Submissions Checklist For Pm Jan10

  • Uploaded by: Monique Berry
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 328
  • Pages: 1
ALL ENTRIES  In boldface type, top line reads “Object: _____” Fill in the blank with the object you are writing about  Insert two lines. Include your complete name/mailing address contact info including a phone number

MY ENTRY – STORY             

Ends full circle or with a surprise Included an event that affected the object Included some or all of the senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste Indented paragraphs Inserted complete address & contact information on manuscript or email Margins are at 1.5” Maximum word count: 1,200 Single-spaced Top left hand corner reads “Object:_____” Used real name, not a pseudonym Word choice is specific (“shuffled” or “limped” instead of “walked”) Written mostly in active vs passive sentence structures Written in the 1st person point of view

MY ENTRY – POEM          

Entered “Object:[object you are writing about]” on the top left-hand corner of my document Enclose complete address & contact information on manuscript | email If I have more than one poem, I submitted them each separately Included some or all of the senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste Maximum lines: 40 Strong word choices Used poetry techniques [similes, metaphors, comparisons, onomatopoeia, alliteration, etc.] Used real name, not a pseudonym Used proper spacing and punctuation—to the best of my ability The beginning of the lines are not all in capital letters

EMAIL  Attachments: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, inline  Mention how you found the website (web search, referred by contributor, etc.) in the body of the email  Subject line has “Submission [object]” (replace with object in the story – eg. Cave, Arm, Phone)


Deadlines are the 15 of June and December. Response time is 2-4 weeks. I will reply with personal comments. Submissions are subject to editing. Rights: first, electronic, six month exclusive rights, and reprint rights. Other details available on the website.

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