Studii De Caz

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1. Studiu de caz: Campanie de Relatii Publice Adidas. Adidas, sponsor al Echipei Ligii de Volei a Chinei si deopotriva partener al Olimpiadei de la Beijing angajeaza Ogilvy PR pentru a da evenimentului amploarea dorita. Provocarea: In 1984, Echipa Ligii de Volei a Chinei (ELVC) era favorite nationalei ca urmare a triumfului de la Olimpiade. Insa in urmatorii peste 20 de ani, imaginea echipei a avut de suferit de pe urma performantelor lipsite de stralucire. Si chiar si voleiul in sine, odata atat de popular in randul tinerilor chinezi, era acum privit ca un joc in primul rand pentru “batrani”. Deoarece Adidas este deasemenea sponsor ELVC si deopotriva partener al Olimpiadei de la Beijing 2008, scopul agentiei Ogilvy PR a fost sa determine femeile cu varste intre 14 si 24 de ani din China sa priveasca din nou voleiul ca pe un sport distractiv si plin de pasiune. Metodologia: Ogilvy PR a inceput prin a revizui toate datele calitative de la All China Strategic Research, care au dezvaluit trei puncte cheie. 1. Trebuia sa se creeze vedete ale echipei, deoarece cultura tinerilor din China este foarte influentata de jucatori vedeta si idoli ai sportului. 2. Trebuia evidentiata si pusa in scena puterea jocului – pentru a-i emfaza factorul de “cool”. 3. Pentru ca audienta tanara targetata este determinata de dorinta de proprietate si participare, trebuia influentata implicarea tineretului. Strategia: Cu 18 milioane de studenti chinezi care folosesc internetul – si cu o rata de folosire a internetului de catre tinerii chinezi care creste zilnic – media digitala a fost canalul cheie gasit pentru a stimula profilul ELVC. Blogging-ul alaturi de diverse adaptari au constituit o strategie media benefica. Se cunosteau destul de putine despre vietile personale ale componentilor echipei, asa ca s-a cautat deschiderea unui dialog si aducerea fanilor mai aproape de jucatori prin crearea in premiera a blogului echipei olimpice chineze. Fiecarui jucator i s-a aplicat o transformare, captata in fotografii glam. Fotografiile au fost postate pe blog, fapt care nu numai ca a marit traficul, dar a rezultat deasemenea in cereri instant de media print. Filme virale aratau puterea si energia jocului. S-a dorit prezentat un volei extreme, periculos si palpitant pentru o audienta tanara dinc e in ce mai pasionata de baschet. Asa ca au fost promovate 6 filmulete virale in care se evidentiau cascadorii creative care sa puncteze viteza si energia jocului. De exemplu, o mingie de volei care atinge viteza de 92km/h era aratata alaturi de apa tasnind dintr-un hydrant la aceeasi viteza si lovind un trecator. Competitia imnului de volei a atins implicarea tinerilor. Adidas a devenit sponsorul primei competitii pentru alegerea imnului din China, care a invitat publicul sa creeze un imn national, o urare sau un jingle care sa reprezinte voliul. Formele pe care le putea lua acest imn erau foaret variate – includeau miscari ale mainilor si miscari de dans inrudite cu miscarile din volei. Participantii isi incarcau imnurile pe minisite-ul ELVC si votau intrarile celorlalti. Rezultate: Cercetarea postlansare a aratat ca audienta target care a definit ELVC drept “cool” a crescut cu 16% in numai cateva luni. Shanghai Times a mentionat ca fanii au fost impresionati de senzualitatea nemaivazuta pana atunci a echipei de volei. Membrii ELVC au aparut chiar si in revistele de lifestyle pentru tineret, precum Easy si Touch. Blogul a atras aproape 161.000 de vizitatori unici in primele 3 luni, in timp ce pe site-ul competitiei pentru imn s-au inregistrat peste 400.000 de vizite in aceeasi perioada de timp.


Peste 5,5 milioane de vizitatori au dat click pentru a viziona filmele virale in primele 3 luni de la lansare. 73% din vizitatori au afirmat ca filmele erau “inovatoare” si stimulante, in timp ce 78% le-au forwardat si prietenilor. Impactul campaniei asupra echipei a fost rezumat de catre Antrenorul Sef Chen Zhonghe, care a spus: “Adidas a adus fetele mai aproape de fanii lor, ceea ce ajuta la cresterea moralului echipei si a performantelor fetelor …” 2. Studiu de caz: Campania de relatii publice online Audi A4. Porsche Romania si agentia Cohn&Jansen | Ashley&Holmes au demarat in februarie 2008 o campanie de promovare a noului model Audi A4, organizand un drive-test pentru zece bloggeri. Practic, fiecare participant primeste pentru cateva zile automobilul, pentru drive-test, pentru ca, mai apoi, sa posteze pe blog informatii despre aceasta experienta.Toate comentariile sunt reunite, ulterior, pe un site dedicat. Potrivit lui Alexandru Borsan, Account Manager al Cohn&Jansen | Ashley&Holmes, criteriul de selectie al bloggerilor nu a fost traficul, ci relevanta pentru publicul-tinta. 3. Studiu de caz: Campania de comunicare pentru CIEL Awards. In perioada iulie – noiembrie 2006, Selenis a gestionat campania de comunicare online pentru proiectul CIEL Awards. Situatie: La inceputul lunii iulie, reprezentantii Fundatiei CIEL Romania au decis sa demareze proiectul CIEL Awards. Prin el si-au propus sa-i ajute pe tineri sa inceapa o afacere sau sa-si construiasca o cariera in economie. Proiectul a reusit sa atraga sustinerea unor parteneri importanti printre care: BRD Groupe Societe Generale, XEROX Romania sau Oriflame Cosmetics. CIEL Awards a fost sprijinit de personalitati marcante ale sectorului de afaceri care au facut parte din juriu. Printre acestea sau regasit: Viorel Bitu (Synergizer), Aureliu Ilin (BRD) sau Monica Tatoiu (Oriflame Cosmetics). Reprezentantii CIEL au decis sa ne incredinteze componenta de comunicare online. Echipa noastra a realizat strategia si continutul site-ului, iar agentia Kondiment a facut designul grafic. Provocari: Tinerii antreprenori nu au incredere in sprijinul institutional pe care l-ar putea obtine pentru a-si incepe o afacere; Tinerii au retineri in a-si face publice ideile de afaceri; CIEL Awards nu avea notorietate. In 2006 s-a desfasurat prima editie. Strategie: Ce am facut noi 1. Cand am comunicat lansarea site-ului, ne-am concentrat pe numele partenerilor (companii de top) si pe numele membrilor juriului (profesionisti cu notorietate). Vizitatorii puteau vedea inca de pe homepage fotografiile si declaratiile acestora. Am incercat astfel sa castigam increderea publicului, arantandu-i ca proiectul este sustinut de companii si de personalitati marcante. 2. In perioada inscrierilor, am urmarit sa atragem atentia publicului prin accentul pus pe valoarea premiilor. Era vorba de credite nerambursabile (16.000 de Euro), credite fara dobanda si fara comisioane (peste 30.000 de Euro), laptopuri etc. Campania s-a derulat pe site-uri partenere, printre care:,,,,,, etc. Premii concurs special 3. Am dezvoltat o baza de date cu abonati pe care i-am implicat in interactiunea cu siteul si in multiplicarea informatiilor despre concurs. Pe langa sistemul de abonare la


alerta, accesibil din orice pagina a site-ului, am mai facut doua lucruri: am conditionat descarcarea formularelor de inscriere, de abonarea la alerta; am facut pe site un concurs special, cu tema “Esti pregatit sa incepi o afacere?”. Acesta din urma presupunea completarea unui chestionar cu 10 intrebari. Prin tragere la sorti, 3 dintre cei care au raspuns corect au castigat carti despre antreprenoriat. Sectiunea Resurse 4. Am facut o sectiune de Resurse pentru a-i ajuta pe concurenti sa-si realizeze planurile de afaceri pentru competitie. Aceasta cuprinde articole scrise pe profesionistii din Juriu, informatii despre carti de specialitate, legaturi catre site-uri din domeniul antreprenorial si catre comunitati online de specialitate. 5. Am facut o sectiune pentru jurnalisti si am transmis noutati despre proiect editorilor de la publicatiile online. Reprezentantii mass media au putut gasi in sectiunea Presa, comunicatele proiectului, galerii foto de la evenimente, aparitii in media ale CIEL Awards si datele de contact ale persoanei care gestiona relatia cu presa. Rezultatele proiectului a) Peste 100 de inscrisi in cele 3 sectiuni de concurs; b) 1150 de abonati la alerta (le-au fost trimise 10 email-uri tematice); c) 464 de participanti la concursul online “Esti pregatit sa incepi o afacere?” (concursul s-a desfasurat pe parcursul a 10 zile: 5 – 15 septembrie); d) Site-ul a avut, in perioada august – noiembrie 2006, 18.000 de vizitatori unici si peste 75.000 de afisari (conform; e) Pagina de Resurse a fost printre cele mai vizitate 10 pagini de pe site (conform Google Analytics); f) Peste 100 de aparitii in presa despre CIEL Awards. 4. Umbro England kit PR launch Situatie: UMBRO, the global football brand, turned to Threepipe to launch the England team’s new away kit. With the World Cup only months away, this was one of the biggest and most high profile product launches of the year. Objectives: This was a crucial product launch for UMBRO, and vital to get right in terms of driving sales of the product in the 2006 tournament year. Such a high profile event was also important in determining perceptions of the UMBRO brand among consumers, shareholders and in the City. Threepipe delivered a launch campaign that brought together PR activity, online promotion, brand partnerships and a high-profile launch event involving 200 media and nine England players, including David Beckham, Michael Owen, John Terry and Frank Lampard. The launch generated a massive amount of media coverage across TV, radio, print and online media, reaching an estimated 25 million UK consumers with key messages about the new kit and UMBRO’s association with the England team. The Challenge: With the 2006 World Cup just months away, the launch of the new England kit represented a massive opportunity for UMBRO to leverage their sponsorship of the England team. An integrated launch campaign was needed to deliver key messages about the product design and technology to the widest possible audience of England football fans. The launch event itself was a complex logistical challenge, with extensive planning required to deliver a smooth event to cater for over 300 guests, including media from around the World, and the involvement of nine high-profile England football players. UMBRO also needed to leverage its relationships with individual England players, including Michael Owen, John Terry and David James, through strategic PR activity. Planning & Implementation:


Launch Venue : Planning began in June 2005, with several meetings with UMBRO and The F.A. to identify the best timings for the launch, in terms of the England fixture list. After establishing the launch date of February 27, just ahead of England’s game against Uruguay at Anfield, the next challenge was to find a suitable venue in the North West of England. Threepipe researched various options in Manchester and Liverpool, visiting potential venues to assess their suitability, before settling on the Radisson SAS hotel in Manchester. Several further meetings were held with the venue, UMBRO and The FA to plan the launch event. Player Interviews Threepipe produced a long-lead media plan, offering UMBRO players for interviews with lifestyle magazines, designed to generate positive media coverage at the time of the launch. A series of interviews took place in November and December 2005, with Threepipe negotiating with the media and players’ agents to ensure that all sides would be happy with the results. A deal was struck with The Sun, offering John Terry for an exclusive interview in January 2006, resulting in two pieces of heavily branded coverage before and after the kit launch. The paper ran UMBRO’s images and carried key details of the new kit, encouraging readers to log on to for more information. Launch Event A complex event to organise! Every last detail had to be right, from security for the players, down to individual briefing sheets for the media. Taking place early in the morning, in order to set the news agenda for the day, a total of 300 media, guests and competition winners were all treated to an exhibition of UMBRO’s global photography, before watching the spectacular launch event, hosted by the BBC’s Mark Clemmit, where David Beckham, Michael Owen, John Terry, Frank Lampard and five other England players officially revealed the new strip for the first time. Following the unveiling, a total of 30 one-one interviews took place with the England players, including live appearances on BBC Breakfast News, Radio 1, Sky Sports, and Radio 5 Live. With players on a tight schedule, Threepipe had to be totally on the ball to ensure that each media got their allotted time slot with the players. Each interview delivered key messages and reinforced the campaign imagery through the use of a branded backdrop. Promotions A total of 25 pre and post-launch promotions were set up to deliver UMBRO’s message to the target consumer. Partnerships were set up with Carlsberg, Pepsi, Yahoo!, The FA and various consumer media streams including The Sun, MTV, Match and Radio 1. Results a) Media Coverage The launch event and one-one interviews generated coverage in The Sun, The Mirror, The Times, Daily Telegraph, Daily Star, Daily Mail, The Express, The Independent, The Guardian, Metro, London Evening Standard, BBC Breakfast News, ITV News, Channel 4 News, Five News, Sky Sports, Soccer AM, Radio 1, 5 Live, MTV, Nuts, Zoo, Match, London Sport, and many more! Long lead media coverage included FHM, FourFourTwo, Shoot, T3 and Stuff. b) Commercial Success The new shirt sold through in record time in the first few days of going on sale, helping UMBRO and its retail partners to reap the rewards of the massive interest in the England team, four months before the World Cup had even started! The week following the launch event saw UMBRO’s share at an all time high.

5. St Bridget's Hospice PR campaign.


Situation: St Bridget’s Hospice has been an essential part of health care on the Isle of Man providing palliative treatments such as counselling, therapy and bereavement support since 1983. It provides independent healthcare, free of charge to Island residents diagnosed with life threatening illnesses and more than 150 patients are admitted to the hospice each year. St Bridget’s unfortunately outgrew its premises and it was essential to the island that something be done to help. The Mighty Oak Appeal was launched to raise funds for a purpose-built facility, and the whole Island got behind the effort contributing L4.3 million. Once construction was completed in October 2007, St Bridget’s was renamed Hospice Isle of Man and management invited everyone to tour the new facility during an open week. Challenge: The Hospice Isle of Man relies solely on donations from the public and needs to raise L3 million per annum in order to function. The goal for us was to attract as many visitors to the open week as possible and highlight Hospice's role in the community and its many services. This would, in turn encourage people to continue to support operations going forward and to become a volunteer. Strategy & Implementation: Use a broad-brush approach in a closed media market such as the Isle of Man's, and you risk becoming a one-hit-wonder. Strive PR employed a range of tactics including briefings, news releases, testimonials and success stories. We drip-fed angled and targeted stories to meet the exact requirements of each journalist. And, we used a myriad of hooks to keep the story fresh. We put a human face on Hospice by focusing on patients, volunteers and employees - each with his own unique story in testimonial interviews – a powerful media trigger. In addition, various aspects of the new facility, the kitchen and the sensory therapy rooms, where given special focus. Celebrity participation including Manchester United Manager Sir Alex Ferguson and Welsh International Rugby League's Scott Quinnell augmented the profile. Evaluation & Results: Without exception, every single Manx media outlet covered the event, many several times. Hundreds of column inches were devoted to Hospice. It was featured on the front page of two newspapers and Manx Tails, an all-Island publication which is delivered to 36,400 houses in the Island every month by post. Border TV ran a lengthy feature and each of the Island's radio stations ran several interviews and news stories. A video tour of the facility ran on But perhaps most importantly, nearly 10 per cent of the Island's population, 7,000 people, attended open week -- a number that surpassed all expectation.


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