Stories Of Redistribution

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 3,876
  • Pages: 7
Relational Tithe Stories Of Redistribution From 2006 Relational Tithe is closing its second year. Like its first, there was much that was learned, experienced and shared. At the core of who we are and what we do as a community we relationally share, give and redistribute to friends, neighbors and family – locally and globally. The stories from the past year are those of our families, neighbors, and friends. Some of the needs are ongoing. Some were quite ambitious and some straightforward. Some had large dollar amounts, others seemingly small. No matter the size, they were met with much love. This is not intended to be a complete list, but it does capture many of the stories from the past year. If you would like to learn more about any of these stories, you can find them all on our website. They are structured with a title, a descriptive sentence, the location where the need was met, the category of the need, and the RT member who brought this need before the community. If you could read between the lines, you would read how our lives have been affected, individually and collectively, by the opportunity to engage with and enter into the lives of those in need – this is much of the heart of RT. We have entered into the beautiful struggle about how to best meet needs that seem so large (such as the genocide in Darfur and starting intentional communities). We have been inspired by community-supported and led agricultural initiatives as well as a snack program at Sacred Heart School to provide healthy snacks to inner-city kids. Together we mourned and were deeply affected by the passing away of young Rania (her family was the first that Relational Tithe was able to redistribute to, soon after its inception). Each story is a step towards overcoming the barriers that isolate us from the real needs of our local and global neighbors. With thirty-three participants spread over four continents, all of the following needs were met with our tithe. No matter the size of the tithe, we continue to experience the abundance of our Creator who has demonstrated through this little work that there is enough for all of our needs.

Florence Funds were provided for the creation of a tailor shop and store-front for three seamstresses. Jos, Nigeria Job Creation Lisa 12/06

Nursery Schools Created a daycare by supporting five children’s care, with the hope of selfsustainability. Ghana Job Creation/Education Emmanuel 11/06

Ester & Samsom Funded and assisted in the creation of a family’s produce market. Jos, Nigeria Job Creation Matthew 12/06

Farming In Ghana Funded the initial animals needed for a sustainable foundation for a single man. Ghana Sustainable Living Emmanuel 11/06

Urgent Response Needed Anthony Myrie of Jamaica Helped a father of five children with a hospital bill and rent. Montego Bay, Jamaica Medical Damien 11/06

Charles In Zambia Funded an office for the staff of an orphanage. Zambia Sustainable Living Jill 11/06

Jamil In Amman, Jordan Helped with basic living needs of a young, unemployed man, displaced by the conflict in the Middle East. Amman, Jordan Food/Housing Amber 10/06 A Neighborhood Gardener Created and funded an employment opportunity in North Philadelphia to transform vacant lots into community produce gardens. Philadelphia Job Creation Shane 10/06 Computer For Tory Provided a computer for an urban, junior high student for needed class work. Omaha, NE Education Meeghan 10/06

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Relational Tithe Stories Of Redistribution From 2006 Comfort Helped a mother send her child to school by paying associated fees. Jos, Nigeria Education Lisa 11/06 Jeff Helping to meet the physical and emotional needs of displaced veterans. Riverside, CA Household/Utilities Damien 11/06 Marie's Dentures Provided a new set of dentures to a woman with no insurance coverage. Durham, NC Medical Jonathan 11/06 Our Friend Evelyn Assisted a Nigerian refugee family with the schooling expenses of one of their children. Camden, NJ Education Kaitlin 11/06 From Tha House Provided funds to secure housing for close friends of the Simple Way. Philadelphia Housing Shane 10/06 Computer For Ivan Provided a laptop and software for a rural pastor for study. Caribbean Education/Sustainable Living Darin 10/06

Plane Tickets For Nate And Elaine Funds provided to allow seminary students to travel to an important meeting related to intentional living. New Hampshire Travel Dave 10/06 Sister In Need – Christine Provided rent assistance for a displaced, single woman. Hawaii Housing Logan 9/06 Loan Needed – Flor Enabled a long-overdue trip halfway around the world to see family and take care of family matters. Manila, Philippines Travel Meeghan 9/06 Jerri's Transition Funds provided to secure housing and create a supportive environment for a woman going through a divorce. Camden, NJ Housing/Counseling Kaitilin 9/06 Leandro Central Brazil Helped pay for housing expenses for a pastor in Central Brazil. Brazil Housing Darin 9/06 Our Friend Osvaldo Provided 4 months of 24hour nursing care for an elderly mother who is gravely ill. Caribbean Medical Flor 8/06

Mario, Tiago, & Emmanuel Funds provided for basic essentials/toiletries for 3 male university students. Caribbean Food Flor/Darin 8/06 Gifts (items Of Much Need) For Friends Provided basic household essentials for an elderly couple, who have become like grandparents. Caribbean Household Flor/Darin 8/06 Sacred Heart School Needs Creation of a school snack program, which provides a job for a neighborhood mother and encourages healthy snacks among innercity students. Camden, NJ Job Creation/Education Cassie 8/06 Xm Subscription Provided funds for a subscription for a satellite radio that provides otherwise unavailable programming and education. Caribbean Education Rodolfo 8/06 One Large Garden Supported a 5-acre agriculture farm that provides 5 self-sustaining jobs. A portion of the produce is distributed to nearly 100 elderly persons weekly. Caribbean Job Creation/Food Rodolfo 8/06

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Relational Tithe Stories Of Redistribution From 2006 Friends In Lebanon Gifts and basic necessities provided for families displaced (most who lost their homes) by the Lebanon/Israel conflict. Lebanon Household Chris 8/06

From Generation To Generation Provided much needed utility funds for a hero of the Civil Rights movement. Durham, NC Utilities Jonathan 6/06

Intentional Community Helped secure a loan for the purchase of a house for the start-up of an intentional community. Omaha, NE Housing Shane 5/06

Refugee Friend Provided the opportunity for an Iraqi mother to receive her medical credentials in the US. Also provided financial assistance for the daycare of her children. Washington D.C. Education/Sustainable Living Jackie 8/06

Banquet II Supplied funds for an elaborate banquet for a poor faith community celebrating their 15th anniversary, falling in lines similar to the one Jesus describes in the Gospels. Carribean Food Darin 6/06

Medical Exam Funded medical examination and immunizations needed for the completion of immigration paperwork for an Eritrean refugee. Oakland, CA Medical Meeghan 5/06

Single Mom & Work – Adrienne Rent assistance and job opportunities for a single mother of 2. Philadelphia Housing/Sustainable Living Shane 8/06

Work Permit And Green Card Assisted in the completion and funding of long-overdue immigration paperwork. Oakland, CA Sustainable Living Meeghan 6/06

Theater Camp Provided a summer opportunity for 2 urban children to experience collaborative arts learning. Philadelphia Education Amber 7/06

Delivering Needed Items Provided some wonderful working and walking boots for 2 gentlemen who deliver food and supplies to homebound individuals (jobs created by RT). Caribbean Job Creation/Sustainable Living Darin 6/06

One Of Our Own Funded a monthly stipend, until a college graduate was able to return to his home country. Caribbean Household/Food Meeghan 6/06 Afghanistan Provided a respite visit for a woman doing ministry in Afghanistan. Afghanistan Travel Damien 6/06

College Help (Computer) Computer provided for an urban, college-bound student. Durham, NC Education Jonathan 6/06 My Friend Yvonne Rent assistance for a single mother who was able to secure work. Philadelphia, PA Housing Amber 5/06

Wedding Bells Provided the funds for a wedding to take place. Caribbean Legal Flor 5/06 Work In Cambodia Took initial steps to possibilities of addressing child, sex slavery. Cambodia Travel Darin 04/06 Hosnea Provided the opportunity for a beautiful child to be honored by friends and family after a sudden death, shortly after her arrival (with family) as a refugee from Sudan to the US. Omaha, NE Funeral Expense Jackie 4/06 Eye Exam Funded an eye exam and needed glasses for an uninsured asylee. Oakland, CA Medical Meeghan 4/06

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Lawsuits Provided a portion of needed resources to pay for medical expenses for a father and husband after an unfortunate incident. Philadelphia, PA Medical Shane Claiborne 4/06 Car Window Provided funds to replace a broken out windshield of a young farmer who had just moved to the city. Omaha, NE Automotive Shane 1/06

Miss Flossie Provided utility assistance and emotional support for a wonderful elderly neighbor. Camden, NJ Utilities Cassie 4/06

Emma's Boys In Nepal Basic essentials supplied for teenage boys growing up in Nepal, now with much hope. Nepal Education Ryan 4/06

Photography at New Jerusalem Funding of a short-term project for a gifted photographer who worked within a rehabilitation community. Philadelphia, PA Job Creation Shane 1/06

New Jerusalem Theft Rehabilitation community was robbed and RT was able to restore what was stolen. Philadelphia Misc. Shane 2/06

The following stories were ones that were never posted to the website or by email. Still, for many, email and internet access is not a reality – but redistribution still is and is alive and well. Many of the needs met in Latin America and the Caribbean are small, daily needs that are encountered by many. The needs in different contexts will always vary, but the relationships will always precede redistribution. These are random notes from the past year, written to give account of the different needs met: CARRIBEAN FUND Assistance of Very Basic Needs (varies from food to medicine, to transportation, purchase of cheap, wellused wheel chair, etc) • Assistance to Silvia in the purchase of an old wheelchair for her sickly mother who became blind recently and is starting to lose her mind. Silvia Alvarez is a teacher for children at the ICC. Her mother also needs vitamins and nutritious food especially milk. She's the only child and has to care for her alone (she cannot be hospitalized because she is blind). • Assistance to Lazarita Labarrere, a friend and ICC choir member to buy her medicine to improve her appetite and health. She's very thin. • Assistance to Monica with the needs of her son Denny incl. a baby sitter to enable her to look for a job. She told me that she has started as a saleslady in a store in front of her house. (On probation for a month) • Assistance to Enrique and Maria in the purchase of a toilet seat and some food items (coffee, milk, chicken) and medicine as needed • Assistance to Ileana Rodriguez, a friend and a worker in "Pan de Vida" to help support with basic food items 2 old women staying with her. • Assistance to Reden Cardenas, a Filipino student in country side for travel to the city and basic food items during his school vacation • Gift to Raquel Cardona, an ICC member and our friend, by giving her a break (as grandma of newly born twin) at Hotel Nacional on her birthday • Assistance to Dolores Gonzalez, 88 years, mother of Angel, an ICC member and friend. She's malnourished and daily full-cream milk is a must. • Gift to Katherine Diaz, single mom, a friend and ICC choir member to meet the needs of her growing twin boys (4 months) till she finds a job • Assistance to Estela Dunkley, widow of 78 years, to repair some leaks in her old room, repair the door that fell and buy a new lock (front door) • Gift to Melba Smith, ICC choir member, retired, to buy a wrist watch, bag and vitamins when she graduated for her masters degree

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Assistance to Nereida del Valle, university prof. to buy a watch, vitamins for her husband, and food, pants, shoes for her son as school opens Job Creation Salaries (Delivery of Services Project to 30 elders) • Pablo Cubela • Emilio Pimentel Assistance for project visits, (gasoline), meetings and hospitality To replace a broken Stove - Gift to a couple who moved from Oriente province to take their jobs in the city. Left 2 children since they are renting only one bedroom. Completely without family in the city (like me), our paths crossed when the wife helped me in a crucial case. I learned that they have a miserable housing situation but most important is the stove, which was very old. It was left by the former occupant of the room; they repaired it but kept breaking down. They are young and work very hard to have a space of their own. A 3 burner stove Assistance to Osvaldo Monteagudo, ICC member. To replace the money that was stolen plus support for the food and other needs of his mother who was operated due to broken hipbone she suffered after a fall, Purchase of medicine to help specific needs (wife of a retired Methodist pastor greatly in need of Bengay, calcium, Glucosoma sulphate) and to stock up on common medicine like ibuprofen, antidiarrhea, anti-acidity aspirin, tylenol, multi-vitamins, Iron, vitamin C, etc as they are available at the International pharmacy. Gift to Dayamis Mestre, ICC Secretary, on her birthday, 28 August. To take her and Leo to a nice lunch at a nearby restaurant Salaries: Pablo and Emilio (half month) Assistance towards Communication, Utilities, Transport to visit projects and hospitality est. 80.00 Medicine (includes diapers), food assistance mainly milk, fruits and veggies, for the sick and the elderlies in RT list a. Ysel Perez (87 yrs); diapers, heavy lotion b. Ileana Fernandez' old mother and aunt (food assistance). She's a missionary. c. Amilcar Machado's mother - very sick. She needs to travel to a medicinal spa for relief of pain and buy medicine like Vitamin A, E, B12 complex, analgesic and special cream Amilcar is a Bible study leader at ICC d. Maria Valdez (72 yrs): Ben-gay ointment e. She is our housemaid. Has rheumatism. f. Gladys Baugh (86 yrs): Ben-Gay ointment g. She is a pioneer at the ICC. Muscle pains h. Leonardo Bermudez: multi-vitamins. i. Reden Cardenas (Filipino student in Pinar del Rio Food assistance, Monthly stipend j. RT list of elderlies (30 persons) 1 lb. powdered milk monthly, if available k. Herminia del Valle (pastoral in Countyside) was in intensive care. Our friend. Diapers, food, med. Housing Assistance a. Rental assistance for a missionary couple (Leo Bermudez & Dayamis Mestre) for 2 mos b. Repair of leaking faucet (bought new one) for c. Elisa Rivero (retired, low pension). Our friend Staff salaries and Office/Travel Assistance a. Pablo Cubel b. Emilio Pimentel Medicine and Supplies for Distribution as need arises (bought in Venezuela) Ibuprofen, multivitamins, aspirin, tylenol, anti-acid, band-aid, Excedrin, vitamin E, toothbruhes, shampoo, anti- itch ointment, deodorant, t-paste. Special Purchase of 10 Bibles for the Center for Drug Rehabilitation thru missionary Dru Anderson Assistance to Flor in her travel to Venezuela Other Varied One-Time Support/Assistance a. Clothes (hospital lounging). Ysel Perez and Herminia del Valle For the elderly ---mostly donated by ICC b. Electric Fan for Reden Cardenas (student) c. Birthday gift for Leo Bermudez. Friend d. Gift for Katherine Diaz and her twin

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e. Assistance to make overseas call to Nigeria (for Onyeka Oluikpe to call her family) Herminia (38), wife of a Methodist pastor in Countyside province who used to preach at ICC suffered a bad fall, half paralyzed and hospitalized in the city. When told that she may stay for a month of treatment, her husband, Pastor Humberto, appealed for whatever supports ICC or I can give since they have no money and the bishop guaranteed only a place to stay, food, transport and medicine. She needed extra food, clothes, linen, toiletries, etc. I visited together with an ICC doctor (Matilde), prayed for her healing and we helped with some needs Note: as of today, she can move her hands and feet, her neck is still very stiff, and her cervical needs protection. Hospital released her today and Pastor told me they will return to Countyside tomorrow, April 8. Praise the Lord! During these 2 months, items provided/budgeted Assistance in a celebration of Friendship Day (Valentines day originally) at ICC with light snacks Took the occasion to give love gifts (average of 5 each) to the elderlies at ICC especially those who are sick; Ysel Perez, Gladys Baugh, Elisa Rivero, Raquel Cardona, Estela Dunkley, Isabel Acosta, Natalie Wilson, Glenda McCollin, Celita Nicolas, Melba Smith and Dora Tomlinson. Rodolfo and I qualify by age but not included! We included instead the 2 doctors who operated on my eyes and the one who cares for Rodolfo's blood pressure. Assistance to a neighbor and friend of 20 years (family of Teresita and Eduardo) when their eldest son (17 yrs) was robbed of his watch, best clothes and shoes at knifepoint while walking from a friend's house Various dates- Assistance to Reden, a Filipino student in the school of Manuel to enable him to buy extra food at the dormitory, toiletries, transport to come to The city, clothes, a pair of shoes, cooking needs, etc. He confided to me that he has a very low stipend like all foreign students Various dates- Assistance to Rodolfo and Flor in the transportation cost of visiting friends, (non- ICC members), families referred to us by the embassies for visitation, and to move around freely in the different church celebrations, meetings and activities to which we are invited. Cost of gasoline alone averages Assistance in the payment of email, (15/mo), and 50 % of electricity Staff Salaries: Pablo and Emilio: March 6 - Birthday gift for Ivan Cardoso, regular ICC preacher, to have dinner with his wife...on us March 29 - Assistance to the Elderly Home in Cerro (ICC-supported) to celebrate "everybody's birthday"- provided drinks and cake for the interns and workers March 31 -- Gift for an ICC member, Katerine, who gave birth to a twin the day before by cesarean section Pastor Ivan and Sadys -to treat his wife to a well-deserved relaxing dinner on her birthday Assistance to Gladys (86 years) to buy what she needs most on her birthday Assistance to Monica (a single Mom) to buy a separate small bed for her 4 month old boy (note: she said she will repay if her father sends money) Assistance to buy meat for the 30 persons we are helping with service delivery since it is truly unaffordable yet necessary in their old age (ICC only gives 1 lb. milk eggs, fruits and vegetables as funds are available) --need was presented by Pablo and Emilio in light of increasing cost of living. Assistance to Ma. Eugenia and son Lazaro (single mom) to buy milk, etc. -she was sick Assistance to Rodolfo to pay for email fee Staff salary for January Nov.1 Assistance to Single Mom and Son Surviving on "Tortica" Single Moms needing assistance-Marbelis and Monica Assistance- Overdue Email Bill Staff salary in November: (Pablo and Emilio) Appreciation lunch at Hotel Nacional for Pablo and Emilio for meeting Raquel Cardona, ICC (65 yrs) A time to give her a "break” at Hotel Nacional from some tension at her home caused by her daughter who will become an unwed mother. (Incidentally, I know she will lose her part-time job at ICC by the end of Dec.) Enrique and Maria -- the ulcer of Maria made me look for condensed milk (not easy but I found so I bought a reasonable quantity, Occasional gifts of coffee powder, toiletries, etc

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Gladys Baugh, ICC (85 yrs)--some spices, flour´, ingredients to enable her to keep baking. Baking is her bread and butter! Assistance to the family of a prisoner falsely accused of having business without license (member of an evangelical church, cannot give name in writing). Wife pregnant…no support Partial assistance to a Nigerian in the ICC 100 who had to travel out of the country to Haiti and return so as not to be imprisoned. Her situation was desperate and her resources very low. She had in fact borrowed to pay her return ticket. She came back home to work in the Embassy of Zimbabwe as a domestic and to marry her boyfriend as soon as she has the needed (Note: in the future, she promised to repay this) Gift/contribution towards the anniversary of the Methodist Church in Barbosa being pastored by Leo and Dayamis, ICC members and worker. This went to pay the transport of the audio equipment. Silvia Alvarez – ICC teacher of children. Assistance for the support of her blind mother who needed a birthday cake and drinks to celebrate her birthday in a special way. Assistance to pay 50 % of his fee to receive English lessons twice a week starting Nov. at 5 per/mo. Commitment is until he gets a job To take a break in the relaxing atmosphere of the hotel after the time of singing and prayer for tsunami victims of Indonesia. We were invited as a to this gathering of all embassy personnel in the home of Joel Rohrohmana, a diplomat whose family attends the ICC. Great testimony. Friend of Amilcar Machado – ICC participant and substitute teacher for children. His friend is Alberto (?) Who also goes to ICC (21 yrs) and they approached me for prayer and support to buy food for his mother who is in the hospital for brain disorder, poor blood circulation, etc. One-time assistance at a moment of very low resources. Alberto is still studying and support is only from pension. Christmas – Related Assistance Extended Assistance to the Welfare Fund of ICC to be able to buy bags of chicken for the holiday for each of the 30 elderlies we are helping with the RT service of delivery. Average cost of chicken per bag of around 3 lbs. Christmas present to the families of the persons we extend 60 care to in various ways: Monica – cash and clothes for Dennis and her. Marbelis - shoes and clothes for her 2children Ma. Eugenia and Lazaro –cash for “more food” (she helped ICC for its project of repairing Bibles) Gift to Enrique and Maria (assorted toiletries, oil, etc) Gifts to families of Pablo and Emilio (toiletries, chicken) Birthday dinner for Flor and Rodolfo Salary of Pablo Cubela (increased by 10cuc starting Dec.) Salary of Emilio Pimentel (increased by 10cuc from Dec) Wheelchair for Diosdado (brand new) – need was presented to Darin by Enrique and referred to Flor and Rodolfo

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