If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular. If the subject is
Specific Rules
An intervening phrase or clause does not affect
RULE # 1.
Two or more singular subjects joined by or
RULE # 2.
Two or more plural subjects joined by or or nor must
RULE # 3.
If one or more singular subjects are joined to one or more plural subjects by or or
RULE # 4.
RULE # 5. A
compound subject joined by and is generally plural and
Exceptions: If the parts of a compound subject add up to one thing, the compound subject is singular, it should take a
RULE # 6. There
is (was, has been) should be used when the subject that follows is singular; there are (were, have
linking verb must agree with its subject, regardless of
RULE # 7. A
Doesn't is a contraction of does not and should be used only with a singular subject. Don't is a contraction of do not Rule #8.
Exceptions In the case of the first person and second person pronouns I and you, the
The words each, each one, either, neither, everyone, everybody, anybody, anyone, nobody, somebody, Rule #9.
All, none, some may take either a singular or a plural verb according to their meaning. Note:
Nouns such as civics, mathematics, dollars, measles, and news require Rule #10.
When a relative pronoun is used as a subject of the verb, verb must agree in person and number with Rule #11.
Some nouns like pants, trousers, jeans, shears, scissors, tweezers, and Rule #12.
When a collective noun such as audience, army class committee, company, family, flock, swarm, group, herd, jury, team Rule #13.
When it refers to persons or things included in the Exception:
Nouns denoting quantity and amount such as number, half, part, portion, and plenty may take a singular or plural Rule #14.
Fractions take a singular verb if the object of the following ofphrase is singular; they take a plural verb if the object Rule #15.
If the subjects are affirmative and negative, the verb agrees in the person and Rule #16.
RULE # 17.
Remember that in the inverted word order, the subject