Strategic Management- Multiple Answers

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 919
  • Pages: 4
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT – Multiple Answers What is Statistical Quality Control(SQC) Identifies quality and productivity from a production process , Identifies impact of any change on performance , Instantly spots malfunctions and show where they occur The various areas covered by social responsibility are Inner Circle , Intermediate circle , Outer Circle Factors to be considered in political- legal environmental scanning are govt. policies, stability, philosophy of govt. , legal system, implementation, infrastructure , import-export Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability , Vision Attack strategies are frontal attack , flank attack , encirclement attack Merger takes place between a buyer and a seller , to avail tax concessions , to increase growth rates Principles to manage strategic alliances are clarity in strategy & responsibilities , blending cultures , provide for an exit strategy The Hallmarks for self-regulation are Trust & fairness , Changed Management , Integrity & thoughtfulness Your Answer Trust & fairness , Changed Management , Integrity & thoughtfulness Factors to be considered while deciding candidates for divestiture are taxes , availability of buyers , market reaction An unhealthy portfolio has More dogs , Few stars Strategic intent obsession with an organization , ambitions in proportion to their existing resources & capabilities , what the organization strives for. The control process requires the following types of information Planned performance , Variances , Reasons Question Various phases of Growth are Correct Answer Creativity , Delegation , Co-ordination Different kinds of information systems are Operational level system , Knowledge level system , Management level system The major issues of appraisal system are Factors of appraisal , Relevance of apprasial , Procedure of appraisal

The reasons for acquisition are Increased market power , Increased diversification , Increased speed to Market These following factors determine the desire of risk Strategies , Resources Critical resources in the emerging information age are Information , Expertise , Intelligence Factors determining HRP (Human Resource Planning ) Type & Strategy of organisation , Environmental uncertainties , Type & quality of information Competenncy models reveal three types of capabilities Technical skills , Cognitive skills , Emotional Intelligence Quotient These people are primarily responsible for operating control based on budgeting, reporting and financial analysis Company secretary , Auditor , Financial controller market research is conducted by by employees , by research agencies , by consultants Harveststrategy is used for Dogs , Question marks A Company's strategy Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc , may result in disaster if inappropriate How does 'structure' reduce external uncertainity arising out of human behaviour Research and planning , Forecasting The preparation of ETOP involves dividing environment into sectors , sub factors , analyze impact of each sector & sub factor on organization , description of impact of each subfactor into a statement which is positive, neutral or negative. Program is a combination of goals , policies , procedures They have time based utility Correct Answer Goals , Resources Measures to take corrective action Checking performance , Reformulate strategies , Standard check

The culture of a company is conveyed through

Rites , Myths , Rituals

Limitations of Traditional cost accounting are Assumes factory as an isolated entity , It measures only the cost of producing Niche marketing means end user specialist , specific customer specialist , geographic specialist Macro environment Political- legal , socio-cultural , economic-demographic How does 'structure' reduce internal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour Control mechanism , Departmentalisation

supplier & technological environment is concerned with quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material , trends and rate of change of technology Business is rated on which dimensions Market attractiveness , Business strength Techniques used in environmental appraisal are single-variable extrapolation/multivariable interaction analysis , structured/ unstructured expert/inexpert opinion , Dynamic modes and mapping Criteria for making an evaluation are Consistency with goals , Consistency with environment , Money

Organizational models are multinational model , international model , global organizational model Factors encouraging joint ventures are uneconomical separate existence , risk of business gets shared , sharingcompetence of each other Core ideology core values , core purpose Three important managerial qualities required for the effective strategic management Vision , Conceptual, human & intellectual skills , Decision making ability

A Company's strategy Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc , may result in disaster if inappropriate Performance is affected by Inappropriate structure , Wrong motivational styles , Distorted resource allocation How does 'structure' reduce internal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour Control mechanism , Departmentalisation How does 'structure' reduce internal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour Control mechanism , Departmentalization Performance is affected by Distorted resource allocation , Inappropriate structure , Wrong motivational styles Strategic management is mainly the responsibility of Top Management Organizational models are international model , global organizational model , multinational model Measures to take corrective action Checking performance , Reformulate strategies , Standard check Money is invested by way of Debt , Equity supplier & technological environment is concerned with quality & no. of suppliers , logistics , raw material , trends and rate of change of technology Question A Company's strategy Correct Answer Vital ingredient in determinig it's future , Yields growth, profits etc , may result in disaster if inappropriate Correct Answer Distorted resource allocation , Inappropriate structure , Wrong motivational styles Question How does 'structure' reduce internal uncertainity arising out of human behaviour Business is rated on which dimensions Market attractiveness , Business strength

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