Stem Education For The 21st Century

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  • Words: 761
  • Pages: 44
STEM Education for the 21st Century Adding Branches to the Tree ERB Annual Conference - 10.15.09

What is STEM?  An

educational perspective that integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics  AND  Seeks to include an interdisciplinary focus on history, literacy and art

What is the state of science education in the US?

TIMSS 4th Grade

8th Grade

Science 2003



Science 2007



Math 2003



Math 2007



TIMSS Conclusions  Science

and math scores decrease between 4th and 8th grade  Science and math scores have increased a bit between 2003-2007  We are still above average!

PISA 2006  United

States score: 489  Statistically significantly below the ECD average  Just below Latvia and Iceland  Just above Slovakia and Spain

PISA 2006  Assesses

student performance  Collects information on student attitudes toward science  Approaches to learning and the learning environment

PISA 2006

PISA 2006


Literacy as a Curriculum Aim

Another Perspective  There

are great STEM teachers doing great STEM things in our schools.  This is what we need to champion.

What is a 21st Century Learner?

QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.

The Key Question

 How

do we connect our “21st Century Learners” with curriculum objectives to produce “STEM Literate” citizens?

What We Need  Committed

and supportive administrators  Passionate and empowered teachers  Motivated and enthusiastic students

Here is your challenge.

Connect your faculty to STEM

Steps to Success  Match

faculty professional goals to STEM  Match goals to professional development opportunities  Introduce new faculty to STEM objectives  Create professional learning communities  Provide in-house training  Develop STEM curriculum teams

Connect STEM disciplines to each other

Steps to Success  Common

language in mathematics and science in all divisions  Common calculators and language  Cross-course projects  Team taught STEM courses  Cross-discipline integration

Connect STEM disciplines to other disciplines

Steps to Success  History

of science & mathematics  Ethical issues in science and technology  Engineering, art and design  Science literacy  Technology literacy  Financial literacy  Access to journals, books, manuals

Connect your students to the real world

Steps to Success  Collaborative

projects  Authentic learning and practical assessments  Weekend Weather Forecast  Physics and Social Justice  Using local parks and museums as learning experiences

Connect your students to kinesthetic learning opportunities

Steps to Success  STEM

Center for Lower School  STEM Learning and Literacy Centers  Invention Convention  Bridge Building  Roller Coaster Design and Construction  Tech Team and AV Clubs

Connect your students to researchers

Steps to Success  Women

in STEM Luncheon  STEM Internship Program  STEM Research Program  STEM Blog  Visits to research facilities, dialogues with researchers  Online collaborative projects

Connect to your parents and alumnae

Steps to Success  STEM

Events for Parents and Students  RoboExpo  Robotics Event for Parents  Alumnae and Parents as Guest Speakers

Connect to new opportunities

Steps to Success  Mindstorms  Scratch

Programming  Ruby Programming  Alice Programming  Fathom  Geometer’s Sketchpad  Autograph

Connect your students to Web 2.0

Steps to Success  Blogs,

wikis, online discussion  Cell phone projects  Your students’ technology tools  Vodcasts and podcasts  Mobile computing initiatives  Have your students do it, have your teachers do it

Are you up to the challenge?

Stories of Success  Oakcliff

Elementary School, Doraville, GA  Small Fry to Go AfterSchool science program  Authentic, interdisciplinary hands-on, project-based learning  Academic perfomance exceeds state standards in math, science and reading

Stories of Success  Lynn

English High School, Lynn MA  Students are self-directed learners  All students complete algebra, geometry, electives as college prep or honors  Interdisciplinary approach with Biotechnology, Computer-Aided Design

Stories of Success  Atlanta

Girls’ School, Atlanta, GA  iSTEM program  Infuses STEM curriculum with grade-level appropriate technology  Programming and Apps for iPod Touch  Stanford’s iPhone Application Programming class

Stories of Success  Hathaway

Brown, Shaker Heights, OH  Science Research & Engineering Program  Students conduct cutting edge research  Linking with supervising professionals  Enrollment: 25 to 30% of school population

Stories of Success  Use

of low cost opportunities and applications  Local and regional professional development for faculty  Identifying and integrating replicable programs that reflect best practices

Discussion  What

challenges do you face in your school?  What successes have you had?

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