Strategic Planning

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 58

Pertanyaan Strategis 1. Di mana organisasi kita sekarang ini? 2. Bila tidak dilakukan perubahan total, di mana kita akan berada 1, 2, 10 thn yad? 3. Bila kita pasrah, tidak akan ada perubahan. 4. Bila jawabannya mencemaskan, tindakan apa yg harus kita lakukan? 5. Bila mau berubah, apa pilihannya?

Keputusan Strategis • Keputusan strategis bukan keputusan biasa / rutin, namun berkaitan dg masa depan kita. • Keputusan berkaitan dg kepastian keberhasilan. • Hal ini tidak pernah ada preseden sebelumnya. • Menuntut komitmen Pimpinan yg tinggi.

Pilihannya? Strategic Planning & Strategic Management

Milestones leading to Strategic Planning in Business

♣ from 1945

of goods - tanpa PRODUCTION kompetisi Rivalry and competition •Diversification of goods MARKETING •Conglomeration

Short-range planning

♣ from 1960

Long-range planning • Does not work under changing external condition and intensive competition • But, a must in the beginning

♣ from 1970

Strategic Planning



EXTERNAL Menjadi undang-undang di MARKET AS

• Corporate Strategy • Global Market : Europe Japan, Latin America South Africa

One Hundred Third Congress of the United States of America AT THE FIRST SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three An Act To provide for the establishment of strategic planning and performance measurement in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ……

SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE This Act may be cited as the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES. (a) FINDINGS- The Congress finds that-1.waste and inefficiency in Federal programs undermine the confidence of the American people in the Government and reduces the Federal Governments ability to address adequately vital public needs; 2.Federal managers are seriously disadvantaged in their efforts to improve program efficiency and effectiveness, because of insufficient articulation of program goals and inadequate information on program performance; and 3.congressional policymaking, spending decisions and program oversight are seriously handicapped by insufficient attention to program performance and results. ………

Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 A major milestone is last summer’s passage of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA, P.L. 103-62). Beginning in 1997, this bill will require all federal agencies to write a strategic plan that includes : mission statement, outcome-based goals and objectives, descriptions of how goals will be achieved, resource needs and how objectives will link to performance plans, a list of external influences on goals, and a program evaluation schedule. GPRA will also require agencies to write an annual performance plan, and to submit an annual performance report, comparing actual to planned performance levels. For complying agencies, GPRA provides for waivers of administrative procedural requirements over staffing levels, salaries and funding transfers. The bill establishes pilot programs for early testing of these ideas, including a pilot test of “performance budgeting”, which will relate levels of planned outcomes to corresponding budget levels.(A description of GPRA)

What is Strategic Planning?

What is Strategic Planning? • Strategic Planning is a management tool. (titik) • Strategic Planning is a process producing a Strategic Plan • The Process is more important than the product of the process itself (The Plan). • Strategic Planning is the first part of Strategic Management

Strategic Planning is important to creating processes of: standard planning and performance reporting. It will make planning drive the budget process in a fastchanging world.

Strategic Management: 4 Unsur Dasar • • • •

1. 2. 3. 4.

Scanning Lingkungan Perumusan Rencana Strategis Implementasi Strategi Evaluasi & Kontrol

• 1+2 = Strategic Planning • 1- 4 = Strategic Management • 3 & 4 tidak akan dibahas dlm presentasi ini.

PENTING ! Strategic Plan harus diselesaikan dan disosialisasikan dahulu sebelum dibuat Action Plans.

Perencanaan strategis :

• Top-down -- Bottom-up • Menciptakan masa datang 5-20 tahun

Perencanaan lain :

• Bottom-up / staffgenerated

• Memperpanjang masa kini 1-5 tahun

• Membimbing perilaku manajemen

• Tidak membimbing perilaku manajemen

• Berfokus pada customer eksternal

• Berfokus pada customer internal dulu

• Efektivitas

• Penekanan pada rencana

• Penekanan pada

• Efisiensi • Reaktif

INGAT • Implementasi seluruh Strategic Plan ialah 10-20 tahun dari sekarang. • Tapi, kita harus mulai sekarang! • Goal dan Objective dlm Strategic Plan tidak mempunyai prioritas; • Bila membuat Action Plans harus dikategorikan ke dalam skala prioritas, dan berhubungan dg soal budget dan waktu.

Strategic Planning Models • Strategic Planning for Profit Organisations. • Strategic Planning for Non-profit Org. There are many versions of The SP model. Advice: • DONOT debate too long on which one to use! • They are one generic in different clothes! • Choose one we are comfortable with and use other for enrichment of

Strategic Planning untuk Sektor Publik S.P. untuk Fakultas berbeda dari Perusahaan. Fakultas Business SUCCESS MEASURED BY • Performance goals first • Non-financial, but money needed • Budget programming becomes paramount • Program oriented • Quality, how far ? • Higher service programs

• Profit first • More profit is better than less

• Quality products • Fewer people involved

Strategic Planning Social Dynamics

Customer / Stakeholder

• Where are we now ? Mission

Regulatory Changes

• Where do we want to be ? • How do we get there ? Competito r

Economic Changes

Resource s Technologic al Advanceme nt

Strategic Planning for Higher Education • Sama dengan SP for Non-profit Org,; hanya ada perbedaan jenis masalahnya. • Variasi karakteristik besar. • Setiap perusahaan-pun pasti mempunyai masalah yg berbeda.

Contoh Struktur Strategic Plan 1. Introduction 2. Vision 3. Mission Statement 4. Guiding Principles 5. Important Issues of the Initial Scanning 6. Current Planning Environment 7. Goals, Objectives and Strategies 8. Strategic Activities to make things happen (policies) 9. Resource Assumptions

Hierarchy Istilah • Goals -- Objectives -- Strategies

atau • Goals -- Strategies -- Objectives Pilihan urutan menurut selera; perlu dijelaskan dalam glossary bahwa yg terakhir diartikan lebih dekat dengan Action Plans.

Tahapan dalam Proses Strategic Planning

Tahapan Perencanaan Strategis • FASE 1. Pre-planning activities • FASE 2. Meeting off-site (3 hari) • FASE 3. Finalization of The Strategic Plan & Deployment (terdapat pedoman lengkap ttg pelaksanaan tahapan ini; lihat references: Navy Doc.)

Preplanning Activities Fase 1.

Preplanning Activities • Organizational Committee formation • “Scanning” of the organization – prior to off-site meeting – internal and external scanning (customers & stakeholders involvement) – structured questionnaires and oral communication – produce summary and SWOT analysis

• Prepare for off-site meeting

Roleplayers • Top Leadership: Dean (dapat dibantu) • Koordinator (logistik, administrasi) • Facilitator(s) • Konsultan Ahli (?) • Staf Pembantu • Peserta Off-site Meeting (Seleksi !)

Internal and External Assessment (Scanning) • Situation Inventory: – Penilaian Internal: Kekuatan dan Kelemahan -- Where are we now?

• Environmental Scan: – Penilaian External: Kesempatan dan Ancaman -- faktor external yg mempengaruhi Institut.

Mayor ..... ..... ..... Minor ..... ..... .....

Mayor ..... ..... ..... Minor ..... ..... .....

F.K.lain Pasien




STAKE HOLDERS Fakultas Internal dll POM Mahasisw


Customers : People, internal or external to the organization, who receive or use what an organization produces. Customers are also anyone whose best interests are served by the actions of an organization. Customers can also be clients.

Stakeholders : Organizations, groups or individuals that have a vested (or inherent) interest or expect certain levels of performance or compliance from the organization. Stakeholders do not necessarily use the products or receive the services of a

Off-Site Meeting Fase 2

Off-site Meeting • Diskusi terbuka dan konsensus yg matang tentang: – vision, mission, guiding principles, goals, objectives and strategies

• Yang tertulis (strategic plan) merupakan dokumen dasar arah institut. Bila belum disetujui tentang hal yg mendasar, harus dibahas sampai tuntas mencapai konsensus.

Off-site Meeting • Apa customer perlu dihadirkan dalam off-site meeting ini? • Mungkin belum waktunya! • Sebaiknya pada fase deployment.

Apa Arti Konsensus? • Tidak semua bisa menyetujui 100% ttg suatu masalah, tetapi dapat menerima opini mayoritas, tanpa ngambek. – Bukan menyangkut issue ‘hitam-putih’.

• Butuh pengertian demi ‘corporate culture’. • Beda dg Voting yg menghasilkan ‘clean process’, tetapi menimbulkan ‘winners’ and ‘losers’.

Penting! • Penulisan visi, misi, dan seluruh strategic plan harus ditulis sendiri oleh roleplayers utama -- tanpa kesalahan kalimat maupun ejaan. • Tidak boleh didelegasikan kepada support staff, atau yg paling muda.

Guiding Principles (Prinsip Arahan) Guiding principles are the core values of all staff members of the Medical Faculty of XXXXXX and therefore expresses fundamental beliefs about the conditions under which members work best to make the vision a reality ....

Mengapa Prinsip Arahan merupakan Dasar Strategic Planning ? • • •

• •

Prinsip Arahan membentuk dasar kepercayaan (trust) dari visi dan misi. Visi yang luhur harus ditopang oleh prinsipprinsip yang luhur. PA merupakan test & kriteria untuk menimbang pencapaian tujuan dan mempedomani keputusan, pilihan, dan seleksi strategi yang diambil. PA mengekspresikan kepercayaan dan nilai yang dianut oleh seluruh organisasi. Prinsip tidak ada artinya bila tidak diimplementasi-kan. Bila diberlakukan, merupakan alat ampuh untuk mengubah kebudayaan dalam organisasi dan memotivasi

PRINSIP ARAHAN Sebagian besar berhubungan dengan : Total Quality Culture Terutama : commitment dari Top Management • • • • •

Dipatuhi semua orang dalam organisasi Pertama diformulasikan harus benar (tidak plin-plan) Customer dipenuhi harapannya Dilakukan perbaikan terus-menerus Tanggung jawab bersama untuk mencapai KUALITAS

Sifat Guiding Principles • PA harus dirasakan: compatible, comfortable, convincing: for everyone. • PA diekspresikan dalam: responsibility, quality/excellence thd customer, employees, community, dan stakeholder. • Guiding Principles BUKAN SLOGAN!

What do we value most? • • • • • • • • • •

ethics & honesty excellence safety environment innovation flexibility customer focussed people equity cohesiveness

• efficiency • effectiveness • strategic aliances/ partnership • service diversity • expansion • decentralized structure • geogr. concentration • affordability • sustainability, etc.

On Diversity • Man is created differently. • Unity is not the same as uniformity. • Unity in Diversity is like ‘the colors of the rainbow, which are uniquely different, but when put together they produce one glorious show of colors’

On Corporate Culture Two important characteristics: 1. To have shared values among us. 2. To exhibit common behavior.

On Leadership • Accepting Leadership is crucial. • We are known not to accept leadership because there were dishonest (and incompetent) leaders in the past (still there now!) • Without true leadership everybody becomes their own leader, creating the well-known ‘U (&) I’ phenomenon. • To prevent bad leadership we must make a profound selection of a

• However, … leadership plays a secondary role when a good, democratic governance system is already in place.

Goals, Strategies & Objectives • Goals define the changes required to move the org. towards its vision. They are long-range performance targets, consistent with its missions. • Strategy explains how the goal will be achieved. • Objective describes who will do what by when.

Menulis Goal • Specific: work harder vs write a paper • Measurable: write a 4 page paper • Acceptable: write a 40 page paper (unacceptable)

• Realistic:

write a 10 page paper now


• Time frame: week

write a 6-10 page paper in 1

Goals, Strategies & Objectives Pengalaman berbagai universitas: • goal tidak boleh terlalu banyak (< 6) • perlu ditentukan dg kata-kata pencakupan luas dan diisi dg obyektif yg lebih banyak dan lebih terarah. • diurutkan dari misi dan visi, serta didasarkan perbaikan yg

Fase Sosialisasi (Deployment) Fase 3.

SOSIALISASI STRATEGIC PLAN • Sosialisasi Tahap 1 – Dokumen Strategic Plan diselesaikan dan ditulis rapi.

• Sosialisasi Tahap 2 – Strategic Plan dikomunikasikan formal dengan “genderang” pada seluruh staf akademik dan nonakademik.

Direction (North) of Actions to Make Vision & Mission a Reality

The Blue lines are Acceptable

No Actions to SOUTH Direction EVER


Information Overload • Pertama-tama perlu waspada terhadap sumber kepustakaan yg dipelajari, atau dipakai sebagai PENUNTUN. • Terdapat jumlah halaman yg tak terhingga, terutama di WEB. • Koordinator perlu menyaring yg wajib dibaca dan yg dipakai sebagai ‘enrichments of thought’, dan membuat daftar pustaka.

Self-learning References for Strategic Planning • ‘Free Management Library’ •

• •

at: ‘Free on-Line Nonprofit Organization and Management Development Program’ at: ‘Developing your Strategic Plan’ at: Click at Google: ‘strategic planning’, ‘strategic plan’ Denise L Wells and Linda M Doherty. A Handbook for Strategic Planning. TQLO Publications No 94-02. Published for the Department of Navy by: Department of the Navy Total Quality Leadership Office, Arlington, VA 22202-4016. Other personal references: on request.

Glossary Penjelasan lanjut dari Mission, Goal, Strategy, dan Objective

GLOSSARY (1) Mission statement The broadest possible statement of the organization’s purposes, goals, values and functions. It describes the underlying design, aim or thrust of an organization. It contains the basic purpose or philosophy of the organization.

Goal (1) A written statement describing the direction that indicates success or improvement in organizational performance. See also Values. (2) Perubahan-perubahan yang perlu dilakukan untuk membawa organisasi mencapai visinya. Goals adalah perubahan jangka panjang yang membimbing upaya-upaya

GLOSSARY (2) Strategy (1) Menjelaskan bagaimana goal atau objektif itu akan dicapai tergantung dipakai di dalam kalimatnya (konteks). (2) An approach, or an implementation methodology, that will lead to achieving a strategic objective. (3) The method used to accomplish goals and objectives which support the agency’s vision and mission. Strategies are identified in action plans.

GLOSSARY (3) Objective A written statement describing an intended outcome, output or process, depending on type : (1) or results;

strategic objectives describe intended outcomes

(2) products;

tactical objectives describe intended outputs or

(3) operational objectives describe intended processes or procedures. (4) yang

aksi yang spesifik, terukur, dalam jangka pendek

diperlukan untuk membuat strategi bekerja. Sebuah obyektif menggambarkan siapa melakukan apa, dan kapan.

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