Stapleton Homeport

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 496
  • Pages: 2
Downt ownSt at enI sl andCounci l ’ s

St apl et on Homepor t

Redevel opment Av i br ant , cut t i ngedge dev el opmentpr opos al

I nApr i l2008,t heDownt ownSt at enI s l andCounci lannouncedt hei r pr opos alf ort her edev el opmentoft heS t apl et onHomepor t .TheCounc i l hi r ed,Di l l erScof i do+Renf r o,anar chi t ect ur alf i r mr enownedf or s t r addl i ngc ut t i ngedgeur bandes i gnandt hev i s ualar t st oc onc ept ual i z e anew pl ant obr i ngl i f ei nt ot heambi t i ousv i s i ont heCounci lhasf ort he dec ommi s s i onedHomepor t . NYCEDC, whi c h pr opos ed 350 uni t s of hous i ngf ort hes i t ewass eenasami s s ed oppor t uni t y ,and wasmetwi t hl i t t l e or no s uppor tf r om communi t yl eader s , r es i dent sandl oc alor gani z at i ons . The Downt own St at en I s l and Counci l r es ponded wi t h a pr opos al f or t he S t apl et onHomepor tt hatr ec ons i der show we occupy t he NY Ci t y wat er f r ont by mani pul at i ngnot i onsofpubl i candpr i v at e s pac eandur banands ubur banc ondi t i ons .

Aboutt heDownt ownSt at enI s l andCounci l TheDownt ownSt at enI s l andCounci li sanonpr of i t or gani z at i on i s dedi cat ed t o cont i nued c ommuni t ydev el opmentand c ommer c i alr ev i t al i z at i on oft he Downt own Bus i nes s Di s t r i ct and s ur r oundi ng nei ghbor hoods i n St . Geor ge, Tompki ns vi l l e, S t apl et on and Cl i f t on.Thr ough gener almeet i ngs ,c ommi t t ees ,s pec i alev ent sand pr ogr ams ,we s eek t of ur t herourcommon goal sofi mpr ovi ng t he economi c env i r onment ,enc our agi ng publ i cand pr i v at ei nv es t ment ,expandi ng bus i nes sand empl oy mentoppor t uni t i esandnei ghbor hoodbeaut i f i c at i on. Downt ownS t at enI s l andCounc i l 63Mont gomer yAv enue S t at enI s l and,NY10301 Phone:( 718)2736369 Fax:( 718)7201976 Webs i t e:www. downt owns i . c om

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