Sugar Substitutes

  • December 2019
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health) (DILEMMAS

WHAFS THE LATEST O N Better taste, more uses—but still lots of questions about safety BY LORI TOBIAS

Every time you go down the sugar aisle, it seems like there's a new artificial sweetener on the shelf. But what about the claims—past and present—that they can compromise yoiit health? Don't worry, say many nutrition experts. "Non-nutritive sweeteners are consumed worldwide, have heen studied for over 30 years and have been proven safe," says Ruth Frechman, RD, an American Dietetic Association spokesperson. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of controversy—and confusion—ahout artificial sweeteners. Here's the skinny on the five most common an the market {for their best uses, see p. 25):

Aspartame Sold as NutraSweet, Equal or Canderel Found in 6,000+ products, from diet drinks to vitamins

A concentrated sweetener made by joining two amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylaJanine, and an alcohol (methanol). Aspartame was first discovered in 1965, but wasn't approved as a sweetener in the US until 1981, because of concerns that it caused brain damage. All restrictions on aspartame in foods were lifted in 1996.

Don't like the flavor of artificial sweeteners? Use half sugar and half sugar substitute to mask the aftertaste. Coco-Cola released a product In 2004 called Coca-Cola C2 that brought this concept to the soda world.




Aspariame is 180 times as sweet as sugar. Bur unlike sugar, which triggers taste buds the moment ic touches them, aspartame's sweetness doesn't register immediately.

Cuts calories in everyday beverages: a 16-oz. sugar-sweetened soda contains 200 calories while diet soda has 0 Suitable for diabetics Dissolves easily in cold drinks, like iced tea

Noc good tor baking—heat causes sweetening components to break down The hody converts methanol, a building block of aspartame, into

formaldehyde, a compound associated with cancer risk—but there is no proof that levels ai methanol from aspartame-sweetened toods are high enough to he detrimental- In fact, many fruits and vegetables contain greater levels of methanol naturally. THE VERDICT

"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) looked into a study linking aspartame to hrain tumors and determined it wasn't a problem." says Michael Jacobson, executive director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest. "And last year, even though a study in Italy suggested aspartame could cause cancer, the Italian FDA concluded It didn't. I suspect its probably safe."

Saccharin Sold as Sweet'N Low Found in soft drinks, baked goods, low-calorie iams and cough syrups

A granulated compound discovered by accident in 1879 by scientists working with coal tar derivatives. Saccharin has been mass-marketed since the 19th century. HOW IT TASTES

300 times as sweet as sugar, saccharin (especially too much of it) leaves a strong, slightly chemical aftertaste.

Not metabolized by the body Can be used for baking

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(DILEMMAS • Cancer coticerns were serious enough for Congress to propose a ban on saccharin in 1977 that was only repealed in 2000

The American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society and the American Dietetic Association all agree that using saccharin is acceptable.

Stevia An extract from the stevia plant marketed as a dietary supplement in the US. It's sold iti liquid or powdered form (which looks like confectioners' sugar).

Jacobson. "However, for the average, healthy person, small amounts are probably safe."

HOW iT TASTES No artificial flavor, hut can he bitter with a long-lasting aftertaste.

Sucralose May help lower hlood sugar levels No links found to cancer, according to the Worid Health Organization

Still awaiting approval by the FDA as a food additive (the classification given to other sugar substitutes), so you can't find it in products Not good for hypoglycemics because of potential for lowering blood sugar

Sold as Splenda Found in diet dnnks and sugar-free products that are usually labeled as containing Splenda

A compound made by adding three chlorine atoms to a sugar molecule. Sucralose was approved as a sweetener hy the FDA in 1998. HOW IT TASTES Very sweet—600 times as sweet as sugar—but with less afi:ertaste than other artificial sweeteners.

THE VERDICT "Studies show that high dosages may affect the reproductive system," says

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Medicated Scalp \ • Body Wash '-'Salicylic ftcil] I"'"! Cajroi Oil Jo . Aliantoin and

Comes in a variety oF forms, indiiding one paired with sugar that's good for baking Passes unmetabolized through the body

" Reported digestive problems (upset stomach, nausea) from frequent users • Because it's newer to the market, sucralose hasn't been subjected to the same scrutiny as other sweeteners

Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RN. "If something goes in and comes out unchanged, it's much less likely to cause problems."

Xylitol Sold as Perfect Sweet, Healthy Sweet Found in chewing gums, candy and breath mints

A sugar alcohol extracted from birch trees, raspberries, plums and corn. H O W IT TASTES

Spiemla has never been shown to cause ,iny biological or physiological problems in studies. "It's completely unmerabolized in the body, which means nothing is broken down, added or taken away," says Drexel University weight control specialist FEBRUARY


' Could act as a laxative when consumed in large quantities ' More expensive and harder to find as a pure sweetener

Has the same sweetness as sugar; can leave a faintly cool "alcohol" aftertaste.

May prevent tooth decay Suitable for diabetics because it doesnt cause blood sugar spikes

Xylitol is not only a 1 00 percent natural sweetener, but our bodies produce small amounts every day. "If you eat a whole bag ot candy sweetened witb sugar alcohols, it could cause stomach problems," acknowledges Suzanne Havala Hobbs, registered dietitian and KTcolumnist. "Moderation is the key, as is the case with all sweeteners." Lori Tobias remembers when a certain drink in a pink can was the only diet soda choice. Now she can usually be found witb a diet cola, preferably sweetened with Splenda. u







Drinks, cereals, yogurt

1 tsp. = 2 tsp. sugar


Cooking, baking, fruit preserving

1 tsp. = 2 tsp, sugar

Splenda No-Calorie Granular Sweetener

Drinks, cereals, yogurt Cooking and baking; may alter texture or require a special recipe

1 cup = 1 cup sugar

Splenda Sugar Blend for Baking

Baked goods, ice creams, sortets

'A cup = 1 cup sugar


Drinks, cereals, yogurt Baked goods with strong flavors such as iemon, orange, chocolate, coffee or cranberry that mask the bitter taste

'/a tsp. = 2 Tbs. sugar 1-2 tsp. stevia + 'A cup sugar •• 1 cup sugar ^ (Stevia's molecular makeup requires some sugar added for baking)


Drinks, sauces, hot cereals, yogurt

1 cup = 1 cup sugar

©GlaxoSmirhKline 2007 These siaiemenis tiave nol been evaluated by Ihe FDA. This prtxiiicl IS nol intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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