Student Of The Jesuits.pptx

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  • Words: 854
  • Pages: 67
Highlights 1. Paciano Mercado, student of Father Burgos. 2. Rizal at the Ateneo – selects literature as foremost among many talents 3. First poems in Spanish 4. Basic political conclusion at fifteen 5. The need for enlightenment

Rizal’s mental evolution in boyhood represents an intellectual phenomenon, the growth and development of a patriot and political thinker.

Father Gomez, Father Burgos, and Father Zamora were garroted in public.

They were executed before a Filipino crowd.

There was no public reaction of any kind.

There was no public opinion.

There was God’s will, as made known by Spanish friars.

Paciano Mercado

He was twenty years old during the time of the Cavite mutiny.

He was a person of extreme selfcontrol.

Disliking any outward display of emotion.

And preferring silence to a needless word.

Some of his fellow students considered him dangerously outspoken.

His mother was imprisoned for twoand-a-half years.

Real Audiencia is the highest court in the land.

In June 1872, Jose Rizal aged eleven went up to Manila to begin his studies at the Ateneo Municipal.

Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

Society of Jesus

Ateneo was run by Jesuits Fathers who were members of the recently reconstituted Society of Jesus.

They are in touch with modern scientific thought, enthusiastic teachers, and most of them young.

They provided a broaderbased education that any other available in the country.


First year he lodged in Binondo, with the illegitimate sons of Spanish priests “the fruits of friar love-affairs”.

Second year he lodged in Intramuros

Third and Fourth year he lodged in Ateneo, occupying an alcove situated in the corner of the dormitory looking out to the sea.

He had the reputation of being an outstanding student of the day.

A brilliant scholar.

He also revealed a quality of being a natural leader.

He took gymnastic seriously.

In his last year, he learnt fencing, in which he trained hard and kept in practice for the rest of his life.

With the improvement of his health, he became more extrovert and communicating.

There is a limit to one person can do.

But with him, there seemed to be no limits to the number of things he could do.

His talents showed principally in scholastic work, poetry, painting, and sculpture

He was notably backward in Spanish.

In his third and fourth year in Ateneo, he became part of Father Sanchez’ class, where his rapid progress in writing in Spanish took place.

Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez

26 years old, a dark, gloomy, bat-like person, given to pessimistic observations.

“A model of uprightness, earnestness, and love of the advancement of his pupils”

Father Jose Vilaclara

He taught philosophy and sciences.

Vilaclara advised Jose “to give up the society of the Muses and give them a final goodbye”.

“My second college year [resembled] the first, with the difference that patriotic feelings had been greatly developed in me, as well as an acute quickness of perception (una exquisita sensibilidad)

Quickness of Political Perception

His ideas developed in quite another way.

Conclusion: He must dedicate his life to the service of his people. First step in such life service is to go abroad, and learn about the world outside

Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria The poem “title” was the first important landmark in the evolution of his public life.

It is by means of education that the fatherland acquires its glory.

Just as the gentle movement of a breeze causes flowers to show off their colors more vividly, so is education the vital breath which causes a nation to rise to its most brilliant heights.

Nuestra cara patria – our beloved country.

Spain – the poem reads as a complacent statement concerning the true source of a nation’s greatness.

Philippines – until the restrictive education system of the friars is altered and the youth of the country invigorated by real learning, by the eradication of the prevailing ignorance, they will never improve their position.

The prerequisite to any improvement in the Philippines lay in the people acquiring knowledge.

For Spanish tyranny to be overthrown was a chimera.

One change would lead to another.

He had already perceived what he knew to be the most fundamental problem of the Philippines.

That it is in the soil of ignorance that tyranny thrives, and that in measure as ignorance was eradicated so would tyranny wither and perish.

There are no despots where there are no slaves.

Rizal found himself with his baccalaureate, five medals, and a record of studies which had never been surpassed by any student.

“The last night, on going to my dormitory and considering that that night would be the last I would spend in my peaceful alcove, because, according to what they said, the world was waiting for me.

I had a cruel presentiment . . . The moon shone mournfully, illuminating the lighthouse and the sea, presenting a silent and grand spectacle which seemed to tell me that the next day another life awaited me.”

The world which lay before him was the world in which he had chosen to serve his own people.

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