Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
This template is for schools that have been invited by regional offices to participate in the Building Futures process of the Victorian Schools Plan. All sections of this template must be completed. Instructions for completing the template are provided within each section. The Educational Rationale Guidelines should be consulted to assist with completion of this template. This template is in Microsoft Word. To use it, first download this file to your computer. Then open Microsoft Word, go to the ‘View’ menu at the top of the screen and choose ‘Print Layout’. Using your mouse, click into the grey field in each area and type your response, or use the Tab key. If you need to cut/paste, spell check or do general formatting, it is advisable to turn off the Form Protection (go to: View, Toolbars, Forms and click the padlock icon) and then reactivate it when you are finished.
Section A: School Details and Project Title The information in the box below should be completed separately for each school.
5 43 5 4 73 0 4 85 6
C i ty of Gre ate r Dande n ong
C arw atha C ol l e ge P-1 2 Harri sfi el d Pri mary Sc hool O akw oo d Park Pri ma ry Sc ho ol Si l ve rto n Pri mary Sc hool Yarram an Park Pri mary Sc ho ol
5 12 0 4 80 7
Identify the project type(s) under which the region has invited you to participate by clicking on the box: Modernisation
New School
Rural replacement
Science room
Selective entry school
Science and Maths Specialist Centre
Special School
Tech wings
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
SCHOOL NAME C arw atha C ol l e ge P-12 Harri sfi el d PS
O akw oo d Park P S
B ronw yn Ha mi l ton Me re di th I ac one se Mar y Ve rwe y
Si l ve rto n PS
Tony Brya nt
Yarram an Park PS
B il l Li sto n
TELEPHO NE 9 54 6 9 21 0
9 79 24 40 6
EDUMAIL ADDRESS ha mi l ton. b ronw yn. e @e du mai l . vi c . gov. a u i ac one se . me re di t h. l @e d umai l . vi c . gov. a u ve rwe y. m ary. d@e d umai l . vi c . gov. au br yant. a nt hon y. c @e d umai l . vi c . g ov. au l i ston. w i ll i am. e @e dum ai l. vi c . gov . au
Name of project key contact: Michael Small Telephone: 9794 3555
Edumail address:
[email protected]
Regional office key contact: Darren Clarke Telephone: 9794 3545
Edumail address:
[email protected]
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
Project summary (complete for the overall project not for each individual school) Briefly describe the capital project that is required to support improved student outcomes in your school as part of the school improvement process. In light of the educational provision needs of students in our neighbourhood, the schools will be engaging their communities in consultation around the concept of reducing five school sites to four, regenerating the educational facilities and transforming the pedagogy in all schools.
Confirmed/Current enrolment Insert the confirmed student enrolment as agreed in the February school census for the current year. School Name Carwatha College P-12 Harrisfield P.S Oakwood Park P.S Silverton P.S Yarraman Park P.S
2006 294 237 128 360 179
Primary component
Enrolment 2007 2008 297 332 224 193 129 130 371 368 183 185
LTE 128 234 158 225 150
SFO INDEX 0.675 0.723 0.751 0.732 0.694
Section B: Overview of the Schools The information in this section should be completed for the overall project not for each individual school.
Schools’ Profile B1: Environmental Scan Attach a map showing the location and size (enrolments) of the school and neighbouring schools (if available). Include all government and non-government schools. B2: Demographic changes and trends in the wider geographic area. This information is important to demonstrate that demand and viability have been considered. Sources of information include local government, the Regional Office (which will provide schools that have been invited to submit an Educational Rationale with demographic information from the DEECD Infrastructure Division) and the Local Learning and Employment Network. Provide the following information (identifying sources): 1. A comprehensive demographic analysis based upon demographic data; 2. Current and ten-year forecasting of school enrolments and enrolment patterns in the wider geographic area (market share); 3. Evidence of planning and/or establishment of any new schools (including non-government schools) in the next 10-15 years; 4. Analysis of trend data and predicted future trends in postcode and feeder sources of students; and 5. A current and future socioeconomic profile of the demographic. Discuss local industry and employment demographic trends supported with data. See Lynne population growth – Springvale statement B3: Condition and usage of the current facilities that are the focus of this application. Provide details, supported with evidence, of: 1. Issues with the usage of the facilities in question (intensity / frequency / purpose); 2. Significant building condition issues; and/or 3. Design/layout issues. Yarraman Park Primary School •
The three Buildings that make up Yarraman, are LTC constructions built in the 50s.They have been maintained to the best of the school’s ability but reached the end of their real viability many years ago. There are significant structural issues ( stumps, external surfaces termites, roof, & guttering) that require on-going attention. There is difficulty in installing ICT infrastructure because of limited access via underfloor, or via the
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
flat roof. •
Teaching spaces are small inflexible and not fit for purpose. They limit the implementation of modern teaching and learning practices. The self contained classroom can no longer provide the variety of learning settings and experiences necessary to successfully facilitate twenty first century learning. We require flexible, variable spaces that allow small and large groups of students that provide for rich, enquiry based personalised learning to transform student learning outcomes
Specialised facilities are inadequate for science and technology, visual and performing arts.
ICT and other technologies are inadequate and unable to be sufficiently integrated into the existing infrastructure. Teachers and students do not have sufficient access to apply a wide range of learning technologies in their daily learning and teaching. This factor severely limits the development capacity of teachers. They are aware how to effectively use ICT with the students but can’t apply the knowledge.
The lack of integration between indoor and outdoor learning spaces restricts the learning opportunities of students. This is especially obvious in our play based curriculum for Preps.
Lack of age specific appropriate physical recreational/environment areas that gives a sense of ownership, security and belonging.
Our one stop philosophy for our school community is limited in its application by facilities that do not allow for the flexibility of use by visiting community services who would like to integrate their services with ours.
Harrisfield Primary School Harrisfield Primary School was built in 1956 and consists of two buildings, which are of a LTC construction with concrete rendered exterior. One of the buildings is located on the site in close proximity to Princes Highway and the other building is positioned within five metres of the perimeter fence. The two buildings form a ‘V’ shape, which encloses asphalt sports courts. The location of both buildings prevents the possibility of developing external learning spaces. The use of ITC is restricted as learning spaces are not adequate to accommodate students and equipment. Locating computers in corridors would create a safety and duty of care issue and corridors are currently used to house student bags and resource materials. Although teachers maximise opportunities to meet to plan as a team the structure of classrooms prevents them from providing our students with the flexible teaching and learning experiences which would most benefit them. Silverton Primary School Whilst the current facilities are generally “fit for purpose,” apart from areas under facilities schedule size, the condition of the buildings are in need of extensive maintenance. A number of Occupational Health and Safety issues are evident, namely extensive raised concrete paving, major roof leaking, thin and threadbare carpets, extensive white ant damage, worn and damaged window frames, damaged and cracking brick dividing walls. The administrative building has OH&S issues around inadequate children’s first aid room, unsuitable main office and foyer area. The school is desperately in need of painting and landscaping. An independent audit as well as an official DEECD Audit of school buildings has found major maintenance items totalling over $510000 needing urgent attention. Carwatha College P-12 (Primary section) Carwatha College P-12 has relatively new primary classrooms, completed in 2004, built in the “Component design”. The Primary section of the school consists of 10 permanent classrooms and 2 Mod 5 portables. Whilst many of the classrooms are double rooms, which allow for some team teaching, there are still many limitations to the activities that can be conducted in these spaces. Fairly minimal structural changes could improve the situation. Other facilities (library, gymnasium, theatre, music room, art room) are shared with the secondary section of the school. Demands on these facilities are very high and complex timetabling issues (involving classes and students from Prep. to Year 12) often restrict the access to these facilities. Oakwood Park Primary School Oakwood Park Primary School is a Light Timber Construction built in 1967. The site and buildings pose several OH&S issues as the school is situated on a sloping site and the school buildings are multi-level. There are no ramps and sets of six or more steps are placed at approximately 30 metre intervals along the long corridor. The school has four separate and isolated buildings housing classrooms, administration, Art/Craft and a Hall. The buildings are not linked by easily accessible or covered pathways. There is limited access to exterior areas, resulting in congested corridors. Adequate supervision of students outside the traditional classrooms is limited, disallowing innovative learning opportunities. Provision of basic ITC facilities is fraught with problems. Access for ITC infrastructure is greatly reduced and many areas cannot be safely networked. In several areas the wiring and connections are exposed or in high traffic areas. Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
Teacher meeting, planning and preparation areas do not exist; therefore development of collegiate, professional pedagogy is very difficult. Curriculum delivery, attempting to cater of the very diverse needs of this disadvantaged and multicultural community is hampered by the limitations of the building structures. As indicated in recent student surveys (see attached Attitudes to School Surveys) students are highly motivated to learn, they finding the learning environment unstimulating. Source of evidence PRMS and independent building assessments in the majority of schools. MI ….. The three older schools in the neighbourhood struggle to deliver expected teaching and learning practices in facilities which are deteriorating and are no longer fit for purpose to current. Although all three schools have utilised locally raised funds to implement minor cosmetic changes the facilities have not have any substantial work completed since their development some fifty years ago. Buildings are in a very poor state of disrepair with structural cracks appearing throughout due to rotting stumps and floor joists. Maintenance of external and internal doors are constant issues as the structures regularly move resulting in difficulty securing buildings. The structure of these building is such that continued maintenance of the current facilities is expensive and not economically viable. The presence of asbestos throughout all buildings makes repairs to structural cracks urgent and expensive. It also makes the viability of any modifications to the existing structures extremely expensive and difficult to complete. The size and structure of classrooms means it is difficulty for these schools to deliver the same quality of teaching and learning practices as do the remaining two schools in the neighbourhood which are a better structural design thus enabling a variety of teaching and learning opportunities to meet the needs of individual students. Carwatha and Silverton are purpose built and have a variety of spaces, albeit not ideal in number, to deliver appropriate intervention, enrichment and support programs compared with Harrisfield, Oakwood Park and Yarraman Park which have no spaces for such intervention programs the result of which is some programs being delivered in corridors and storerooms. These three schools also have inadequate preparation and work spaces for teachers and support staff, which limit professional collaboration, team planning and effective delivery of support to students and the broader community. Opportunities for teaching staff to engage in peer observation, which is an ongoing natural occurrence and Silverton and Carwatha becomes an expensive and logistical nightmare for the schools where classrooms are small and isolated. The existing physical structure of Harrisfield, Oakwood Park and Yarraman Park limits teacher’s ability to incorporate ICT into their teaching and learning programs and to effectively encourage the use of ICT as a tool and maximise the impact of new developments such as the Ultranet. Welfare needs are high in all neighbourhood schools, with each school receiving funding for Primary Welfare Officers and some employing the skills of a Chaplain and yet the current physical structure of schools means there are not dedicated locations or secure offices for these staff that are in high demand to fulfil their roles. Inadequate storage facilities result in valuable resources being locked away, often in a different building. To deliver high quality lessons these resources need to be retrieved prior to the lesson and for the purpose of storage returned following the lesson.
B4: Sharing arrangements that are currently in place with other schools, providers, industry/community groups. Briefly describe current sharing arrangements involving school facilities and grounds. Include details of the groups involved, frequency of use and use agreements. Indicate whether there are any co-located groups or providers. /
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
GROUPS/PROVIDER Innovation & Excellence Cluster Initiative
Links with Universities for example: • Training schools for pre-service teachers • Swinburne University Learning Disability Project • Melbourne UniversityLanguage Disorder Program • Research projects with universities • Monash University – Engineers in Schools; Student Health and Well-being Project Community partnerships for example: • Kindergartens / Child Care Centres • Foundation House • Connections • AMES • Best Start • Parentzone • DHS – Child Protection • CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service • SFYS – School Focused Youth Service • Active After School programs Industry links: • Editure • PZ Cussons
Coaches / tutors • Innovation & Excellence Ultranet coaches • Innovation &
Carwatha College P-12
FREQUENCY Established three to five years ago and continuing
Ongoing / regular These institutions regularly use schools facilities to deliver programs and services.
IMPROVED OUTCOMES Improved pedagogy through a strategic focus on Authentic Learning, ICT, PoLT, Boys Education, Thinking Curriculum and Inquiry Learning. This was achieved through: • shared professional development • peer observation and coaching • school visits • expertise of Cluster Educators • link and identify needs and strengths, • successful grant applications resulting in funding for professional development programs and support staff • promotion of schools and staff Improved ability to cater for student individual needs Improved student engagement Strengthened relationships between schools Improved transition between primary and secondary school Improved teacher effectiveness and capability
Ongoing/regular These agencies / providers regularly use schools facilities to deliver programs and services.
Improved student outcomes Improved ability to cater for student individual needs Improved student engagement Improved social and emotional wellbeing of students and families Strengthened relationships between agencies, community and schools Improved transition between kindergarten and primary school Improved teacher effectiveness through improved understanding of individual student and family needs
Regular / ongoing These industry representatives regularly use schools facilities to collaborate with staff and students. Regular / ongoing
Improved ICT skills for staff and students Providing authentic experiences for students
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Improved student outcomes in literacy, numeracy and ICT Improved ability to cater for student individual needs Improved student engagement 6
Building Futures
Excellence Teaching and Learning Coaches • Reading Recovery Tutor • Designer Professional Development Program
Improved teacher effectiveness and capability
B5: Education provision issues, plans and community discussions relevant to this application. Briefly provide information on those education provision issues and plans that are currently being discussed with your Regional Office and other schools/training providers/community groups. E.g. service delivery planning, sustainability and viability. How have discussions about education provision issues progressed since Stage 1: Project Identification? Consultation has taken place within and between both Springvale and Dandenong network schools and with the regional office, Spatial Vision (Demographic Consultants) and there has been broad community consultation. At a network level, there has been high-level consultation over the past few years resulting in a cooperative neighbourhood of schools being established. Through our School Councils, in each school and at a Network level, we have gained the unanimous support of school communities to advance this project. Discussions relating to merging two schools within the neighbourhood are well advanced. B6: Co-location of services/multi-use of facilities/sharing arrangements Describe the school-community usage arrangements that will be taking place. This includes joint-use arrangements and groups hiring school spaces. CURRENTLY Joint use agreement between school and local government in regard to: • Use of oval and recreational space • Use of community centre Joint use agreement between school and Victorian School of Languages Hire agreements between school and private providers for example: • Private Language schools • Karate school • Private tutoring company • Sporting clubs • Church groups • Dance groups Community use of facilities for example: • Elections • Local sporting clubs training facility
FUTURE To continue
To continue To continue
To continue
Section C: Project Focus The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the links between school performance trends, the focus of the School Strategic Plan/Charter, and the outcomes being targeted by this project. Sections C1 and C5 should be completed separately for each school. (N.B C1 could be completed collectively if the data is available.) C2, C3, C4 and C6 are for the project as a whole. Special schools should provide data and evidence that they consider appropriate and that best describes student performance and school trends. Special schools may provide performance data /student outcomes as an attachment.
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
Performance Focus C1: Performance data Summarise the performance data from the School Level Report that relates to the student outcomes that are the focus of this application. (Student outcomes are learning outcomes, engagement and wellbeing, and student pathways and transitions). Yarraman Park Primary School Reading Benchmark Data 2007 Level Prep Level1 60% Level 5 30% Level 15 Level 20
Grade.1. 97% 88% 66%
100 80 60 40 20 0
Reading 2005
100% 92% 89%
Percentage of students achieving at or above expected standards per cent of students
per cent of students
Percentage of students achieving at or above expected standards
100 80 60 40 20 0
Mathematics Year 3 2006
Reading 2005
Mathematics Year 5 2006
Data Analysis Seventy percent of students don’t reach the literacy benchmark by the end of Prep Eight nine percent of students reach the literacy benchmark by the end of year 2 Up to 45 percent of students fail to reach the expected level in literacy by grade 5 Up to eight percent of students achieve at or above the expected standard in numeracy by grade 5 Discussion Students entering the school are not ready for formal schooling Little transition of information about children’s develop from birth through to school Lack of Cohesive connected services from birth to school Little transition of services and information about students age 0- 12 to cater for the drop of performance from year 2- to year 6. Inability to provide an engaging enriched learning environment with highly trained professionals to the degree necessary to cater for disadvantage. Catering for disadvantage takes away from resources necessary to cater for more capable students in numeracy.
C2: Student outcomes to be improved Outline the student outcomes that are the focus of this application and explain why they are a priority for the group Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
of schools. The student outcomes are expected to be one or more of the goals identified in the School Strategic Plans/Charters. Literacy 1. All students in all five schools are from one of the most disadvantaged areas in Melbourne and Australia 2. The school populations are extremely diverse covering up to twenty five nationalities in any one school. 3. We have the highest concentration of refugees in Melbourne 4. The extreme disparity in literacy outcomes lines up with communities throughout Australia where poverty is a key Characteristic • The enriched environment ( internal and external learning environments to engage and make connections) and resources ( personnel for coaching, efficient and effective professional interaction, degree of intervention both social, emotional and academic) necessary to compensate for this disparity is not possible to provide with the physical and human resources available to us with our existent buildings, student populations and personnel C3: Student outcomes targets for this application Insert the relevant target or targets for the student outcomes that are the focus of this application, which were outlined in C2. C4: Consistency with the achievement of government priorities Discuss how the project will address issues with the: 1. Disparity in student outcomes within each school and across the group of schools; 2. Levels of student achievement; and 3. Range of opportunities available to students. C5: Curriculum provision and planning Yarraman Park Primary School The degree of provision in relation to what is needed to address the inherent disadvantage of the school population. Number of students Prep.28 Grade.1. 27 Grade.2. 32 Grade.3. 29 Grade.4. 17 Grade.5. 25 Grade.6. 28
Vels provision. Percentage of time per week Adequate to needs Inadequate to needs
Health & PE
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
P-2 8% 3-6 12%
P-6 4%
P-6 4%
P-6 40%
P-6 20%
P-6 4%
P-2 2% 3-6 4%
Harrisfield Primary School Prep – 24. Grade 1:27. Grade 2:29 Grade 3:25 Grade 4: 27 Grade 5: 21 Grade 6: 36 Health Arts English Numeracy ICT LOTE Harrisfield & PE
P- 4 8%
P- 6
P- 6
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
P- 6
P- 6
P- 22%
Integrated /Inquiry
P- 4 18% 9
Building Futures
provision. Percentage of time per week Inadequate to needs
5-6 14%
3-6 4%
Provide details of: 1. Students numbers at each year level; 2. The breadth and depth of current curriculum provision at each year level (what curriculum is provided for what portions of time); 3. Any gaps in curriculum provision at each year level; 4. The way in which the Victorian Essential Learning Standards have been incorporated into the curriculum at each year level; and 5. Any programs/strategies specifically catering for the development needs of students at each of the stages of schooling. When looking at overall curriculum provision across the five school the three smaller schools have had difficulty providing prescribed and mandated curriculum provision due to lack of facilities, staffing and resources. In particular the areas of LOTE, ICT Phys Ed, Visual and Performing Arts, Science. C6: Provision of education across the geographic area Analyse current education provision and student outcomes on a geographical basis with reference to demographics, market share, pathways and the range, breadth and depth of curriculum options for students. Summarise the education provision issues that arise from this analysis.
Section D: Educational Improvement Strategy and Proposed Facilities The information in this section should be completed for the overall project not for each individual school.
Details of Proposed Changes D1: Comprehensive solution Describe in detail the proposed solution to education provision issues that has been developed by the group of schools involved in this proposal. Include details of the proposed organisational arrangements, including crosssectoral partnerships. The proposed solution for the education provision issues in the Noble North Neighbourhood schools is 1. Reduction of sites from five sites to four • Ongoing consultation and transitionary processes to be put in place to Merge Oakwood Park with ? 2. The integration of community services throughout the sites • Further consultation with the City of Greater Dandenong to identify areas of service that could be integrated with Noble North school in view of setting up service hubs. • Further consultation with Universities in view of ongoing relationship with Noble North 3. The sharing of personnel and expertise • Formalise processes for sharing personnel and expertise to insure appropriate provision among all schools. • Follow a model of using experts within the neighbourhood to coach in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT 4. Integration of ICT across the sites • Assist all schools in neighbourhood to effectively and efficiently implement the ultranet and make use the relationship in developing common pedagogy across the neighbourhood Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
5. Improve Professional interaction and learning merge D2: Proposed changes Describe the changes that need to occur in order to address the issues identified earlier. These changes should relate specifically to improved student outcomes and education provision. Improved Pedagogy in Literacy and Numeracy • Greater sharing and availability of expertise and experience • Ability to learn, plan together as professionals • Ability to observe each others professional practise • Greater access to coaching and mentoring • Greater ability to provide an enriched environment for learning through flexible indoor out door learning. ( so important for ESL/Poverty) Improved readiness for learning in Literacy and Numearcy • Greater ability of students and families to access intervention • Seamless transition of information pertaining to the child from 0-12 • Bretter ability to engage parents in a learning community Improved ICT usage and integration • Greater integrated access • Sharing of ICT D3: Organisational model If these changes involve a different model of educational delivery, provide a full and detailed justification regarding the way this model will enable student outcomes to improve. This discussion should clearly identify the way in which the existing structure is unable to support the proposed improvements to student outcomes. D4: Governance arrangements Describe in detail the proposed governance arrangements for the new organisational model. D5: Student transport arrangements and transport considerations 1. Infrastructure (transport and other considerations relevant to how the facilities are accessed and services provided); 2. Does the school have a School Travel Plan? 3. How will transport considerations be addressed when undertaking various capital works? 4. How will the capital works impact on local travel arrangements? D6: Human resource management strategies Describe human resource management strategies. D7: Site issues Describe proposed location and site disbursement (if relevant). D8: Management of Student Resource Package and Direct School Funding resources Describe the proposed management of the Student Resource Package and Direct School Funding resources. D9: Ministerial approval for reorganisation Anticipated date for seeking Ministerial approval. D10: Project implementation Briefly describe the capacity and readiness of the group of schools to successfully implement the project.
Strategic Focus D11: Educational improvement strategies Explain the strategies that have been developed to improve the student outcomes that are the focus of this application. In most cases this would be a more detailed discussion of the improvement strategies in the School Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
Strategic Plan and work the schools are undertaking on their Performance and Development Culture. It may be useful to outline the way in which change will occur in one or more of the following areas: 1. Teacher capacity and effectiveness (enhanced pedagogical knowledge, skills); 2. Leadership capacity and effectiveness; 3. Curriculum programs delivered and the structure of that delivery; 4. School organisational structures (e.g. timetabling, etc.); and 5. Enhancement of education provision in a geographic area. (You may present this information in either table or text form. E.g. Focus, Improvement Strategy, Improved Student Outcomes. This may be particularly useful for New schools.)
D12: Strategies and improved student outcomes Explain how these strategies will lead to improvement in the identified student outcomes. (I.e. What are the programs your schools are implementing to improve teacher effectiveness?)
D13: Change management/implementation plan Demonstrate how you can manage change to ensure that the improvement strategies are effectively implemented. Include a timeline showing deliverables and a discussion of roles and responsibilities in relation to project implementation.
D14: Risks Identify and discuss any major risks associated with the implementation of the improvement strategies. (E.g. New school staff members’ understanding of the improvement strategies, key change leaders or teachers leaving, teacher use of new learning spaces, etc.) D15: Risk reduction strategy Indicate actions that are planned to mitigate and/or manage those risks. (E.g. What is the process to induct new school staff so that they understand the improvement strategies? How would the school manage the risk of leaders or teachers leaving? How would the school manage the risk of teachers reverting to more traditional or accustomed teaching practices when using new learning spaces?) D16: Limitations of current facilities to the school’s capacity to implement the proposed strategies Briefly describe how the current facilities limit or impede the successful implementation and achievement of the intended improvements to educational outcomes. Give clear reasons why the strategies cannot be implemented, or are difficult to implement because of the current facilities.
Proposed Facilities Project D17: Project description Outline the proposed facilities project for which capital investment funding will be sought. The proposed building works should be described in sufficient detail to enable understanding of their scale, nature and complexity. D18: Focus of the facility design Describe the way in which the significant elements of the improvement strategies will influence the design of the proposed facility in the following areas: 1. Pedagogy; 2. Curriculum; 3. Information and communications technologies; and 4. Other. (You may present this information in either table or text form, e.g. Focus Area, Elements, Impact on Facilities design) D19: Other influences on facility design Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
Describe the way in which other factors are likely to influence the design of the proposed facility: 1. Site needs; 2. Relationship to existing buildings; 3. Relevance of buildings for planned uses; and 4. Other. D20: Flexibility and sustainability of building design Describe the way in which each of the following factors will be addressed in the proposed facilities design: 1. Environmental sustainability (thermal control, potential cost reductions through minimisation of energy use and maximisation of light and natural resources); 2. Sustainability of use (expected life and use of the proposed facility); and 3. Potential/intended shared use arrangements with other education providers, community groups, etc.
Consultation Process D21: Regional consultation Describe discussions with the Regional Office, other schools and providers, together with plans or strategies that have been developed to address challenges of education provision in the geographic area. Describe the consistency between this application and the regional provision plan. D22: Community consultation Provide evidence that data analysis has been shared with stakeholders. Provide evidence of the breadth and depth of community discussion, debate and resolutions. Provide evidence that community aspirations / needs have been identified, addressed and are supported by the application. D23: Local government consultation Provide evidence that the application supports and reflects relevant local government priorities and strategic planning. Provide evidence of support for the application from local government authorities. D24: Other stakeholder consultation Identify and describe the impact that the proposed project will have on other education providers not involved in this application. Include evidence of the extent to which other key stakeholders have been consulted and the outcomes from this consultation process.
Section E: Attachments There are several mandatory attachments to the Educational Rationale. E1: Mandatory attachments • School Level Report (most recent version) • School Strategic Plan (or Charter) • Annual Implementation Plan • Map showing location (and size) of neighbouring schools. • Regional Impact Statement (Prepared and provided by regional office) In addition, schools may choose to include other documents or information. E2: Optional attachments Schools may add other attachments to support their Educational Rationale, such as: • Special school data; • detailed information relating to demographic trends Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools
Building Futures
• •
information relating to any community consultation undertaken in developing the application; and Any designs that have already been developed.
Section F: Endorsements This section should be completed by each school. Signatures are required, with dates inserted. Endorsement by School Principal and School Council President We endorse that: This application is consistent with the improvement milestones and targets from the School Strategic Plan/Charter and Annual Implementation Plan. Name of Principal: Principal’s signature: Date of signature:
Name of School Council President: School Council President’s signature: Date of signature:
Endorsement by the Regional Director I endorse the strategies and targets included in this Educational Rationale and confirm that this application: • •
is consistent with the regional plan for the provision of schooling; offers significant opportunity for improved student outcomes within the time frame identified;
has been assessed against the Building Futures assessment criteria; and
is supported by robust data and evidence.
Regional Director’s name: Regional Director’s signature: Date of signature:
Stage 2: Educational Rationale Template – Group of Schools