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Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE

Success Stories S.No







June 16, 2003


Rajat Singla


Sep 07, 2001

SCWCD Success Story by S.M.Rahman Hello All, I write this letter with great pleasure of scoring 93% in SCWCD. I would like to share my experiences with you all which I had experienced in the due course of my preparation towards this exam. I had spent most of my time in collecting information regarding exam, objectives, mocks and how to prepare, what topics carry greater importance and a few more things. This experience of mine has led me to build this site which aims at providing valuable information and free downloadable mock exams which run on simulator to get actual exam feel. Though I have two years experience in Servlets, JSP, Java Beans and tag libra ries, preparing for the exam had been a complete new experience. At first, my intension was to score around 80- 85% because I cannot accommodate more time for preparation, but surprisingly I got 93% with the planned study and effort I had put in preparation. Here are some of the important points which I had observed during my preparation and believe that these may help you in preparing for SCWCD in a better way. Here is my success story, First of all, I had thoroughly understood the exam objectives. I had carefully read the exam objectives and found out what each objective expects from the examinee. SCWCD Exam Prep by Marty Hall (pdf) helps you what exactly you have to prepare for each objective. Let me tell you all one thing, SCWCD is comparatively easier than SCJP, and you will usually not get any tricky questions as you would normally find in SCJP. Now, I tell you the important tasks I did for the preparation. Servlets and JSP specifications are very important, I read them twice by comparing with objectives. Servlets and JSP API. Where you need to know about interfaces, abstract classes, listeners, exceptions and important methods. For example, there is a possibility of getting a question asking which of the following are valid methods, by specifying class name and method name. Here you have to find the exact method and class.

I had followed the SCWCD Exam Study Kit by Deshmukh and Malavia, Manning Publications, which I could gladly recommend to you all. The book has covered all the objectives of the exam. The chapters in the book are organized based on the objectives of the exam and every chapter contains questions at the end covering the chapter. These will help you to better understand the concepts and objectives.. I had managed to have a good practice session of mock exams from Exam kit CD, and Eduarado Cobian, Milk, Poddar and from JDiscuss. Thanks to all of them. I would also like to add that I was a silent participant of Javaranch, and I use to read all the postings on SCWCD. This is very important part of my preparation. I credit my success to Java Ranch. If you are not a member, please let this be the first on your To- Do list. Identify frequently recurring questions from the mocks; this is very easy if you compare the questions with the objectives. For instance, if you make a close observation you could find a few questions on how to send status code to client, how to store log messages and so on. I had used Jakarta Tomcat for testing samples while preparation. Working samples on Servlets and JSP Concepts, Listeners, Tag libraries and Java Beans (bean tag) improves your confident, and lets you memorize methods and classes without much of your extra efforts. I honestly opine that after so much of careful and cautious preparation I had not felt the need of commercial mock exams. But trying them is also not a bad idea. If you are new to Servlets and JSP and had never worked on them before, then you may opt for commercial mock exams too. Scoring around 80% is easy enough if you could follow the exam objectives correctly. To score above 80% needs extensive preparation on Tag libraries, DTDs, and Design patterns which could probably take your scores over 90%. Remember that you should also be well versed with the basics of Java Beans though it is not specially mentioned in the objectives. For example, one of the basic rules of Java Beans is that it should have a default constructor; you will be given a code of Java Bean which doesn't have a default constructor, and a JSP code which uses the bean using userBean tag. You will be asked the output generated by the JSP. There may be possibility of questions in the similar fashion which tests the basics of Java Beans on other side. Another important thing is about web.xml. It is highly recommended that you have a good knowledge of DTD tags. This is a must. The chances of questions based on this topic are high. You may be asked to answer "Which of the following is mandatory for Tag element?" Tag library definitions, Servlet mapping, exceptions definitions, etc.. If you start concentrating on these things from the beginning of your preparation, you would remember them with ease. You can expect 2 to 3 questions from this topic. Next is about Design Patterns, I had 4 questions from this topic in my exam and had

also observed that this is the average number of questions on this topic. Exam kit has good explanations about design patterns and is sufficient for the exam. You can find links to design patterns at Links page. I also have a guessing on the number of questions from each objective. Here they are: The Servlet Model


The Structure and Deployment of Modern Servlet Web Applications


The Servlet Container Model


Designing and Developing Servlets to Handle Server-Side Exceptions 3 Designing and Developing Servlets Using Session Management


Designing and Developing Secure Web Applications


Designing and Developing Thread-Safe Servlets


The JSP Model


Designing and Developing Reusable Web Components


Designing and Developing JSPs Using JavaBeans


Desinging and Developing JSPs Using Custom Tags


Designing and Developing A Custom Tag Library


Design Patterns for Web Applications


With this experience and knowledge I had prepared SCWCD mock exam. I believe that this would be of great use to you all. You can download from this site at JPilotStore. You can also find important links at Links page. I sincerely invite all your queries. Please feel free to post queries on this column. Submit more you require knowing in Success Stories. Reminder: Don't forget to post your success story for helping others. With Best Wishes, S.M.Rahman SCJP, SCWCD. Last Updated : Aug 12, 2003.

SCWCD Success Story by Rajat Singla Dear All, I am too much happy today, on the TOP OF THE WORLD. Met my and all of yours expectations. Scored 96%. Thanks Thanks a lot for your wishes and help in answering my questions. It really helped. As asked by ashik, i would be happy to assist anyone preparing for scwcd. My personal email id is: [email protected]. Here is my success story: First of all i would like to tell everyone that SCWCD is SIMPLER than SCJP. There are not much trick involved in it. The most important points for success from my experience: 1.) SPECS (JSP1.2 and Servlets 1.3) are MUST 2.) Knowledge of DTD's is highly important 3.) Taglibraries objectives can take your score from low to very high. Here are the resources i used: a.) Gone thru the specs twice : It covers most of the

areas. b.) For design patterns: All the questions were like, applying which design pattern given a scenario. Thus go thru the j2ee design patterns.. thoroughly. Some people said that they faced questions from design pattenrs apart from the ones in objectives. c.) Professional JSP by wrox is a great book and Java Servlets by o'rielly is great. d.) I practiced on J2EE server. But tomcat is even better. e.) Security and Listeners topic needs little hard work.. generally people dont use much in practice atleast for me. f.) scwcdwhiz tool at was a great help. It met my expectations. The best part i liked was, the proportion and style of questions almost matched the actual exam. And guys as i told earlier, like scjp you dont need unlimited number of mock exams for practice. I gave so many when i cleared scjp. May be like scjp, before oct'2000 when the pattern got changed, the exam was easy checking mostly on syntax. Similarly currently SCWCD is a simlpler one. May be in near future some pattern gets changed and becomes tougher. May be its sun strategy to first create the market with comaparatively easier exa m I am not able to recollect all questions but following is the rough proportion of questions, im not 100% sure Design patterns : 4 Security :3 Listeners :5 JSP basics: 8 Servlet basics : 9 reusable componets : 2 javabeans in jsp :3 taglibs (obj 11+12) : 8 structure and deployment of webapp: 3 server side expectations: 3 session : not able to recall therad safe: not able to recall It seems im still missing some questions.. but above is the rough estimation One important thing unlike scjp, there were many (around 6- 7) fill in the blanks questions asking you to type the method/class/interface name. But more or less there was no ambiguity. Got practice duing scwcdwhiz mocks. Similar to scjp, you will have enuf time to complete the test. I would suggest all of you to MUST REVISE DTD's before the exam. It WILL Improve your score. Another good thing for me: getting raise in my salary on this success. So once again i thank you all for the kind help and support. Guys, YOU CAN CRACK SCWCD COOLLY. Its more of planning job. Very imortant to put right amount of efforst in right direction. Going out for the party. Will come back and surely write more.Infact i've got great attachment with web components and would like to continue taking part at this great place for sharing. ALL THE BEST TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS rajat Rajat Singla ranch hand Member # 15475 posted September 07, 2001 05:58 AM URL