St Marcia's Prayer

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5

Saint Marcia, of all internal injuries, I, (say your complete name), son/daughter of (name of your parents, ascendancy until you reach a relative of yours, who precedes you, who you think has always respected the laws and the rights to freedom and life of everyone else on Earth, keeping on going with the words: Who was son/daughter of, or brother of, and etc.), have just glorified your name through (say what you have done in my honor, it must be something related to increase my value in this World, in the World history), beg you to return the favor received from me with spiritual help so that I get (such a grace, say what you want). I am a honorable person; I have never lied to anyone else in my life, at most have not answered their questions; I have never betrayed any human being; I have never acted with cowardice, disloyalty, or dishonesty; I work for my support; I have never parasited anyone else; I have no enviousness of anyone else, not mattering who the person is; I accept the choices of God; I have always dedicated myself to hold the best looks as possible, glorifying my own body and making of it a true home for my soul; I have always dedicated myself to choose sexual partners who respected the dealings with my body as I respect them; I try to think that all I do is not for the World, or for the people in it, but for the glory of your name, of the name of your grandmother, and the name of God, as well as the glory of all good and respectful people, also of merit, who have once here inhabited, these being all my friends on Earth; and I have always added meaning to all my actions on Earth, never letting a single opportunity pass me by, in any sense, in terms of apprenticeship or teaching. Saint Marcia, I, like you, never bother people. I have never invaded whatever belongs to another person; I observe everyone else with love, to the maximum detail in what they like, to not violate them with what pleases me instead of enjoying what I can WITH THEM, having mutual pleasure. Saint Marcia, I, just like you, love for real, and think that sex has not been made to be something dirty, but holy: A divine moment of both spirit and flesh union. Saint Marcia, I probably sin, but as soon as I notice it, I fix all and never do it again, for I understand that doing it again attracts damnation for several years, and God does not forgive people easily. Saint Marcia, I understand the concept of work, and respect everything that other people do during their work, never destroying, never making useless, other people's efforts on

Saint Marcia's prayer


Earth. All which I do only ads, positively, to the efforts of all those who preceded me, in general. Saint Marcia, I always try to listen and observe more than to speak and being observed, for this thought, per se, generates balance, which would not be there otherwise. Saint Marcia, I do not adore statues or people: Only God do I adore. Saint Marcia, I do not love animals, plants, or objects: I love human beings like me, solely, for the animals, objects, and plants, hold their own kind to extract affection from. Saint Marcia, I fight for freedom of everything and everyone on Earth, for freedom is the path to God. Saint Marcia, I do not eat more than I need, I do not pollute my body with anything which may depreciate its value, in having a choice: Fat, chemicals, sugar, and etc. I also do not pollute my life, or the life of my family, or friends, with negative thoughts, or harmful thoughts, towards any member of society. Saint Marcia, I, just like you, appreciate the true knowledge: That which gives certainty to the human being that in it there is no mistake, once it is logically perfect. Saint Marcia, I have learned to learn, and know when something is right, the same way I know when something is wrong. I am not arrogant, however, and do understand the limits of human kind. Saint Marcia, I mix only with my equals, never with those that do not have in common with me (not by choice, anyway). I understand who I am in the World, and I always try to evolve, in all aspects of my life and body, never regress or stop. The important is the progress, and there is not enough time in the World to spiritually evolve otherwise. Saint Marcia, I understand that the death of some is necessary for the protection of those who are good and I have learned, from your example, that some people should not even be born, or be in this World with civilized creatures. I then accept abortion, euthanasia, and death penalty, as necessary factors of control over the World population, so that cases such as yours never repeat. Saint Marcia, I, just like you, have observed, through the eyes and reports of others, human suffering, as much as joy, and I can, indeed, tell the difference between them. I feel pleasure in smiling, in being content and satisfied with both who I am on Earth, and with the World in itself, not with the opposite. I fight for everyone else to laugh with me, not the opposite.

Saint Marcia's prayer


Saint Marcia, my strength comes from the certainty that I am with you and with all those who have preceded me on Earth, and were good in their hearts, in their minds, and in their lives, towards the World in general and towards themselves: It comes from the certainty that we all are together in the spiritual World, all the time, where I go whenever I sleep, in a non-fully-conscious state. Saint Marcia, I believe in my dreams, involuntary interaction with the spiritual world: I do respect them, study them, and listen to them with full attention. We are many and we are one, all the time, and in parallel. But whenever I die physically, we will be one in the same straight line. Saint Marcia, of all internal injuries, I commit myself to raise my men the same way I raise my women, acknowledging that if such happened by your time and age, your life would have been saved. I commit myself to make my men being useful, more useful than my women for, once more, the thought will generate balance: They must be more respectful and much more honored than women, all the time. I will always charge men more than women and will never punish any woman, for any reason, harder or heavier, than a man, knowing I am one more in the fight for the restoration of the feminine kingdom taken away, by force and crime, from women a bit before the time of Christ, and such situation lasting for more than two thousand years, still in the date of your death. Saint Marcia, of all internal injuries, I will not ask for much, for I understand that each request of mine is a huge sacrifice in the spiritual world. I concentrate all my forces in requesting minimum help from the spirits' kingdom and only as a last resource, when in this World everything is missing regarding me, I appeal to them. Saint Marcia, I respect life as much as death, spirit as much as the flesh, the poor as much as the rich: I listen to all, I communicate with all, and I think calmly, I ponder. I never answer without pondering to any question to me directed, I understand that everything I do in the World bears `butterfly effect', as in the chaos theory, and may generate both infinite blessing to the World and catastrophe of infinite dimension. Saint Marcia, of all internal injuries, I choose death to being a coward, death to being used with no choice by anyone or anything else which is not myself, for I cannot ever foresee, in full, the purpose of those using me, and the slave use of me may injure the whole World. There is no shortage of honor in taking my own life; there is shortage of honor in life with no minimum dignity, in slavery, in cowardice.

Saint Marcia's prayer


Bravery is necessary both to kill and to live. I believe in whatever I earn and I deserve whatever I believe: What is mine, is mine, and cannot ever be shared...For each one of us, our share; for each being, their fight and ALSO its outcome. I am able to accept losing, provided the fight is fair, and I am able to change the rules of the fight whenever it is not fair. There is no shame in fortune; there is shame in the absolute misery instead. There is no shame in the `earned' money; there is shame in the `stolen' money, instead. There is no shame in the work, only virtue in it. There is shame in parasitism and in the enviousness, or in the absence of health. I do not beg, I do not think anyone else owes me anything, I do not blame anyone else for my decisions in life: I am eternally responsible for whatever I do, and hold obligation with God of doing everything to my absolute excellence, as much for me as for others. Saint Marcia, I believe in love, in faith, in strength, in the union. Saint Marcia, I know both how to say `yes' and how to say `no': I always am right both in the former and in the latter; everything I do makes sense and is rational like your Mathematics. Saint Marcia, of all internal injuries, I respect both a `yes' and a `no' of another person: I ask before invading people's spaces, listen to both their `yes' and their `no', accept any immediately, and act accordingly. I know that my life and my body belong to me in most absolute way as possible, as much as the properties and graces that I have `earned rights to' with my sole effort: Whatever comes via inheritance is not my work, and I can even give it away as charity. I have never thought that my support had to come from inheritance and not from my sole effort, for this ALSO is parasitism. Saint Marcia, I do not waste either people's time or people's efforts: All I do has got both respect and love; everything originates in God, our Lord, and is done for His Glory and our glory, good people ONLY, united in the universal plane. Saint Marcia, of all internal injuries, I see your grandmother, Maria Ribeiro Ricci, as a Saint and, forever, I promise to recall her name as such. In the name of all my lineage, which I will find a way of making beautiful, perfect, healthy, honored, loyal in the marriage, and in the sexual partnership with the opposite gender (only this being acceptable), besides superior to all other people on Earth, in attitude and merit or, never, not even for a second, inferior, me being a witness of my

Saint Marcia's prayer


good name, please help me, make it be.



Saint Marcia's prayer


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