Succession Planning

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New Innovated Life


It is a pleasure to acknowledge our sincere gratitude to all those who have rendered guidance and help to us in submitting this report. This report contains whatever we have learn so far in this training. This helped us a lot in understanding product and product development process and what various deapplying the theoretical concepts of classroom to practicalproblem solving. I have gained several valuable insights into not only Human Resources function, but also the general functioning of a business. I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to VP HR Malikarjun Rao for his valuable guidance.Sr. Manager C A K Thampi for giving me this innovative concept of Succession Planning for my project. This gratitude extends to Mr. Devidas Rajguru Sir for giving me an opportunity to work in VIL. I would also like to thank Mr. Sharad Pawal, Sr. Executive our project guide and mentor, for his constant support and encouragement. He has spared valuable time for us during the project. Finally I thank the entire HR department for their continuous guidance during this project at Videocon Industries Limited. 2

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Sr. NO 1 2

Table of Content Topic

Page No.

Company Profile Introduction to topicSuccession Planning Performance Analysis Model Steps In Succession Plan Succession Plan Objective



Pre Plan



Communicate the Plan



Identify the leadership characteristics Leadership/Key Positions Competency Manual Department and Competencies

20 21





22 23

HOD Questionnaires Successor Questionnaires 3

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Assess Bench Strength


8 9

Questionnaire Analysis and Findings Factor Analysis For Question1

29 59


Factor Analysis For Question2









Questionnaire Register






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VIDEOCON INDUSTRIES LIMITED Videocon is an Indian multinational with interests in Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances, Color Picture Tube Glass, and Oil & Gas. VIDEOCON, the multi brand and multi facet group is a truly Indian multinational well rooted in multiple industries with a turn over of 22,000 Crores & more than 18,000 employees across the globe. This is India’s first company to successfully implement my SAP ERP version 2004. VIDEOCON group is an ever-revolving group continuing to set trends in every sphere of its activities. The group enjoys an unassailable leadership position in consumer electronics and appliances industry.

VISION To bring happiness in every home with global presence offering high quality “e”- products to ease & enrich human life MISSION To delight and deliver innovative products through ingenious strategy, intrepid entrepreneurship, improved technology, insightful marketing and inspired thinking about the future.


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HISTORY OF VIDEOCON INDUSTRIES In 1985, through a technical tie-up with Toshiba Corporation Of Japan, Videocon Industries Ltd launched India’s first color Television 1987 Videocon was founded in 1987 by Nandlal Madhavlal Dhoot. At that time it used to manufacture TV and Washing Machine.

1989 Videocon started manufacturing Home Entertainment Systems, Electric Motors & AC. 1991 Videocon entered Refrigerators and coolers segment. 1995 Videocon started manufacturing Glass shells for CRT. 1996 Videocon ventured into Kitchen appliances and crude oil segment. 1998 Videocon started manufacturing Compressors & Compressor Motors. 2000 Videocon took over Philips Color TV Plant. 2005 Videocon took over 3 plants of Electrolux India and acquired Thomson CPT. Today; it has evolved into a giant conglomerate with annual revenues of over U$4.1 billion. Highly qualified Engineers, Trained in Japan, backed by 6500 technical staff, work together in close unison to produce India’s leading brand of Consumer Electronics Products and Home Appliances. It has emerged in various fields like consumer Durables, Oil& Gas, CRT glass and many more.


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This is the new Videocon symbol. It reiterates the ethos of a company dedicated to maintaining the highest international standards of excellence through quality, technology and innovation. For over a decade now, Videocon has been bringing the latest and very best in Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances. Successfully adapting the best of international technology to suit Indian needs, and crafting it to improve the quality of life – as million of satisfied customers will agree. The new symbol of Videocon asserts its passion for global impact, and the two ‘E’s on either side represent the Group’s wide spectrum of interests ranging from ‘Electronics to Energy’. Along with the steely glint, this communicates the group's global ambition, its strength, sterling credentials and innovative drive. A symbol that proclaims a paradigm shift. A sign that represents the new force that is Videocon. Thus recapitulating the principle of reaching out and touching the lives of millions of people Worldwide.

“India Today, The World Tomorrow”


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Succession Planning Succession planning enables organization to identify talented employees and provide education to develop them for future higher level and broader responsibilities. Succession planning helps to "build bench strength." Succession planning helps to decide where people belong on the bus. Succession planning is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company. Through succession planning process, organization recruit superior employees, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepare them for advancement or promotion into ever more challenging roles. Through succession planning process, Organization also retain superior employees because they appreciate the time, attention, and development that you are investing in them. To effectively do succession planning in organization, we must identify the organization’s long term goals and must hire superior staff. There is a need to identify and understand the developmental needs of employees. Organization must ensure that all key employees understand their career paths and the roles they are being developed to fill. Choose Tomorrow's Leaders Today Succession planning grooms firms for success (Study identifies best practices among large firms) [Reference-] While the demand for effective managers continues to grow, the retirements are producing a sharp decline in the ranks of available personnel. In addition, the executives of the future are expected to be more sophisticated in order to develop and lead new global and technological initiatives. For these reasons, careful planning for the eventual replacement of managers at all levels in organizations has gained strategic importance. This is true for small firms as well as large ones. It's not just succession to the top - It's getting the right person in place for every job. Some of tomorrow's key jobs may not even exist now. If a firm plans to double in size in five years, they will need more talented managers.


New Innovated Life

The larger issue is leadership development, tracking, and developmental opportunities. The real key in succession management is to create a match between the organization's future needs and the aspirations of individuals. The only way to keep talented people is to provide them with growth opportunities that keep them stretching and finding more promising opportunities they might find elsewhere. The average college graduate will change jobs five times in his or her career. Within the next decade, this norm will probably increase to seven job changes. Recruiting and retaining leaders becomes an economic and strategic challenge. Succession management serves as an interface between the human resource function and the strategic direction of an organization. In this role, it is a vital resource in anticipating the future needs of the organization and helps find, assess, develop, and monitor the human capital required by the m strategy. Succession management is a continuous annual process. It requires an ongoing commitment of top executives, divisional HR Staff, and succession management specialists. At Dell Computer, committed top executives were able to assemble a succession management program very rapidly, and they have used it to manage an incredible rate of growth without major discontinuities. Collaboration between the CEO and succession management teams can create a virtual cycle of success. All best-practice partners felt fortunate to have the enthusiastic support of the top management. But this support was not gratuitous and was earned by providing an essential service. At Dow, the process was designed with the active involvement of the CEO, the vice president of human resources, and the workforce planning strategic center. At Pan Canadian, the CEO is the key sponsor for succession management, and a senior management committee of vice presidents steward the process at the corporate level. One of the clearest insights discovered is that effective succession management is a journey, not a destination. The best-practice partners in this study did not succeed in their first efforts at succession management. Similarly, none have rested on their laurels since having their process up and running. They continually see and adjust their systems as they receive feedback from line executives, monitor developments in technology, and learn from other leading organizations. For example, Dell reduced the degree of computerization for succession management data in response to feedback from the field. Conversely, Lilly focused on providing a single integrated, centralized, and synchronized database of succession information.

Monitoring Future Needs Succession management identifies and monitors various talent pools within the organization to match the future needs of the organization with the bench strength of available talent. Not having the right talent in place is often a growth-limiting factor in achieving business potential. With the impending retirements and increased demands for 9

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diversity, leading organizations are building systems that provide talented, high performers opportunities to grow. For example, Sonoco identifies eight separate pools that are sorted by division or business unit. Pan Canadian focuses on "bright lights" and critical skills but also looks across the organization, especially for high potential young managers reporting to senior executives.

Talent Assessment Talent assessment is a semi-transparent process in best-practice organizations. Most managers receive feedback and information about their developmental needs and suggested activities for further growth. Individuals who have been designated as high potential are seldom told of this designation to avoid raising expectations. At Lilly, an eight-page talent identification questionnaire is used to evaluate the assumed potential of 15,000 associates on performance, potential derailment factors, and learning agility. Similarly, Dell uses scaling calls to determine an individual's level of talent. Best-practice partners use a core set of competencies or behaviors to establish a standard of comparison for assessment. Most organizations use a subset of leadership competencies that are aligned with the core set. All use these competencies as a basis for performance management and four out five use these for identification of high- potential employees. Furthermore, best-practice partners used fewer competencies than study sponsors, feeling that simplicity and focus were stronger advantages than comprehensive efforts. Dow has moved from having different competencies for each global business to a common set of seven used throughout the corporation. Dell focuses on "global corporate talent," which consists of individuals who have the capability to "run significant portions of a .... Business...on a global basis." They also track "functional high potentials."

Technology Used to Integrate Data The use of technology in succession management varies widely within the best-practice organizations. Yet, web-based systems seem to offer great potential for worldwide access and large-scale integration of data. As suggested previously, Dell has moved from more extensive global software applications to a much simpler MS Excel workbook to organize data. Sonoco moved to integrate four commercial applications (PeopleSoft, HR Charter, Lotus Notes, and Execu TRACK) into a seamless system that can be globally accessed and updated daily.

Developmental Activities Meet Organizational Needs Best-practice partners employ a wide range of developmental activities to engage leaders and extend their capabilities. These firms spend considerable time creating stretch developmental opportunities that are consistent with the organization's needs, as well as with those of the individual. Several firms reported that they would give people a temporary assignment as a part of, or tied in with, an action learning assignment. 10

New Innovated Life

Dow Chemical offers mentoring, coaching, and action Iearning along with university-based programs. Dow's internal research indicates that graduates of their internal executive education program showed improvements in strategic thinking, external focus customer orientation, and global view. Dow also offers an extensive array of training courses on-line. They report 14,000 on line courses were completed online in one week. Eli Lilly uses individualized developmental plans, 360-degree feedback, job rotation and a formal mentoring program as part of their developmental arsenal.

PERFORMANCE ANAYALYSIS MODEL This is a model which is used to examine the skills and commitments to different goals, tasks or situations separately. We will get to know the categories into which they fall. Than we will consider the type of coaching/ training that may be helpful for them.

This simple method helps dictate where scare development resources should be spent:   

A -Rising Stars - Most investment. This is where the business is going to get the best return on there investment. Invest sufficient to keep engaged and grow for the future. B -Workhorses - Minimal investment. Invest only to keep motivated or to upgrade skills. C -Problem Children - Targeted investment. Action plan which includes giving them technical skills to perform at the required level. Any investment will only occur after full analyses of an individual’s motivation to move from where they are currently. If they do not respond move to another role or exit business. D -Deadwood - No investment. Action plan to either find a more appropriate role or exit business.


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SUCCESSION PLANNING OBJECTIVE “To Build or acquire necessary skills to meet our future organization needs.”  To have one or more qualified internal candidates prepared to assume each key leadership position.  To prepare individual employees for future leadership by helping them grow and develop.  To help Organization assess its talent pool.  To ensure continuity of leadership.  To place right leadership at all levels of organization.

Sample Design Mid-Level Managers (HODS) and Junior-level Managers in the Organization Sample Unit HODS and JMCS of 11 departments which come under CTV.


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Steps in Succession Planning


Identify succession planning team members, determine methods for establishing competency profiles, employee assessments, development and evaluating succession planning program. 13

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Objective: “To Build or acquire necessary skills to meet our future organization needs”

Persons Responsible


Succession Planning Team 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Sr Executive Mr. Sharad Pawal Executive Miss .Shwetal Patidar Executive Miss. Jayshree Surana Trainee Miss. Mamta Trainee Mr. Ameet Shinde (IBA, Gr.Noida)

 What positions are we planning for?  

We are going for the succession planning for the Senior Management (especially targeting the HOD’s of the Departments). For that first of all we have to find the Competencies which already exist in the HOD’s, and than the Required Competencies for this position. In order to find competencies we are using PRIMARY DATA which includes Questionnaires.

Since the attrition rate at the Senior Management level is very low in Videocon Industries Ltd, So besides finding new successor for the HOD position we will also be preparing the present HOD for the future requirements of the job by developing the Competencies required by that particular position in near future. These Competencies cam be developed through various training programs. In Videocon Industries Ltd, the HOD’s which we are going to target are from the following Departments:  Business Innovation Dept (BID)  Auto Insertion Depart (AID)  Plant Maintance Dept  OEM Dept  CQA Dept  IQC Dept  QC Dept



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To find out the present competencies and the competencies required by the HOD position will be judged through the following questionnaires:    

Subordinates of the HOD Peers of the HOD (the HOD’s of the other Departments) Immediate Boss (which is General Manager in this case.) Self Questionnaire( HOD will be rating himself)

EMPLOYEE’S ASSESSMENT SUCCESSOR (subordinate of the HOD) Successors are the people which are going to take the KEY POSITION (HOD in this case). So it is very important to judge them very carefully. Besides Questionnaires, we are also using some other references to not only judge the current Position of the SUCCESSOR but also the Competencies which he should have in order to reach the HOD position of the Dept.

1) Through Questionnaires of the following:    

Subordinates of the SUCCESSOR Peers of the SUCCESSOR His Immediate Boss i.e the HOD Of the Dept Self Questionnaires ( He will rate Himself)

2) Through Interviews  Interviews of the HOD  Interviews of Employees of the HR Dept


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Primary Data  270/180-degree assessment HOD Questionnaire  Boss(GM)  Peer  Sub-Ordinate  Self

 Exit Questionnaire Successor Questionnaire/Score Card    

Boss(HODS) Peer Subordinate Self

Personal Interview  GM  HOD  Exit Interviews

Secondary Data  Performance appraisal & data  Peer & management recommendations  Outside assessment center’s Data  Internet The whole of the organization has divided in various departments like OEM, BID, Plant Maintenance, AID, Paint Shop, Quality Control etc.Now for our project purpose we have maintained the secrecy of data obtained from the employees of the organization. For that purpose we have given CODES to each of the HOD, and employees of each department. Given below is the list of codes given to employees


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Sample and Code List

Confidential Confidential Data


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3) Through Secondary Data from the HR Dept    

Competency Mapping Employees Development Reviews Job Description Polices of the Organization( mission, Vision etc)

The methods above used are to find the perfect picture of an employee which is eligible for the HOD’s position. This will help us in finding the following particulars about the Successor:      

Education Qualification required for the HOD position Experience required Industry Technical Skills Required for HOD position Soft Skills ( like leadership , communication, motivation etc) Strengths & Weakness

After finding the present position of the Successor, we are going to represent it through PERFORMANCE & POTENTIAL MATRIX as discussed above in the report. In this Matrix the qualities/ potential of the employees is shown on the Horizontal axis and the corresponding performance on the vertical axis. On the basis of his position in the MATRIX, we can predict whether that particular employee has the potential and performance for future leadership position in the organization.

Projected Completion Date :21/April/2008 Progress/Update : Completed – Identified team. Conducted a series of meeting to establish methods for administering and evaluating the program


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IMPORTANCE OF LEADRERSHIP POSITION IN AN ORGANIZATION In Videocon Industries Ltd the CTV Unit has been divided in number of Departments having their own roles and responsibilities. There are 19 Departments in the CTV UNIT. “In each Department the key position is the HOD of the Department”. Reference....exit interviews and the interview with the VP HR Most of the times it happens that employees leave the Leader and not the organization therefore it is very important to place the right person at the right place having all Leadership Qualities. Moreover it is the Top Management is responsible for the Culture Environment in the organization. Therefore it has been concluded that at upper level of Management SOFT SKILLS like Leadership, Motivation, Problem Solving etc are very important.

From the above drawn Matrix it is clear that at lower level of Management Technical Skills are more important as compared to Human Relations & Conceptual Skills but as we go up in the Hire chary level it is the Human Relation & Conceptual Skills which plays a significant role. Therefore we are mainly focusing on the soft skills of the employees for which we have prepared a Competency Manual for judge the employees on certain competencies:


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Competency Manual Competency


[A] Interpersonal Skills

Ability to gain the trust and confidence of others interacting in a fair and honest manner a) Friendly and easy to approach. b) Cooperate with others c) Ability to resolve conflict and negotiate.


Ability to take the decision with the available information :a)Ability to take bold decision

[C]Proactivity d forward thinking

Ability to think ahead, influence events and take initiatives a) Reading Articles, books, and trade journals about his profession; and then implementing the new procedures he has learned. Ability to obtain quality products by optimal utilization of team talent a) understanding the tasks and roles of a team b) leads the team in challenging and difficult situations Ability to identify or describe the Organizations Goal and align others towards its accomplishments a) Ability Identify new talent and prepares it for the organization’s future. Ability to listen to others and express oneself clearly a) Speak so others can understand, listen actively, convey ideas in writing, read with understanding.

[D]Team Leadership


[F]Communication Skills

[G]Result Oriented [H]Business Knowledge

[I]Empowerment [J]Problem Solving

Commitment to produce high quality work consistently over time a) Accepts Responsibilities for Results Ability to understand general business principles an practices, and perceive issues in financial and commercial terms a) Good Knowledge about customers, clients, dealers, competitors ,industrial Relations etc Willingness to create a work environment in which people are encouraged to develop their full potential Ability to amylase complex information to solve problems which arise in the performance of work roles a) Ability of solving problems on the shop floor itself


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We are identifying the competencies required Department because each department has different roles to play. So let’s go department wise?

1) BUSINESS INNOVATION DEPARTMENT COMPETENCIES FOR THE HOD POSITION: Qualification Required : B.E & MBA Experience Required : Minimum 15 Years Industry : Preferably same Technical Skills Required : Lean, TOC, TPM, BPR, MS Office, SAP, Six- Sigma, Kaizen, Business Innovation, Training Coordination. Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc.


Qualification Required : B.E (Electronics/Mechanical) Experience Required : Minimum 15 Years Industry : Preferably Electronics Industry Technical Knowledge Required : MS-Office, SAP, Basic Manufacturing Process Applications & Operations, Basic Automated Systems & control Operations, Process flow control, Calibration and Troubleshooting, Implementation of Approval Protocols, Industrial Safety. Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc.


Qualification Required : B.E Experience Required : Above 15 Years Industry : Preferably same Technical Knowledge Required : Lean, TQM, TPM, MS Office, SAP, kanban, 5-S, Calibration and Troubleshooting, Basic knowledge of 7 QC Tools & Six sigma, Reduce rejection techniques, Finishing Processes, Clean Room Processes. 23

New Innovated Life

Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc.

4) CQA Department COMPETENCIES FOR THE HOD POSITION: Qualification Required : B.E (Electronics) Experience Required : Above 15 to 20 Years in respective field Industry : Preferably same Technical Knowledge Required : Knowledge of new TV technology, Quality Lead Access or, thorough experience on TPM / SCM /WCM practices, ISO 9000, 5S, 6 sigma, my SAP, TQM. Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc.

5) Plant Maintenance Department: COMPETENCIES FOR THE HOD POSITION: Qualification Required : Bachelor of Technology. (Electrical) Experience required : 20+ Years experience in Plant Maintenance. Industry : Preferably same Technical Knowledge Required : Six sigma project, SAP implementation. Total Productivity Maintenance, Plant engineering projects. Maintenance of plant machinery, providing facility services to other departments, Handle engineers & technicians. Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc.

6) Inward Quality Assurance Department COMPETENCIES FOR THE HOD POSITION:

Qualification Required Experience Required Industry

: B.E (Electronics) : Above 15 to 20 Years in respective field : Preferably same 24

New Innovated Life

Technical Knowledge Required LCD TV Manufacturing, CRT TV, Manufacturing, Incoming Quality Systems, Vendor Control, MS office, Internet, SAP, and Lean Manufacturing Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc.

7) ADMIN Department COMPETENCIES FOR THE HOD POSITION: Qualification Required : Graduate/post graduate. MBA. Experience Required : Above 15 Years Industry : Preferably same Technical Knowledge Required : Computer Knowledge, MS-Office, SAP Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc.

8) OEM Department COMPETENCIES FOR THE HOD POSITION: Qualification Required : B.E (Electronics) with commercial knowledge Experience Required : Above 12 to 15 Years in respective field Industry : Preferably same Technical Knowledge Required : Coordination for formalities of insurance claim, transport bill settlement, Funds requirement, local development, MRP Billing, Logistics management, synchronizing the PMS part,. CPTS kits, Website accuracy, Technical Support to OEMs, Truck unloading, MS office, Internet, SAP, Reporting / Information Sharing. Soft Skills Required at HOD position: Leadership Skills, Communication Skills, Motivation, Inter personal Skills, Result Oriented, Team leadership, proactive & forward thinking, problem solving, Business knowledge, Vision, Empowerment etc,


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Note: Please refer respective files of each department for findings and final results.


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Findings: (INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra has good interpersonal skills. On a scale of 5, self rating-4, Boss-4.5, subordinate-5, others-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.38. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.38 in cases of Interpersonal skills.


New Innovated Life

Findings: (PROACTIVE AND FORWARD THINKING) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra is good Proactive and forward thinking. On a scale of 5, self rating-5, Boss-4, subordinate-5, others-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.5. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.5 in cases of Proactive and forward thinking.


New Innovated Life

Findings: (PROACTIVE AND FORWARD THINKING) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra is good in Team Leadership Skils. On a scale of 5, self rating-4, Boss-4.3, subordinate-5, others-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Team Leadership.


New Innovated Life

Findings: (VISION) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra is good Vision. On a scale of 5, self rating-4, Boss-4., subordinate-5, others-3. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4 in cases of Vision.


New Innovated Life

Findings: (COMMUNICATION SKILLS) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra is good in Communication Skills. On a scale of 5, self rating-4, Boss-4.5, subordinate-5, others-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.38. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.38 in cases of Communication.


New Innovated Life

Findings: (RESULT ORIENTED) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra is a Result Oriented Person. On a scale of 5, self rating-4, Boss-4, subordinate-5, others- 3.5. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.13. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.13 in cases Result Orientation.


New Innovated Life

Findings: (BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra has good Business Knowledge. On a scale of 5, self rating-4, Boss-4, subordinate-5, others- 5. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.5. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.5 in cases Business knowledge.


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Findings: (EMPOWERMENT) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra has good Empowerment Skills. On a scale of 5, self rating-5, Boss-4, subordinate-5, others- 4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.5. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.5 in cases Empowerment.


New Innovated Life

Findings: (MOTIVATION) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra has good in Motivating others. On a scale of 5, self rating-5, Boss-4.5, subordinate-5, others- 4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.5. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.5 in cases Motivation.


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Findings: (PROBLEM SOLVING) The survey conducted shows that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra needs to improve Problem Solving Ability.. On a scale of 5, self rating-4, Boss-4, subordinate-4.83, others- 3. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 3.96. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 3.96 in cases Problem Solving.


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CTV01A1 S. No




Interpersonal Skill



Proactive & Forward Thinking



Team Leadership






Communication Skill



Result Oriented



Business Knowledge









Problem Solving


From the data it can be concluded that Mr. Rajeev Chhabra has good Team leadership ,Motivation Skill, Business Knowledge, Empowerment, and Proactive and forward thinking ,but needs to focus on Vision , Result Oriented etc. This is very important for his personality Development. 40

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A Development Areas    

Interpersonal Skills Vision Result Oriented Communication Skills

C Discrepancies  Poor diplomatic skills need to develop.  Need to focus more on self respond in consistence and stable manner during the crisis  Need to more focus on gaining trust and confidence from others.

B Strengths       

Decision Making Good Personality Team Leadership Motivation Skill Business Knowledge Empowerment Proactive and Forward Thinking.

D Hidden Strengths  Impressive working style  Ability to take wise decisions  Ability to utilize knowledge and solve problem.  Genial personal


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New Innovated Life

Findings: (INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 has good interpersonal skills. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of good Interpersonal skills.

Findings: (PROACTIVITY AND FORWARD THINKING) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 has good Proactive and forward Thinking. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67 43

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Findings: (TEAM LEADERSHIP) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 has good Team Leadership. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of good Team Leadership Skill.

Findings: (VISION) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 has good Vision. On a scale of 4, his peers’ rate him-4, self rating-4, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4 in cases of Vision


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Findings: (COMMUNICATION SKILS) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 has good Communication Skills. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-4, self rating-4, others (Subordinate & HOD)-5. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of good Proactive and Forward Thinking.

Findings: (RESULT ORIENTED) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 is a Result Oriented Employee. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-3. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Result Orientation.


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Findings: (BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE) The survey conducted shows that Mr.S1 has good Business Knowledge. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-4, self rating-4, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4. in cases of Business Knowledge.

Findings: (EMPOWERMENT) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 has good Empowerment Skills. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-4, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-3 therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Empowerment


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Findings: (MOTIVATION) The survey conducted shows that Mr.S1 is a good Motivator. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4 therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of Motivation.

Findings: (PROBLEM SOLVING) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S1 has good Problem Solving ability. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4 therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of problem solving ability 47

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CTV01A1B1 S. No




Interpersonal Skill



Proactive & Forward Thinking



Team Leadership





Communication Skill



Result Oriented



Business Knowledge








Problem Solving




From the data it can be concluded that Mr. Successor 1 good Team leadership ,Motivation Skill, Interpersonal skills, and Proactive and forward thinking but needs to focus on Vision ,Business Knowledge, communication skills, empowerment etc. This is very important for his personality Development. 48

New Innovated Life

Findings: (INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 has good interpersonal skills. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of good Interpersonal skills.

Findings: (PROACTIVITY AND FORWARD THINKING) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 has good interpersonal skills. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-3. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Proactive and forward thinking 49

New Innovated Life


Findings: (TEAM LEADERSHIP) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 has good interpersonal skills. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67. Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of Team Leadership


Findings: (VISION) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 has need to improve Vision Skills.. On a scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 3.67 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 3.67 in cases of Vision


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Findings: (COMMUNICATION SKILLS) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 has good Communication Skills. On scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-4, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of Communication Skills.

Findings: (RESULT ORIENTED) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 is a Result Oriented person. On scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-4, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Result Oriented. 51

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peer s other

4 4 5










Findings: (BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 has good business Knowledge. On scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-4, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Business Knowledge.


Findings: (EMPOWERMENT) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 has Empowerment Skills. On scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-3. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Empowerment Skill 52

New Innovated Life

Findings: (MOTIVATION) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 is a good Motivator. On scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-3. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.33 Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.33 in cases of Motivating Skills.

Findings: (PROBLEM SOLVING) The survey conducted shows that Mr. S2 Has good Problem Solving Ability. On scale of 5, his peers’ rate him-5, self rating-5, others (Subordinate & HOD)-4. Therefore the average score of all the ratings is 4.67ssss Therefore from the above data it can be concluded that score of 5 is required and he has 4.67 in cases of Problem Solving Skills. 53

New Innovated Life

CTV01A1B2 S. No




Interpersonal Skill



Proactive & Forward Thinking



Team Leadership






Communication Skill



Result Oriented



Business Knowledge









Problem Solving


From the data it can be concluded that Mr. Successor 2 has good Motivation Skills Team leadership ,Problem solving, Interpersonal skills, and communication skills but needs to focus on Vision ,Motivation, Proactive and forward thinking etc. This is very important for his personality Development. 54

New Innovated Life

Sr Requirement For (HOD)Position A

Require Qualification


BE with commercial Knowledge


Require Experience

1 D

Above 10 years

Mr.Successor No1 Mr. Successor No 2 (CTV01A1B1) (CTV01A1B2)

Personal Information



2.2 years Strengths Best Planner positive attitude Ability to adopt corporate culture Honest Team leading Enthusiastic Best Planner Weakness some time push my people hard Domain Knowledge SAP Endorser in PP module as well as in SD module C,C++

8 years Strength Self Motivated Decision Making Positive attitude Polite Co-operative


Domain Knowledge SAP

Performance Score Card





Attribute Score Card








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Note-[competency score =50% Qualification and experience=50%] Potential= [(CS)*0.50+((Q*0.70)+(E*0.30))*40+(IM)*10] Performance Potential Matrix…. [Reference:Secondary Data Duration: 1 Jan 2008 to 31 March 2008 Primary data Duration: 20th May to 31 May 2008]


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Q1) What do you think is the primary reason for employees leaving the Organization/Department?


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Q2)What do you think are the best suitable ways/methods to make your HOD’s more capable of handling his position in Future

. 58

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[Reference: We putted some questions about mentoring on hr blogs through which we got this response]

About Mentoring “A mentor is a person who leaves a living legacy behind in the form of people who have benefited from the mentor’s life experiences.

What is the purpose of Mentorship? Professional values, personal integrity, and ethical conduct should form the basis of the Mentorship is to encourage professional growth for anyone interested.

What is the goal of Mentorship? The goal is to provide guidance ,support , and understanding by sharing Experience ,knowledge ,and wisdom to help staff realize their full potential

How is a mentor different than a supervisor? A supervisor coaches staff to get specific tasks done ,establishes policies and procedures for staff, evaluates staff performance ,and directs career development. A mentor shares knowledge and experience with others and assists employees to realize and achieve their potential

What are the benefits to the participant? The participant receives encouragement, support and affirmation and may explore new ideas and alternatives. Exposures to people who can open doors to new growth, provide insight, and forge appropriate informal relationships Tie into organizational priorities and receive stimulus and confidence to achieve new goals.


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There is an exchange of benefits to the mentor? The mentor may benefits from helping to build the participant's confidence The mentor is enriched by sharing knowledge, expertise, influence, and seeing the participant develop.

What is the length of the mentoring relationship? Participants determine the length of the mentoring relationship for some; it may be involve only a single contact: for others, it may involve an on going relationship.


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(Note : Please refer respective files of each department for findings and final results.)


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Green Box/ Rising Stars - Most investment. Individuals who have real potential for the future and are high performers, would be the best candidates for the future HOD position. Give appropriately long duration coaching, mentoring, training and prepare them for the position. These are the superior employees, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepare them for advancement .

BlueBox /Workhorses - Minimal investment. Invest only to keep motivated or to upgrade skills. This box contains the people or Individuals who produce effectively, however they have reached their level of competency Look for each person's hidden high potential, undiscovered passions, etc., and offer new challenges and responsibilities as appropriate, so these people too can be stars, to any extent they are comfortable.


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 The process of Succession Planning is a long and continuous process and therefore can’t be completed within two month. We have done the initial screening of the Succession Planning, but we can’t 100% relay on this findings, therefore HR Dept should continue with the process by imparting required training to the eligible employees for the key Leadership position.  Survey says that most of the employees in the organization have emphasis on some new ways of imparting training techniques like Mentoring, E-Learning, Role Shadowing etc so organization should keep in contact with the experienced and knowledgeable employees who retire form the organization and make them the Mentors of key position. Organization should make such polices in which HOD should mentor the their Subordinate ( Successor) who are eligible for their position, so that in case the HOD leaves the organization the core competencies will sustain in future.  A team from HR department should be made who will prepare a schedule of the various training methods to train the eligible candidates. After imparting training to them they should be judged through Role plays and critical situation methods to check the extent up to which they have improved.  Evaluation of the eligible employees should be done and the final decision should be taken whether they are ready for the key position or not.  In case the Team finds that there are no eligible successors for the key position than they should go for external Recruitment.


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