Study Abroad Program Proposal Policies

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,268
  • Pages: 4
STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM PROPOSAL POLICIES Note: Attach to the cover sheet this narrative document, which describes the components of the study abroad program. With this narrative, include a budget worksheet, a copy of the evaluation form to be used with this program and a signed Conflict of Interest Disclaimer form. A box has been provided for you to type each narrative (it was created in table and will expand as you type). 1. Academic program description a. list and describe the academic courses which will be part of this program; identify course pre-requisites, if any Course Description: Students who have completed Spanish 1010 and/or whose proficiency level is at least Novice High will take the following 7 credit hours: Spanish 1020 - First Year Spanish II (4) (Spanos) Spanish HU 1851 - Study Abroad (3) (Spanos) Students who have completed Spanish 1020 and/or whose proficiency level is at least Intermediate Low will take the following 7 credit hours: Spanish 2010 - Second Year Spanish I (4) (Spanos) Spanish HU 2851 - Study Abroad (3) (Spanos) Students who have completed Spanish 2010 and/or whose proficiency level is at least Intermediate Low will take the following 7 credit hours: Spanish 2020 - Second Year Spanish II (4) (Spanos) Spanish HU 2851 - Study Abroad (3) (Spanos) Students who have completed at least Spanish 2020 and/or whose proficiency level is at least Intermediate MId will take the following 7 credit hours: Spanish 3320 - Applied Language Studies: Advanced Language Skills (3) (Spanos) Spanish 3850 - Study Abroad (4) (Spanos)

b. identify specific learning outcomes which students are expected to demonstrate at the completion of the program; describe scheduled activities which will assist students in achieving these learning outcomes Students will increase both language and cultural proficiency by integrating themselves into the Costa Rican culture, both in the classroom as well as elsewhere. They will receive from 3 to 4 formal instruction hours per day. The rest of the time they will be interacting in Spanish wotj the family to whom they are assigned, participating in excursions to cultural and ecologically rich destinations, and carrying out practical assignments in which they utilize spoken and written Spanish. They will demonstrate developing proficiency formally through oral and written assignments (including a guided journal) and exams, as well as informally through interaction with the Costa Rican people.

c. describe how students will be evaluated to determine if they have achieved


the learning outcomes identified above; describe the criteria to be used in assigning course grades First of all, students will be evaluated as to the extent that they use Spanish while in Costa Rica. This will include both a self-evaluation and one given by me. Next, students will be evaluated in the individual courses they take according to the outcome criteria of the specific course, i.e. typically through written and oral assignments (both individual and group) and exams. Finally, the main criterion for assessment of outcomes in the Travel Study courses (2851 and 3850) will be evidence of progress in cultural understanding and linguistic skills in the guided journal they will be working on each day.

2. Personnel a. identify the faculty who will teach each course listed above and describe their academic qualifications to teach these courses Dr. Tony Spanos, Ph.D. in Spanish language and literature. Has taught a wide range of Spanish courses from beginning to advanced classes.

b. identify the Program Director and any other trip leaders or co-leaders; exclusive of the Program Director, describe the trip leader/co-leader responsibilities and their qualifications to fulfill these supervisory responsibilities Dr. Tony Spanos

c. identify the selection criteria to be used with trip participants, including age, educational background, physical fitness and/or required medical exam, or other categories necessary for the successful completion of the program; identify the minimum and maximum acceptable size of the group The Costa Rica Study Abroad Program is opened to any student, faculty/staff at Weber State University. Students from other universities are also eligible to enroll in this program Participants enrolled in the program need to be enrolled through Continuing Education as fullparticipating students. Participants 18 years of age or younger must have written approval by parent/guardian to participate in the program. No physical exam or vaccinations are required. There is a minimum size of 15 and a maximum of 32 students.

3. Overall program details a. identify the program itinerary/calendar (dates for pre-departure orientation, departure, in-country travel, return, de-briefing session, etc) Predeparture Orientation Date: 6 June 2009 Departure: 13 June 2009 Return: 11 July 2009


b. describe the travel arrangements, including flight numbers to/from and incountry, if available Each student will be responsible to arrange his/her flight to and from Costa Rica.

c. NOTE: If private vehicles are used to transport study abroad participants incountry, the drivers must be WSU faculty, staff or students, carry current liability insurance, d. and meet other University requirements as noted in PPM 5-31 e. describe the non-academic activities (not part of the academic courses) f. describe the housing & food arrangements for each in-country location Students live with host families assigned by the Instituto in San Jose. Most, but not all meals are provided with the home stay. Ramilies also do the student's laundry. Students will be advised that they will be on their own for some meals, especially lunches on school days.

g. describe the marketing and promotion plans for this program (provide sample materials, if possible) Promotion for this trip will be advertised in the foreign language department. The director will visit different classes to promote the trip. Flyers will be available in the department and online.

h. identify risk management issues (health, safety, liability) which may be unique to the area(s) being visited; describe how these issues will be effectively addressed in the design of the program All participants will be required to have student health and accident insurance. The Instituto in San Jose will provide medical referrals. Students will be oriented as to possible health risks in the program, including food and safety issues specific to planned activities for Costa Rica.

i. describe the emergency management plan, including telephone/e-mail contact information, to be used with problems which may arise Within Costa Rica, the Instituto will provide information and will serve as liaison for medical and other emergency services. Family members in the U.S. will be provided with phone numbers and e-mail addresses for their students in Costa Rica. Students will be briefed on how to obtain emergency services in Costa Rica and how to most efficiently contact family in the U.S. during each phase of the program, should any emergency arise.

j. include an estimated budget which identifies all trip revenue and expenses with a projected per capita cost (see attached budget worksheet); indicate if the program director and other trip leaders/co-leaders will have travel expenses paid and/or will receive salary


k. provide a fee payment schedule, including date of required first deposit and remaining payment deadlines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

$200 by 30 January 2009: to reserve place in program. This is nonrefundable $500 by 31 March, 2009 $500 by 30 April, 2009 $300 by 31 May, 2009 $300 final payment by 6, June 2009

4. Overall program evaluation a. provide a copy of the form to be used to assess overall program effectiveness (see attached sample form)

5. Budget worksheet a. provide a completed budget worksheet (see attached form)

6. Conflict of Interest Disclaimer form a. provide a signed form (see attached form)


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