three Saints

Betty Bursey

Church of the Transfiguration

Phyllis Cardona

James and John followed Jesus up a mountain and were totally surprised and amazed at what God revealed to them. They saw Jesus as they had never imagined him. What they experienced was so amazing that they wanted to build tents and stay there together. It is my great hope that we will allow God to surprise us with what is in store for our communities, and that we will want to stay and give witness and glory to God as we continue together as one parish.

Church of the Transfiguration

Annmarie Yellico

our interconnectedness and interdependence.

Transfiguration Parish

Paul McGrath

St. James and St. John were both at the event.

Church of the Transfiguration

David Amico

John and James were with Jesus at the Transfiguration. It also symbolizes our re-figuration into a new community.

Corpus Christi

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bopp

Corpus Christi

Mary Carey Suggest Names for the New Parish October 2009 Page 3 of 9

Corpus Christi

Florence Hession

I like this name because the Eucharist is at the heart of the Catholic Church. The true Presence is what distinguishes us from other denominations. I think more emphasis on the body of Christ is a unifying force.

Church of the Divine Mercy

Nancy Moscheo

Both names are appropriate for our times, when we all are in particular need of Mary’s help and God’s mercy. We need to devote our parish to the hope, faith and love that these names inspire.

Divine Mercy

Diane Biernacki

Divine Mercy

Martin Yellico

Divine Mercy

Joan Goes

Divine Mercy devotion is popular.

Church of Faith, Love and Hope


The Church of Our(the) Divine Saviorr

Jo Hallenbeck

Church of the New Creation


The Disciples of Christ Parish

George Abatto

St. James worship site and St. John/St. Ann’s worship site

The Family of Jesus

S. Mary Barbara Vennard, C.S.J.

Jesus was a member of different families. Mary, his Mother belonged to his biological family and St. Anne was Mary’s mother. St. John and St. James were the apostles – the adopted family of Jesus.

Holy Grandmother of Jesus


St. Ann is the Grandmother of Jesus. The Grandmother of Jesus deserves recognition as such. Without her there would have been no Virgin Mary.

Holy Savior of Divine Mercy

Theresa Aiezza

Holy Spirit

Mary Sontz

Holy Spirit

Winnie Deyo

Holy Spirit

Mary Dolan

I feel we need a new Pentecost. A new revival in bringing our young people back to the Lord. Holy Spirit of Albany Kathy Stelma n Our churches (especially SJ/SA) represent the city, its contribution to the poor and especially community.

Holy Apostles Church

Peggy Hetling

The church was built on the foundation of the apostles. We are building a new church with the merging of two. The apostles, by word and example, what they themselves received from Jesus’ way of life and works, inspire us to continue as apostles to follow Jesus.

The Incarnation

Diana Venter

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Light of the Heart

Colleen Carroll-Barbuto

Marie Therese Rose Church

Laura VanValkenburg

Mary Therese Rose, born on Oct. 2, 2008, the feast of the Guardian Angels, died only 45 days later. In her short life knew only love and gave only love. Marie was baptized seconds after her birth. She died free from sin and was welcomed by our Lord Jesus Christ and His choir of angels as soon as her soul left her little body.

Mary, Mother in Faith

S. Pat Houlihan

Mary, Queen of Peace

Diane Russo

For world peace.

Mother Teresa

Wil Downs

Our Lady of the City

Paul McGrath

To honor Our Lady.

Our Lady of Fatima

Theresa Aiezza

Our Lady of Fatima

Pat Magin

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Jessie Brady

In honor of the people of Spanish/Mexican heritage

Our Lady of Hope Our Lady of Hope

Mrs. Mary Coccamo Barbara Keegan

In today’s world, we need to have hope.

Our Lady of the Light

Joyce M. Flanagan

The name is soft, non-confrontational and implies grace and hope – a bright new life for our church.

Our Lady of Lourdes

Pat Magin

Our Lady of Lourdes

Mary Green

While visiting Lourdes with my very sick and now deceased sister, I was filled with hope and peace of mind. I would pray that others coming to our church renamed “Our Lady of Lourdes” would experience the same.

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Theresa Aiezza

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Nancy Moscheo

Our Patron Saints Parish

Maurice Garvey

This would allow us to maintain the effectual patronage we’ve had from our current designated patron saints, expand our “network” of patron saints to include all patron saints, and easily refer to the location of our services, outreach, events participation etc. i.e. at Our Patron St. John/St. Ann Church.

Parish of Dorothy Day, Servant of God

Patricia Holm

As a founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, Dorothy Day exemplifies service to the poor in the most profound way. A contemporary woman, she lived a life of strength and great faith. Servant of God is the title bestowed upon her as she is being considered for beatification/canonization.

Queen of Angels

Mrs. Thomas McCormack

Special connection to Mary and the Guardian Angels. Suggest Names for the New Parish October 2009 Page 5 of 9

Roman Catholic Mission Church

Bill Houlton

Name each location as they are now

St. Alban

Father Marbury

Proto-martyr of England; priest. Originally a Roman soldier, converted and became a priest.

St. Ann

Phyllis Mocker

Long affiliation with St. Ann’s parish – in the singular title

St. Anthony

Lisa Nerf

I am suggesting the name because it was one of the original parishes in the South End and also the first to close its doors. Many in the area have had ties to this parish. There are also many in this area with a very strong devotion to St. Anthony. It would be nice to maintain some of the history of the South End while still going forward.

St. Anthony

Flo Futia

St. Anthony

Diane Russo

We don’t have a church in Albany for this favorite saint.

St. Anthony

Yolanda Mastreano

St. Anthony of Padua

Helen Van Amburgh

One of the greatest Franciscan saints, St. Anthony was a profound theologian, a brilliant preacher. He said, “O God give joy to thy church that it may always be defended with spiritual aid and be worthy of everlasting joy. So Anthony was the most loved and admired saint in the Catholic Church, A Doctor of the Church. We don’t have a church by that name in our area.

St. Bridget

Mary Reith

St. Elizabeth

Linda Sidoti

St. Elizabeth was the mother of St. John the Baptist, and she was related to St. Anne (according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, Elizabeth’s mother and Mary’s mother were sisters, so Anne was Elizabeth’s aunt), and she was an associate of St. James and therefore embraces the rich history of all three communities.

St. Elizabeth

Mary Reith

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Ed Brennan

St. Faustina

Pauline Wohlleber

In the 1930’s Sister Maria Faustina received from the Lord a message of mercy that she was told to spread throughout the world. She was asked to become the apostle and secretary of God’s mercy, a model of how to be merciful to others, and an instrument for reemphasizing God’s plan of mercy for the world. Her special devotion to Mary Immaculate and to the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation gave her the strength to bear all her sufferings as an offering to God on behalf of the Church and those in special need, and she williongly offered her personal sufferings in union with Him to atone for the sins of others. The message of mercy that Sister Faustina received isnow being spread throughout the world in the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. St. Faustina died in 1938.

St. Florencia

Flo Futia

St. Francis Assisi

Pauline Wohlleber

Francis really felt that nature, all God’s creations, were part of his brotherhood. Francis tried to make poverty holy. After giving all he had away, Francis and his friars eagerly gave to the poor. They worked for all necessities and only begged if they had to. Following St. Francis’ example, we pray, “Lord, make me Suggest Names for the New Parish October 2009 Page 6 of 9

an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love. And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” Francis died in 1226 and is the patron saint of animals.

St. Ignatius of Loyola

Stan Tartaglia

St. Ignatius, of the Jesuit order, was a model servant and missionary of the people. In a world where being “brothers for others” is needed now more than ever, this would be a great and appropriate patron to unite our church community.

St. Isaac Jogues

S. Pat Houlihan

St. James, St. Ann, St. John


St. James, St. John, St. Ann


St. James, St. John, St. Ann

James Don Riley

So all parishioners who have devotion to their parish patron saint can continue. St. John/St. Ann/St. James Georgia Hodge I never forget St. John because of my children some being confirmed and baptized then by Fr. Yound and Fr. Hubbard, now Bishop Hubbard and St. Ann’s is where my vows were taken and I know St. James parishioners would feel the same about St. James (I guess). God bless. In Christ, G.H.

St. Joachim


St. Joachim

Joan Nerf

St. John & St. James


St. John/St.Ann

Angie Robilatto

Saint Martha

Jacqueline Birk

Having been a member of St. James for many years and having some knowledge of the St. John/St. Ann community, I have thought of St. Martha. Martha welcomed Jesus into her home (Lk.11:38), and though anxious wanted to serve and please the Lord. I think the people in our parishes have those qualities in our communities. Martha was also a true believer. When her brother died (Jn.11:1) she again welcomed Jesus. Even though she was saddened by her loss, she believed in and trusted the Lord with her whole heart. Though our parises are going through a transition, we believe as strongly as Martha that the Son of God will take care of us. Because of her service and her strong belief I feel St. Martha incorporates the work being done in St. James and St. John/St. Ann.

St. Martin de Porres

Barbara Quinn

St. Martin de Porres was America’s first African American saint.

St. Martin de Porres

Margaret Dilgen

He served the poor. St. Martin de Porres We already have the statue.

St. Martin de Porres

Joyce M. Flanagan

Dahlia Herring

It will reflect our commitment and solidarity with the poor.

St. Martin de Porres

Bill Wohlleber

St. Martin de Porres is the first black saint of the Americas, and would come to be known for his humility and help of the poor and in hopeless causes. Martin became a servant and later a Brother in the Holy Rosary Dominican priory in Lima, Peru. He was placed in the infirmary to work, because of his medicinal Suggest Names for the New Parish October 2009 Page 7 of 9

knowledge and the tender way he cared for the sick. Martin had always wanted to be a missionary but never left Lima, where he worked tirelessly for the poor, founding an orphanage and a children’s hospital. Martin had a vigorous prayer life and was albe to feed about 160 poor people with alms each day. Martin de Porres died in 1639.

St. Mary Magdalen

Ed Dilgen

Mary Magdalen was the first to hear of Christ’s resurrection and spread the word.

St. Maximilian Kolbe

Bill Wohlleber

St. Mamimilian Kolbe founded the Immaculata Movement devoted to Our Lady. Father Kolbe traveled to Japan and India to further devotion to Mary. He was arrested twice by the Nazis and sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz in 1941. Father Kolbe offered himself in place of a young husband and father. He was the last to die, enduring two weeks of starvation, thirst, and neglect. Maximilian Kolbe died in 1941.

St. Monica

Bill Wohlleber

St. Monica is the Patron of Wives and Abuse Victims. Through her patience and prayers, she was able to convert her husband and his mother to the Catholic faith in 370. Monica’s son, Augustine was much more difficult, as she had to pray for him for 17 years, begging the prayers of priests who, for a while tried to avoid her because of her persistence at this seemingly hopeless endeavor. Through the prayers of his holy mother, Augustine finally became convinced that Christianity was the one true religion. St. Augustine became a Doctor of the Church. Monica died in 387.

St. Nicholas

Nicholas A. Elacqua


Nicholas was a 3 century Bishop who had a loving, giving, gracious heart, especially for children. These should be the ideals of this “new” parish.

St. Peregrine

Salvatore & Theresa Aiezza

When my daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer, I prayer to St. Peregrine to give her courage and help her to fight that dreadful disease. My prayers were answered. My daughter is in her 11th year cancer free and a survivor.

St. Paul

Susan d’Oelsnitz

I like much of the writings of St. Paul.

St. Peter

Susan d’Oelsnitz

The Rock.

St. Peter Claver

Marcia Schultz

Saint, minister, priest, servant to indigenous and enslaved people of the Americas.

Saint Rose

Mrs. Rose Elacqua

We don’t have any church with that name. It is a beautiful name.

St. William the Healer

Kate McGrath

His life of solitude, prayer, fasting and sharing faith had made a light shine forth from him – it was the light of Christ.

Spirit of Christ

Mary Skelly

I think that this name embodies the beliefs and feeling of St. John/St. Ann’s as well as St. James church.

Spirit of Hope Catholic Community

Helen Cohen

Spirit of Light

Co lle en Carroll-Barbuto


Kenny Umina Suggest Names for the New Parish October 2009 Page 8 of 9

Trinity of Saints


The Trinity of God

Leo Mokhiber

Coming together – Father-Son-Holy Spirit –

The United Catholic Church of the South End

Charles P. Haley

Unity of Faith

Colleen Carroll-Barbuto

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