State Function

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,951
  • Pages: 16

Wide shot of a car CUT TO: Trunk shot. As the trunk opens, we see ELLIOT, a man in his early 20s appear, opening the trunk.

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Elliot removes a package from the trunk and closes the trunk. He walks away from the car. He approaches a door and drops the package. He drives to another house and repeats. Maybe one or two more times. Over Elliot’s actions, a deep-voiced narrator begins: NARRATOR (V.O.) Elliot Anderson delivered packages for a living. From 9 to 5 every day, he would drive from house to house. He hated his job. He hated his life.

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NARRATOR (V.O.) (CONT’D) So one day, he went home, hung his coat in the closet, sat down on his bed, (abrupt) and killed himself. As the narrator begins to describe the actions, we see Elliot getting to his house, putting his things away, then shooting himself in the head. After the gun shot, abruptly cut music and: CUT TO:

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Back to the scene. Elliot lies on the bed, dead, his head in a pool of blood. NARRATOR (V.O.) But in that fraction of a secondafter he pulled the trigger, before the bullet entered his skull at one thousand twenty eight miles per hour, Elliot made a startling realization. (MORE)

2. NARRATOR (V.O.) (CONT'D) A realization that, had he been in literally any other situation, would have changed his life. Had he realized it only seconds earlier, in fact, his life would have been extended by decades. The entire previous sequence from gunshot to trunk in reverse, sped up, ending in a FADE TO WHITE


We fade back in to Elliot. Two years earlier. On the phone, he is pacing. ELLIOT Yes, my name is Elliot Anderson. I’m calling in regards to a position you had available. I saw the ad in the paper today looking for an assistant manager? Beat

Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT (CONT’D) Really? That’s wonderful.

ELLIOT (CONT’D) I’d love to! When would be a good time? Beat ELLIOT (CONT’D) Today at 3 PM? Perfect. I’ll be there. Thank you... You too...

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He hangs up the phone and sighs a sigh of relief. He sits down on a chair. He looks exhausted and stressed. INT. ELLIOT’S CAR, LATER THAT DAY Elliot is driving, rehearsing for his interview. ELLIOT (trying out various inflections) (MORE)

3. ELLIOT (CONT'D) Hi, I’m Elliot Anderson. (Repeat, multiple times.) EXT. OUTSIDE THE OFFICE BUILDING, MOMENTS LATER Elliot has just stepped out of his car. ELLIOT (extends his hand to an imaginary interviewer) Hi, I’m Elliot Anderson. Thank you so much for your time.

Final Draft 8 Demo It doesn’t feel right. He knows. INT. OFFICE LOBBY, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING Elliot approaches the RECEPTIONIST. ELLIOT (excited, nervous, controlled) Hi, my name is Elliot Anderson; I’m here for an interview.

Final Draft 8 Demo RECEPTIONIST (without looking up, hands him a clipboard with papers) Fill these out. Bring them back when you’re ready.

Elliot is a bit off put by her lack of care. Without being cocky, he thinks he is rather important. Thank you.


He takes the papers and sits down. He proceeds to fill out the forms.

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The office is drab, devoid of life.

Elliot remains peppy, but never overly emotional or expressive of it. He fills out the forms and returns them to the Receptionist. RECEPTIONIST (still not looking up, emotionless) Thank you. We’ll call you when we’re ready.

4. Elliot returns to his chair. An old woman is the only other person in the lobby. She coughs loudly. It bothers Elliot, but he doesn’t let it show. Time passes, an hour maybe. Elliot is reading a magazine, constantly checking his watch, when: RECEPTIONIST (CONT’D) (finally looking up from her desk) Mr. Anderson? We’ll see you now.

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He gets up, carrying a resume, and walks to the door behind the clerk’s desk with some bounce in his step. INT BOSS’S OFFICE, MOMENTS AFTER The BOSS sits behind a big desk. He is a round man in his 40s, dressed to impress. Very slick. Elliot’s chair is a small one. If Elliot is intimidated, it doesn’t show. ELLIOT (extending his hand, like he practiced) I’m Elliot Anderson. Thank you for your time.

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The boss hesitates, but is rather welcoming. BOSS Sit down, sit down. Both do.

Cut back to the Lobby; business carries on as usual. Back to the office, a little while into their interview. The boss clearly did not write these questions himself, as even he seems a big aware of how foolish they may seem.

Final Draft 8 Demo BOSS (CONT’D) Of course. (Clears his throat) Now, Mr. Anderson, we’re looking for dedicated, trustworthy employees. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Elliot smiles to try to cover his awkward pause. ELLIOT (a joke) Dedicated and trustworthy.

5. The boss doesn’t think it’s funny. His deadpan face shows it. ELLIOT (CONT’D) (trying to recover) Uhh- (pause) Hardworking, ambitious, and communicator. The boss is more pleased. BOSS I see here you graduated from Philadelphia Business School with a concentration in business management. What skills could you bring to the table here in the office?

Final Draft 8 Demo Elliot pauses for a moment. He is about to speak, but halts. We see his uneasiness, then back to the Boss’s hard stare. Elliot moves his hands and tries to gesture emphatically, feigning some answer that he hopes the Boss will eat up. ELLIOT (controlled, but on the verge of rambling) In school, I learned a lot about textbook management, then with a few internships in the Philadelphia area, I got exposure to various businesses and think I could really apply a lot of those skills here. I’d be thrilled to bring new life to this company.

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BOSS (unimpressed, almost challenging) But you’ve never had any managerial experience in the workforce?

Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT (playing it off as a joke) Not yet, but-

BOSS Listen, uhh Elliot. You seem like a good kid. I’d love to give you a job, but we’re just looking for someone with more background in the field right now. Beat

6. BOSS (CONT’D) Listen- do you want a job? ELLIOT (puzzled- “didn’t he just reject me?”) I thought you said that you wereBOSS Not in the office, but delivering packages on the street. Maybe in a few months, I hear some good things, we move you up here.

Final Draft 8 Demo Beat BOSS (CONT’D) How’s it sound? Elliot thinks a bit. He’s about to respond, when we JUMP CUT TO: INT ELLIOT’S APARTMENT, DAYS EARLIER

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Elliot and his girlfriend KATELYN are in the middle of a “talk.” KATELYN (angered... nearing the end of this conversation. Hell, this relationship) Of course I know. And it’s been a really good two yearsELLIOT (he knows it doesn’t matter to her, but he can try) Two and a half. We started dating the week before my birthday.

Final Draft 8 Demo KATELYN (Whatever) Two and a half. She inhales. This is hard for her, but she has to do it. KATELYN (CONT’D) I just feel like we’ve been drifting apart.

7. ELLIOT (sincere, always sincere) I don’t know what you’re talking about, baby. (She’s joking, right?) KATELYN We need a break from each other. ELLIOT (not attacking, but almost defensive- of his own pride) No we don’t!

Final Draft 8 Demo KATELYN I do. I need a break from you, Elliot. I’ll call you in a few days, when I figure this out.

ELLIOT (helpless) What did I do? KATELYN Elliot c’mon- it’s not you. You know that.

Final Draft 8 Demo He cuts her off: ELLIOT (laughing it off, in denial) Of course it is. Beat Yeah.


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KATELYN (CONT’D) (the closest to apologetic she ever gets) It is.

Beat KATELYN (CONT’D) If I’m gonna be in a relationship, I need someone to be there for me.


I am-


KATELYN (interrupting) I need someone to support me. How can you be there for me if you’re not even there for yourself? Beat

Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT (the last attempt) Kate, I love you-

Elliot moves in to touch her cheek- she moves her head away. KATELYN Elliot- We have so much fun, you and me. But I’m out of college three years now. I want my life to go somewhere. Not just... I can’t live in this alternate universe where everything is fun and I don’t go anywhere. I want a career, I want to be successful. And I know you do too. You can be so much better than this. I don’t even know what you do all day. You need a job.

Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT (on the verge of tears) You’re breaking up with me after... after two years because I don’t have a job? Beat KATELYN (distantly) Two and a half.

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The succinct equivalent of “Yes, in fact. This relationship is over.” It kills Elliot (figuratively, of course, for now). JUMP CUT BACK TO:

9. INT. BOSS’S OFFICE, CONT ELLIOT (forces a smile) I’ll take it. INT. ELLIOT’S CAR, MINUTES LATER He sits in the driver’s seat, phone to his ear.

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We just barely hear a voicemail machine. After a beep: ELLIOT Hey- it’s me... Again. Just calling to see how you’re doing. (Beat) I’m doing great. I just got a job with this delivery company. I start on Monday. Beat ELLIOT (CONT’D) Do you want to grab lunch sometime? Give me a call back... Please.

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He struggles- what to say next?

He decides on nothing and reluctantly hangs up. Elliot exhales deeply and closes his eyes.

FADE TO: INT. VARIOUS, THE FOLLOWING DAYS Something of a montage of Elliot living his life in glum. He shaves, sits on his chair, waits for his phone to ring, and lives his life in a general haze.

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He sits on the couch and stares at his cell phone, waiting for it to ring. It vibrates and he picks it up immediately, taking us out of the montage. ELLIOT (excitedly) Hello? Beat. It’s not who he thought it was.

10. ELLIOT (CONT’D) Oh sorry Mr. Orton. I thought it was... someone else. Yes sir, I’ll be there. Beat. ELLIOT (CONT’D) 7... am?

Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT (CONT’D) Sure- 7 is perfect. Monday it is. I’ll see you then. Thank you.

Beat ELLIOT (CONT’D) Yes sir, package delivery- that’s me. I’ll see you. (etc etc) He hangs up the phone and is completely out of hope. He leans back on the couch he was sitting it. He looks as if he’s given up. JUMP CUT TO:

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Two (and a half) years ago. Elliot works as a barista. He’s rushing, taking orders, filling orders, and looking trendy while he does it. Kate walks in. He’s never seen her before. She’s the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. He doesn’t know now, but the viewer should: this girl will forever change his life.

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She waits in line, eventually getting to the counter. Throughout the following, although it seems like a trivial, everyday encounter, it is a moment for Elliot beyond incredible. Kate, however, feels nothing beyond basic customer/barista relations. ELLIOT (playing it cool, smiling) Hi what can I get for you today? KATELYN Grande coffee, cream and sugar.

11. ELLIOT Sure, that’s $1.80 She pays him and he puts the order in. ELLIOT (CONT’D) And the name for the order? Kate.


Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT Kate. Got it.

He smiles AT her. This feels just a tad bit awkward. He realizes. ELLIOT (CONT’D) We’ll have that right out. She nods and moves away. He quickly moves away from the front of the counter, and goes to the back to fill her order. In a stroke of genius (ha), he grabs a napkin, writes down his phone number, and calls her name, order ready.

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She comes to the counter, on her phone, in the middle of a conversation. Without looking at him, she takes her drink and the napkin. She wipes her mouth with the napkin, throws it away, and walks out the door, without so much as a second thought towards Elliot. He looks at her walk out the door longingly. ELLIOT (CONT’D) (under his breath) Shit.

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We stay with him for just a moment, before a tall woman interrupts his longing thoughts: JANINE, Elliot’s boss, is addressing him. JANINE Elliot- you wanna take your break now? He doesn’t, but he will.

12. ELLIOT (fake smile) Sure. Beat ELLIOT (CONT’D) You need anything, Janine? JANINE We need to talk.

Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT Is there a problem?

There is. JANINE (false smile) Let’s sit down and talk about it, yeah? ELLIOT Sure- of course. Beat

Final Draft 8 Demo ELLIOT (CONT’D) Your office?

JANINE I need a smoke. Right outside there in just a minute, yeah? She gestures to the front of the store, a nice little patio area. ELLIOT (a tad concerned, but he hides it) Sure. That sounds great. (He forces another smile. Sickening.)

Final Draft 8 Demo EXT. STARBUCKS PATIO, MOMENTS LATER Janine and Elliot sit at a table opposite each other. Back and forth between them. Elliot is fiddling with something, Janine sits confidently, smoking a cigarette.

13. JANINE (breaking the silence) Elliot, you know why I wanted to talk to you? ELLIOT (a bit taken aback) No... I was actually kind of wondering whyJANINE Elliot I like you, so I’m going to be frank with you.

Final Draft 8 Demo Beat JANINE (CONT’D) (frankly) We’re going to have to let you go. Elliot did NOT see this coming. He’s about to say something, when he sees the girl from inside, Kate, sitting at a table away from him in the patio. He stares at her, over Janine’s shoulder- momentarily forgetting the situation at hand.

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Janine notices and looks behind her. Elliot immediately looks back to his conversation, and Janine follows. JANINE (CONT’D) I just haven’t seen you put effort into what you’re doing. You’re finishing up school, right? ELLIOT (still la bit taken aback) Yeah. I finish this June.

Final Draft 8 Demo JANINE (Sincere? If so, barely) Perfect. With a business major, I’m sure you’ll find a new job in no time.

Beat JANINE (CONT’D) (awkward) I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll uhh.. I’ll see you around Elliot. I’m sorry about all this.

14. She stands up and reaches her hand out to shake. He doesn’t. ELLIOT Should I come in tomorrow? JANINE (cutting him off) Don’t bother. We’ll drop your last check off in the mail and get that out to you, yeah?

Final Draft 8 Demo During that, she drops her cigarette to the ground and grinds it in with her foot. When done, she turns around to go back inside, before she realizes one more thing: JANINE (CONT’D) And just leave your hat and apron here. I’ll take it in. I’ll see you around, Elliot. She goes back inside.

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Elliot sits down in his chair. He sees the girl again. She’s just getting up from her table. Elliot has a sense of motivation; he’s going to talk to her. He pulls his apron off, throws his hat down on the table, now wearing street clothes. He walks over to the girl; she’s still oblivious to him, and begins to walk to her car ELLIOT (he shouts) Excuse me! She turns and sees him.

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She recognizes him.

KATELYN Can I help you? Elliot realizes he has nothing to say here. KATELYN (CONT’D) (realizes she sounded a bit harsh) You work here, right?

15. Elliot laughs casually- something between a smirk and a chuckle. ELLIOT (why not...) Yeah! (Playing it cool.) I make coffee for people who don’t like to make it themselves. Like me?


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ELLIOT (smiling) Yeah. Like you. She laughs (giggles?). Beat ELLIOT (CONT’D) I would ask if you want to go get coffee sometime, but we... We already did that

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He points at the coffee cup in her hand and laughs awkwardly. ELLIOT (CONT’D) So do you want to maybe... Cliched, he struggles for words. KATELYN Yeah. I’d love to. She smiles. He smiles.

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INT. ELLIOT’S CAR, LATER THAT DAY Elliot singing along with the radio. He’s happy. Audio slowly fades out, then abrupt blackout.

16. OVER BLACK NARRATOR (V.O.) All too often, we focus on how events unfold. To Elliot, it did not matter. He realized, that this series of events did not matter. The significance was in the beginning and the end. He was going to kill himself because it didn’t end well. He didn’t care how he had gotten to that point. But in that fraction of a second- after he pulled the trigger, before the bullet entered his skull at one thousand twenty eight miles per hour, Elliot realized that just maybe he was wrong.

Final Draft 8 Demo Beat NARRATOR (CONT’D) But it was too late. Gunshot

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Roll credits

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