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  • Pages: 15

Congratulationson your choice of this range. As you use your new range, we know you will appreciate the many features that provide excellent performance, ease of cleaning,convenienceand dependability. New features have dramatically changed today's cooking appliances and the way we Cook. It is therefore very important to understand how your new electric range operates BEFOREyou use it for the first time. In this Owner's Guide, you will find a wealth of information regarding all aspects of your appliance. By carefully following the instructionsyou will be able to fully enjoy and properly maintain Your new range. NOTE" Your appliance may not be equippedwith some ofthe featuresreferredto in this manual,

Should you have any questions about using your new electric appliance,please call or write to us at this address: CustomerAssistance c/o Maytag Customer Service P.O.Box 2370 Cleveland,TN 37320-2370 1-800-688-1120 Be sure to include the model and serial numbers of your appliance. Foryour convenience, we have provided space on the front cover to recordthis information. In our continuing effort to improvethe quality and customer satisfaction of our cooking products, we may find it necessaryto makechangesto ourline of applianceswithout revising the Owner's Guide.



Read all instructions before using this appliance.


Instructions on the following pages are based on safety considerationsand must be strictly followed to eliminatethe potentialrisksof fire, electricshock, or personalinjury.



Besureallpackingmaterialsare removedfromtheapplian( before operating it.

vicinityof thisor any otherappliance.The fumes can crea


-_._,_ i_

CAUSEINJURIES applianceis installednear a window,proper precautiol WARNI TOPERSONS. ifvaporsand liquidsin the oven, near surface units or in t,


a fire hazard or use explosion. should be taken togasoline preventorcurtainsfrom blowingov Never store or other flammable material




WARNING: Toreduce the riskof tippingofthe appliance from abnormalusage or by excessiveloadingof the oven door,the appliancemustbe securedby a properlyinstalled anti-tipdevice. If therangeis movedfromthewallforcleaning,be surethe anti-tip device is engaged when the range is replaced, • For models with a storage drawer: Remove storage drawer. • For models without a storage drawer: Remove the four screws that secure the lower panelto the range, Lookunderneathrange to verify that one of the rear leveling legs is properly engaged Jn the bracket slot. The anti-tip devicesecuresthe rear levelinglegto the floorwhen properly engaged. Replace storage drawer or lower panel.

Never leaveany itemsunattendedon the cooktop.The I" air from the vent may ignite flammable items and m increasepressurein closedcontainerswhichmay cau them to burst. surfaceelements. Many aerosol-type spray cans are EXPLOSIVE wh exposedto heat and may be highlyflammable.Avoidth useor storagenearan appliance. Many plasticsare vulnerableto heat. Keep plasticsa_ frompartsoftheappliancethatmaybecomewarmorhot. not leaveplastic items,onthe cooktopas they may melt soften if left too closeto the vent or surface element. To eliminate the hazard of reaching over hot surfs elements, cabinet storage should not be provided dire{ above a unit. If suchstorage is provided,it shouldbe limi to items which are used infrequently and which are sat stored in an area subjected to heat from an applian Temperatures may be unsafe for some items, such volatile liquids, cleaners or aerosol sprays.

Be sure appliance is properly installed and grounded by a qualifiedtechnician. Locate and mark circuit breaker or fuse. Never replace a blown fuse or reset a circuit breaker until you know what causedthe problem. Always replace a blownfuse with one of the correct amperage,do not use a substitute. To ensure proper operation and avoid possible injury or damage to unit do not attempt to adjust, repair, service, or replace any part of your appliance unless it is specifically recommended in this book. All other servicing should be referredto a qualifiedinstalleror servicer.Alwaysdisconnect powerto unit before anyservicing by trippingcircuit breaker to the OFF ppsition or removingthe fuse.

Turn off appliance and ventilating hood to avoid sprea¢ the flame. Extinguish flame then turn on hood to rem smokeand odor. Use dry chemicalor foam-type extinguisheror baking s to smotherfire or flame. Never use water on a grease fi If fire is in the oven or broiler pan, smother by closing o door. If fire is in a pan on the surface element, cover pan. N( attempt to pick up or move a flaming pan.


Never leave children alone or unsupervisednear the

Do notallowaluminumfoil, meatprobesor any other metal object,otherthana utensilona surfaceelement,to contact heatingelements.

appliancewhenitisinuseorisstillhot.Childrenshouldnever be allowedto sitorstandon any partof theappliance,

Do nottoucha hotovenlightbulbwitha dampclothas the bulbcouldbreak. If bulb breaks,disconnectpowerto the

Childrenmustbe taughtthattheapplianceand utensilsin

applianceto avoidelectricalshockthenremovebulb.

coolinchildren. a safe place, outof reachbe of small Children should taughtthatan applianceis nota toy. Children should not be allowed to play with controls or other parts of

applianceas a step stool to cabinets above. Misuse of appliance doors or drawers, such as stepping, leaning or sitting on the door or drawer, may result in possible tipping of the appliance, breakage of door, and serious injuries. CAUTIeN:Neverusean __

the unit. CAUTION: Never store items of interesttochildrenincabinetsabove an applianceor on the backguardof a range. Children climbing on the oronitcanbehot. appliance or on the Lethotutensils appliance door to reach items could be seriously injured.

\ j _"_, __/, ' '

_k_ t_-

Alwaysturn off surfaceelement or the oven when cooking is completed. To prevent injury or dama e to the appliance, never use appliance as a space \ heater to heat or warm a room. Also, do not use the cooktopor ovenas a storage area for food or cooking utensils, The oven located at the leftvent reariselement. Keep oven vent duct / unobstructed.Blockageof the vent prevents proper oven air circulation and will affect oven performance. Avoid touchingvent areawhile ovenis onand for severalminutes after oven is turned off. Some parts of the vent and surrounding areas may become hot enough to cause Do not touch surfaceor oven elements,areasnearelements or interior surface of oven. Heating elements may be hot even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface elementsand interiorsurfaces of an oven may become hot enoughto causeburns. Duringand after use, do nottouch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact heating burns, elements,areas near elements,or interior surfaces of oven untilthey have had sufficienttime to cool. Othersurfaces of the appliance may become hot enough to cause burns - among these surfaces are the cooktop, surfacesfacing the cooktop,ovenvent openingandsurfaces near the vent opening,oven door, and oven window,

It is normalfor some parts of the cooktop, especially areas surrounding the surface elements, to becomewarm or hot during surface cooking operations.Therefore, do not touch the cooktop until it has had sufficient time to cool. If necessary,use dry pot holders to protect hands. Make sure drip bowls-arein place. Absence of these bowls during cooking may subject wiring or components underneathto damage. Always place a pan on a surfaceelementbeforeturning it on. Be sure you know which knob controls which surface element. Make surethe correct element is turned on. Begin cooking on a higher heat setting then reduce to a lower settingto continue cooking. Never leave a surface cooking operation unattended especially when using a deep fat frying. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy spillovers may ignite. Clean up greasy spills as soon as possible.Donot use high heat extended highheatfor settingor when __. cookingoperations.


Always let quantitiesof hot fat used for deep fat frying cool beforeattemptingto move or handle. Neverheatan unopenedcontaineras pressurebuild-upmay cause containerto burst resulting in serious personal injury or damageto the appliance.




Usedry,sturdypotholders.Moistor damp pot holderson hot surfacesmay cause burnsfromsteam.Do not let pot holders

frying. Besurepanwillaccommodatethe volumeof foodtt is to be added as well as the bubble action of fat.

touch hot heatingelements.Donotuseatowelorotherbulky cloth,

To minimize burns, ignition of flammable materials ar spillage due to unintentionalcontactwith the utensil;do nq

Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials accumulatein or near the appliance, vent hood or vent fan. Cleanhoodfrequentlyto preventgreasefrom accumulating onhood or filter.Whenflamingfoods underthe hoodturn the fan off as the fan may spreadthe flame,

extend handles over adjacent surface elements.Alwaysturn pan handles toward the side or back of the appliance, not out into the room where they are easilyby hitsmall or reached

Use cautionwhen wearinggarments made of flammable material to avoid clothing _ .,,__1 fires. Loose fitting or long _.,_m-r/ _/jl should not be worn while cooking.Clothing may ignite hanging-sleeved or catch utensil handles, apparel


Always place oven racks in the desired positionswhile oven is cool. Slide oven rack out to add or remove food; avoid reaching intothe oven. If a rack must be movedwhile oven is hot, use a dry pot holder and avoid touching hot element in oven. Use care when opening the oven door. Let hot air or steam escape before removingor replacingfood. PREPAREDFOOD WARNING:Followfoodmanufacturer's instructions. Ifa plasticfrozenfoodcontainerand/oritscover distorts,warps, or is otherwisedamagedduringcooking, immediatelydiscardthe food and its container.The food couldbecontaminated,

Use proper pan size. This appliance is equippedwith one or more surface elements of different sizes. Select utensils having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface element.The useof undersizedutensilswill exposea portion of the heating element to direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing.Proper relationshipof utensil to element will also improve efficiency. Use pans with flat bottoms and handles that are easily graspedand stay cool.Avoid using unstable,warped, easily tipped or loose handled pans. Pans that are heavy to move when filled with food may also be hazardous, Be sure utensil is large enoughto properlycontainfood and avoid boilovers.Pan size is particularlyimportantin deepfat

/) _r_


b _j_.




Never let a pan boil dry as this could damagethe utensil a the children. appliance. Follow the manufacturer's directions when using ov cooking bags. Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, cerarr earthenwareor glazed utensils are suitable for cooktop oven usage without breaking due to the sudden change temperature. This appliance has been tested for safe performanceusi conventional cookware. Do not use any devices accessories that are not specifically recommended in t manual.Do not useeyelidcoversfor thesurface units,st¢ top grills,or add-onoven convectionsystems.The use devicesoraccessoriesthatarenotexpresslyrecommend in this manualcan create serioussafety hazards,resul! performance problems, and reduce the life of .1 componentsoftheappliance.

Turn offallcontrolsandwait for appliancepartsto cool bef( touching or cleaningthem.Cleanappliancewith caution.L care to avoid steamburns if a wet sponge or cloth is usec wipe spills on a hot surface. Some cleaners can prodL noxiousfumes if appliedto a hot surface. Do not soak or immerse removable heating elements water. Immersingelement in water would damage elemq and insulating materialinside element. Do not usealuminumfoil or foil linersto linedrip bowls,co' an oven rack or line the oven bottom. Improperuseofth_ liners may result in a risk of electric shock, or fire and rr causeoven to overheat.Usefoil onlyas recommendedin t manual.


USING THE COOKTOP Yourcooktopis equippedwith controlknobsthat providean infinitechoiceof settingsfrom LOW to HIGH.The knob can be set on or betweenany of the numberedsettings,

Use HIGH just untilwater comes to a boil or pressure is reachedin the pressure canner.Then, reduceto the lowest heat settingthat maintainsthe boilor pressure.

To operate: Pushin and turn the knob in either directionto the desiredsetting.A SURFACE indicatorlightwill glow whena surfaceelementisturnedon.The indicatorlightwill remainon untilthe elementis turnedoff.After a cooking operation,be surethe elementand indicatorlightare off.

Prolonged use of HIGH or the use of incorrect canning utensilswill produceexcessiveheat. Excessiveheat can cause permanentdamage to the porcelaincooktop,coil elementandthe dripbowl.

Topreventdamageto the rangeorutensil,neveroperate surfaceunitwithouta panin place,neverallowa pantoboil dry and never operate an element on HIGH for extended periods of time, Foodwillnot cookanyfaster ata highersettingthanneeded to maintain a gentle boil, Water boils at the same temperature whether boilinggently or vigorously. If a high settingis used,excessivespatteringwilloccurandfoodmay stickor burn onto the bottom of the pan. If a higher heat setting is used to bring liquid to a boil or to begincooking,alwaysreduce to a lowersettingonce liquid comesto a boilor foodbeginscooking.Never leavefood unattendedduring a cooking operation, Fitthe size of the cookwareto the size ofthe element.This conservesenergy.

NOTE: For additionalcanninginformationcontactyour local County Extension Office. Or, contact AIItrista Consumer ProductsCompany,marketerof Ball brand homecanningproductsat 800-240-3340orwrite:AUtrista Corp.,ConsumerAffairsDept.,P.O.Box2729,Muncie,IN 47307-0729.

Cooking performance is greatly affected by the type of cookwareused.Propercookwarewillreducecookingtimes, uselessenergyand producemoreevencookingresults.For best resultsuse a heavygauge metal panwith a smooth fial bottomand a tight fitting lid. Cookwarewithuneven,warped,orgroovedbottomsdo no! make goodcontactwiththeheatingsurface,willreduceheal conductivity and resultin slower,lesseven heating. Differenttypesof cookwarematerialsrequiredifferentheat settingsfor the same cookingoperation.The chart below ie basedon heavy gaugealuminumcookware, Lowerthe hea ,setting if using a thinner gauge metal or other materials. Oversized cookware and cookware that rests across tw( elementsare not recommended as they may trap enougt heat to cause damage to the cook'topor elements. This i,' especiallyimportant when canning. r

Do not usewoks equippedwith roundmetal rings. The ring whichis designedto supportthe wok abovethe element,wi_ trap heat and may damage the elementand the cooktop.


• Coilsurface elementsare self-cleaning. • Do not immerse elementsin water,

• Be sure drip bowls, located undereach element, place.

• When an element is turned on, it will cycle on and offto

• Absence of these bowls during cooking may s_ wiring or component parts underneath the cook1 damage.

maintain the heat setting, • Topreventdamageto the range,NEVERoperate surface element withouta pan in place and NEVER allow a pan to boildry. cool, raise element and carefully pull out and away from the receptacle, TO remove: When I _

• To prevent risk of electric shock or fire, do not linq bowls with aluminumfoil. porcelaincoatedsteel dripbowls.


To replace: Insert the terminals on the element into the receptacle.Gently liftup onouter edgeof element(opposite terminal-side of element) while inserting terminals into receptacle. Gently press down on outer edge of element untilelementsits level on drip bowl. Besuredrip bowlsare properlyinstalled.Cutouton dripbowl should be centered over the screw securingthe receptacle to the maintop.If drip bowl is not installedproperlyand rests on this screw,the drip bowlwill "rock".

Chrome or porcelaindrip bowls will discolor or craze time or if overheated. This discoloration or crazi_ permanent and will not affectcooking performance. Your rangewill be equipped with either chrome plat To protect the chrome or porcelainfinish,avoid using settingsfor 10ngperiodsof time. Reduceto a lowers_ once food begins cooking.DOnot use oversizedcooky Panshould not extendmore than 2 inchesfromthe elan Be sure the drip bowl for the left rear element has a h in the center to allow proper oven bakingproblems,neverblockthe ventventing. openingTo byprey, plac a solid drip bowl in this locationor by covering the hol_ the center of the drip bowl with aluminumfoil.

Referto cookwaremanufacturer'srecommendationsfor suggestedheat settings.Somemanufacturersdo notrecomme_ the use of HIGH, or the use of HIGHfor extendedcooking operations. iii

HIGH Medium-High 7-9 Medium 4-6 Med'i_um-Low 1-3 LOW


To bring liquidto a boil, blanch, preheat skillet,or reach pressure in a pressure cooker. Always reduceto a lower heat setting when liquids just begin to boilor foods begin to cook. To brown or sear meat; heat oil for deep fat frying; scald;to saute or fry. Maintainfast boil for large amounts of liquids. ,,, ,,, ,, , , , To maintain moderateto slow boil for large amounts of liquids. To continue cooking uncoveredfoods and for mostfrying operations. To contlnuecooking coveredfoods and to maintain pressurein most pressure cookers. Stew,braise or steam operations. To maintain boil for small amountsof liquid, poach,steam or simmer. To keep foods warm before serving.Melt chocolate.

USING THE OVEN The ovenvent islocatedunderthe left rearsurfaceelement. Whenthe oven isin use; thisareamay feelwarmor hot tothe touch. To prevent baking problems, do not block the vent opening,

The OVENindicatorlight,locatedon the controlpanel,tu on wheneverthe oven is turned on. Whenthe oven reac_ the presettemperature,the indicatorlightwillturn offand as the oven elementscycle offand on.

Becauseeach oven hasitsownpersonalcharacteristics,do not expectthat your newoven will operate exactlylike your previous oven. You may find that the cooking times, oven temperatures, and cooking results differ somewhat from your previous range. Allow a period of adjustment. If you have questions concerningbaking results, please refer to pages 7, 8, 9 and 14 for additionalinformation.

1. When cool, place the rack in the desiredrack position 2. Turn the Thermostat knob to the desiredtemperature. Selecting a temperature higher than desired will NC preheat the oven any faster, and may have a negati_ effect on baking results. 3. Place the food in the center of the oven, allowing minimumof 1 to 2 inches betweenthe utensil and t_ oven walls. 4. Checkfood for donenessat the minimumtime in tl_ recipe.Cooklongerif necessary. 5. Removefood fromthe ovenand turnthe Thermostatkno

THERMOSTAT KNOB The Thermostatknob is used to select and maintainthe oventemperature.AlwaysturnthisknobjustTO thedesired temperature,Do notturnto a highertemperatureandthen back,TurntheknobtotheOFF positionto turntheovenoff.

Preheating is necessaryfor baking. Allow about 10 to 1_ minutes for the oven to preheat. It is not necessary t( preheatfor roastingor broiling.

Do not place foil on the oven bottom. Do not coverar entirerackwithfoilorplacefoil directlyundercookware.Tc catch spillovers, place a piece of foil, a little largerthan the pan, onthe rack belowthe pan.Or,cut a hole inthe foil that is slightlysmallerthanthe panand place the foil underthe pan.

USING THE OVEN Yourrange willfeatureoneortwo ovenracks.The ovenrack is designedwitha safety lock-stoppositionto keep the rack from accidently coming completely out of the oven when pulling the rack out to add or remove food.

lock-stop position.Lowerthefrontandslidethe rackstraight in. Pull the rack out to the lock-stopposition to be sure it i_ positionedcorrectlyand then returnit to its normal position

CAUTION" Do not attempt to change the rack position

around To help ensure this, place food on th_ centerofthe thefood. ovenrack.Allowoneto twoinchesbetweenth_ edgeofthe utensil(s)andtheovenwalls.


It is importantthat aircan circulatefreelywithin the oven anc

Toremove:Besuretherackiscool.Pulltherackstraightout untilitstopsat thelock-stopposition.Tiltthefrontendofthe rackupandcontinuepullingtherackoutof the oven.

For optimumbakingresultsof cakes, cookiesor biscuits, useonerack.Positiontheracksothefoodis inthecenterol the oven.Useeitherrackposition2 or 3.

Toreplace: Placethe rackontheracksupportsandtiltthe frontendoftherackupslightly.Slideitbackuntilitclearsthe

Ifcookingonmorethanonerack,staggerthefoodtoensun properairflow.

RACK 4 Used for broilingthinfoods. (highestposition) RACK 3

Usedfor most or baked goodson a cookiesheetor jelly roll pan, frozen conveniencefoods, or broiling.

4 3


Used for roasting small cuts of meat, large casseroles,baking loaves of bread, or cakes (in eithertube,bundt,orlayerpans).

2 1


Used for roastinglarge cuts of meat and large poultry,pies,souffles,or angelfoodcake.




• Pans too closeor touchingeach other or ovenwalls.• Batteruneven in pans. • Temperaturesettooloworbakingtime tooshort.• Ovennotlevel.• Undermixing.• To( muchliquid. :



:• OVetmixi_gi• Toomuchflou_i_ Pani


Cakes,cookies,biscuits too brown on bottom.

• Oldortoo littlebakingpowder.• Pantoosmall.• Ovendooropenedfrequently.• Added incorrecttypeof oilto cakemix,• Addedadditionalingredientsto cake mixorrecipe, • Too muchshorteningor sugar.• Toomuchortoo littleliquid. • Temperaturesettoo low,

• Ovennotpreheated.• Panstouchingeachotherorovenwalls.• Incorrectrackposition. • Incorrectuseofaluminumfoil.• Placed2 cookiesheetsonone rack.• Usedglass,dark, stainedwarpedordullfinishmetalpans.(Usea shinycookiesheet.) Followcookwaremanufacturer'sinstructions for oventemperature.Glasswareand dark cookwaresuchas Ecko'sBaker'sSecretmay requireloweringtheoventemperatureby 25oF". =


• Toolittleleavening.• Overmixing,• Pantoolarge.• Temperaturesettoo high.• Baking timetoo long.• Panstoo closeto eachotheror ovenwalls.

Cakeshave tunnels.

• Notenoughshortening.• Toomuchbakingpowder.• Overmixingor at toohigh a speed. • Temperaturesettoo high.

Pie crust edges too brown,


Pies have soaked crusL

USING THE OVEN Use a reliable recipe and accurately measure fresh ingredients. Carefully follow directions for oven temperature and cooking time. Preheat oven if recommended, Use the correct rack position. Bakingresultsmay be affectedif thewrongrackpositionis used. Topbrowningmay be darkerif foodislocatedtoward thetopof theoven. Bottom browning may be darker if food is located towardthe .bottomof the oven. If using two racks for baking, allow enough space between the racks for proper air circulation.Browning and cookingresultswill beaffected ifairflow isblocked. Cookware material plays an important part in baking results.Alwaysusethe typeandsize ofpan calledfor in the recipe.Cookingtimes orcookingresultsmaybe affectedif the wrongsize is used. Shiny metal pan reflects heat away from the food, produceslighterbrowninganda softercrust.Use shiny pansfor bakingcakes orcookies. -_ Dark metal pan or a pan with an anodized (dull) bottomabsorbsheat,producesdarkerbrowninganda crispercrust.Usethistypeof panfor pies, piecrustsor bread. Foroptimumbakingresults,bakecookiesand biscuits on a flat cookiesheet.If thepan has sides, suchas a jelly rollpan, browningmay not be even. If usingheatproofglassware,ordark pans such as Baker's Secret reducetheoventemperatureby25°F exceptwhenbakingpiesorbread.Usethesamebaking timeas calledfor in therecipe, Allow hot airto flow freelythrough the ovenforoptimum bakingresults. Improperplacementof pansin the ovenwill block air flow and may resultin unevenbrowning.For optimumbrowningand evencookingresults:

Check the cooking progress at the minimum ti recommendedinthe recipe.If necessary,continuechec_ at intervalsuntilthe foodis done.Ifthe ovendoorisoper toofrequently,heatwillescapefromtheoven;thiscanaft bakingresultsand wastesenergy. If you add additional ingredients, use differentpans, alter the recipe, expect cookingtimes to increase decreaseslightly.

Most meats are roasted at 325°F. It is not necessary preheatthe oven. Placethe roastingpan on eitherofthe t_ lowest rack positions. Use tendercutsof meat weighingthree poundsor mor Some good choicesare beef rib, ribeye,top round, hi_ qualitytipand rump roast,porkloinroast,leg of lamb,ve shoulderroastand curedor smokedhams. Seasonmeat,if desired,eitherbeforeorafterroasting.Ru intothesurfaceof the roastif addedbeforecooking. Placethe meatfat-side-upon a rackin a shallowroastin pan.Placingthemeatona rackholdsitoutofthedripping,' thusallowingbetterheatcirculationforevencooking.Asth, fat on top of the roast melts, the meat is basted naturall_ eliminatingtheneedfor additionalbasting. The cookingtime is determinedby the weightof the mea and thedesiredaloneness.Formoreaccurateresults,use a meat thermometer.Insertitsothetipisinthecenterof th_ thickestpart of themeat. Itshouldnottouchfat or bone. Removethe roastfrom the oven when the thermometer registersthe desireddoneness.

•- Donotcrowda rackwithpans.Neverplacemorethan one cookiesheet, one 13xgx2-inchcake pan or two 9-inchroundcake pansonone rack. Staggerpanswhen bakingontwo racksso one pan is notdirectlyoveranotherpan. Allowoneortwoinchesbetweenthe pans orbetween thepan andthe ovenwalls ordoor.

NOTE_ For more informationabout food safety, call l USDAs Meat & PoultryHotlineat 1-800-535-4555.For _1 cookinginformationwriteto the NationalLiveStockand I Meat Board, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,I Illinois60611.




Broiling is a method of cooking tender meats by direct radiant heat. The cooking time is determined by the distance between the meat and the broil element, the desired degree of doneness and the thickness of the meat.




BroilingTips Broiling requires the use of a broiler pan and insert. The broiler insert should be designed to allow fat and liquid to drain to the pan below to prevent spatters, smoke and flare-ups. Improper use may cause grease fires. For easier clean up, line the broiler pan with foil and spray the insert with a non-stick vegetable spray. Do not cover the broiler insert with aluminum foil as this prevents fat from draining into pan below.


TOSet Oven To Broil:

Place oven rack in the correct rack position when oven is cool. For darker browning, place meat closer to the broil element. Place meat furtherdownifyouwish meat to be well done or if excessive smoking or flaring occurs,

t. Place the oven rack in the recommended rack positio 2. Turn the Thermostat knob to BROIL. 3. If desired, preheat the broil element for about 3 minut_ before placing the meat in the oven. 4. Broil with the door open to the broil stop position (opera about 4-inches). 5. Followthe suggested times in the chart below. Turn me once about halfway through cooking. 6. Check for doneness by cutting a slit near the center of t_ meat. 7. After broiling, turn the Thermostat knob to OFF ar remove the broiler pan from the oven.

See Care and Cleaning Chart on page 12 for instructions on cleaning the broiler pan and insert.

NOTE: Broil times may increase if the range is installed ¢ 208 volts.

Trim excess fat and slash remaining fat to help keep meat from curling and to reduce smoking and spattering. Season meat after cooking.




6 to 10

#3 #3

Medium WellDone

15 to 18 19 to 23

#2 or I


30 to 45

#3 #3

Flaky Flaky

8 to 12 10 to 15



15 to 18

HAM SUCE, precooked 1/2-inchthick



PORK CHOPS 1-inchthick


Well Done

BEEF STEAKS 1-inchthick CHICKEN Pieces RSH Fillets Steaks,1-inchthick GROUND BEEF PATTIES 3/4-inchthick

* The top rack positionis position #4. ** Broiling times are approximateand may vary depending on the meet.

8 to 12 22 to 26

MAINTENANCE The oven door is not designedto be removed by the consumer, Do not place excessiveweighton an open oven door or standon an open oven dooras, in some cases, it could causetherangetotipover,breakthedoororcauseserious injurytothe user. When openingthe oven door,allowsteam and hot air to escapebeforereachingin ovento check,add or remove food. CAUTION: Hinge arms are springmountedand will slam shut againstthe range if accidentlyhit. Never place hand or fingers betweenthe hinges and the

front back. oven frame. Youcouldbe injuredif hingesnaps


The storagedrawerat the bottomof the rangeis safeand convenientfor storingmetaland glasscookware.DO NOT storeplastic,paperware,foodorflammablematerialinthis drawer.Removedrawerto cleanunderrange. To remove"Emptydrawerthen pulldrawerout tothe first stopposition. Lift upfrontof drawerand pullto the second stop position.Grasp sidesand lift up and out to remove drawer. To replace"Fitthe endsofthedrawerglidesontothe rails. Lift updrawerfrontand gentlypushin tofirststopposition. Lift up drawer againand continueto slide drawer to the closedposition.

S°me For range each the Leveling legs. range, proper corner ft°°rs must egs To Level at prevent are baking, the be by ocated n°t base turning range level' level, your on of I __ I!l[., Ill I from accidently tipping, range shouldbe securedto the floor by slidinga rear levelinglegintotheanti-tipbracketsuppliedwiththerange.



Because of the many new cleaning productsintroducedin the marketplaceeach year, it is not possibleto list all

Non-Abrasive Cleaners- Bon Ami, paste of bakings( and water.

productsthatcanbe safelyusedto cleanthisappliance. READ THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONSto be surethecleanercanbesafelyusedonthisappliance.Also, readandcarefullyfollowthemanufacturer'sdirectionswhen usinganycleaningproduct.

Mildly Abrasive Powder or Liquid Cleansers - Aj BarkeepersFriend,Cameo,Comet,Soft Scrub. Non-Abrasiveor ScratchlessPlasticor NylonScouri Pads or Sponges - Chore Boy Plastic Cleaning P Scrunge Scrub Sponges, or Scotch-BriteNo Scrat, CookwareorKitchenSponge.

To determineif a cleaningproductis safe, test a small inconspicuousarea using a verylightpressuretosee ifthe surfacemayscratchordiscolor. Thisisparticularly important for porcelain enamel, highlypolished,shiny painted, or plasticsurfaces,

AbrasiveScouringPads - S.O3, BrilloSteelWoolSol or Scotch-BriteWoolSoap Pads. (Brand names for the above c/eaning products are registeJ trademarks of the respective manufacturers.)

The followingbrandsmay helpyouto makean appropriate selection: Glass Cleaners- Bon Ami, Cinch, Glass Plus, Windex.

Be sure applianceis off and all partsare cool beforq handlingorcleaningtoavoiddamageandpossibleburns If a part is removed,be sure it is correctly replaced.

DishwashingLiquidDetergents- Dawn,Dove,Ivory,Joy.

To prevent staining or discoloration, clean rangl after each use.

Mild LiquidSpray Cleaners- Fantastik,Formula409.

::, Baked Enamel: • Sidepanels • Storagedrawer,if equipped • Oven door • Backguard

• Detergentand water = Mildliquidcleaner * Glasscleaner


Use a dry towelor clothto wipe up spills,especiallyacid (milk,lemonjuice,fruit, mustard,tomatosauce)or sugaryspills.Surfacemaydiscoloror dull if soilis not immediatelyremoved.This isespeciallyimportantforwhitesurfaces. Whensurfaceiscool,washwithwarmsoapywater,rinseand dry.Forstubbornsoil, usenon-abrasivecleaningagentssuchasbakingsodapasteorBonAm!. Ifdasired,a thincoat of mi_dappliancewaxcanbe usedtoprotectthe sidepanels.A glasscleaner can be usedto add "shine" to the surface, NOTE:Donotuseabrasive,causticorharshcleaningagentssuchassteelwoolpads or ovencleaners.Theseproductswill scratchor permanentlydamagethe surface. NOTE: Neverw{pea warmorhotsurfacewitha dampclothas thismay damagethe surfaceandmaycausea steamburn.

Broiler Pen and Insert, if equipped

o Detergentandwater ° Plasticor soap-filledscouringpad • Dishwasher

Control Knobs

• Detergentand water • Mildliquidsprays • Glasscleaners

Drip Bowls, Chrome • Brownfoodstains

• Blue/goldheat stains

• Detergentandwater • Plasticscouringpads • Mildabrasivecleaners

° FlitzMetalPolish (Followpackagedirections)

Pr_reatthebroilerpanandinsertwith a non-stickvegetablecoatingsuchas Pam or Mazolato makecleaningeasier. Removefromovenafteruse.Coolthenpouroffgrease.Place soapycloth overinsert and pan; letsoakto loosensoil.Wash inwarm soapywater. Usesoapfilled scouring padto removestubbornsoil.Broilerpanand insertcan be cteanedinthe dishwasher, Forease of cleaning,turnoffknoband removeby pullingforward.Wash,rinse,and dry. Do notuseabrasivecleaningagentsas theymay scratchthe finishandremove the markings.Turnoneachelementtobe sureknobshavebeencorrectlyreplaced. Bowlscan permanentlydisoolorovertimeor if exposedtoexcessive heator if soil is allowedto bakeon.The discolorationwillnotaffectthe cookingperformance. Aftereach use,wash, rinseanddryto preventdifficultsoils.If heavilysoiled,gently scrubwith plasticscouringpad.If soilis allowedto burnon, it may beimpossibleto remove. Do not cover with aluminum foil. These Stainsare causedby overheating,and normallyoccurovera periodof time. Theyare usuallypermanentandwillnotaffectthecookingperformance.Tominimize: 1. Avoidexcessiveuseofthe highheat setting.UseHIGH onlyto startcooking,then lower the settingto finish cooking. 2..Use flat bottompans that do not extend more than two inchesfromthe surface element. A non-abrasive metalpe!ishsuch as Flitz may be usedto help available in many automotive supply and hardwarestores.


Drip Bowls, Porcelain

• • ••

Detergentand water Mildabrasivecleaners Plastic scouringpads Dishwasher

Elements, Oven and Coil


Aftereach use,wash,rinseand dryto preventdifficultsoils.Toclean byhand, soaki hotsudsywater,thenuse mildabrasivecleanerand plasticscouringpad. Do not coverwith aluminumfoil. Porcelainbowlsmaydiscoloror crazeovertimeor ifoverheated.Thisis normalan doesnotaffectthe cookingperformance. Elementsareself-cleaning,Soilwillburnoffas elementsareused.Donotsprayove_ cleaneron elements,electricalhook up or connection.Do not immersecoil-tyl_ surfaceelementsin water.

Glass • Ovenwindow,if equipped

• Detergentandwater • Glasscleaner

To preventstainingof the ovenwindow,avoid usingexcessiveamountsof wate whichmay seep underor behindglass.Washwith detergentandwater. Remov, stubbornsoilwithpasteofbakingsodaandwater.Donotuseabrasivematerialssuct asscouringpads,steelwoolor powderedcleaningagents.Theywilldamageglass Rinsewithclearwateranddry.

MetalFinishes • Trim

= Detergentandwater -Glass cleaner

Do not use ovencleanerorabrasiveagents,astheywilldamagethefinish.Remove stubbornsoilwithsoapand water.Polishwitha soft cloth.

Oven Rack

• Detergentandwater • Plasticscouringpad • Cleansingpowders • Soap-filledscouringpads

Cleanwithsoapywater.Removestubbornsoilwithcleansingpowderor soapfille( scouringpad. Rinseanddry.

PlasticFinishes • Doorhandle • Controlpanel End caps • Trim

• Detergentandwater • Pasteofbakingsodaandwater - Non-abrasiveplasticpador sponge

Do notuse ovencleaner, powderor liquidcleansers,abrasive or causticcleanin agentsonplasticfinishes.These cleaningagentswillscratchor martthefinish. To preventstainingor discoloration,removefat, grease or acid (tomato,lemon vinegar,milk,fruitjuice,marinade)soilsimmediatelywitha dry papertowelorcloth Whensurfaceiscool,clean,rinse,and dry.

Porcelain Enamel • Cooktop • Oven interior

• Detergentand water • Pasteof bakingsoda and water • Non-abrasive plast!c pad or sponge • Oven cleaner,porcelainoven only.

Porcelainenamel is glass fused on metal and may crack or chip with misuse. Porcelainenamel isacid resistant,notacid proof.Allspillovers,especiallyacidicel sugar spillovers, should be wiped up immediately with a dry cloth. Surface may discolor or dull if soil,especially acidicsoil, is not removed.Neverwipe off a warm or hot surfacewitha dampcloth.This may causecrackingand chipping.Neveruse oven cleaners, abrasiveor caustic cleaning agents on exterior finish of range. Use oven cleaneronly on porcelainenamel oven interior.

SiliconeRubber Door Gasket

• Detergentand water

Doorgasketis locatedonthe ovendoor.DO NOT REMOVE GASKET.Washwith soap.Rinsethoroughly.




CHECKTHESE POINTS: Part or all of your electric range does not operate • Istherangepluglooseordisconnected fromtheelectrical outlet? • Are any housefuses blown or circuit breakers tripped? • Has the powersupply to the homebeen interrupted? • Are the oven controlsproperlyset?

Do not attempt to service the appliance yourself unless directed to do so in this manual. Contact thedealerwho sold you the appliance for service,

Surface elements fail to turn on or heat the food properly • Isthe rangepluglooseordisconnectfromthe electrical outlet?

sureto includeyour name, address,and phonenumber, along withthe modeland serialnumbersof theappliance. (See front cover for locationof your model and serial numbers.)

• • • •

If youarenotsatisfiedwiththelocalresponsetoyourservice requirements,callorwritetoMaytagCustomerService, P.O. Box 2370, Cleveland,TN 37320-2370, 1-800-688-1120. Include the complete model and serial numbersof the appliance,the nameand addressof the dealerfromwhorr you purchasedthe appliance,the date of purchaseanc detailsconcerningyourproblem.. If youdo not receivesatisfactoryservice,you may contac the Major Appliance Consumer Action Program by lettel including your name, address, and telephone number, ae well as the model and serial numbers of the appliance.

Are coilelementsproperlypluggedintothe receptacles? Were appropriateutensilsused?(Seepage4.) Arethe surfaceelementcontrolsproperlyset? Is voltageto the housereduced?

Food not baking or cookingcorrectly • Is theovenrackproperlyplacedfor baking? • Have youusedaluminumfoilcorrectly? • Wasthe oven preheatedas recommended? • Are the controlsproperlyset? • Isthere 1to 2-inchesofspace betweenpans andthe oven walls? • Are the range and oven rack level? • Was good cookware/bakewareof the proper size used? • Was the oven vent covered or blocked on the range surface? • Are you using a tested recipefrom a reliablesource? • Haveyou used aluminumfoil correctly? Bakingresults differfrom previous oven • Oven thermostatcalibrationmay differ betweenold and new oven. The newer oven thermostat may be more accurate than the one on your previous oven. Follow a reliable recipeand review informationon pages 6-9. Food does not broil correctly • Wasthe control set properlyfor broiling? (Seepage 10.) • Wasthe properrackpositionused?(See page10.) • Did youallowtimeforthe broilelementto preheat? • Wasaluminumfoil usedon the broiler insert,blockingthe slits for fat drainage? • Was the oven door openedto the broil stop position?

If your appliance should require service or replacement parts, contactyour dealer or authorized servicer.Use only genuine factory parts if replacement parts are necessary. Consult the YellowPagesin your telephonedirectory under appliancefor the authorizedservicecenter nearestyou. Be

Major ApplianceConsumerAction Program 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 MACAP (MajorAppliance ConsumerAction Program)is ar independentagency sponsoredby threetradeassociation: as a court of appeals on consumer complaintswhich hav( not beenresolvedsatisfactorilywithin a reasonableperiodc time.

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