Suggest: Put One In Glass Of Water. Drink Water Morning

  • June 2020
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Haritaki Suggest: Put one in glass of water. Drink water morning and evening. Refill water in morning and evening after drinking. After third day, you can eat the softened fruit. Soak the seed separately, eat the seed when soft.

1. Removes obstructions from channels and pathways of body, 2. Promotes fearlessness, 3. Nervine tonic, promotes brain functioning and intelligence, 4. Preserves vital force in body, 5.Promotes longevity and youthfulness, 6.Rejuvenating 7.Relieves and corrects gastrointestinal ailments, 8.Detoxifies body, 9.Aids in elimination and colon health, 10.Strengthens sense organs, 11.Treats internal and external diseases of eye, 12. Nourishes all tissues, 13.Nourishes the heart, liver, spleen, 14.Improves memory Improves urinary health, 15.Normalizes excess body fat, 16.Corrects flatulence, 17.Nourishes blood. Monthly Supply: $3.00

Jujube Suggest: 3-12 pieces every day or every other day. 1. Enhances cellular communication, 2. Combats cellular damage from free radicals, 3. Eases sore throats, 4. Nourishes the blood, 5. Aids in digestion, 6. Supports liver and spleen function, 7. Detoxifies the body, 8. Calms the mind, 9. Moderates nervousness, 10. Helps to overcome fatigue and weakness, 11. Speeds recovery from illness,

12. Inhibits gastrointestinal infections, 13. Soothes the stomach, 14. Provides energy, 15. Enhances metabolism, 16. Supports cardiovascular health, 17. Strengthens blood vessels, 18. Provides relief from the heat, 19. Boosts Libido, 20. Destroys parasites in the intestinal tract, 21. Supports heart, lung and kidney health, 22. Enhances the immune system, 23. Slows the effects of premature aging,24. Induces apoptosis in skin cancer cells, 25. Impedes tumor growth, 26.Counters effects of poison, 27. Remedies boils and sores, 28. Relieves bronchitis, 29.Reduces fevers, 30. Acts as a diuretic, 31. Helps in extracting energy from food, 32.Alleviates allergies, 33.Facilitates sleep. Monthly Supply: $5.00

Schizandra Suggest: Spoonful daily (1.5-3g).

1. Purifies blood, 2. Sharpen mind 3. Improve memory Rejuvenate kidney energy, 4. Cause skin to become radiant, 5. Benefits lungs, respiratory strengthening, 6. Enters all twelve meridians 7. Modulates Water Qi and fluids in body, 8.Help adapt to stress, 9. Provide balance in mind and nervous, 10.Concentration, coordination, sensitivity, endurance, 11. Improve eyesight, 12. Improve discrimination ability of skin receptors, 13. Promote protection and regeneration of liver tissue. Monthly Supply: $5.00

Myrrh Suggest: Try as light seasoning in some recipes. Utilize a little bit to add kick/flavor to drinks/smoothies. Infuse in water for use in mouthwash or as part of tea. 3-6 grams max at a time, however not to be ingested daily for long term without taking balancing herbs. Observe yourself.

1. Stimulates circulation to mucosal tissues (esp. bronchial tract, throat, tonsils, and gums), 2. Anti-Inflammatory, 3. Anti-Oxidant, 4. AntiMicrobial, 5.Ideal for painful or swollen tissues , 6. Useful in bleeding gums, gingivitis, tonsillitis, sore throat (including strep throat), and bronchitis, 7. Increased Blood Supply helps fight infection and speeds healing during cold, congestion, or infection of throat or mouth , 8. Expectorant, 9. Chronic conditions with pale and swollen tissues,10. Promote menstrual flow. Recommended when menstruation is accompanied by a heavy sensation in pelvis, 11. In China, Myrrh is considered a “blood mover.” It may help alleviate menstrual cramps. Monthly Supply: $4.00

Store all herbs in cool, dry place. 6 months. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These foods/herbs/products/ oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Giloy “When you cut a fresh sprig of Giloy (Guduchi, Amrita) from the tree and hang it from a cord in the air, it will continue to grow without any visible means of support, gathering its life energy from the five elements in its environment. This makes it very valuable for its ability to bring life into the body. For this reason it is sometimes called Amrita, the Sanskrit word for immortality.” 1. Best for cleaning microcirculatory channels and the other channels 2. Remove endogenous and exogenous toxins (from internal and external sources) 3. Clears brain toxins that hinder mental activity 4. Direct Medhya Rasayana effect: enhances various aspects of mind power 5. Balances and purifies fat tissue 6. Aids various aspects of metabolism, digestion, and assimilation 7. Aids in proper formation of all the bodily tissues 8. Balance liver function and proper assimilation 9. Aids in purification of the urinary tract, by balancing lubrication and downward energy of body

10. Aids in intercellular communication and coordination 11. Nourish mind-body connection 12. Created balance in constitution 13. Directly nourishes hair 14. Enhances overall immune function

Triphala 1.

Detoxifies and rejuvenates simultaneously at the deep cellular level. 2. Particularly Rejuvenating for the Digestive Tract 3. Enhances all thirteen agnis, the digestive fires or transformational processes, especially the main digestive fire in the stomach. 4. Nourishes all seven dhatus, or tissue types, in the body. 5. Strengthens all the sense organs. 6. Purify and clear channels of the body. 7. Enlivens the inner intelligence of the mind and body. 8. Maintains integrity of DNA 9. Balancing to stomach, spleen, liver, lungs, heart, intestines, large intestines, gallbladder, and blood elements including sugar and cholesterol. 10. Anti-inflammatory 11. Useful in diabetic conditions 12. Used as base in any therapy. 13. Rejuvenates eyes 14. Rejuvenates skin, promotes luster.

15. Improves various aspects of mind power. 16. Works on all types of people.

Amalaki 1. Is known as “the best among rejuvenative herbs” in Charaka Samhita and also known as Dhatri, “The Nurse,” 2. Has cooling energy, 3. Flushes out toxins and rejuvenates simultaneously, 4. Strengthens and cleans the eyes, 5. Heightens digestion without being heating, and enhances food absorption, assimilation, and elimination, 6. Benefits hair, nails, teeth, and skin immensely. Helps reduce graying and thinning of hair, 7. Cleanses the tissues of the skin, moisturizes skin, and promotes luster. 8. Cleanses all seven dhatus, or tissues of the body. 9. Maintains muscle tone, enhances protein synthesis, provides positive nitrogen balance, and contributes to lean muscle mass, 10. Supports fertility in both men and women, 11. Supports health of the heart and lungs, 12. Promotes intelligence and nourishes the brain, 13. Prevents against cancer, 14. Supports Liver Function

Bahera 1. Purify the blood, maintain normal blood clotting ability, purify and keep the channels (shrotas) in the body clear, 2. It is cool to the touch, pacifying Pitta, but is hot when you eat it and thus pacifies Kapha, 3. It cleanses the Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa and Meda dhatus, 4. Excellent for balancing

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and nurturing the vocal chord, 5. Antibacterial, 6. Chakshusya (a Rasayana for the eyes), 7. Sushruta Samhita states that Bibhitaki has bhedana effect, which means that it helps to keep the channels (shrotas) open through its heating effect, 8. Nourishes the hair, and helps maintain the hair roots, colour, and thickness.


Neem Oil 1. Skin diseases, inflammation, fever, 2. Rejuvenate skin, Better Sleep, Breathing, Protection from Pathogens, 3. Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, anti-feedant, insecticide, 4. Used in diseases of the mouth, used in rheumatic or arthritic conditions (gout, arthritis, pain, inflammation, etc.), 5. Increase immunity and resistance. Suggested Uses: 1.



One drop on toothpaste if one can stand a little bitter for bleeding gums, bad breath, tooth decay, gingivitis, cavities, ulcers, and more. A little oil with finger tips on face. Will spread by itself, but you can rub nicely also. Some people have said it is better than getting a fifty dollar facial. Application on skin problems religiously, daily. The deeper the oil sinks to the root of the problem, the



quicker it can be corrected. Dandruff is a skin problem too. In addition to applying oil directly on head, a few drops of oil can be mixed in shampoo also. Even in the case of other skin problems, people have seen that a few drops of oil is mixed in with shampoo make for a better cleansing effect. Extra oil on hand can be rubbed vigorously to create heat. One can cup nose with hands and breath slowly, deeply, and evenly in and slowly, deeply, equally measured out. Coat inside of nostrils before going to bed to improve upon snoring, breathing, and quality of sleep. Coat inside of nostrils before stepping out to protect against pathogens Therapy for Asthma, Allergies, Sinus, and Bronchitis: To be done initially and then one a month or as needed: Paper towels ready. 3-4 drops oil in each nostril and lean back. This will trigger sneezing response. Allow sneezing to happen.

Tulsi Oil

actually connects with the woman’s energy. 1. Helps person adapt to stress, improve mood, and create positivity naturally, 2. Natural hormonal balance, especially in women, 3. Purify the air, 4. Anti-viral, antibacterial, 5. Boost Immunity, 6. Benefits lungs and heart. Suggested Uses: 1. A drop in each corner of the house or in a diffuser. 2. One drop in tea. 3. A drop or two in a large bottle of water for use as mouthwash 4. Take a slow, deep, evenly measured breath of fragrance and a slow, deep, evenly measured breath out releasing all negativity. __________________ These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These foods/herbs/products/ oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Tulsi is one of the most intelligent plants described in Ayurveda. It is said that Tulsi was a goddess who actually transformed herself into a plant. Tulsi has been used and worshipped in India by women for thousands of years. Tulsi

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