Stem Cell Therapy In Asthma

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  • Words: 1,127
  • Pages: 33
Fawzia aboali Prof. of allergy &immunology Ain shams faculty of medicine

Stem Cells : 

What are Stem Cells? Stem cells are unspecialized cells capable of multiplying and forming many different kinds of tissue through cellular generation and differentiation.







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                     CAPABLE OF DIFFERENTIATION INTO                      DIFFERENT CELL TYPES Adapted from Caltech 2000

Where are stem cells found? 1. Embryos (ESC) 2. “Adult Stem Cells” (ASC)...

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) Science and Politics of ESCs research  August 9, 2001 - President Bush restricted federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research .

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan has been privately lobbying in favour of federal financing for embryonic stem cell research. Mrs Reagan is said to believe that the research could lead to a cure for Alzheimer's disease, which has afflicted her husband, former US President Ronald Reagan.

‫‪President Barack Obama announced‬‬ ‫‪Monday that he will allow federal financing‬‬ ‫‪of medical research using stem cells from‬‬ ‫‪discarded human embryos,March,8,2009‬‬ ‫وقع الرئيس الميركي أمرا تنفيذيا يرفع حظرا على التمويل الفدرالي لبحاث الخليا الجذعية الجنينية‪،‬‬ ‫وقال إن القرارات المتعلقة بالبحث العلمي يجب أن تبنى على الوقائع ل اليديولوجيا‪ ،‬في انتقاد صريح‬ ‫لسلفه جورج بوش الذي اتخذاقرار الحظر عام ‪2001‬‬ ‫الهرام‪.3/2009/ 9‬‬

Adult Stem Cells” (ASC) •‰ Umbilical Cords •‰ Adult tissue such as: •‰ neural (brain) •‰ blood •‰ adipose (fat) •‰ nose (olfactory cells) •‰ bone marrow •‰ mammary gland

STEM CELL THERAPIES TODAY These include:  Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Bone Marrow Stem Cells  Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Peripheral Blood Stem Cells  Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplant 

 

What is stem cell transplant? A stem cell transplant is the infusion of healthy cells to replace or regenerate diseased or damaged ones.

Asthma & COPD

Allergies and respiratory conditions such as asthma &COPD are a prevalent problem allover the world. In children these problems are especially destructive. Their small, developing bodies aren't always strong enough to deal with the damage caused by allergies Stem cell transplant provides hopes for those ,and for cases with severe COPD.

Stem cells can be helpful through, ridding the body of allergies and at the same time ,repair lung injury.

How can stem cell therapies treat allergies?

Stem cells are the building blocks for every cell in the body. Stem cell transplants are a kind of immune therapy that transfers cells instead of antibodies. Recent studies showed marked improvement of allergy after marrow transplants

Healthy stem cells are transplanted to the affected areas of the body-in this case, the immune system. Once there, they receive messages from the cells around them and begin to take on the function of those cells (T&B cells). They literally become immune system cells. They are designed to heal and rebuild, and they strengthen the immune system through regeneration.

They do this by mimicking the function of whatever cells they're sent to heal and create newer, healthier cells that perform properly.

the discovery of blood stem cells in bone marrow revealed the secret of rebuilding the immune system via bone marrow transplants.

Technique:  After stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood, injected into the patient’s blood, they migrate to the bone marrow, where they mature into blood cells, including all the different cells of the immune system.  This is a complex process involving, the action of cytokines, which regulates distinct steps in the life of stem cells and their immune descendents.

Repair of lung injury

Stem cell therapy to repair lung injury: 

asthma & COPD are responsible for lung injuries and airway remodeling which are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The use of adult stem cells to help with lung regeneration and repair could be a newer technology in clinical and regenerative medicine.

Normal repair of the airway involves regeneration of the airway epithelium by stem cells in both the proximal airway and distal airspace, whereas aberrant repair may result from stem cells that lead to fibrosis and airway remodeling.

These stem cells are resident in specific protected niches in the lung, or they can be mobilized from the bone marrow and recruited from the circulation in the setting of severe injury. Stem cell transplant technology , could overcome the problem of aberrant repair.

Technique:  stem cells are grown in culture with special nutrients and growth factors to program them to become pulmonary stem cells.  This culture method usually requires about three weeks in time.  Patients are given progenitor cells, pulmonary stem cells and human stem cell growth factors intravenously.

Post stem therapy program medications are then given to the patient to be taken for six months. In a recent study, 3 male patients suffering from severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were submitted to autologous adult stem cell implant . After 30 days of the procedure all the patients showed improved pulmonary functions.

Sources of Stem Cells for Lung Repair, Regeneration, and Remodeling n Endogenous Lung Stem Cells Progenitor cells that participate in the maintenance and repair of injured lung epithelium have been described for tracheobronchial, bronchiolar, and alveolar compartments . n Specialized Cells Derived from Embryonic and adult Stem Cells Differentiating cultures of embryonic &adult stem cells have been proposed as an alternative source of lung stem cells.

Future Needs and Anticipated Difficulties 

How are stem cells maintained within the lung?

How is the stem cell impacted by changes in the cytokine and growth factor condition of the chronically diseased lung?

Basic studies are needed to develop and optimize methods for the isolation, purification and validation of lung stem cells.

How might cell-based therapeutic interventions be considered in light of known differences between airway regions ®ion-specific stem cells?

How might the beneficial effects of engrafting cells be controled while avoiding the potential harmful effects?

Therefore, lung stem cell biology may provide novel approaches to therapy and could represent a great promise for the future of molecular medicine. In fact, several diseases can be slowed or even blocked by stem cell transplantation.



Brigitte N. Gomperts1 and Robert M. Strieter:: Stem Cells and Chronic Lung Disease :Annual Review of Medicine,2007 Vol. 58: 285-298, LoebingerMR,AguilarS,JanesSM Therapeutic potential of stem cells in lung disease: progress and pitfalls. Clin Sci (Lond). 2008 Jan;114(2):99-108.




Dario Siniscalco,Review: Stem cell therapy: the great promise in lung disease, Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease, (2008) Vol. 2, No. 3, 173-177 Isabel P Neuringer1 and Scott H Randell2 Stem cells and repair of lung injuries Respiratory Research 2004, 5:6


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