State Measures Synthesis - 2008

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  • Pages: 20
2008 Data and Measure Synthesis

DOT State Measures

Table of Contents Alaska ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Arizona California ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Delaware ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Florida ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Iowa Idaho ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Illinois ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Kentucky ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Maryland Maine ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Minnesota ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Missouri ..........................................................................................................................................10 Montana ..........................................................................................................................................12 Nebraska New Mexico ....................................................................................................................................13 New York Oregon ............................................................................................................................................14 Pennsylvania South Carolina ................................................................................................................................15 Tennessee Texas ..............................................................................................................................................16 Virginia Washington State ...........................................................................................................................18

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Alaska Department Performance Detail, 2007 Source: The number of occurrences of contractor non-compliance items. Comparison of proposed rates by firms to audited overhead rates for consultants and utility companies. Percentage change of construction contractors reviewed for compliance with federal equal opportunity regulations over previous federal fiscal year. Percentage change in OJT trainees participating in highway projects from previous fiscal year Percent change in the number of days between start of audit field work and audit report issuance. Ratio of total administrative overhead funding as compared to total department costs Percent of respondents rating service, advice and knowledge transfer at 4 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 in the areas that Administrative Services has purview over: budget, finance/accounting, and information technology, procurement/contracts, web develop Percentage of administrative and engineering costs when compared to total project costs. Percentage of highway and aviation construction project funding (determined by engineer's estimate) advertised by a given date. The percentage difference between contractor bids and final contractor payments. Design engineering (PE) as a percentage of total project costs. The percentage of projects (with estimated construction bid amount over 1 million dollars) having formal pre-authorization scope meeting as compared to total projects receiving authority to proceed. Construction engineering (CE) as a percentage of total contractor payments. Percentage of contracts completed (i.e. Letter of Final Acceptance issued) by the end of the fiscal year following the project completion date. Change in customer satisfaction based on survey of customers Percent satisfied AMHS customers based upon user surveys Percent change in revenue per rider mile to cost per rider mile Number of days difference between the target date and STIP transmittal for federal approval Number of days difference between the target date and adoption of the plan by the Commissioner Number of persons with fatal injuries and major injuries accidents using a 3 year average Ratio of total administrative overhead funding as compared to total department costs Percent of respondents (customers) rating the section's service at 4 or above on a scale of 1 to 5 in the areas that Support Services has purview over: budget, procurement, etc. Percent of customer satisfaction based on survey of customers Road related fatalities on state roads per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (fatality rate). Percent of national highway system (NHS) meeting current department standards Number of bridges that are considered deficient by FHWA standards Percent change in annual injury rate per 100 department employees working one year Percent change in employees successfully completing required safety training Number of resource development road projects actively being designed or constructed. Dollar value of deferred maintenance needs

Arizona Governor’s Award Application, 2001 Source:

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Achieve at least a 2:1 revenue return ratio as a result of fuel tax evasion enforcement efforts. Attain a level of Service (LOS) in which 80% of the State Highway System is maintained at minimum acceptable standards Average processing time of vendor invoices Ensure that the Transportation Board awards a minimum of 100% of the total construction dollars planned to be awarded Increase the total Maintenance travel lane miles open to traffic to 26,620 Increase the total travel lane miles open to traffic to 18,810 Increase the travel lane miles in the Maricopa Regional Freeway System open to traffic to 921 Injury incident rate per 100 employees Maintain an International Roughness Index (IRI) smoothness rating factor of less than 171 (Mediocre) on at least 95% of State Highways Maintain waved-thru traffic at 1.0% of all commercial vehicle traffic identified at the fixed ports(POEs) during hours of operation Develop and retain a competitively paid, high performing, successful workforce Number of Regional Freeway System Travel lane miles open to traffic Number of statewide travel lane miles open to traffic Percent of construction program dollars awarded v. planned Percent of middle managers completing mandatory supervisory training Percent of time deadline for constituent inquiries met Percent of vendor invoices paid within 30 days

California Performance Measures for Rural Transportation System Guidebook, 2006 Source: Accident Rate per million vehicles miles traveled Pavement condition index (PCI) [%] Travel Times Travel Delay Available Travel Choices Access to desired locations Access to Modes (flexibility) Percent On-Time Performance Travel Variability of travel times between major OD pairs [% of standard deviation / average travel time] Vehicle throughput [actual volume/capacity of roadway in %] Lost lane miles-System wide (or) per roadway segment Life-cycle costs [dollars] Life-cycle benefits [dollars] Net present value [dollars] Benefit/cost ratio [benefits divided by costs] Rate of return on investment [percent return per year] Project payback period [years] Travel time savings Vehicle operating cost savings Accident cost savings Emission cost savings

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Asset Condition Fleet down-time Rate Fleet Age Cost to Maintain Days exceeding pollutant thresholds Emissions Noise Levels Impacts/improvements to Species, Habitats and Wetlands Promote quality service through an excellent workforce Commute Time Safety by Mode Neighborhood Cohesion

Delaware Transportation Budget Request, 2005 Source: Department bond rating % pay-as-you-go revenue Debt service coverage ratio # of media contacts per month # of participants attending Public Workshops and Hearings Vacancy rate < 8% % of department population completing at least one training course (Goal is 80%) % female employment parity w/DE labor market % minority employment parity w/DE labor market # of new Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms certified # of days required to award a competitively-bid contract % asset inventory compliance % Help Desk calls resolved within 3 working days % projects completed on time and within budget % critical applications available 99.9% % of land use recommendations adopted by municipalities Avg age of equipment (yrs) % of time snow and ice removal within 24 hours % of time wind and flooding clean-up within 48 hours % New Castle County storm drain systems inventoried % New Castle County storm drain systems inspected % toll receipt collection and deposit accuracy rate % E-ZPass utilization % of time toll plazas meet standards # of projects advertised as scheduled by fiscal year % of construction projects completed on time % of construction projects within original budget % bridges rated structurally sufficient % of projects advertised as scheduled by fiscal year # environmental permit applications submitted

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# cultural resource compliance documents % utility statements issued as scheduled by fiscal year % of signals brought on line

Florida [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Through 2011, ensure that 80 percent of pavement on the State Highway System meets Department standards Through 2011, ensure that 90 percent of FDOT maintained bridges meet Department standards while keeping all FDOT-maintained bridges open to the public safe Through 2011, achieve 100 percent of the acceptable maintenance standard on the State Highway System By 2011, improve system efficiency by deploying Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology on critical state corridors By 2011, improve safety and traffic flow by reducing the number of commercial vehicle crashes on the State Highway System to or below 7.7 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled Through 2011, at a minimum, maintain the rate of change in person hours of delay on the Florida Intrastate Highway System (FIHS) By 2015, allocate 75 percent of discretionary capacity funds to the SIS By 2011, reduce the highway fatality rate on all public roads to or below 1.3 fatalities per 100 million vehicles miles traveled By 2011, reduce the highway fatality rate on the State Highway System to or below 1.5 fatalities per 100 million vehicles miles traveled By 2011, reduce the bicyclist fatality rate to or below 0.19 fatalities per 100,000 population By 2011, reduce the pedestrian fatality rate to or below 2.35 fatalities per 100,000 population Improve external customer satisfaction Improve response to external customer issues Improve project delivery Implement the Strategic Highway Safety Plan Implement the DOT Business Model statewide Improve the leadership effectiveness system Address workforce development issues Improve effectiveness of communication to all levels of the organization

Iowa [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Percent of life standard reviewed annually Percent completion of automated inventory Percent completion of annual maintenance plan Percent completion of capital and special projects Percent of light fleet into service within time standard Percent of customers satisfied with IT acquired workstations and laptops Percent of Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) revenue to the PRF that is spent for DOT operations

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Percent of IPPEs current for this fiscal year Percent of time customers are able to access enterprise IT resources during business hours Percent of purchases deployed within 45 days of receipt Percent of approved mainframe and network System Access (SA) requests which require creation of a new user account are completed within three work days from entry approval Percent of time the network is available Percent of cash flow resources borrowed from internal funds Percent of classification requests analyzed and a report of the classification analysis and recommendation sent to appropriate division director within 45 calendar days of receipt of a complete request Percent of the Director’s Flexible Performance Agreement items accomplished Percent of highway miles that meet or exceed a sufficiency rating of tolerable or above The overall annual percent of all districts’ A and B highway miles returned to a reasonable, nearnormal surface condition within 24 hours from the end of a winter storm The overall annual percent of all districts’ C highway miles returned to a reasonable, near-normal surface condition within three work days from the end of a winter storm Ratio of annual highway program cost awarded versus annual program cost estimate Shoulder miles of new paved shoulders awarded for construction on the primary highway system The percent of total dollars paid to the total awarded amount for all contracts dollars Average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) value for Planning Class 1 (interstate) Average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) value for Planning Class 2 (CIN) Average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) value for Planning Class 3 (AD) Average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) value for Planning Class 4 (AR) Percent of Structure Inventory and Appraisal (SI&A) values for our bridge system that meets last year’s values Number of new transportation research dollars secured Percent of non-committed right of way parcels returned to private, commercial, or public uses The percent of originally programmed projects let for construction in the current fiscal year versus programmed projects Average number of days taken to issue access permits (from receipt to date of issuance)

Idaho Strategic Plan, 2008 Source: Maintain 82% of pavement with a condition rating of good or fair Reduce the number of weight-restricted bridges to seven or less Reduce the number of height-restricted bridges to four or less Reduce the number of width-restricted bridges to 19 or less Improve three or more existing railroad crossings annually Reduce the five-year highway fatality rate to 1.73 Reduce the five-year highway serious-injury rate to 9.21 95% of rural miles uncongested A travel delay index of 1.5 or less on 82% of measured urban lane miles Assure that 95% of highway projects are ready to bid on time Award 90% of highway projects within programmed amounts Assure that accumulative final contract amounts are within 104% of the detailed estimates

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Illinois [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Fatality rate due to crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in Cook County excluding the City of Chicago. Fatality rate due to crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the City of Chicago. Fatality rate due to crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) statewide excluding Cook County. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on overall satisfaction with lane markings and lighting on state highways. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on overall satisfaction with removal of litter and debris on state highways. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on overall satisfaction with ride quality on state highways. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on overall satisfaction with roadside appearance on state highways. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on overall satisfaction with snow and ice control on state highways. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on overall satisfaction with the visibility and clarity of signs on state highways. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on overall satisfaction with timeliness of road repairs by IDOT. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on signs and lane markings by IDOT. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Illinois Motorist Opinion rating on traffic flow in work zones. Survey ratings: Excellent 4.2-5.0; Good 3.4-4.1; Fair 2.6-3.3; Poor 1.8-2.5; Very Poor 1.0-1.7. Number of acres mowed Number of alcohol-related traffic deaths statewide Number of crashes in state highway construction zones during fiscal year Number of fatalities due to crashes in state construction zones during fiscal year Number of gallons of fuel consumed in Illinois Number of gallons of fuel consumed in the United States Number of individuals receiving training during traffic safety training events. Number of miles of public roads in Illinois Number of miles of public roads in the U.S. Number of Public Information events during fiscal year focusing on traffic safety issues. Number of state highway bridges improved by fiscal year. Number of state highway bridges rated in satisfactory condition or better. Number of traffic safety training events targeting general public during fiscal year. Number of vehicle miles traveled in the U.S. Percent change in the number of alcohol-related fatal crashes over the previous 20 years. Percent change in the number of alcohol-related fatalities in crashes over the previous 20 years. Percent change in the number of annual fatalities due to crashes over the previous 20 years. Percent change in the total number of annual fatal crashes over the previous 20 years.

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Percent of Bridges in Satis Cond or Better Percent of Bridges Rated Fair to Excel Percentage (by dollars) of the annual highway program currently under contract for construction. Percentage of Illinois state roads listed in the repair backlog Percentage of Illinois state roads not listed in the repair backlog Rate of alcohol-related crash fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Ratio of Illinois construction funds per gallon of fuel consumed Ratio of Illinois construction investment per mile of public roads. Ratio of Illinois construction investment per total vehicle miles traveled Ratio of U.S. construction funds per gallon of fuel consumed Ratio of U.S. construction funds per mile of public roads. Ratio of U.S. construction funds per vehicle mile traveled Ratio of US highway construction investment per registered vehicle. Severe injury rate due to crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the City of Chicago. Severe injury rate due to crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the Cook County excluding City of Chicago. Severe injury rate due to crashes per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) statewide outside Cook County. The number of Illinois state bridges listed in the repair backlog. The number of private sector construction jobs created or retained through state highway program Total vehicle miles traveled in Illinois

Kentucky [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Number of lost workdays per year Number of projects funded on time Number of weighted average of bridge condition ratings above 6 Number of workers compensation claims per year Percent of Freeway with Advanced Traffic Management (ATM) Percent of project phase within budget Percentage of administrative overhead below 7% Percentage of commercial highway vehicles that are out of compliance with safety regulations, and so are out of service Percentage of federal funds used Rate of collection for highway taxes Rate of employee absenteeism Rate of OSHA Recordable Incidents Ratio of functionally obsolete bridges Ratio of structurally deficient bridges Turnover rate (target: 6% or less)

Maryland Annual Attainment Report, 2007

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Source: Percent of Interstate miles with International Roughness Index (IRI) value less than 120 inches per mile and non-Interstate roadways with IRI values less than 170 inches per mile; IRI is a standardized procedure that measures the pavement roughness as the cumulative deviation from a smooth surface in inches per mile Number of driving hours saved due to the Coordinated Highway Action Response Team (CHART) incident management system The number of congested lane-miles in the most heavily traveled expressways in the BaltimoreWashington Metropolitan area; this is based on places where cars routinely travel at less than 50 miles per hour on expressways during rush hour and where traffic signals on major feeder roads have more traffic than they have capacity to handle Percentage of Maryland driver survey respondents rating their "overall satisfaction" with SHA as a "B" or better on an A to E scale (survey conducted every three to four years) Maintenance expenditures / lane mile: maintenance expenditures include routine landscaping, traffic signing, lighting, and signal upkeep, but exclude resurfacing (e.g., asphalt overlays or patching concrete pavement)

Maine [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Number of crashes and fatalities per 100 million VMT Number of lane departure crashes and fatalities (head on and run off the road) Percentage of crashes and fatalities by type Percentage of crashes and fatalities by rural/urban road class Number of aggressive driving crashes and fatalities Number of crashes and fatalities involving large trucks Number of crashes and fatalities involving bicycles, pedestrians and motorcycles Number of vehicle miles traveled (in millions) by federal functional class and urban/rural designation The Highway Adequacy Index (HAI) is an empirical evaluation of the health of a particular highway segment. The HAI is based on 3 basic elements of the roadway: condition, safety, and service. The HAI is a cumulative score on a scale from 0 to 100 Number of miles by federal functional class of built vs. unbuilt road Ride quality is a measurement of the inches of vertical displacement experienced by a vehicle in a mile of roadway PCR is compiled from the severity and extent of pavement distresses such as cracking, rutting, and patching. The rating system uses a scale of 5.00 (perfect) to 0.00 (fully deteriorated) Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) Number of vehicle miles traveled per capita AVO is the average number of occupants (driver and passengers) in vehicles on the highway Average posted speed on arterial roads weighted by miles of road AADT is a measure of use, Hourly Highway Capacity (C) is the maximum number of vehicles that can pass by a location in a single hour. When AADT is divided by C, the AADT/C ratio measures how intensely a highway is utilized VMT is an overall measure of travel on the highway system, an overall measure of the amount time spent traveling is vehicle-hours traveled (VHT). Because time has value, evaluation of VHT allows the estimation of travel time costs and benefits. Age of bridge & minor span steel culverts with state responsibility

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Age of traditional bridges & minor spans with state responsibility Percent of sufficient bridges and minor spans based upon the federal functional class of the roadway (excluding minor spans on town ways and extraordinary bridges) (Improvements not needed for 10 years) Percent of sufficient bridges on state highways, state aid roads and town ways Percent of sufficient minor spans on state highways and state aid roads Percent of sufficient low use/redundant bridges on town ways Average Bridge Federal Sufficiency Rating

Minnesota [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Lane-miles of highway pavement that have good and poor ride quality as measured statewide by Present Serviceability Rating (PSR) Percent of roadway miles that have high and low Remaining Service Life (RSL) Percent of bridge area on trunk highway bridges 20 feet or longer that meet structural condition targets for good and poor, based on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) rating system established by Mn/DOT in 1997 and updated in 2001 Percent of local governmental units (LGUs: townships, municipalities, counties) whose plans and ordinances support Interregional Corridor Management Plans or Partnership Studies by addressing access management. Support will be measured in two categories: substantial and limited. The percent of LGUs in each category will be reported at a statewide level; however, corridors will be tracked individually Percent of Interregional Corridor and bottleneck removal projects that have been identified in the 10-Year Work Plan for which rights-of-way have been protected, either through purchase, official mapping or zoning Average clearance time, from detection to total clearance, for incidents on the instrumented portion of the Twin Cities metropolitan area urban freeway system that occur between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on weekdays Number of hours it takes to achieve bare lanes after a weather event ends Percent of Principal Arterial corridor-miles in Regional Trade Centers 0 and 1 that are highly, moderately or minimally managed Percent of crossings of Interregional Corridors with appropriate bicycle and pedestrian accommodations Number of commuter person trips in Regional Trade Centers 0 and 1 that use modes other than auto Average auto occupancy in Regional Trade Centers 0 and 1 during peak periods Percent of Interregional Corridor miles that meet minimum speed targets Percent of peak period travel that takes no longer than an acceptable travel time. That is, no longer than an "expected" travel time plus some additional buffer Twin Cities ranking among metropolitan areas for peak to off-peak travel times as reported by the (Texas Transportation Institute) Travel Rate Index. This measure applies only to the Twin Cities metropolitan area Percent of peak weekday travel that takes no longer than an acceptable travel time. That is, no longer than an "expected" travel time plus some additional buffer time Percent of directional urban freeway miles in Regional Trade Centers 0 and 1 that are congested or severely congested Annual crash rate on state trunk highways using three-year averages

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Average total crashes occurring at at-grade railroad crossings as reported by the Department of Public Safety (three-year averages) Annual roadway-related fatalities using three-year averages Percent of Mn/DOT projects in the first year of the State Transportation Improvement Program that are let for construction in that same planned year Percent variation in major projects’ cost from estimates when projects first enter the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) to actual cost when let for construction General Administrative expenditures as a percent of total expenditures Percent of customers satisfied with the reliability of Mn/DOT’s communications. Outdoor levels of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter as a percent of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Estimated carbon dioxide emissions from motor vehicles in Minnesota. Percent of Mn/DOT fuel consumption defined as cleaner fuels Percent of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Mn/DOT permits that have violations Ratio of acres replaced by Mn/DOT to acres of wetlands affected Percent of replaced wetlands where wetland types are as planned Number of acres replanted with native species Number of undeveloped acres converted to another land use Time to complete Environmental Impact Statement, Environmental Assessment, Environmental Assessment Worksheet per project

Missouri Tracker: Measures of Departmental Performance, 2008 Source: Average speeds on selected roadway sections Average rate of travel on selected signalized routes Average time to clear traffic incident Average time to clear traffic backup from incident Number of customers assisted by the Motorist Assist program 5% reduction in annual injury rate of department employees Achieve 80% satisfaction of government sector customers with DOT & PF services Average number of days from requisition to purchase order for fleet purchases Funding lost due to failure to comply with federal assurances (in dollars) Cost history for maintenance indicators Distribution of funds Dollars of net assets at year end Dollars spent on mowing costs vs. herbicide costs Net assets at year end Number of accidents by class Number of accidents by contributing circumstance Number of accidents by fixed object struck Number of calls per quarter to the toll-free customer-service line Number of days to process samples Number of days to resolve disputes with construction issues Number of employees leaving MoDOT for other employment Number of facility deficiencies and percent of total planned deficiency correction funds expended Number of passenger cars, dump trucks, and pickups exceeding the point of optimal replacement

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Number of people (non-choir) who have heard a MoDOT representative as a featured speaker Number of public highway/rail grade crossing collisions Number of signals observed Number of stories in media MoDOT was not contacted about Percent of agreed upon LRTD policies included in MoDOT manuals Percent of change for finalized contracts Percent of customer satisfaction Percent of customers who are satisfied with MoDOT’s communication strategies Percent of deficient bridges Percent of employee satisfaction as measured by climate survey Percent of favorable feedback from speaking engagements and presentations Percent of funding level target utilized by programmed projects by category for the 2005-2009 STIP Percent of funding level target utilized by programmed projects by category for the current STIP year Percent of inappropriate procurement card transactions compared to all procurement card transactions Percent of internal customers who are satisfied with MoDOT’s communication strategies Percent of IT projects meeting objectives Percent of level of service as determined by annual inspections for all districts Percent of local officials by district who used the Planning Framework processes in cooperation with District staff to develop STIP Percent of major highway miles in good or better condition Percent of minorities and women in the workforce Percent of on time MAPS compliance Percent of Project Amendment Tracking System (PATS) forms submitted by each district for the 2005-2009 STIP. Percent of scheduled tasks being met for submittal of 2005-2009 STIP to commission on or before July 9, 2004 meeting Percent of total road and bridge expenditures spent on administration expenses Percent of total road and bridge revenues spent on administration expenses Percent quality achieved on MAPS activities as measured by quality checklist Percentage of construction engineering costs to total construction expenditures Percentage of customer requests to Administration and Public Information responded to within five business days Percentage of dollars delivered as programmed Percentage of dollars spent on completed projects delivered within budget Percentage of legislator constituent issues responded to within 5 business days Percentage of projects delivered as programmed Percentage of projects delivered on time Percentage of statewide striping program completed Percentage of STIP projects awarded at or below 110% of the programmed construction dollars Percentage of STIP projects on schedule Percentage of transportation related pieces of legislation directly impacted by Governmental Affairs. Percentage of web-site visitors that view four or more pages Rate of lost workdays Rate of OSHA lost time accident frequency Rate of successful deployment of new innovations and best practices

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Rate of understanding of expectations as measured by employee satisfaction survey Rate of variance in dollars and percent of expense and equipment expenditures budget to actual Rate of variance in dollars and percent of personal service/fringe benefits expenditures budget to actual expenditures Rate of vehicle crashes by roadway type Rates of Traffic fatality and injury crashes compared to national average Rates of traffic fatality and injury crashes on the state system Ratio of debt service coverage Revenue dispersion Roadway Congestion Index (RCI) for Kansas City and St. Louis compared to national average

Montana Performance Programming Process, 2004 Source: Ride Index - a measure of quality (smoothness) as perceived by the highway user Number of functionally obsolete, structurally deficient, and substandard bridges as measured by the National Bridge Inventory Condition Assessment Number of correctable crash sites funded for improvement Congestion Index on the highway system - a measure of travel delay

Nebraska Performance Measures: A Performance Based Transportation Agency Source: Fatalities on Nebraska Roadways Motor Vehicle Crashes on Nebraska Roadways Motor Vehicle Crashes in Construction Work Zones Motor Vehicle Crashes in Construction Work Zones National Comparison System Reliability Pavement Condition of Nebraska Highways Smoother Roads Percentage of Structurally Sound and Functionally Adequate Bridges Railroad Grade Crossing Closures and Crashes External Customer/Partner Satisfaction Percentage of Projects in the 1-Year Program Let to Contract Roadway Design Engineer, Construction Engineer, Percent of Projects Awarded Accuracy of Project Estimates contained in the 1-Year Program Percentage of Construction Projects Completed Within Days Allowed Percentage of Construction Projects Finaled within 60 Days Percentage of Projects in the 5-Year Program Let to Contract Accuracy of State Highway User Revenue Projections Cash Balance No Loss of Wetland Acres Wetland Mitigation Bank Acres for Future Needs

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Motor Vehicle Damage Frequency Rate Number of Lost Workdays due to Job-Related Injuries Employee Satisfaction

New Mexico Key Performance and Remaining Measures, 2007 Source: Number of Traffic Fatalities per Hundred Million Vehicle (FFY) Annual rural public transportation ridership Annual Number of Riders on Park & Ride Revenue Dollars per Passenger on Park & Ride Percent of Final Cost Over Bid Amount Percent of Programmed Projects let according to schedule Ride Quality Index for New Construction Number of Combined Statewide Miles in Deficient Condition Number of non-interstate miles rated good Number of interstate miles rated good Customer satisfaction levels at rest areas Maintenance expenditures per lane mile of combined systemwide miles Number of Statewide Improved Pavement Surface Miles Percent of Vacancy Rate in all Programs

New York [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Average deviation between actual travel time and expected (average) travel time for selected corridors Average time to clear incidents Number of accidents caused by improper driver behavior Number of fatalities (deaths) Number of frequent accident locations Number or percent of operational practices not in compliance Percent implementation of State Energy Plan Percent of capital projects coordinated with communities Percent of corridors with fair or poor pavement surface scores Percent of corridors with load and/or height restrictions on bridges Percent of environmental program goals achieved (as established by Performance Standard) Percent of intermodal facility connectors with fair or poor pavement surface scores Percent of intermodal facility connectors with load and/or height restrictions on bridges Percent reduction in Transportation sector pollutants (using EPA/DEC measures) Rate of fatalities (death rate) Rate of injuries

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Oregon Annual Performance Progress Report, 2006 Source: Traffic Fatalities: Traffic fatalities per 100 million vehicles miles traveled (VMT). Traffic Injuries: Traffic injuries per 100 million vehicles miles traveled (VMT) Safe Drivers: Percent of drivers who drove safely by avoiding traffic violations and accidents during the prior three years. Impaired Driving: Percent of fatal traffic accidents that involved alcohol. Use of Safety Belts: Percent of all vehicle occupants using safety belts. Large Truck At-Fault Crashes: Number of large truck at-fault crashes per million vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Rail Crossing Incidents: Number of highway-railroad at-grade incidents. Travelers Feel Safe: Percent of public satisfied with transportation safety. Travel Delay: Hours of travel delay per capita per year in urban areas Alternatives to One-Person Commuting: Percent of Oregonians who commute to work during peak hours by means other than Single Occupancy Vehicle. Traffic Volume: Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per capita in Oregon metropolitan areas for local non-commercial trips. Pavement Condition: Percent of pavement lane miles rated “fair” or better out of total lane miles in state highway system. Bridge Condition: Percent of state highway bridges that are not deficient. Fish Passage at State Culverts: Number of high priority ODOT culverts remaining to be retrofitted or replaced to improve fish passage. Bike Lanes and Sidewalks: Percent of urban state highway miles with bike lanes and pedestrian facilities in fair or better condition. Jobs from Construction Spending: Number of jobs sustained as a result of annual construction expenditures Timeliness of Projects Going to Construction Phase: Percent of projects going to construction phase within 90 days of target date. Construction Project Completion Timeliness: Percent of projects with the construction phase completed within 90 days of original contract completion date. Construction Projects On Budget: Percent of projects completed on or under projected preliminary engineering, right-of-way and construction costs. Certified Businesses (DMWESB*): Percent of ODOT contract dollars awarded to disadvantaged, minority, women, and emerging small businesses. Customer Service Satisfaction: Percent of customers rating their satisfaction with the agency’s customer service as "good" or "excellent": overall, timeliness, accuracy, helpfulness, expertise, availability of information. Economic Recovery Team Customer Satisfaction: Percentage of local participants who rank ODOT involvement with the Economic Recovery Team as good or excellent.

Pennsylvania [Unidentified Publication] Source: No longer available Percent (%) Structurally Deficient Bridges by Deck Area (ft2) Bridge lettings dedicated to preservation

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Number of high priority actions implemented from the project delivery work-groups Dollar savings redirected from multiple MECE implementation teams Develop method of approach to right size projects Percent of non-state owned road, bridge, and transportation enhancement projects meeting targeted letting year Number of Hometown Streets projects committed verses delivered Cost of Hometown Streets projects committed verses delivered Number of Safe Routes to Schools* projects committed verses delivered Cost of Safe Routes to Schools projects committed verses delivered Identify primary components of system operations plan Develop plan to include costs & implementation schedule Districts work with business partners to identify 3-5 unmet intermodal needs & provide a briefing to the Secretary Work with MPOs/ RPOs to identify & evaluate solutions to advance unmet needs Fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT)

South Carolina Engineering Dashboard, 2007 Source: Number of deficient bridges The difference between lane miles used on the system and lane miles added for reconstruction, rehabilitation and preventive maintenance The difference between the design fatigue life and the fatigue life used on a pavement Number of traffic signal installations performed within a district (rebuilds of existing traffic signals and new traffic signals) Total dollar amount of construction contracts that were awarded to contractors Total dollar amount paid to contractors on construction projects Maintenance units for compliance with policy and procedures, as well as the quality and level of service being provided Number of projects currently under construction and percentage within scheduled completion date Activities associated with the installation and routine maintenance of Pavement, Shoulder/Ditch Repair, Drainage Structures, Roadside, Signs, Pavement Markings, and Guardrail Number of days to complete work requests Time from permit submittal to permit approval Number of projects that were in the original posting plus any account of projects added, providing a more accurate account of amount of work Projects that were moved from a specific quarter based on the original posting Percentage of right of way acquired using the eminent domain authority to the total number of parcels acquired Number of parcels deemed excess to needs (new parcels, adjusted total, on market for sale, relinquished, remaining and under contract) Parcels that have been conveyed

Tennessee Strategic Management Plan, 2007

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Source: Percent reduction in the fatality rate on Tennessee roadways Average accident rates for interstates (per million vehicles miles) Number and rate of injury accidents (per 100 million vehicle miles) on state highway system Percent reduction in fatal crashes at public highway rail grade crossings Number of crashes in TDOT work zones Percent of bridges inspected on two-year cycle Percent of highway incidences cleared within 90 minutes Percent of bridge deck area on Interstate roads that is not structurally deficient Percent of Tennessee residents and elected officials satisfied or very satisfied with the overall job that TDOT has done maintaining highways Condition level of interstates Number of state highway lane miles per year receiving a preservation treatment Percent of urban interstate miles that has ITS infrastructure installed Percent of highway construction contracts completed by original contract completion date Percent of grants in the Subrecipient Monitoring Plan that are monitored annually Percent of variation in the construction phase from original cost estimate in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) to actual letting cost Percent of minority representation in TDOT's workforce Percent of TDOT employees who complete annual customer service training Percent of TDOT locations equipped with computer access for Project Edison Percent of TDOT workforce analysis study completed Percent of employees satisfied with training to keep pace with technology Average highway bridge condition rating (scale: 1 to 100) Pavement Quality Index (scale: 1 to 5) Maintenance Rating Index (scale: 1 to 100) Time to clear incidents Percentage of congested miles of state-maintained rural highways Percentage of congested miles of state-maintained urban highways Transportation-related emissions by region Expenditures by geographic area

Texas TxDOT Has a Plan, 2007 Source: Reduce Congestion (Ensure that people and goods move efficiently) Enhance Safety (Reduce roadway fatalities) Expand economic opportunity (Attract and retain businesses and industry) Improve air quality Increase the value of transportation assets (Maintain and improve existing roads and bridges) Streamlined project delivery (Complete projects faster)

Virginia VDOT Dashboard, 2007

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Source: Percent of Congestion Free Travel on all Interstate roadways Annual Hours of Delay per Traveler due to congestion on state highways in Northern Virginia, as measured by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) Annual Hours of Delay per Traveler due to congestion on state highways in Virginia Beach metro area, as measured by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) Annual Hours of Delay per Traveler due to congestion on state highways in Richmond metro area, as measured by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI). Number of Crashes on Virginia roadways Number of Injuries on Virginia roadways Number of Deaths (YTD) on Virginia roadways Number of Work Zone Crashes on Virginia roadways Pavement Condition (% Pavement in Fair or Better Condition) Bridge Condition (Bridge conditions refer to maintenance conditions, and are not safety related) Ride Quality (% Smooth Ride) Studies Design & Advertisement Project Cost Estimation On Time On Budget Environmental Compliance Construction Quality Improvement Program (CQIP) Overall Satisfaction with VDOT Actual to Planned Revenue Actual to Planned Expenses Virginia's Management Scorecard

Washington State The Grey Notebook, 2007 Source: Fatality Rates (Vehicles) Before and After collision analysis for safety projects Fatality Rates (Bicyclists, Pedestrian) Cabinet Strategic Action Plan Measure: Reduce highway fatalities by 4% Number of over 90 min incidents; average clearance time Cabinet Strategic Action Plan Measure: Reduce the average length of over 90 minute incidents by 5% Travel time performance for 25 Puget Sound routes; 95% Reliable Travel Time Duration of Congestion Percent of trips on-time Rating for 33 maintenance activities tracked through the Maintenance Accountability Process (MAP) Life Cycle Preservation Performance: Planned projects vs. actual systems/structures preserved, change in cost rating Percent of pavement in good, fair, or poor condition (cumulative and by type)

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Cabinet Strategic Action Plan Measure: Maintain 90% of roads in good or satisfactory condition Percent of bridges in good, fair, or poor condition (cumulative) Cabinet Strategic Action Plan Measure: Maintain 97% of bridges in good or satisfactory condition Planned vs. actual results of scope, schedule and budget Cabinet Strategic Action Plan Measure: Complete 90% of highway projects on time and within budget The Gray Book (Governor, WSTC, Public) GMAP Quarterly Review (Governor) Priorities of Government (OFM) Budget Activities (OFM) Compliance rating for 25 statutory training courses Recordable injuries per 100 worker per calendar year

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