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Subjective: 1. There are many factors like maintainability and reliability among software Quality Factors.Give 5 most important software quality factors that u would mention for testing a webbased testing? 2. Create a Test plan for a simple project not a complex project? 3. Write a standard template for testpaln,testscript,Status report of a project? 4. Design a screen which will show the fields necessary for a defect description? 5. Question related to usecase like guidelines for writing usecase for customer? 6. Draw a control chart and explain how it can be used to see that the testing process is in control? 7. Question on Defects Uncovered versus Corrected Gap timeline? 8. Difference between system test and acceptance test? 9. Aspects of computer software that should be observed during the demontstration of COTS software? 10. Define unit,integration,system,regression,acceptance testing and explain what would you recommend for the new independent test team formed.Previously in the organisation,testing was being performed by software development team? 11. Question on Preventive Controls? 12. Question on Security Testing technique.What tests you would include in the testpaln for testing security with minimal knowledge about security testing? 13. Risks involved in testing wireless technology and how will u develop controls on it to gain confidence about the wirelesss technolog used. 14. your commany is launching a ecommerce project? 15. Give MEASUREMENTS for a] Test Effectiveness and b] Test Efficiency? 16. Your Company is about to roll out an E-Commerce application. It is not possible to test the application on all types of browsers on all platforms and operating systems. What steps would you take in the testing environment to reduce the business risks and commercial risks? 17. Developing compatability and motivation with a test team helps assure effective testing.List atleast four guidelines you would follow to develop compatability and motivation within your test team? (from another group member) The question listed below are not put in the same format as how it was asked . I have written on contents which I remember. 1. Describe Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance testing. 2. How to measure testing. a. Effectiveness b. Efficiency 3. We are developing a web application what are the quality factor that need to be considered. 4. Test plan , Test case, test script 5. List few guidelines to develop compatibility and motivation with in a team to assure effective testing. (CSTE sample QP-Subjective Qn #5). 6. System testing Vs Acceptance testing.

7. In a development project Test planning, resource allocation , test scripting is also completed. Testing is being executed. At this stage if there is a major change in requirement , what will be the tester’s role here(actions in response to the changes) .- The question is already asked in one of the previous year papers . 8. There is a delay of 5 days in the development project. How will the tester handle the testing activities , without changing on resources , working time , … .- The question is already asked in one of the previous year papers . 9. what aspect of computer software need to be observed during demonstration of COTS software. 10. Explanation on total number of defects found Vs defects corrected using Graph. 11. one question on control chart 12. A tester who is not much familiar with security testing is posted to plan for security testing. So he has to plan for the security testing using some of basic security knowledge though he is not an expert in it. Comment on his test plan on what should be considered and included. 13. List 3 issues or constraints in implementing wireless network technology. 14. A question on e-commerce. 15. A question related to Current status report. Objective Type: 1. A question on fit components. Which of the following contributes to fit . a. Data b. Structure c. People d. Rule e. All of the above 2. Reliaability, timeliness, consistency are included in which component of fit a. Data b. Structure c. People d. Rule 3. Who will develop the test process for software development using new technology?.(Almost same question was asked in Part 1 ad part 3) a. Management b. Project team c. Auditor d. Tester and few more options 4. Which of the following are relatively complete acceptance criteria? a. Performance should increase b. Response time should be with in 10 sec Few more statements 5. Experienced people can be used as a cost- Budgeting

tool for estimating the

a. b. c.

Bottom up Top down Expert judgment

6. The communication type which is rarely emphasized a. Listening Few more options . 7. There were 2 questions on maturity level e.g which level enforces control for technology. 8.

There were 3 question on standard , policy , procedure

9. which of the following model has these steps .. event identification , risk assessment, risk response a. ERM b. COSO internal control framework c. CobiT model 10. Utilize the computer resources to perform their work.. belong to which type of activity specified below a. Interface b. Development c. Computer operation 11. detail a. b. c. d.

Obligations of both contractual parties should be spelled out in in which part of the contract What Who When How

12. There was a similar question on when the contracted software will be completed 13. Test planning activity which includes starting and end time for each test milestone. a. Budgeting b. Scheduling c. Estimation d. Staffing From another group member, with a basic answer: Below are three risks associated with s/w testing. Explain each of them and give a mitigation for each risk. 1. Not Enough Training/Lack of Test Competency 2. Us versus Them Mentality 3. Lack of Customer and User Involvement Most of the subjective questions were repeated from the previous question papers. Objective questions were mostly from Skill Category 7,8,9 and 10 and could be answered well only if you have read through the prep guide atleast twice. CSTE April 22nd 2006.

Subjective: * All these are not exact questions. These are prepared to the extent I remember. 1. You gave the software for independent testers. You are responsible for Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance testing. Explain about each testing methods and tell which testing can be given to Independent Testing and Which for development team. 2. Any 3 tools and vendor of the tools. 3. One question on Optimum testing 4. You developed Risk Plan, Test Plan, Test Scripts. You are doing testing. At this point you got major requirements change. What changes are required to in-corporate these changes in your plan. 5. Explain about Complexity Measures Data Flow Analysis Symbolic Execution 6. Acceptance Test Plan for “Inventory Control Software” 7. COTS s/w, critical success factors. 8. Security Vulnerabilities for e-comm application 9. e-comm project is newly developed in your organization. You are not able to test all types of Operating Systems and Browsers. Prepare mitigation plan. 10. V-Model 11. 5 important S/W quality factors, why do you think they are important. 12. 5 important things you consider for writing test plan, why do you think they are important. 13. One question on defect management 14. Difference between Acceptance and System Testing 15. Preventive, Detective and Corrective Controls 16. 3 important issues for wireless technology. 17. One question on Pareto Charts Like gave a scenario for no. of critical, minor and major bugs and no. of days to fix the bugs.

Analyze the scenario. Objective: * All these are not exact questions. These are prepared to the extent I remember. 1. Which communication skill will be neglected by most a. Reading b. Listening c. Writing 2. Therapeutic listening is a. Sympathetic listening b. Listening to pieces of information… 3. Which model demonstrates relation between 2 or more parameters of effort, duration or resource? a. Cost b. Constraint c. Function Point 4. In which cost a. b. c.

model expertise can be used to estimate Top-Down Expert Judgment Bottom-Up

5. Two objective questions on responsibility Like who is responsible in issuing IT policy, work policy etc. 6. Fit for use is a. Transcendent b. Product Based c. User Based d. Value Based 7. Re-Use of data is done in which type of testing (Similar type 2 questions. Re-Use, Retesting sort of qs.) a. Capture/Play back b. System Testing c. Regression Testing d. Integration Testing 8. 1 qs. On configuration management / Change Management / Version Control 9. In Acceptance testing, which data is used. a. Test Cases b. Use Case c. Test Plan 10. In four components of FIT, reliability is included in (Similar type 2 qs) a. Data

b. People c. Structure d. Rules 11. Obligations of both contractual parties should be spelled out in a. What is done b. Who does it c. When it is done d. How it is done 12. Dates on which Obligations need to be filled out should be specified in a. What is done b. Who does it c. When it is done d. How it is done 13. Two questions on Internal Auditor, Internal Control responsibilities 14. One question on ERM model 15. One question on Control Frame Work Model 16. Two questions on CMM 5 levels of maturity (Like in which level controls are implemented…)

1. Reliability and maintainability are certain Quality factors given explicitly in the requirements. If so,list a few other QFs for a web based project and write the rationale for selecting the same. 2. Acceptance test plan contents and explanation 3.Difference between system test plan and acceptance test plan 4. One question on team building- as a test manager what do you think the important things to have a successful team. 5.What are important Quality factors that u will test for in a multiple workstation scenario taht u will not do in asingle work station scenario. 6.The contents of a system test report 7.List 5 test metrics and explain how u can use them. 8.The UI for a defect managment tool. 9.Which steps in a

testing process are defect prone- explain why?

10.What according to you are the important docs that u wud refer wen u r testing a change that has been made in a project that has been relased.(ie operational) 11.What do u mean by defect expectation. How can u use it for improving the testing process. 12.Mention three techniques for unit testing. State an objective for unit testing,Based on those, how will ensure that the unit tsting has complied to the expectations. 13. steps involved in testing for security (domain 9) 14.Mention and write on a few techniques for the defect prevention internal control testing - domain 9 15. What are the important things that u ll look for during a demo of a contractor software. 16.Waht are CSF s. What are the CSFs that u ll look for in a contactor delivered software.Define them. 17 How do u use control charts for controlling the tetsing process. Explain control charts. 18. Write on symbolic execution, complexity measure and one more testing technique (sorry i dont remeber). 19. If the code to be deliverd will be delivered after a week but no change in release date, how will you as test manager plan yr test. (a question that has appeared in lot of previous question papaers.the phrasing is wrong here. but the same) 20. As a test manager - test skill set relates question (iam not sure).

Dec 3 CSTE subjective questions (not in order): Part II (7 questions) 1. Describe 4 tests you would use to test COTS software 2. A Web-application is to be installed but suspected that it will might fail in production. Describe 4 tests you would recommend to your manager to answer the question “How long it would take for the application to recover after it fails” 3. You are the Test Manager of a company, which has outsourced its testing activities. What you would state to your IT Manager in terms of your responsibilities as Test Manager to give him assurance that testing would be conducted properly 4. Describe any 4 processes you would establish in a test environment and why

5. 6. 7. Part IV (8 questions) 1. What would you include in a defect report 2. What is “v” in v-testing concept and list the stages 3. Draw a Unit testing workbench, describe each activity in the workbench 4. You are to introduce automated testing tools. List any four automated test tools with vendor name and why did you choose them 5. Describe Risk, risk analysis, threat, vulnerability, internal control 6. Describe statement, branch, condition, expression, path coverage 7. Describe any 3 defect-related metrics 8. For a web-based application, list 4 important quality factors you would test for. Also state why are they important

1. The difference between Verification and Validation. 2. The definition for the following; a) effective b) efficeincy 3. Your client would like to do Acceptance test on one of your projects but does not know to prepare a test plan for that. Describe the components that should be included in the test plan. 4. Define a) Boundary Analysis b) Equivalent Partitioning c) Error Guessing Give one example for each. 5. Your company is doing a project in automation of aircrafts and timing. You are asked to invlove in the testing. what should be the testing strategy fot that.

Sep 17th paper objectives covered each and every topic frm CBOK plus general management questions related to software life cycle and for

subjectives scenerios were given to answer..It was all repetitive of previous papers. I could recall a few of them here..hope it would be usefull for those preparing for cste... Objectives: 1) Software inspections categorize defects as Wrong, Missing and Extra. A) TRUE B) FALSE 2) A) B) C) D)

The purpose of Risk Management in a project is to Eliminate Risks Minimize Risks Avoid risks Anticipate the risks

3) A) B) C) D) E)

Acceptance Testing is the responsibility of the: Programmer Project Leader Independent Tester Assistance programmer User/Customer

4). Cost of Quality is least among A) Prevention B) Appraisal C) Failure 5) A) B) C)

Training come under what category cost of quality? Prevention Appraisal Failure

6) The Pareto chart is more commonly known to information systems personnel as A) 80-20 Rule B) Trend analysis Other choices not sure 7) Testing of the system to demonstrate system compliance with user requirements is: A) Black box testing B) System testing C) Independent testing D) Acceptance Testing 8) A) B) C) D)

Function point is a measure of Effort Complexity Usability None of the above

9) An activity that verifies compliance with policies and procedures and ensures that resources are conserved is A) an inspection B) an audit C) a review

D) an assessment 10) Which is the application for the process management and quality improvement concepts to software development and maintenance. A) Malcolm Baldridge B) ISO 9000 C) QAI D) QS14000 11) Software testing accounts for what percent of software development costs? A) 10-20 B) 30-60 C) 70-80 12) Software errors are least costly to correct at what stage of the development cycle? A) Requirements B) Construction C) Acceptance test D) Design 13) Which of the following test approaches is not a Functional test approach? A) Control Technique B) Stress Technique C) Regression Technique D) Cause/effect Graphing E) Requirements 14) Effectiveness is doing things right and efficiency is doing the right things A) True B) False 15) Juran is famous for A) Quality Control B) Quality Assurance C) Trend Analysis 16) Top down & Bottom Up are the part of Incremental Testing A) True B) False 17) Achieving quality requires: A) Understanding the customers expectations B) Exceeding the customers expectations C) Meeting all the definitions of quality D) Focusing on the customer E.) All the above 18) Which is NOT the exit criteria for unit testing A) Code inspection Others choices not sure

CSTE Subjective questions in Part 2 and Part 4 were completely different from the earlier exam papers. Each question was given as a scenario with 6 - 8 lines of information based on real time. Understanding the intent of each question was generally time consuming. All objective questions in Part 1 were tricky and it covered every line in the CBOK. This was also time consuming. CSTE question listed below were written based on the intent of the actual CSTE question. Part 3 objective were straight forward. March 12 2005 questions: Part 2 & Part 4 1. Software Test team in an organization is doing only Functional Testing. You have been asked to do Structural testing also. What are the benefits and disadvantages of Structural Testing over Functional Testing? (15 points) 2. Mention and explain three attributes in a Use Cases? (15 points) 3. Prepare a checklist for a Requirements review meeting. Tester should able to state Positive or negative for each of the points in the checklist. (15 points) Another post indicated that they were looking for 8 items to be in the checklist. 4. In and organization, it was observed that a project had 17 critical and 112 minor defects related to GUI script changes. There is a Project Lead, Assistant PL and 8 Developers. How would you assign the defects to the developers so that there are no future defects? Why will you do so? (15 points) 5. Pictorial graph and explanation of Test report that would be prepared for Developers and Dev Manager? (15 points) 6. Organization has legacy system and testers are using Waterfall model for testing. List the things that are needed for the testers to move from legacy system to Web application testing? (15 points) 7. CSTE has many competency domains. Explain any three competency domains you would suggest for a new tester who joined an organization? (15 points) 8. Explain how Code inspections would be done and explain the advantages of carrying out Code inspections before unit testing? (15 points) 9. What is Boundary Value analysis, when will you use it. Also, explain the Boundary value analysis using a Payroll application example. (15 points)

10. There are many coverage techniques. Explain any two coverage methods that you will suggest? (15 points) 11. There is a particular type of S/W called COTS (Commercial off the shelf S/W) or Shelf software. Explain the testing strategy that would be followed to test it? (15 points) 12. For some particular project in an organization, testers have been asked to test for following Reliability, Usability and Testability. Explain why you would test for these factors? (15 points) 13. Explain any three suspension criteria / completion of testing / exit criteria you would suggest for terminating testing of a project. (15 points) From aother post: Testers should report defects so that developers can understand without confusion. Briefly explain the contents of a defect report. Quality defnitions are: 1. Meets Customer Requirements 2. Fit for use. Do you think that both quality defnition suits testing? If so explain.

1) Differentiate between verification and validation 2) What are the points to be emphasized in testing of a system which has multiple workstations for inputting (as against a single workstation system 3) Define and Give examples for a] Boundary Value Analysis b] Equivalence Partitioning c] Error Guessing? 4) Your customer doesn’t know how to prepare acceptance test plan. Write contents of the acceptance test plan for his guidance? 5) How will you make sure that your software is not get "Over-tested" three ways? 6) You find that the senior testers are making more mistakes then junior testers; you need to communicate this aspect to the senior tester. Also, you don't want to loose this tester. How should one go about the constructive criticism? 7) Write test plan considerations for testing of a system with highly interdependent and complex data model in nature. (It has lot of variables, fields, constraints, mathematical processing and so on)? (30 Marks) 8) Give MEASUREMENTS for a] Test Effectiveness and b] Test Efficiency?

9) After doing review of units before doing unit testing you found the following types of bugs in the code write your analysis and conclusion based on the follwing bugs? Critical:-

Definition of cirtical

Major:- Definition of major Minor:- Definition of minor Bugs Incorrect requirement Design flaw Design flaw Logic incorrect Extra code Doumentation

Severity Major critical critical major minor minor

days to fix 4 15 17 7 5 4

Like this there are atleast 5-6 more bugs can't remember all. On the basis of this you have to write your conclusion? 10) What is the objective of unit testing? Wite three methods and metrics for the same? how u will enusre that this has been followed? 11) Your Company is about to roll out an E-Commerce application. It is not possible to test the application on all types of browsers on all platforms and operating systems. What steps would you take in the testing environment to reduce the business risks and commercial risks? 12) when to stop testing ? but asked like what points will u add in test plan? 13) List the 5 error tester makes? (New question) 14) The code completion from Development side is going to delay by 5 days. But the client dont want to postponed his release date. So being a QA Manager how will you handle this situation without changing the resources? (workhours,tester,etc.,). (10 marks). or 14) Your company has not done unit testing in the past. What is the unit testing policy that you would establish before delivering the code to independent testing team? Following were the three sections in the question. 1) State the objective for unit testing 2) Write any three white box testing techniques 3) How will you measure the compliance to the above unit testing policy This question carried 30 points.

Q1. It is being observed that in a project cost of testing is very high. After going in detail it was found that the testers are testing the software, which is not left with many defects. How will you make sure that this is correct? Any three ways? What are the disadvantages of Over Testing? Q2. How will you ensure the effectiveness, efficiency and total coverage of a model with lots of fields, data, and interdependent paths between them? Q3. Unit testing has been introduced newly in the policy. What are objectives of Unit Testing, and what are the various techniques of unit testing. What are the measures used to measure it? Q4. You have air flight control software what would be your test strategy? Q5. Name 5 errors testers make? Q6. List 4 purposes of what you think are primary goals of testing? Q7. Your customer does not have experience in writing Acceptance Test Plan. How will you do that in co-ordination with customer? What will be the contents of Acceptance Test Plan? Q8. Difference b/w Verification and Validation Q9. Define Boundary Value Analysis, Error Guessing, Equivalence Partitioning (10 Points) Q10. You find that the senior testers are making more mistakes then junior testers; you need to communicate this aspect to the senior tester. Also, you don't want to loose this tester. How should one go about the constructive criticism? Q11. When Testing will be stopped? (10 Points) Q12. What are the product standards for these Test Plan, Test Script, Test Report Q13. What do u test in a system, which accepts inputs from multiple nodes that you, will not test in a system that has only one system? (10)

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