Strengthen The Things Ready To Die

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Strengthen the Things Ready to Die by Pastor Thomas Schaller April 8, 2009 Unedited

Pastor Schaller Jesus, at the last supper, with his group of 12, it seemed like he could lose them. But, he would not, bec. he is the good shepherd. I think of this: when we are in the world, there are things that sometimes God wants us to be a part of something that is a mere disaster. How many can say, AMEN! You may say, been there done that. I think so! I think this happens. There are mere disasters in our lives. Maybe a marriage, your health, friendship, or maybe even a church. In Rev. 3, we have this picture. vs 2 - to the church of Sardis, be watchful, and strengthen the things that remain that are ready to die. We were in Maine last Friday late...and Saturday. There were 80 to 100 of us who met. Pastor Rick LeClair came...Morrison, Moore...Pastor Geguere quoted 50,000 Bible verses...Pastor Bob Colby spoke to us...Pastor Dave...Frank. We were in a Grange Hall. A hundreds years ago...a Grange Hall...wood planks...reminded me of our beginnings with Dr. Stevens in Maine 30 to 40 years ago. Our country needs us. Our commuinity, city, family, our church needs us. Sometimes God puts you where there is something there that needs to be strengthened. vs 2 - strengthen the things that remain. We only want to be around living things that are sure and secure. The Lord says, come up here and be next to the respirator. Be part of something that is ready to die. I want you to be in the midst of unbelievers, in a dark age, right where you are needed. This is like the last supper. When Jesus talked to his disciples, the world was coming down on him and on them. He told them words that the flesh doesn't understand and know. Words like: I've spoken to the father. I go. The father will send you the comforter. Though you have sorrow, it will be only for a season. Then, you will have joy. THe world doesn't see me, but you will see me. I will be with you. In this last supper, two words I thought of that the world doesn't konw about: Weakness and Foolishness. The world has two other words, the opposite.

archived service at Weakness. Have you felt it. I do all the time. Coming here tonight, this afternoon praying for service tonight, feeling uable and sensing weakness. When we started, I heard about a preacher in Texas, pleading iwth God, Give me power and use me. That man was Jack Hyles. He was a young, skinny little preacher. In the weakness, at the last supper, Jesus shares secrets with his disciples. This is one thing we love about the ministry. God shares secrets with us. He tells us something the opposite the world wants to hear. The world is looking for power, influence, strength, fame, success. Jesus do you have power? I have power. I'm here at the last supper with 12 men. One of them just went out. He's on a mission. He knows not the trouble he is in. I would wash him and take away his sins. He is so lost, he'll never get out of it. I have 11 guys here. I'll tell them about a secret. Its the power in the midst of weakness. When things are ready to die. When things need to be strengthened. WHen people find the secret of God, they find themselves part of God's kingdom, a different world. The second word: Foolishness. Come on Jesus! What are you talking about. Yes! Sure! Yea...Right...What are you talking about? No one believes you. You are talking about the father, the kingdom...we don't see any wisdom at the last supper. Intelligence, the world uses. We don't see any. That little group of men, eating lamb that night, become the primary element of our whole society for 2,000 years. We've seen the transformation of people from this person who said, Its the father and me. If you know and believe that and trust me, You'll see both things. My weakness is power, and my foolishness is wisdom. That's what he told them, in John 13-17. I think, the Christian life, when i live in my power: personality, some think the ministry is based on someone's personality. Its not. Its based on God's power. It isn't based on organization, administration, public relation, advertisement, etc, money, etc. We say, O No! We would be bored with that way of thinking. Those types of people, don't get close to that which is ready to die. The marriage, the relat, the church, the pastor, the believers, you and I are part of something where we have our own last supper and speak secrets to people that are ready to die. They receive power and wisdom. That's us. Its like a cold shower. We say, that's amazing. That's great. We are little weak people. We find a secret here. Its not based on the muscles of humanity, but the grace of God. Its not the cleverness of a leader, but the power of the living God. At the last supper, Jesus said, you'll

archived service at run away from me. You all will be gone. O No! Lord! Yea...I'm telling you. My kingdom is not based on you, but on me. This is the ROCK...Me. The words I say, the love, grace, peace and way I give you...You will know. The joy I give you will be full of glory. The peace I give you is not like the world gives you. Its different. That's what we exp'g by God's grace in our lives. When we were with the leaders up in Maine, we felt and sensed God's presence with us. It was beautiful. We were together drinking it in. We said, there's a new chapter in Maine for us. Strengthen that which remains. Receive from God. That which is ready to die, that needs to be heard all over the world. This needs to be everywhere. In every house, Jesus says how it is, what will happen. I'm laying down my life, I'm the savior. You guys, take a chill pill. Bec. of me, your life will be transformed. You will have joy, power and I go to heaven to prepare a place for you. There is a day coming, when they will kill you and think they are doing God a favor. What great news to hear at the last supper. You mean, the world will hate us. How do you feel about that? We want to be with you, but we don't want the world to hate us. But, the Lord says, you are diff. You have a diff. calling. You are with God, and God is with you. You will be weak people, but strong, foolish, but wise. That's like church life for us. Matt. 13. Turn there with me, vs 5 - some fell on stony places. The Word is sowed. Some fell by the wayside. The fowls came and devoured them...Some were devoured bec. they had no deepness of earth. Where are all the preachers in America? The messages are to go in the deepness of earth. They had no deepness of earth. At the last supper, that's what was needed in the hearts and minds of these disciples. They needed deepness of earth. The church needs to be deeper. We are about as deep as a coat of paint, of gold on a two by four. It looks like gold, but its spray painted. Christianity that Christ called us to is Last Supper Christianity. He said, by by. I'm going. You have deepness of earth in you. The Word that I gave you, I planted in you. Get ready for the ride of life. You are on a dune buggy going to heaven. When you finish you will say, What a ride? That means: it costs something. WHen you go to that which is ready to die, you strengthen it, you pray, you say, Lord, I'm not giving

archived service at up...We'll preach the gospel...and everyone will say you are dead. But, we are alive. WE will know it and feel it. WE will sow the seed and impact for 2,000 years plus. When you speak to us, its wise. To the world its foolish. That little rap session that night, was so powerful. THey said, what did we get into? Somehow, I feel good about it. When they walked from the upper room to Gesemmess, they said, which one of us is the greatest. You don't say that when you are depressed. Did you notice when he spoke to me, how he looked at me. When he spoke, he spoke right to me. There is something amazing in this world. The world is running to global politices. We are in the last supper. Jesus is speaking to us. He says, Your joy, your peace, hang in there with what is ready to die. Strengthen with edification. Take the new believer to coffee. Tune your ears to heaven and what God is saying to you. We only have a few minutes to live. Lets get with it. The roots in our life are important. THey are invisible. What you desire. What you want. Some men wrestle with pornography...and temptation. There is a whole new life for you by roots. When they get your soul, you say NO. and Yes to God. You exp. sitting with the Lord at the last supper. He says, you will bear more fruit and much fruit. You will have victory...I'm Christ. I'm not afraid of sin, or temptation. We go out of the rap session, stumbling along, thinking, WOW! That was amazing. I'm so built up by what I'm a prayer meeting. When was the last time you were before God and said, the Lord is my srength, Psa 18:1. I will love thee O strength. This is about God beiing our strength. Sometimes you say, I can't do it. Its not possible. Jesus says, Come on. Trust me. How can he fill me with the Spirit while we watch garbage on the TV. How can we be gossiping and slandering and be spirit filled at the same time. WE must be trembling. WE must realize this is foolish. THere is no strength here. But, there is God. I spoke with Justin from Peru. He said, its so good...that we can't do this by our strength. That was a great statement. WE can't live this by our power. What if the last supper was in Hollywood...flashing lights...popularity. It was not. It was the last place you would want to be if you want to live in the World. That's why Judas got out. For us, we want to be right there. That little rap session up in Dunkin Donuts...Dr. Stevens would write on a napkin and speak to us as if something good was happening. He introduced to us, after

archived service at servcie, He didn't want to go home. He called rap sessions. There was no name to taht. It was Gods life among us, talking to us, about how he is our power and our wisdom. Where are all the Bible colleges with Divine wisdom, human weakness and God's power? Missionologists have traveled to Baku bec. they heard about Azeri's becoming believers. Its our church. THey say, Greater Grace....There is 800 people in that church. Here's what I'm saying. Pastor Glenn was the pastor there for years. Please, this is not pride, Lord forgive us if it is. What happened at that last supper, in the hearts of those men, though they went out and failed, they came back strong. They realized they had a calling. They walked in it. In Azer Bajan, they are great people...we appreciate it all. How can you make a church there? How? We sit at Jesus' feet. There is deepness of earth. The roots go down. People make decisions and believe what God has said. There is power there. We say, glory to God. WE may be foolish, in a way. We're out soul-winning, but we are wise. We are weak, and we are, but that little Pastor Fuad, who stands about this tall, He is powerful, its not him but the Sp. of God in Him. Ps 18:39 - the Lord will strengthen him...Give strength to your servant. Psa 118:14 - the Lord is my strength....He has become my salvation. Amen! Would you pray with me? If you are here tonight and you'd like to say in your heart before God, tonight I'm believing in you, I'm trusting Crhist. Its the foolishness of preaching that is the wisdom and power of God. In it there is something brilliantly amazing that happens in our soul and heart. Father, by your grace, speak to people. We put our trust in you. Strengthen that which remains. We recog. your strength. Use us as agents of change. Please God, through prayer!

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