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  • Words: 1,677
  • Pages: 16
Coursework title: Hospital Sterile Service Enterprise Software Engineering Development (COMP1471) Coordinator: Miltos Petridis

Student ID: 000542704


C W- Hospital Sterile Services


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Stage A: STRUCTURED ANALYSIS- DESIGN A1. Entity Relationship Diagram     

Unnormalised form to First Normal form First Normal form to Second Normal Form Second Normal form to Third Normal Form Entity Relationship Diagram Structural constrains (cardinality and participation constrains)

4 5 6 7 7

A2. Data Flow Diagram A2.1 Level 0 (Context diagram)


A2.2 Level 1 diagram


A3. Data Dictionary


Stage B: OO Analysis and Design. B.1: Conceptual and Design UML class diagrams


B.2: Use Case Analysis


B.3: Interaction Diagram for each of the main use cases


B.4 Statechart diagrams for all major classes







C W- Hospital Sterile Services

Introduction: Every hospital has its own sterilisation department who is responsible for sterilising as cleaning all surgical and other medical equipments. This sterilisation process includes a number of steps and there are several units that need a sterilisation process. 1. Sterilization of room or compartments: in cases like operation theatre, intensive care unit, infants care units are recommended for the sterilization. In this case the mostly used sterilization process is UV radiation and some chemical smoke to kill the bacteria. Normal disinfectants are used as well. 2. Sterilization of equipments: like blades, catheter, knife etc used in operation theatre are sterilized by moist heat. That is also called as Autoclaving. That is the whole heat stable things are put into Pressure cooker like machine (autoclave) and heat at 121 degree centigrade at 15 lb-wt pressure for 15 minutes. 3. The glasswear like diagnostic plates, test tubes etc are sterilized by dry heat, that is in a oven, the things are baked at 180 degree centigrade for 2 hours. 4. The hospital wastes are sterilized to prevent the spreading of germs. To do so, two different techniques are useda. The autoclaving for the bacterial or viral media, bloods, solution or things that are wet or plastic components. b. Things that are dry, like used cotton, bandage, gauge, cloths etc are sterilized by burning them, commonly named as Incineration. those things are burned in a closed tank to ash. 5. To sterilize the non disposable clothing. They are washed in hot water with disinfectants and then sterilized by chemical fume or UV radiation. This is actually the usual sterilization procedure for hospital. There are many choices depending on budget and need. Out Software Consultant Company has been approached to automate the current process that is largely paper based. In our client hospital, all trays have a unique identification number ( UIN) which they are recognised by. Trays contain all surgical or other medical instruments. When an operation is about to take place in any operation theatre, there is a medical procedure to follow. An operation might require different sets of trays. So the operator delivers all the required trays to a trolley and keeps record of all UIN. After the operation, all trays are taken to the sterilisation department. Some or all instruments may need to be either sterilised or disposed of. The operator has to follow a medical procedure to make sure all instruments have come back from the operation theatre. First of all the operator will check briefly if the trays contain all instruments, then might want to check all trays individually. The sterilisation process begins with sorting out the equipments – which need to be sterilised for reuse and which need to be disposed of and will be replaced by a brand new one. The trolley with all trays goes through a number cleansing and sterilisation procedure to sterilise them. Stage A: STRUCTURED ANALYSIS- DESIGN


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

A1. Entity Relationship Diagram: it shows all entity types in 3NF form, their attributes including primary key attributes and the relationships. 3NF form for Sterilisation procedure – Unnormalised form Paitent Paitent Name Paitent ID Date of birth Age Doctors Name Doctors Id Operation ID Name of Operation Date of operation Medical history Doctor assigned Trays Trays number Instruments contains Insruments Names Tray type

First Normal form Paitent Paitent Name Paitent ID Date of birth Age

Trollye Trolley no. Trays contain Trolly operator

Trollye Trolley no. Trays contain Trolly operator

Sterillisation Machine ID Trolly number Number of trays on trolly Sterilise machine identification Time Date Operator name Operator ID Operator age storeroom Number of Sterillised Trays

Sterillisation Machine Name Machine ID Time of sterillisation Date of sterillisation Trolly number Number of trays on trolly Operator name Operator ID Date of birth Store Room Number of Sterillised Trays

Doctor Doctor Name Doctors Id Name of the Operation Date of the operation Trays Trays Id Instruments contains Insruments Names Tray type

Unnormalised form to First Normal form


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

First Normal form to Second Normal Form

First Normal form

Second Normal Form

Paitent Paitent Name Paitent ID Date of birth Age

Paitent Paitent ID Paitent Name Date of birth Age

Doctor Doctor Name Doctors Id Name of the Operation Date of the operation

Doctor Doctors Id Doctor Name Name of Operation Date of operation

Trays Trays Id Instruments contains Insruments Names Tray type

Trays Trays Id Instruments contains Insruments Names Tray type

Trollye Trolley no. Trays contain Trolly operator

Trollye Trolley no. Trays contain

Sterillisation Machine Name Machine ID Time of sterillisation Date of sterillisation Trolly number Number of trays on trolly Operator name Operator ID Date of birth Store Room Number of Sterillised Trays

Sterillisation Machine Name Machine ID Time of sterillisation Date of sterillisation Number of trays on trolly Operator name Operator ID Store Room Number of Sterillised Trays

Second Normal form to Third Normal Form


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

Second Normal Form

Third Normal Form

Paitent Paitent ID Paitent Name Date of birth Age

Patient: ID Name D.O.B Medical history Doctor assigned

Doctor Doctors Id Doctor Name Name of Operation Date of operation


Trays Trays Id Instruments contains Insruments Names Tray type Trollye Trolley no. Trays contain

Tray number Tray type Instruments contain Trolleys: Trolley number Trays contain Sterilisation: Operator name Sterilisation machine identification Date Time Operation / Medical procedure: Operation type Tray type Trays required

Sterillisation Machine Name Machine ID Time of sterillisation Date of sterillisation Number of trays on trolly Operator name Operator ID Store Room Number of Sterillised Trays

Entity Relationship Diagram:


C W- Hospital Sterile Services



requires trays


instrum ents

go for


for contain


Diagram 1 – Entity relationship diagram.

Structural constrains (cardinality and participation constrains):




instrum ents



Diagram 2 – Structural constrains.


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

A2. Data Flow Diagram:

A2.1 Level 0 (Context diagram)

a patient goesfor

post operation

1 system


c sterilisation


usedinstrum entsandotherm aterials

a patient

d waste

Diagram 3 – Level 0 diagram (context diagram). A2.2 Level 1 diagram


C W- Hospital Sterile Services


1 medical procedure

need operation 1.1 operation 1.4 patient

instruments 1.2 trays

trays delivered

patents go to

1.7 operation table

required instruments delivered to operation name 1.3

trays after operatro tionlleys

1.6 trays with instrumen tsrilisation ste

Diagram 4 – Level 1 diagram. A3. Data Dictionary: Patient: ID Name D.O.B Medical history Doctor assigned

integer text Date/time text text

Operation / Medical procedure: Operation type Tray type Trays required

text text integer

Trays: Tray number Tray type Instruments contain Trolleys: Trolley number Trays contain

integer text text integer text



C W- Hospital Sterile Services

Operator name text Sterilisation machine identification text Date date Time time

Stage B: OO Analysis and Design. B.1: Conceptual and Design UML class diagrams:


C W- Hospital Sterile Services


1 needs

operations 0..* 0..1

trays 1..*


go to

go to

0..11..* trollyes

1..* instruments 0..* 0..* sterilisation 0..* 0..* waste

0..* 0..* reuse

Diagram 5 – UML class diagram. ✔ Legends for Diagram 5 – 1= exact one 0..* = many ( zero or more ) 1..* = one or more 0..1 = zero or one.

B.2: Use Case Analysis:



Use Case


Requires operations C

W- Hospital Sterile Services


Requires instruments Doctors Nurses Patients


Contains instruments Used instruments.



Contain trays

Sterilised instruments Prepare trays after sterilisation.


C W- Hospital Sterile Services


required operation required instruments


doctors nurses sterilised instruments


sterilised instrument used instrumetns prepare tray




Diagram 6 – Use Case diagram.

B.3: Interaction Diagram for each of the main use cases


operation table

[if operation needed} operation Patients

Operation name



medical procedure

[operation name] select procedure Operation

Instrument on trays


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

Trays on trolleys

Trolley on tables

Operation name



Instrument on trays Sterilisati on

Trays on sterilisation.

Diagram 7 – Sequence diagram

B.4 Statechart diagrams for all major classes.


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

6 0 operation

7 0 medical procedure

Patient operation name operation name


trays delivered

5 0 trolleys


used instruments

8 trays


9 0 sterilisatoin Start Date

ʘ Sterilised

Diagram 8 – Statechart diagram.


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

Conclusion: This is a preliminary design using all traditional, structured methodologies after extracting the initial requirements from the client. Our company also provides a demo version of sterilisation software to the client to make sure all the requirements they want are covered. This will be a first -cut design only as a demo version of the software. This prototype is based on all the basic methodologies such as- ERD diagram, DFD diagram, Data dictionary, UML class diagram, Use Case analysis, Interaction diagram as well as the Statechart diagram. The actual up and running sterilisation software will be delivered only after providing the demo version of this software and providing all the necessary requirements the client asked for.

Reference: 1. 2. 3.

4. Lecture notes.


C W- Hospital Sterile Services

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