Strunk Reply Motion Extention Time

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Strunk v US Department of State et al. DCD 08-cv-2234 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ------------------------------------x ) Christopher-Earl: Strunk © in esse, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) ) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ) ) Defendant. ) ) ------------------------------------x

Civil Action No.: 08-2234 (RJL)

SUR-REPLY DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF THE ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT’S FIRST MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO ANSWER OR OTHERWISE RESPOND TO THE COMPLAINT I, Christopher-Earl: Strunk © in esse, declare under penalty of perjury, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1746 as follows: 1. That I make this Special-Appearance as Declarant in anticipation of the Court’s order to

allow my sur-reply to the Defendant’s Counsel’s response to my Notice of Motion to reconsider the defendant’s time to answer filed 2/19/09 and entered into the Docket at Item 11, and that I hereby extend the fourteen Exhibits appended to my Affidavit in support affirmed February 3, 2009 to include herewith six additional exhibits hereafter described. 2. That Declarant in sur-reply to each allegation in the order presented by the Defendant’s Counsel’s Memorandum response to my Notice of Motion to reconsider as follows: 3. That Declarant acknowledges that the Court as of February 11, 2009 filed a supplement as defined under FRCvP Rule 15(d) notwithstanding Defendants Counsel’s characterization as if

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Strunk v US Department of State et al. DCD 08-cv-2234 being a “Amended Complaint” [Dkt. #9]; and that such supplement having been received by the Court as of January 6, 2009 as shown by affiant’s Exhibit 4, and by the parties involved. 4. That Declarant as a matter of the respondent superior1 Defendant Department of State (“DOS”) having primary liability to provide the requested FOIA material and to answer for its agents and or employee(s), also has an interest when Declarant seeks to add the United States Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) as a defendant in this action, as a border control matter exclusively under it jurisdiction may be related to the DOS FOIA and involve the recent discovery that there is questionable use of Social Security numbers by the subjects of the DOS and DHS FOIA requests and or others. 5. That Declarant believes that although as a formal matter as substance over form, issuance of a supplement summons, which is exclusively under the courts control in that Plaintiff is prohibited for its use as an equal protection under pro se informa pauperism relief prohibited from use otherwise provided to attorneys and those paying regular fees and providing independent service, I contend is a matter of ministerial actions of the government under Title 5 section 552, that statutorily presuppose a formal summons and nevertheless by the service of the original complaint and the supplement by the USPS has already sufficed and arguably goes to the ample ministerial discretion of the Court to resolve as a matter for conservation of time, calendar and expenses in this matter; and Declarant will abide by such discretion. 6. That Declarant contends that DHS has been formally served and in response provided an untimely answer / response , and 7. That my December 25, 2008 FOIA request of DHS, shown as Exhibit 3 sub-exhibit I in the Supplement to the Verified Complaint and Petition for Writ of Mandamus under FOIA, and


respondeat superior . The common law doctrine holding an employer or principal liable for the employee’s or agents actions (including torts) committed during the scope of employment ,---Also termed maser-servant rule.

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Strunk v US Department of State et al. DCD 08-cv-2234 as now entered as of February 11, 2009 as Docket item 9, was responded to by the Department of Homeland Security on February 3, 2009 (see Exhibit 15) 8. That on January 9, 2009 the DHS and or its agent at “FOIA Appeals” acknowledged receipt of both my FOIA request of December 25, 2008 and the proposed supplement containing a copy at Exhibit I, were duly served by the USPS certified with a request for return receipt thereafter received by declarant after January 9, 2009 (see Exhibit 16). 9. That the February 3, 2009 DHS response shown as Exhibit 15, is an untimely answer / response, and does not address the matter of abusive use of social security numbers. 10. that Declarant opposes the suggestion that as the government submits that it will advance

the interests of judicial efficiency for DHS and the Department of State to respond to the Amended Complaint jointly, to the contrary their jurisdictional and authority matters for which each must respond separately, and especially the DOS in regards to spoliation of records for which it has alleged to have had its Office of Inspector General public report in the matter of passport record access in 2008, culminating July 3, 2008 in a press conference (see Exhibit 17) and by withholding of vital information from the public in regards to matters germane to the FOIA request herein have redacted the matters therein deemed “Sensitive” and “unclassified” 11. That from page 4 of Exhibit 17 the redaction is referenced as follows: QUESTION: …I understand that some of this should be answered - asked of the OIG people, but I wanted to ask, did anyone try to get them down here with you? Did you - who's - you know, you're talking about a report by the 0 – the IG, and they're not here. They've blacked out sections of this report and we don't know why they've blacked out, because it's not classified. So what's going on? Why are they MR. KIRBY: Well, in terms of why they redacted the report, the redaction is consistent with 5 USC, Section 552 to prevent further unauthorized breeches. And I'm - you know, you're asking a question; I'm giving you what -- the answer that they provided, that - if certain parts hadn't been redacted - in order to make a good report, we have to know all of the vulnerabilities, alright? And they provided us with a clear idea of all the vulnerabilities. But at the same time, if you describe to everyone all of the vulnerabilities, then people can take advantage of those vulnerabilities. So they redacted it in such a way that people couldn't take advantages of the vulnerabilities. That, I think. is a logical redaction. It put the - a primer on how to

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Strunk v US Department of State et al. DCD 08-cv-2234 take advantage of a system, which doesn't make sense to then lay out and -- for people to take advantage of. So that was the basis for that, and the law - you know, the U.S. code is the - is the basis for the reason they could do that and felt they should do that… (emphasis added)

12. That on February 20, 2009, Declarant filed an additional FOIA request of DOS (see Exhibit 18) in regards to the http:ll200l-2009.state.govlrlpa/prs/ps12008107/106518.htm July 3, 2009 DOS press conference shown as Exhibit 17 in regards to the referenced OIG Report with major redaction related to the Office of the OIG Spokesman Washington, DC that on July 3, 2008 gave a Special Briefing on the State Department Inspector General's Report on Passport Records Access in re 20081545 Released on July 4,2008, and the fact that there is no Report available on line that can be found; and that for a resolution of the requests before this Court must be resolved with at least an in camera review by the Court with Plaintiff of the entire OIG Report un-redacted. 13. That Declarant agrees that Defendant DOS and DHS must seriously investigate and prepare responses to Plaintiff’s various allegations; however, under a Court ordered schedule for discovery. 14. That Declarant’s motion does comply with LCvR 7(m), because as shown by Exhibit 8 through Exhibit 10, and that Declarant has complied with the imposed duty to confer with opposing counsel before the filing of non-dispositive motion. 15. That the Declarant / Plaintiff Supplement is not an amended complaint per se, qualifies as a “supplement” pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(d). as shown in the Mot. for Recons. Ex. at 3. 16. The supplement adds mere factual allegations occurring “after the date of the pleading to be supplemented” and as explained above the additional defendant (DHS) is to clarify use of social security numbers and differs as with the role of the National Archives and DHS as a mere repository of requested information for which DOS is responsible for delivering to the Court.

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Strunk v US Department of State et al. DCD 08-cv-2234 17. That Declarant based upon information and belief contends for economy of the Court’s calendar that in light of the allegations supported by Exhibit 11 that Mr. Brennan and Mr. Obama must at least be served with a subpoena by the court with provision of transactional immunity from prosecution for any event or transaction described in the compelled testimony, in that this is the broadest form of immunity. 18. That Declarant certifies that according to evidence requested and discovered by investigation conducted by agents of the California based non-profit corporation Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, Inc., whose President is Dr. Orly Taitz, DDS Esq., that the supplemental request is warranted and shows a pattern of action by Mr. Brennan and Mr. Obama that goes to the need for a Writ of Mandamus of DOS for full and complete disclosure at least in camera with Declarant, see Exhibit 19. 19. That Declarant in request for sanctions and reimbursement of expenses in this matter has received an invoice from Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, see Exhibit 20, and upon issuance of an order by the Court for a schedule of submission of complete expenses associated with this action will comply accordingly. 20. Now if the Court determines that issuance of an order for a subpoena with transactional immunity is not sufficient and requires Declarant provide an actual Amended Complaint with Mr. Brennan and Mr. Soetoro as Defendants so be it and that Declarant is prepared based upon a schedule of submission for such amended complaint within 7-days of such order by the Court. 21. Based upon the foregoing Declarant prays of the Court for an Order to alter or amend the Order or a Judgment pursuant to FRCvP Rule 59(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in regards to the order granting a 60-day extension of time to answer or respond to the Complaint filed February 11, 2009; amended to include the following:

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Strunk v US Department of State et al. DCD 08-cv-2234 a) That the Court compel Defendant response under FOIA as its response is untimely b) That the Court compel that Defendant respondeat superior shall obtain copies of all documents in its possession and or having been transferred to other agency(ies), including but not limited to, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, National Archives and Records Administration and or other agency(ies), and that all documents be provided under seal for review in camera with affiant. c) That affiant’s request for a summons to be issued is granted in the matter of the Proposed Supplement, for service by the U.S. Marshalls Service. d) That affiant be granted FOIA discovery of all records without bar as a matter of privacy in that Barack Hussein Obama is complicit in a criminal cover-up and spoliation activities. e) That affiant be granted the right of sur-reply f) That affiant be granted reimbursement of all expenses related to this action granted as a sanction against Defendant and Defendant’s agents and counsel, on a schedule of submission determined by the Court; g) That the Court take jurisdiction over the default of Barack Hussein Obama to answer the return of contract; h) That the Court order a schedule for discovery with subpoena issued with transaction immunity given to Mr. Brennan and Mr. Obama accordingly; i) That the Court order an amended complaint filed in lieu of a transaction immunity subpoena of Mr. Brennan and Mr. Obama. j) That the Court grant further and additional relief deemed necessary for justice herein.

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Strunk v US Department of State et al. DCD 08-cv-2234 That Declarant has not requested this relief before and has no other venue to seek equity in this matter having exhausted all administrative remedy, and know the contents thereof apply to me by misapplication and administration of laws, the same is true to my own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe it to be true. The grounds of my beliefs as to all matters not stated upon information and belief are as follows: 3rd parties, books and records, and personal knowledge. Dated: February 22, 2009 Brooklyn New York

/s/ Christopher-Earl Strunk _____________________________

593 Vanderbilt Avenue #281 Brooklyn, New York; Email: [email protected], Cell-845-901-6767 Christopher-Earl: Strunk ©in esse

. cc: listing of service to follow Brigham John Bowen U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 (202) 514-6289 Fax: (202) 616-8460 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED .

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799 9th Street NW Washington, DC 20229

U.S.Customs and

Border Protection

February 3,2009

Christopher E. Strunk 593 Vanderbilt Avenue. #28 1 Brooklyn. New York 1 1238 Re:

Stanley Ann Dunham Barack H. Obama 200936291

Dear Mr. Strunk: This is in response to your Freedom of Information Acflrivacy Act (FOIAfPA) request. dated December 25. 2008, to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). You are seeking travel files for Stanley Ann Dunharn and Barack M. Obama. Your request was received in this office on January 9.2009. Concerning President Obama's travel records, please be advised that DHS regulations require, in the case of third party information requests. a statement from the individual verifying his or her identity and certifying that individual's ageenlent that records concerning him or her may be accessed, analyzed and released to a third party. See 6 C.F.R. 5 5.21(f). Because you have not provided this documentation with your request, we are unable to initiate a search for responsive records. Please provide the requested documentation within 30 days from the date of this letter. or \ve will assume you are no longer interested in this FOIAIPA request, and the case will be administratively closed. This is not a denial of your request. Upon receipt of a perfected request. you will be advised as to the status of your request. With regard to records pertaining to Stanley Ann Dunham, who is widely kno\tn as a matter of public record to be deceased, you requested docun~entspertaining to Ms. Dunham involving entry and exits into and out of United States from January 01, 1960 through December 3 1. 1975. and January 1.1979 through December 3 1.1985. There are no entrylexit records available prior to 1982, either in electronic or paper format. A search for documents responsive to your request produced a total of one page. CBP has determined that the one page is partially releasable pursuant to Title 5 U.S.C. 5 552 (b)(2)(high), (b)(2)(low), (b)(6), and (b)(7). Enclosed is one page mith certain info~nlationwithheld as described below.

FOIA Esemption Z(low) protects information applicable to internal administrative personnel matters to the extent that the infornlation is of a relatively trivial nature and there is no public interest in the document. FOIA Esemption 2(high) protects information applicable to internal administrative and personnel matters. such as operating rules. guidelines. and rnanual of procedures of examiners or adjudicators, to the extent that disclosure would risk circumvention of an agency regulation or statute, impede the effectiveness of an agency's activities. or reveal sensitive information that may piit the security and safety of an agency activity or employee at risk. Whether there is any public interest in disclosure is legally irrelevant. Rather. the concern under high 2 is that a FOIA disclosure should not benefit those attempting to violate the law and avoid detection. FOIA Exemption 6 exempts from disclosure personnel or medical files and similar files the release of which lvould cause a clearly unwarranted invasion of' personal privacy. This requires a balancing of the public's right to disclosure against the individual's right privacy. The privacy interests of the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. Any private interest you may have in that information does not factor into the aforementioned balancing test. Esemption 7(C) protects records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes that could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. This exemption takes particular note of the strong interests of individuals. whether they arc suspects. witnesses, or investigators, in not being unwarrantably associated with alleged criminal activity. That interest extends to persons who are not only the subjects of the investigation. but those who may have their privacy invaded by having their identities and information about them revealed in connection uith an investigation. Bascd upon the traditional recognition of strong privacy interest in law enforcement records. categorical withholding of information that identifies third parties in law enforcenlent records is ordinarily appropriate. As such, I have determined that the privacy interest in the identities of individuals in the records you have requested clearly outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. Please note that any private interest you may have in that information does not factor into this determination.

You have the right to appeal the above detern~inationregarding Ms. Dunham's records. Should you wish to do so, you must send your appeal and a copy of this letter, within 60 days of the date of this letter to: FOIA Appeals. Policy and Litigation Branch. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 799 9" Street, NW. Mint Annex, Washington. DC 20229, following the procedures outlined in the DHS regulations at 6 CFR § 5.9. Your envelope and letter should be marked "FOIA Appeal." Copies of the FOIA and DHS regulations are available at

Provisioils of the FOIA allow us to recover part of the cost of complying with your request. In this instance, because the cost is negligible, there is no charge. 6 CFR $5.1 l(d)(4). If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter, please feel free to contact this office at 202-325-0150. For ease of reference, please notate file number 2009F6291. Sincerely.

Mark Hanson Director FOIA Division Office of International Trade












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U.S. Customs and Border Protection FOlA Divisicn




Christopher E. Strunk 593 Vanderbilt Avenue, #281 Brocklyn, New York 11238


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Special Briefing Office of the Spokesman Washington, DC July 3, 2008

Special Briefing On The State Department Inspector General's Report on Passport Records Access Speakers: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michael Kirby Managing Director of Passport Services Florence Fultz MR. DONAHUE: Okay. Good afternoon. My name is David Donahue. I'm the Public Affairs - Director of Public Affairs in the Office of Consular Affairs. And today, we have our Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michael D. Kirby - I think regular spelling on that - and our acting Managing Director of Passport Services Florence Fultz, F-u-I-t-z.And she will be our subject matter expert today. And we're here - we do have a short schedule. We have to be out of here by 10 afler 4:OO.

QUESTION: How do you spell Florence? MS. FULTZ: F-I-o-r-e-n-c-e.

QUESTION: Thank you. MR. KIRBY: I apologize, but I had a pre-set meeting, but we thought it was useful to make ourselves available today given that the report came out. QUESTION: Can I start? Why did it take an OIG report to find what it described as many weaknesses in your systems for preventing and punishing improper access to passport files? Why were there not in existence systems designed both to detect such snooping and consistent guidelines for how to punish those who improperly view citizens' personal information? MR. KIRBY: Well, it didn't, in fact, take an OIG report for us to start taking action. It's -so I will say that the OIG report, however, was very useful in focusing our attention. We had some systems in place. The report highlights the fact that perhaps they could have been more robust. QUESTION: It doesn't say "perhaps." It says it found many weaknesses. MR. KIRBY: Okay. Then it could have been, should have been more robust. But I'd like to stress that what we are doing now is trying to move forward from that. We have eliminated almost half of the users in the system. If a case - if an ID has been active - inactive for 90 days, we've eliminated those. So we have limited the numbers of people who have access. We have added people to the monitoring group to make sure that we are aware, if there is access, that we have the people to track those down, investigate the cases. We're now doing random audits of employees' and contractors' access. And we have now a warning to people and we've given them more training. In the end, though, I would like to stress that in order to issue passports, we have to be able to and our employees have to be able to access the records. So we will have to continue to access records. QUESTION: Do you regard the more than 4,000 accesses to the 127 people described in Appendix A as excessive? MR. KIRBY: Well, I would say that we are reviewing the circumstances under which the people looked at those records. And we will be taking appropriate action. I think you have to look at each case, why they accessed it. But certainly, it's proper that we take a look at each individual one and review it. And if it's an inappropriate access, then we will take appropriate disciplinary measures.



QUESTION: Have you found that those more than 4,000 accesses, that any of them was inappropriate? I can imagine circumstances under which you might actually need to go into somebody's file two dozen times if it's a very complicated case. That said, you know, the report gives this - the appendix gives this table where it describes the number of individuals on the high - fit the high profile list, and there are nine of them where there were 101 or more hits to their passport files. MS. FULTZ: The ones if I could just jump in. First of all, the 4,000 is a little bit misleading because and I think it explains it in a footnote. If you go in to even locate whether or not there is a passport record, that's one hit. If you then open the record and look at it, that's at least two hits because there are two pages, at least. So if you print it out, that's another hit on the same record. But what has happened is that of the review that the OIG did, the ones that they thought looked most egregious or least likely to have been authorized, they referred those for further investigation. So OIG is still investigating those and we have not yet heard definitively if those were authorized or unauthorized. QUESTION: In your own investigations, have they - have they come to any conclusion about whether any of those were authorized or unauthorized? MS. FULTZ: We are just now at the point where we are separating out the ones that 01G is not investigating. And we've assembled a team and we're starting to go through that to determine if they were authorized or not. QUESTION: Can you tell us how many are being looked at that are questionable. or that are questionable and are suspicious enough that you would go and look -MS. FULTZ: The only thing I can tell you is the same thing that you see in the report, the numbers that OIG reported. Until we go through and look at them, we won't know for sure if they were authorized or not. QUESTION: But you just said that you already had. You already were looking. MS. FULTZ: We've started the process of doing it, yes. QUESTION: And so thus far, how many appear suspicious? MS. FULTZ: We haven't completed reviewing all of them. QUESTION: Can you give us a ballpark so far -MS. FULTZ: No. QUESTION: -- of how many? MS. FULTZ: No. QUESTION: I mean, a percentage or -QUESTION: Can you tell us how many OIG found suspicious enough to warrant further investigation? MS. FULTZ: I think that's in the report. MR. DONAHUE: All we have is what's in the report there. QUESTION: So why don't you tell - can you tell us what it is? QUESTION: Well, to be frank, I mean, the report is just filled with -QUESTION: Yeah. QUESTION: -- lots of nothing. QUESTION: Lots of - lots of -- so could you tell us what those are, just to sort of -QUESTION: Can I follow up on Arshad's question just for a second first, though? You mentioned that you're now doing random audits of employees' and contractors' access. My understanding is that back when this first happened, the Department told us that you already did random check - audits of access. What - is - can you square those two? MS. FULTZ: We have and have had a system in place where - it's called the monitor list, where certain high profile individuals were - their records were flagged so that if it was accessed, someone would follow up to make sure it was authorized. And that's how the original cases came to anyone's attention. QUESTION: Is that the list of the 38 names? MS. FULTZ: No. It's -QUESTION: Or is it bigger than that? MS. FULTZ: The original cases in March that started the - started to generate attention. QUESTION: Right - no, no, but what I was trying to understand is whether the list of - that you were just describing, the circumstances under which -well, two things. One, that's not random monitoring, okay? MS. FULTZ: No, it's not. QUESTION: That's - okay. MS. FULTZ: Right.


QUESTION: So was there - here's a simple question, just to get back to Viola's question. Was there random monitoring prior to your colleague just saying that you had started random monitoring? Was there previously random monitoring or no? Do you know? MS. FULTZ: I'm not aware of what would have been referred to as random monitoring. QUESTION: Well -- so, wait a minute. You just said -you told us that you've initiated random monitoring. MS. FULTZ: Mm-hmm. QUESTION: Did I misunderstand you, sir? MR. KIRBY: I said we now conduct random audits. QUESTION: Random audits? MR. KIRBY: I can't tell you - or monitoring audits. I can't tell you the date it started. I apologize. I can't tell you that. QUESTION: Was it post the March disclosures of the presidential candidates' files being improperly accessed? I mean, is it since this erupted in the public, or did you do it before? I don't need the date. I'm just wondering when it occurred to you that'd be a good idea. MR. KIRBY: In order for me to get you that answer, I would have to take the question and get back to you. MS. FULTZ: Right. MR. KIRBY: I'm - and we'll take that and get back to you, but I can't give you a correct answer because I don't know that today, at this time. QUESTION: I don't understand how - if you can't tell us how many of these accesses or hits are -that you think are improper, how you know that there's such a huge problem? I mean, is it possible that every single one of these viewings of the passport records was legitimate -- was for a legitimate reason? MS. FULTZ: I guess it's possible, but I think it's unlikely that - some of the numbers that are reported there -- the records that were accessed numerous times. That's probably not likely an authorized access. QUESTION: Okay. Can you give us a better idea of who these 150 people are, other than MS. FULTZ: No. That would be privacy protected. QUESTION: Would that be privacy protected? You people pull these things off the internet. How is that and from Spolts Illustrated. MR. KIRBY: I'm sorry -QUESTION: How is that privacy protected? MR. KIRBY: I thought the question of who was doing access was what you were asking, or were you asking -QUESTION: No, no, no. Who -whose names? Like, when - it says that nine individuals had their records hit 101 or more times. Who would these nine people be? MR. KIRBY: That, in our view, is privacy protected. We're not going to tell you it's this person or that person's record. That's -that's - that is, as our understanding of it, protected by privacy. QUESTION: Then can you give us a little better idea of -- other than saying that they're from the Forbes hundred celebrities and richest Americans list, or whatever, I mean, who these people are? I mean, there is a great debate about who is a celebrity and who is not, you know. So -MR. DONAHUE: I think the whole point is this is a -this was an investigation by the IG that they wanted to see how the system was working. They selected 150 names. It wasn't the 150 most important people, it wasn't the 150 - they made up a list of 150. There are thousands and thousands of people who are significant that could have been on that list. QUESTION: Right. But - but -MR. DONAHUE: And they used that as a test. So it's just a group of people that help us -QUESTION: Yeah, but -MR. DONAHUE: -- audit our system. QUESTION: Well, I understand, but, I mean, some people in the IG, I don't know who they might think are famous, but, I mean, they could be very different ideas of notoriety for different people. So how do -- you know - we need to - I don't know if it's possible we can get a better idea of who these people MR. KIRBY: I wouldn't think -- I mean, I'm sorry. OIG had its own methodology. That would be a question for OIG on their methodology. I'm sorry, that was -QUESTION: Sure, but you guys know who they are, right? They had to tell you, didn't they? MR. KIRBY: No, I don't know. QUESTION: The 150? MS. FULTZ: They have to - because we're doing --

QUESTION: Well, okay, can you tell us this? Why - what is the difference between the 150 the OIG picked and the 38 that were on your list from before, other than it being bigger? MS. FULTZ: I mean, you saw that - I think the report, the OIG report talks about the, sort of, broad categories of people that they put in there; people that were in the news QUESTION: Right. MS. FULTZ: -- people that were in Sports Illustrated, people that were on the Forbes list. Those are the to expand a bit. QUESTION: But the 38 who were on your list before were not? MS. FULTZ: They fell into -they were well-known people. I mean, we know - you know who three of them are because they were reported in the press, three of the presidential candidates. So -QUESTION: Well, I know four, because there was the Anna Nicole Smith -QUESTION: Can I follow up to that? QUESTION: Yeah, I just wanted to be sure - you're asking - we're asking questions and I understand that some of this should be answered - asked of the OIG people, but I wanted to ask, did anyone try to get them down here with you? Did you - who's - you know, you're talking about a report by the 0 - the IG, and they're not here. They've blacked out sections of this report and we don't know why they've blacked out, because it's not classified. So what's going on? Why are they MR. KIRBY: Well, in terms of why they redacted the report, the redaction is consistent with 5 USC, Section 552 to prevent further unauthorized breeches. And I'm - you know, you're asking a question; I'm giving you what -- the answer that they provided, that - if certain parts hadn't been redacted - in order to make a good report, we have to know all of the vulnerabilities, alright? And they provided us with a clear idea of all the vulnerabilities. But at the same time, if you describe to everyone all of the vulnerabilities, then people can take advantage of those vulnerabilities. So they redacted it in such a way that people couldn't take advantages of the vulnerabilities. That, I think. is a logical redaction. It put the - a primer on how to take advantage of a system, which doesn't make sense to then lay out and -- for people to take advantage of. So that was the basis for that, and the law - you know, the U.S. code is the - is the basis for the reason they could do that and felt they should do that. QUESTION: Can I ask a question quick, just -QUESTION: One more follow-up quickly on that MR. KIRBY: We'll go here, and then we'll go there. QUESTION: You said that you've eliminated almost half of the users, so would that be half of the 20,500 MR. KIRBY: Correct. QUESTION: -- listed in there? Okay. Thank you. QUESTION: Just one more on that. I said that QUESTION: Excuse me. QUESTION: That's all right, you've got a follow-up, Arshad. QUESTION: Thank you. It's regarding your first three things. You said that you had added people to the monitoring group that can investigate and follow up. How many people are now doing that and how many were doing it before? MS. FULTZ: We now have a total of eight -QUESTION: And before? MS. FULTZ: -- that are actually doing it. We had two. MR. KIRBY: Yeah. QUESTION: Can I ask -- this was obviously triggered back in March by the revelation that the presidential candidates had their files breached. Can you tell us whether either you or OIG is pursuing that any further to know if that - if those particular records which - or cases which are already in the public eye have been -- you know, if there were further breeches of those? More than - I guess there were four cases, or I don't know what the number was at the end of the day, of how many times they were actually breached. Were there any more of those revealed? MR. KIRBY: More people whose -QUESTION: Well, more times that the presidential candidates had their files breached beyond what was found in the initial MS. FULTZ: If there were, that would be - if there were, it would be in the group that either OIG is continuing to investigate or would be referred to us to follow up on.

QUESTION: So they could be - so -MR. KIRBY: I mean, if they're continual -QUESTION: I mean, if there are consecutive -MS. FULTZ: So possibly, yes. It is possible. MR. KIRBY: I mean -QUESTION: Do you - I mean, do you know? QUESTION: Do you have it? MS. FULTZ: I don't know. MR. KIRBY: We haven't been informed recently of further breaches in those cases, but we're monitoring to make sure it doesn't happen. And if it does, we would refer to OIG or to the appropriate people for investigating. MS. FULTZ: And - right, and they would refer -- in turn, if there were any serious thought of something criminal or something beyond just curiosity, they would then refer that on to appropriate law enforcement. QUESTION: On the criminal side, was there anything criminal found in this? MS. FULTZ: So far that we're aware of, no. MR. KIRBY: Yes. QUESTION: I'm sorry, could you say that again? MS. FULTZ: No, that -- not that we're aware of. QUESTION: Forgive me, I haven't even seen the report, so this may be the first sentence, for all I know, if it matters. The numbers I hear from my colleagues, 38, that was a number not connected with OIG, but with your own earlier, and that includes the three presidential candidates? MS. FULTZ: (Nodding.) QUESTION: Now, my question is, were the other 35 people notified that their files were breached? MS. FULTZ: That was the number of names that were in the list. They were - that doesn't mean they were breached. That was - w e had a list of people whose records were flagged so that an alert would be generated if the record were accessed. That's what the 38 is. QUESTION: That's your own list? You made up a list of 38 from -QUESTION: Well, three of them were flagged and actually accessed, right? We know that. MS. FULTZ: (Nodding.) QUESTION: Those people, the presidential candidates, were so notified at some point? MS. FULTZ: (Nodding.) QUESTION: Was anybody else - did anybody else have their records accessed, and were they so notified? MS. FULTZ: The OIG took over at that point. And so if there were additional unauthorized access and the OIG confirms that, then those people would be notified. QUESTION: Would be by whom? MS. FULTZ: By the Department of State, by QUESTION: That's you guys, isn't it? MS. FULTZ: Yes. QUESTION: So were other people notified, like the three presidential candidates, that their MS. FULTZ: Not - no, not yet. QUESTION: No? Some number were, right? MS. FULTZ: The three -QUESTION: Some number were? MS. FULTZ: Yes. QUESTION: And as yet, I guess the answer's -- because of the pending (inaudible) -MS. FULTZ: Yes. QUESTION: They have not been notified -MS. FULTZ: Yes. QUESTION: -- that they had their files seemingly improperly accessed? MS. FULTZ: Yes, correct. QUESTION: How many of those were there? Regardless - I'm not asking who they are, but how many were there? MS. FULTZ: I don't know, because as we said before, the OIG is QUESTION: Got it. MS. FULTZ: -- took over and looked at those names as well as additional names that were added.

MR. KIRBY: Once the OIG takes over certain kinds of things, we don't get informed necessarily of the actions that they're taking at that point. QUESTION: Okay, so you do know that there were MR. KIRBY: So it's not we're trying to hide -QUESTION: No, no, I understand that. So you do know that there were additional improper accesses, but you don't how many or whom? MS. FULTZ: The same table that is in this report is what we know; that there were a large number of accesses to certain individual -- we don't know which individuals those were at this point, but that there were numerous accesses to the same individuals, someone who would be well known. And so we don't know - since they haven't completed investigating those, we don't know for sure if they were authorized or not. QUESTION: Okay, so you don't know if they were authorized or not? MS. FULTZ: Right. QUESTION: Therefore, you don't - there may be zero additional people who MS. FULTZ: It's possible. QUESTION: Can I -- when you look at the chart, back at the table - Table 1, you said earlier that MR. KIRBY: Can you just tell me - one second, which page? QUESTION: Page 45. You said earlier that, you know. the hundred - the nine files or the nine names that were hit 101 more times, that seemed inordinately high and it would - suspicious. What's the - do you have a general threshold for - you know, 1 to 25, that doesn't seem like it's particularly suspicious. But, you know, 26 to 50, is that also something that -you know, that you think that there might be some something improper going on? MS. FULTZ: Well, I think it - since we're going to look into all of - all of these cases, I don't think we can say until we look into them. MR. KIRBY: And if I can just -QUESTION: How long is that going to take, that process? MR. KIRBY: If I can just add, I think that we have to look at each of them to see -- and if it's one unauthorized entry, then we should take appropriate action, whether a person's file was unauthorized had access unauthorized one time or 23 times or 101 or more times, we should take action. We just haven't -QUESTION: What do you consider appropriate action? MR. DONAHUE: If there was a business reason -MR. KIRBY: I mean, appropriate action -QUESTION: Are they fired? Are they moved to another area? MR. KIRBY: I mean, we would have to take a look at the individual case and it could range from -you know, at the beginning, it's just - you know MS. FULTZ: A reprimand. MR. KIRBY: Just a reprimand up to and including dismissal. It depends on the set of circumstances. QUESTION: Yeah, because they had the same kind of thing at UCLA where those people issued - you know, looked through files and they were fired immediately. So you're saying that breaching State Department security by looking - unauthorized looking into it would be from a hand slap to MR. KIRBY: You know, we - you have - people have various degrees of due process. Various employees have different kinds of rights, each of us. And we have to take a look at what the set of circumstances was which led - if it was an unauthorized breach, to - you know, what is the appropriate action in that particular case. UCLA has its particular set of standards, that's its. The U.S. Government, for employees, has its set of standards, and ours tend to be, depending on what you do, we have normal employee discipline standards. We're also developing new standards for how we deal with these cases. But -QUESTION: Can I just ask you about the timeline? I mean, how long is it going to take for you to go through all this? I mean, are you going to make -what are you going to make public or share with us after that? MS. FULTZ: I'm not sure how long it's going to take to go through it. I mean, we're working on it as quickly as we can and put as many resources right now as we have on it. In terms of public, if you're asking, are we going to come out and say so and so, a particular person's record was accessed inappropriately, I don't think we'll say that, because that, again, would be covered by the Privacy Act.

QUESTION: As far as the steps you're taking, you mentioned adding more monitors and cutting the number of access. Have you widened the monitor system to include more names? MS. FULTZ: Yes. QUESTION: Can you say how many? There was 38 before. How big is it now? MS. FULTZ: It's over a thousand now. And one of the steps that we're working on is to come up with an ongoing system for MR. KIRBY: Updating it. MS. FULTZ: Updating. QUESTION: So if someone improperly accesses Brangelina, is that one or two? I'm sorry. (Laughter.) QUESTION: It could be four. (Laughter.) QUESTION: Good point, a very good point. (Laughter.) MR. KIRBY: Excuse me. QUESTION: (Inaudible) identifying individuals that have gone repeatedly into these files? I mean, people that went into the candidates' files, I mean, they were identified and disciplined in some way. So are you in the process of identifying these other people? MR. KIRBY: I mean, that's what we were talking about before. The OIG is investigating who accessed which files. QUESTION: So you don't know yet? MR. KIRBY: And when they are finished with their process, they will refer some to us. And they will refer others to other kinds of disciplinary procedures. So we are - we don't have all of that information now. We will get it at some point. It takes a certain period of time to review it. QUESTION: Can you say what disciplinary action has been taken up to this point, including the -- from the time the first breaches were made public? MS. FULTZ: There have been five contract employees fired. QUESTION: There were three before, right? MS. FULTZ: Mm-hmm. MS. RESIDE: Mr. Kirby has to be leaving shortly, so we do need to wrap this up. QUESTION: So two more -- were the two -the two additional were involved in whose - in which breaches? MS. FULTZ: One of them, I'm really not sure. The other one was a presidential candidate. QUESTION: Okay. QUESTION: One of the three? One of the three previously identified? QUESTION: Both of them were in the cases of - in those three cases of the three presidential candidates, right, or not? MS. FULTZ: The original two that QUESTION: The original -MS. FULTZ: The original three -QUESTION: Right? MS. FULTZ: I guess, yes. And of the two -QUESTION: Was that the same person who was reprimanded, or was that an additional person, in fact? Because there was one person that was only reprimanded and wasn't fired. MS. FULTZ: He was later terminated. QUESTION: I'm sorry, did they -QUESTION: That same person was later terminated? MS. FULTZ: They were - those were contract employees. QUESTION: The five who were terminated, it was all in reference to those three presidential candidates, McCain, Obama or Clinton? MS. FULTZ: I'm not sure who one of them was. QUESTION: So four were and one you don't know? MS. FULTZ: Mm-hmm. QUESTION: Got it, okay. QUESTION: Early on, one of the suggestions was to have the - when you went into one of these flagged files, that you would have to get permission from a supervisor. Is that in this report or is that just some MR. KIRBY: We're in the process of also developing and changing the computer program that allows you to bring up things and to layer the access to files, so that certain files could only be accessed by supervisory personnel, but --

QUESTION: Okay. But that's not finished yet? MR. KIRBY: It's - you know, when you have a database with many millions of names, it's a complex process to change access levels and keep the system stable. But we're working quickly on that. QUESTION: And my last thing, very briefly, though. On the first page, it says that computers contains records on 192 million passports for 127 million passport holders. Was this - I don't - why is it different? Why is -MR. KIRBY: I'm sorry? QUESTION: Some people have more than one passport. QUESTION: I - 60 million -QUESTION: Sixty million people don't have two passports. QUESTION: Indeed. QUESTION: What's the -MS. FULTZ: It goes back longer than ten years. That database goes back to 1983, so -QUESTION: So it includes expired passports? MS. FULTZ: Yes, it does. QUESTION: Right. Okay, that would answer MR. DONAHUE: Okay. Ambassador Kirby, do you have anything to close with? MR. KIRBY: I'm okay. Happy Fourth of July. MR. DONAHUE: Thank you very much and thanks, everybody for staying a little late. Have a great, long weekend. Thanks a lot. 20081545 Released on July 4, 2008

Fr~day,February 20, 2009 8:59 PM

FOlA Request Letter B8984 From: "FOIA Request" To: "Christopher-Earl Strunk" [email protected]>

Thank you for filing your FOlA request online on 212012009. The process for completing your request will now begin. Here is a review of your request. I am willing to pay $ for my request.

I am an individual seeking information for personal use and not for commercial use. The time period of my request is from 1/1/2008 to the present. The records I request can be described as follows:

http:ll200l-2009.state.govlrlpa/prs/ps12008107/106518.htm : The OIG Report within major redaction related to the Office of the OIG Spokesman Washington, DC July 3, 2008 that gave a Special Briefing On The State Department Inspector General's Report on Passport Records Access in re 20081545 Released on July 4,2008. There is no report available on line that can be found.

My additional comments are as follows: Requires an expedite in regards to current ongoing FOlA case in DCD 082234-cv Christopher-Earl Strunk [email protected] 593 Vanderbilt Avenue - 281 Brooklyn New York 11238 845-901-6767 Reference Number: 88984






- -

Friday, February 13. 2009 9:21 PM

Senator Thune Et Al From: "Dr. Orly TeiU' [email protected]> To: '[email protected]" [email protected]>

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 26301 La Paz , ste 211 Mission Wejo , Cii 92691 949-683-5411 Dr_raio@j)


Attention Senator John Thune Senate Armed Services Committee Attention Senator Chuck Grassley Senate Finance Committee Attention Senator Diane Feinstein Senate Committee on Intelligence Senate Committee on Judiciary Senate Defense Subcommittee cc Senate cc Congress

Open Letter Via e-mail

February 11.2009

Dear Senators and Congressmen: Thank you for taking the time to review the documentation relevant to the Constitutional legitimacy of the presidency Barack Obama. There have been various problems with the vetting of Mr. Obama throughout the campaign and the present. I'd like to take the opportunity to highlight the most pertinent and alarming issues that have been clearly revealed. I'm sure you will agree that this information must be further investigated promptly before any damage is done to the United States and its citizens-beyond the Constitutional conlpromises that currently exist. Most interesting, though, is the fact that Mr. Obama has not simply ordered the original vault copy of his birth certificate to be sealed and chosen to retain three (3) lawfirms to defend the various cases-spending a reported $8oo,ooo (of whose money?). If Mr. Obama has nothing to hide, then why fight the more than 42 cases in federal courts alone (According to Justia) and similar number in state courts of which the merits are wellfounded and substantiated through factual evidence, state and federal statutes, and international laws. Main issue is that the state of HI, according to statue 338 allows Foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian birth certificates and obtain them based on a statement of one relative only. There is plenty of evidence of Mr. Obama being born in Kenya and obtaining his Hawaiian birth certificate based on a statement of his grandparent only, who simply didn't want to deal with immigration and not based on any records from any hospitals. Extensive searches in the State of Hawaii shotved no birthing records for his mother Ann Dunham in any hospital in Hawaii. I would also like to schedule a meeting ~ i t you, h for which I \+illfly to Washington , D.C. to personally meet with you in the short term. Having been raised in the former Soviet Union , I am no stranger to horrors of communism, totalitarianism. civilian labor camp rule and I see clearly the path Mr. Obama is taking the United States. It is a downward spiral of total destruction of the constitution and economic infrastructure of this country. I urge you to look at the information thoroughly. Americans need to knolr that their president is a legitimate president and that their senators and representatives arc upholding their oaths: -1 do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I \+ill support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and

domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion: and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." As a Senator you have to uphold your oath and initiate proper committee and FBI investigation. There are serious concerns about Mr. Oban~a'sidentity and financial dealings. I have obtained a list of some loo addresses under the name of Barack Obama (and similar spellings). Thcse addresses are attached to different social security numbers. As you know the first three digits in a social security number signify the state. 'l'hose were issued all over the country. One of his social security numbers, that was used while he was a law student at Harvard and attached to his address in Sommervile MA, was issued in Ct and attached to a holder of this social security number, that is 118years old. Clearly no human being can legally have dozens of different social security numbers and Soetoro/Obama is not a 118years old. I believe there is evidence of massive fraud and massive financial fraud. I believe those units of Name/ss number/ addresses were used to fraction large campaign contributions and other transactions. There is evidence of campaign contributions coming from countries like Libya, Uganda . Palestinian authority and Saudi tbabia .Mr. Obama's grandmother, Ms. Madelyn Dunham worked as a volunteer in probate department of the Oahu Circuit court and had access to the Social security numbers of the deceased individuals, which might explain the findings. Mr. Obama's mother A m Dunham, according to databases had numerous aliases and at least two social security numbers. Mr. Obama was a chair of Annenbcrg challenge. Officially he collected 50 mln from Annenberg+llo million matching funds=i60 mln total. There were reports that due to fund swap with Annenberg per se he had as much as 5oomln. This charity operated for 6 years and was supposed to increase student performance in Academics. After 6 years there \\aszero improvement in comparison to other schools in Chicago and it is not clear what happened to 500 mln donated. I saw their tax returns, they don't show an ex~lanation.

As a State Senator blr. Obama was retained by his friend, Mr. Robert BlacLwell, to represent him as an attorney. (Mr. Obama worked for Miner law firm to supplement his 56K salary as a state senator ) Mr. Obama has used State Senator letterhead to solicit grants for Mr. Robert Blackwell. Mr. Blackwell consequently received $320k in State grants for his company and paid Mr. Obama iooK as a salary. Latcr upon inquiry Mr. Obama buried the payment he received from Mr. Blackwell amongst hundreds of names of the clients of his firm. This was a clear case of public corruption, but Mr. Obama was never prosecuted, while other lanmakers are serving jail terms for such actions. While being sworn as an attorney in the State of IL , Mr Obama had to provide his personal information under oath. He was asked, if he had any other names, he responded none. (I am in possession of his registration.) In reality he used name Barry Soetoro. I am in possession of his school registration in Indonesia, that clearly shows his name to be Harry Soetoro, citizen of Indonezia. Later it was reported that he studied at Occidental college in Ca under the name Barry Soetoro and there was an entry in the journal of the California assembly in re. to grants given to foreign exchange students, one Soetoro from Indonesia. Mr. Soetoro/Obama clearly defrauded the State Bar if Illinois and pe jurcd himself while concealing his identity. Anybody else would've been disbarred for this and the matter would've been forwarded to the district attorney for prosecution for perjury and fraud, however nothing was done to Mr. Obama. More importantly, why did he conceal his identity? I request all of this information to be forwarded to the Senate Armed Senices Committee, Senate Finance Committee, Senate Judicial Committee, Mr. Steven Whitlock, director of the whistle blower office of the IRS. ICE. State Department, and FBI for further investigation. Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. PS. It is my understanding, that in his stimulus package Mr. Obama has asked for 20 billion dollars for community based outreach organizations. Congress has approved it and Senate is cutting the funds to 4 billion. but intending to approve. In the end of November or 2008 I have formed a community based outreach organization DefendOurFreedoms.US. L % ~ r d i ntogAexa stat count, after only 2 months of existence, one and a half million readers visit my blog monthly and are working with me tirelessly exposing all the massive fraud, surrounding Mr. Soetoro/Obama and defending our Constitution and our freedoms. Four billion dollars will be a great financial help in this massive investigation and in protection of our Constitutional Republic. Please, advise how do I apply for thii grant. Encl. The p r o b l e m s a n d inconsistency with M E N B E R G ' S FACTCHECK.ORG statements, images, a n d documents of which US s e n a t o r s a n d representati\,es keep relying o n a s t r u e a n d accurate. Hawaii-CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH vs. CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH

What was posted was not a birth certiticate, but son~ethingthat resemblesa "Certification of Live Birth" or COLB. which. even if authentic, does 111Huuluii, u Certification of Live Birtlr is bsried tuitltit~(lyeur of u child's birth to not prove "natural born" US. citize~~st~ip. tltose wlro register u hirtlr ;rbroad or otre tltut tukespluce outside u Itospitul. An aothentice Certificate of Live Birth would be issued to someone horn within the stntc of Hawaii. BESIDE'S STATUTE 3 3 8 - 1 7 . 8 and other's. see

5338-20.5Adoption; foreign born persons. (a) The department of health shall establish a Hawaii certificate of birth for a person born in a foreign country and for whom a final decree of adoption has been entered in a court of competent jurisdiction in Hawaii, when it receives the following: ( 1 ) A properly certified copy of the adoption decree, or certified abstract thereof on a form approved by the department: and

(2) A copy of any investigatory report and recommendation which may have been prepared by the director of social services: and (3) A report on a form to be approved by the department of health setting forth the following: (A) Date of assumption of custody; (B) Sex:

(C) Color or race: (D) Approximate age of child; (E) Name and address of the person or persons adopting said child: (F) Name given to child by adoptive parent or parents: (G) True or probable country of birth. The true or probable country of birth shall be known as the place of birth, and the date of birth shall be determined by approximation. This report shall constitute an original certificate of blrth: and (4) A request that a new certificate of birth be established. (b) After preparation of the new certificate of birth in the new name of the adopted person. the department of health shall seal and file the certified copy of the adoptive decree, the investigatory report and recommendation of the director of human services if any, the report constituting the orlglnal certificate of birth, and the request for a new certificate of birth. The sealed documents may be opened by the department only by an order of a court of record or when requested in accordance with section 578-14.5 or 578-15. The new certificate of birth shall show the true or probable foreign country of birth, and that the certificate is not evidence of United States citizenship for the child for whom it is issued or for the adoptive parents. [L 1 9 7 9 , c 2 0 3 . 5 3 : a m L 1 9 9 0 , c 338,431 9 3 3 8 4 1 Issuance: procedure. (a) The department of health may make regulations respecting the form of Hawaiian birth certificates and certified copies of such certificates and other matters relating to Hawaii birth certificates as appear necessary and the regulations, when approved and made in accordance with chapter 9 l , shall have the force of law. The department shall furnish the form of the certificates and copies made therefrom. (b) Any certificate of Hawaiian birth issued heretofore under or by virtue of any law of the Territory of Hawaii or the State, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated, [L 1911, c 96, 91: a m L 1 9 2 3 , c 246, 51; RL 1 9 2 5 , 5 1 9 6 : a m L 1 9 2 7 , c 2 0 2 . 5 1 ; RL 1 9 3 5 , 57610; RL 1 9 4 5 . § 1 2 9 1 0 : a m L 1951. c 1 3 2 . 5 1 : RL 1955.557-40: a m L Sp 1 9 5 9 2d. c 1 , 9 9 ; a m L 1 9 6 5 . c 9 6 , 5 3 9 : HRS 9338-41: a m L 1 9 7 0 . c ll,4% am L 1972, c 6 6 , 51(4)] Case Notes Prima facie evidence overcome by competent evidence of nonidentification. 4 U.S.D.C. Haw. 258. Certificate not controlling upon U.S. immigration officials re admission of Chinese. 2 1 7 F. 48: 3 5 Op. U.S. Att. Gen. 69. OBAMA REFUSE'S TO SHOW HIS 'VAULTED BIRTH CERTIFICATE, PASSPORT. COLLEGE. AND COMPLETE MEDICAL RECORD'S. Read or Glance at many of the Laws on Hawaii Statutes:

i111p 11 11 ~ i p ~ ii7t11i o l ail q01 or complete list of laws


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Furthermore, Hawaii statements: A press release was issued on October 31,2008 by the Hawaii Department of Health by its Director, Dr. Chiyome Fukino. Dr. Fukino said that she ;

had "personallyseen and verified that the Haw-aii State Department of Health has Senator Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."That statementfailed to resolve any of the questions being raised by litigation and press accounts. Being "on record" could mean either that its contents are in the computer database of the department or there is an actual *vault"original."

Further, the report does not say whether (he birth certificate in the "record" is a Certification of Live Birth, Certificate of Live Birth,or a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth. In Hawaii ,a Certificate of Live Birth resulting from hospital documentation, including a signature of an attending physician, is different f m m a C e d c a t e of Hawaiian Birth. For births prior t o 1972,a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth was the result of the uncorroborated testimony o f one witness and was not generated by a hospital. Such a Certificate could be obtained up to one year from the date of the child's birth. For that reason, its value as prima facie evidence is limited and could be overcome i f any of the allegations of substantial evidence of birth outside Hawaii can be obtained.

The vault (long Version) birth certificate, per Ifawaiian Statute 883.176 allows the birth in another State or another country to be registered in Hawaii. Box 7C of the vault C e r w c a t e of Live Birth contains a question, whether the birth was in Hawcn'i or another State or Country. Therefore. the only w a y to verify the exact location of birth is to reviau a cerrged copy o r the original vault Certificate of Live Birth and compare the name of the hospital and the narne and the signature of the doctor against tlte birthing records onfile at the hospital noted on the Certificate of the Live Birth. X . O R G REPORTED:

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.Does Barack Obama have Kenyan citizenship?


The Rocky Mountain News has reported (below) that Barack Obama "Holds both American and Kenyan (since-1963) citizenship."Is this true?

The Rocky Mountain News August 6,2008 Entered Haward Law School in 1988. was elected the first African-American editor of the Haward Law Review. He graduated magna cum laude in 1991. Won two Grammys for Best Spoken Word Albums for an autobiography in 1995 "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance"and his second book. 'The Audaaty of Hope: Thoughts on Redaiming the American Dream," published in October 2006. Mother Ann Dunham died of ovarian cancer in 1995. Father Barack Obama Sr. was killed in a car wreck in 1982. Spent four years in his stepfather's native country of Indonesia.

Subscribe IUnsubscnte Change Address


ISthe fifth African-American senator in U.S. history Is the first presidential candidate to come from Hawaii. Favorite movies: 'The Godfather' (Parts I and II) and 'Lawrence of Arabia." In his early years he was known as Barry. According to his memoirs, he admitted using alcohol, marijuana and cocaine in his youth. His first name comes from the word that means 'blessed by God" in Arabic. At his wife's suggestion, he quit smoking before his campaign to win the Democratic nomination began. Holds both American and Kenyan (since 1963) citizenship. Named one of Time magazine's '100 most influential people in the world' list in 2005

and 2007 Chosen as one of '10 people would change the world' by New Statesman magazine (2005).

. A.

Source: , lnternet Movie Database, Atlanta Journal Constitution

No. H e h e l d b o t h U.S. a n d K e n y a n citizenship a s a child, b u t l o s t his K e n y a n citizenship automatically on his 21st birthday.

The Rocky Mountain News did in fact run an online article asserting that Barack Obarna holds both American and Kenyan citizenship. The article was incorrect, and the paper removed the Item from the article and ran a correction. The paper's editor, John Temple, formally apolog~zedfor the error in an Aug. 15. 2007, column. Neither the correction nor the apology has prevented the column from circulating across the Internet as part of the latest set of baseless rumors that Obarna is ineligible to run for president. There was a grain of truth to what the Rocky Mountain News reported, though understanding why requires a brief history lesson. When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, i n Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom's dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship Status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.'s children: British Nationality Act of 1948 (Part 11, Section 5): Subject to the provisions of this section, a person born after the commencement of this Act shall be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by descent if his father is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the time of the birth. In other words, at the time of his birth, Barack Obama Jr. was both a U.S. citizen (by virtue of being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (or the UKC) by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UKC. Obama's British citizenship was short-lived. On Dec. 12, 1963, Kenya formally gained its independence from the United Kingdom. Chapter VI, Section 87 of the Kenyan Constitution specifies that: I. Every person who, having been born in Kenya, is on 11thDecember, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall become a citizen of Kenya on 12th December, 1963


Every person who, having been born outside Kenya, is on 11th December, 1963 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person shall, if his father becomes. or would but for his death have become, a citizen of Kenya by \irtue of subsection (I). become n citizen of Kenya on 12thDecen~ber,1963.


As a citizen of the UKC who was born in Kenya, Obama's father automatically received Kenyan citizenship via subsection (1). So given that Obama qualified for citizen of the UKC status at birth and given that Obama's father became a Kenyan citizen via subsection (I), it follows that Obama did in fact have Kenyan citizenship afler 1963. So The Rocky Mountain News was at least partially correct. But the paper failed to note that the Kenyan Constitution prohibiis dual citizensh~pfor adults. Kenya recognizes dual citizenship for children, but Kenya's Constitution specifies that at age 21, Kenyan citizens who possesses citizenship in more than one country automatically lose their Kenyan citizenship unless they formally renounce any non-Kenyan citizenship and swear an oath of allegiance to Kenya. Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.

- Joe Miller

Sources Rocky Mountain Yews Staff. " T ~ , L C J E YOU :.::gn: ::N Xnc.-. Abcl?r ?ar;r; C33md." 6 August 2007. The Rocky Mountain News. 24 August 2008. Temple, John. "B-;,.ord Gafte k p p l e s acr9-s x ~ b ". 15 August 2007. The Rocky Mountain Nsws. 24 August 2008. The Brlrls.? N a r l o n a 1 l t . i A==, 1918.

1948. 24 August 2008.

" T ~ CC O : . S : ~ : U C ~ O ! . af iier ya." 1963 (revised, 2001). The Parliament of Kenva. 24 Auaust 2008.


CopyngM 0 2OOJ 2W9. A n n e r k q Pubis Wlcy Center d the UNVMIity of Penmylvarua FadChedr erg's stafl, not me AMenterg Center, 15rsrponslble lor thrs materUl

Article I1 o f the Constitution does not r?llo\v for dual-citizenship or allegiance to another country. In addition to the above, Obama uould have been a U.S. citizen, 8 USC tj 1481(a)(2) provides loss o f nationality by native born citizens upon "taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration o f allegiance to a foreign state after having attained the age o f eighteen years." i n violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1401(a)(I). Simply put, since Indonesia did not allow for dual citizenship, if Obama got that passport i n 1981, when he was 20 years old, he effectively renounced any U.S. citizenship he may have had


"So, ifthe experrs are right. Obamaforged a Cemficarion ofLive Birth tofi~olAmerica. In addition to the auton?aticIndonesian citizenship granted to a child acknow,ledged as a ''son" by an Indonesian male citizen. and the Indonesian citizettship listed in Obama's school record!, Obama then traveled to a place where Americans weren't allo~cedto go, but citizens of Indonesia were. Ifhe obtained an Indonesian passport on his trip in 1981. he eflectively renounced any American citkenship he may have had and cannot senJeas president (or "rrtle"crs president, os members of his campaign have stared). These are seriorcs questions thar must hme ansnlers. But beyond the birth certificate issue, there's the nratter that Obama traveled lo Indonesia, Pakistan, Sozrthern India and Kenya in 1981. He said he went to Indonesia to see his mother. This seemedplausible, exceptfor thefact that his mother returned to Hmvaii in August of 1980 toflejbr a divorcefiom her second husband. Lolo Soetoro. Unless she went back to pal around with the man she divorced, she wasn't there at the time of Obama's visit. There's another problent. No record of Obama holding an American passport prior ro the one he received once becoming a US. senator has been found. If he traveled to Pakistcnt with an Americanpassport, he ~vouldn'thave been allolc,ed in - since Pakistan was in rurnloil in 1981 and rotder martial Imv. It ~ v a salso on the State Department's f r a ~ vban l listfor LLS. citizens. l f h e couldn'r get into Pakistan with a US. passport. perhaps he went there with an Indonesian passport. But the only way you can get one of those is ifyou are an htdonesim citizen. that!^ quite possible since under Indonesian Imr: when a nrale acho~vledgesa child as his son, it deems the son - in this case Obama - to be an Indonesian state citizen. which was also recorded by Obama 's school record. So, ifhe didn't go to Itrdonesia in I981 to visit mom (who had returned to flmvaii by then), might it have sonrething to do with thejbct that Indonesian passports expire evetyfwe years ond it ~vasrimefor renen*al?"Solirce (Worl&etDaily, November 25, 2008)


(source: Debbie Schlussel):

Did President-elect Barack Hussein Obama commit a federal crime in September of this year? Or did he never actually register and, instead, did friends of his in

the Chicago federal records center, which maintains the official copy of his alleged Selective Service registrationcommit the crime for him? It's either one or the other, as indicated by the release of Barack Obama's official Selective Service registration for the draft. A friend of mine. who is a retired federal agent. spent almost a year trying to obtain this document through a Freecom of Information Act request, and, after much stonewalling. finally received it and released it to me. But the release of Obama's draft registration and an accompanying document. posted below. raises more questions than it answers. And it s h w many signs of fraud, not to mention putting Me lie to Obama's daim that he registered for the draft in June 1979, before it was required by law.



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PAGE 001 OF C 0 2 DATE: 09/09/08






609/04/80 09/04/80 00 0300000 0








The official campaign for President may be over. But Barack Obama's Selective Service registration card and accompanying documents show that questions about him are not only NOT over, but if the signature on the document is in fact his, our next Commander-in-Chief may have committed a federal crime in 2008, well within the statute of limitations on the matter. If it is not his, then it's proof positive that our next Commander-in-Chief never registered with the Selective Service as required by law. By law, he was required to register and was legally able to do so until the age of 26. But the Selective Service System registration ("SSS Form 1") and accompanying computer print-out ("SSS Print-out). below, released by the Selective Service show the following oddities and irregularities, all of which indicate the document was created in 2008 and backdated: ' Document Location Number Indicates Obarna Selective Service Form was Created i n 2008 First. there is the Document Location Number (DLN) on the form. In the upper right hand corner of the Selective Service form SSS Form 1. there is the standard Bates-stamped DLN, in this case "0897080632."which I've labeled as "A" on both the SSS Form and the computer printout document. On the form, it reflects a 2008 creation. but on the printout, an extra eight was added in front of the number to make it look like it is from 1980,when it was actually created in 2008.

As the retired federal agent notes: Having worked for the Federal Government for several decades, I know that the standardization of DLNs have the first two digits of the DLN representing the year

of issue. That would mean that this DLN was issued in 2008. The DLN on the computer screen printout is the exact same number, except an 8 has been added to make it look like it is from 1980 and give it a 1980 DLN number. And 1980 is the year SenatorlPresident Elect Obama is said to have timely registered. So, why does the machine-stamped DLN reflect this year (2008) and the DLN in the database (which was manually input) reflect a "corrected" DLN year of 1980? Were all the DLNs issued in 1980 erroneously marked with a 2008 DLN year or does the Selective Service use a different DLN system then the rest of the Federal Government? Or was the SSS Form 1 actually processed in 2008 and not 19807 It's quite a "coincidence" . . . that is, if you believe in coincidences, especially in this case. Far more likely is that someone made up a fake Selective Service registration to cover Obama's lack of having done so, and that the person stamping the form forgot (or was unable to) change the year to "80" instead of the current "08". They either forgot to fake the DLN number or couldn't do so. And guess where the Selective Service registrations are marked and recorded? Lucky for Obama, it's his native Chicago. From an article entitled. "Post Office Registration Process'. on the Selective Service website: When a young man reaches 18 he can go to any of the 35.000 post offices nationwide to register with Selective Service. There he completes a simple registration card and mails it to the Selective Service System. This begins a multi-step process which results in the man's registration. Each week approximately 6.000 completed registration cards are sent to the Selective Service System's Data Management System (DMC) near Chicago, Ill. At the DMC these cards are grouped into manageable quantities. Each card i s then microfilmed and stamped with a sequential document locator number. The processed microfilm is reviewed lo account for all documents and to ensure that the film quality is within strict standards. After microfilming. the cards are keyed and then verified by a different data transcriber. The Dowment Locator Number (DLN) is an automatic function (Selective Service record-keeping, specifically the DLN is described on pages 7-8 of this Federal Register document), with the first two digits comprising the year, and it was not changed to "08" in error. So if the form was filed and processed in 1980, how did it get a 2008 DLN?! *

Obama's Selective Service Registration Form i s Apparently 1990 Form Altered t o Appear Like 1980 Form

On the SSS Form 1. in the lower left hand corner is the form number (SSS Form 1) and the month and year version of the form. labeled as "B". On this particular Form 1. it clearly shows the month as "FEB" (February), and the year is either '80" or "90". The retired federal agent investigated further: Magnification of the form both physically (with a l o x glass) or with different image software does not reflect a dear cut result of either a "80" or a "90" But. checking the history of SSS Form 1 (see, it's apparent that in February 1980, the Selective Service agency withdrew a "Request for a new OMB control number" for SSS Form 1 (see also, here)-meaning the agency canceled its previous request for a new form, and one was never issued in "FEE 1980". Since under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96-51 1, 94 Stat. 2812 (Dec. 11, 1980). codified in part at Subchapter I of Chapter 35 of Title 44 a federal agency can not use a form not approved by OMB (Office of Management and Budget), it's nearly impossible for SenatorIPresident-Eled Obama's SSS Form 1 to be dated 'Feb 1980." And since that makes it almost certainly dated "Feb 1990," then how could Barack Obama sign it and the postal clerk stamp it almost ten (10) years before its issue?! Simply not possible. The lower right hand corner reflects that the Obama SSS form Iwas approved by OMB with an approval number of 19??0002, labeled as "C". The double question marks (??) reflect digits that are not completely clear. Barack Obama's Signature is Dated After Postal Stamp Certifying His Signature Barack H. Obama signed the SSS Form 1's "Today's date" as July 30.1980, labeled "D. But the Postal Stamp reflects the PREVIOUS day's date of July 29, 1980. labeled "E. Yes. Obama could have mistakenly written the wrong date, but it is rare and much more unlikely for someone to put a Mure date than a past date. (Also note how Barry made such a "cute" peace sign with the "b" inside the "O'of his signature. Touching.) ' Postal Stamp

is Incorrect, Discontinued i n 1970

Then, there is the question as to whether the Postal Stamp is real. The 'postmark" stamp-labeled '€-is hard to read. but it is dear that at the bottom is 'USPO which stands typically for United States Post Office. However. current 'postmark' validator, registry, or round dater stamps (item 570 per the Postal Operations Manual) shows "USPS' for United States Postal Service. The change from Post Office to Postal Service occurred on August 12, 1970, when President Nixon signed into law the most comprehensive postal legislation since the founding of the Republic-Public Law 91-375. The new Postal Service officially began operations on July 1.1971. Why was an old. obsolete postmark round dater stamp used almost ten (10) yeavsafter the fact to validate a legal document . . . that just happened to be Barack Obama's suspicious Selective Service registration form? ' Form

Shows Barack Obama didn't have ID

The SSS Form 1 states "NO ID'. labeled "F". Since that's the case. then how did the Hawaiian postal clerk know that the submitter was really Barack H. Obama. who may have been on summer break from attending Occidental College in Caliiomia. How would they determine whether the registrant was truty registering and not a relative, friend, or other imposter? The Selective Service Data Mgt. Center Stonewalled for Almost a Year on Obama Registration, Until Right Before the Election. The retired federal agent who FOIA'd Barack Obama's Selective Service Registration Form notes: Early this year. when I first started questioning whether Obama registered I was told: Sir. There may be an error in his file or many other reasons why his registration cannot be confirmed on-line. However. I did confirm with our Data Management Center that he is, indeed, registered with the Selective Service System, in compliance with Federal law. Sincerely, Janice L HugheslSSS Then. they suddenly found the record on September 9, 2008 (prior to my October 13, 2008 request), and stated that his record was filed on September 4, 1980. Did they temporarily change the date on the computer database?

On the previous FOlA response, they stated that it was filed on September 4. 1960. In my second request I mentioned that Obama could not have filed it in Hawaii on September 4. 1980 as he was attending Occidental College in California, the dasses of which commenced August 24, 1980. ' Other

Questions: Missing Selective Service Number, FOlA Response Dated Prior to FOlA Request, Missing Printout Page

e (61-1 125539-1) on the card? Where is Obama's Selective S e ~ - c number And the retired federal agent notes that the Selective Service Data Management Center prepared its response to his FOlA request prior to the request having been made:

The last transaction date is 09/04/80 [DS: labeled "G'J. but the date of the printout is 09/09/08 [DS: labeled 'H7. My FOlA was dated October 13 so why did they prepare the printout BEFORE I submitted my FOIA? I gave them no 'heads up" that I was sending it. In fact it was not mailed until late October-around the 25th.

Also,notice the printout was page 1 of 2 [DS: labeled -17. Hmmm . . . where is the other page, and what's on it? A lot of questions here. And a lot of huge hints that this government-released. official Barack Obama Selective Service registration was faked. Either he signed the fake backdated document, or someone else faked his signature and he never registered for the draft (and lied about it). Which is it? It's incredible that our impending Commander-in-Chief either didn't register for the draft or did so belatedly and fraudulently.

The documents indicate it's one or the other. UPDATE 11114/08: Retired Federal Agent Source Reveals Himself:

The recently ret~redfederal agent has requested that I disdose his identity so that there is no question as to the source of the information. His name is Stephen Coffman. He retired last year from the position of the Resident Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Galveston. Texas office. He has over 32 years of government service and has held a Secret or higher security dearance for the majority of those years. He filed the FOlA with Selective Service and has the original letter and the attachments. He first notified the Selective Service of his findings and they ignored the questions. He can be reached via email at [email protected].

UPDATE 11117108: Below are scans of the letter and envelope that accompanied Barack Obama's fraudulent registration for the draR (I've cropped the blank white space):

October 29.2008

Dear Mr. Coffman:


. s

This is in reply to your Freedom of InformationAct request dated October 13 and received October 27, 2008, requesting Barack H. Obana's registration form. A copy is enclosed. Also. ihe enclosed computer inquiry screen indicates that his registration number is 61-1125539-1, as previously provided to you. Thank you for your inquiry. If we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitateto contad the Office of Public and lntergovemmentaiAffairs at the above address. Our telephone number is (703) 605-4100.

Richard S. ~lakavan . Associate Director for Public & lnfergovemmental Affairs Enclosures


See: htip:/f \r~c~\ f h




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Burlew Plumbing \Dunham Foreign Profit Businesses Some have these busness-fronts have lapsed or withdrawn. A search for Dunham businesses at governmenMlewnline.wmveld some of the foiiow~ngw c l o WNHAM ASSOCIATES, INC. FOREIGN PROFIT CORPORATION Annual Flllngs FIUVG YEA2 DATE RECEI'JED STATUS 2004 Mar 22, 2004 Rejected 2003 Jan 16. 2 W 3



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Uy2009 6 32 AM -!ant mote

V h t a the ~ ~ w m p b o fhat n IS bemg researched here?

cs d mai obame naght b. trying to ndc real bnae deawYJsundef an assumed name?Is mts uyn-g ig ask questions abwl Obama Vansa&Mls ltke ha 1993 condomrnarm deal mat m on can wderSland - and novr the sqrrrnek nature of ha 1 65 m~lllonrnamtonwhcm lbe deed 1s m Ux name of MUem MreL Is ma! where ths a headed?


Iako nobced undsr the address search lha bevdss Orram. M Baraka1 there is a Osamah k 6arahr in llfinos alx, rnth muntple addresses I also noted the re!abve$olOsama M Barakat appear to be PaksfmMn Is lhal wham (ha 9 bad&? A PLO k k ?

Or a thus mfo trjmg B bnk to even mom cm~sterelements - moaning Al Qaeda where A1 Barakat e afinanc~alarm of Al Oaeda Al Barakalwas foundca m Mogadahuby Ahmed Nu4 All Jcm'ab and eStabl~shed hheadquarte~ m Dubal Its pnnapal ac(~ul(ns include running a lelecom sewlce In Somal~aand =era1 other munVnes, a bank and a maney recn~nance(or Hawab) system The U S Treasury Depanmen charged thal the company skimmed lees Imm remttlances sen1 by expamate Somalls 3n0 used Lha! mcney lo finance a1Oaeda termr~stacl~des.Al Bankeal's hsvala operam reportedly spread through some 40 munlrtes It was es(lmaledthat Al Eoraknat handled8om $140 mllfiona year In tnnsmlted payrnenh Sewlce charges ranged from 2% to 5% Thm may have gsnoraled revenues In tho mllllons for al Qaeda [46]In to provldingpenuefor al Oaeda,al Btrakaat am-provided a dlscrete channtl lor the transfer aeslnbullo? of al Qaeda funds I471 (SWCe Strategoclnsghls I


More disturbing information: Examine the Cook County land records: T h e deed for the house that the Obama's purchased for S300k less than the asking price is from Frederic Wondisford and hls wlfe. Sally Radovic, to the Obama's Ncilhem Trust Company Land Trust #I0209 (established as such for 'confid~ntiality")is dated 15 June 2005 and is recorded 21 June 2005 as Document #0517233010. Dedared value is S1.650.000.W. The deed for the vacant lot is from Wond~sford/Radovclo Rtta M. Rezko. Th~sdeed is dated 15 June 2005 and recorded a day earlier, on 20 June 2005 as Document #0517133004. Dedared value is $625.000.00. Examination of the Cook County records very dearly indicates that Rita M. Ruko conveyed the entire lot to Obama's Northern T ~ sCompany t Land Trust #I0209 on 11 January 2006 and recorded 16 February 2006 as Document W 7 3 3 1 6 2 . Dedared value is 5104.500.00. VERY IMPORTANTLY,thorough and careful exam~nationof all Codc h n t y land records fads to locate a deed back to Rita M. Rezko from the Obama's Northern T ~ s t Company Land Trust #lOZOB.There is a wild' deed indicated from R~ta M. R u k o to '5050 S. Greenwwd LLC'. This is an Illinois i~mitedI t a b i i corparalion with the same address as Rezmar Corporation Vlat is registeredto the indicted Tony Rezko. (Thndeed is consdered 'wtld' because r l is not suppaled by any ownership deed from the Obarna's Land Trust.) F u ~ e r m o r eTony . Rezko's reglslered corporatron. 5050 S. Greenwood LLC, then pledges the entire vacant lot in favor of a mortgage THAT IS STILL OPEN with Fifth Third Bank for the amount of S375.000.00. This is Document W703357023 recorded 2 February 2007. THUS. THE ENTIRE VACANT LOT IS TITLED TO SEN. BARACK AND MICHELLE OBAMA (IN THEIR LAND TRUST FOR CONFIDENTIALITY)AND ALLOWED BY SENATOR BARACK AND MICHELLE OBAMA TO BE PLEDGED BY A TONY REZKO CORPORATION TO SECURE A LOAN. Thin is contrary to what has been stated by Senator Ohama; contrary to what has been stated by Senator Obama's campaign staff, and contrary to what has been reported. It must be noted that a seemingly intelligent Haward educated attorney does not make such unknmng errors as staled above. The above is obvious intent. not 'oversight'. The home property description is 20-11-115-034-0000 The (ent~re)b t descr~ptionis 20-1 1-1150350000. Originally, the entire piece of property was one description...sothat the Ohma's muld afford purchase, they pressed for the split. To do this. the county had to assign two property descriplmns for each conveyance... and so thal they could cime on the same day as insisted by seller. Thus, to answer questions, w h ~ &can very easily be sell only a portion of the lot. there would have to be assigned two (new) property descriptions for the lot ...but that was never done and, obviously, not desired or requested. Proof positive that Obama and Rezko are partners. Everything that he said was false...Note, too. that Obama's campaign stated that Rita Rezko sold the lot to M~chae!Sreenam, one of her husband's attorneys.


CONSENT FORM I agree to be one of rhe plaintiffs in a legal action tiled by Dr. Orly Taitz. Equire for a W r i ~of Mandamus to obtain original birth certificate. immigration records, passports and other vital records for Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama.




HOME OFFICE !DUcs£ExROAD RIBEFRI FWHS. w m r i ccss)e.iuto

! d a s I W : O FAX




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Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire Research - BARACK H. O B m W


Dear Doctor Taitz, I am a Private Investigator, duly licensed in the State of California and have been so licensed for the past hventy five years. I am a Naturalized American Citizen. I am experienced in all types of Investigation, both Criminal and Civil, having spent hventy years in the British Police, serving as a Detective at irr'ew Scotland Yard for many years. In the interest of our Country and in defense of our Constitution I have been assisting with Research and Investigation \\,herever necessary. During the course of the work I have been doing in the past six months, regarding the activities and qualifications of Mr. Obama, I have kept a record of all of the addresses in regards to which I have seen the use of his name. The records and databases I use are many and varied being accumulated for many different reasons but all are of Public Record and the documents I have used are available to the General Public, with, or without the payment of fees. I have compiled the below list which I have previously fonvarded to you:

.-.-.*................*-*......... ".................*.......*.**...".....**.-**~~~~*-**-*+ -

Name DmIIk\t, S T A N 1 . n A Gender - Male Street Address- 1 6 1 7 s BERETANIA S T APT too City, State, Zip HONOLU1.U H I 96826-1106 Probable Cumnt Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Sodal SCCurity - 314-03-X.SS kc-73 Date of Birth -Mar 2 3 , 1 9 1 8





Date Remrd Verified - J a n 9 5 -Jan 9 6


Xamc - DUNHAM, STANLEY A Gender - Male Street Address City,State, Zip - 9 6 8 2 6 hobable Current Mdress No Telephone Telephone Amountholder Sodal searrit). 5l4-03-xxn Age 73 Date of Birth - Mar 23,1918 Decmased-Yes Date Record Verified Feb 9 2






Name - DLXHAM, STANLEY A Gender Male Street Address - 111 S KING ST City,State, Z p - HONOLULU HI 96813-3504 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Sodal %SU* - 511),YX -%c - 73 Date of Binh - 31nr 2 3 , 1 g 1 8 Deceased - Yes Date Record Verified -Jan g o



* * * * . * . . . . * . P * l * ~ * ~ H . . . . . . . . f * * . ~ * * * . . . . . . " . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * H H * * * * '

Name - DUNHA??I,STANLEY A Gender hlale Street Address- 1 6 1 7 s REKE1'ANIA SI'API' l o o 8 City, State, Zip IIONO1.UI.U E11968~6-1112 hobable Cbrrent Address - No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder %dd%Clllity- 514-03-XXW Age - 73 Date of Birth - M a r 23. 1918





Date RecordVerified -

.*...................................................*.*.......................~...*.~*.*..~~.-. Name - DUNEfAhl, STANLEY ANN Gender - hlalc Street Mdress 1617 S HEHIXANIA SS APT l o o 8 City, State, Zip HONOLULU HI 96826-11 12 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security 535-40-xsss Age - g z Date of Birth Nov 29, 1942 Deceased- Yes Date Record Verified Mar 8 7 - Dee 08






Same - S m O R O , STA Gender - Male Street Address 1617 S BERETANIA ST AYS 1008 City, State, Zip HONOLULU HI 96826-1112 Probable Current Address Nn Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social h@ - 535-40-.XXXX W-67 Date of Birth - 1 9 ~ Deceased-So Date RecordVerified Mar 8 7 Aug 0 7






Name - DWW1, STAN LEY A Gender - Male Sbeet Address City, State. Zip - 9 6 8 2 6 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Amuntholder Socials k m i t y - 539Jo-xxxx



- 52

Date of Birth - Xov 29.1942 Deceased -Yes Date Record Verified Nnv 9 5




Kame DUh'HhM. STANLEY ANN Gender Male StreetAddress-C 0 hLADIiLYN 1)UNHAhl City, State, Zip HONOI,UI,U 211 96826 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Amuntholder SocialSecurity - 5 ~ - g o - . x x x x .Age - 52 Date of Birth - Nov 29, 1942 Deceased-Yes Date Record Verified - Oct 9 5





Same - SUTORO. STA Gender Male S m t Address - C 0 3IADELYN DUNH:\BI City, State, Zip - HONOLULU HI 9 6 8 2 6 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder SocialSecurity - =5-40-Age-67 Date of Birth - 1gq2 Deceased-h'o Date Record Veritied Oct 9 5




~ . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r * . r . * . r r . . r . 1 . . . * . ~ . . . . . .

Name - DUNwl. STANLEY ANN Gender - Blale StreetAddress-8WESI'STm4 City, Sate. Zip- NEWYORK h T lono.+-toot hobable Currcnt Address - No Telephone Telephone Amuntholder Social Security - 535-40-mxx Age - 5 2 Date of Birth - Nov 29.1942 Deceased -Yes Date Record Verified OL%9 4 - J a n 9 5



* . r * H . * r . " . , . " . , * . ~ * H U . * t . , ~ * U I i *



Name SUTORO, STA Gender hlale Street Address- 8 W E 2 X S S A l T 4 C i State, Zip- N m r Y O R K h T rooo4-loo1 Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneAecountholder Sodal b r i t y - 535-40-.Age 6 7 Date of Birth - 1942





Date Record Verified - Oct 9 4 - Jan 95 * ~tH**.*.............................**...t.*....... Name - SUTORO. !XA Gender. Male Street ~ d d r e s -s 235 E 40TH ST City, State, Zip - NEW YORK NY 10016-17.14 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Soda1 Security - 5 3 5 - 4 o - x ~ ~ ~ %e - 67 Date of B irth - 1942 Deceased-No Date Record Verified - Apr 9 3 . t~..*................................-~*..........................*.**.*.**..**-**... t.r............*.*~*+********

Same - SUTORO. STA Gender - Male Seeet Address 1512 SPRECKEZS ST STE Ed02 City, State, Zip IiON0I.UI.U HI 96822-4658 Probable Current .%ddress No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security - 535-40-nxx








Deceased No


Date Record Verified Dec 92



Xame SUTORO. STA Gender Male StleetAddress- 1512s City, State, Zip - IIONOLULU HI 96822 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Amountholder Soda1 Security - 535-40-xxxx




s i-


Deceased - No


Date Record Verified - J a n 90 Dec 91

** . ~ , *.... *~ . 1 ( * . + ~ t . *... ** .. *... "+ *, *+* r m* .. r...

Name - DUNHAhI, STAN{-EYAN'N Gender hlale Street Address 1512SPRECKELS ST APT 4 0 2 City, State. Zip HONOLULU HI 96822-4660 Probable Current Address - No Telephone TelepboneAavuntholder Sodal Security 5 3 5 . 4 0 - ~ W Age-52 Date of Birth No\ 2 9 . 1 9 ~ Deceased - Yes Date Record Verified J a n 8 7 -** Same DUNHAM, ST.&Nlm .WN Gender Male Sheet Address 235 E 4oTH ST AI'T SF City, State, Zip - NEW Y O W NY 10016-1747 Probable Current Address- No Telephone TelephoneAcmuntholder Social Security 535-40-xxxx .4ge - 52 Date of B i i Nov 29,1942 Damased -Yes Date Record Verified














.......... -


* . * . . . . . . .

Same A I 5 R l hTSES. PHYLISS Gender - Female 156TH ST SE Street A d b City, State. Zip - BOTHEUW'A 98012-4-8 Probable Cunent Address No Telephone 425-485-8815 PST Telephone AecountholderSocial Security s - 4 0 - x x x x Age Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified -






-........................*. . * . . * ~ t * . . . . * t * t ~ . U


Name OBAhlA, BlUWC S M A d b - 3 MULTIPLEST City, State. Zip - DENVER CO 80207 Probable Current A d d m No Telephone 303-151-8454 MST Tekpbone Acoounthdder Sodal Security - 156-42-xxxx Age





Date of Uirth Decea.Fed-No Date Record Verified hlay 08 0.-.




Name OBMM, BAIMCK Gender Male Street Address - 355 POMELO AVE Cit): State, Zip - BREA CA 92821-~129 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security 537-36-XXLX






Date of Birth Deceased-So Date Record Verified O d 08 - Dee 08


~ ~ ~ . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ + . . . . . . . . . . . . C U I . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . h h B m e _ O- & \~BAR~~ -~ -


Street Address 123WUITE HOUSE City. Stale, Zip IR\lNE CA 92618 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security





%o:f Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified Feb 0 8 Jun 0 8

........................ -


* . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ + * . * * u + . . ~ * + * . . . . . . . , . " * . . . . . . . * * ~ * ~ ~ . ~ * * * * + ~ . * . .

Same OBAMA, BARACK Street Address 3535 O L I V E S City,State, Zip DENVER CO 8 0 2 0 7 - ~ 2 3 Robable Current Address No Telephone - 720-336-7722 hlST Telephone Acrwntholder Social Security 456-73-mxxx







Date of B i i D e d - No Date Record Verified Sep 0 8




Same O B M M , B.%RACK Street Address 4 0 TRANSFER ST City. State, Zip - DENVER CO 80207 Probable Current Address No Telephone 303-5-15-0199 hlST Telephone Acmuntholder Social Security o t I-23-xxnx Age Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified Sov 0 7 Mar 08









Same - O B M U , B.%IL&CK Street Address 713 HART SEXATE CSty, Slate, Zip WASHINGTOX DC 20510-0001 hobable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Acmuntholder Social Security Z ~ Z - ~ O - A X X A Age Date of Birth Deceased No Date Record Verified Apr 0 8 Nov 0 8










Xame - OBAAIA, &%RACK Street Address 15 A tA City, State. Zip bLLV~utWkh'FL 33462 Robable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone AaounWder Social Security






- No

Date of Birth DgPared


Date Record Verified -Jan 08 -May 0 8 *.*t...............**..-*......~~**.........................~..*............


Same OBAhM. BAKACK Gender Male Street Address APPLE ST City, State, Zip hlELUOUHNE n 32940 Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social Security 7 6 2 - j l - x x v ~ Age Date of Birth Deoeafcd - No Date Record Verified O d 0 8 - Dec 08














Seeet Address 1603 RUCKER R D

City.State. Zip ALPHAREITA GA 30004-1435


Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone .4ccountholder Social Security 579-oz-..r= Age Date of Birth D d -Nu Date Record Verified Feh 08 - Aug 08








Same OBAM.4, BARACK Street Address 505 FAKR KD .MT C City,State, Zip COLU3lBUS GA 3190--6275 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security - 420-67-xnx




-*- ............................

Date of Birth Deceased-No Date Record Verified Jan 08 Mar 0 8 * t t * * ~ * * . t * . r ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + + . * ~ t C * ~ * . . . . . . . .

Name - OBAMA, BARACK Street Address - 505 FARR KL, APT C City, State. Zip COLllhlBUS GA 31907-6275 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone AEcountholder Social Security ~ z ~ - ~ ~ - x x x x







Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified Feh 0 8 Ang 08

- *..............*...................*~..-**...*... .......................*-*.**-

Name OBILMA. BARACK Gender - Male Street Address 559 W GOLF R D C i i , State. Zip ARLINGTON HEIGHTS IL 60oog-3goj Probable Current Address Nu Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Securily &e Date of Birth Deceased No Date Record Verified Sep 0 8







. . * ~ . * * * * . * * * ~ . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . * * * . * , . . . . . . . . * * * * ~ . t * t


Same OBAhL4. BARACK Gender - Male StreetAddress-14WERIEST City, State. Zip CHICAGO IL 60610-5397 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder SocialSecurityAge Date of Birth Deceased - No Dale Record Verified - Feh 0 5 - J a n 0 6



* t . * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . t . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . * t m + t * ~ * . * * . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . * . . * . . * . * H



Name O B M U , RARACK Street Address - 1013153Rn ST E City, State, Zip - CHICAGO IL 60615 Probable Current Address No Telephonc 217-782-5338 CST Telephone Accountholder Social Security 364-03-.-






Date of Biih Deceased No Date Record Verified - hlar 0 3 - J u l 0 3


t . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * . ~ * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + r ~

a .............

Name - OBAMA, BARACK StreetAddress- 10131 3 R D S T E City, State. Zip CHICAGO IL 60615 hobable Current Address -No Telephone - 773-363-1996 - CST Telephone Aemuntholder Social Security 364-03-xxrx Age Dale of Birth Deceased No Date Record Verified Mar 0 3 J u l 0 3








Name - OBAMA. BARACK Street Address - 10131/253RD ST E City,State. Zip - CHICAGO IL 60615 Probable Current Address -No Telephone - 217-782-5338 - CST

TelephoneAccountholder Social Security 364-03-.xsxx



Birth Deceased No




Date Record Verified Mar 0 3 - J u l o 3 1 . .


Name - OBAMA, BIUUCK Street Address lorgt/-. 53HII ST E City, State, Zip CHICAGO IL 60615 Probable Current Address - No Telephone 773-363-1996 - CST Telephone Accountholder Sodal Security 364-03-LUX








Date of Birth Deceased-No Date Record Verified - Llar 0 3 J d 03

......... -





Gender - Male Street Address 5450 S EAST VIEW PARK NT City, State, Zip- CHICAGO IL 60615-5916 Probable Currcnt Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Soci Security Age Date of Birth Deceased-No Date Record Verified Oct 02 May 05





P .








Same - OBAMA, B M C K Gender - Male Street Address 5046 S GREG\7VOOD AVE City, State, Zip CHICAGO IL 60615-2806 Probable C u m t Address -Yes Telephone Telephone Accountholder Soda1 Security O ~ Z - ~ ~ - . K L Y Y Age Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified - J o n 0 5 Nov 05





. * . H . ~ * + m . . . * + m . + m " * i . . . * ~ .



Name O B t W , BIULiCK Gender AIale Street Address - 5046 S GREENWOOD AVE City, State, Zip CHICAGO IL 60615-2806 Probable Current r\ddrrn No Telephone - 773-684-4809 W Telephone &countholder -






Social Security 42-68-~~~~ . 0.

eDate of Birth -


Deceared No



Date Record Verified J u n 05 Nov 0 5 ** ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . * . * ~ m . . . . . . ~ * * * + . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . . . * * . . * * . . . * . . . . ~ , * * . * * * * * * . . . . . . . Name OBAMA, B M C K Gender Male Street Address 7436 S EUCLID AVE City, State. Zip CI.iICAG0 IL 60649-3626 Probable Current AdNo Telephone Telephone Accountholder Soda1SauritvAge Date of Birth Deceased-No Date Record Verified Aug 93










H * H . * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . * ~ * . . . . . . * * * . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . ~ . . ~ . -



Strret Address-567WESTLYK


City, State, Zip hlOUNT PROSPECT IL 60056


Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Accountholder M a 1 Security .Age Date of Ririh Deceased No Date Record Verified - O d 0 8 Nov 0 8




* * * + * + . . . . . . . r ~ r * r * . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . * + . m + . r . . . . t f t * * ~ . . . . * + . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * t t * .



Same OBAMA, BAR4CK Stre& .kldnss 610 E OLD WILLOW RD City, State. Zip - PROSPECT EIEIGHTS IL 60070-1913 Probable Current M d m s No Telephone Telephone&muntbolder Sodalseauity-






Date of B i i Deceased - No Date Record \'erified - Dee 0 6 - Apr 07


P . . . . . . . *


Name OBM.4, BARACK Gender - Male Street Address 5 6 THORETON RD City, State, Zip - NEEDHAM hlA 02492-?330 Robable Current Address - No Telephone TelephoneAmuntholder Social Security




%;of Bii Deceased-No Date Record Verified - J u l 0 8




Name OBA.lA, HARACK Street Address - 123 hLUN S1' City,State. Zip - LANSING ~ 1 1 4 8 9 1 0 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone.Acwuntholder Social Security Age Date of Birth DaPased- No Dale Record Verified - Mar 07 - J u l o 7


U . . . . . . . . t U * U . . . . . . . . * H H * . . . . . . . * ~ * . . , . . * . * ~ * * . . . . . . * ~ H H . . . . . . . . H H * * . . . . . . . . ~


Name OBAAM, BAR.&CK Street Address - 83775 B.4TFS RD City. State, Zip - JACKSON NJ 08527 Probable Current Addres No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social Security - 485-40-x~% Age Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified - Feb 08 - Aug 0 8







Kame OBriM.4, BtULICK Gender Male Street Address - 810 E 13TH AVE City. State, Zip - EUGE-UE OR 97401-3:e hobable Current Address -No TelephoneTelephone Accountholder Social Security -




Date of B i i Derrased-So Date Record Verified - Aug 0 8

........ -


Name OBAbM, HARACK Street Address - 918 BAINBRIDGE ST City. State, Zip - PHIwELPIIL.4 PA 1 9 4 7 Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneAmuntholder Social Security Age Date of Birth D d - No Date Record Verified Apr 0 7 Aug 07







m t ~ . t . . * H . . * r m * . . r m . r H * . . r * + . . r m H ) t * . , . * m .

Name OBAMA, BARACK Street Ad* - 505 C&lIIARINEST City.State, Zip - PHIL&DEI.PHL\ PA 1947-3009 Probable Current Address - No TelephoneTelephone Accountholder Socil Security Age Date of B i i Decessed-So Date Record Versed - Apr 07





H . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . * * ~ * * . . , . . . H * . . . . . . . * . ~ . . .

Name OBAMA, BARACK Street Address 123 hiAIN ST City, State. Zip CHARLESTON SC 29464 Probable Current Address - No TelephoneTelephoneAccountholder SodalSecurityApe Date of Birth Darased-No Date Reoord Verified - M a y 0 8 Sep 0 8






~.............*~..................................~ -

Name OBAMA, BhRACK Gender Male S m t A d h 4034 BRlCK CHL-CH PIKE City, State, Zip NASHVILLE TN 37207-1515 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Acmuntl~older Social Security - '+27-qJ-.mss Age Date of Birth Drreased-No Date Record Verified Nov 08 - Dec 08







.... -


P * . P . . P P u . p * * .


Same OBML4. BARiICK Sheet Address 1000 ;"iw 33 A\% Cft?r, State, Zip - FORT WORTH TX 76180 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security 675-~)-SZ%T




Biih -



Deceased No



Date Record Verified A p r 08 O d 08 . U . * + H . H . t . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * + m * * ~ * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . " . . . . * t * t t m * . * * . . . . . . . . . . .


Same OBAMA. B I ~ I C K Street Address 100033RI)AVE NU' City, State, Zip FORT WORTH TX 76180 Probable Current Addrns - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder





-w Date of Birth -


Deceased N o

*. ***......................-

Date Record Verified A p r 08 Aug 08 m....m.tM*.*.....................~..........

Name OBAMA, BARACK ShPet Address 2129 LEMART City, State. Zip GRAND PRAIRlE TX 75051-4034 Probable Current Address N o Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security Age Date of Birth Deceased - N o Date Record Verified Dec 08 -Jan 09









. . . . . . . . . . t * ~ U t . . . . . * r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . * ~ . . . . ~ ~ * * . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t , . t


Same OBIUIIA, &%RACK Gender - Male Saeet Address 4 s D . U A\'E City,State. Zip U Y C W X E R TX 75146 Probable Cunrnt Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Srrurity -






Date of Birth Deceased N o Date Record Verified - J u l OH


. t . * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * * * * ~ * . . . . . .


Name - OBMLI, BARACK Gender Male Street Address 1 1 0 N UNIVERSITY A\% City, State. Zip LUBBOCK TX -9415-2845 hobable Current Addms No Telephone Telephone Accountholder








Date of Birth Deceased - N o Date Recnrd Verified S o v 08


.*a...... . . . . . . . . . * ~ * m r . . . . . . . * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t U U U . . . ~ + * ~ t . . . . . * . ~ . . . . . . + . . . *


Name OBMIA, B M C K ShPet Address - 1464 CARRINGTON LN City, State, Zip CENTERWLLE UT 8404-1282


Probable Current Address - N o Telephone Telephone Acco~~ntholder Social Security Age Date of Birth Decead-No Date Record Verified - Dec 08 - J a n 09






~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . r u U * + r r . +

Name OBN\IA, BARACh' Strret Address PO BOX 1236



City, State, Zip - PROVO UT 84603-1236 Probable Current Address - No Telephone TelephoneAomuntholder Social Scuuity 9 0 1 - 0 9 - ~ x





%o:f Birth Dmased No Date Recordverified J u n 0 7 - J a n 08



t u * . t 1 . . . * ) . * . . ) . * ) . * . . . * ~ * . ~ . . . * ~


Same - ORkMA, BARACK Street Address 111 PENNSYLV--WIAA\% City, State. Zip - WASHINGTOS UT 84780 Probable Current ~d-F - No Telephone TelephoneAccountholderSodal Secwity - 799-89-XLS



E l o r Binb Deceased - No Date Record Verified - Jul 0 7 Feb 08



. * * . . * . . . . . * . . t t * * * . t . . . . . . t X * * f * * . . . . . . . . . . * ~ t * . . . . . . . . t . * U c . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . * . . * * t


Name O B M , BAMCK Street A d h - 8521 311W D A LN City, State. Zip \VOODBRIDGE VA 22191 Probable Current Mdress No Telephone Telephone AccountholderSocial security Age Date of Birth Deaased-h'o Date Record Lreri6ed Dec 08 Jan 0 9








H . . . . . . . . + * ~ r . + . . . . r r . . . . . . . . . . . r + ~ * r + r . . . . r . r

Name OB.4MA, BrUWCK Street Address - OBAnlA LN City, State, Zip - FkWKLlN M1j3132 Probable C u m t Addrrss No Telephone Telephone Acmuntholder SocialSecurity-



$o:f Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified Feb 08 - J u n 08

......... -



S a m OB&\lA, BARACK ti Street Address - 10% S BROAD ST City, State. Zip - CARLINVILLE IL 62626-2122 Probable Current A d h - No Telephone Telephone Aaountbolder socinlsecu*-



ZC-of B* Deceased - No Date RemrdVerified Dec 0 8 - J a n 09




Kame 0-4, BARiCK H Gecder Male Street Address - 180N U SALLE SS APT 22ooN C i , State. Zip - C H I C G O IL 60601-2501 Probable Cunent Address No Telephone Telephone .4ccountholder Social Security 042-68-.mux Age Date of Bib Deceased No Dale Recordverified Feb 07 - Jun 07








Kame - OBtUIIA, B M C K H Gender Male Street Address - 1j40E jzND ST City. State, Zip -CHICAGO IL 60615-4131 Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social Security Age 47 Date of Birth - Aug, 1961 Deceased - No Date Record Verified Apr 8 6




...........*-...........~.*.......**..~..... -


Name OBAMA, B.NUCK H Gender Male St- A d k - 5450 S EAST VlEW PARK APT 1 City, State, Zip - CHICAGO 1L 60615-5916 Probable Current Address - No Telephone -



'~clcphoneAcmuntholder Social Security - 0 4 2 - 6 8 - a x Age 47 Date of Birth -Aug, 1961 Deceased No Date Record Verified






Same OBAMA, BAR4CK H Gender Male Street Address - 5450 E W E \ V PARKS iW I City.State. Zip - CHICAGO IL 60615 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security - 042-68-~1xx Age - 47 Date of Birth Aug, 1961 Deceased No Date Record Verified -





* t . . . ~ * . * + . . * ~ . * + . " . + * . * . * . + * * . . . t ~ * . . .


Same O W L % , &UL4CK H Gender - Male Street Address 5429 S HARPER AVE !.IT I N City,State, Zip - CHICAGO IL 60615-5518 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Semdy - 042-68-m-u Age - 47 Date of Birth - Aug 04, 1961 Deceased No Date Record Verified Oct 86







Name OWLS, BAR.4CK H Gender Male Street -4ddress 5324 S KIMBARK A\% City,State, Zip CHICAGO 1L 60615-5287 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone~ ~ u n t h o l d-e r Social Security 042-68-xccx2~ Age 47 Date of Birth - Aug 04.1961 Dereased-No Date Record Verified Jun 88 Dec go







" ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . + t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . t t t t t * t t . . . . . . . . ~ * ~ t . . . . . . t U U



Same - OELMA, R4RACK H Gender Male Street Address N IN City.State, Zip CIIICAGO 1L 60615 Probable Current Addres - No Telephone Telephone.kmuntMder Sodal Security - 042-68-xsxx b e 47 Date of Birth - Aug 04, 1961 Deceased No Date RecordVerilied Jan 88








. . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . * ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . + + + . . . . . . . , + u

Name OBAMA, BAR4CK H Gender - hlale Street Address - 54501SEVW City. State, Zip - CHICAGO IL 60615 Probable Current Address No Telephone - 000-684-4809 Telephone Accountholder Social Security - 042-68-.m\v b c 47 Date of Birth Aug 04, 1961 Deceased S o







Name OBAMA, BARACIC I1 Gender - hIde S t m t A d k 5450 E VLEW PARK APT 1 City, State, Zip - CHICAGO IL 60615 Probable Current Ad& No Telephone TelephoneAccountholderSodol Security 042-68-urn Age Date of B i Deceased - No Date Record Verified -





. * . . .-...*. . . . . -

Name - OBAMA. BARACK H Gender - Male Street Address 5.1~01SE VIEW Pw< City.Stale, Zip CHIC4GO 11.60615



Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social security - 0*-68-uurx 43e Date of Birth Deceased No Date Record Verified -







Name OBAhlA, BARACK H Gender BIalc Street Address - 7436 S EUCLID City, State, Zip CHICAGO IL 60649 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone . h u n t h o l d e r Social Senvity- 042-68-x\-x\ Age - 4 7 Date of Birth Aug, 1961 DeCead-So Date Remrd Verified







t X H . . . . . * * . . . . . . . . . . . . * + * * * ~ . . . . . . . . . . u . . . . . . . . . . . * . * . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . .

Name - ORAMA, BAIL\CK H Gender - Male Street Address 365 BROAIM'AY .Wr BI City. State, Zip - SOMERVILLE 114 02145-~?&.$0 Probable Current Address No 'I'elcphone TelephoneAmountholder Social Security 042-6&.nrx Age 4 7 Dateof B i l i - Aug 041961 Deceased - No Date Record Verified -






~ m t . . . . . . t t m . . . . . . . . . . . r r * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * *

Name - OBAMA, B..UZACK H Gender hlalc Street Address 4 0 8 5 JACOBS LVDG City, State, Zip - S&\T CHAKLFS ll1O 63304-7495 Probable Current Address - N o Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social Security ggg-88-.ruxx



Age -






Date of Birth Deceased-so Date RecordVerified - O a 0 8 Dee 0 8 *



Name OBAMA, BARACK HUSSEIN Gender Male Street Address - 300 hUSSACHUSEIlS AVE M V City, State, Zip WASHINCTOX DC 20001-9629 Probable C m n t Addres - No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder SocialSecurity 042-68-nxx .4ge Date of B i h Deceased - No Datc Record Verified - S e p 05





I . . . . . . +~.....-...........-**....*-*...........~.....*H~u......~.........+..".+


Name O W ,R U U C K IIUSSEIN Gender hlalc Strcet Ad-F - 180 N L\SAI.1.E !ST S'I'I:.2900 City. State, Zip - CIIIC4GO II.60601-z6io Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneAmountholder Social Senuity - 0 4 2 - 6 8 - m x h eDate of Birth Deceased-So Date Record\'erified - Feb 07 J u n 08








S ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - S J S ~ S E W 1I ' \ ? E W P N U < ~


City. State. Zip CHIC4GO IL 60615-5916 Probable Current Address - No TelephoneTelephone Accountholder Sodal Security o w - 6 8 - n u u Age Date of B i Deceased - No Date Record Verified - J u l oz J u l 0 6






.Pame - O B A . , UAR4CK I{ USSEIN Gender hiale




Street Address 5 0 4 6 S GREEh7VOOD AVE City. State, Zip CHICAGO IL 60615-2806 Probable Current Address Yes Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social SecuriQ- 0 4 2 - 6 8 - r a x Age Date of Birth Deceased No DateRecordVded-Juno5-ripro8





......... -


Same OBhMA, BARACK HUSSEIN Gender Male Strrvt Address - go46 S G ~ G 7 \ ' O O DAVE City, State. Zip - CHICAGO IL 60615-2806 Probable Current Address No Telephone 773-684-4809 CST Telephone .%xountholder Social 0@-68-.\1~~ Age Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record \'erificd J u n 05 Apr 0 8













Name OB.43L1 BARACK HCSSEIN Gender - IIale StAddress - M 5 0 1 E VlE\v P w S City, State, Zip CHICAGO IL 60615 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Amuntholder Social Security - 042-68-rax Age Date of Birth Deceased-No Date Record Verified J u n 97 Aug 0 4



......a .*







Name OBMLA, BrUWCK HCiSSElN Gender Male Street .Address PO BOX 49798 City. State, Zip - CHICAGO IL 60649 Probable Current Address - No Telephone - 773-684-4809 CST Telephone .Accountholder Sodal Security - 0 4 2 - 6 8 - r a x .Qe - 4 7 Dateof Birth - Aug 0.&1961 D d - No Date Record Verified S e p 9 9







Name OB.LMA. BARACK HUSSEIN Gender Male StAddress - 3 6 5 BKOAD\VAY AIT BI City. State. Zip - S O I I E K V I I U ZW 03145-q40 hobable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Acmuntholdcr Social Security 0 4 2 - 6 8 - x w Age- 119 Date of Birth 1890 Drreased No Date Record Verified









* . , . * ~ . . . * . * . . . * . . . * ~ * . . . * ~ . . . . . * t *


Name OBMf.4, BAIZAK Street Address- 1619 S BENTLEI'AVE City. State. Zip LOS ANGELES CA 90025-3586 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone .Amountholder SodalSecurityAge Date of Birth Deceased No Date Record Verified - Dee 08 -Jan 09





. t * . , M


Name OBWW, B A M Street Address - 1009 DIGITAL mVY City, State, Zip LOS AYGELES CA 90045 Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneA ~ u n t h o l d e r Social securit4.- 999-61-KXXX



Birth -No Date Kecord Verified - Dec 05 - Apr 0 6




............. -


Name OBAIIU, BARAK Street Address 1680 VIDEO DR



City, State, Zip 1.0s .OTGEI.ESCA 90045 Probable Current Address N o Telephone Telephone Accounrhol&r Social Security - 999ggxxm Age Date of Birth Deceased - N o Date Kecord Verified - Sov 05 Mar 06








Name - O B M M . R m V i Street Address 40 TRWSFER ST City, State, Zip DENVER CO 80207 Probable Current Address Nu Telephone - 303-231-4876 MST Telephone.4ccounBol&r Sociil seauhy Age Date of Birth Drreased No Date Record Verified Nov 0 7 Mar 08









~* ...* . * ~ .... * r+ ..... r *~ .... r H ~ + .. r .H * m r *.. *t ~ *



Name OBAMA, B : W Gender - Male Street Address - 22 SCOTT RD City. State, Zip SOUl-HINGTOS CT 06489 Pmbable Current Address N o Telephone 'relephone Accountholder SocialSecuritY-


.& -



Date of Birth Deceased - Nu Date Record Verified Nov 08


" . . . t * . . . . * . . r . r . . . . * . . . ~ * . . . . + . * . . . * . H . . . +



Same O R W , B . m = Gender - Male S l m t Address - 123 SOLTH DK City. State, Zip - MLMII SPKINGS FL 33166-5921 Pmbable Current Addrev N o Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security 606-%-~xxx





%;of Bii Deceased - No Date Record Verified Ang 08 Dec 08



t H + ~ * H . . ~ * . . . * ~ . . . . . . . * . . . . ~ . . * . * m * . . . + + r t r * . . * * t ~ .


Name OBAbM, HARAK Street Address 1234W P Y ST SE City, bate, Zip - CO\n-GTON W'A 98042 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security - 53s-22-xxxx




% - o f s iDeceased - N o Date Remrd Verified - May of3 - Sep 08


. ~ ~ . . . * ~ * * * * . + * * . . . . . . + ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t t ~ . . . . . I * H U t . . . . . . * ~ . . . . r . . r . . . . . . *

Name OBAICW, BARhK QUINCY Strret Addrrss 523 S EDGEWOOD AVE City. State, Zip LA GRANGE IL 60525-6132 ProbabIe Current Address N o Telephone Telephone Accountholder -





.Age Date of B i i Deceased - Nu Date Record Verified Aug 04 Dec 04


.....+*-.....* -


. . * . * . . . . + . * u + c . . * -


Name OBA??lA,BARSt& Ad&$ - 1313 L&NE City, State, Zip 8 0 C A UATON FL 33433 Probable Current Address N o Telephone TelephoneAcmuntholder social Security - 123-45-XXXS Age Dale of Birth Deceased N o Date Record Verified Feb 08 Aug 08








Name - O B M M , BhRAQ H Street Address- 14300NE IH'I'II ST City, State. Zip VANCOIJVER W.4 986847807 Pmbable Current Address - N o Telephone Telephone Accountholder



Social Security&e Date of Birth D d NIB Date Record Verified Mar 08 Jul08






Kame - OBAMA, BARAQ H Street Addrrss - 4 3 N E ISTH f X City, State, Zip - \'Ah'COUVER W-4 98684 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security Age Dnte of Birth kccased No Date Record Verified hIar 08





....*-+...... -



Name OBAMA, BARBARA Street Address so6 60,A\% City. State. ;Sip - AUROR4 IL 60506 Probable Current Address - No Tclephone Telephone Accountholder -





%e Date of Birth Deceased No Date Record Verified Sep 04 -Jan 05




~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . * . . . . . . * . . . . . * * * * * . . * * H H * * . . . . H * H . H H H * . . . ~ . . . . . ~ * . . . H m ~ . .

Name - OBAMA, BAROK Street Address - 5290 BARRINGTON RD City. State. 'Zip - BARRINGTON 1L 60192 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Acco~~ntholder Soei Security -



Ze-of B i i Deceased - No Vatc Record Verified Apr 06 Aug 06




a ........

N m - OBAMA, BAROK E Street Addrew - 535 WlSCONSlN City. State, Zip CHEW CHASE hlD 20815 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security Age Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified O d 06 Feb 07







Name OBkMA, BARRACK Street Address - 123 V I I U G E DR City, State, Zip - SHEI-TON C T 06484-1732 Probable Current Address - No Tclephone Telephone Accountholder Sodal Security Age Date of Birth Deceased - No Date Record Verified May 08






. . ~ * . . . . . . . . . . . * . r . . . . r . . . . . * m . . . . . . . . . * * * . . . * . * . . . . * . . . . . * ~ . . . . m t t . * . . . t + u t . . . '

Name - OBAMA, BARRaCK Gender hlalc Street Address 916 EATON CI' City. State, Zip L4KE \?LWI 1 . 6 0 0 ~ 6 - ~ 0 ~ 0 Probable Current -4ddress - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder -




S0dalSecurih.Age Dare of B i i Drreased-No Date Record Verified - Jul08























Name - OBAhlA, BARRACK Gender - alale Street .4KhhSs - 1.\w C~,%e,Zip-A'ITIcAh~14011

Probable Current Address - No 'Telephone Telephone Accountholder WSecurity-

% of:: Bh, Deed No










































































.... -


Date Record Verified Nov 08

* * * . . . . . * . . . . . . * * * . . . * . . . . . . . * * t * . . . . . . . . .

Name OB.UL4, BARRACK Gender - l t l d e Street Address - 123 h W ST City, State. Zip - COLUMBUS OH 43207 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Amuntholder Sodal Security y;-as-.Age Date of Birth --No Date Record Verified - Aug 08 - Dec 0 8







Same O B W BARRACK Street Address - 2323 .UUSTOTLE C T City. State. Zip - FAIRFAX VA 22030 Probable Current Address No Telephone TelephoneAcmuntholder Social Security 703-59-.=~ b eDate of B i i Dccsad-No Date Record Verified O d oH Dee 08




....*-*.....**..........**.......*.....*-*....-....~-....*-......-*....-......**...... -

Name OB.UfA, B m K S t ~.Add= t - 611 N C.WITOI. AVE City. State. Zip - INDIANAPOLIS Lh( 46204-1205 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Amountholder Social Security - 264-87-mxx Age Date of Biih Deceased No Date Record Verified - Sov 0 8 Dec 08





.. . . . . . . m + *. . -. . . * . H H . . . I . ~ . . . . . . ~ U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r m * . . . * . . . ~ . . . . . * ~ . . . . . . . . . r . r


Name OBML4, BARR4K W JR Street Address 1001SE 1351'H AVE City, State. Zip - PORTLWD OR 9-33-1921 Probable Current Address No 'Telephone TelephoneAccountholder SodalSenrrityAge Date of Birth Dccsad - No Date Record Verified Nov 0 8







. . . . . . I .

Same - OBkMA, RARROK Street Address - 3 6 3 NOTLEM ST City, State. Zip - FORT PIERCE FL 34982-7358 Probable Current Address -No Telephone Telephone Aaauntholder Social Security &e Date of Binh Drreased No Dele Record Verified Aug 08 Nov 0 8








Name OB.Ul.4, BhRROK 0 Street Add- 123L4ST LN City, State, Zip - LAKE BARRINGTON IL 60010-1939 Probable Current Address - N o Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social Security Age Dale of Birth DReased No Date Record Verified Apr 0 6 - Aug 06



..... -





Same OBLMA, BARRY Gender - hlnle Street Address - 5003 O M HILL DR at); w e , l i p W'IhTER PARK FL 327929253 Probable Current A d k - No Telephone Telephone.duatholder SoeialsmuityAge Date of Birth Deaased NO Date Record Verified Jun 08



* . a -





Name OBAhfA, B.4TOCK Street Address 123 mux ST



City. State. Zip - NORTI1 CHICAGO IL 60064 Probable Cumnt .Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security Age Date of Bhth Deceased N n Date Record Verified - Oct 08






Name OBAMA, BERTRAND H Gender - Xlale Street Address - 1 1 2 s OAK LEAF DR MT 1-0 City, State, Zip - SILVERSPRING blD "ogo1-1:{18 Probable Current Address - N o Telephone Telephone Aaounthdder Social Security - 578-1I-.Age 44 Date of Birth -Jan. 1965




Date Record Verified - Dee 95 Feb 06 Same - OBhMA, BERTRAND H OBANG Gender Xlale Street Address 11235OAK LEAF 1720 DR City, State, Zlp SILVERSPRING 3111 20901 Probable Current Address - N o Telephone 301-345-0961-FST 'I'elephone Accountholder Social Security 578-1I-axAge Date of Birth Deceased Nu Date Record Verified Sep 97 - hla) 04







. * . . . * * * ~ . . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t t . . . . .

. . . . . * . * * * . . , . . . * . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . * * * * . . . . ~ t f . . . . * t t H

Name - ORMIA, BBR'l'RAND 0 Gender - Xlale Street Address 11235 0.4K 1 . W DRAFT 1-0 City. State, ZIP SII.\'ERSPRlNG XlD nogol-1306 Probable Current M d r g s - No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social Security - 57R-II-~KYX Age-Date of Biith - 1964 Deceased - N o Date Record Verified -



. ew - . . + * *


Name O B W BFITY Strect -Addnus - 123 MOHEGAN .4VE City. State, Zip NORTH B M N F O R D CT 06471 Probable Current .Address - Nn Telephone Telephone r\rcountholder Social Security Age Daleof Birth Deceased N o Date Record Verified - Apr 08 XIaj- 08




. . t t * . . . . * . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . * * . . . . . * t t . . . .




Name OBAMA, BOB S t m t A d d m 5258 FAIRiilONT' DR City, State, Zip NAPERVILLE 1L 60564 Probable Current Address - N o 'Telephone 'Selephone Accountholder Soda1Security Age Date of Birth Decfased-No Date Record Veriiied Scp 08










Name OBAhIA, BOB A Gender - Xiale StrCCt Ad5719 S CANAL # 4 City, State. Zip SPOKANE WA 99216 Probable Current A d d m - No Telephone TelephoneAccountholder Social Security - 468-31-nxx




g i o f Birth Deceased-No Date Record Verified Nov OR Dec 08












Name OBkMA, BORACK Street Address - 222 ZOTHST City. State. f p - S A X DIEGO CA 92102-3812


Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Accountholder Social Security - 560-11-sxxx Age Date of Birth Deceased No Dale Record Verified -Jan 08 May 08




....-.... -



Name O B A M h BOR4CK Street -4ddress 1966 BROADII'AY ST NE City.State. Zip SALEM OR 97301-8336 Probable Current Address - No Telephone Telephone Aceountholder Soda1 Security Age Date of Birth D e c e a s No Date Record Verified May 08 Sep 08










* . . . . ~ * ~ . . . t m . . . . ~ . . . ~ ~ * * . * . m . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * * . . . . . . ~ * * . . . . . . * * . . .

Name - OBAhL4, BOR4K Street . 4 d k - 3112 1 2 ST City. State, 7ip - SAIhT -4UCUSTINE FL 32080 Probable Current Address No Telephone Telephone Acwuntholder Sodal Security - 2 1 3 - . ) 7 - ~ Age Dale oi Birth Deceased No Date Record Verified 3lar 0 8 Dec 08









. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t * r . . . . . i . t * * . . . t * H C ( * . . * . t . , . " * * * . . . . . . . . . . t * m . . . * m * . . . . ~ . . . * * ~ t ~

Name - OBAMA, BOIL= Street Address - 1213 W >WIN ST City, State, Zip FORT WAYNE IX 46808-3334 Probable CurrentAddress No Telephone 260-456-9674 PSI' TelephoneAccountholder Social Security Age Date of Birth Drreased-So Date Record Verified Oct 08 - Nor 08










, . * ~ . . + ~ + . . . * ~ . . . . r . . . . t r . . + x * r . + m . . . . * . * . . * ~ . . ~ t . . . U *

Name - ORAhfA, BR4CK Street A d k \'HITE HOUSE City, State, Zip BALTmIORI:. MD 21454 hobable Current Address - No Telephone TelephoneArcountholdcr Social Security - 410-6~-bn-x




%?.-of B i i Deceased No Date Record Verified No\- 08 Dee 08


**..-*...-*.....-*...... -


Name OBhMri, BRIA?\XA Gender - Female Street A d d m - 2612 BLALDEN DR city,state. Zip N - u k n w ThT 3 7 1 0 - m . ) Probable CurrentAddress No Telephone Telephow Accountholder SocialSecurityAge Date of B i Dcccad - No Date Record Verified No%-08








Very truly yours.

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Defend Our Freedoms 26302 La Paz ste 211 Mission Viejo CA 92691

Statement of Services Performed Follow-ing is the record of time spent by Orly Taitz. ESQ 1 1.21.08 Review FOIA request


12.03.08. Review Petition for Writ of Mandamus

3.5 h

12.03.08. Review motion for rehearing petition for a u-rit of Mandamus

1.5 h

12.03.08. Review Exhibits A tlu-ough G


01 .01.09. DC dist~ictcase 08-cv-2234

2.5 h

02.01.09. Conference call with attorney Mr. John D. Hemingway and Mr. Strunk 2.25h 02.01 review Petition for reconsideration of order for time extension


02.02.09 FOIA State department Response

0.5 h

Attorney's rate is $375 ph.


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