Statement On The Grp-milf Resumption Of Talks

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  • Words: 547
  • Pages: 2
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN GRP AND MILF BACK ON TRACK 8 December 2009 – Formal peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia today. In his opening statement, Chairman of the Government Peace Negotiating Panel Rafael Seguis, who is also Foreign Affairs Undersecretary, welcomed the start of talks and expressed optimism that the fresh round of negotiations would lead to a just, lasting, and acceptable peace in Mindanao. Undersecretary Seguis thanked the Malaysian Facilitator, particularly Datuk Othman bin Abd Razak, for assisting both parties resume the peace process. He also thanked the International Contact Group (ICG) which have wholeheartedly pledged their time and expertise to the cause of peace in the Philippines. In a message to the peace panels, which was read by the Malaysian Chief Facilitator, Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak congratulated President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for “her fortitude and continued commitment to forge a just and enduring comprehensive peace accord with the MILF. Despite the many challenges and set-backs she has placed the issue of security and peace on top of her agenda." “At the outset of taking office last April, I introduced the ‘1Malaysia concept’ - a philosophy predicated on mutual trust and respect between all communities. It was not aimed at forging a new nation but as a source of national strength, rather a source of conflict. I believe this is the right formula for national peace,” he added. The Malaysian Prime Minister expressed his government’s desire to have a final peace agreement cemented within the remaining months of President Arroyo’s term. For his part, Mohagher Iqbal, Chairman of the MILF Peace Negotiating Panel, said “there is no other way… except the path of peace.” Members of the ICG who were in attendance include Japanese Ambassador to Malaysia Horie Masahiko, United Kingdom Ambassador to Malaysia Boyd McCleary, Charge d‘ Affaires of the Embassy of Turkey in Kuala Lumpur Yasin Temizkan; David Gorman of the Humanitarian Dialogue Center; Dr. Steven Rood and Herizal Hazri of the Asia Foundation; Kristian Herbolzheimer and Cyntia Petrigh of the Conciliation Resources; and Drs. Din Syamsuddin and Sudibyo Markus of Muhammadiyah. “On behalf of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, I would like to thank H.E. Prime Minister Najib Razak for his kind message of support to and confidence in

the peace negotiations between the GRP and MILF. I am excited and brimming with optimism because we have, at last, reached this day when we formally resume the peace negotiations,” Undersecretary Seguis said. Japanese Ambassador Masahiko welcomed the resumption of formal peace talks, stating that “Mindanao peace is important for regional peace and prosperity." UK Ambassador McCleary, for his part, urged both sides to continue their peace-building efforts, stating that as shown by their experience in the Northern Ireland peace process, “there is real benefit in peace.” Meanwhile, the representative of the NGO Muhammadiyah extolled the parties to “use soft power rather than hard power." The two panels are engaged in discussions on the renewal of the International Monitoring Team, the setting of agenda for the upcoming talks, and other related matters. The two-day talks will conclude on Wednesday, December 9. END

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