Student Attendance And The Law

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  • Words: 271
  • Pages: 11
Student Attendance and the Instructional Program

William Allan Kritsonis, PhD

TEC§ 25.001 At

least 5 years old and under 21 on September 1st are eligible on a free tuition basis—special education.....?

Brown v. Board of Education  Basis—14th

amendment—equal protection under the law—with all due speed  Key

terms—unitary status  De jure segregation  Freeman

v Pitts 1992  Missouri v Jenkins case 1995  Take

a good look at page 48-49—note the progression and timeline

Texas cases Price

v Austin ISD 1971 Civil Order 5281 Racially & ethnically isolated schools restrict transfers that change the racial composition by more than 1%

Plyer v Doe U.S.

Supreme court ruling that the state could no longer exclude children of illegally admitted aliens.

Section 504 of Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Prohibits

discrimination against individuals with disabilities in federally assisted public schools programs.

Title IX of the 1972 Ed Amendments


intentional discrimitation on the basis of sex in programs that receive federal assistance.

Residency & Guardianship  Know

the scenarios on page 54 & 55

 Power

of attorney  Minimum level proof of residency  Byrd v Livingston  Review

“When the Parent is Not Apparent” 17 page handout in webct

 Compulsory 6

and 17

Attendance TEC§25.085

Kindergarten TEC§29.191 Must

have ½ day for children who are at least 5 yrs old If more than 15 ELLs 4 yrs old….must offer pre-k

TEC§25.093 Class

C Misdemeanor with fine of up to $500 a day for failure to send children to school

Safe School Environment TFC

§51.02 10 yrs old 17 yrs old TEC § 37.101—2—081-105— 123—124—126--125

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