Star Thrower Sep 26 08

  • October 2019
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FADE IN: EXT. OCEAN’S SHORE - NIGHT The stars. Individually brilliant and together massive in scope and scale. We could be anywhere, at any time. We hear the surf POUNDING and distant intermittent SPLASHES. SUPER: The Star Thrower We leave behind the constellations for a beach, where we find a barefoot YOUNG MAN, mid-twenties, silhouetted against a moonlit bay. He is scouring the sand. He picks something up and without hesitation, winds up his entire body and sends the object flying almost 200 feet into the ocean. We can barely hear it as it lands amongst the waves. He continues to search. 200 yards away, JACKSON WATT, 37, stroll, observes this young man’s this far, it looks like the young of dance. JACKSON walks faster to

also taking an evening peculiar behavior. From man is performing some kind catch up.

Back on the young man, we find that what he is actually throwing something back to the sea - starfish. We now notice hundreds of these creatures stranded on dry sand stretching miles into the distance. Jackson, now in earshot, inquires. JACKSON What are you doing there? The young man is not surprised to hear a voice. YOUNG MAN I’m saving these here starfish. Throwin’ ‘em back in. Jackson scoffs as he notices the sheer amount of starfish ahead. JACKSON And why is that? YOUNG MAN I’m saving their life. They were stranded here by the heavy surf this afternoon. They’ll dry out and die up here if I don’t.


JACKSON But there must be ten thousand here - you’ll never make a difference. The young man stops for the first time and looks Jackson straight in the eye, lifting his hand. A starfish lays in his palm. He pulls back and with his entire body, throws it into the sea. YOUNG MAN For that one I did. CUT TO: EXT. UNDERWATER - NIGHT The starfish lands with a SPLASH of tiny bubbles as we follow its descent. The fish curls its tentacles, relishing the cool brine. As we sink, we gently fade to complete darkness Pulling out, we find the blackness is EXT. OCEAN’S SHORE - NIGHT - Jackson’s pupil. His face is stripped of emotion, his mouth agape, searching for a retort. He shakes his head and lets out a little laugh. The two part ways. Jackson has more important things to do with his evening. CUT TO: FULL SCREEN - a newspaper entitled “THE OBSERVER” is slammed onto a desk. INT. OBSERVER OFFICE - DAY Jackson stands gleaming behind the paper at the cubicle of his co-worker, JOANNE MATTHEWS, 44, who sports short-cropped gray hair. Her eyes shine with her inquisitive smile. JOANNE And? JACKSON My first article! JOANNE POPE DENIES SOAP AFFILIATION?


JACKSON Joanne JOANNE FAWCETT’S GROUND-BREAKING PRESENTATION COMING TO METRO? We catch a glimpse of this article, and a distinguished TOM FAWCETT, 54, pictured in an emotionally pleading pose in front of a large projection of Planet Earth as seen from space. JACKSON No, not that. E-16. JOANNE Page 16? JACKSON No, E-16. JOANNE Ah. Give me a few minutes to get back there. He sneers. She finds the page and the headline. JOANNE (CONT'D) “SATURN THEATRE’S AMADEUS MAY BE ENJOYED BY SOME” by Jackson Watt. Two-and-a-half stars. (dryly) You know you can get in a lot of trouble for being so opinionated. JACKSON Thanks, Joanne. He gently takes back the paper and leaves, crushed. Joanne opens her mouth to speak but says nothing. CUT TO: INT. MOVING CAR - DOWNTOWN - DAY Jackson at the wheel. He slows to a stop at a light. The sidewalks are empty except for an elderly BLIND MAN who is negotiating his way to the crosswalk and losing. Jackson stares. CUT TO:


INT./EXT. CAR - DAY Jackson steps out of the car and walks over to the blind man. JACKSON Hello - sir - I’m going to help you across. Over here Jackson takes his arm and carefully leads the man across the street and safely to the other side. He ignores the growing line of cars, which HONK with impatience. BLIND MAN Thanks, young fella. JACKSON Anytime. Jackson hustles it back to the car and waves his hand to the angry traffic when CUT TO: INT./EXT. CAR - DAY Jackson is still behind the wheel, watching the blind man struggle to find the crosswalk. He stumbles to find the curb and nearly trips over it as he step-by-steps in front of the car and to the other side. A sudden HONK wakes Jackson up as he notices the stale green. He speeds out of the intersection, trying not to think about it.

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