Stanford Viewbook

  • August 2019
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Office of Undergraduate Admission 355 Galvez Street

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Un i v e r s i t y

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Stanford University admits students of either sex and any race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the university. It does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, race, color, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, scholarships and loan programs, and athletic and other university-administered programs. Stanford University complies with the Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. For a copy of Stanford’s policies and statistics under this Act, please contact the Stanford University Department of Public Safety at (650) 723-9633.

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Creative Direction and Design: Plainspoke / Portsmouth, NH Production: Stanford Design Group Editorial Direction: Andrea Jarrell Photography: Steve Marsel (portraits), Dan Dry (including front cover) and Linda A. Cicero (inside front cover)

The Stanford viewbook is published annually by the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Special thanks go to our faculty contributors and the students and staff members whose thoughtfulness and support made this collaborative project possible.

“Coming here was like seeing the entire world all at once.” E m i ly L i v a d a r y, C l a s s o f 2 0 0 4

Stanford University


S t a n f o r d

Un i v e r s i t y :

Exploration and Excellence The world all at once: Limitless possibilities are at the heart of Stanford University. Global positioning systems and gene splicing, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Grapes of Wrath, the football huddle and the T-formation, Yahoo! and Google — all bear the mark of a Stanford individual. At Stanford, you will find the entire universe of what humankind knows and is endeavoring to know. From your first days on campus, this universe will be yours to explore, yours to discover. Stanford will ask that intellectual curiosity be your compass, that excellence be your true north. Along the way, you will have the guidance of extraordinary faculty mentors who are at the forefront of advancing the world’s understanding of subjects ranging from geophysics to history to bioscience to musical composition. You will also have the friendship of fellow students who will awe and inspire you as much for their humanity as for their talents. As you pursue the questions that interest you most, your mentors and friends will give you the freedom to risk temporary failure as you push yourself both intellectually and personally — along with the freedom and encouragement to pursue what you love. Your reward will be the exhilaration of discovery — the exhilaration of true excellence.

Stanford University


English Professor Paula Moya directs the undergraduate program at Stanford’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, which is a national force in promoting the study of race and ethnicity. Moya’s fields are 20th-century American fiction, Chicana/o cultural studies and feminist theory, with special interests in writing by women of color and U.S. Latina/o literature. Nearly 100 affiliated faculty in disciplines ranging from archaeology, business, drama, education and history to human biology, law and music explore questions of race and ethnicity at the center. “I’m a humanist,” says Moya. “When I teach a work of literature, I approach it with all the usual lenses — narrative structure, language, thematic analysis — but I also situate that


work historically. In my Introduction to Chicana/o Literature class, many students, even Mexican-American students, don’t know Chicana/o history. So I give history and economic lessons along the way, sometimes team teaching courses with faculty who specialize in other disciplines.” Moya adds that Stanford humanists are among the world’s foremost scholars in their fields. “In the area of literature alone, students are often taught by the people who write the works they might only have the opportunity to read at another university—writers and poets like Tobias Wolff, Eavan Boland and J.M. Coetzee. It’s a tremendously vital intellectual life.”

T H E S T U D E N T A N D T H E M E N TO R “Knowing what one is passionate about is not always self-evident. Good mentoring draws from the student a spark of self-recognition,” says Linguistics Professor John Rickford, who first met Devin Griffin in his African-American Vernacular English class. Later, Griffin was one of the students who accompanied Rickford on a South Carolina and Georgia Sea Islands learning expedition. “I’ve seen Devin grow from a freshman quite uncertain about what he wanted to do, but wildly excited about the experiences he had on the expedition, to a senior with a solid degree in economics who had the honor of being a finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship and a winner of a Mellon Undergraduate Minority Fellowship. The fact that he was able to organize a quarter of overseas study in Ghana on his own and do groundbreaking research on the slave castles there impresses me to no end. What the future holds for him, intellectually and in other respects, is still an open book, but his four years at Stanford have convinced me that it will make exciting and highquality reading.”

Stanford University


For many students and faculty, Stanford is special because of the close collaboration among undergraduates, graduate students and faculty. That collaboration creates a seamless educational continuum at the university. Sitting around a table with graduate students and faculty, undergraduates hold their own. At the Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Dean of Earth Sciences Pamela Matson works with researchers to address


From left: Karen Carney, Shannah Metz, Pam Matson, John Harrison and Becky Chaplin at the Science and Engineering Quad Teaching Center


Stanford University

issues of sustainability. Faculty from engineering, economics, geology and biology are also involved. All members of her research team, including undergraduates, present their research. Says Matson, “It is wonderful to meet a freshman and, through working with him or her, watch that person become engaged and able to contribute original research that truly enriches the overall project.”

Stephen Fried backstage at Memorial Auditorium

T H E D I R E C TO R A N D T H E AC T R E S S Annie Abrams sees similarities in the challenges she encounters as an artist at Stanford and those faced by friends majoring in engineering, English or the sciences. “We’re all willing to go after questions that may never be answered definitively,” she says. Stephen Fried believes Stanford’s environment compels him to examine the ways in which theater matters. “Stanford forces you to justify the significance of what you’re doing.” A double major in drama and history, Fried researched avant-garde Russian theater director Vsevolod Meyerhold via an Undergraduate Research Opportunity grant, then wrote and directed Habeas Corpus: Meyerhold, the Final Chapter. Abrams and Fried agree that the integration of scholarship and performance characterizes Stanford’s drama program, as does the department’s close-knit community of undergraduates, graduate students and faculty. Abrams appeared with one of her professors in a production of Max Frisch’s The Firebugs. Fried took his play on Meyerhold to Moscow, where it ran for four performances.

Annie Abrams on the stage at Memorial Auditorium

Freshman and Sophomore Seminars “ Seminars make you comfortable enough to go and talk to professors. You feel that there is no ivory-tower distance between you. My freshman year, there was a sophomore seminar I desperately wanted to take on South Africa, which is my area of research. The class was already full, but I stayed, talked to the professor and was able to take the class.” Chris Maloney, Class of 2002

Intimacy Within a World-Class University Stanford’s tradition of faculty mentorship begins with small-group learning experiences in freshman and sophomore seminars. It continues through faculty-student research collaborations and culminates in the launching of a student’s own research pursuits. These collaborations are complemented by the university’s emphasis on residential learning. As a result, you’ll find a “knowable” campus with a challenging, yet friendly and supportive environment.

A Continuum of Scholars

Exceptional Research Opportunities

“ I chose to work with Professor Anthony Oro “ There is less status consciousness here after interviewing with him in his lab at the about what level a student is at. I’ve taught medical school. By the time I graduate, I Ph.D. seminars with undergraduates and will have worked with Dr. Oro for three undergraduate courses with Ph.D. students years, which is significant because he really in them. If a bright undergraduate student wants to do a Ph.D. seminar, the reaction is: understands how I think. More important, I have the opportunity to understand how ‘Give it a shot.’ There is an attitude about he thinks. The most surprising aspect of facilitating someone’s education and working with Dr. Oro, or any professor at research. Rather than setting up roadblocks, Stanford, is the incredible responsibility it’s ‘What can we do to make this work?’” entrusted to students. Sometimes I ask Theodore L. Glasser, Professor of myself, why would my mentor ever trust me Communication to perform all these significant experiments that are at the forefront of science? I realize this trust comes from the respect Stanford professors have for their students. It’s this honest belief in our capabilities that helps us build our own confidence to succeed.” Jamie Hui, Class of 2003


Stanford University

Yo u r S ta n f o r d E x p e r i e n c e “ You can do anything you want here. You can go to San Francisco, you can stay on campus, you can study math, you can study humanities. You can come here and find your place and find people to share that place with. There is no ‘Stanford experience’ — there’s your experience at Stanford.” Jennifer Chan, Class of 2003

Freedom to Excel

A c c e s s i b l e Fa c u l t y M e m b e r s

“ As a faculty member, I can teach my classes “ The Stanford undergraduate program is built and speak about my research at a high on the assumption that students want to go level. There are very few upper boundaries deeply into something and that they’re going to find the faculty members with whom to I need to impose on myself in talking about do this. It assumes that students who are my work. What makes this place different is intellectually curious, critical thinkers are not only the high caliber of students, but also the informality. That allows for a greater going to have the confidence in themselves to say, ‘I can do something, and I can do it level of honesty and intensity in discussions. well, and I’m not going to be embarrassed When we can be honest and leave ourselves to knock on a professor’s door even if that open for response and criticism, the environprofessor won a Nobel Prize.’ And when they ment becomes one in which students and knock, they will find that faculty here are faculty can cut to the chase without fooling around. That’s when you have the freedom happy to work with undergraduates and will to excel.” Luis Fraga, Associate Professor of be encouraging in all sorts of ways that Political Science make students feel valued.” Arnold Eisen, Professor of Religious Studies

A t H e a r t, a S m a l l C a m p u s “ One thing that’s really special about Stanford is that you’ve got hills and vistas all around you, but the heart of the campus is small enough for a lot of interaction. You’re constantly running into your friends and professors — sometimes literally if you’re on a bike!” Sohini Ramachandran, Class of 2002

Stanford University


Roommates Jean Chow, Renee Ng and Noor Dawood are considerably different, which is probably why they get along so well at Stanford. Chow is a communication and Chinese major from Aiea, Hawaii; Ng is a management science and engineering major from Saratoga, California; and Dawood is a psychology major from Newtown, Pennsylvania, who plays intercollegiate field hockey and lacrosse. “It’s really cool that Noor can be a two-sport athlete but be just as regular and involved in ‘normal activities’ as any other student here,” says Ng. “I know at some other universities the athletes are more segregated from the rest of the student body. But at Stanford, they are very much like everybody else.” Having grown up in different cultures, the three agree it’s fun to explore those differences. “I pinched Jean on St. Patrick’s Day because she wasn’t wearing green, and Noor thought that was the strangest thing on Earth,” says Ng. “We ended up having a big discussion about it in our dorm — none of the East Coasters had ever heard of the tradition, but all of the Californians had. I love things like that — learning little things about people you just never knew before.”

From left: Jean Chow, Renee Ng and Noor Dawood in their room at Toyon Hall

Huey Kwik and John Rote don’t attribute supernatural powers to the Stanford housing staff members who paired them up. “I’d be pretty impressed if they had the foresight to know we’d get along so great,” says Kwik. They know they were matched as much for their similarities — “taste in music, bedtimes, views on drinking and drugs” — as for their differences. “Living with Huey, who is from California, is living with jokes about my accent 24 hours a day,” says Rote, a Tennessean. “But we have great respect for each other, and that’s a big part of our chemistry.” What’s the best part of being roommates? “How much we involve ourselves in the other’s life,” says Rote. “If Huey has a computer science program to work on, I might go grab him a sandwich while he’s at work. If I have a paper to do late one night, he’ll stay up and keep me company. I couldn’t imagine a better roommate.”


John Rote, left, and Huey Kwik in the laundry room at Toyon Hall

Stanford University


Nico Slate personifies interdisciplinary study at Stanford. He double majored in two interdisciplinary majors, Earth Systems and Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities. A Rhodes Scholar, Slate completed a master’s degree in environmental change and management at Oxford. His next step will be an inter-

disciplinary doctorate uniting literary and philosophical studies with social and environmental issues. He hopes to be a professor and advisor to policymakers, with the ultimate goal of connecting his future students’ learning to effective service on a global scale.



Stanford University

95 %


St u d e n t s l i v i n g on campus

St a n f o rd a t h l e t e s and coaches at the 2004 Olympic Games i n At h e n s



Nu m b e r o f undergraduate re s i d e n c e s

Pr o p o r t i o n o f undergraduates who s t u d y ov e r s e a s



Nu m b e r o f student groups

Pu b l i c s e r v i c e organizations housed a t t h e Ha a s C e n t e r



Nu m b e r o f varsity sports

Estimated number of bicycles in use on campus

On Being Well-Rounded “ You hear people talk about the concept of well-roundedness versus angularity. I like to think of Stanford as an intensely angular place, but the students all have many, many points or angles. It’s that redefining of wellroundedness that I find very exciting here.” Stephen Sano, Associate Professor of Music

F r e e d o m t o Ta k e R i s k s “ When I got to Stanford, two of the most important things I learned were that I couldn’t do everything myself, and that I could take risks. So even though I’m an engineering major, I can take a class on Irish literature because I’m interested in it, even if I’m not the best at it. I found that freedom really engaging and exciting. In the past, I didn’t feel that I could comfortably go beyond my borders—I had that fear of failure. But here, your peers respect you when you cross the line. That’s one of the best things about this place.” Emily Ma, Class of 2003

What We Mean When We Say “Interdisciplinar y” “Thin walls” between academic disciplines encourage creativity and innovation. Some at Stanford call that intellectual entrepreneurship. Others call it intellectual playfulness. All agree that in this edge-pushing environment, you will find that no question is out of bounds and no solution is out of reach.

Seeing No Limits “ I couldn’t bear to think of limiting myself to one course of study. But how could I possibly continue to study German while taking mathematics, computer science and statistics? Stanford’s introductory seminars and Sophomore College rescued me. I took two seminars and one Sophomore College course in the German Studies Department and was able to achieve fluent command of German vocabulary and grammar. My hope is to one day become a professor and be able to lecture in German.” Sohini Ramachandran, Class of 2002


Stanford University

Departments Born of C o l l a b o r at i o n “ The interdisciplinary department of Symbolic Systems was born out of a collaboration among philosophers, linguists, psychologists and computer scientists working at the Center for the Study of Language and Information. Basically, Sym Sys shows you how subjects that seem like polar opposites relate to each other. Instead of seeing 100 steps between Plato and computers, you find bridges that make the distance only about two steps.” Ezra Callahan, Class of 2002 One-fourth of Stanford’s undergraduates major in one of the university’s interdisciplinary programs. These programs characterize Stanford’s dynamic intellectual environment: Earth Systems provides students with an understanding of how geological and biological processes interact with humans and their economic systems to determine how the environment functions on global and regional scales. Program graduates apply their knowledge to the design of effective environmental policy and the reconciliation of competing environmental and social objectives.

A Challenging Academic Environment “ An interdisciplinary frame combines lateral accessibility as well as intense scholarly depth. This is not simply putting a bunch of people together, but creating a learning and research environment that is challenging, problem-driven and exciting.” David Palumbo-Liu, Professor of Comparative Literature

Human Biology examines the relationship between the biological and social aspects of humanity’s origin, development and environment. Students gain a broad and rigorous exposure to the biological and behavioral sciences and their interrelationships. The curriculum incorporates an interdisciplinary perspective by drawing from faculty members from departments such as biology, anthropology, psychology and economics. Within the major, students choose to focus on a specific topic, such as the Economics of Health Policy or Human Genetics, by designing their own concentration of upper division and seminar classes. Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities investigates the intersections of culture, history, art and philosophy with students choosing to focus on one of ten fields: Culture and Politics; Digital Humanities; Early Modern Studies; Ecology, Philosophy and Literature; Film Studies; Medieval Studies; Modern Thought and Literature; Performance Studies; Philosophical and Literary Thought; and Philosophy and the Visual Arts. International Relations focuses on the study of changing relations (political, economic and cultural) among nation states. Students investigate a range of issues, including international security, international political economy, political and economic development, and the politics of the transition to democracy. They have the option of specializing in a geographical area.

Stanford University


T H E ‘ G R A D S C H O O L’ C O N N E C T I O N Sarah Huntwork hopes to apply her experience in Dr. Lucy Shapiro’s microbiology laboratory at the Stanford School of Medicine to a career in government service. Shapiro is a professor of developmental biology and a cancer researcher. As director of Stanford’s Beckman Center for Molecular and Genetic Medicine, she is leading efforts to apply basic science discoveries to the prevention and treatment of disease. Huntwork joined Dr. Shapiro’s lab team as a sophomore. “It’s interesting how much understanding about biology and the scientific process in general you get from doing research,” says Huntwork. “In high school, you never question the facts you learn in class. You just know that some scientists determined those facts at some point, and you take them at face value. After doing research at Stanford, I’ve learned that science is a much more dynamic process. You always have to be questioning how the facts you’re working with were determined — whether the interpretation of the data that led to those results is really the correct one.”

From left: Tess Bridgeman, Jason Cheng and Valarie Brar near the Quad


“A common misconception is that entrepreneurship equals starting a company,” says Jason Cheng, a double major in bioscience and computer science. As a Stanford Technology Ventures Program Mayfield Fellow, Cheng worked in Silicon Valley with some of high technology’s most notable CEOs. Cheng plans to use his entrepreneurial skills in combination with an M.D./Ph.D. “Anyone who does anything innovative or creative benefits from having entrepreneurial training,” he says. ■ International relations major/religious studies minor and now documentary filmmaker Valarie Brar proves Cheng’s point. Brar planned to spend part of her junior year in India, recording memories of the partition. But when the events of September 11, 2001, caused her trip to be canceled, Brar regrouped and used the funds to travel the United States

interviewing Sikh, Muslim, Arab, South Asian and Afghan/ Americans on post–September 11 backlash. She developed a film and publication — her senior project and honors thesis —as educational tools for use in both communities and classrooms. ■ “Social-service entrepreneur” is what some call human biology major Tess Bridgeman. Others call her a visionary. Bridgeman was invited by health officials in Oaxaca, Mexico, to initiate a program aimed at eradicating the high incidence of preventable birth defects related to folic acid deficiency. Her successes include identification of a once-indigenous source of folic acid (amaranth), renewed amaranth production and the education of women through gardening and cooking demonstrations, workshops and house visits in 28 Oaxacan communities. Stanford University


By the time most Stanford freshmen enroll in historian David Kennedy’s freshman seminar or Introduction to the Humanities course, they have already “met” him through his Pulitzer Prize – winning work in American history. ■ For many years, psychologists thought they studied the mind while anthropologists studied culture . Then came Hazel Markus, the social scientist most responsible for creating the field of cultural psychology. Markus is among the most cited psychologists in the world. ■ Physics Professor Douglas Osheroff is the first Nobel Prize winner most Stanford undergraduates meet. He lectures in the introductory physics sequence and teaches a small freshman seminar on photography. ■ In his book on August Wilson, Drama Professor Harry Elam acknowledges the contributions of his students, thanking each one “for how they shaped my research.” ■ Professor of Biological Sciences Patricia Jones loves to integrate her research on genetics and the immune system

From left: David Kennedy, Hazel Markus, Patricia Jones and Douglas Osherof f in the Lane Reading Room of the Bing Wing in Green Library

with undergraduate teaching. She teaches a freshman/sophomore seminar on infection, immunity and public health , and mentors undergraduate researchers in her lab. ■ Whether or not he or she studies German, almost every Stanford student is likely to meet Professor of German Studies Elizabeth Bernhardt, who directs the Stanford Language Center. Bernhardt is an applied linguist who conducts pioneering research in comprehension assessment. ■ Computer Science Professor Eric Roberts’ internationally recognized program in undergraduate computer science education reaches students all over the world. Stanford students find him sitting across the seminar table from them.

T H E T E AC H E R - S C H O L A R S

From left: Eric Roberts, Elizabeth Bernhardt and Harry Elam in the Charles and Frances Field Room of the Bing Wing in Green Library

Stanford University


Th e S i l i c o n Va l l e y C o n n e c t i o n “ You get up in the morning here and the sense of the future is palpable. I had the good fortune to cofound a biotech company four years ago. The idea started on campus. Now we’re off campus and hiring undergraduates. This kind of environment simply does not exist in other places.” Paul Wender, Professor of Chemistry

Theory Active in the Real World Research at Stanford is “outward looking,” meaning that faculty and students pursue work that affects how people live worldwide. You will benefit from your faculty members’ participation in the world’s most pressing issues. You will also benefit from the opportunity to participate in groundbreaking research. The university commits substantial resources to enable Stanford students to pursue their own investigations in the real world.

C r e at i n g N e w K n o w l e d g e “Stanford encourages you to swing for the home runs rather than the bunts—to try to make a profound and lasting contribution… more than ever, this means approaching a problem from multiple perspectives and disciplines…it means looking for advances in one area that create opportunities in another…you have to be bold. Rarely has anyone changed the world who was not willing to take a risk.” John Hennessy, President


Stanford University

Stanford’s community of scholars includes: ■

15 Nobel laureates

4 Pulitzer Prize winners

23 MacArthur Fellows

21 National Medal of Science recipients

3 National Medal of Technology recipients

223 American Academy of Arts and Sciences members

134 National Academy of Sciences members

84 National Academy of Engineering members

26 National Academy of Education members

40 American Philosophical Society members

7 Wolf Foundation Prize for Mathematics winners

7 Koret Foundation Prize winners

4 Presidential Medal of Freedom winners

Mentors Who Make a Difference “ Stanford gives students the chance to develop their talents or interests to the fullest extent possible. So if a student wants to do biology, we’ll give her not only biology but also a top-rate lab where Nobel Prize winners and MacArthur Foundation Fellows are doing cutting-edge research and sitting with her day by day teaching biology. If the student wants to do international affairs, he can learn from Scott Sagan (Professor of Political Science) one day, knowing that the day before, Scott Sagan was meeting with India’s National Security Advisor and Pakistan’s military leaders. Students here soon grasp that it is an incredible opportunity.” Arnold Eisen, Professor of Religious Studies

Student Research Grants The university’s commitment to undergraduate research is best exemplified by Undergraduate Research Opportunity grants, which are awarded to students who design their own research projects under faculty guidance. Recent projects include:

F i n d i n g Yo u r P l a c e “ I’ve changed because I’ve scraped the surface of where I’m supposed to be in this world. From research projects to the Stanford in Washington program to professors to making friends from everywhere in the world, you begin to form a much larger picture. Your task is to pull the pieces of that giant picture together. You start to see, ‘Oh, I fit here.’” Christopher Mahoney, Class of 2002

Almost Another Sister: Characterization of the Reader in the Novels of Jane Austen

Gene Targeting to Define the Role of “DEZ” in Pulmonary Immunology

The Influence of Japanese-American World War II Internees’ Coping Strategies on Subsequent Generations: An Intergenerational Examination

The Impact of the War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on International Human Rights Law

Who Directs the Future of Accessing Wireless Communication Networks?

The New Jersey Diner — A Cultural Investigation through Photography

The Rule of Equivalence in Aristotle’s Theory of Definitions

Other Extraordinary Opportunities ■

Haas Public Service Summer Fellows carry out their self-designed public service projects all over the world.

Overseas Study at one of Stanford’s nine campuses is often a turning point, enriching the context of a student’s prior work and sharpening the focus of the research yet to come.

Stanford in Washington places students in substantive internships in the nation’s capital, working with senior-level officials in government agencies and institutions, public interest groups and the news media.

Mayfield Fellowships are awarded through the Stanford Technology Ventures Program and include a paid summer internship at a start-up company.

Stanford University


From left: Erica Ma, Clif f Nass, Kent Grif fin and Sheba Najmi in the main computer room, Forsythe Hall

T H E I N V E N TO R S Communication Professor Clifford Nass’s book The Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Televisions and New Media Like Real People and Places reveals the intersections of communication, computer science, technology and sociology. Nass has helped invent products for more than 50 companies, including Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and IBM. Nass’s students are inventors as well. “In one class, I randomly grouped students to design projects. Several of them ended up creating patentable inventions,” he says. Nass’s new book, Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human-Computer Relationship, was inspired by an undergraduate course. “This was a course with small groups of students designing, implementing and analyzing experiments in an attempt to contribute to both the psychological and design literatures. Of the 10 projects, nine resulted in publishable research. Many companies have now incorporated the research into their product designs.”

From left: Josh Haner, Vlada Teper and Willow Miller-Young on the Quad


Josh Haner, Vlada Teper and Willow Miller-Young used Stanford undergraduate research grants to pursue intellectual, artistic and humanitarian interests. ■ Photographer Josh Haner, whose photos have appeared in national publications, was awarded the Pritzker Scholarship by Stanford’s Anthropological Sciences Department to pursue documentary photography in a Maasai village in southern Kenya. “My photographs attempt to create a more complete ethnographic documentary of the culture of a people who have historically been romanticized as the beautiful savage.” ■ Vlada Teper, who immigrated from the Soviet Union at age 10, was deeply affected by Max Weber’s statement that culture is a web of invisible influences.

“I left class understanding the importance of being a citizen of the world,” she says. Teper studied in the Stanford at Oxford program. Through her honors thesis, she conducted research in Moscow on the selection of world literature for instruction in Moscow and California Bay Area high schools. ■ As a high school student, Willow Miller-Young “read and reread a magazine article about Bali, awed by the island’s resilience in the face of rampant tourism.” A Native American, she identified with an indigenous population’s reaction to outside forces. Miller-Young used a university research grant to write a collection of short stories integrating themes of Balinese culture, human interaction and identity development.

Stanford University


70 +

7 to 1

Fi e l d s o f s t u d y

St u d e n t t o f a c u l t y ratio

200 +


Nu m b e r o f f re s h m a n / s o p h o m o re s e m i n a r s o f f e re d each year

St a n f o rd professoriate

70 %


Classes with fewer than 20 students

No b e l l a u re a t e s

$ 4.1 m i l l i o n Re s e a rc h f u n d s granted to undergraduates in 2005



St a n f o rd s c h o o l s w h e re u n d e r g r a d u a t e s can take courses


When you’re at the beginning of what becomes a worldchanging idea, do you have a sense of its magnitude? “You rarely suspect how large the change will be,” says Stanford President John Hennessy, whose work since the early ’80s has helped revolutionize the computer industry. “Stanford encourages you to swing for the home runs rather than the bunts — to try to make a profound and lasting contribution,” he says. In 1981, as a professor of electrical engineering, Hennessy initiated a project at Stanford that pioneered a new approach to computer architecture, now known as RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer). “We started our project by brainstorming, reading papers, thinking about unorthodox and novel directions. In the end, we built a prototype that embodied our ideas. Without the prototype, our theories never would have found acceptance in the real world. Stanford is an environment that encourages and supports the full range of research, from theoretical insights all the way to practice.”

Does Hennessy have any advice for future innovators? “Look for discontinuities or paradigm shifts such as the one being created today in biological science with the decoding of the human genome and advances in the understanding of detailed operations of cells. In my case, we believed that a technology change was coming: computers would go from room-size things with thousands of integrated circuits to single-chip microprocessors.” He says he and his team also believed the industry was headed in the wrong direction — a direction steered by conventional wisdom. “The major contributions that change our lives in fundamental ways often occur when you approach a problem in a different way. More than ever, that means approaching a problem from multiple perspectives and disciplines — engineering partnering with medicine, physics with biochemistry. It means looking for advances in one area that create opportunities in another. Of course, you have to be bold. Rarely has anyone changed the world who was not willing to take a risk.” Stanford University


T H E S C H O L A R - AT H L E T E S

Some people outside of Stanford may be surprised that the university is both academically and athletically excellent. Cardinal teams are almost always among the most competitive nationwide. But those who know Stanford see these dual excellences as an inevitable consequence of the type of student who comes to Stanford. “Whether or not an athlete wants to admit it,” says football player Brandon Royster, “he or she comes to Stanford to be different. Stanford would not be your school of choice if you were interested in being just another athlete.”

From left: Brandon Royster (football), Tif fany Chao (lacrosse), David Martin (tennis), Ellen Estes (water polo), Jason Cooper (baseball), Bethany Donaphin (basketball) and Sara McGee (volleyball) at Stanford Stadium

“When I think of justice, what comes to mind is young people having the ability to pursue their dreams without obstacles,” says Celina Ramirez, a Stanford Public Service Scholar who wrote her honors thesis on the significance of romantic relationships to Latina teenagers. “Many young Latinas become involved in serious, often abusive, relationships because they believe having a boyfriend is the only way to show the world they are interesting or beautiful. If they had equal resources for extracurricular activities and better access to information about birth control, would they be more empowered?” As a Chicana/o studies

major, Ramirez also conducted research on the growing bilingual/multicultural children’s literature market and taught high school classes on the representation of Latinos in film. She was considering a Ph.D. in literature until she spent a semester studying at Stanford in Washington. There, she studied civil rights and education in a one-on-one tutorial with a Department of Education scholar. “I discovered I could draw on all my theoretical knowledge about how people define themselves to solve real-world problems,” she says. Ramirez received her J.D. at Stanford Law School in 2004.


Stanford University


“I think one of the biggest testaments to the intellectuality of this place is that people don’t turn it off when they exit class. Whether it’s academic, recreational or some hybrid of the two, virtually everyone has this personal vitality that drives them.” S t e p h a n i e E a r ly, C l a s s o f 2 0 0 5


Stanford University

Dear Prospective Student, We are honored that you are considering Stanford among your college choices. In the pages that follow, we try to give you more specific information about the academic, extracurricular and social life of our campus. Stanford offers its students such a vast array of opportunities that it is hard to capture everything about the university in this single publication. If questions arise as you read the following pages, please feel welcome to call or e-mail us. Best Wishes,

Richard H. Shaw Dean of Admission and Financial Aid


St a n f o rd Ad m i s s i o n

St a n f o rd o n t h e We b

St a n f o rd C o u r s e Ca t a l o g

Learn more about Stanford and how to apply for freshman or transfer admission at

Visit department home pages and read more about faculty and their research, residential life, and student projects and organizations at the Stanford website,

The Stanford Bulletin, a detailed catalog of courses and requirements, can be found on the web at

Stanford University

Stanford University: Exploration and Excellence

Th e f r e e d o m t o p u r s u e w h at y o u lo v e . . .

32 Achieving Breadth and Depth

Th e w o r l d a l l at o n c e . . .

38 Haas Center for Public Service


General Education Requirements

38 Stanford in Washington Program


Majors, Minors, Honors and Degrees

38 Bing Overseas Studies Program


The Quarter System as Explorative Tool

39 Stanford Exchange Program 39 Visual, Literary and Performing Arts Programs

Fa c u l t y m e n t o r s at t h e f o r e f r o n t o f a d va n c i n g t h e w o r l d ’ s u n d e r s ta n d i n g . . .

34 School of Humanities and Sciences 34 School of Engineering 35 School of Earth Sciences 35 Undergraduate Access to the Graduate Schools

Intellectual curiosity will be your compass, excellence your true north . . .

40 Stanford Athletics

Th e f r i e n d s h i p o f f e l lo w s t u d e n t s w h o w i l l aw e a n d i n s p i r e y o u . . .

41 Living at Stanford 41

The Stanford Campus and Small-House System


Residential Education


Academic Resources and Services


Student Centers, Organizations and Services

36 Undergraduate Research 36

Student-Initiated and Faculty-Led Programs and Grants


Research Centers, Institutes and Laboratories

G lo b a l p o s i t i o n i n g s y s t e m s a n d g e n e s p l i c i n g , O n e F l e w O v e r t h e Cuckoo ’ s N e st . . .

44 After Stanford 44

Fellowships and Graduate School


Career Development Counseling


The Alumni Connection

46 Admission and Financial Aid

Stanford University


The freedom to take risks as you push yourself both intellectually and personally . . .

On the preceding pages, we have described a number of student “explorations,” discoveries and achievements. Together, these stories reveal the remarkable depth of undergraduate education at Stanford. With such depth, it may not be immediately apparent that a complementary kind of accomplishment is also at work: that is, breadth. The Stanford curriculum affords a breadth of understanding in the liberal arts and a depth of understanding in a particular subject. We believe a relevant education requires both. AC H I EV I N G B R E A D T H A N D D E P T H Stanford’s requirements are an expression of our ideals for a well-educated person. All courses of study have the goal of achieving balance between breadth of knowledge acquired through exploration and depth of knowledge acquired through specialization. Committed to a liberal-arts foundation, Stanford does not require students to declare a major until the end of their sophomore year. Rather, students have the opportunity to sample widely before determining an area or areas for deeper investigation. The undergraduate curriculum allows students to conduct this initial broad exploration while choosing a combination of required and elective courses.

Introduction to the Humanities (IHUM)

Disciplinary Breadth

The IHUM courses explore what it means to be human from multiple perspectives, providing students with an intellectual foundation in the study of human thought, values, beliefs, creativity and culture. IHUM courses also enhance skills in analysis, reasoning, argumentation and oral and written expression, helping students to prepare for advanced work in all areas. Sample courses include: Citizenship; Visions of Mortality; Tradition and Revolution: Rewriting the Classics; Reason, Passion and Reality; and Serious Laughter: Fantasy and Invective in Greece, Rome and Beyond. Freshmen take three IHUM courses during their first year, one each quarter.

The Disciplinary Breadth courses provide students with educational breadth by giving them some experience in the areas of engineering and applied sciences, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and the social sciences. To satisfy these requirements, students may enroll in courses or draw from the hundreds of introductory seminars offered each year. Sample seminars include: The Coastal Zone Environment, The Nature of Engineering, A Social Entrepreneurship Startup, Buddhist Political and Social Theory, and Language and Gender in Japan: Myths and Reality. Students take five Disciplinary Breadth courses, one in each subject area.

Education for Citizenship

Undergraduate Requirements Undergraduates complete at least 180 units, including courses in the following general education requirement (ger) areas:

Introduction to the Humanities (one course each quarter of the freshman year);

In addition to these requirements, Stanford’s academic program includes:

The Writing Requirement, which is offered during the freshman year and as part of the major;

Disciplinary Breadth (one course selected from each of the five subject areas); and

Writing Requirement

Education for Citizenship (two courses selected from two of the four subject areas).

The Language Requirement, which ensures familiarity with one other language; and


Stanford University

The Education for Citizenship courses provide students with some of the skills and knowledge that are necessary for participation in our contemporary national and global cultures of the 21st century. Education for Citizenship is divided into the following subject areas: American Cultures, The Global Community, Gender Studies, and Ethical Reasoning. Students take two Education for Citizenship courses, each in a different subject area.

■ The completion of a major, which is generally chosen by the end of the sophomore year.

The Writing Requirement has two parts: the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR) and Writing in the Major. The PWR requirement is met by completing two courses in PWR or alternative Stanford courses that are approved by the faculty. The Writing in the Major requirement is met by taking a course that has been designated by the student’s major department as satisfying the writing requirement in the major.

the freedom and encouragement to pursue what you love.

Language Requirement

Honors Programs

Stanford requires that students have basic familiarity with a foreign language through completion of one year of college-level study or the equivalent. The Stanford Language Center offers courses for up to three years or more of study in all major foreign languages. Some special languages, such as Arabic, Hebrew and Swahili, are regularly offered for up to three years, while others are offered to meet the needs of a specific group of students, such as Indonesian for Volunteers in Asia participants and Modern Greek for classics students joining a summer fieldwork project. American Sign Language is offered as well.

Usually completed in the senior year, these capstone programs allow students to engage in advanced research, analysis or field work leading to a written thesis; laboratory work accompanied by a report; or creative projects such as writing and directing a play, producing and directing a film or choreographing a dance production. Completing an honors program gives students the chance to share their passion for a subject with a faculty advisor who is interested in the same idea or problem. It can be one of the most rewarding experiences at Stanford.

Majors, Minors, Honors and Degrees The Major Students are expected to choose a major by the end of the sophomore year. Even after this decision, however, the major can be changed if a student’s interests shift. The primary purpose of the major is to encourage each student to explore a subject in considerable depth. Such study also provides a sense of how knowledge grows and is shaped by time and circumstances. Study in the major gives students the opportunity and responsibility to pursue original, creative work. Requirements for each department’s major are set by faculty; these requirements usually allow latitude for tailoring a major program to a student’s specific educational goals. Students may also complete multiple majors and minors. Minors are a limited version of a major concentration or a specialized subset of a field.

Degree Options Single and Dual Degrees

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is awarded to majors in the social sciences and humanities; the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) is awarded to majors in the natural or physical sciences and majors from the schools of Engineering or Earth Sciences. The Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A.S.) is awarded to those who complete the requirements for an undergraduate degree and fulfill the requirements for two majors (with no overlapping courses), one leading to a B.A. degree and one leading to a B.S. degree. Students also have the option of earning a dual degree by working concurrently towards both a B.A. and a B.S. Coterminal Degrees

Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees may be pursued simultaneously. The two degrees do not have to be from the same department or school, though they may be. A student may, for instance, combine a B.S. in biology and an M.A. in East Asian studies, or a B.A. in economics with an M.S. in management science and engineering.

Class Size In 2005–06, nearly 70% of the courses enrolling undergraduates at Stanford had fewer than 20 students. More than 20% were independent study courses in which individual students created their own directed reading program in conjunction with a faculty member.

Disciplines in which many students major tend to have larger introductory classes than departments with fewer majors. Large and popular introductory lectures that may enroll as many as 120 students are generally supplemented by small discussion groups led by teaching assistants. Only 5% of undergraduate classes in 2005–06 enrolled 100 students or more. Stanford offers intensive small-group learning experiences specifically designed for freshmen and sophomores through such programs as: ■

Freshman and Sophomore Seminars,

which are limited to 16 students and taught by professors from different areas, including faculty from Stanford’s education, law, business and medical schools; ■ Sophomore Dialogues, which enroll no more than six students in an intensive course of directed reading; and ■ Sophomore College, which is a three-week residential academic program for returning sophomores held just prior to the start of the school year and featuring an intensive learning experience in a class with just 12 to 14 students.

The Quarter System as Explorative Tool Stanford’s undergraduate program is divided into 10-week quarters. Students find the quarter system supports the broad and deep exploration Stanford encourages because it allows them to take more courses each year. Quarter courses are fast-paced. The timeframe is conducive to highly specialized topics such as a one-quarter, in-depth study of “China Under Mao.” Students find an exciting momentum is achieved with quarter courses, which build on one another in quick succession. The quarter system also makes it possible for more students to take full advantage of the university’s curricular possibilities, such as completing a second major, adding a minor or studying abroad.

Stanford University


Extraordinary faculty mentors at the forefront of advancing the world’s understanding of

At Stanford, learning, teaching and the creation of new knowledge are inextricably linked. Teaching and research are not separate enterprises; rather, they inform, enrich and enliven each other. This interplay is promoted by faculty in each of Stanford’s seven schools — Business, Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, Humanities and Sciences, Law, and Medicine. SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES The School of Humanities and Sciences (H&S), which consists of more than 500 faculty members, 28 departments and 20 interdisciplinary degree programs, is the heart of Stanford’s liberal arts education. H&S is the largest of the university’s schools, awarding about 80% of undergraduate degrees. Within H&S are the core humanities, fine arts, languages and literatures, social sciences, mathematics and natural sciences. Departments are divided into three clusters — humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The humanities encompass the study of the history, ideas and artifacts of human existence. The social sciences focus

on the systematic examination of the human experience. Natural scientists study the world around us, while probing for the factors that explain our existence on Earth. The strength of H&S lies in its depth and breadth. The school offers excellence in 27 disciplinary majors ranging from sciences such as physics, mathematics and biological sciences, to social sciences such as economics, political science, archaeology and psychology, to humanities including English, classics and history. Additionally, the school offers flexible interdisciplinary programs such as international relations, symbolic systems, comparative studies in race and ethnicity, human biology and others. For more information on H&S, visit

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING One of the characteristics that distinguishes the School of Engineering is its proximity to Silicon Valley, the center of a worldrenowned computer and high-technology industry created in large part by Stanford faculty and alumni. Comprising nine academic departments, the School of Engineering educates students to be technically sophisticated, while preparing them for the complex problem solving they will face in the real world. Engineering students at Stanford are able to pursue all the opportunities Stanford offers such as double majoring in other disciplines and integrating study abroad and service learning into their scholarship. For more information, visit

Undergraduate Fields of Study in the School of Humanities and Sciences African & African American Studies American Studies Anthropological Sciences Archaeology Art Art History Film & Media Studies Studio Art Asian Languages Chinese Japanese Biological Sciences Chemistry Classics Greek Latin Communication Comparative Literature Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity Asian American Studies Chicana/o Studies Native American Studies Cultural & Social Anthropology Dance (minor only)


Stanford University

Drama East Asian Studies Economics Education (honors only) English Creative Writing Emphasis Interdisciplinary Emphasis English Literature Ethics in Society (honors & minor only) Feminist Studies French German Studies History History, Literature & the Arts History & Philosophy of Science & Technology History, Science & Medicine Human Biology Individually Designed Majors Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities International Relations Italian Jewish Studies Latin American Studies (honors only) Linguistics

Mathematical & Computational Science Mathematics Medieval Studies Middle Eastern Languages, Literatures & Cultures (minor only) Music Music, Science & Technology Philosophy Philosophy & Religious Studies Physics Applied Physics (minor only) Political Science Psychology Public Policy Religious Studies Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies (minor only) Science, Technology & Society Slavic Languages & Literatures Sociology Spanish & Portuguese Statistics Symbolic Systems Urban Studies

subjects ranging from geophysics to history to bioscience to musical composition.

Mayfield Fellowships are awarded

Undergraduate Fields of Study in the Schools of Engineering and Earth Sciences

through the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, the entrepreneurship center within Stanford’s School of Engineering. Mayfield fellows combine an intense sequence of courses on the management of technology ventures, a paid summer internship at a start-up company, and ongoing mentoring and networking relationships with top industry CEOs.


Aeronautics & Astronautics Architectural Design Biomechanical Engineering Biomedical Computation Chemical Engineering

Earth Systems Geosphere Anthrosphere Biosphere Energy, Science & Technology Land Management Oceans Education Environmental Science, Technology & Policy (honors only) Geological & Environmental Sciences

Civil & Environmental Engineering Computer Science Computer Systems Engineering Electrical Engineering Individually Designed Majors Management Science & Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering Product Design

SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCES The School of Earth Sciences consists of three academic departments—Geological and Environmental Sciences, Geophysics, and Petroleum Engineering—and two interdisciplinary programs. Its mission is to educate students to become geologists, environmental scientists, geophysicists and petroleum engineers and to give students an understanding of the Earth that they can apply to careers in such fields as law, economics, education, business and policy. The university’s own 8,180-acre campus includes a 1,200-acre biological preserve and a marine station in nearby Pacific Grove. Field experience is a rich component of the undergraduate education in Earth Sciences. Examples include trips to Mount St. Helens to study the site of the devastating 1980 eruption and to Death Valley to study the geology of a desert environment. As in all areas of undergraduate study at Stanford, research is an integral aspect of Earth Sciences, with students joining ongoing faculty investigations such as the Yaqui Basin project in Sonora, Mexico. Students also initiate their own research, such as searching for fossil evidence of floral extinction in Mongolia or discovering how organisms use nutrients from cold seeps at the bottom of Monterey Bay. For more information, visit For other environmental endeavors at Stanford, visit


Geological Sciences Environmental Sciences Engineering, Geology & Hydrogeology Geophysics Individually Designed Majors Petroleum Engineering

U N D E RG R A D UAT E AC C E S S TO T H E G R A D UAT E S C H O O L S Undergraduate education at a research university has a distinctive character because professors are the creators of new knowledge and because graduate students are pursuing advanced study in an extraordinary number of areas. Stanford’s encouragement of interdisciplinary and interschool connections means that undergraduates have many opportunities to participate in this rich intellectual environment. The “thin walls” between the undergraduate and graduate programs of the schools of Humanities and Sciences, Engineering and Earth Sciences, as well as the graduate schools of Business, Education, Law and Medicine, allow students to access the human and physical resources of some of the finest graduate programs in the world. The benefits are multiple:

Ability to enroll in graduate courses and participate in graduate school activities. Enrollment is generally by permission.

Many academic departments also have informal meetings that include undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral students and faculty who come together to understand the results of recently published research.

Collaborative research and creative projects with graduate school faculty and graduate student mentors, including honors theses.

■ Coterminal degree programs offered through the schools of Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, and Humanities and Sciences.

Undergraduate courses based on the most current research, designed and taught by graduate school faculty members. For example, faculty from all seven schools, including one-third of the professors at the School of Medicine, teach undergraduate introductory seminars.

Stanford University


Yo u r s t o e x p l o r e , yours to discover . . . intellectual curiosity will be your compass —

Research at Stanford is collaborative, rigorous, highly applicable and downright fun. “Structured curiosity” is how one professor describes it — asking questions and then finding out if those questions are answerable. As a Stanford student, you, too, will be invited to join this quest for new knowledge. Experience shows it is one of the best ways to learn. U N D E RG R A D UAT E R E S E A RC H Opportunities for discovery begin in the classroom and extend into the rich research life of campus laboratories, libraries, studios and beyond. The university urges undergraduates to join with our faculty in the search for new knowledge and new artistic creation. In doing so, you will have abundant opportunities to immerse yourself in a scholarly endeavor and become a vital contributor to Stanford’s community of scholars who are mutually dedicated to exploration and discovery. The following are some of the most common ways to engage in undergraduate research:

Undergraduate Research Programs (URP) is Stanford’s central resource for information about how to design and/or become involved in a research project. URP offers grants directly to students who wish to design their own research projects under faculty guidance. It also provides funds to faculty and departments to support undergraduates as members of a professor’s research team. URP staff members help students connect with faculty who share their intellectual passion, find departmental programs that fit their research interests, guide students in developing their own ideas into working projects and assist in integrating research into a student’s overall academic program. URP also advises and assists students in applying for postgraduate fellowships or graduate school admission. For more information, visit

Student Research Grants sponsored by the URP office provide students the funds to pursue their intellectual passion in an independent, faculty-mentored research project. There are five different types of grants for which undergraduates may apply to support everything from one-quarter


Stanford University

seed-projects to extensive year-long studies of a particular topic. Student grant recipients define the topic or problem that they wish to investigate, and they define the importance of the research question with respect to their field of study, their personal experiences or some larger community or societal problem. They work closely with a faculty member to translate the initial research question into a working project with a hypothesis and method of investigation and to identify the resources they will draw upon to complete the project. Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of receiving a student grant is sharing research results with the broader Stanford scholarly community. Students write reports, publish articles in the campus undergraduate research journals and present projects at campus research symposia. Whatever forum students find for sharing their results, the independent learning opportunities opened up by the URP’s student grant programs allow students to personalize their education and define their own most important intellectual questions.

Departmental and Faculty-Led Research Opportunities allow students to become part of a community of undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and postdoctoral fellows who share intellectual interests and a commitment to advanced study and cutting-edge research. In a typical departmental research program, students choose or are assigned a faculty research advisor according to interest. The student then conducts substantive, directed research on a particular aspect of the faculty advisor’s current project, either part-time during the academic year or full-time over the summer, meeting frequently with his or her advisor to discuss progress and future directions for the project. Many departmental programs also sponsor weekly seminars.

Summer Research College and Bing Honors College foster an integration of students’ residential and intellectual communities. Summer Research College provides coordinated housing and social activities for more than 200 Stanford students who are engaged in full-time research with faculty members campuswide. Students share research experiences and ideas in the dorm, and they enjoy special academic and cultural programming to enhance their involvement in the campus research culture. Bing Honors College allows seniors to return to campus three weeks before the start of fall quarter for a focused period of work on their honors theses. In the daytime, students meet with their departmental honors groups to finetune their research plans and writing. In the evening, the college hosts dinners and social events to build an interdisciplinary community of students committed to longterm honors projects.

Honors Theses and Senior Projects allow students to pursue in depth a line of scholarly investigation that is profoundly interesting to them. Many honors theses present areas of research that have never before been explored, charting new territory for future scholars. But whether or not an honors project has tangible results — launching a career or providing a clue to a larger discovery — the honors experience affirms a student’s ability as a creative and original thinker.

excellence your true north.

Research Centers, Institutes and Laboratories With more than 130 national and international research centers, independent laboratories, centers and institutes, Stanford gives students access to faculty with research interests in areas as diverse as the human genome, the novel, astrophysics, bipolar disorder, Buddhism, petroleum, and gender. Here are a few of Stanford’s unique centers through which undergraduates regularly engage in individual and collaborative research:

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace attracts hundreds of visiting scholars each year eager to use the institution’s library, which houses one of the largest collections in the world of materials on 20th-century social, economic and political change.

Hopkins Marine Station , the oldest marine laboratory on the Pacific coast and the second oldest in the United States, is 90 miles south of campus on 10 acres of picturesque, rocky headlands overlooking Monterey Bay. A division of Stanford’s Biological Sciences Department, the station has earned an international reputation for its teaching and research. Courses in marine biology are offered at the station each winter and spring quarter. Students live in Monterey while studying and conducting research with faculty members in residence at the station.

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve consists of 1,200 acres on the western edge of Stanford lands, where scientists from academic institutions and resource management agencies around the world have conducted a wide range of environmental research for more than a century.

Stanford Bio-X Program for Bioengineering, Biomedicine and Biosciences brings together engineering, physics, chemistry and the information sciences with biology and medicine to foster new discoveries and inventions. Interdisciplinary in concept and scope, the Bio-X Program formalizes in a very real way the collaboration Stanford faculty and students have long had between and among various departments and schools. This program, centralized in the new Clark Center for Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, creates opportunities for undergraduates to participate in fundamental discoveries that emerge from new intellectual connections between traditionally separate disciplines.

Stanford Humanities Laboratory allows scholars at all levels — from freshmen to senior professors — to collaborate on midto large-scale research projects, with an emphasis on flexible and cross-disciplinary working methods. All projects have nontraditional research outputs, such as films, exhibits, music, CDs, online journals and experimental technologies.

Woods Institute for the Environment In 2004 Stanford established the Woods Institute for the Environment, an interdisciplinary teaching and research effort that brings together faculty and students from all seven of Stanford’s schools to attack some of the most pressing environmental challenges of the new century. The institute promotes multidisciplinary environmental research, provides enhanced environmental education and fosters outreach to policy makers in an effort to create the scientific infrastructure, discover and demonstrate solutions, and help develop policies that will lead to sustainable approaches to development worldwide. The establishment of the institute reflects Stanford’s ongoing commitment to interdisciplinary approaches broadly and its awareness that environmental challenges have become increasingly complex and must involve an array of scientific, socio-cultural, economic and ethical dimensions.

Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), Stanford’s primary forum for interdisciplinary research on key international issues and challenges, consists of five major research centers— Asia/Pacific Research Center; Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law; Center for Environmental Science and Policy; Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcome Research; and Center for International Security and Cooperation—as well as programs and projects such as the European Forum, the Initiative on Distance Learning, and the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education that serves as a bridge between Stanford and K–14 schools across the nation. FSI draws together faculty and research staff from all seven Stanford schools, funds research and new scholarly initiatives, coordinates and directs research projects, and sponsors lectures and conferences. Undergraduates are encouraged to participate in the programs and research initiatives sponsored by FSI.

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center is operated by Stanford for the U.S. Department of Energy. The 426-acre facility, housing a two-mile-long linear accelerator, is devoted to experimental and theoretical research in elementary particle physics. Stanford University Medical Center serves as an umbrella for the Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford University Hospital and Clinics and the Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital. Together, they form one of the nation’s leading centers for medical education, research and patient care. Undergraduates can attend classes at the medical school, observe surgeries and become members of research teams.

Stanford University


The world all at once.

The broad range of premier academic programs and research activities at Stanford is enhanced by several additional hallmark programs. The resulting combination of superb academic, service, cultural, creative and athletic endeavors offers undergraduates abundant opportunities to seek and achieve excellence unique to their talents and interests.





The center is a national model for the integration of academic and service activities. Through the center, students engage in public service opportunities ranging from direct human services to policy and advocacy, touching virtually all of the university’s schools, academic departments, centers and programs. The center makes the opportunity to serve available to all students regardless of financial situation, academic interest or political persuasion. Indeed, Stanford leads the nation’s top universities in using federal work-study money for community service. At Stanford, service informs scholarship and vice versa. As a student’s knowledge, skills and experience evolve, so do the levels at which he or she is able to engage societal challenges such as poverty, civil rights, education, environment, health and justice. The Haas Center also offers the Public Service Scholars Program for students in their senior year who seek to write honors theses that meet the highest standards of their academic departments and of the government and nonprofit agencies and local communities with which the scholars collaborate. This capstone program draws highly motivated students from many majors, including American studies, art history, computer science, earth systems, history, human biology, political science, public policy, psychology and urban studies. For more information about the Haas Center for Public Service, visit

Stanford students can spend one academic quarter studying and learning in a rigorous residential program in the nation’s capital. The program consists of four parts: 1) Weekly seminars taught by Stanford faculty members in which students and faculty analyze government institutions, political processes and public policy. Seminar topics have included Law and Economics, Environmental Science and Public Policy, Power and Politics, and Policy for Children, Youth and Families. Executive branch officials, members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, and other policy makers are frequent guest speakers. 2) Theme tutorials, which bring together two to five students taught by senior-level national experts. 3) Internships in which each student is placed according to his or her interests in a government agency, news, arts or health organization or public interest group, working closely with top individuals in policy-making positions. Students have interned at the White House; Office of Management and Budget; Departments of Interior, Justice, and Health and Human Services; Senate committees; World Wildlife Fund; Children’s Defense Fund; World Bank; and many other agencies and organizations. 4) Activities that include opportunities to meet and talk with members of Congress, national media journalists and museum curators, as well as special tours.

Students can study abroad at nine Stanford campuses — Australia, Beijing, Berlin, Florence, Kyoto, Moscow, Oxford, Paris, and Santiago — with Stanford visiting faculty and local faculty whose specialties relate to their host countries. Students earn full Stanford credit toward their majors and general education requirements. In addition to enjoying a diverse curriculum at each of the campuses, students have the unique opportunity to live in homestays. Overseas Studies also offers the following special programs:

Stanford University

Internships, either paid or for credit, are offered in Berlin, Florence, Kyoto, Paris and Santiago. Throughout a student’s overseas experience, internships are available at a wide range of arts, government, business, technology and nonprofit organizations. These have included the National Research Center for Environment and Health in Germany, Banca Toscana in Florence and the Musée D’Orsay in Paris. Overseas Seminars are three-week courses taught abroad by Stanford faculty. Recent seminars were offered in Belgium, Bhutan, Mexico, and South Africa and focused on locally relevant topics. Each seminar is limited to 12–15 students and includes local travel to supplement classwork. Seminar students receive two units of fall quarter credit. Seminars conclude before the start of fall quarter, allowing students to return to campus before classes begin.

Limitless possibilities

S TA N F O R D E XC H A N G E P RO G R A M This program was established in 1978 to provide a cultural and academic enrichment experience for Stanford students in a historically black institution of higher education. Participating colleges include Howard University, Morehouse College and Spelman College. The program now also includes an exchange with Dartmouth College for Native American students. Students from Stanford and participating schools exchange places for a quarter, semester or full academic year.

V I S UA L , L I T E R A RY A N D PE R F O R M I N G A R TS P RO G R A M S An enormous extended artistic community of students majoring in many disciplines contribute their talents to Stanford’s magazines, film screens, stages, studios and galleries. Visiting artists further enrich the range and depth of possibilities for engagement in the creative process. A few key programs and resources include:

The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts includes the restored 1893 Stanford Museum building, spacious galleries, an auditorium, cafe, bookstore and the second largest Rodin sculpture collection in the world. With collections in 18 galleries, a superb schedule of special exhibitions, educational programs and events, the Cantor Arts Center is a vital part of the campus.

The Thomas Welton Stanford Art Gallery features frequent exhibitions of works by Stanford students and faculty members.

The Stanford Creative Writing Program was established more than 50 years ago. Through its Stegner Fellowship Program, it offers emerging writers in fiction and poetry the opportunity to advance their work. It provides Stanford students in all departments with writing courses in fiction and poetry, from beginning to advanced classes. The program annually brings to campus poets and fiction writers who teach seminars, give public readings and hold colloquia. Recent visiting writers include Frank Bidart, J.M. Coetzee, Michael Cunningham, Mary Gordon, Robert Haas, Salman Rushdie and Jane Smiley. The creative writing program also sponsors the Lane Lecture Series.

The Drama Department presents 12 to

The Committee on Black Performing Arts (CBPA) presents professional performing artists, symposia, films and student productions framed by related academic study in drama, history, sociology, anthropology and philosophy. Through the CBPA’s offerings, students are able to concentrate studies in Black Performing Arts as part of the B.A. major in African and African American Studies. The CBPA also publishes an international journal of artistic expression and cultural critique, The Black Arts Quarterly. CBPA is the umbrella organization for student performing groups such as the Kuumba Dance Ensemble, Stanford Gospel Choir and Jam Pac’d.

Stanford Irvine Institute for Diversity in the Arts annually sponsors

20 productions per year, at all levels, from staged readings to full musicals. Studentrun groups also mount 10 or more productions each year. Opportunities for student participation are numerous. Drama majors also have the ability to combine academic research with performance through the department’s senior project requirement. In addition to the department’s artists-inresidence, visiting performers teach acting classes each quarter.

“Cartographies of Race: Mapping Race and Space in California,” a visiting-artist residency program engaging students, faculty and the surrounding community in a collaboration to create visual and performing arts projects exploring issues of diversity in California. Four student fellows are chosen each year to serve as teaching assistants for the workshops.

The Music Department presents approximately 150 concerts each academic year, from student recitals to full symphonic works with choruses. Instrumental ensembles include the Stanford Symphony Orchestra, Stanford Wind Ensemble, Stanford Jazz Orchestra, Stanford Chamber Strings, ALEA II (new music), Stanford Taiko, classical and jazz combos, and chamber music groups of all sizes and styles. Vocal groups include Stanford Chamber Chorale, University Singers, Symphonic Chorus, Early Music Singers, and the Memorial Church Choir. More than 800 students participate in music in a given year. Students are welcomed for private and group lessons, ensemble participation and for practice. The Friends of Music program at Stanford provides scholarship support for many students’ private lessons.

opportunities for Stanford and the surrounding community. One of the highlights of SOCA’s offerings is its annual “An Art Affair,” which includes performances, visual art and short films by students, faculty and staff in the community.

Student Organizing Committee for the Arts (SOCA) creates artistic and cultural

Stanford University


a r e a t t h e h e a r t o f S t a n f o r d Un i v e r s i t y.

S TA N F O R D AT H L E T I C S Stanford’s Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation offers programs of the highest quality that give all students opportunities for athletic participation and physical fitness at all levels of skill and interest. More than 80% of students take advantage of the extensive athletic facilities and programs offered at the intercollegiate, intramural, club sport and instructional levels.

Intercollegiate Competition includes 35 Division I varsity sports. “Home of Champions” is the catchphrase for the Stanford University Athletic Department because no other athletic department in the country has experienced the success Stanford has achieved since the 1980s. Stanford has captured 11 consecutive Directors’ Cup titles (1995– 2005), an award that honors the nation’s top Division I athletic program.

Men’s Varsity Sports: baseball, basketball, crew, cross country, fencing, football, golf, gymnastics, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, indoor track and field, outdoor track and field, volleyball, water polo and wrestling.

Women’s Varsity Sports: basketball, crew, lightweight crew, cross country, fencing, field hockey, golf, gymnastics, lacrosse, soccer, softball, squash, swimming and diving, synchronized swimming, tennis, indoor track and field, outdoor track and field, volleyball and water polo.

Coed Varsity Sport: sailing.

Championships (as of March 2006) Total National Championships:


Total Individual NCAA Championships:


Total NCAA Championships (NCAA rank):

91 (No. 2)

Total Men’s NCAA Championships (NCAA rank):

57 (No. 3)

Total Women’s NCAA Championships (NCAA rank):

34 (No. 1)

NCAA Team Championships Since 1990:


NCAA Team Championships Since 1980:


*Most in the nation

Club Sports allow students to compete against skilled athletes from other colleges and universities. Many of Stanford’s club sport teams are the equivalent of varsity teams at other colleges. What distinguishes Stanford club sports from varsity teams is that club sports are student organized. There are more than 1,000 participants in the club sports program, which includes badminton, cricket, cycling, equestrian, ice hockey, judo, men’s lacrosse, equestrian polo, men’s and women’s rugby, running, skiing (Alpine and Nordic), table tennis and men’s and women’s Ultimate Frisbee. Intramural Sports ranging from basketball and bicycle racing to table tennis and inner-tube water polo are played by about 9,000 students. Teams are affiliated with various campus residences, organizations and departments.

Physical Education Classes are coeducational and open to all students. Courses are offered in all areas of competitive athletics as well as in aquatics, fitness, equitation, martial arts and yoga.


Stanford University

Major Athletic Facilities Arrillaga Family Recreation Center Arrillaga Family Sports Center Artificial Turf Field Avery Aquatic Center Boyd and Jill Smith Family Softball Stadium Burnham Pavilion Cobb Track and Angell Field Ford Center Maloney Field Maples Pavilion Red Barn Student Equestrian Center Stanford Golf Course Stanford Rowing & Sailing Center Stanford Stadium Steuber Rugby Stadium Sunken Diamond Taube Family Tennis Stadium

In addition to the athletic facilities listed here, there are 26 tennis courts, outdoor basketball and volleyball courts nearly everywhere, a driving range, riding stables and 70 acres of playing fields throughout campus.

The friendship of fellow students who will

Nearly 6,700 undergraduates and 8,200 graduate students live on the Stanford campus, with most faculty members living on or near campus as well. Students have access not only to Stanford’s expansive campus with its extraordinary resources, but also to Northern California’s many amenities. Stanford is, for instance, about 30 minutes from San Francisco and San Jose. Easily accessible are both cities’ world-class performances, film festivals and museums; Silicon Valley’s high-tech, future-oriented industry and culture; and the beauty and adventure of nearby mountains, natural parks and the California coast. L I V I N G AT S TA N F O R D The Stanford Campus was designed under the direction of Frederick Law Olmsted, the landscape architect who created New York’s Central Park. In 1885, a year and a half after the death of their only child, Jane and Leland Stanford executed a deed of trust conveying their Palo Alto Stock Farm, along with several other parcels of land, to trustees for the founding of the Leland Stanford Junior University. The campus still carries the nickname “the Farm.” In 1891, Stanford University opened

its doors after six years of planning and building. In an early letter, Stanford’s first president, David Starr Jordan, wrote: “The yellow sandstone arches and cloisters, the ‘red-tiled roofs against the azure sky,’ make a picture that can never be forgotten, itself an integral part of a Stanford education.” The size and varied topography of the 8,180 acres of foothills and plains in the center of the San Francisco Peninsula provide a rare opportunity for comprehensive land and resource management. Outside the main campus center, much of Stanford’s land is rural, with ecosystems ranging from working farms and pastureland to the 1,200-acre Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve (see page 37), used for research in population biology, ecology, plant physiology and anthropology.

Stanford’s Small-House System of undergraduate residences guarantees campus housing to entering freshmen for four years. Varied housing options are provided in 78 residences, all of which are located on the campus within 10 minutes walking or biking distance of most classrooms and libraries. Each type of residence offers a distinct lifestyle, including: All-freshman houses Sophomore house Four-class houses

Freshman/Sophomore College

(See Residential Education, page 42) Potter College

(See Residential Education, page 42) Program in Structured Liberal Education

(See Residential Education, page 42) Cross-Cultural Theme Houses

Chicano/Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, Black/AfricanAmerican Focus Theme Houses

Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Public Policy, Community Service, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Environmental Issues, Arts and Performing Arts Academic and Language Theme Houses

East Asian Studies House, German Language and Culture House, Human Biology House, Italian Language and Culture House, French Language and Culture House, Potter College, Spanish Language Immersion House, Slavic/East European House Co-ops, apartments, small and large dormitories

Houses vary greatly; all, however, foster abundant social opportunities, including dances, theme nights, intramural athletic games, and off-campus day and weekend trips.

Upper-class houses Greek houses

Stanford University


awe and inspire you as much for their humanity

Residential Education encompasses the learning that occurs in campus residences, including: residence-based advising and tutoring; interaction with faculty, classes in the residences, informal learning experiences, exposure to arts and culture, discussions of issues and introduction to new people, ideas and experiences; development of a pluralistic community in which each student feels fully included intellectually, culturally and politically; and training in leadership and management skills as well as opportunities to exercise those skills through dorm governance and residence staff. A key element of residential education is the resident fellows program, through which Stanford faculty members live in student residences and serve as educational and intellectual leaders. Residential education in all its forms is one of the reasons that, despite the university’s size and breadth, Stanford is an intimate community. For more information on all residence programs, please visit Freshman-Sophomore College at Sterling Quad is a residential education program

students may select as entering freshmen. The college is specifically designed to integrate classroom and residential learning and to increase student knowledge of academic resources and opportunities on campus. Courses taught at the college include house seminars and class sections in chemistry, economics, humanities, math and physics. Other academically oriented activities include oral communication courses, workshops and tutorials to improve publicspeaking skills; advising programs; and faculty talks followed by dinner at the college Dean’s home. Potter College. The Potter College at Sterling Quadrangle is designed to create an interdisciplinary community of students engaged in intellectual exploration with a particular focus on undergraduate research, writing (including creative writing), public speaking, the arts, and honors. Residents of Potter College take leadership roles in organizing in-College colloquia as well as programming to spotlight undergraduates’ creative pursuits campus-wide, and are supported by staff who share the excitement of intellectual and personal discovery. 42

Stanford University

The Program in Structured Liberal Education (SLE) is designed specifically for

freshmen interested in an interdisciplinary approach to the liberal arts and sciences. The program emphasizes intellectual rigor (inquiry, criticism and tolerance for ambiguity) and individualized contact between faculty and students, as well as close interaction among students through shared living areas. SLE is a demanding three-quarter program, which consumes approximately 60% of the average academic workload of a freshman.

A Multifaith Community, Stanford has 40 recognized religious organizations on campus, including Christian groups, the Hillel Foundation, the Islamic Society, the Baha’i Association, Hindu Student Council, and Zoroastrian and Buddhist communities. Memorial Church was one of the first interdenominational churches in the West and is still among the most prominent. The Office for Religious Life presumes that faith and spiritual quest are consonant with the University’s most vital pursuits of meaning and purpose. For more information visit Academic Resources and Services The Stanford University Libraries include more than 30 libraries and programs. Stanford’s libraries have amassed collections of books, journals, scores, sound and video recordings, and printed reference works numbering more than 8 million volumes. The collections include over 50,000 current serials, 281,011 cartographic holdings and 5.8 million microform holdings, as well as access to thousands of digital resources. Most of the materials in the collections are open and easily accessible to students. The J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library serves many of the academic technology support needs of students and faculty. The second floor of Meyer houses a public computer cluster that comprises Macintosh and Pentium processor-based desktop systems, a consulting desk, a multimedia studio and a lab for foreign language study. The Cecil H. Green Library holds the majority of research collections in the humanities and social sciences, as well as general reference materials and periodicals. There are also specialized libraries for students in areas ranging from art to education to science.

Computing Resources at Stanford allow students to enjoy one of the most extensive and varied computing environments of any university campus. Students can use publicly accessible computers for a variety of tasks including library collection searches, course work, multimedia projects, e-mail and Internet/World Wide Web access. Public computer clusters with UNIX, Macintosh or PC systems are available in Meyer Library, Tresidder Memorial Student Union, the Terman Engineering Center and Sweet Hall. All dorm rooms are wired per student and all residential buildings at Stanford have computer clusters. Wireless access is also available in most academic and administrative buildings. Students may purchase personal computers at a discount through the Bookstore, although students are not required to own computers at Stanford.

The Undergraduate Advising Programs, the hub of advising services on campus, is staffed by experienced professionals who work with students throughout their undergraduate years. Among the many advising programs is freshman advising, through which each entering student is assigned an advising team based on shared intellectual interests consisting of an academic advisor, a peer academic advisor and professional advisors. Stanford also provides extensive tutoring and study-skill development resources. Once students declare their major, usually at the end of the sophomore year, they choose an advisor from the faculty in their major department.

Stanford’s Language Center is a national leader in second-language pedagogy and includes the most modern video and audio equipment, cable and Internet connections, eight computer workstations, a soundproof room for recording and equipment for the production of student language portfolios. The center is linked with all the campus area-studies programs and overseas studies centers to ensure that foreign language acquisition at Stanford serves students’ wider academic and career goals.

The Center for Writing offers tutorial services to help students with writing assignments.

as for their talents.

The Disability Resource Center offers campus access information and arranges accommodations to meet the needs of any student with a learning disability, handicap, chronic illness or physical limitation. It also acts as a liaison between students, faculty and student services offices. The center provides Braille and recorded materials, mobility training, transportation, special equipment, notetaking and other resources.

Student Union and Centers Tresidder Memorial Union is the Stanford community’s gathering place. Its main dining room, Union Square, serves the entire Stanford community with six culinary platforms offering international cuisine, plus two national sandwich and coffee chains, and offers configurable furniture, wireless internet access and additional electrical outlets for laptops, bistro tables and chairs, and an amphitheatre with plasma televisions, leather couches and other soft seating for news, sports, television and movie viewing. Services offered in the union include a convenience store, two banks, a travel agency, copy center, hair salon, ticket office for Bay Area and on-campus events, gym and meeting rooms. Tresidder is also the home of the student government, the Associated Students of Stanford University, and the Offices of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs and the Dean of Students. Bechtel International Center (see page 47) Asian American Activities Center

The Associated Students of Stanford University represents all registered students on campus issues, funds student organizations, brings prominent speakers to campus through its speakers forum, holds concerts, sponsors community service projects and offers free legal assistance.

Student Clubs and Organizations Stanford students move in many different directions, often simultaneously. Having the ability to engage in multiple interests and find friends who are not only similarly engaged, but also exceptionally talented in those areas, is one of the values of Stanford’s diversity. Stanford’s 600-plus student organizations fall into the following categories:

Health Services The Bridge Peer Counseling Center is a group of student counselors providing free, confidential, 24-hour peer counseling services to Stanford and the neighboring community. Counseling and Psychological Services assures that high-quality professional counseling is always available and, in addition, offers a variety of educational programs.

Vaden Student Health Center provides a full range of general and special medical care for students free of charge.

Campus Restaurants and Stores


In addition to dining services throughout student residences, the Stanford campus has more than 30 restaurants and cafés offering a wide variety of foods.


The Stanford Bookstore provides a


diverse selection of books and supplies to students, faculty, staff and the community in and surrounding Stanford. The main bookstore carries more than 130,000 titles, as well as periodicals, Stanford logo apparel, gifts and souvenirs. The Bookstore also houses a separate computer store, which sells both hardware and software, a one-hour photo processing center and a café. The Stanford Bookstore has five other branches: the Stanford Medical/Technical Bookstore in downtown Palo Alto, which carries medical and technical books, supplies, stationery, medical instruments, bestsellers and clothing; the Track House Sports Shop; the Tresidder Express convenience store; the Stanford Shop at the Stanford Shopping Center, which carries clothing, souvenirs and gifts; and the Bookshop at the Cantor Center for the Arts.

Community Service Ethnic/Cultural Fraternities/Sororities Health/Counseling Media/Publications Music/Dance/Creative Arts Political/Social Awareness Religious/Philosophical

For more information on specific student groups, visit To glimpse the diversity of on-campus activities, issues and news, visit the online version of Stanford’s student-run newspaper, the Stanford Daily, at

Black Community Services Center

Stanford Shopping Center is nearby

campus and has 140 retail stores. It is one of the nation’s leading regional centers in revenue and sales volume, providing income for student scholarships and other university expenses.

El Centro Chicano Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered Community Resource Center Native American Cultural Center — American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Program Women’s Community Center Stanford University


Global positioning systems and gene splicing, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and

Stanford alumni bring the perspectives learned on campus to the greater world as, for instance, distinguished academic leaders, actors, artists, astronauts, athletes, diplomats, entrepreneurs, inventors and scientists, journalists and writers, and policy makers and politicians. A F T E R S TA N F O R D Fellowship and Graduate School Application Services administered by Undergraduate Research Programs provide practical advice to Stanford students and recent graduates on how to apply for Ph.D. programs and postbaccalaureate fellowships. Services include workshops and individual consultations on choosing a graduate school and fellowship program, managing the application process, writing personal statements and speaking in interviews.

The Overseas Resource Center (ORC) administers a number of scholarships for graduate study abroad, including the Rhodes, Marshall and Fulbright scholarships. Because these scholarships are awarded largely on the basis of academic ability, each year ORC identifies students who should be encouraged to apply. Throughout the winter and spring quarters, the ORC also holds open information sessions to help acquaint students with these scholarships. In addition, the ORC staff is pleased to meet with students individually to provide counseling on all aspects of the grant application process. For further information, please visit the ORC website at

Career Development Counseling is state-of-the-art at Stanford. Career Development Center (CDC) services include general career information through a library of resources, an internship database, job lists, handouts and alumni networks; individual counseling at all stages of career planning and development; group workshops to clarify career goals; the Cardinal Recruiting Program; a reference file service for management of graduate and employer reference letters; and an extensive website making many of the CDC resources available via the Internet.

National and International Scholarships and Fellowships Recent Stanford graduates have received the following scholarships and fellowships: American University in Cairo Internship Beinecke Scholarship Bundeskanzler Scholarship Churchill Scholarship DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Award English-Speaking Union Scholarship Tom Ford Philanthropy Fellowship Freeman Asia Study Grant IIE (Institute of International Education) Fulbright Scholarship IIE (Institute of International Education)

John Gardner Public Service Fellowship Gates Cambridge Scholarship Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Marshall Scholarship Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies The George J. Mitchell Scholarships for Study in Northern Ireland National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship National Security Education Program Rhodes Scholarship Donald A. Strauss Scholarship Harry S. Truman Scholarship Morris Udall Scholarship

Fulbright Asia/Pacific Award

Connection for a Lifetime The Stanford Alumni Association, a community of nearly 200,000, provides lifelong opportunities for alumni to maintain their intellectual and emotional ties to Stanford and to one another. As Howard Wolf, A.B., ’80 and President of the Stanford Alumni Association observes, “I chose Stanford because of the quality of education it offered. What I didn’t anticipate at the time was how important the friendships and associations I developed there would prove to be throughout my life.” The Stanford Career Network (SCN), an online database containing more than 8,000 alumni volunteers, connects students and alumni with contacts for networking assistance and professional development. Among members of the Stanford community are leaders and trailblazers, creators and innovators, peacemakers and problem solvers. The following list provides examples of those who have used their Stanford experiences in significant ways:

Academic Leaders Derek Bok, President Emeritus of Harvard

University William Brody, President of Johns Hopkins

University Nancy Cantor, Chancellor of Syracuse

University Vartan Gregorian, President of Carnegie

Corporation Clark Kerr, former President of the University of California (deceased) The Rev. William Leahy, President of Boston

College Richard Levin, President of Yale University Stephen Lewis, former President of Carleton College Peter Likins, President of the University

of Arizona Susan Prager, President of Occidental

College 44

Stanford University

The Grapes of Wrath . . . all bear the mark of a Stanford individual.

Actors and Artists Actors: Andre Braugher, Jennifer Connelly, Ted Danson, Jack Palance, Fred Savage, Sigourney Weaver and Reese Witherspoon Richard Diebenkorn, painter (deceased) Edith Head, Oscar-winning costume

designer (deceased) Robert Motherwell, painter (deceased) Movie producers: Roger Corman, Richard Zanuck, Mike Tollin and David Brown


Business Leaders Samuel Armacost, former President and CEO of BankAmerica Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft Eric Benhamou, Chairman of 3Com

Athletes Football: John Elway, James Lofton, John Lynch, Ed McCaffrey, and Jim Plunkett Olympic medalists: Janet Evans, Julie Foudy, Eric Heiden, Misty Hyman, Bob Mathias, Jessica Mendoza, Pablo Morales, Summer Sanders, Kerri Strug, Debra Thomas, Jenny Thompson, and Kerri Walsh

William Perry, former Secretary of Defense Alejandro Toledo, President of Peru

Doris Fisher, co-founder of Gap, Inc.

Journalists and Writers

Joseph Gallo, CEO of E&J Gallo Winery

Ted Koppel, former anchor of ABC-TV’s

William Hewlett and David Packard,


founders of Hewlett-Packard Co. (both deceased)

Henry Muller, editor-at-large of Time, Inc.

Nike, Inc. Bill and Mel Lane, formerly of Sunset

Publishing Corporation Sandra Lerner and Leonard Bosack,

founders of Cisco Systems Peter Magowan, President of the San

Francisco Giants

Maynard Parker, editor of Newsweek

(deceased) Authors: John Steinbeck (deceased), Ken Kesey (deceased), Harriet Doerr (deceased) and Scott Turow Playwrights: Maxwell Anderson (deceased), David Henry Hwang and Warren Leight U.S. Poet Laureates: Robert Haas and Robert Pinsky

John McCoy, Chairman Emeritus of Bank One Corp.

Scientists and Inventors

Scott McNealy, Chairman and CEO of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Vinton Cerf, Internet protocol co-author, called the “father of the Internet”

Robert Mondavi, founder of Mondavi Wines

Ray Dolby, designed noise-reduction systems

Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, founders

and presidents of Google

Basketball: Jennifer Azzi, Jarron Collins, Jason Collins, Kristen Folkl, Casey Jacobson, Brevin Knight, Mark Madsen, Kate Starbird and Jamila Wideman

Charles Schwab, Chairman and CEO of

Baseball: Bob Boone, Mike Mussina and Jack McDowell

Chih-Yuan “Jerry” Yang and David Filo,

Golf: Notah Begay, Hillary Lunke, Casey Martin, Tom Watson and Tiger Woods

Government Of ficials

Tennis: John McEnroe

Shirley Hufstedler, former Secretary of



Philip Knight, Chairman and CEO of Eileen Collins, Mike Fincke, William Fisher, Owen Garriott, Susan Helms, Mae Jemison, Tamara Jernigan, Gregory Linteris, David Low, Edward Lu, Bruce McCandless, Barbara Rudding Morgan, Ellen Ochoa, Scott Parazynski, Sally Ride, Stephen Robinson, Steve Smith and Jeff Wisoff

Herbert Hoover, former U.S. President


Charles Schwab Corporation Greg Steltenpohl, co-founder of Odwalla

founders of Yahoo!

Ehud Barak, former Israeli Prime Minister Warren Christopher, former Secretary

John Harsanyi, Nobel Prize in Economics,

1994 Dudley Herschbach, Nobel Prize in

Chemistry, 1986 Scott Stillinger, inventor of Koosh ball Brent Townsend, inventor of 56k modem

Supreme Court Justices Stephen Breyer, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Connor (retired) and William Rehnquist (deceased)

of State Gray Davis, former Governor of California John Gardner, former Secretary of Health,

Education and Welfare (deceased) Dana Gioia, Chairman of the National

Endowment for the Arts

U.S. Senators Max Baucus, Jeff Bingaman, Kent Conrad, Dianne Feinstein and Ron Wyden Former U.S. Senators: Alan Cranston (deceased) and Mark Hatfield

Carla Hills, former Secretary of Housing and

Urban Development and U.S. Trade Representative Stanford University


Admission and Financial Aid

The Office of Undergraduate Admission assembles a freshman class of about 1,600 students and a transfer class of about 80 students each year. We look for distinctive students who consistently exhibit an abundance of energy and curiosity in their classes, activities, projects, research and lives. The Evaluation Process Each application for admission is carefully reviewed by multiple admission officers. Our task is to select not simply those who are qualified, but those who have distinguished themselves in their schools and communities. We look for intellectually vital students who derive pleasure from learning for its own sake and take the initiative and responsibility for their own education. It is almost impossible for us to estimate the likelihood of an individual being admitted without seeing his or her entire application. Nevertheless, on page 50 we have given you some statistics describing the students who were offered admission for fall 2005. You should be cautious in applying these data to your particular case. It is a combination of many factors, including the academic record, references, and the completed application, that determines whether a student will be admitted to Stanford. We have no minimum figures for grade point average, test scores or rank in class, nor are there specific high school course requirements for entrance to Stanford. Academic excellence is the primary criterion for admission, and the single most important credential is the transcript. We look for academic standouts who have selected a rigorous academic program and who have achieved distinction in a range of academic courses. We are not looking for a specific “profile,” and academic success in and of itself does not guarantee admission to Stanford. Students are asked to write about themselves and their interests on the application, and we encourage applicants to think seriously about their motivations, curiosities and background as they formulate their essays. There is no “right” answer; rather, applicants should allow their own voice to emerge through the essays. We also take into consideration personal qualities—how well an individual has taken advantage of available resources and whether the applicant shows promise as a


Stanford University

contributing community member. Students need not be well rounded, nor do we count the number of or rank order extracurricular activities. We value students who show commitment in a single area as well as those who have pursued a wide variety of activities. In some cases, exceptional ability in the arts or athletics may influence our decision if the applicant is otherwise well qualified. Such abilities by themselves, however, never guarantee admission to Stanford. Guidelines for submitting samples of work in the arts—for those applicants with significant talent—are included with the application. The Department of Athletics submits the names of those applicants whom it is actively recruiting for the varsity sports programs. Stanford does not discriminate on the basis of disability, handicap or physical limitation, nor do we require applicants to provide information about learning disabilities, chronic illness or physical constraints. We often find such information useful in developing a complete profile of a student, however, so we invite applicants to provide details that might help us better understand their circumstances. The decision to tell us about a disability is a personal one, and we respect an applicant’s decision not to do so. We strive to build a class that cuts across a number of dimensions to add to a rich and diverse undergraduate educational experience for everyone. We do not use quotas of any kind in our admission process. We do not favor particular schools or types of schools, nor any particular geographic region; there are no racial, religious, ethnic or gender-related quotas of any sort. Above all, we believe that a student body that is both highly qualified and diverse in terms of culture, class, race, ethnicity, background, work and life experiences, skills, and interests is essential to the educational process. To that end, we encourage applications from those who would provide additional dimensions to the university program.

Single-Choice Early Action Stanford offers Single-Choice Early Action, a non-binding early admission option for freshman applicants who have completed a thorough and thoughtful college search, know that Stanford is their first-choice school, and who feel ready to be evaluated on their academic and extracurricular record as it stands at the beginning of the senior year. Single-Choice Early Action applicants should present very strong sophomore and junior programs, and should complete their standardized testing by the end of the junior year. Single-Choice Early Action at Stanford allows applicants to apply to as many colleges as they want under a regular admission timeframe, but requires that students not apply to any other college under any type of early action, early decision, or early notification program. Please see our website,, for several unique exceptions to this restriction. Candidates who apply early to Stanford are asked to sign a statement in their application agreeing to file only one early application. Their parents and high school counselors are also asked to sign statements indicating that the applicant is aware of the terms of Single-Choice Early Action. Single-Choice Early Action applicants whose files are complete by the November 1 application deadline will receive one of three possible decisions: 1) Admitted: the student has until May 1, 2007, to respond to Stanford; 2) Deferred for further consideration in the larger applicant pool during the Regular Decision round: the student will receive a final decision in early April; or, 3) Denied: the student may not re-apply as a Regular Decision candidate and is free to give full attention to other college options. It is important to note that those students who decide not to apply early to Stanford need not worry they will be left behind; we are committed to making the majority of our offers of admission to those who apply during the Regular Decision round.

Information Sessions and Campus Tours

Additional Information for International Students

Understanding that the best way to learn about a college or university is to visit, Stanford offers admission information sessions as well as a variety of campus tours throughout the year. We recommend you call ahead or consult our website for the most accurate information regarding all of these offerings prior to finalizing your travel plans. “Discover Stanford” is a two-part program that includes a walking tour of campus designed specifically for prospective students and an information session that focuses on the unique aspects of Stanford as well as the admission process. Reservations are required and can be made online at Space is limited and schedules are subject to change; please contact us at least three weeks in advance of the date you hope to visit. Visitor Information Services also offers a one-hour Public Walking Tour daily at 11:00 A.M. and 3:15 P.M. No reservation is required. The university is unable to provide guest accommodations, but there is a wide selection of hotels and motels in the Palo Alto area. If you know a student attending Stanford, he or she may be able to arrange to have you stay overnight in a residence hall. Admitted prospective freshmen are invited to visit the campus during the month of April, when Stanford students volunteer to host newly admitted students. Stanford admission directors and deans travel throughout the United States during the fall months to conduct information sessions in major cities. If you received this publication through the mail and there is such a meeting in your city, you should receive an invitation detailing the location and time. You may wish to check with your college counseling office to see if a visit has been scheduled in your area, or check our website.

In a small way, Stanford began as an international university. When the university’s doors opened in 1892, students from 14 nations were among the registrants. Today students from 58 countries make up Stanford’s diverse community. Stanford is proud of the international character of its student body and welcomes applications from eligible international students. At the same time, admission is selective and highly competitive. The volume of applications is so large that only a relatively small portion of the many qualified applicants is admitted. We regret that Stanford is not able to be need-blind for international applicants (see “Financial Aid for International Students” on page 49).

Examinations All applicants, including international students, must submit scores from either the SAT or the ACT. We do not accept substitutions, and applications without official scores from one of these tests will not be considered. We recommend that students make arrangements to take the required tests well in advance of our application deadlines. It is unlikely that scores from tests taken after our deadlines will arrive in our office in time for our review process. The TOEFL is not required for admission to Stanford, but we do recommend this test for students who do not speak English as their primary language. We look for a score of at least 260 on the computer-based test or 620 on the paperbased test. We strongly recommend that all applicants take two SAT Subject Tests as well: Math Level 2 and another of your choosing. Please see our website for further details about required and recommended standardized tests.

Resources Bechtel International Center (I-Center) helps international students adjust to the Stanford culture, offers special orientation programs and other support services and serves as a place for cultural exchange. The I-Center also supports more than 30 international student organizations. For more information, visit

Application, Notification and Response Timelines Single-Choice Early Action November 1, 2006 Early Action application deadline. All forms and the application fee or fee waiver must be postmarked by

November 1. Mid-December

Admission decisions are mailed to Early Action applicants.

Regular Decision December 15, 2006 Regular Decision application deadline. All forms and the application fee or fee waiver must be postmarked by December 15. Early April

Admission decisions are mailed to applicants.

Transfer March 15, 2007

Transfer application deadline. All forms and the application fee or fee waiver must be postmarked by March 15. Late May

Admission decisions are mailed to transfer applicants.

Student Response Deadlines May 1, 2007

Students offered admission under either Single-Choice Early Action or Regular Decision must notify Stanford of their enrollment decision, postmarked by May 1. Mid-June

Transfer students must notify Stanford of their enrollment decision.

Stanford University


Admission and Financial Aid (continued)

Financing A Stanford Education Below is an estimated budget for the 2006–2007 academic year at Stanford and a description of the financial aid program to help in your planning and decision making.

Tuition Room and Board

$32,994 10,367



Books and Supplies



will not be expected to contribute toward educational costs and those with income below $60,000 will see significantly reduced expectations. In addition to tuition, room and board, financial aid eligibility also considers expenses for related costs like books and supplies, travel to campus and to return home, as well as personal expenses. In 2005–2006, Stanford administered some $112 million in undergraduate financial aid. The average aid package totaled $28,000.


Applying for Financial Aid Tuition, room and board are direct costs billed to the student by the Student Financial Services Office in increments of about one-third of the total each quarter. Room and board rates vary depending on the housing facility to which students are assigned and the board plans they choose. The other budget items are allowances and are not part of the university’s billing process. For financial aid purposes, each student’s budget also includes a universityestablished travel allowance.

Financial Aid Program Managing the cost of an undergraduate education represents a significant investment. The university recognizes that not all families are able to make that investment without assistance. Stanford is committed to providing a comprehensive financial aid program that makes it financially possible for admitted students to attend. The undergraduate financial aid program is need-based. If a student has financial need—a difference between educational costs and the resources available to the student—the university will offer aid, including loans, job eligibility and grants or scholarships, to meet that need. Determining what you and your family can be expected to contribute toward educational costs is the key to determining eligibility for need-based aid. The Financial Aid Office will calculate an expected family contribution based on your family’s financial circumstances as reported on your application documents. Family income and assets, as well as the number of family members enrolled in college and future college costs for younger siblings are among the factors involved in the calculation. Beginning in the 2006–2007 academic year, parents whose total annual income is less than $45,000 48

Stanford University

Stanford University is need-blind in its admission process; with the exception of international students (neither U.S. citizens nor permanent residents of the United States), applying for financial aid will in no way jeopardize your chances of gaining admission. Stanford requires all students applying for university aid to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to establish eligibility for federal and state grants and loans, including the Pell Grant and Stafford Loan. Our federal code number is 001305. The FAFSA is available online at and can be completed no sooner than January 1, 2007. Stanford also requires all students applying for university aid to submit the College Scholarship Service (CSS) PROFILE. You may complete the PROFILE online at after September 15, 2006. Our CSS code number is 4704. The CSS Noncustodial PROFILE is required of the noncustodial parent if an applicant’s parents are divorced or separated as the University does consider the financial circumstances of the noncustodial parent in the calculation of the expected family contribution.

Stanford also encourages applicants to seek outside or private scholarships and grants. Such awards may reduce or eliminate the university’s expectation that a student will work during the academic year or borrow to help meet his or her educational costs. There are many free sources of information on these awards, including libraries, high school and community college counseling offices, state educational assistance programs, service organizations, corporations and the Internet. Please feel welcome to send an additional letter of explanation to the Financial Aid Office if your family has any unusual circumstances or special expenses, or if you feel there are other details about your financial situation that we should know.

The Aid Award The first component of the aid award is called “self-help” and includes student loans and academic year job eligibility. For academic year 2006–2007, the university expects most students to work and borrow up to $5,500. If the student’s need is greater than the self-help expectation, the university offers scholarships or grants to meet the remaining need. The self-help expectation may be higher than normal for independent students and transfer students who have not borrowed before entering Stanford. Although the Financial Aid Office will accept and process applications after the filing dates listed below, a financial aid award probably will not be available before the applicable admission reply date. Applications filed after the filing dates may require longer processing time and may result in higher levels of self-help. Stanford’s policy is generally to exclude undergraduates from being considered independent for purposes of university-administered scholarship and grant aid unless the student is an orphan, a ward of the court, at least age 25

Financial Aid Filing Dates Type of Admission

Submit PROFILE to CSS by:

Submit FAFSA to federal processor by:

Submit Parents’ 2006 federal 1040 and W-2 forms to CSS by:

Early Action Regular Decision Transfer

November 1, 2006 February 1, 2007 March 15, 2007

March 2, 2007 February 1, 2007 March 15, 2007

March 2, 2007 March 2, 2007 March 15, 2007

The CSS PROFILE code for Stanford is 4704. The FAFSA code is 001305. California residents applying for a Cal Grant must submit the FAFSA by March 2, 2007.

or has an extremely adverse home situation. The university expects the parents and the student (as well as the spouse, in the case of married students) to assume the primary responsibility for the student’s educational costs. All inquiries about financial aid, including student loans, job eligibility and scholarships and grants should be directed to the Financial Aid Office, Stanford University, 355 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA 94305–3021. The toll-free telephone number is (888) FAO–3773, and the financial aid website is

Financial Aid for International Students Stanford does not adhere to a need-blind admission policy for international applicants, which means that the need for financial aid is a consideration in the admission process. Some international students may be admitted to the university on the condition that they not seek financial aid from Stanford. International students applying for financial aid must submit the application documents indicated by the filing dates shown on page 48. All international students, except those whose families earn income in the United States or Canada, must complete the International Student Financial Aid Application (ISFAA) and the CSS Certification of Finances (COF). These forms are available in many countries and may also be downloaded from the Stanford financial aid website, Those students whose families earn income in the United States or Canada should submit the CSS PROFILE, converting all funds to U.S. dollars. Whether they receive financial aid from Stanford or not, international students must plan realistically to meet their educational expenses throughout their undergraduate career at Stanford. The university is not able to assume responsibility for economic changes such as currency fluctuation, nor can it replace lost support that a student may have expected to receive from friends, relatives or government and corporate grants.

Calendar for Applicants 2006– 2007 Single-Choice Early Action October 20

Optional fine arts submissions must be received in our office; late submissions will not be considered. November 1

Postmark deadline for all application forms and fee or fee waiver. CSS PROFILE and Noncustodial PROFILE priority filing date for those wishing to apply for financial aid. Official test results must be sent. All applicants must submit scores from either the SAT or ACT. Results received after November 15 may arrive too late to be considered. Mid-December

Admission decision letters are mailed. Estimated financial aid awards will be sent shortly after to those who have completed the CSS PROFILE by November 1, 2006. March 2

Admitted students and those deferred to Regular Decision who are applying for financial aid must file the FAFSA. Admitted students requesting financial aid must submit signed copies of their parents’ completed 2006 federal tax returns, with all schedules and W-2 forms, to the CSS Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC).

Regular Decision November 20

Optional fine arts submissions must be received in our office; late submissions will not be considered. December 15

Postmark deadline for all application forms and fee or fee waiver. Official test results must be sent for Regular Decision applicants. All applicants must submit scores from either the SAT or ACT. Results received after January 15 may arrive too late to be considered.

February 1

Priority filing date for the CSS PROFILE, Noncustodial PROFILE and federal FAFSA applications for those Regular Decision applicants wishing to receive financial aid consideration. March 2

Financial aid applicants must submit signed copies of their parents’ 2006 federal 1040 tax returns, with W-2 forms, to the CSS Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC). Early April

Admission decision letters are mailed. Financial aid awards will be sent approximately one week later to those who submitted the CSS PROFILE and federal FAFSA by February 1, 2007. April 19–21

Admit Weekend 2007 activities on campus. May 1

Students offered admission under either Single-Choice Early Action or Regular Decision must notify Stanford of their enrollment decision, post-marked on or by May 1, 2007

Transfer Applicants March 15

Postmark deadline for all application forms and fee or fee waiver request. Priority filing date for CSS PROFILE, Noncustodial Parent PROFILE, FAFSA, and other necessary documents for financial aid applicants. March 15

Optional fine arts submissions must be received in our office; late submissions will not be considered. Late May

Admission decisions are mailed. Financial aid awards are sent one week later to those filing for financial aid on time. Mid-June

Admitted transfer students must notify Stanford of their enrollment decision.

For More Information For more information on Stanford’s financial aid program, we encourage you to visit our website at

Stanford University


Academic Profile

The following statistics give a general picture of the freshman and transfer applicants and enrollees for fall 2005. We caution you against too narrow an interpretation of this data. We are providing it because we are often asked to evaluate an applicant’s chances of admission based on certain criteria. To make such a judgment without reading an entire application is impossible, but the following information may prove useful to you. Bear in mind both that an applicant in the top of one group may not be in the same position on another measure and that the rigor of academic programs varies considerably among schools. Statistics below are based on October 2005 information for those students for whom we had such information.

Freshmen Fall 2005 (as of October, 2005) ✟

Transfers Fall 2005 (as of October, 2005) ✟



Admit Rate



Admit Rate








Percent of Applicants

Admit Rate

Percent of Admitted Class

Percent of Applicants

Admit Rate

Percent of Admitted Class

49% 36% 12% 3%

19% 9% 5% 1%

71% 25% 4% <1%

35% 38% 20% 7%

13% 5% 1% 0%

70% 28% 2% 0%

Percent of Applicants

Admit Rate

Percent of Admitted Class

Percent of Applicants

Admit Rate

Percent of Admitted Class

64% 27% 7% 1%

16% 10% 5% <1%

76% 21% 3% <1%

50% 35% 12% 3%

9% 4% 3% 3%

70% 23% 5% 2%

Percent of Applicants

Admit Rate

Percent of Admitted Class

29% 76% 89%

20% 15% 14%

45% 91% 97%



700–800 600–699 500–599 Below 500


600–699 500–599 Below 500

Top 20% of Class

500–599 Below 500

700–800 600–699 500–599 Below 500



Top 10% of Class




Top 1–2% of Class


3.5–4.0 Below 3.5

Percent of Applicants

Percent of Admitted Class

81% 19%

87% 13%

✟ Data for the Class of 2010 was not available at printing time but can be viewed on our admission website at: * While Stanford accepts both the ACT and the SAT, we did not provide data for ACT test results here, as the number of applicants submitting ACT scores is not statistically significant.


Stanford University

Stanford University admits students of either sex and any race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the university. It does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, race, color, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, scholarships and loan programs, and athletic and other university-administered programs. Stanford University complies with the Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. For a copy of Stanford’s policies and statistics under this Act, please contact the Stanford University Department of Public Safety at (650) 723-9633.

Stanford University

Of fice of Undergraduate Admission 355 Galvez Street

Stanford, CA 94305-3020

Phone: (650) 723 – 2091 Fax: (650) 725– 2846 Website: Email: [email protected] International email: [email protected]

Creative Direction and Design: Plainspoke / Portsmouth, NH Production: Stanford Design Group Editorial Direction: Andrea Jarrell Photography: Steve Marsel (portraits), Dan Dry (including front cover) and Linda A. Cicero (inside front cover)

The Stanford viewbook is published annually by the Office of Undergraduate Admission. Special thanks go to our faculty contributors and the students and staff members whose thoughtfulness and support made this collaborative project possible.


h t t p : / / a d m i s s i o n . s t a n f o r d . e d u

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Office of Undergraduate Admission 355 Galvez Street

(650) 723-2091

Stanford, CA 94305-3020 ■

Fax (650) 725-2846

STA N F OR D S t a n f o r d

Un i v e r s i t y

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