St. Paul's News - June, 2007

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St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan

St. Paul’s News June, 2007

Accepting Help By The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller


have a fairly good sense of direction. I can usually go somewhere once and remember how to The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller get there the next time. Getting there the first time is usually not a problem either because I also can read a map pretty well. Most of the time, Linda would agree with this assessment. However, self confidence is one thing, stubbornness is another. Like most male drivers who feel they have a good sense of direction and can read a map, I am often reluctant to stop and ask for directions when it is obvious I've lost my way (whether you’re lost or not is subjective in our household). It usually takes a great deal of pressure (read nagging) to get me to stop and ask for directions. Even then I sometimes don't listen very well—Linda would definitely agree with this assessment. As soon as

Volume 32, Issue 6

I'm out of the gas station, or wherever I've stopped for the directions, and I'm on the road again, I can’t remember if I was told two lefts and a right or two rights and a left. I use this common analogy and male shortcoming to point out how difficult it is sometimes for people to accept help. Whether it's a male in the car or a woman in the kitchen, most people have one or more areas where they feel confident enough to they reject assistance even if things are a bit awry. The results are often frustrating and even dangerous. On May 27, we once again began the season of Pentecost. It will continue for 27 weeks—over half a year, June to November. It will be a familiar road for many. On occasion the lessons will be well known, so will the liturgy. Events nor(Continued on page 10)

Vestry 2007: Establishing a “Theology of Welcoming” By Greg Wortley, Sr. Warden


n Saturday, May 5, Curate Susie Shaefer and Vestry members Martie Repaskey, Susan Henderson and I attended the 6th diocesan sponsored Ministry Fair held at Christ Church, Grosse Pointe. As always, the purpose of the fair was to bring together the diocesan “household” of Christ for training in various areas of ministry in Christ. The day started with special keynote presentations on “The Future of the Episcopal Church” and “Generational Characteristics of American Life and the Church.” Throughout the remainder of the day, over 30 workshops were offered in such areas as congregational growth, caring and healing ministries, music, prayer, stewardship, mission and advocacy, adult faith formation and ministry with children and youth.

Given the 2007 Vestry’s prioritizing of the welcoming initiative, Martie, Susan and I all chose to participate in a series of workshops addressing congregational growth. In a workshop on Evangelism, we learned how the Church of the Messiah in Detroit quickly doubled the size of their congregation by making various changes in their church life so as to better meet the people of their community at their own level. In a workshop on “Life Cycles of Congregations,” we learned from Canon John Keydel how congregations naturally flow through cycles of formation, growth, stability, as well as redefinition, redevelopment and rebirth. However, what hit closest to home in regard to (Continued on page 10)

Inside this issue: Calendar


Choir Schedule


St. Paul’s News


Upcoming Activities


Vestry News


Page 2

Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities St Paul’s In Action

Ongoing Activities • St. Aelred’s Guild, resumes in September • Book Cart, resumes in September • B&PW picnic, Tuesday, June 12, 6 PM at the home of Debby Pierce • St. Elizabeth, Tuesday, September 25, 12:30 PM, at the home of Debby Pierce • ECW Picnic, Wednesday, June 13, 6 PM at the home of Lyn Zynda • Family Night Dinner, resumes in September • 4Fs, Monday, resumes in September • Men’s Golf League, beginning Thursday, May 3, 3:30 PM, Groesbeck Golf Course • St. Paul’s Library, open every Sunday • Prayer Group, resumes in September • Men’s Breakfast, resumes in September • Mid-Week Eucharist, Tuesdays, noon

This Month at St. Paul’s and Elsewhere • Graduation Sunday, Sunday, June 3 • ACEF, Mission & Outreach, Prayer Group and Stewardship Committee, dinner, Monday, June 4, 5:30 PM • Mass in the Grass, June 10, 10 AM, Lake Lansing—North Park • U2 Eucharist, Saturday, June 16 4:30 PM, Christ Church, Dearborn • VBS, June 18-22 Looking Ahead • Sr. High & College Youth Habitat Blitz Build, August 5-11, Detroit


St. Elizabeth Guild

By Barbara Richardson

By Debby Pierce



he Business and Professional Women’s Guild will gather for a picnic at the home of Debby Pierce on June 12 at 6 p.m. Reservations are required to be made to Debby by June 10 at 4855446.

he Tuesday, September 25 meeting of St. Elizabeth Guild will be a renewal of friendships and welcome to the fall. We will meet at my home at 12:30 p.m. to set our plans for the coming year and catch up on our summer travels and projects.

Galilee By The Sea: Vacation Bible School – June 18-22 By Pastor Susie Shaefer, Curate


acation Bible School is almost here! On Monday, June 18, St. Paul’s church will be transported back in time and transformed into the bustling seaside town of Galilee. We will spend the week in the places Jesus walked—and learn what it means to walk with him today! Join us for a great week of crafts, drama, music and fun, all centered in the love of God. VBS is a huge effort every year, serving kids in our own parish and beyond. There is still time to register your kids, your friends, and your kids’ friends. Registration forms are available in the Merrifield Room on Sunday mornings or by calling the church office. There are lots of ways to support this program! Check out our wish list bulletin board and see if you can help by loaning needed items. We always need extra hands for set-up the Sunday before VBS, on Friday for our closing celebration, and definitely for clean-up afterwards! If you can help with any of these things, fill out a pink form from the bulletin or contact Susie Shaefer at the church office.

Upcoming St. Paul’s Activities

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Senior High & College Youth: Compassion At Work – Detroit By Pastor Susie Shaefer, Curate


ome, be a part of this special youth summer experience! The second annual diocesan service camp for youth, ages 16-21, will happen August 5-11. High school and college-age students from our diocese will gather for a Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build in Detroit. The organizer of the trip, Rev. Geoff Piper writes, “We want to introduce and establish our youth in the blessedness of servanthood. We want to unite our diocesan youth from varied backgrounds in a week of Christian fellowship and ministry that helps everyone discover what we share in Christ. We want suburbanites to better understand the life, blessings and challenges of folks in the city; and our urbanites to better understand their counterparts from ‘out of town.’ We will help establish hope and health in an east side neighborhood. Instead of complaining about politics, the economy, or the city, we’ll step up in Christ’s Spirit and make a difference.” The camp will be based in a dormitory at Wayne State, where the group will share meals, daily worship and reflection times, and relax together after each day of work. The week will conclude with a day of celebration at a water park. For registration packets and more information, contact Sue McCune at the Diocesan Center at 313-833-4420 or [email protected].

Save October 20, 2007

U2 Eucharist

By Eleanor Doersam

By The Rev. Susie Shaefer, Curate


n reviewing the comments from “Today’s Blood Drive Sheet,” April 21, 2007, Team Leader/ Charge Nurse Jody Miller, R.N. wrote, “It is always a pleasure here at St. Paul’s.” Our goal of 50 was surpassed by 53 productive units. We had 68 donors present with 11 deferrals, seven first-time donors, and two unsuccessful pints where the quantity was not sufficient. This valuable community outreach program has grown since December 2001 into one of the Blood Services’ most productive drive sites. Please find your name on the Roll of Honor and picture review as posted in the Merrifield Room. Our April drive was in honor of our own Caroline Thomas. We thank all who contributed to the success of this drive and ask you to save Saturday, October 20, 2007, as we again ask for your help. It takes many people to put together a successful drive, and I know we can count on the St. Paul’s Family. We so appreciate all you do for so many.


hey’ve been covered by Newsweek, “Dateline,” and even the Lansing State Journal. And now, the “U2 Eucharist” is coming to a church (somewhat) near you! The “U2 Eucharist” is an Episcopal Eucharist service that uses the music of Irish band “U2” and focuses worship on the Millennium Development Goals. This blend of popular music and sacred prayer emphasizes God’s work of reconciliation and justice and the call we have as Christians to participate in God’s healing of the world. If you love U2, if you are interested in this justice work or are simply curious about this worship phenomenon, then come see it in action! The music of U2 will rock the walls of Christ Church in Dearborn on June 16 at 4:30 p.m. Sign up outside the Merrifield Room or talk with Rev. Susie Shaefer if you are interested in carpooling to this event.

Combined Planning Meeting Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music


here will be a planning and information meeting of the Adult Christian Education and Formation (ACEF), Mission & Outreach, Prayer Group and Stewardship Committees on Monday, June 4 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Merrifield Room. A soup and salad dinner will be served. If you would like to participate in the planning process for the 2007-08 church year, please contact Steve Lange.

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St. Paul’s News Mass on the Grass!!

Graduation Sunday By The Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller


t has long been a tradition at St. Paul’s to honor our high school, college and advanced-degree graduates. On Sunday, June 3 your Vestry will provide a breakfast for the graduates and their families at 9 AM. During the 10 AM service there will be a short ceremony to honor the high school grads, and a small gift by which to remember us will be presented. We want to acknowledge and congratulate all the following graduates: • • • • •

Jimmy Boniglio Hannah Couch Anthony Earley Lucy Finkel Josephine Kariuki

• • • • •

Britt Lindquist Alex Mishra Eric Potts Erin Sanchez Staci Sparks

Date: Sunday, June 10, 2007 Time: For the 10 a.m. Service Location: Lake Lansing — North Park We hope you’ll join us for Food, Fellowship and Fun!! Bring lawn chairs, plenty of sun protection and a dish to pass. If your last name begins with: A—I J—S T—Z

Bring a Salad Bring a Casserole Bring a Dessert

Beverages & Place settings will be provided

Church School/Teacher Recognition By Pastor Susie Shaefer, Curate


unday, May 20 was the last day of church school for this school year, and we had a great year! That morning we also recognized all of our teachers. These dedicated folks make it possible for us to serve so many young people in our child and youth ministry programs. In the elementary classes, we had Carol Laub, Julie Fletcher, Judi Clarke, Kathy Gut, Jill Walker, Chris & Charlie Krupka, and new teachers, Matt & Kym Hall. Our junior high class was led by Chris Nazar, Sue LeDuc, new teacher Tom Foltz, and returning teacher Barb Heany. Senior high was led by Lyn Kressler. These teachers are also supported by our regular substitutes, Barb Hamm and Millie Ericson, and “Sunday Shepherd” Chris Krupka, and the work of the Youth Christian Education committee. If you have ever been a parent, a kid, or known someone who was once a kid, you know that faith formation takes patience, care and love. These teachers are a marvelous example of those qualities! Be sure to say “thank you” when you see them. We are also planning for the fall! Teaching in church school is a great way to develop your own faith. If you might be interested speak to Susie Shaefer or Judi Clarke.

By Tom Shawver, Staff Writer


lease welcome as newcomers to St. Paul's, Patrick (Sean) and Julie Hickey, and their children Aaron, 15, and Angelica (Angie), 12, of 322 N. Foster in Lansing. He is employed by Doty Mechanical, Inc., and she is a registered nurse working for the Ingham County Department of Health. They have lived in Lansing for some years but recently decided to join St. Paul's and become Episcopalians.

News from the Vestry

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Financial Information as of April 30, 2007 By Jeff Irwin The total pledge and non-pledge revenue received through April 30 was $112,645, which is 39.8% of the total 2007 budget. Nearly $36,000 in pledge income was received in April, which is 33.3% of the year, so we are ahead of budget. In April, we booked a net income from operations of $11,141, primarily the result of the strong pledge collections. This brings the year to date total loss from operations to $12,716. The restricted and designated funds have recorded $19,203 in investment gain through April 30. Combined with $68,958 of restricted contributions (including the $59,194 from the Penniman Trust), we have recorded a total of $88,161 in restricted income through April 30, 2007. This brings the combined net income of the church through April 30, 2007 to $75,445. In April, we withdrew $20,000 from the Perpetual Fund to set up the new Shawver Fund for Special Programs. With the vestry approval of $50,000 at the April meeting, there is $50,000 currently available to be withdrawn from the Perpetual Fund.

Highlights from the Vestry Meeting: At the May 15 meeting of the Vestry, your Vestry: • Reviewed the Mission/Vision Statement • Made assignments to the "Vision/Mission" team and the "Welcoming Church" team • Participated in a Rogation Day devotional reminder • Welcomed diaconal candidate Bill Fineout to the Parish • Was informed of the GLADE progress in the parish (with thanks to Ed and Pat Meier) • Discussed the Oliver Towers project • Heard how the sewer separation project is on hold • Were reminded to review the Public Relations Plan presented last month • Approved in principal a new name plaque board

• • • • • • • •

for the Columbarium. The Vestry will review a more complete presentation next month. Heard a report from people who attended the Ministry Fair Received various committee reports Discussed the various joint committee meetings occurring in June and the good expected to come from them Received a financial repot from Jeff Irwin (found elsewhere in the issue). Through the end of April, expenses have exceeded revenue by $12,716. Discussed the Organ fund and the possible shortfall from unfulfilled pledges Acknowledged Susie's ministry among us and gave thanks for her presence Approved the addition of another Curate, probably to start in August Discussed Susie's leaving and appointed a committee to make plans

Attention Committees, Guilds and Organizations


ver the summer the office will be preparing the event and activity calendar for September, 2007 thru May, 2008. Please send information on any committee, Guild or organizational meetings you would like placed on the church calendar to the office. Deadline for inclusion is Wednesday, August 1.

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St. Paul’s News

Kristine Miller's Visit By The Rev. Dr. Gordon F. Weller


n Sunday, May 6, St. Paul's was visited by the Diocese of Michigan coordinator of Stewardship and Planned Giving, Kristine Miller. Following a short Stewardship presentation at each of the services, and breakfast with the Business and Professional Women's Guild—who were having their Corporate Communion— she spoke to about 30 parishioners on the Topic of "Planned Giving" or what we would want done with our assets after our deaths. This is an important topic because as the "Baby Boomers" begin to age and die, many wish to leave portions of their estates to the important pieces of their lives, and the Church needs to be ready for any gifts it may receive. As Kristine pointed out, "It's not as easy as just cashing the check." Kristine was invited by your Stewardship committee as part of its ongoing plan to keep issues of Stewardship in front of the congregation all during the year, not just during the every member canvass. The committee has worked extensively with her and considers her a valuable resource. We thank the diocese each time she is with us. In response to her presentation and our desire to have a Planned Giving team, the committee is working on a program for St. Paul's. If you are interested in being on the committee, please contact the Church office or Fr. Weller.

The 4F’s Group Visits Congregation Shaarey Zedek By Nancy Sheldon


he 4 F’s group has been taking a journey this past year to explore the three faiths of Abraham: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. In April, we completed that journey with a presentation on the Jewish faith by Nancy Sheldon and a visit to the Congregation Shaarey Zedek. Rabbi Baroff was a gracious host during our visit.

Reform Synagogue (with some conservative members) and the Kehillat Israel Congregation, also in Lansing, is yet another form called Reconstructionist, a liberal form of Judaism. While Judaism embraces God, Torah and Israel, the ideas are full of significance and, therefore, open to differing interpretations, just as we find among the various Christian faiths.

We began in the sanctuary where Rabbi Baroff described the Torah’s writings as well as its covering. The Torah is a scroll which is written on very special parchment that is manufactured from the skin of a kosher animal. The scroll is “dressed” or covered in a velvet costume with a crown. This covering varies on each and every Torah but is “dressed” to represent King David. Congregation Shaarey Zedek has five such Torahs that are used throughout the year during their Sabbath services. In its narrow meaning, The Scroll of the Torah is the Five Books of Moses, the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). This is referred to as the Sefer Torah. Later, Torah came to mean the whole of the Old Testament Bible and all the explanations, elaborations and extensions by the Sages of Israel. In that sense, the Torah means the whole of Jewish teaching, the total picture of what God wishes them to do.

Rabbi Baroff also talked about their belief in the World to Come (that the death of the body is not the end, but that the soul lives on), about Jesus as a prophet and the doctrine of the Messiah, the dawning of a Messianic Age. They believe that this will be a time when mankind will not only live in peace, but will develop into a higher order that pursues goodness for its own sake…that human history will find its fulfillment on this earth, that there will be an “end of days” in which injustice will be abolished and wrongs put right for all humanity here on earth. After answering our many questions, we took a tour of the building and grounds. One interesting large plaque in the Sanctuary that he talked about contains a list of all of the deceased members of their congregation. The anniversary of their death is noted by a small light next to their name which remains lit during the week of the anniversary.

The Rabbi also described the differences in the three most universal Jewish congregations: Orthodox, Reform We also visited their Hebrew School classrooms where (Continued on page 10) and Conservative. Congregation Shaarey Zedek is a

St. Paul’s News

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Outreach and Service at St. Paul’s — Your Diaconal Candidate By William H. Fineout


s a diaconal candidate at St. Paul’s, I am thrilled to be assigned by Bishop Gibbs to serve this community and those with needs in the world. These next few months are to be an “on the spot” learning and training experience in the areas of liturgy, outreach and parish life.

A deacon (BCP, p. 543) has a special ministry of servanthood directly under the Bishop to serve all people, especially the poor, the weak, the sick and the lonely. This ministry includes interpreting to the Church community the needs, concerns and hopes of the world. At all times, a deacon’s life and teaching are to show Christ’s people that in serving the helpless, they are serving Christ himself. At St. Paul’s, a major portion of my service will be involved with outreach, pastoral care and the surrounding street ministries. I will also be assisting the priests in public worship and in the ministration of God’s Word and Sacraments. Liturgy participation will be another major portion of my service at St. Paul’s, serving and assisting with worship, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, prayers, the setting of the Table and other functions as needed or requested by Father Weller. Previously some of my outreach ministry has been associated with Advent House Ministries, Ele’s Place for Grieving Children, the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk (Sept. 17, 2007), activities of Lansing Area Episcopal Projects, Episcopal Relief and Development, activities and ministries of Christian Services, Canterbury MSU, Habitat for Humanity and Heifer International. I am very excited to meet and get to know all of you who have done such wonderful outreach ministry here at St. Paul’s. I hope you will share with me your experiences and passions helping others. And if you are just beginning to explore helping others through outreach, I will be very happy to answer your questions, listen to your ideas and support you. In the next few weeks I hope to compile a list of the active outreach endeavors here at St. Paul’s and to establish a calendar of outreach activities with your help and input. If you chaired or shared leadership in an outreach activity, please tell me about it. I was able to attend some of the Lenten presentations on the needs in the Lansing area and look forward to hearing your cares and concerns as we serve others. Your servant in Christ, Bill

Design & Preservation

Caroline's Brunch

By Max Pierce

By Debby Pierce



big thanks to the crew that turned out for the clean up on Saturday, May 14. The closets were cleaned, including the outside storage room, and the courtyard was weeded and spruced up. Our thanks to Pat and Ed Meier, Matt Hall, Larry Clark, Carly Lenon and Ree Huber (thanks for the donuts), Susie Shaefer, Gordon Weller, and Max and Debby Pierce.

hanks to all of you who made Caroline’s fundraiser possible. We were able to present Caroline's family with $1,447.00. The St. Paul's family continues to amaze me with its generosity—you all are very special. My sincere thanks to all of you who brought food, served and cleaned up afterwards. It was difficult to have to be out of town when we wanted to be here with all of you.

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St. Paul’s News

Organ Restoration Campaign By The Rev.Dr. Gordon F. Weller


n January, at the annual meeting, it was reported that the fund raising campaign conducted in 2006 raised the needed funds to refurbish the organ to a better than new state. We celebrated this with a recital in February and at some really special services at Christmas and Easter. At the May 15 Vestry meeting, it was noted that the pledged contributions to the Organ Fund had started to dwindle. As of the end of April, there was still $6,183.00 in outstanding pledges. If you made a pledge and are able to complete it, we would appreciate your continued support. If you are unsure, please contact the parish office for an update on your account.

We Shortened the Hiatus By Christine Caswell We’re used to quiet summers at St. Paul’s, including a rest from our beloved St. Paul’s News, which will not be coming out again until the September issue. However, we have moved up the date for submissions for that first newsletter. Articles will be due on August 1, instead of the 15th. There are two reasons for this: the September issue is usually overwhelming, so for the sanity of the staff, we would like more time. Secondly, with the problems we’ve had with mail delivery of late, we would like the hard work from all of those who contribute to get to the rest of the members before their events occur. If you have any questions, feel free to contact either Gordon, Lyn or me regarding this. For those of you who do regular articles, you’ll be hearing from me in July. Thanks to everyone for their help and support throughout the year.

St. Paul’s June Prayer List We pray for those who are sick and in need: Beverly McEachern, Cindy Robinson, Richard, Audrey & Aaron Hegmon, Shelley Robinson, Donna, Grady, & Dennis Letner, Clara Voges, Mason Hill, Lois Caswell, Brian Schray, June Wyatt, Dick Siebert, Carol, Bernie Lynch, Judith Jones, baby Benjamin, Becky Chamberlain, Nancy Hiscoe Clark, Elizabeth Marsden, Dezi & Penny Horvat, Charles Weaver, Kristin Kelley, Rich Davis, Cris Plyler, Ben Herbert, Tim Ross, Chance Collins, Caroline Thomas and her parents, brothers & godparents, Betty Jensen, Aaron Robinson, Marjorie Belles, Dan, Marsha & Skip Macholz, Gloria Harvat, Jack Siebold, Joe Manson, DakBai DakBai, Jessica Ryan, Irene Jones, Roger Ophaug, Richard Bailey, Fredrick Engle, Kelsey Bauman, Daisy Dockstader, Mary Ann Kelley, Esther Rivas, Mark Surprenant, Theda Assiff-MacGriff, and Ed Farmer

Prayer List

We pray and remember those in the Military, serving in dangerous areas: Carlos Sims We pray for the children who completed the March Communion Class: Rebecca Rose, Lydia Rose, Andrew Stephenson, Jane Stephenson, Henry Young

We pray for those expecting: Ian & Brooke Broughton, Daren & Ellen McConnell, Matt & Joan Ferguson, Brian & Amy (Fowler) Ashcraft, Daniel & Gretchen Barnas, and Leigh Zynda & Ryan Henrys We pray for comfort for the family and friends of Fern Folkers and Leonard M. Folkers, M.D. who recently passed away

St. Paul’s News

Page 9

Journeys and Growth By Pastor Susie Shaefer, Curate


t seems to me that most of the parables and stories we hear from the Bible have to do either with seeds and growing things, or being on a journey to or from somewhere. I suppose that makes sense, since in this life of faith, we are always growing, always on a journey towards a deeper relationship with God. And so these come to mind as I prepare to leave this wonderful community where I have traveled for two years on this faith journey of ordination and grown so much by being with each of you. It’s hard to believe that I have been at St. Paul’s for two years. I am so grateful for the time and ministry we’ve shared. Over these months, I’ve experienced God’s presence in so many ways: in our common worship, in gatherings for food and study, in a Tennessee work camp. I am happy for all the work that we have done together: Vacation Bible School, the youth mission trip, welcoming new members, church school planning, a Habitat house, Communion classes, Bible studies and dinners. But even more than those, I have been blessed by the relationships formed here in the name of God’s love. It is in our love and care for one another that Jesus is most present, and I have witnessed that care in abundance here at St. Paul’s. This has been a great

place to grow and learn, and I’ve appreciated your welcome and willingness to help me in this process. Of course, the next month continues to hold opportunities for ministry and relationship building, with Graduation Sunday, the church picnic, a final sermon on June 17, and of course, Vacation Bible School! But even beyond that, our growth in God continues. I will miss this community and am glad that my new ministry for the diocese will enable me to hear from you now and again. Thank you for giving me a place to develop roots and branches. Thank you for equipping me with so many tools and memories and experiences for the continued journey. Thank you for being the faith community that is St. Paul’s church! A Celtic Blessing May the road rise with you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you In the hollow of God’s hand.

ECW Retreat By Kathy Vogel


he women of St. Paul’s held their annual retreat at the St. John’s retreat center in Plymouth on April 27-28. The title this year was “CHOOSE LIFE: Making Godly Choices in a Busy Life.” It was well attended by a mixture of “seasoned” and first-time participants. Carol Ingells did a wonderful job leading us through meditations, discussions and exercises designed to help us examine aspects of our lives that provide us with joy and freedom, as well as those parts of our lives that challenge us. We read the story of the woman at the well and discussed the choices both she and Jesus made during their exchange together. In this same way, we were asked to examine our own lives to create ways of approaching our daily obligations with “life giving” energy. This gathering provided us with a unique opportunity to get to know each other in greater depth. Who knew that St. Paul’s had so many fun women?! We were provided with a nice balance of focus on the retreat topic and time to socialize. Together we shared laughter, listening and loving. I can hardly wait until next year.

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St. Paul’s News

(Continued from, “Accepting Help,” page 1)

mally associated with the season will again occur: graduations, baptisms, summer planning, Vacation Bible School, Recognition Sunday in September, an every member canvass, and All Saints Day to mention a few. As familiar as it may be, I want to remind you that the entire season of Pentecost is to serve as a reminder that when Jesus ascended to heaven, he assured his followers that he wasn't leaving them alone or comfortless, or without a guide for the journey. He wanted them to know that they would have a constant companion. We too have unseen help in our lives, in the car, in the kitchen, everywhere. The question is, will we ask for help or try to go it alone because we have been this way before? I look forward to seeing you in Church this summer, and I look forward to the bulletins you often bring me from the places you have visited. In your journeys, hither and yon, remember the abiding presence of God and seek your direction from the Holy Spirit. (Continued from, “Vestry 2007,” page 1)

until we rest in the presence of the loving God.

what St. Paul’s is trying to do in our welcoming initiative was a workshop by Canons Jo Gantzer and John Keydel on “Warming Up Your Welcome.” The workshop provided a wealth of information on how persons typically approach a new church setting, as well as on numerous practical ways a church can be most sensitive to that situation and most effective in welcoming and integrating such persons.

We know when a person accepts an invitation or just shows up at church that God is at work, yet we sometimes denigrate that work with labels of “church shopping” and “consumerism.” The truth is, it is never an accident when a visitor or stranger comes into the church— God is at work. To encounter a visitor is a holy moment; it is to be in the presence of God at work. Welcoming is participating in God’s mission to reconcile all people to God and one another in Christ.

As helpful as the statistical and practical information was, what made the biggest impact on me, and what I feel most in need of sharing with you from the Fair, was the simple reminder that unless our welcoming is firmly grounded on sound theological principle—on our most responsible thinking about God and reconciliation with God through Christ—the “nuts and bolts” of welcoming will be limited in effect. In that regard, I share with you from among the workshop handouts—a simple theological statement by the late Susy Miller, former national church consultant, written as a “groundwork” for welcoming efforts in the church—a “theology of welcoming,” if you will, that can inform all that we do as we proceed with our welcoming at St. Paul‘s.

Welcoming is assisting God in God’s work. It is to be aware and open to God’s presence at work in the life of another. We do not have to make it happen, God is doing that. We need to cooperate with what God is doing. We are not welcoming a person to “our church.” We are acknowledging that God is doing a new thing, and we are ready to accompany another person in naming God’s work in his/her life, claiming that we are God’s beloved children and are made in God’s image, and sending that person out with this Good News.

Welcoming is far more than welcoming a person to a church that is friendly—it is welcoming that person as the person God has brought to us and being the guide in that We believe that God is a God of love. We believe that person’s continuing faith journey. We need to look at the every human being desires to know the God of love. And entire Sunday morning experience and environment we believe that the God of love desires each of us all the through the lens of the one who is discovering that she or time, whether we are connected with a faith community or he is a beloved child of God. not. We believe that we and all human beings are restless (Continued from, “The 4Fs Group,” page 6)

the children learn Hebrew as well as receive religious instruction in preparation for their Bar Mitzvah (boys) or Bat Mitzvah (girls), the occasion when a Jewish child arrives at the age of religious responsibility, 13 years. The synagogue also has many beautiful sculptures, both inside and out. On this beautiful spring afternoon, the Rabbi walked us around the grounds and explained the significance of each sculpture and plaque, patiently answering all of our questions.


St. Paul's Episcopal Church Lansing Michigan 218 W. Ottawa Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517-482-9454 Fax: 517-485-8621 Choir Room: 517-482-0369 Website:

The St. Paul’s News is a publication of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Lansing Michigan. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Staff The Rev. Dr. Gordon Weller, Rector The Rev. Susie Shaefer, Curate Dr. Stephen R. Lange, Minister of Music Ms. Mary Rodeck, Assistant Minister of Music Mr. William H. Fineout, Deacon Ms. Kathleen Johnson, Office Manager Mr. Daniel Kallish, Sexton St. Paul’s News Editorial Staff Christine Caswell, Editor Tom Shawver, Staff Writer Helen Hiscoe, Proofreader

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